The Gun Sighter Issue 6 CMP Number 015138 NRA Membership Renewal C005529H Jun 2013 General Membership Meetings are held at Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh on Oak Street in Old Bridge, New Jersey (off Route 18 ) Meetings start at 8:00 pm and generally end at 10:00 pm contact me by phone or e-mail. Email— Phone—908-272-5513 Thanks, Lance Target Frames — The club has been supplying frames at the outdoor range for the convenience of the members. The frames and pit stands should be used for their intended purpose. It has become obvious that some individuals like to shoot at the frames and the stands. These frames and stands are for the benefit of all club members, so if you see someone in the act of shooting frames or stands to pieces, please _______________________________ remind them that they are hurting the best interests of the membership. We have people repairing and building GENERAL MEMBERSHIP INFO frames, but don’t have an infinite supply. If the practice of Board Member News & Info — The next General purposely destroying frames continues, we will be forced to Membership Meeting will be held Thursday, Jun 6th. discontinue supplying them. Lance Brunner—Outdoor Range Chairman Member Issues— The board requests that when a member has an issue they would like to address to the Range Rules — The club has established policies and board to please request an appearance at a board meeting. rules for all club members to follow when using the Indoor The member can address the request to any board and Outdoor ranges. These rules along with the list of member, every board member’s email address is on page 2 allowed calibers for the Indoor range are reprinted in this of this newsletter every month. issue of the GunSighter. Please note under the Outdoor Range rules, Use of Range section the last item concerning Bills for club related expenses — Parking on the range. If you have a bill for a club related expense, please send it These rules are for the safety of EVERYONE. Please to the club post office box address— print them out and keep a copy in your range bag so you Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club have them with you when you use the ranges. P.O. 586 Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857-0586 Outdoor Range Use during Work Parties – ATTN: Treasurer When conducting work parties on the outdoor range we have tried to keep the range open for general member use as much as possible. We do not shut down ALL ranges while we are working. We may need to shut down a range Announcements or pit while we are doing the trimming and other work needed to maintain them. This may cause a delay in your Emergency Response Team—Before Super-storm Sandy, I threw together a team to prepare the range. As a use of a range or pit but generally does not last very long. We ask that if you come out to the outdoor range when result of their work the outdoor range sustained minimal damage. I am looking for some people who will be able to a work party is there to please cooperate with them. respond to a similar emergency. All volunteers, senior or regular members, will be appreciated. If interested please Newsletter Info Newsletter Articles: Please send your articles for The Gun Sighter to the club’s email address -or- contact one of the individuals listed below. We will help you get your information into the newsletter. The Gun Sighter Publisher Webmaster Richard Skolsky Anna Brunner 1 732-991-1499 908-272-5513 The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club League Reports OBRAMS— The 2013 OBRAMS league 2nd match was on May 18th. We shoot action type stages using only .22LR caliber pistols and carbines. The courses of fire are challenging and fun. Division winners for the May 18th match were: Neil Sanford Pistol Iron Eugene Mjartan Pistol Optics Andrew Hodessy Carbine Iron Bill Cooper Carbine Optics and John Le Goff earned his first Expert target. In the rifle qualifiers, Nick Kaminsky got his pro-marksman and marksman awards and Rob Rysdeck got his first Distinguished Expert target. Due to the big Steel match in June, we will not be holding a match on the first Sunday in June. We will hold our Regular match on the third Sunday and there will be no NRA qualifier in June. Also, this year we will be doing our annual BBQ at the July 7th shoot. Families of the league members are welcome to attend. There will be a signup sheet at the June match for the item(s) that you would like to bring to this event. We will need the standard BBQ fare along with some deserts and drinks. Thanks Lance Blackpowder Clinic – Last year we ran a clinic for those interested in learning For a complete listing of results and more information how to use and care for Blackpowder firearms. The clinic (pictures, videos, upcoming events) about the OBRAMS league check the OBRAMS website – . covered safety, firing, and cleaning of rifles, single shot pistols, and Cap and ball revolvers. The fee for the course will BLACKPOWDER - We had a beautiful day for our May be nominal, enough to cover costs. If I get enough interestmatch, with eleven shooters participating. The top shoot- ed parties, I will ask the Board for a date. Anyone interested should contact — ers in each division were as follows: Lance Brunner—e-mail Pistol (scores x 100) or by phone 908-272-5513. Division A Division B L. Brunner J. Le Goff P. Tan 88 84 80 J. Le Goff V. Firetto F. Sanes 63 30 13 N. Kaminsky 126 J. Le Goff 122 L. Gennett 112 F. Sanes 77 G. Bonnell 103 PRACTICAL CARBINE COURSE LEAGUE The Practical Carbine Course league is held 4 times a year on the 5th Friday of the month. Only carbines are allowed, either .22LR or pistol caliber (9mm to .45). It is shot on the indoor range from 15 to 25 yards using standing, kneeling, sitting and prone positions. Some stages require shooting from behind a barricade. It is recommended using a semi-auto due to the magazine changes required for each stage. Pre-registration is required and can be done effortlessly on the PCC website - You can sign up to shoot at the 6PM, 8PM or 10PM relays. Full match results and many more pictures of these events can be seen on the PCC website – Rifle (Scores x 150) Division A Division B Lance Brunner led the pistols with an 88x100 and Nick Kaminsky had the high rifle score with a 126x150. In last month’s NRA pistol qualifiers, Joe Hodossy completed his sharpshooter OBRPC Officers Contact Information Office Name Home Phone 908-431-1237 Work Phone/Cell Email address President Jim Norman Vice President Richard Skolsky Treasurer Danny Lisk 732-721-7814 Financial Secretary George Wornowicz 732-821-9586 Recording Secretary Anna Brunner 908-272-5513 908-740-3786 Corresponding Secretary Adam Storch 732-369-9455 732-710-0727 Membership Rich Grubel 732-251-2437 Member at Large Kevin Ball 732-446-6022 732-778-5689 Member at Large Lance Brunner 908-272-5513 908-6037830 2 908-722-5785 x208 732-991-1499 732-754-6658 The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club “News Flash ------- First of its Kind” Sunday Outdoor - PCC - June 30th PCC is Hosting One of a Kind Outdoor Match. It will be shot on the 50 yard range. This is what you can expect. FUN! FUN! FUN! You will be shooting from 15, 25 and 50 yard lines. Positions will be standing, sitting, kneeling, and prone. Targets will be 7 inch round and Silhouette B-29. There will be a surprise target that should add some interesting shooting. All shots from the 50 yard line will be from the prone position. As a heads up, one stage will consist of slow fire, 10 minutes for 20 shots. You will be allowed to use a spotters scope, highly recommended but not mandatory. Bring a shooter’s mat or something safe to lay on. You must show up at least ½ hour before your time session starts. You must be prepared and ready to go when called. Each relay will consist of 5 stages, 90 rounds 45 min. Preregistration is a must. There will be time sessions to choose from.(9-11)(11-1)(2-4) The firearms: Rimfire or Centerfire Pistol Caliber. All the requirements will be the same as our indoor matches. Check it all out on our web site. The course of fire will be posted. So you know up front. NO ALIBIES – except for malfunctions. Any question, I can be reached at Match Director Ed Bradley Jr REAL DEAL STEEL — Real Deal Steel complete match results and info will be posted on website. Check this website for match results and announcements from Dave Zengewald League Chairman. All questions can be directed to— Dave Zengewald, or 908-358-3559 May match Division winners were: John Robina Tom Boyd Joe Girardi Al Surko Alec McMahon Al Surko Alec McMahon Danny Lai 55.42 61.97 90.16 61.23 61.08 47.71 94.22 102.95 Carbine Rimfire Open Carbine Rimfire Iron Pistol Iron Pistol Open Pistol Rimfire Iron Pistol Rimfire Open Revolver Iron Revolver Open OLD BRIDGE STATIC STEEL— This league follows the standard World Class Steel Challenge format of 5 runs for time shooting at 5 plates for each stage with 5 stages for the match (minimum round count—125 rounds). Only official stages of the Steel Challenge are used. Results for the May match are: 3 James Specian Dave Zengewald Tom Boyd John Robina Al Realuyo Al Realuyo Al Surko Al Surko Danny Lai Alec McMahon Danny Lai 106.02 116.33 66.77 54.83 82.34 61.66 60.02 47.46 125.37 79.12 96.68 Carbine Iron Compact Carbine Iron Rimfire Carbine Open Rimfire Pistol Iron Pistol Iron Rimfire Pistol Open Pistol Open Rimfire Revolver Iron Revolver Iron Rimfire Revolver Open OLD BRIDGE KNOCKDOWN STEEL — Mother Nature finally smiled on the Knockdown shooters and provided a great day for shooting. Complete match results and info are posted on website. May match winners were: Al Surko 110.28 Pistol Iron Al Surko 82.47 Pistol Open Danny Lai 189.39 Revolver Open David DeLeo 203.14 Shotgun Semi-Auto Limited Jimmy Sheu 90.62 Carbine Centerfire OBRPC Calendar of Events is going Digital! On the new club website ( we have added a calendar of events with the approved activities for the entire year. The new calendar is easy to use and lists all events and activities that have been scheduled for either the indoor or outdoor facilities all in one place. The activities are color coded, green for outdoor range, grey for indoor range, and pink for non-shooting activities (for example – New Member Orientation the 2nd Sunday of every month). This legend is displayed at the bottom of the calendar. Also each event will have either (ID) or (OD) appearing in the description to indicate whether it is an Indoor Range (ID) event or an Outdoor Range (OD) event. The website can be viewed on any computer or on your smart phone. So now you can have the up to the minute club calendar of all approved and scheduled events at your fingertips, without having to carry around any paper. Over the next few months we will continue to put the separated Indoor and Outdoor range calendars in the newsletter but by mid-year that will be phased out. The website calendar will become the only place that the club activities will be posted. It is available to all club members just by logging into the club website ( and clicking on the Events Calendar button. The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club are on club property. Your cooperation is appreciated. The Indoor/Outdoor range rules are published in this month’s newsletter and the January newsletter. Important Reminders for ALL members- When using club facilities: Do not shoot up defenseless, unarmed veggies on the outdoor range. Clean up after yourself when on the ranges. Do not shoot at ‘hard’ targets that may ricochet the bullet back towards you or an innocent bystander. This Range Rules — The club has established policies and is very, very dangerous. Only shoot at paper or plastic rules for all club members to follow when using the Indoor targets. Steel targets that are made specifically for beand Outdoor ranges. These rules are for the safety of ing shot at have be designed to direct any ricochet EVERYONE. They were published in January and June down and away from the target. If these are used newsletters. Please print them out and keep a copy in your along with the stands they were designed for, they may range bag so you have them with you when you use the be used also. ranges. Notice to ALL club members Do not shoot anything but shotguns and birdshot (no. 7 New Tables on Outdoor Range – There have been some new shooting tables and benchshot or smaller) on the shotgun range, NO SLUGS or es added to Range 7. During a recent work party two new BUCKSHOT. NO RIFLES OR PISTOLS ARE TO BE shooting benches added to the Range 7 100 yard line. SHOT ON THE SHOTGUN RANGE!!! These are the ones shaped like a “T” and are very, very solid so you will have a very stable platform to shoot off of. Range 7 Rules In the past year there have been some cases of shoot- The work party also constructed some tables for the Range 7 100 yard line. These are about 2-1/2 ers setting up their stands improperly on feet wide by 5 feet long. Along one of range 7. the long sides of the table you will find This is a safety violation as we cannot some cutouts. These cutouts provide a afford to have bullets escaping from the place for you to stand your rifle up withconfines of the range. As a reminder, out the danger of it falling over. these are the rules for range 7: Both the shooting benches and the new - All targets MUST be set up at the tables are heavy and were designed to berm period. be used ONLY on the 100 yard line. - If shooting less than 100yds set targets at the berm and move up to the desired distance. They are NOT to - If another shooter arrives and wants to shoot 100yds be moved downthey have priority and you MUST move back to 100yds. Violation of these rules will be reported to the Board and range. In the next few may result in disciplinary action. months you will additional New Target Stands — We have placed new target stands see benches and tain the pit area for use in Pits 1-2-3-4-5 and the Chrono pit. bles added to the These stands will hold any size target frames, Including pits and ranges helping to make your shooting experience club frames. For safety reasons, these stands must be more enjoyable. placed at the berm and are not for use on ranges 6 or 7 which have permanent target holders at the berm. When you are done shooting, please put them back by the trailer at Pit 4. Thanks— Lance Range Safety Officers: A reminder to all club members that the board of trustees has instituted a Range Safety Officer program. These Range Safety Officers will be visiting the indoor and outdoor ranges to maintain the safety polices of the club. These individuals will be carrying a red colored, clearly recognizable, Range Safety Officer badge. These individuals will have the authority to ask you to present your club ID badge, ask for your name and the name of any individuals you may have with you when you 4 The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club is on safety, but our goal is to have fun and to learn the various aspects of small bore rifle shooting. From first timers to accomplished shooters, and everyone in between, they will MEMBERS: The YSB would like have a good time. If you’re interested or have any questo welcome our newest members. tions, contact me, Rich Ruff. My number is listed elsewhere in this newsletter. Their names are Bailey S., and Until next month, shoot safely, and remember: Squeeze. Julian H. Good luck and welcome Don’t pull. aboard! RANKINGS: Here are the latest rank advancements as of the end of April: Pro-Marksman: Adrian W. Marksman: Rick H. Bar 2 Sitting: Melissa G., Ioanni O. Bar 3 Sitting: Melissa G., Ioanni O. Congratulations to all, for realizing the results of their hard work! COMPETITION: “TEAM YSB” continues to compete on almost a weekly basis, and they are making great strides in honing their small bore skills. The team, consisting of sisters Sarah & Theresa S., and brothers Andrew & Robert H. are right on schedule for their trip to Camp Perry Nationals this summer. (THANKS DADS!) Also joining them as part of the team at the last match attended at Square Circle club on May 5th, was up and coming senior YSB shooter Denver R. Although Denver has been shooting with us for quite some time, this was his first “official” match. He did not disappoint, as his efforts did not go unnoticed. Well done Denver, well done! FLAGS: The YSB is always collecting flags that are no FLAG DAY IS JUNE 14TH: This year’s FLAG RETIRElonger fit for service. We are sure that after the terrible MENT CEREMONY will be held at the American Legion Post #177 on Friday night, June 14th, at 7:00 p.m. Thanks winds that Sandy blew at us, there are many Flags which will be up for replacement. If you can procure them, please to the members of OBRPC, the YSB has collected more do so, and drop them in the box at the indoor range. They than 150 American Flags to be retired on that day. The Post Commander, (“Commander Bill”), has invited the YSB, are being collected for a proper retirement ceremony to be as well as all members of Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club to held June 14th. attend their ceremony. If you have never seen this particular rite performed, I can assure you that it is truly a moving experience. It is performed with respect and dignity. The YSB would be pleased and proud if you would join and support us and Post #177 for this ceremony. The only thing you need to bring is your PATRIOTISM. If you do attend, please wear a little red, white, or blue, in an appropriate manner. American Legion Post #177 is located just off the intersection of Main St. (Bordentown Av. (615)), and Matawan Rd./Old Bridge Tnpk (527), near “18 Glass”. DETAILS: We would like to remind everyone that we meet every Thursday of the month, except the first Thursday (general membership meeting), from 6:00pm until 9:30pm. If anyone is interested, bring your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews down to visit. The emphasis 5 RIFLE RAMBLINGS By R. Ruff 6 The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club OUTDOOR RANGE RULES USE OF RANGE: Range is open 7 days a week, from 9AM to ½ hour before sundown, unless otherwise informed. Members must wear their membership badges when on club facilities and carry their NJ Firearms ID card. Persons without Club ID should be politely asked to leave the range. Persons refusing to leave should be quietly and quickly reported to the police and a club officer. Take the car’s license plate number, never argue in this situation. Members must obey Guest Policy as outlined in Club By-Laws. Range use is limited to ½ hour when other members are waiting to use the range (except during Club Sponsored activities). This rule applies to distance preference. Wooden target stands are provided for member use at the 100 yard line on range 7. If a shortage is noticed, the member should notify the Building Committee Chairperson as soon as possible. All target frames must be returned to the 100 yard line upon completion to a shooting session. Keep the area in a neat and orderly condition. No Parking on or in Pits 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. You may drive in to load and unload equipment only. There is NO PARKING past a line drawn between the end of the berm between Pit 5 and Range 6 (50 yd. range) and the IPSC trailers. RANGE SAFETY: ALL TARGETS must be placed so that bullets will impact the berm only. There is to be no shooting into the ground or air. Anyone caught shooting in this manner is subject to IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION. Eye and ear protection are mandatory. CEASE FIRE command must be OBEYED INSTANTLY. Be alert to all range activities. All firearms must be made safe before going downrange. Action open, magazines out, firearms cased or holstered. Firearms are not to be touched while people are down range – for any reason. Firearms may only be handled after the range has been cleared and declared “Ready to Fire”. Firearms must be pointed downrange at all times. No shooting at cans or bottles. Any semi-automatic magazine fed firearm must have the magazine out of the firearm when the member is not shooting. This includes handguns that are holstered. All holstered guns must be unloaded first, before leaving the firing line. Cross draw and shoulder holsters are prohibited. Alcoholic beverages and /or illegal drugs are PROHIBITED on the Club property and are not to be used prior to arrival at the range. Use of paint ball and incendiary ammunition is PROHIBITED. AFTER SHOOTING: Always clean up your brass before leaving the range. Always remove and discard your paper targets. Keep the range clean. Always move all obstacles to the side or the range after completing a session. Make sure the gate is locked behind you when you enter or leave the range. Return the padlock numbers to 0000. 12/22/2012 7 The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club INDOOR RANGE RULES USE OF RANGE: Range is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, unless otherwise informed. Members must wear their membership badges when on club facilities and carry their NJ Firearms ID card. Members and guests must sign in and out in the “Shooters Log” (full name & member number). Members must obey Guest Policy as outlined in Club By-Laws. Range use is limited to ½ hour when other members are waiting to use the range (except during Club sponsored activities). PROHIBITED AMMUNITION and FIREARMS: Magnum – Any round in a cartridge marked Magnum. Shotshells – Any round containing more than one (1) projectile. Any Rifle Cartridge – As described in the “Lyman Reloading Handbook”. Any bullet greater than .45 caliber. Armor piercing, incendiary, paint ball and BB. Any rifle other than .22 caliber or air rifle. Black powder rifles or pistols of any kind. RANGE SAFETY: All firing must be done from the 25 yard line (except during Club sponsored activities). ALL TARGETS must be placed so that bullets will impact the steel backstop only. There is to be no shooting at the wall, floor or ceiling. Anyone caught shooting in this manner is subject to IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION. No smoking in the range area. No one should be inside the Range Area unless they are shooting or coaching. All firearms must be Uncased and Cased at the firing line. Any semi-automatic magazine fed firearm must have the magazine out of the firearm when the member is not shooting. This includes handguns that are holstered. All holstered guns must be unloaded first, before leaving the firing line. Cross draw and shoulder holsters are prohibited. Eye and ear protection are mandatory. CEASE FIRE command must be OBEYED INSTANTLY. Be alert to all range activities. All firearms must be made safe before going downrange. Actions and cylinders open, magazines out, firearms cased or holstered. Firearms are not to be touched while people are down range – for any reason. Firearms may only be handled after the range has been cleared and declared “Ready to Fire”. Firearms must be pointed downrange at all times. Only ONE target per frame, maximum 2 frames per port are allowed by the individual shooter. No shooting at cans, bottles, or any makeshift targets. Alcoholic beverages and /or illegal drugs are PROHIBITED on the Club property and are not to be used prior to arrival at the range. Use of paint ball and incendiary ammunition is PROHIBITED. AFTER SHOOTING: Always clean up your brass before leaving the range. Deposit .22 cal brass into the proper container. Always remove and discard your paper targets. Keep the range clean. Always turn off HEAT and all LIGHTS before leaving the range. Make sure the outside door is securely closed. 4/26/2012 8 The Gun Sighter Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club Reprinted here is a recent announcement by the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs concerning NRA certified training classes being held at the Associations’ Cherry Ridge Range in Highland Lakes, NJ. For more information click on the link to this page on the Associations website — . ANJRPC LAUNCHES MAJOR EXPANSION OF FIREARMS TRAINING PROGRAM Sign up for one of our classes today! In response to unprecedented demand for firearms training, ANJRPC is launching amajor expansion of its NRA-certified firearms training program beginning May 1, with multiple classes being offered each week at Cherry Ridge Range. We will eventually expand the program to multiple locations throughout the state. The schedule for May and June includes 18 NRA-certified basic "First Steps” training classes in pistol, rifle and shotgun (see Training Calendar below). Over the summer and fall, the training schedule will ramp up to include full-day classes, instructor training, and other popular classes, including personal protection inside and outside the home. Women-only classes will also be available. All classes will be NRA-certified. "The demand for firearms training has absolutely exploded,” said ANJRPC President Kathy Chatterton. "As New Jersey's official NRA state affiliate, we are uniquely qualified to meet that demand and provide state of the art training for New Jersey gun owners." If you've wanted to take a firearms training class, now is the time! Sign up for one of ANJRPC's training classes today. Call 973-486-2300 or email 9 League Contact List Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club LEAGUE CONTACT DAY & MONTHS Action Indoor Eric Wiemer Tony Oliveira 1st & 3rd Fridays 6:30—12:00 pm Year Round Black Powder Lance Brunner Wayne Skidmore 1st & 3rd Sundays 9:00 am—3:00 pm Year Round Bullseye (900) Ed Glidden Frank Greco Bullseye Youth League COMMENTS RANGE PHONE INDOOR 732-239-4385 weather permitting OUTDOOR 908-272-5513 732-521-3178 1st thru 4th Mondays 4:30—9:00 pm Year Round Relays start at 4:30, 6:00 & 7:30 pm INDOOR 732-591-9450 Ed Glidden Frank Greco 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays 5:00—7:00 pm Year Round INDOOR 732-591-9450 High Power Rifle Mark Vaivada 2nd Sunday 9:00 am—2:00 pm Year Round weather permitting OUTDOOR 732-251-7604 IDPA Bob Raike John Plum 2nd Sunday 9:00 am—2:00 pm Year Round OUTDOOR PCC Ed Bradley, Jr. 5th Friday 5:30—12:00 pm Year Round .22 LR & Pistol Caliber Carbines ONLY INDOOR PPC Dave Rosenthal 2nd Friday 6:00—12:00 pm Year Round OBRAMS Iggy Ortega Richard Skolsky 3rd Saturday 10:00 am—5:00 pm Apr thru Dec Old Bridge Knockdown Steel Melissa Feigelson Leo Ricci Old Bridge Static Steel INDOOR 732-727-0644 22 Rimfire Action Rifle and/or Pistol OUTDOOR 732-991-1499 2nd Saturday 9:00 am—4:00 pm Year round weather permitting Melissa@ OUTDOOR John Perciballi John Soltesz 1st Sunday 9:00 am—3:00 pm Apr thru Nov Static Steel (except July) OUTDOOR 732-586-3954 732-494-0274 Real Deal Steel David Zengewald 3rd Sunday 9:00 am—5:00 pm Year Round Static Steel weather permitting OUTDOOR 908-358-3559 Retired Police Officer Qual Michael Cinardo By Appointment INDOOR 732-277-8910 Shotgun Mike Bove Joe Guinta 1st & 3rd Sundays 9:00 am—12:00 pm Year Round weather permitting 50 rds OUTDOOR 732-254-3244 Small-Bore (Adult) Adrian Marciniak Frank Marciniak 3rd Wednesday 7:30—9:30 pm Year Round 22 cal rifle or air rifle INDOOR 732-636-3896 732-494-1431 Small-Bore (Youth) Rich Ruff Joe Hodossy 2nd, 3rd & 4th Thurs 5:30—10:00 pm Year Round 22 cal rifle INDOOR 721-824-7833 Speed on Steel John Perciballi John Soltesz 1st Sunday 9:00 am—3:00 pm Dec thru March Frangible Ammo Only INDOOR 732-586-3954 732-494-0274 USPSA (Action) Dave Marques Jim Norman 4th Sunday 9:00am-5:00 pm Jan thru Nov Register online OUTDOOR 732-677-2024 908-431-1237 10 11 Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club P.O. Box 586 Old Bridge, NJ 08857-0586 _________________ Telephone: 732-360-1987 Club E-mail: _________________ “Our mission is to encourage organized rifle, pistol, black powder and shotgun shooting among citizens of the U.S.A., residents in our community, with a view towards a better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper use and care of recreational firearms, as well as improved marksmanship” We’re on the web: Special Events June Days Jul — 14—Youth Smallbore League Annual Hamburger Meet, Pits 5 & Rng 6, 8AM5PM. June 1st Flip a Coin Day June 9th Donald Duck Day Aug — No Special Events Sep — 29 — Youth Smallbore League 50 yd shoot 8AM-2PM OD Rng 6 June 10th Iced Tea Day June 13th National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day June 16th Fresh Veggies Day June 25th Log Cabin Day June 29th Waffle Iron Day 12
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