Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF MUNTINLUPA CITY March 20,2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. om ,5.2015 .. DepEd - MUNTINLUPA f TO: Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Health & Nutrition Personnel t'rrcl :~t", T " , ~' _ ~ , S~S.~~ - ' - -"E' ., .. I ,J'id ~' , 2015 NUfRITION MONTH CELEBRATION Attached is DepEd - NCR Memorandum No. 59, s.2015 on the above captioned title, the contents of which are self - explanatory, for the information and guidance ofall concerned. Immediate and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. NOEL D" "'""L"""" OIC - Asst. Sc om lvision Superintendent r In - Charge Katihan St., Poblacion, Muntinlupa City * Telefax: 861-4953, 861-4951, 861-0566 Website: * Email: Kepublika ng Pilipinas (Republic afthe Philippines) KAOAWABAN NO EDUKASYON (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAMBANSANO FUNONO KEHIYON (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) Daang Misamis, Bago Bantay, Lungsod Quezon (Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City) Department of Education National Capitat Region RECORDS AND PU8UCAnON UNiT LEASED • ~~~_~:~7_- March 16, 2015 <0,$, ME M.ORAN DU M No. O~ , s. 2015 2015 NUTRITION MONTH CELEBRATION To: Schools Division Superintendents School Health and Nutrition Personnel Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Enclosed is a copy of the letter from the National Nutrition Council - National Capital Region dated February 26, 2015 informing this Office on the 2015 Nutrition Month theme which is "Timbang ;'wasto sa tamang hutrisyon at e.hersisyoln, that aims to create awareness on the role and importance of proper nutrition and physical activity in the prevention of overweight and obesity among the general public, the content of which is self-explanatory, for information and gUidance. 2. Immediate and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum, is desired. Director III OIC,Office-ln-Charge Incl: As stated Reference: National Nutrition Council- NCR letter dated February 26, 2015 Allotment: 1 (D.O. 50-57) To be indicated in the Perpetuallnde>r'. under the following subjects: CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS HEALTH EDUCATION NUTRITION EDUCATION SCHOOLS ___ r MA l"If..J~ • ,.,) ,.j,J..:::: r ,L':' Republika ng Pilipinas KAGAWAR.'\N NO KALUSUGA.,.~ I ...,. f 1'Ioo.'.l' _ _ .-..... __ '_.,.' PAMBANSANG Sk~GGUNIAN SA NUTRISYON (NATIONAL NUTRITION COUNCIL) . NATIONAL CA.PITAL REGION 26 February 2015 DR. LUZ S. ALMEDA Regional Director Department of Education - NCR Misamis St., Sago Bantay, Quez<:>rl. City .. Dear Or. Almada: Greetings from the National Nutrition Couool at the National capital Region! . ", We are pleased to inform you that the NNe Technical Committee has approved the theme for this year's Nutrition Month celebration which is: "Timbang iwast(J $111 tamang nutrlsyon at eherslsyol1' Nutrition Month is celebrated every July by virtue of section 7 of the Presidential Decree No. 491 or the "Nutrition Act of the Philippines. 25 June 1974". It aims to create awareness on the . importance of good nutrition. This year's theme aims to create awareness on ihe rote and knportanoe of pro~r nutrition and physical activity in the prevention of overweight and obesity among the general public. It also aims to encourage Filipinos to make positive decisions towards consumption of healthy diets and be physically. active to prevent nc;n..eommunicabie disGa!iQS as a result of overweight and obesity. In this regard, we would like to enjoin aU our nutrttion partnor agencies to participate in this nationwide celebration by disseminating ti1e theme to their respective network. and more importantly. by planning and undertaking activities along the theme. Activities may include a . launching program for the montJr.long celebration during the flag raiSing ceremony; putting up streamers; nutrition lectures! fora and contests for employees and dients; featuring nutrition articles and information on bulletin boards and locat newspaper; and airing of nutrition month . theme messages through your local radi.o, .among others. .. . . '. We hope that your office/agency Will actively participate in the said celebration. Also, may we request your good office to please share with us your agency's plan for the 2015 NM celebration on or before 29 May 2015 so we can include it in the regional schedule of NM activities? Kindly emait your Nutrition Month Calendar of Activities to nnc_flCr@yahoo.Gom. ., ~ , 1.,.21 , " • need . I . • aSk,... Should you additional information on:this,: p1easa feel free to call our office at tafefax numberS 533~2713,or531;',1800and Ms, Baa.·' ,A. Me~ Wewillfumlsn,yournuttition ' secretariat with a cOpy of N NM ~ . 'nts·and other il)foiination on the celebratiOn ss·soon as thGse are available. . ,:',' ' 9 ,,;' • "" "- .. " / j , . , . ~ • \, Thank anticipation of your usu~f fun support and cooperatioi'l'ioward a suCcessfUl nutrition montri celebration. Best reg~st " " Vipry truly' yours. , ' ~ILAGRO~ v. 'RND~ FEhemiO, MPH NutritiOn Program 'Coordinator, NCR . . , " .; ..... , ., I .\. ':.. : ' ... ~ ,W~ctnnrt --~---- .. -....... Nutric
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