M A N Y TAKE MY WILL AND MY LIFE, S U H A V GUIDE ME IN MY RECOVERY, 6:30pm When Enough Is Enough Barre Turning Point Center 489 North Main St. Barre, VT (AF, S) 6:00pm All R Welcome ACT 1/Bridge 184 Pearl Street Burlington, VT (C, AF, H, WC) 6:30pm Rock Solid Recovery Turning Point of Franklin County 182 Lake Street Saint Albans, VT (H, S, RT, WC) 7:00pm St. Johnsbury Staying Clean Dr. Bob’s House 297 Summer Street St. Johnsbury, VT (D, H, WC) 7:00pm St. Johnsbury Staying Clean Dr. Bob’s House 297 Summer Street St. Johnsbury, VT (D, H, WC) 7:30pm Straight Talk Bethany Church 115 Main Street Montpelier, VT (AF, D, H, WC) 7:00pm Noon W E D D N A E Y S (continued) SHOW ME HOW TO LIVE Beautiful Addicts Spectrum Youth Center 177 Pearl Street Burlington, VT (RT, WC) Y S D 6:30pm A E S A I When Enough Is Enough Barre Turning Point Center 489 North Main St. Barre, VT (H, AF, S) D U E 5:30pm N A U S T O D F Y M N O D A Y H U R S D A Y (continued) Free, Clean, and Serene North Central Vermont Recovery Center 275 Brooklyn Street Morrisville, VT (D) T U E S D A Y ( (continued) 8:00pm Rock Solid Recovery Turning Point of Franklin County 182 Lake Street Saint Albans, VT (H, D, WC) Beautiful Addicts Salvation Army 64 Main Street Burlington, VT (AF, H, RT, WC) Noon 7:15pm Beautiful Addicts (Meets every other week) Maple Leaf Farm (Call Helpline for info) 10 Maple Leaf Rd. (04/06, 04/20, 05/04, 05/18) Underhill, VT (C, D, H, SP, WC) 7:00pm We Do Recover Episcopal Church 39 West Church Street Hardwick, VT (AF, H, WC) 6:30pm Courage To Change 1st United Methodist (Room is upstairs) 21 Buell Street Burlington, VT (AF, CL) 7:30pm Out Of The Rut Phoenix House 580 S. Barre Rd. Barre, VT (D, WC) 7:30pm Hope Without Dope 1st United Methodist Church (Red Door) 21 Buell Street 8:00pm Straight Talk Bethany Church 115 Main Street Montpelier, VT (AF, D, H, WC) 8:00pm Noon U E S D F Burlington, VT (AF, D) Step Into Recovery Turning Point Center 191 Bank Street (above book store) Burlington, VT (AF, S, WC) T NA Group Turning Point Center 191 Bank Street (above book store) Burlington, VT (H, WC) T A T U R S D A Noon Beautiful Addicts Salvation Army 64 Main Street Burlington, VT (S, H, WC) 6:30pm Never Alone Spectrum Youth Center 177 Pearl Street Burlington, VT (AF, WC) Y High Noon NA North Central Vermont Recovery Center 275 Brooklyn Street Morrisville, VT (D) H Y S 7:30pm A R T I U D R A D Y A Life After Death 113 Elmwood Ave (Allen St. Entrance) Burlington, VT (CL, S, WC) Y ...that tired old lie, "Once an addict, always an addict," will no longer be tolerated by either society or the addict. We do recover. AF R RT WC C C H Meeting Key -Alternating Format CL -Candlelight -Recovery Text SP -Speaker -Wheelchair Accessible S -Step/Tradition -Closed (Addicts Only) D -Discussion -One Hour All meetings are 1.5 hours including a break, and OPEN to anyone unless otherwise noted. Taking daily action is our way of taking responsibility for our recovery. Instead of picking up that first drug, we do the following: * We don't use, no matter what. * We go to NA meetings. * We ask our Higher Power to keep us clean today. * We get an NA sponsor. * We call our sponsor. * We talk to other recovering addicts. * We read NA literature. * We work the Twelve Steps of NA. Mail: CVANA P.O. Box 64714 Burlington VT 05406 Email: CVANAVT@gmail.com AREA SERVICE COMMITTEE: Meets the last Sunday of every month at 1:45pm (schedule may change.. Call helpline for info) 04/26 Burlington Turning Point Center, 191 Bank St. 05/31 Barre Turning Point Center, 489 N. Main St. 06/28 Burlington Turning Point Center, 191 Bank St. PI and H&I: Meets before ASC when held in Burlington at 12:30pm Burlington Turning Point Center, 191 Bank St. “The message is that an addict, any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. Our message is hope and the promise of freedom.” PHONE NUMBERS _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Meeting List for the Champlain Valley Area of NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS SPRING 2015 24 hour H E L P L I N E (802) 862-4516 or (866) 580-8718 (toll free) WWW.CVANA.ORG NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work.
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