Denbigh Church of Christ Living As God’s Family Under the Cross Loving, Serving, Praising, Proclaiming Order of Worship Just One Tiny Step of Faith June 28, 2015 Theme: Worthy of My Praise 89- Be Exalted, O God (1x) 60- He Is Exalted (1) 62- I Exalt Thee You’re Worthy of My Praise Prayer and Reading (Revelation 5:11-12) Revelation Song Welcome Children 2-5 Dismissed to Class Meet-n-Greet My Savior, My God Communion (349- Ten Thousand Angels, 1-3) Giving and Family News Sermon: Under the Sun (1): The More Things Change My Only Hope Is You Shepherd’s Prayer Dismissal Song booklets with music notation are available to be pick up in the back of the auditorium. Please fill out the perforated Guest or Member attendance slip on the back page and pass it to the outside aisle or put in the offering basket. Have you ever wanted to freeze a moment and make it last a lifetime? I have. I have also lived through certain moments that I wish I could change or delete and pretend they never happened. But change is a natural part of life. We can embrace it, or we can fight it. My husband often says that the only people who really like change are wet babies. However, I have discovered that some people thrive and live for change to the point that they are “change junkies” and have little stability in life. Others dig in their heels and refuse to change a thing and ultimately become prisoners of old habits – good and bad. God may be asking you to step out in faith and make a change in your life. He has already been where He is asking you to go and prepared every step of the way for you. You don’t have to be afraid of the unknown. It is unknown only to you. God is well aware of where you are and of every step He is asking you to take. He may be asking you to get rid of old memories, eliminate destructive habits, and forsake lifeless traditions. God is waiting for you to take one step. Faith in God does not come all at once. Faith is a step-by-step process that begins with one small step and increases as we go. This story illustrates this truth: The Israelites are camped on the bank of the Jordan River. Forty years earlier, they had escaped from Egypt and have been wandering around in the wilderness ever since. God has met every need in their lives. They have seen miracle after miracle and now they can see Canaan, the Promised Land. But there is a problem. A huge river stands between them and the Promised Land, and there is no way around that river. God told His people that He would make a dry path through it, but the priests had never seen that happen. In fact, they hadn’t even been born when the Red Sea was parted. The Israelites had spent their entire adult lives in the wilderness and finally, they could see a way out. This was probably the first river they had even been close to in their lives. God was asking them to step out in faith as never before. During harvest the Jordan overflows its banks. When the priests carrying the Ark came to the edge of the river and stepped into the water, the water upstream stopped flowing. It stood up in a heap. So the people crossed over. Joshua 3: 15-17 (NCV) Notice God did nothing until those toes touched the water. That first step was all God needed to see. We are so often afraid to take the first step of change because we’re afraid we won’t be able to make the whole journey. Trust God and step out in faith. He will meet you there. HTTP://LINKS.BIBLEGATEWAY.MKT4731.COM/SERVLET/MAILVIEW? News and Notes of Interest I Scream, You Scream… Every Wednesday night in July is Ice Cream Night! Following Bible class, we’ll stay for an old fashioned ice cream social. Plan now to bring your favorite flavor and toppings and enjoy some “sweet fellowship” time. Sunday Night Live Have you always wanted to have dinner and a show in Malibu? While I can’t quite give you that, I can offer a video from Pepperdine and a potluck at our next Sunday Night Live, July 12, beginning at 6:00 pm. Notes for Jacob Jacob Potts is serving as camp counselor for the summer at Camp Shepherd’s Spring. He would truly appreciate notes of encouragement while he is there. His mailing address is: P.O. Box 369 16869 Taylors Landing Road Sharpsburg, MD 21782 Sister2Sister Fellowship The monthly “Sister to Sister Fellowship” is under consideration for a change of meeting time and venue. Please talk to Joyce Griffin about the possibility of changing the format to a Saturday morning brunch and time of sharing. Bates to visit here Sunday, July 26, Daryl and Laurie Bates will be visiting with us to update us on the work God is doing in Uganda. You won’t want to miss it so please plan now to be here. Ladies Bible Class Our Tuesday morning ladies class will continue meeting over the summer. Our summer study will be from Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love. Join us on Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:00, for an uplifting time of study, fellowship and prayer. Countdown to camp Only 2 weeks until “Little Week” begins at Camp Idlewild. Thanks to everyone who has joined in the workdays, donated money and/or signed up your kids in support of camp. Our children are making some lifetime memories and learning priceless lessons about God. Needed for Camp Old, colorful t-shirts and small trinket like items needed for crafts. If you have these items to share, please place them in the marked bins in the foyer or the family room airlock. Upward Sports Flag football and cheerleading are being offered through “Upward” at the First Baptist Church, 12716 Warwick Blvd. Early registration is until July 15. Flyers with all the details are located in the foyer. FOR THE RECORD BIBLE CLASSES ...................... 57 SUNDAY A.M. W ORSHIP......... 102 OFFERING......................... $5347 YEAR-TO-DATE AVG. ........ $4555 BUDGET ........................... $4200 Ministry Spotlight Each week we will highlight one of our ministry areas and describe some of the things going on and how you can help. Education Ministry Tuck and Art are the minister and elder coordinating this area that keeps teachers in classes so that we can learn the Bible. Sunday School: Betty Tanner makes sure we have teachers for Sunday School classes (babies to fourth grade). She always needs more teachers and assistants. Middle/High School: Roger Brown is in charge of our Bible classes for Middle and High School on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Adult Classes: Tuck is in charge of our Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes for adults. Children’s Church: Each week we have a class for children Ages 2-5 during part of our Sunday morning worship service. Theresa Daily and Sabrina Logan head this effort. Nursery Attendants: We have an attended nursery during Sunday morning worship. We are looking for someone to head up this effort. Resource Room: We have a fully stocked and supplied work room to help teachers with their classes. Betty Tanner heads up this effort. Wednesday Classes: We seem to suffer from a lack of interest in this area. No one is currently in charge, and few children have been coming. This is an area that needs some prayer and work. Our Daily Reading From the New Testament Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Acts 2: 42-3:26 Acts 4: 1-22 Acts 4: 23-5:11 Acts 5: 12-42 Acts 6 Acts 7: 1-22 Prayer Concerns HEALTH CONCERNS:. Next Week (June 28) Art Edlow (surgery this Wednesday, July 1) READING: GLENN SWEATT West’s friends lost 18 mo. old baby to heart failure PRAYER Marty Walker’s brother, Michael (cancer) RANDY LEE HARRIS Lee Jaap (Multiple Myeloma) CENTER REAR LONNIE COLSON Helen Johnson’s friend, Michelle Sneed (cancer) RIGHT FRONT Mark West’s father (cancer) DENNIS HENRY Helen Johnson’s brother (stroke) RIGHT REAR Helen Johnson’s sister Emma Sneed (aging issues) MARK WEST GREETER/USHER Julia Denton’s parents (aging issues) JOHNNY BRADLEY Jeff Denton (effects of long-term cancer treatments) COMPUTER Norma Johnson and Nathaniel Davenport (shut-in) HANNAH BEAN NURSERY ESTHER STEVENS OTHER CONCERNS: RYAN SCHNEIDER Families traveling over the summer ELDER’S BLESSING JOE TATUM Our teens and the many pressures they face Our high school graduates (Effie, Rachel B., Olivia) JANALISE JOHNSON Those relocating this summer New families that God will bring to us Ukraine war and our brethren there COMMUNION PREP: G. Dykas CLEAN: M. BOWSER- BREAD: G. DYKAS OUTSIDE SIGN LYNNE BEAN Our marriages and family relationships Our mission works in India, France and Ukraine Preparations for camp this summer Pray for God’s strength and wisdom for our elders Bible school program and teachers Upcoming Events July 1,8,15,29 Ice Cream Nights July 7 Serve at Five Loaves 4-7 p.m. July 12 Sunday Night Live “Dinner & A Show” July 26 Daryl and Laurie Bates Report on Uganda Information to Share For July ___________________________________________ Employment for Francine Tatum ___________________________________________ CHILDRENS CHURCH HELEN JOHNSON TROY BOWSER Member (s) Present ________________________________ Date:__________ CENTER FRONT ________________________________________________________________ D.J. Caldwell’s uncle Dean (stage 4 throat cancer) ___________________________________________ BRUCE WHITE Please Pray: _____________________________________________________ Wheeler’s friend, Baby Carter (bile duct surgery) LEFT REAR ___________________________________________ Lisa Bare’s brother, Bill (living homeless) JOE TATUM III ________________________________________________________________ LEFT FRONT ___________________________________________ Lee Jaap’s aunt, Carol (hospitalized) ________________________________________________________________ JEFF DENTON _____________________________________________________ The Johnson’s friend, LaToya (praise for healing!) TABLE TALK _____________________________________________ Put this in the bulletin? Xenia Johnson (foot pain) MICHAEL TANNER Member Card Serving For Our Guests Guest Card June Birthdays Name (s) ___________________________________________________ Date:____________ Address ________________________________________________________ Apt _________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip _________________ Phone ____________________________ Email _____________________________________ Guest Of _____________________________________________________________________ Christian Goodeyon 6/1 What to Expect During Worship Audrey Briggs 6/4 Ryan Schneider 6/4 Joe Tatum III 6/7 Tulia Askew 6/12 Tammara Phelps 6/13 Singing: We sing a cappella (without instruments). The songs are listed in the bulletin and lyrics are projected on our screen. We also have booklets with music notation available as well. We encourage you to join in, but do not feel obligated; you can just sit and listen. Marcus White 6/16 Glenn Sweatt 6/18 Byron Edge 6/23 Hayward Glaspell 6/24 Lee Jaap 6/24 Amayah White 6/24 Kenyatta Dailey 6/28 Diane White 6/28 Jerrod Tatum 6/29 Angelynn Tucker 6/29 PANTRY NEEDS BOXED POTATOES, BAGGED RICE, DRY BEANS, CANNED TOMATOES, SPAGHETTI SAUCE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Bible Classes ................. 9:30 a.m. Sunday A.M. Worship .............. 10:30 a.m. Sunday P.M. Small Group .........6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening ...................7:00 p.m. Teen Young Adult Married Single Over 35 Moved from ____________________ Have a minister or elder contact me Need info on becoming a member CHURCH OFFICE 205 DENBIGH BLVD. NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23608 (757) 877-4322 Email: Website: ELDERS BOB BEAN ........................ 757-886-1015 ART EDLOW ...................... 757-329-8881 DAVID STEVENS ................ 757-969-1300 JOE TATUM ....................... 757-870-0443 MINISTERS CHARLES “TUCK” TUCKER .. 757-234-3298 ROGER BROWN ................. 757-898-0155 Lord's Supper: Communion is a part of our worship each week. In this simple memorial we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and we also emphasize the central place of the cross in our faith. Offering: The work at Denbigh is supported totally by the free-will offerings of our members. Our guests are not expected to make a donation. Preaching: The sermon will be about 20-25 minutes long and centered in Scripture. If our study raises questions, please feel free to ask the minister or one of the elders. After the sermon an invitation will be offered for those with a prayer request or desire for baptism. At this time, we will stand and sing a song. Please don’t feel uncomfortable; you will not be singled out in any way. Children’s Church: At some point during each morning assembly (usually before the sermon) children ages 2-5 will be dismissed to a class for a special lesson. An attended nursery is also provided. Usually at this time, we will take a few minutes to stand and greet each other. Expected of You: Participate in any way in which you are comfortable. We do ask you to fill out a Guest Card (at left). We are honored that you chose to visit with us today. We hope that you will stay around for a few minutes after our services so that we can become better acquainted. We also hope that you will come to see us as we see ourselves, a group of people who love Jesus and are doing our best to serve Him. Please come back and worship with us at each and every opportunity that you have.
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