www.deerfieldlibrary.org De fi er eld Public Library -- Su mm er -- 20 15 -- Vo l u me 32, Number 1 Saying Farewell Back on June 16, 2006, the Deerfield Public Library Board was pleased to announce Mary Pergander as our next Library Director. Now, with Mary retiring after nine years of exemplary service to our community, we thank her wholeheartedly. Perhaps her biggest accomplishment was her outstanding leadership in bringing us our new Library. This process alone required innumerable decisions by Mary while she continued to run the Library with virtually no service interruption. Our new Library would not be standing as it is today without Mary’s vision and leadership. Mary also strove to make the Library patron experience as user-friendly as possible. A vibrant website, drop boxes, the hold shelves, a café area, self-checkout & return, more and more programming for all ages (including at off-site locations), an explosion of e-materials, extended loan times, outreach to our schools…Mary continually examined our processes and improved them. With these projects, we often heard the words the Board loved to hear – “On time and on (or under) budget”. As we prepare to bid Mary a very fond farewell, we hope you’ll join us at her open house going-away celebration. On behalf of the entire DPL community, Mary, we gratefully say thank you and wish you all the best. Ron Simon President Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees FAREWELL RECEPTION PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATING LIBRARY DIRECTOR MARY PERGANDER’S RETIREMENT! Thursday, May 21, 2015 5:00 – 6:30PM 5:30 Presentation Open House Deerfield Public Library lower level meeting rooms Fun for all ages! SUMMER READING PROGRAM KICK-OFF: Saturday, June 13 11:00AM-2:30PM See Page 2 for details SUMMER READING PROGRAM Saturday, June 13 – Saturday, August 8 KICK-OFF DAY Saturday, June 13 Special events starting at 11:00am Summer Reading sign-up ALL DAY (9:00am-5:00pm) Face painting 11:00AM-2:00PM Bingo 11:00AM-2:00PM Fun for all ages! Photo booth 11:30am-1:30pm Potts & Pans Steelband 1:00–2:30PM “2015 Best Calypso/Soca Entertainer” Chicago Music Awards Look for the musical book throughout the newsletter for more Read to the Rhythm summer programs. Thanks to DHS Designers! The inspired Read to the Rhythm graphics you see in this newsletter were created by Deerfield High School graphic artists. The students, under the guidance of teacher Chris Sykora, created a diverse portfolio of eye-catching logos and promotional pieces for the Library’s Summer Reading Program. Look for more of the students’ vibrant Read to the Rhythm design work throughout the library during the summer. The creative team from Deerfield High School included (back, l-r) Jakob Flessner, John Phipps, and Josh Stanaszek; (front, l-r) Lauren Tonner, Chris Sykora, and Dana Dworkin. 22 R Please register in advance at the Library, by phone at 847-945-3311, or online at www.deerfieldlibrary.org. Registration opens Wednesday, May 20. Read to the Rhythm Adult Summer Reading Program Saturday, June 13 - Saturday, August 8 Take time for yourself this summer and sign-up for the Library’s summer reading program, Read to the Rhythm. Participants who read, watch, or listen to five library titles this summer will be eligible to win one of four gift baskets. Attendance at any Library program can count as one of your five titles. Stop by the Adult Services or Media desks to pick up an adult registration form and you‘ll receive a set of earbuds (Quantities available while they last). Adult Programs FOR FILM BUFFS Enjoy hot new releases in brilliant HD Blu-ray. No registration required. TUESDAY ‘NEW MOVIE’ NIGHT June 9, 23, July 7, 21, August 4, 18 Join us to preview the hot new release of the week (selected by Library staff). As we get closer to each date, check our website or ask at the Multimedia desk for a list of upcoming showings. ALL TUESDAY FILMS BEGIN AT 6:30PM THURSDAY MOVIES Summer Movie Discussion Series – Favorite Musicals! Kick-off the Adult Summer Reading Program with fun activities for all ages on Saturday, June 13. See Page 2 for details. One MGM classic, one from the 1960s, and one from the recent new wave. Join us after each movie for a brief discussion. ALL THURSDAY FILMS BEGIN AT 1:00PM Look for Thursday, June 18, Singin’ in the Rain – Rated NR, 102 minutes for more Read to the Rhythm summer programs Potts & Pans Steelband Saturday, June 13, 1:00–2:30PM Just awarded “2015 Best Calypso/Soca Entertainer” from the Chicago Music Awards, musicians from Chicagoland’s largest steelpan organization will perform pieces from American pop, European classical, jazz, soca, calypso, and more! You’ll have a chance to participate on a variety of percussion instruments. R Healthy Habits for a Healthier You Tuesday, June 16, 7:00–8:30PM For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. R Local Author Fair Saturday, June 20, 10:30AM–12:30PM Mix and mingle with local authors writing in a variety of adult genres. The program will be located downstairs in the Library’s meeting rooms. Books will be available for purchase. At the time of publication, our list of participating authors include: Lisa Barr Greg Herriges Steve Jackson Karen L. Kaplan Mitchell Karbin Ivan Levi Rae Olin Luskin Matt Mansfield Judith Matz, LCSW Gertrude Pollitt, D Psa Bob Schwartz Jerry Witkovsky Allan Zelinger, MD Thursday, July 23, The Sound of Music – Rated G, 174 minutes Thursday, August 13, Chicago – Rated PG, 113 minutes Making the Most of Your Eye: Travel and Street Photography Tuesday, June 30, 7:00–8:30PM Professional photographers John Batdorff and Staci Prince will lead an in-depth exploration of travel and street photography. We’ll delve into the history and definitions of street and travel photography, planning for your photographic excursion, how to engage with your subject, techniques for getting the shot and using Adobe Lightroom to edit and share your photos. R Thinks and Drinks Trivia Wednesday, July 8, 7:30–9:00PM @ Trax Tavern and Grill Deerfield | Adults Only Think you know it all? Prove it! The library is hosting its popular trivia night at Trax Tavern & Grill in Deerfield. Play individually or team up in groups of up to 4 people and test your knowledge of trivia. Refreshments will be served and prizes will be awarded to the biggest know-it-alls! R 3 Adult Programs R Historic Route 66: A Journey Through History Thursday, July 9, 7:00–8:00PM Join highway historian David Clark as he tells the story of Route 66 using pictures and music. We’ll take a photographic road trip from the shores of Lake Michigan to Santa Monica, California. Through eight states and three time zones, Route 66 is still America’s Mother Road. R Paint to the Rhythm Saturday, July 11, 1:00–2:30PM Join us for this fun, relaxing program and get into the groove of abstract painting. No art experience required! Christine Thornton returns to teach techniques for painting to the rhythm of music using watercolor pencils. You’ll leave with a small finished painting. R Getting Started in Genealogy Wednesday, July 22, 7:00–8:30PM Itching to explore your family history after you’ve seen those celebrity genealogy shows? Get off on the right foot with guidance on working backwards, talking with relatives, using the census, being a detective, and more. Copies of presenter Grace Dumelle’s book, Finding Your Chicago Ancestors, will be available for purchase. R Books with a Twist: Life after Life by Kate Atkinson Please register in advance at the Library, by phone at 847-945-3311, or online at www.deerfieldlibrary.org. Registration opens Wednesday, May 20. marches on towards its second world war. Does Ursula’s infinite number of lives give her the power to save the world? Copies of the book available at self-service holds shelf end of June. Attendees are welcome to order food and drinks off the menu to enjoy during the discussion. Drop-in. MUSIC DISCUSSION: Battle of the Drummers Wednesday, July 29, 7:00–8:30PM Who was the greatest drummer of all time? We’ll listen to examples of some of the most celebrated drummers and talk about what made them great. Please join us for what should be a fun and lively debate! R Gardening in Miniature Thursday, August 6, 7:00–8:00PM Although imagination is a big part of creating a miniature garden, to construct a long-lasting garden, it is important to understand the mechanics of getting the right materials in the right container. A University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener will demonstrate the proper construction of a miniature garden. Resources and creative ideas will be shared with the attendees. Thursday Book Discussions Monday, July 27, 7:30–9:00PM @Biaggis Restaurant Deerfield, 711 Deerfield Road On a cold night in 1910, Ursula Todd is born to an English banker and his wife. She dies before she can draw her first breath. On that same night, Ursula is born, and embarks upon a life that will be, to say the least, unusual. As she grows, she also dies, repeatedly, while the century 44 R Introduction to Essential Oils Thursday, August 20, 7:00–8:30PM Did you know you can cook, craft and diffuse with essential oils? Learn the basics including how they are made, how they work, and about their many benefits. Presenter: Chris Banarjee, Master Certified Healing Foods Specialist and Essential Oil Educator. R Copies of the books will be available at the self-service holds shelf a month before the discussion. No registration required. Every Last One by Anna Quindlen | Thursday, June 11, 10:30–11:30AM For Mary Beth Latham, her three children come first, before her career as a landscape gardener, or even her life as the wife of a doctor. When her son Max becomes depressed, Mary Beth becomes focused on him, and is blindsided by a shocking act of violence. Fever by Mary Beth Keane | Thursday, July 9, 10:30–11:30AM A fictionalized account of the life of Typhoid Mary, an Irish immigrant who moved to New York and became a successful cook, until officials noticed the trail of disease she left behind. Mary was kept in isolation from 1907 to 1910, then released under the condition that she never work as a cook again. Her inability to understand her condition, her passion for cooking, and the income she had become used to all conspire to lure her back into the kitchen. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd | Thursday August 13, 10:30–11:30AM Hetty, a slave in nineteenth century Charleston, yearns for life beyond the wealthy Grimké household. The Grimké's daughter, Sarah, feels hemmed in by the limits imposed on women. Over the next thirty-five years, both women strive for a life of their own, shaping each other's destinies and forming a complex relationship. R Registration is required for all computer programs. Register at deerfieldlibrary.org, by phone at 847-945-3311, or in person. Tech Connections > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > All classes will take place in the Library’s Computer Lab unless otherwise noted. Computer 101 Microsoft® Office Mobile Devices* Internet Basics Word Basics Bring device if you have one Tuesday, June 9, 10:00–11:30AM Tuesday, June 16, 10:00–11:30AM iPhone Basics Email Basics Excel Basics Tuesday, July 14, 10:00–11:30AM Wednesday, June 10, 2:00–3:30PM Wednesday, June 17, 2:00–3:30PM iPad Basics Word 2.0 Wednesday, July 15, 2:00–3:30PM Tuesday, August 18, 10:00–11:30AM iPhone 2.0 Excel 2.0 Tuesday, July 28, 10:00–11:30AM Wednesday, August 19, 2:00–3:30PM iPad 2.0 Travel Apps Wednesday, July 29, 2:00–3:30PM Tuesday, June 23, 10:00–11:30AM Have a fun trip planned for the summer? Learn where you can find apps to help you with flights, hotels, translation, finding things to do, and more! Meeting Room B *Meeting Room B Cloud Computing Wednesday, July 8, 2:00–3:30PM Learn about the different options you have for storing information, and important tips you need to know before using the Cloud. Intro to Vlogging Wednesday, July 22, 2:00–3:30PM You’ve probably heard of blogging, and now there is video blogging or vlogging. We’ll discuss different vlogs (how-to, cooking, tutorials, etc.), explore popular vlogs, and review how one develops a vlog. Meeting Room B Streaming Content Tuesday, August 4, 10:00–11:30AM Find out how to watch movies and TV shows on your tablet, computer, and phone. We’ll discuss the basics of streaming, paid and free options, and more. Intro to HTML Music Apps Tuesday, August 11, 10:00–11:30AM Always wondered how websites are created? Learn the basics of creating HTML code, options for building websites, and more fun things to do with HTML5. Wednesday, August 26, 2:00–3:30PM We’ll discuss the wide world of free music apps, such as NPR Music, that allow you to listen to streaming music on your device. Learn how they can be tailored to your preferences and tastes. Meeting Room B Video Chatting Wednesday, August 5, 2:00–3:30PM Are your loved ones far away and voice calls just aren’t cutting it? Learn how to use FaceTime and/or Skype on your devices. Bring your own laptop/phones or just observe. Meeting Room B Netiquette: Manners Matter Tuesday, August 25, 10:00–11:30AM Learn the standards for setting up accounts, communicating effectively and maintaining a positive online presence. All courses are hands-on unless otherwise noted. When applicable, bring device, usernames, and passwords. Full course descriptions and requirements on Library website. 5 Just for Teens R Please register in advance at the Library, by phone at 847-580-8962, or online at www.deerfieldlibrary.org. Registration opens Wednesday, May 20. Read to the Rhythm: Teen Summer Reading Program Saturday, June 13 – Saturday, August 8 Grades 6-12 Take some time out this summer and celebrate Read to the Rhythm with awesome prizes and programs! Whether it’s reading a book, watching a movie, listening to music, or attending a Teen program at the Library, it all counts. Pick up a booklet in the Teen Space and you’ll receive a set of earbuds to get movin’ to the beat! Look for for more Read to the Rhythm summer programs. Teen Study Lounge Thursday, June 4 – Wednesday, June 10 High school students looking for a place to study for exams can make themselves at home in the Library’s large meeting room during finals week. The Library will provide large tables for group study, snacks and beverages, Wi-Fi access, and help using the Library’s extensive collection of print and online resources. Peace Out Yoga Wednesday, June 24, 3:00–4:00PM | Grades 6-12 Move in motion with a professional Yoga Instructor. Ruth Ann Grant will guide you through stretches, balancing poses, and sun salutations while also teaching stress management skills. Enjoy as you breathe deeply and chill for an hour. R Move to the Rhythm: Belly Dancing Saturday, July 11, 1:00–2:00PM | Grades 6-12 Learn the basics of belly dancing, including hip- and foot-work, posture and shimmies, with a professional! Miss Emma will teach a beginners’ choreography set from this traditional Eastern Egyptian style of dance. All bellies are welcome! R Pizza and Paperbacks Wednesday, July 22, 1:00–2:00PM | Grades 6-12 Join Nina, the Teen Librarian, for a discussion of Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas, while munchin’ on some pizza. If weather permits, this event will be held outdoors, picnic style! Please register in advance, as free copies of the book will be given to participants to keep. R College Bound: Financial Aid 101 Wednesday, August 12, 7:00 – 8:00PM Do you have questions about the financial aid process? Teens and Parents are welcome to an information session that will define what financial aid is, outline the categories that it is grouped in, discuss the most common types of grants and programs issued by the federal government, and reference helpful websites to use throughout the financial aid process. College Application and Essay Writing Seminar Wednesday, August 19, 7:00 – 8:00PM Are you intimidated by the college application process? Don’t be! Students and parents will be guided through a step-by-step analysis of what is included in the Common Application as well as any changes made from the previous year. They will also provide insight into what colleges look for in an application essay. Let’s Make Some Music! Tuesday, August 4, 4:30–5:30PM Grades 6-8 with and without special needs Join us, in partnership with the Institute for Therapy through the Arts, as we explore musical improvisation, music technology, rhythmic exploration, music and movement, singing, and adapted instrumental play. No experience necessary. R Teen Drop in Craft Stop by the Teen Space throughout the summer to get craftily inspired! We’ll celebrate Read to the Rhythm with music themed DIY kits that you can take home to try out or create at the Library. 6 Children’s Programs R All children’s activities, except those designated as “drop-in”, require registration. Please register in advance in person, online at www.deerfieldlibrary.org under “Programs and Classes”, or by calling 847-580-8962. Registration for all of the programs listed here begins on Wednesday, May 20. In addition to the specific programs offered for children with special needs, we are also happy to make reasonable accommodations so that your child can participate in all our programs. For more information about programs and services for children with special needs, please contact Paula Shapiro at pshapiro@deerfieldlibrary.org Book Buddies! June 16 through July 30 Tuesdays, 4:45–5:30PM Tuesdays, 6:45–7:30PM Wednesdays, 4:45–5:30PM OR Thursdays, 6:45–7:30PM Readers going into Grades 1-3 Read to the Rhythm Children’s Summer Reading Program Saturday, June 13 – Saturday, August 8 | Children ages birth through 5th grade Toe-tapping fun awaits children who participate in our summer reading program, Read to the Rhythm. Children will get a prize just for signing up, and those who get in the groove and complete the program by August 8 will receive a paperback book of their choice and be eligible for a variety of exciting raffle prizes. When they aren’t busy reading, children are invited to participate in the Library’s fabulous, free activities all summer long. See Page 6 for information about the Teen Summer Reading Program, open to grades 6-12. Volunteers entering Grades 7 through 12 will be matched with young readers in this fun program. Buddies will meet once a week for six weeks to read aloud together, talk about the stories and do an activity. Children must be able to attend at least five of the six sessions to participate in the program. Space is limited. In order to participate, parents must fill out an application available at the Library. R The first 200 children to register for Read to the Rhythm will receive a fabulous beach mat! Children who finish the reading program after it officially ends on Saturday, August 8, will still receive a paperback book of their choice. Kick-off the Children’s Summer Reading Program with fun activities for the whole family on Saturday, June 13. See Page 2 for details. Look for for more Read to the Rhythm summer programs. The beat goes on all summer long! 7 Children’s Programs Brickology V.I.B. (Very Important Builders) LEGO Family Building Potts & Pans Steelband Saturday, June 13, 1:00–2:30PM Family Program, All Ages Just awarded “2015 Best Calypso/Soca Entertainer” from the Chicago Music Awards, musicians from Chicagoland’s largest steelpan organization will perform pieces from American pop, European classical, jazz, soca, calypso, and more! Stay after the performance for an up close and personal look at these amazing instruments. All ages are welcome! R Campfire Stories Wednesdays, June 17 and July 15, 7:00–7:30PM Children with an adult Come dressed in your pajamas and bring your favorite stuffed animal to share in the fun! R National research finds that students who participate in public library summer reading programs: • Scored higher on reading achievement tests at the beginning of the next school year than those who did not participate. • Were well prepared for school in the fall, and read more confidently. Encourage the young people in your life to participate in the Summer Reading Program! 8 Saturday, June 27, 10:00–11:00AM Children with and without special needs, ages 5 and up, with their families and friends Fun for the whole family! Original activities and vintage LEGO family building! LEGO specialist Beth Weis will lead for engaging and inclusive opportunity to work on motor skills as well as social and emotional growth. All family members must be at least 5 years old to attend the program. R Pete the Cat Party Saturday, June 27, 1:00–1:45PM Ages 4-7 Join us as we help Pete the Cat keep moving along and singing his song! We’ll play games, make crafts, and read stories about this groovy, groovy feline. R Belly Dancing to the Rhythm Saturday, July 11, 11:00–11:45AM Grades 1-3; both boys and girls Come and learn the ancient art of belly dancing! Have fun learning basic movements of belly dancing, such as hip and foot work, posture and shimmies. You’ll put together a fun dance routine to music. The class will include a brief introduction to the history of Eastern Style Egyptian dancing. All bellies are welcome; both boys and girls! R KiDLS: The Science of Sound Saturday, July 18, 1:00–2:00PM Grades 1-5 with an adult Explore the science of sound as we make instruments, listen to different forms of music, read to the rhythm and create our own music. R Summer Music Jam Monday, July 20, 10:00–10:45AM Children up to age 6 with an adult Shake your sillies out in this actionpacked dance program. Children will find their rhythm with shakers and tambourines while singing along to their favorite songs! R Minecraft Club Grades 1-3: Monday, July 13, 4:30–5:30PM Grades 4-6: Monday, August 10, 4:30–5:30PM Join us at the Library in our Computer Lab for Minecraft club! Let your imagination run wild with other Minecraft fans as you create and show off your own unique world! R Come play with our two new Discovery Play Tables generously provided by the Friends of the Library Children’s Programs Let’s Make Some Music! Thursday, July 30, 4:30–5:30PM Grades 3-5, with and without special needs Join us, in partnership with the Institute for Therapy through the Arts, as we explore musical improvisation, music technology, rhythmic exploration, music and movement, singing, and adapted instrumental play. No experience necessary. R Drop-In Activities Guessing Jars & Trivia Challenge Saturday, June 13 – Saturday, August 8 Children through 5th grade Visit the Youth department during the Read to the Rhythm summer reading program to try the weekly trivia challenge and to see if you can guess how many items are in the guessing jar! Drop-In Crafts Monday, June 15 – Sunday, June 21 Monday, July 13 – Sunday, July 19 Monday, August 10 – Sunday, August 16 Children with an adult Stop by the Youth Services department to do a craft, or take home a pack for later. Welcome to Ralph’s World! Saturday, July 25, 11:00–11:50AM Family Program; All Ages Grammy-nominated children’s songwriter, Ralph Covert, will perform a mega-fun musical extravaganza where kids rock-rock-rock and dance-dance-dance to their own and their parents’ delight. Ralph engages his young fans with activity songs, story songs, dancing songs, and a healthy dose of pure silliness. R Comics Club Monday, July 27, 4:30–5:30PM Grades 4-5 Roller Girl by Victo Victoria Jamieson is a graphic novel about grap rolle roller derby and friendships that is frie per perfect for fans of Ra Raina Telgemeier. Re Read the book and th then join Ms. Jenna fo for discussion, aactivities, and ttreats! Copies are available for checkout in R th ll the bbookk ggroup collection. Family Movie & BYO Dinner Thursday, August 6, 5:30–7:15PM Children with an adult Bring a picnic dinner and enjoy the classic Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (G), a musical movie about an eccentric candymaker and several kids who win the opportunity to tour his unusual factory. R Beach Party with Dave Rudolf Saturday, August 8, 11:00–11:45AM Family program, All Ages Join us as we close out our summer reading program, Read to the Rhythm, with a beach party for the whole family. Get down to the tunes of Jimmy Buffet, Harry Belafonte, and others as performed by Dave Rudolf. We’ll do the limbo, shake some shakers, do some hula hooping and much more! R Picnic Stories Thursdays, June 18 – August 6, 12:00PM Children with an adult Bring a bag lunch and enjoy stories for the whole family in the Youth Program Room at the Library. Family Times Saturdays, June 6 – August 29, 10:00AM Children with an adult Come to the Youth Services department for a drop-in storytime the whole family will enjoy! Storytime, Milk, & Cookies @ Panera Bread Bannockburn Tuesday, June 2, 9:30AM Tuesday, July 7, 9:30AM Tuesday, August 4, 9:30AM Join us every 1st Tuesday of the month for a Milk & Cookies Storytime at the Bannockburn Panera, located at 1211 Half Day Rd. 9 More to Know... Welcome our New Library Board Members Congratulations to our returning and new members of the Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees. Seth Schriftman, originally appointed to fill an open seat, was elected to a six-year term, along with new Board member Maureen Wener. Also, welcome to Howard Handler, elected to a four-year term, and Jean Reuther, elected to a two-year term. Our heartfelt thanks to outgoing Board members Marla Bark Dembitz, Luisa Ellenbogen, and Jeff Rivlin. eNews you can use! The Library now offers three monthly eNewsletters to keep you up-to-date on our latest news, events, and services. eNewsletters are a great way to get reminders about upcoming library programs previously announced here in Browsing. You can choose which eNewsletters you would like to receive: • Library News (formerly “First to Know”) • Adult Programs • Youth Programs Subscribing to the newsletters is quick and easy. “Thanks for asking…” 1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Library’s website (deerfieldlibrary.org) to “Email Newsletter”. 2. Enter your email address, check the desired boxes, and hit “Subscribe”. Answers to frequently asked questions from library users Note: If you are already subscribed, a prompt will let you know, which includes a link to your subscription profile. Is there a way to freeze holds when I’m on vacation? Relax! You can stay in the hold queue by following these simple 3 steps: 1. Log into “My Account” on the library’s website, where you will see your hold list. 2. Check the FREEZE box on the right column for each title you want to freeze. 3. Click on the “Update List” box. Important! When you return to town, be sure to UNFREEZE your holds. Follow the steps above, but this time un-check the “Freeze” box before updating your list. You’ll remain in the queue where you last were, or you might even have moved up the line if there are less holds. 10 10 Farmers Market Visits Library Trustees Saturdays, August 1 and September 26 Stop by with questions about the library and to share your ideas. Library Staff Saturdays, June 27 and August 29 Find out about the Summer Reading program, upcoming events, and all things LIBRARY! More to Know... Busier than ever! Once again, use of Library resources and services is trending up. Circulated items, including print and electronic, reached an all-time high of 485,518 in 2014! Deerfield is clearly a community of readers who know the riches that await them at the Library. The community has also taken full advantage of the expanded program offerings made possible with the building renovation. In 2014: Onsite programs / Attendees Youth Adult 441 / 13,500 213 / 3,200 We hope you can always find what you need at the Library. Let us know how we can help you! Friends of the Library • The Friends are collecting gently used Cookbooks and Children’s Books for sales at the Deerfield Farmers Market, July 18 and September 19. • Browse a wide variety of used books, DVDs and CDs available for a suggested donation of $1 for paperbacks and $2 for hardcover in our beautiful book corner. • The Friends have given gifts in 2015 to the library such as art work, library programs, two Discovery Tables, program prizes, and BBC DVDs to the tune of over $1,400! • The next Friend’s Board meeting is May 27, 7:00 pm. We are always interested in having new Board members. Please come see what we are all about. • Become a Friend of the Deerfield Public Library with an annual membership. Have you renewed your membership? • The Friends accept donations of gently used books, as well as CDs and DVDs (NO cassettes, VHS, encyclopedias, textbooks or magazines, please). • Watch our thermometer rise! We have raised over $75,000 since our inception in 2007. We need your help to reach our goal of $100,000 in 2015. The Friends can be contacted at (847) 945-3311, ext 8895 or at friends@deerfieldlibrary.org FRIENDS OF THE DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please join the Friends of the Deerfield Public Library. Your annual membership will enhance the materials and programs at our library so that it will better serve you and your family. I would like to become a member of Friends of the Deerfield Public Library for a year at the following level: ____$15-$29 Good Friend ____$100–$249 Best Friend ____$30–$49 Family Friend ____$250–$499 Loyal Friend ____$50–$99 Dear Friend ____ $500 + Partner NAME___________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________ PHONE__________________________________________ E-MAIL_________________________________________________ Please check this box if you do not want your name listed in any publication. Please make your check payable to: Friends of the Deerfield Public Library and mail or bring the form to: 920 Waukegan Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 The Friends are a 501(c) (3) nonprofit group. Contributions may be deductible under IRS regulations. Does your company have a matching gift program? 11 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Deerfield, IL Permit No. 196 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 920 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Important Library Numbers • Telephone: 847-945-3311 • Library home page and catalog: www.deerfieldlibrary.org Carrier Route Presort Deerfield Postal Patron • Email: DPL@deerfieldlibrary.org • To ask a reference question: reference@deerfieldlibrary.org • Text us at 847-790–4TXT (4898) Upcoming Holiday Closings and Late Openings THE LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY Saturday, July 4 – Independence Day Monday, September 7 – Labor Day Deerfield Public Library Library Board Members value your opinions! Ken Abosch 847-948-5390 ksabosch@aol.com Mike Goldberg 847-945-0076 mikegoldberg@mac.com Howard Handler 312-925-2597 hhandler@deerfieldlibrary.org Jean Reuther 847-945-3765 jreuther@sbcglobal.net Seth Schriftman 847-770-2530 sethschriftman@gmail.com Ron Simon 847-204-8267 simon.ronald@yahoo.com Maureen Wener 847-530–8408 wenerm@yahoo.com Library Hours Mon.–Thurs: 9:00AM–9:00PM Friday: 9:00AM–6:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM–5:00PM Sunday: 1:00PM–5:00PM 12 THE LIBRARY WILL CLOSE AT 5PM Friday, July 3 LIBRARY LOBBY OPEN 11AM – 2PM 4TH of July Stop in for complimentary water and clean restrooms in the Library’s lobby. ✰✰✰ SPECIAL NOTICE ✰✰✰ Library Closed June 2-3 The Library will be closed on Tuesday, June 2 and Wednesday, June 3 for replacement of the building’s electrical panel. Check the Library website regarding available services during the closure. We anticipate that you will be able to access the Library’s website, catalog, and downloadable books, movies, and music. The book drops will be open, although Library materials will NOT be due during the closure. Couldn’t Have Done it Without You! Bountiful thanks to our Friends of the Library for sponsoring these Spring additions and events: • Two new Discovery Play Tables for the Preschool Pavilion • By popular demand! BBC TV DVD collection • Tasty “Let’s Celebrate ‘Pi’ Day with Pie” program • Informative “10 Secrets to Getting Your Book Published” program Reuse your bags and raise funds for the Friends of the Deerfield Public Library! When you shop at Whole Foods Market Deerfield, bring your own bags for groceries and donate the 10 cent credit to the Friends. This generous campaign runs through June 30, 2015.
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