Denbigh United Presbyterian Church A AU Unniioonn ooff S Seeccoonndd aanndd D Deennbbiigghh P Prreessbbyytteerriiaann C Chhuurrcchheess Ma y 2 0 1 5 A Union of Second andigh Presbyterianhurches Youth Sunday Denbigh Campus 302 Denbigh Blvd. Newport News, VA 23608 (757) 877-2048 (757) 898-1076 (Fax) (757) 898-1043 (Preschool) Please join us Sunday, May 3 as our Youth lead the Worship Service. These young people have worked very hard to prepare a meaningful service for our congregation. We thank the Youth and the leaders in advance for all of their hard work. Confirmation Sunday Second Campus 201 Menchville Road Newport News, VA 23602 On Sunday, May 31eight of our youth will be confirmed into the membership of DUPC. Several of the students will also be baptized. The Confirmands have prepared for this event for the last 9 months. We rejoice in their decision to be confirmed at DUPC. Digest Inside this issue: Youth Sunday, Confirmation Sunday, Graduate Sunday Worship/Session News Adult Education Outreach Fellowship Children’s Youth Ministry Preschool News Congregational Care Birthday/Anniversary Announcements Notes of Thanks May Sunday Volunteer Schedule May Calendar 1 2 3 4-5 6 7-9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Graduate Sunday We have set Sunday, June 7 to celebrate and pray for the graduates in worship. We need your help to make this a meaningful celebration. Please call the church office at 877-2048 to confirm your graduate can attend the events on June 7. We know that many are working and traveling, but we are hopeful that the day might be cleared on schedules. Please submit to the church office 5-10 pictures of your graduate (ideas are the senior picture, one from a church event, a baby picture, baptism and confirmation photos, etc.). Please make sure the photos you submit are clear and of good quality. We need these photos by May 4. E-mail the photos to Also, please complete an information form with details about your graduate and his/her future plans for inclusion in the Graduate Brochure. Church Record Active Membership (504 as of December 2014) Attendance Worship Nurseries Sunday School 4/56:30 50 6 No Sunday School 4/5 9:00 83 4 No Sunday School 4/5 10:30 151 8 No Sunday School 4/12 154 7 46 4/19 135 8 38 4/26 131 6 41 Worship Statistical Report Gains in Membership 101 Losses in Membership 12 Baptisms 3 Total Members 504 (as of December 2014) Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Please join us in celebrating the Lord’s Supper on May 3 and May 31. Please prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Our Church Staff Pastor The Reverend Deborah Dail Session Summary for April Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries Liz Marshall ♦Approved the purchase of the 2013 Ford Starcraft, Unit #126696 at a cost of $38,000 plus $840 delivery cost. The Vehicle Purchase and Procedures Team is following through to complete the purchase. Director of Music Ministries Jane Martin ♦Authorized Rev. Deborah Dail to celebrate the Lord’s Supper at the wedding of Katie Depp and Curtis Hutchison on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at the University of Virginia Chapel with permission for Deborah to use the communion ware from DUPC and that the Session invite Liz Marshall and Dan Dail to serve communion at the wedding, along with ruling elders Pete Marshall and Dale Pennell. In accordance with Book of Order, W.3.3616 d, the bread and cup may be served by those in the ordered ministry of the church (ruling elders), or by other church members on invitation of the session or authorizing council. Dan Dail and Liz Marshall are not ruling elders, so needed to be invited by the Session. Accompanist/Organist Al Buchanan Administrative Assistant Jane Martin Sexton Team Mark and June Tessarolo Nick and Lauren Tessarolo 22222 ♦Approved the recommended changes of the Denbigh United Presbyterian Preschool Board to the Denbigh United Presbyterian Preschool By-laws. Preschool Director Tammy Castagna ♦Approved designating 40% of Pentecost Offering to be collected on May 24, 2015 for the Menchville House. Nursery Coordinator Alicia Lewis ♦Elected Ruling Elders Joe Bender and Gerry Ellis as commissioners to the April 28, 2015 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia at Third PC (Norfolk). DUPC is now authorized to send two commissioners to each meeting based on membership of over 500 members as of December 31, 2014. Treasurer Lorena Riely ♦Received the report of Commissioner Ruling Elder Joe Bender to the called meeting of Presbytery on March 12, 2015 with thanks. ♦Approved DUPC Treasurer's report through March 31, 2015 and Denbigh United Presbyterian Preschool financial report through March 31, 2014. 2 ♦Approved minutes of Stated Session Meeting of March 10, 2015 and Congregation Meeting of March 15, 2015. Are You Looking for a Circle of Friends? A Small Group May Be the Answer. Here at Denbigh United we have several Small Groups and are eager to start more. A Small Group is a group of 6-12 people who meet weekly or every other week for Bible study/discussion, prayer, fellowship and service. Deep and abiding friendships can grow in these groups as believers study God’s Word and support one another. Our existing groups are listed below. If you are interested in an existing group or in being a part of a new group, please contact Deborah Dail or Tim Jacoby. Sunday evenings from 5:30 -7:00 p.m. This group meets at the church and childcare is provided. The facilitator is Kristi Spivey, and the group is currently studying If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat. The next meeting is May 3. For information, call Kristi at (757) 814-9538. Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30 p.m. This group discusses state, national and world current events in the context of the Presbyterian faith. This group meets at the home of Dale and Keith Pennell. This group will meet on May 10 and 24. For more information, contact Dale Pennell at (757) 303-7762. Monday evenings (every week) at 7:30 p.m. This group meets at the home of Tim and Debbie Jacoby. The group is studying the book of Daniel. For more information, contact Tim Jacoby at (412) 720-4808. Additional Small Group information may be found in the Looking Ahead section of the Sunday Bulletin which is also e-mailed to the congregation weekly. Adult Sunday School Adult I Sunday School Class Spring quarter began March 1 with lessons in John, Acts, 1 Corinthians, and 1, 2 and 3 John. Our theme is “The Spirit Comes,” tracing God’s work through the Holy Spirit to empower disciples for the Christian faith. While the Bible is our primary resource, student books are provided. The study material is dated, so each Sunday stands alone if you are unable to attend every week. All adults who desire to study the Bible are welcome. The class meets Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 in the Conference Room. Ladies Discussion Group The Ladies discussion group is studying The Prayer of Jabez. Come join us in sharing our faith, fun and fellowship together. We meet in the Parlor at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday. If you have further questions, contact Amy Schmidt (877-6904). Living as a Committed Christian in the Kingdom in the 21st Century Class The Discussion Group on “Living as a Committed Christian in the 21st Century” led by Mike Langrehr continues to meet in the Library. No books, no reading, just a discussion of local and world events from a Christian perspective. Men of the Church Conference PRESBYTERIAN MEN CONFERENCE AND FELLOWSHIP at Massanetta Springs in Harrisonburg, VA, is July 17-19, 2015. Information and registration is available at or brochures will be available at church. Bible Conference 92ND ANNUAL MASSANETTA SPRINGS BIBLE CONFERENCE, a retreat of preaching, teaching and praise, will be held July 26-31, 2015. This event includes activities for the entire family from first graders to adults. Detailed information, including meal and lodging packages, can be downloaded at or brochures will be available at church. 3 S.H.A.R.E. Dates for May and June May 2015 S.H.A.R.E. orders were placed the week of April 27–May 1. The May orders will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh United Presbyterian Church on Saturday, May 16 from 7:00-7:30 AM. All orders must be picked up by 7:30 AM on the 16th. Volunteers cannot be held responsible for orders which are not picked up. June S.H.A.R.E. orders will be placed the week of June 8-12. Distribution day will be June 29. Food Bank Volunteers The 2015 Food Bank Volunteer Schedule is now posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen counter. This year everyone who volunteered on the Time and Talent Survey to serve at the Food Bank has been placed on a team. Please see the bulletin board for the team to which you have been assigned and make note of the dates your team is serving. Thank you to Ken Bowers for developing the schedule again this year. For May 16, the team members serving at the Food Bank are: Dean Adams Ken Bowers Terry Hall Mary Nell Adams Marcia Bowers Trace Hall Debbie Ames Anneliese Collins Jim Hiltabidle Rosalie Bauer Theal Edwards Becky Skaar Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Gifts Do the women and men you wish to honor for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have everything they need? Consider making a donation for a Haiti project in honor of these loved ones. We have beautiful full-color cards on which you can designate your gift(s) for construction of an irrigation well, clean drinking water, school supplies, school scholarships or school lunches. Please see a representative of the Outreach Committee at the kitchen counter to make your donation(s) and get your card(s). Mother’s Day Cards are available May 3 and 10. Worship at the Gardens at Warwick Forest Thank you to Bill and Janet Morrison, Tommy and Betty Joy, Joan Apley, Rosalie Bauer, Bonnie Williams, Nancy Williams, Nancy Langrehr, LuAnn Jusino and Deborah Dail for conducting the March 30 service at Warwick Forest Gardens. DUPC conducts a Monday morning worship service at The Gardens at Warwick Forest four times a year. Please join us on August 31, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. for the next service. The Gardens is a Riverside Hospital continuing care facility. Depending on their physical condition, those in residence may attend the chapel service or watch the live televised program from the comfort of their rooms. You may participate in the worship service as greeters, in singing, as comforters, and in general support of this outreach. Call Deborah at 757877-2048 or send an email to if you would like to participate. 4 DUPC Clothing Ministry If you have donations of coats, sweaters, and clothes, please consider donating them to LINK or PORT or others in need. Please remember the Homeless Shelters are always in need of new white socks (all sizes), blankets, coats, toiletries and more. If you can donate items please notify Joe Bender at 757-969-5256 to set up a time to meet at Denbigh United and he will gladly take the donated items to where they will do the most good. We are collecting all sizes of clothes and other items. Once a month, we will be putting all items on display in the fellowship room. At that time, anyone may come and choose items needed at no charge. The next event will be held on Sunday, May 24 from 12:00 noon 3:00 p.m. Set up for this event will be on Saturday, May 23 at noon in the Youth Room. If you would like to bring in your gently used items for this ministry, please bring them by the church office from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Bender at 757-969-5256. The Wheels on the Bus – Church Vehicle Has Arrived Our new church bus was delivered on April 27. It is parked in the parking lot behind the church. We will be having the church name and contact information put on the bus locally in the very near future. At the recommendation of the Vehicle Purchase and Policies Team and with the approval of the Session we purchased a 2013 Ford Starcraft 14-passenger (plus driver) bus for $38,000. It had 16,322 miles prior to being delivered to the church. Cost of delivery was $840. The Session approved the remaining donated funds for the vehicle be used for vehicle upkeep and maintenance costs (insurance, fuel, licensing, inspections, etc.) as well as for hiring drivers (as needed) when we may not have an adequate number of volunteer drivers. We are grateful to all the donors who have made the purchase of the bus possible. The bus purchase will enhance our outreach ministries and provide many opportunities for various groups in the church to travel together to events, camps and conferences. Who knows what else God may have in mind for us to fully use our vehicle for His glory? Thank you to Fred Wong who has chaired the Vehicle Purchase and Policies Team and to team members: Keith Pennell, Dean Adams, Verni Saunders, Pete Marshall and Gerry Ellis. 5 Sunday, May 31, 2:30 PM – The Amorous Ambassador presented by Poquoson Island Players at TNCC. Reservations will be taken on May 17 and 24. Tickets are $15.00. Sunday, June 7, 11:45 AM – Hosting the Graduates’ Reception in the Fellowship Room. Watch for details on how you can help make this a special celebration for our church’s graduate students. Prime Timers Lunch Forty Prime Timers went out to lunch on April 16 at Captain Chuck-aMuck’s. We had a fantastic time of fellowship and delicious food. Many thanks to Jackie LedBetter and Janet Morrison for organizing our outing! Any Suggestions for here 6 Kindergarten through 5th Grade students are studying from a curriculum called Grow, Proclaim, Serve! Each child will come to know the wonders of God's love with lessons from the Bible. In May our K-5 Sunday School Students are studying: Gifts of the Spirit Fruit of the Spirit Seven in the Spirit Pentecost We are providing Children’s Church for students in kindergarten through 5th grade two Sundays a month. Children will be excused from the sanctuary after the children’s sermon. We ask parents to pick up children from room 5 after the worship service. Students will learn about worship, engage in worship and learn a Bible lesson. Faith Weavers, our ministry to children in kindergarten through high school, concludes its spring session on April 29. We are grateful to our Director, Liz Marshall, for another great year of Faith Weaver Friends. We also thank all our volunteers without whom this ministry would not be possible. Our Faith Weaver Friends will lead worship on May 3, 2015. FWF Attendance Children Adults Total 1/28 30 23 53 2/4 25 21 46 2/11 25 22 47 3/4 24 20 44 3/11 27 19 46 3/25 25 20 45 4-15 26 21 47 4-22 17 18 35 4-29 21 14 35 Journey to the Cross Thank you to Liz Marshall for providing our congregation and community the Journey to the Cross. This experience enhanced the Holy Week experience for many. 7 Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt was held on Wednesday, April 1. Thank you to Liz Marshall,all the Faith Weaver Friends adult volunteers and our youth volunteers for providing this fun evening for our preschool and church children. Thank you to everyone who donated candy! 8 Vacation Bible School Mark your Calendars!!!! When: June 22 through June 26, 2015 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. bag dinner served Closing program during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 28 followed by a family picnic. REGISTER NOW! Registration forms can be found on the bulletin board in the main hallway. We are looking for some volunteers in several areas, including Crew Leaders and Assistants, kitchen help for making snacks, Team Leaders for Recreation, assistants in Arts and Crafts, Music and Drama just to name a few. Volunteer forms can be found on the bulletin board. Place completed forms in Liz Marshall’s mailbox in the main office. Youth: if you would like to volunteer you must be a rising 9th Grader. If you can’t volunteer but would like to help in another way, check out the VBS supply board in the main hallway, grab a snow ball and return the requested item to the box designated for VBS. Mark your Calendars! **TRAINING MEETING** There will be a training meeting Wednesday, June17 at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship room. VBS WORK DAYS If you would like to help with props and decorations we will have two work days in May: Saturday, May 2 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 9 Sunday, May 17 at 11:45 in Fellowship room 9 The school year is winding down, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t busy! Our four year olds are learning about how Kindergarten will be both the same and different from preschool. They are going on a field trip to visit a local kindergarten class at R.O. Nelson Elementary School. Our three year olds are learning about how their five senses work. It is lots of fun to see, touch, taste, smell, and listen to different objects, foods, and sounds! Our 2½ year old class is preparing for their annual Teddy Bear Picnic. We will celebrate our last Chapel on May 5 and 6 at 9:45AM. If you have not been to one yet, please come by and be inspired by our precious preschool children. We will also have our end of the year celebration on Thursday, May 21. Thank you for your support of the preschool program and your generous donation to the Maundy Thursday offering. The money will help families who sometimes struggle financially to send their child to Denbigh United Presbyterian Preschool. We have had our evaluation for our star rating and are anxiously awaiting the results. The teachers have worked very hard, as always, both inside and outside of the classroom. They have completed many hours of professional development and made sure we provide a quality program for our families. Please take time to thank them for all they do. We are truly blessed to have such a dedicated staff! For the 2015-2016 school year we will continue to offer a 2½ year old class on T/Th, 3 year old classes on T/Th and M/W/F, and 4 year old classes on M/W/F or M-F. Registration fees and tuition are as follows: # of Days 2 (2 ½ or 3 years) 3 (3 or 4 years) 5 (4 years) Registration/Supply/Activity Fees Monthly Tuition $120 $120 $150 $220 $150 $220 10 Our Military Myrna Bickhart Leslie Maloney Chip Shefelton’s father Morris Kincaid Hiromi O’Keeffe Nancy Fairfield Beau Riely Paul, Lynn and Kevin Ardary Dawn Renee Moss’s stepfather Lisa Canaday’s father Marcie Lynn Scott Jones Elaine Minch Shelby Daniel Aida Hoover’s mother, Aida Cividanes Steffi Harris Jasmine Woollum-Tshiek Amelia Britt’s daughter-in-law Peg Householder Darlene Wickline Eleanor Gruber Jan Spruill Juanita Singletary Dave Anson Brenda Bender Leo McHenry Etienne Bote Tshiek Millie Shultz Kristi Lajoie’s Stepmother Bruce Baffer Mark Manoso Robert Depp David Powers Jennifer Lambert Fred Wong Jacob Mayes Ryan Jones Dan Barnhardt Nixon Fombele Jonathan Graebener (Nephew of Joanna and Bev Daniels) Joel Silva MichaelShea Daniel Jones Lazaro Durruty Jessica Horine Our Missionaries Bruce and Deb Robinson Meredith and Sandy Elder Bob and Sharon Hallissy We express our sympathies to the following families. May God bring comfort and hope to all who grieve. To Betty Joy on the death of her sister and Jennifer Morgan on the death of her aunt, Donna Morris The family of Warren McKenna on his death. Do you live alone? Would you like a daily phone call? Our Congregational Care Committee is exploring a ministry of daily calls to those who live alone. If you are interested in receiving a call or if you know of someone who may be interested in daily contact, please contact Carolyn Woodard. 11 1 1 3 3 3 A4 A4 A5 5 5 5 5 5 7 8 A9 10 A10 12 12 13 13 13 13 A14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 Robert Ragsdale Uma Uma Allison Luellen Kasey Williams Marcie Lynn Earl and Shirley Lassiter Rusty & Penny Norton Jeff & Casey Nance Heather Jones LuAnn Jusino Rita Stevens Bill Sneddon Shirlie Anson Alana Gore Chris Capps Chip & Barbara Shefelton Jack Tuftie Rob and Jean Kyle Scott Lassiter Ashley Morgan Jettie Watts Geoff Rogers Katelynn Powers Rebecca DuHamel Steve & Linda Ruggles Bobbie Phelps Ray Minch Mike Langrehr Michael Lajoie Helen Thiessen Caleb Chassard Jackie LedBetter Kendal Wightman Racheal LaFlamme Mike Murphy Karen McGowan Evalene Hicks Debbie Ames Shirley Aiken Isaiah McGowan Bill Jones JoAnn Phelan Bernice Gilman 21 22 22 22 22 24 24 26 26 26 27 A28 A28 29 29 29 Peg Householder Pamela Davis Allison Gonzalez Cami Clark Diana Lanford Weisflog Don Barton Seth Jones Ken Bowers Carolyn Woodard Trudy Bowman Carter Nance Bob and Joan Amos Kevin and Marian Gore Tamie Capps Logan Graham Emily Potts Anniversaries 12 Stewardship One Grea t Hour of Sha ring Our congregation contributed $1,126.00 to the One Grea t Hour of Sha ring offering. Tha nk you for your generosity. ALL DUPC WOMEN We will celebrate the Presbyterian Women Birthday Offering on Saturday, May 16. A breakfast buffet will be provided at The Arbors in Port Warwick at 9:00 a.m. The menu will include scrambled eggs, sausage, hot biscuits, creamy grits, home fries, yogurt, fresh fruit, juice and coffee. Cost is $10.00 and includes tax and gratuity. Reservations will be taken at the kitchen counter on May 3 and 10. Gift of Love Upon hearing that the Meadows of Dan Baptist Church in Meadows of Dan, Virginia had burned Mary Lee Dunn suggested we send the church a cross and letter of concern as another church did for us when our church was vandalized. We are sending one of the brass crosses removed from our sanctuary light fixtures which were removed and replaced after our fire. Please remember in prayer the congregation of the Meadows of Dan Baptist Church, which is in Pat Terry’s hometown. Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center On Friday, May 15 there will be a dinner and silent auction to benefit the Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center. It will be held in St. Michael Hall of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and will conclude at 9:00 p.m. For more information, call 757-873-2273. Decorations Committee The Decorations Committee would like to thank the following people who helped decorate the sanctuary for Easter morning and those who helped take down the decorations. †Debbie Ames †Connie Hunt †Deedee Smith †Lillie Gagliardi †Liz Marshall †Rita Stevens †Patti Hall †Jane Poulin †Kristi Spivey †Terry Hall †Christine Ragsdale †Marianne Williams 13 Notes of Thanks . . . . The family of Robert "Ham" Fairfield would like to express our appreciation for the thoughts, prayers, cards, flowers, and visits at the rehab and hospital during his final months. Ham was always proud to be a member of Denbigh United Presbyterian Church and tried to attend church until he became too weak. He enjoyed the services at The Gardens at Warwick Forest where he resided when our church was represented. To my many friends at DUPC (and there are none better), many thanks for your cards, prayers, letters and visits over the last few weeks. What a blessing you have been! Once again, many thanks. Jan Spruill Many thanks for all of the prayers and good thoughts during my recent surgery. David Anson Thanks for the lovely flow ers, card s and for all of you r prayers d u ring m y recent su rgery. Irene Hoopes Our family was so proud to have Deborah Dail conduct his funeral services. She listened to all of our stories and presented a beautiful eulogy for our husband, father, and grandfather. We are all consoled by knowing he is at peace and pain free in the arms of the Lord. Many thanks to our church family for all the thoughts, prayers, cards, calls, visits, emails and food you gave me during my recent surgery and continuing recovery. You nourished my spirit as well as my body and I will be forever grateful. Elaine Minch Again, we would like to express our appreciation to each and everyone for their acts of kindness in making Ham's final days more comfortable. I just wanted to say thank you so much for hosting the free clothes give-away. I recently started a new job and your event was a blessing for me. I was able to share a few of the dress pants that didn't fit me with a coworker who said she didn't have any dress pants. Thank you so much. God bless, Evelina Johnson Buendia Most sincerely, Nancy Fairfield, Diana Weisflog, and Jenny Lou Hughes 16 15 14 14 May ~ 2015 3 10 17 24 31 Greeters (front/rear entrances) Cole, Betty Cole, Bill Coll, Stacey Coll, Victor Brown, George Saunders, Verni Burns, Dreama Jones, Bill Bowman, Trudy Sneddon, Bill Ushers * Denotes team captain *JOY, TOMMY Coll, Stacey Coll, Victor Joy, Betty *JONES, BILL Bender, Brenda Hoopes, Irene Stallings, Ariella *LASSITER, EARL Gore, Lesley Pauley, Rick Ragsdale, Christine *LANGREHR, MIKE Graves, Diamond Langrehr, Nancy Norman, Al *MARSHALL, PETE Jacoby, Debbie Jacoby, Tim Singletary, Alexis Spruill, Doug Skaar, Becky Dail, Dan Spivey, Kristi Canaday, David Gore, Lesley Jones, Dae’Zhonna Lloyd, Etsu Marshall, Liz Spivey, Kristi Collins, Anneliese Murawski, Pat Shefelton, Barbara Nance, Casey Nance, Jeff Lynch, Carol Smith, Pat Amos, Jennifer Amos, John Bensten, Jeanne Cole, Betty Pennell, Dale Pennell, Keith Gore, Alana Jones, Dae’Zhonna Marchese, Andrea Hunt, Connie Singletary, Alexis Spivey, Megan Gore, Naya Morgan, Pat Ellis, Gerry Graves, Meme Hafner, Haley Coll, Stacey Gore, Lesley Shefelton, Kinsey Bender, Joe Ellis, Gerry Nyenty, Thomas Moss, Dawn Bender, Joe Avery, Anne Crippen, Sara Bender, Joe Bickhart, Don Coll, Stacey Skaar, Becky Kincaid, Joyce Vassos, Carolyn Worship Leader Youth Reader Children’s Moment Crib Nursery Toddler Nursery Welcome Table Counters Preparation of Elements Communion Bender, Brenda Mays-Tittman, Darlene Ames, Debbie Horton, Pat Hunt, Connie Morgan, Ashley Harris, Steffi Marchese, Andrea Mayes, Betty Ellis, Gerry Gamble, Vanessa Harris, Steffi Harrison, Terry Harvey, Don Harvey, Peggy Hull, Donna Jacoby, Tim Lassiter, Earl Morrison, Bill Dunn, Jay Dunn, Mary Lee Eason, Charlotte Eason, Don Edwards, Theal Langrehr, Mike 15 MAY 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 1 SAT 2 10:00 AA (FR, CR) 10:00 – 2:00 VBS Workday (Rm9) 3 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Communion Youth Sunday 5:30 Small Group (N,L) 4 Graduate Photos Are Due 6 7 8 9 9:45 Preschool Chapel 9:45 Preschool Chapel 6:00 Preschool Kindergarten Parent Info Night (S) Deborah away for Depp/ Hutchison wedding (UVA) →→→→→→→ 10:00 AA (FR, CR) 15 16 10:00 PG (P) 10:00 Music Team Meeting(CR) 7:30 Small Group @ Jacoby’s home 10 11 Mother’s Day 10:00 PG (P) 10:00 Summer Ministry Team @ Pennells 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 5 7:00 LRPC (CR) 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 12 7:30 Small Group @ Jacoby’s home 7:00 Choir 8:10 Bells 7:00 Vehicle Team Meeting (L) 8:00 AA (FR, CR) 13 14 7:00 Choir 8:10 Bells 5:30 Small Group (Pennels) 17 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 11:45 VBS Work Day 11:45 – 12:30 Youth Dancers 24 Presbyterian Heritage/Pentecost 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 11:45 – 12:30 – Youth Choir 12:00 – 3:00 Clothing Event 5:30 Small Group (Pennels) 31 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/ Communion/ Confirmation 11:45 Reception 5:30 Food Bank 7:00 SHARE Distribution 9:00 PW Breakfast @ the Arbors 10:00 – 2:00 AA (FR & CR) Deborah Performing Brittany Hall Wedding in Norfolk Warren McKenna Funeral 7:00 Session (FR) 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 8:00 AA (FR, CR) 18 →→→→→→→ 19 20 21 22 23 Preschool Last Day for Tu/Th Students 10:00 Esther Circle (Rm 9) Preschool Last Day for M/W/F Students 10:00 Lydia Circle @Rita Stevens’ Home Preschool Picnic Preschool Staff Workday 9:00 Adopt-A-Spot 10:00 AA (FR, CR) 12:00 noon Clothing Event Set-up (YR, FR) 7:30 Small Group @ Jacoby’s home 7:00 Priscilla @ Dale Pennell’s Home 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 7:00 Choir 8:10 Bells 8:00 AA (FR, CR) 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:00 PG (P) Memorial Day Office Closed 11:00 EASE (FR,CR) 10:00 AA (FR, CR) 10:00 – 5:00 Confirmation Retreat (EW) 3:00 Confirmation Rehearsal (S) 7:00 Session Meet with Confirmands 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 7:00 Choir 8:10 Bells 8:00 AA (FR, CR) AA – Alcoholics Anonymous BS – Bible Study CR-Conference Room ChR – Choir Room EASE – Early Alzheimer’s Support and Education EW – Education Wing FWF – Faith Weaver Friends FR-Fellowship Room HS – High School L-Library LRPC – Long Range Planning Committee MS – Middle School OA– Overeaters Anonymous P-Parlor or Pastors Office PEVA – Presbytery of Eastern Virginia PG – Prayer Group PT’s – Prime Timers S – Sanctuary WOC – Women of the Church YR – Youth Room 16 16 Decorations Committee. The Decorations Committee would like to thank the people listed below for their help in taking down the Easter decorations: Decorations Committee. The Decorations Committee would like to thank the following people who helped decorate the sanctuary for Easter morning and those who helped take down the decorations. †Debbie Ames †Connie Hunt †Deedee Smith †Lillie Gagliardi †Liz Marshall †Rita Stevens †Patti Hall †Jane Poulin †Kristi Spivey †Terry Hall †Christine Ragsdale †Marianne Williams A A Union of Second and Denbigh Presbyterian Churches
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