W l Department of Education DcfiED Region VII, Central Visayas DEPARTMENT f( F.DUCATION Republic of the Philippines j* DIVISION OF BOHOL CityofTagbilaran March 23, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No.|3O_s. 2015 SYNCHRONIZED SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT (SPG) AND SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT (SSG) ELECTIONS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2015-2016 To: Education Supervisors/Division Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors/Coordinating Principals Secondary and Elementary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Regional Memorandum No. 172, s. 2015 and DepEd Memorandum No. 17, s. 2015 re: Synchronized Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG) Elections for SY 2015-2016, which is self explanatory. 2. Attention is invited on the timeline of activities and submission of the required reports using the attached enclosures to Mr. Magencio Celis, Education Supervisor for Araling Panlipunan. 3. For the information and guidance of all concerned. 4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ^WILFREDAD. REDA D. BONtSAtOS, Ph.D., CESO VI ^~ Schools Divi^on Superintendent f ir SGOD/dvd 0- o+'fT REPUBLKA NG PILIPINAS REPUBUC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON Vn, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VII, CENTRAL VISAYAS DBaf lWEMTfOF EDUCATION f Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City MAR 1 5 2015' REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 1 72 s. 2015 SYNCRONIZED SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT(SPG) AND SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT(SSG) ELECTIONS FOR SCHOOL YEAR(SY) 2015-2016 To: Schools Division/City Superintendents Off icer-in-Charge of Regular Divisions Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is DepEd Memorandum No. 17, s. 2015 entitled, "Synchronized Supreme Pupil Government(SPG) and Supreme Student Government(SSG) Elections for School Year(SY) 2015-2016," which is self-explanatory. 2. For details, please refer to the attached DepEd Memorandum and Enclosures. 3. For compliance. I T JULIETA. JERUTA Schools Divi/ion Superintendent Off iter-in-Charge Office of the Regional Director JAJ/LCI clmd 'IS Regional Dir ect or's Of ice: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst Regional Director's Of f ice Telefax: (032) 255-4542; f Field Eff ectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curr iculum Learning Mater ials Division (032) 414-7323; QualityAssur ance andAccountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 25S-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; Budgetand Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: http:++www.depedro7.com.ph llbUOIVW. UUJ/. @ @ ITTV TT> *|lflJLlWf.UUUl.jni " &@L20J5: Jaxapatann# a(bU,Sbnanagutaang. ahat ^OWMLIIAUf c li 'M-: %r ep a 4^ j ^JL T f$2\ t ijSgB Department of Education gssjj? Region VII, Central Visayas RD2015-6048 12-Mar-15 epublic of t&e $Ijilipptnes artment of education .10 MAR 2015 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. I? . s. 2015 SYNCHRONIZED SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT (SPG) AND SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT (SSG) ELECTIONS FOR SCHOOL TEAR (ST) 2015-2016 To : Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2014 entitled Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Pupil Government and Supreme Student Government on Elementary and Secondary Schools Nationwide and DepEd Order No. 48, s. 2014 entitled Amendments and Additional Provisions to DepEd Order No. 45. s. 2007 entitled InsUiutionalization of the Supreme Pupil in All Elementary Schools Nationwide, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Of ice of the Undersecretary for f Regional Operations, issues the timetable for the following activities which shall be observed during the conduct of the Synchronized Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG) Elections for School Tear (SY) 2015-2016: SPG/SSGActivity FilingofCer tif icatesof Candidacy(COC) Timetable March 13, 2015 EvaluationofCOCvis-a-vis Qualificationsand March 16, 2015 Disqualif ications AnnouncementoftheOff icial ListofCandidates Campaign Period March 17, 2015 March 23-24. 2015 PresidentialElection Forum Campus-widePresidentialand March 23or24, 2015 VicePresidential Debates ElectionandProclamationof Winners 2. March 24or25, 2015 An Ad-Hoc Commission on Elections (COMELEC) shall be established in each school to fulf ill the abovementioned matters. The school head shall appoint the members of the COMELEC, subject to the qualif ications stated in Article XIV of the Constitution and By-Laws of SPG and SSG in elementary and secondary schools as provided for in DepEd Order No. 47. s. 2014. The COMELEC may also issue additional guidelines to further ensure the fair and successful conduct of the 3. The topics to be discussed in the Presidential Election Forum and Campuswide Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates shall be those deemed relevant to the current situation of the student body and shall, likewise, showcase the candidates' capacities as a studentleader. The topics and guidelines for these two events shall be determined by the COMELEC in each school. 4. All DepEd Regional Offices (ROs) shall submit a complete list of duly elected SPG and SSG Presidents, which shall include their email addresses, contact numbers, school names and addresses of which the presidents belong to, name of their respective school principals and teacher-advisers, as well as the comprehensive report and evaluat ion of the conduct of elect ions. These shall be collated by the Regional Araling Panlipunan Supervisors in the absence of the Student Government Program Coordinators (SGPCs). These requirements shall be encoded, str ictly following the enclosed format and must be forwarded on or before March 30, 2015 to the Of ice of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations f through the email address: vouthformaUon@deped.gov.ph. The comprehensive report and evaluation of the conduct of elections shall be craf ted by the COMELEC and consolidated by the Regional Araling PanUpunan Supervisor (in the absence of a SGPC). The report shall include the following points: 1. Voters' Experience of the Election a. Voter Awareness and Outreach b. Convenience and Accessibility of Voting Areas c. Voter Participation 2. Candidates' Experience of the Election a. Nomination Process b. Campaign Procedures c. Candidate Elections 3. Administration oftheSPG/SSG COMELEC a. Preparedness b. Voters' List c. Vot ing Operation d. Managing Polling Sites 5. The SPG Election Consolidated Reports shall be prepared using the format in Enclosure No. 1 (SPG Election Consolidated Report) and shall be saved with the file name:{SPG-(Name of Region)-(Name of Division)}-. The SSG Election Consolidated Reports shall also be prepared using the format in Enclosure No. 2 (SSG Elect ion Consolidated Report) and shall be saved with the file name:-[SSG(Name of Region)-(Name of Division)}-. 6. All reports shall be submitted to the Of fice of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations through the email address: vouUiformation@deped.gov.ph. The subject of the email shall be as follows:-jSPG Report-(Name of Regton)-(Name of Divislonjor - SG Report-(Name of RegionMName of Division) for SSG}. 7. All Regional Directors (RDs) and Schools Division Superintendents (SDSs) are enjoined to support and monitor the implementation of this program. 8. Enclosed are the following documents for reference: Enclosure No. 1 - SPG Election Consolidated Report; Enclosure No. 2 - SSG Election Consolidated Report; Enclosure No. 3 - 2015 SPG Election Packet (Certificate of Candidacy for SPG, Parental Consent); 9. For more information and queries, all concerned may contact Mr. Joseph Benjamin Angeles, Off ice of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations. Department of Education Central Of fice (DepEd CO), DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone nos.: (02) 633-5375 or (02) 633-7203 or visit the website address on: www.deped.gov.uh. 10. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. BR. ARMIN A.JWJISTRQ FSC Secretary Ends.: As stated References: DepEd Order Nos.: (45. s. 2007; 47, and 48. s. 2014) DepEd Memorandum: No. 3, s. 2013 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: ELECTIONS OFFICIALS ORGANIZATION PROGRAMS PUPILS STUDENTS R: Almo DM avnchrnntml supreme pupil government 0t24 February 23/26/Marrh 3/9. 2015 E O I D F T C L N A F E M O A N S D T R I N E P 2 @Si 1 E I V R D A O N E M F AS in F O E M A N A L C N I R P N T C A O T S H L o 2 N M E U B R S3 1 o s TJ W E D S A O H S L CR <X D i C L O E M S F H N A O w 3 5b > es a L F E O I T C A D N H N F O E M A S T R P N E D I gw Q E< > <u 1 R E S I D A F O E M A NV z "> 8 I8 nj it. R P C N L A F O E I M A N (f t *-4 IS S.S C T A T N O S H L o B M U R E N E > O 11 i i O a. s <U Q m R D E A O H S C S L w D c/i o O L N E M A H C S F 3 "0 o 'K aQ (Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 17, s. 2015) 2015 Elections Application Packet To run for the Supreme Pupil Government office, each candidate should turn in a completed signed application with the following attachments: @ Certif icate of Candidacy @ Parental Consent @ 2 (2x2) Photograph @ An official copy of the Report Card for the present Academic Year @ General Plan of Actions @ Two recommendation letters from two (2) persons that the candidate has worked with in a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity RECOMMENDATION LETTERS Please secure and submit two (2) recommendation let ters (in a signed/sealed envelope) from two individuals that the candidat e has worked with in a co-curr icular or extra-curricular activity. The recommendation letters shall include the following: @ Descr iption of t ine activity wherein the candidate and the author of the recommendation lett er worked together @ Detailed descr iption of how the candidat e upheld the pr inciples of t eamwork, collective decision-making, and good work ethic in the said activity The sender of the recommendation letters should not be related by affinity or consanguinity to the candidate. The two (2) recommendation letters should each come from a fellow student that he/she worked with in an act ivity and from the teacher that served as the adviser of the same activity. The authors of the recommendation lett ers should not be related to the candidate by aff inity or consanguinity up to the second degree. If needed, the COMEI-F-C has the authority to verify the validity of the recommendation letter from its signatory. REMINDERS: Deadline of Submission of the Requirements: March 2,2015 Party Addr eName: ss: Landline: Position ._ Current in the Party: Gr ade Ijevel: Affix Latest Photo Here (2x2) CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY FOR SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT An off icer in the Supreme PupilGovernment lives the ideals, principles and pr actice of participatory democracy. They arc the representativeof the studenl body, and must always be prepared t o lead the student body towards the fulfilment of those goals and to protect their rights and welfare. As a mature and enthusiastic leader, they serve as a rot e model for their fellow students at all rimes. Student Name:. PERSONAL DETAILS: Date of Birth:. E-Mail Address:. COMPETENCIES OF CANDIDATE IN RELATION TO THE DESIRED POSITION Nameofact ivit iespart icipatedinthatis relatedtothedesiredposition Specificroleintheactivity ELECTORAL INFORMATION 1 cert ify that I am a bona fide student of this school. I, whose name and other personal details are herein stated, do hereby f iled this Certif icate of Candidacy for the Supreme Pupil Government Commission on Elect ions in the election for the school year 2015-2016, and I do hereby declare my intention and desire to be And I further state that: I am a bona fide student of this school with good moral character and academic standing, and I will abide with the election rules and guidelines of Supreme Pupil Government I hereby certify that the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Candidate over Print ed Name SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 2015, at _,, affiant exhibiting to me his/her nomination kit which contains his/her C.O.Q photograph, academic records and parental consent, SPG COMELEC Representative PARENTAL CONSENT I, as a parent/guardian will support my son/daughter to the best of my ability as he/she commits to Student Council. I am allowing him/her to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of a Supreme Pupil Government Officer and to be involved to all its activities, programs and projects. Parent's/Guardian's Signature Over Print ed Name Date (Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. 17, s. 2015) 2015 Elections Application Packet To run for a posit ion in the Supreme Student Government of ice, each candidate should f turn in a completed signed application with the following attachments: @ Certif icate ofCandidacy @ Parental Consent @ 2 (2x2) Photograph @ An official copy of the Repor t Card for the present Academic Year @ General Plan of Actions @ Two (2) recommendat ion letters from two individuals that the candidate has worked with in a co-curr icular or extra-curricular activity RECOMMENDATION LETTERS Please secure and submit two (2) recommendat ion letters (in a signed/sealed envelope) from two individuals that the candidate has worked with in a co-curr icular or extra-curricular activity. The recommendation letters shall include the following: @ Description of the activity wherein the candidate and the author of the recommendation letter worked together @ Detailed description of how the candidate upheld the principles of teamwork, collective decision-making, and good work ethic in the said activity The sender of the recommendat ion letters should not be related by affinity or consanguinity to the candidate. The two (2) recommendation letters should each come f rom a fellow student that he/she worked with in an activity and from the teacher that served as the adviser of the same activity. The authors of the recommendation letters should not be related to the candidate by affinity or consanguinity up to the second degree. If needed, the COMELEC has the author ity to verify the validity of the recommendat ion letter from its signatory. REMINDERS: Deadline of Submission of the Requirements: March 2,2015 Student Address: Patty Name: Name: desired posit ion _Laadline: Affix Latest Photo Here (2x2) CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY FOR SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT An off icer in the Supreme Student Government lives the ideals, principles and practice of participat ory democracy. They are the representative of the student body, and must always be prepared to lead the student body towards the fulfilment of those goals and to pr otect their rights and welfare. As a mature and enthusiastic leader, they serve as a role model for their fellow students atall times. Current Grade Level:. PERSONAL DETAILS: Date of Bir th: E-Mail Address: PERSONAL COMPETENCIES IN RELATION TO THE DESIRED POSITION Specific r ole in the activity Nameofactivities par ticipatedin that is related to the ELECTORAL INFORMATION ._ Position in the Party: I certif y that I am a bona fide student of this school. I, whose name and other personal details are herein stated, do hereby filed this Certificate of Candidacy for the Supreme Student Government Commission on Elections in the election f or the school year 2015-2016, and I do hereby declare my intention and desire to be And I further state that: I am a bona fide student of this school with good moral character and academic standing, and I will abide with the election rules and guidelines of Supreme Student Government I hereby certify that the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Candidate over Print ed Name _, affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this. .day of. ,2015, at. exhibit ing t o me his/her nominat ion kit which contains his/her C.O.C, phot ograph, academic records and parental consent, SSG COMELEC Representative PARENTAL CONSENT I, as a parent/guardian will suppor t my son/daughter to the best of my ability as he/she commits to Student Council. I am allowing him/her to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of a Supreme Student Government Officer and to be involved to all its activities, programs and projects. Parent/Guardian's Signature Over Printed Name Date _ (Enclosure No. 5 to DepEd Memorandum No. 17, s. 2015) Depar tment of Education COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF ELECTIONS Yes CommissiononElection No Thestudentsandschooladminarewell represented intheschoolCommissionon Elect ions Thestudentsand theschooladminare activelyinvolvedinorganizingand runningtheelectionprocedures Thestudentsandtheschool admin objectivelyperformedtheirfunctionsand Logistics remainednon-partisan TheElectionmaterialsarepreparedintime Theschedulesanddeadlineswerestrictly followed Theapplicationformsweremadeavailable StudentEngagement toallinterestedstudents Thestudentsknowthevotingprocess Thestudentsactivelyparticipatedinthe elections Thestudentsknowwhattheyarevotingfor andwhytheyarevot ing SelectionofCandidates Thestudentswereencouragedto participateinthestudentgovernment Allthequalifiedapplicantsareconsidered Theapplicationprocesswereobjective, withdecisionbasedontheapplication guidelinesandtheelectioncode Campaign Theapplicantscamedifferentsections Thecampaignisorderly,organized,fair andpeaceful. Theelectioncodewaseffectivelyenforced Voting CountingofVotes Theballotpapersarcclearandavailable Arethestudentsandadmininvolvedin counting Thecountwasfair,honestandtransparent Theannouncementisimmediateand undisputable NameofSchool: COMELECChair's Name&Signature: Level: Comments
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