Cycling365 App for WindowsPhone Step 1. SignUp and Login Click on the icon and open the App. (1) If you already have an account, insert your email and password and tap on “login” (2) Select “Keep me logged in” if you don’t want to login everytime. (3) If you don’t have an account yet, then tap on “SignUp” (4) If you want to SignUp, fill in the form with your data and tap on “Register” button. You will redirected to the tracking page. You are now ready to track! Step 2. Track your trip (5) Tap on “Start” button to start the tracking. (6) Tap on “Stop” button to stop a tracking. If you want to continue the tracking tap again on “Start”button. (7) Tap on “Save Track” button if you want to save the track. If you are off line or your internet connection is poor, you will receive the message “ALERT: Track saved but not sent: no internet connection” if you are offline: this track will be sent the next time you will be online (just connect to internet /wifi and open the App). (8) Tap on “Delete Track” button if you want to delete the track. Step 3. Join your City Team (9) Tap on the second sheet (10) then on “European Cycling Challenge 2015” button (11) Scroll and find your team, then tap on its button. (12) Your team will be displayed together with general information about the challenge. (13) If SubTeams have been created, you can find them hire. Scroll and find your Company, School or Groups, and tap on your Subteam button. The ECC logo will be displayed beside the Subteam name. It is possible to join only one SubTeam for each category.
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