COURSE SYLLABUS Technical and Business Writing ENGL 2311 3

Technical and Business Writing
ENGL 2311
3 – 0 – 3
Lecture – Lab – Credit
This syllabus has been reviewed and is current on the date indicated below.
Prepared By
Chandra Lewis-Qualls
Course Instructor
April 13, 2015
Reviewed By
Troy Williamson
Director, General Education
April 20, 2015
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Course Syllabus
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I. Instructor Information
Name: Chandra Lewis-Qualls
Phone: 325.738.3359 (Office)
Campus Office: Room 405
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 10-noon;
Monday-Thursday 1-3 pm or by appointment
Advisement Hours: Not applicable
Program Chair/Director: Troy Williamson
Program Chair/Director email:
II. Class Time & Location
This is a fully online class.
Although it is online, there are specific due dates throughout the semester. There are 8
modules or sections of the class and, for most modules, you have two weeks to work on it.
All assignments for each module (2 weeks) will be due at noon on Tuesday (Central
Time),unless stated otherwise. All components of the course will be delivered through
Moodle (
A proctored final examination is required for this class. Students may take the final
examination at no cost in one of the TSTC West Texas testing centers. Specific information
will be given later in the semester regarding the examination and scheduling it. If students do
not live locally and have to test at another institution’s testing center, students will be
responsible for paying any testing fees required. Students must complete the proctored final
examination to receive credit for the course.
III.Core Curriculum Objectives
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established six Core Curriculum
Objectives which apply to general academic courses. These objectives are:
1) Critical Thinking Skills (including creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and the
analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information);
2) Communication Skills (including the effective development, interpretation, and
expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication);
3) Empirical and Quantitative Skills (including the manipulation and analysis of
numerical data or observable facts, resulting in informed conclusions);
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4) Teamwork (including the ability to consider different points of view and to work
effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal);
5) Social Responsibility (including intercultural competency, a knowledge of civic
responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global
communities); and
6) Personal Responsibility (including the ability to connect choices, actions, and
consequences to ethical decision-making).
In keeping with the guidelines established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board, this course (ENGL 2311) will address the following Core Curriculum Objectives:
Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork, and Personal Responsibility.
IV. Course Description & Introduction
Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents
necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports,
instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products
and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of
ethical and efficient documents.
V. Learning Outcomes
The following learning outcomes are found in the Lower-Division Academic Course Guide
Manual, published by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:
A. Recognize, analyze, and accommodate diverse audiences.
B. Produce documents appropriate to audience, purpose, and genre.
C. Analyze the ethical responsibilities involved in technical communication.
D. Locate, evaluate, and incorporate pertinent information.
E. Develop verbal, visual, and multimedia materials as necessary, in individual and/or
collaborative projects, as appropriate.
F. Edit for appropriate style, including attention to word choice, sentence structure,
punctuation, and spelling.
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G. Design and test documents for easy reading and navigation.
VI. Assessment Methods & Grading Policy
Writing and reading go hand in hand. Thoughts from others help develop your writing.
Because of this, writing classes are often reading and writing intensive. Readings will come
from online course readings as well as research required for different assignments.
The majority of the grade for this class (70%) comes from writing projects we do throughout
the semester and the Business Documents Portfolio, which is a revised collection of those
You must turn in the Business Documents Portfolio and pass the final exam to receive a
passing grade for this course.
Course grades will be as follows:
Portfolio 1 and prewriting work
(Career Documents)
Rough Draft Due: June 9
Final Draft Due: June 23
Portfolio 2 and prewriting work
(Business Documents )
Rough Draft Due: July 7
Final Draft Due: July 21
Portfolio 3 and prewriting work
(Research Documents)
Rough Draft Due: August 4
Final Draft Due: August 18
(Email, Discussion Boards)
Final Exam
Grades for each assignment are based on a 100-point scale. Grades are weighted and
averaged following the percentages listed above.
Late assignments are not accepted and make up or extra credit is not offered. Turning in
work early or before the stated deadline is encouraged.
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This course follows the “Grading Standards,” published on pages 33-34 of the 2013-14
TSTC West Texas College Catalog. More information can be found at:
VII. Textbook & Reference Materials
We will not be using a traditional textbook in the class, so there is no textbook to purchase. Instead,
we will take advantage of open-source/free textbooks and current articles available online. We will
not be reading every single section of these textbooks, but will read the ones relevant to our course.
We will be using the following sources. You can view them on Moodle or directly on the websites
 McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing.
 Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online.
 Krause, Steven. The Process of Research Writing.
 Vidoli, Carol. Technical Report Writing
 Writing Commons:
You will need access to the internet the first week of class and throughout the semester so you will
be able to view course materials and readings.
VIII. Additional Resources & Supplies
The following resources/supplies are required:
 Access to the internet. Course content will be delivered through the Moodle learning
management system. Need by week 1.
 Access to a word processing program (Microsoft Word, Open Office, Google
Drive). If you need assistance with this, please contact the instructor. Need by week
 Access to a phone with video recording capabilities or a laptop with a webcam. Need
by Module 3 (week 5/September 29).
IX. Class Participation Policy & Student Conduct
Students are expected to “attend” class by participating online, completing all assignments as
requested in order to learn the course material. Students are expected to act in a way that
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maintains the standards of an academic environment. To facilitate the learning process for all
students, individuals should make respectful and responsible choices.
Assignments for each module (2 weeks) will be due at noon on Tuesday (Central Time),
unless stated otherwise.
Communicate any problems regarding Moodle to the instructor as early as possible. You can
contact the Help Desk at 800-592-8784, through email at, or through
Yahoo IM at tstchelpdesk.
Any student caught plagiarizing an assignment will receive a zero for their grade.
Additionally, while collective studying/practicing is appropriate and encouraged, this is not
meant to replace individual effort. Students who attempt to take credit for someone else’s
work commit a serious offense. A first offense will result in a 0 for the assignment; a second
offense will result in an F for the course.
For additional information, please read sections of the 2013-14 TSTC West Texas College
Catalog which pertain to student participation and conduct (“Student Participation” on page
58, “Scholastic Integrity” on page 60, and “Student Conduct” on page 71). These can be
found at Also see the participation and
conduct policies published in the TSTC West Texas 2013-14 Student Handbook (“Student
Behavior Policies” on pages 14-16, “Scholastic Honesty” on page 16, “Appearance and
Decorum” on page 28, and “Class Participation” on page 30). This can be found at
X. Safety
There are no safety concerns which are specific to this course. Students are expected to
comply with all of the safety requirements and guidelines published in the TSTC West Texas
Student Handbook (which can be found online through the college website, or accessed
directly at
XI. Special Needs
If you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please contact
the ADA Coordinator so that appropriate arrangements for your accommodations can be
made. The counselor on your campus can assist you in this process. In accordance with the
federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her
disability to the ADA Coordinator. For more information, call (325) 236-8292 or send an
email to
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XII. Course Schedule
This class is divided into 8 modules. This schedule lists the topics and assignments covered this
semester. Each module on Moodle contains detailed instructions for each assignment.
The calendar is subject to change. You will be notified if changes are made.
Module 0: Show/No-Show Assignment
Assignments due by Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at NOON
You must complete this activity to be counted “present” for this online course. You need to
do this activity to remain enrolled in this course.
Also, the longer you wait to complete it, the longer it will take for your financial aid to post.
1. Module 0 Task 1: Course Information Quiz
2. Module 0 Task 2: Email assignment
3. Module 0 Task 3: Writing
Module 1: Weeks 1 and 2
Assignments due by Tuesday, May 26, 2015 by NOON
The Writing Process
 Module 1 Reading 1: “What Corporate America Can’t Build”
 Module 1 Reading 2: “Business Writing is Like a Road Trip”
 Module 1 Reading 3: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. Chapter 1 A Strategy for
Revising: Concision, Precision, Revision.
 Module 1 Reading 4: Schnall, Joe: Style for Students Online Chapter 7: Presenting Yourself
 Module 1 Reading 5: “About Technical Writing”
 Module 1 Reading 6: Audience Analysis
 Module 1 Reading 7: Brainstorming
 Module 1 Reading 8: Good Business Writing
1. Module 1 Task 1: Quiz
2. Module 1 Task 2: Email assignment
3. Module 1 Task 3: Audience analysis assignment
4. Module 1 Task 4: Purpose/genre assignment
5. Module 1 Task 5: Business writing/ethics assignment
6. Module 1 Task 6: Brainstorming assignment
Module 2: Weeks 3 and 4:
Assignments (other than job approval) due by Tuesday, June 9, 2015 by NOON
Career Documents
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 Module 2 Reading 1: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. Chapter 8 “Resumes”
 Module 2 Reading 2: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Resumes”
 Module 2 Reading 3: Online Resume Guide
 Module 2 Reading 4: Akpan, “How to write a professional knockout resume”
 Module 2 Reading 5: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. “Writing Cover Letters”
1. Module 2 Task 1: Quiz
2. Module 2 Task 2: Email job approval assignment due by noon, Tuesday, June 16
3. Module 2 Task 3: Video Resume Discussion
4. Module 2 Task 4: Portfolio 1 (Career Documents) Rough Draft
Module 3: Weeks 5 and 6
Assignments (except for peer review and conference) due by Tuesday, June 23, 2015 by
Revising and Editing
 Module 3 Reading 1: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. Chapter 2
 Module 3 Reading 2: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Power Revision
1. Module 3 Task 1: Quiz (No Quiz this module)
2. Module 3 Task 2: Email assignment
3. Module 3 Task 3: Peer Review due by noon, Tuesday, June 16
4. Module 3 Task 4: Conference due by noon, Friday, June 19 (need to do this for 2 of 3 portfolios
in this class).
5. Module 3 Task 5: Elevator Speech video
6. Module 3 Task 6: Portfolio 1 (Career Documents) Final Draft
Module 4: Weeks 7 and 8
Assignments due by Tuesday, July 7, 2015 by NOON
Business Letters and Memos
 Module 4 Reading 1: Writing Commons “Writing Instructions”
 Module 4 Reading 2: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Instructions”
 Module 4 Reading 3: Good News and Bad News Letters: How to Organize
1. Module 4 Task 1: Quiz
2. Module 4 Task 2: Email
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Module 4 Task 3: Writing instructions assignment
Module 4 Task 4: Readability assignment
Module 4 Task 5: Positive/routine letter assignment
Module 4 Task 6: Negative/sensitive letter assignment
Module 4 Task 7: Portfolio 2 (Business Documents) Rough Draft
Module 5: Week 9 and 10
Assignments (except for peer review and conference) due by Tuesday, July 21, 2015 by
Designing Documents
 Module 5 Reading 1: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Graphics”
 Module 5 Reading 2: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. ”Translating Technical
1. Module 5 Task 1: Quiz
2. Module 5 Task 2: Email
3. Module 5 Task 3: Visual/design assignment
4. Module 5 Task 4: Multimedia assignment
5. Module 5 Task 5: Peer review due by noon, Tuesday, July 14
6. Module 5 Task 6: Conference due by noon, Friday, July 17 (need to do this for 2 of 3 portfolios
in this class).
7. Module 4 Task 7: Portfolio 2 (Business Documents) Final Draft
Module 6: Week 11 and 12
Assignments due by Tuesday, August 4, 2015 by NOON
Reports and Collaboration
 Module 6 Reading 1: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Types of Technical
 Module 6 Reading 2: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Report Design
 Module 6 Reading 3: McMurrey, David. Online Technical Writing. “Recommendation and
Feasibility Reports”
 Module 6 Reading 4: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. Chapter 5, “Using Sources”
1. Module 6 Task 1: Quiz
2. Module 6 Task 2: Email assignment
3. Module 6 Task 3: Evaluating Research assignment
4. Module 6 Task 4: Group Report
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5. Module 5 Task 5: Group Report Visuals
6. Module 6 Task 6: Schedule final exam
7. Module 6 Task 7: Portfolio 3 (Research documents) Rough draft due
Module 7: Week 13 and 14
Assignments (except for peer review and conference) due by Tuesday, August 18, 2015 by
Revising and Editing
 Module 7 Reading 1: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. Chapter 3: "Commonly Misused
Terms and Phrases"
 Module 7 Reading 2: Schnall, Joe. Style for Students Online. "Email Etiquette"
 Module 7 Reading 3: Writing Commons. "Email Guidelines for Students"
 Module 7 Reading 4: Kennedy, Patrick. "Technical Writing Tips"
1. Module 7 Task 1: Quiz
2. Module 7 Task 2: Email assignment
3. Module 7 Task 3: Editing strategies assignment
4. Module 7 Task 4: Peer review due by noon, Tuesday, August 11
5. Module 7 Task 5: Conference due by noon, Friday, August 14 (need to do this for 2 of 3
portfolios in this class).
6. Module 7 Task 6: Analysis assignment
7. Module 7 Task 7: Portfolio 3 (Research documents) Final draft due
Module 8: Week 15
Final Portfolio and Exam
Assignments due by Thursday, August 20 at 5pm
1. Module 8 Task 1: Take final exam by Thursday, August 20 by 5 pm
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XIII. Instructor Credentials (CV) – Chandra Lewis-Qualls
Name of Institution
Degree Earned
Date Earned
Last courses
Texas Woman’s University
None – ABD
taken in 2005
Abilene Christian University
Master of Arts
May 1997
Abilene Christian University
Bachelor of Arts
May 1995
Industry, Teaching or Training, and Other (examples: publications and memberships)
Experience Relevant to the Course
Date Ended
Description of Experience Related to the Course
Date Began
Texas State Technical College West Texas, Abilene, TX
October 2012
Instructor for English courses
Pearson Online Tutoring Services
August 2013
Lead Tutor/Trainer for writing & composition
March 2010
Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX
August 2008
Instructor for English courses
August 2003
Collin College
August 2003
Associate faculty for English courses
August 2002
Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX
January 2002
Graduate teaching assistant for freshman composition
August 1997