District Ten AltruNews District Ten Call to Conference www.districtten.altrusa.org March, 2015 - Governor’s Message We come to another wonderful time of year with the anticipation of our Altrusa District Ten Conference. It is fitting that our Conference is scheduled in the Spring when we witness new life and with that comes a renewed love for Altrusa. This Conference will be full of ideas to help us recruit members, raise money, have effective meetings and get members involved and most importantly—have FUN being Altrusans! Roswell is working very hard to make this Conference very special! “Putting the Pieces Together” is a perfect theme for what we have planned. All the “pieces” you will take home will give us new ideas to strengthen our abilities to continue “Leading to a Better Community” within District Ten. Our special presenter Jean Block is a renowned educator and author, and it is never boring with Jean around! Jean is informative, interesting, high energy and most importantly, fun! Jean’s aim is to give us practical tools to enhance our Clubs’ management through workshops you will just love. We are so pleased to welcome Diane Eberhard, a member of Altrusa International of Sikeston, MO, in District Eight as our International Representative. There are many things happening on the International front and this will be our opportunity to first -hand gather information and get questions answered. We are also fortunate to have the International Foundation Board of Trustees Chair Connie McIntire as part of District Ten with her wealth of knowledge too. This is definitely the Conference not to be missed! As you have read before I have focused on five ideals and this Conference is designed to give us knowledge and strength in reaching them: Making Altrusa relevant to our communities Be willing to change – to adapt to the needs of our communities and our members Diversifying membership to embrace new ideas Utilizing online resources Including professional development opportunities Inside This Issue So as I come to the close of my biennium, I want to thank every Altrusan for your work in serving your community, for your dedication to service and for spreading the joys of being an Altrusan. Please join us in Roswell and meet new friends, revel in seeing old friends, and come ready to take back some new ideas for your Clubs. Judy Stubbs, District Ten Governor Bring Your Invitation Puzzle Piece From Last Year! Puzzle pieces will be entered into a drawing! The winner could be YOU! Governor’s Message 1 District Officers/”To Do” List 2 Schedule/Silent Auction/Door Prizes/Hands-On Project 3 International Representative Bio/2015-2017 District Candidates’ Bios/FUN Night 4 Workshop Speaker/Workshop “To Bring” List/Welcome New Members/Attendance Award/ Memorial Service/Member Longevity Recognition 5 District Ten Awards 2015 6 Registration Form 7 Officer Training 8 Governor Judy Stubbs #1 Brazos Circle Roswell, NM 88201 C: 575 626-0207 H: 575-623-6466 judystubbs@cableone.net Governor Elect Bonnie Jones 705 West Mescalero Road Roswell, NM 88201 C: 575-626-0567 H: 575-624-9677 bonnie4altrusa@gmail.com Vice Governor Rose Price 62820 Jeremy Road Montrose, CO 81401 H: 970-240-9276 C: 970-209-5865 rosemontrose@bresnan.net Director –Service Kristi Trumbo 3601 G.7 Road Palisade, CO 81526 C: 970-270-4716 ktrumbo@msn.com Director-Foundation Liaison Dianna Crouch P. O. Box 1840 Artesia, NM 88211 C: 575-513-4222 H: 575-746-4467 just.di@live.com Secretary Connie McIntire 1203 West Mann Avenue Artesia, NM 88210 C: 575-513-4133 c246mamabear@hotmail.com Treasurer Judy Griffin 336 Lake Shore Drive Alto, NM 88312 C: 575-937-5437 H: 575-336-9610 judy.griffin@live.com Immediate Past Governor Donna Herman P. O. Box 1094 Montrose, CO 81401 B: 970-249-7711 H: 970-249-6455 dlh@qwestoffice.net Parliamentarian Dona Garretson 1985 Dove Creek Circle Loveland, CO 80538 C: 970-589-3826 donagarretson@gmail.com Newsletter Editor Diane Winger winglady@gmail.com District Ten Officer “To Do” List March PRESIDENT Election of Officers and Directors. Observe International Women’s Day on March 8. Have secretary send list of newly-elected Officers to District Governor and International Office on forms provided within 10 days of election. Give copy of Incoming President’s Calendar to newly-elected president. Start work compiling information for the Club Annual Report (due May 31). Encourage incoming president to select Committee chairmen. Plan and encourage large attendance at District Conference. Be sure all new officers and chairs have the most recent Altrusa Encyclopedia and Bylaws and Policies. Be sure to give all files and a District Handbook to the incoming President. Incoming Committee Chairs meet with outgoing Committee Chairs for committee update. Follow up on the entries to be submitted to District. They are due April 1st. NEWLY ELECTED PRESIDENT Begin plans for District Conference attendance. Be sure to obtain from the President all files and a District Handbook. Initiate contacts between incoming and outgoing Boards. Call a meeting of incoming Board for planning. VICE PRESIDENT Assist new President as needed. Plan on attending District Conference. NEWLY ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT Call a meeting of the newly assigned chairmen as soon as the President has completed the assignments. Encourage chairs to meet with their committees and report back to you. Coordinate upcoming year with President and offer assistance. Review last year’s Club Activity Report. TREASURER & INCOMING TREASURER Begin sharing information especially dates and how to follow up on duties. SECRETARY & INCOMING SECRETARY Coordinate with incoming and outgoing Boards. Within 10 days of the election send the names and contact information of the newly elected officers and directors to the District Governor and International Office. Send highlights of minutes to newsletter editor. Send draft minutes to President. April PRESIDENT Observe World Health Day on April 7. Add an Altrusan Month. Elect International Convention delegates and alternates (odd years). Send delegate list to International Office at least 90 days prior to Convention. Solicit club contribution to Altrusa International Foundation Endowment Fund. Meet with incoming and outgoing Board to transfer materials. Request Officers/Chairmen prepare annual reports. By April 30th, send list of newly-appointed Chairmen to District Governor and International Office on forms provided. Assist incoming President and Finance Committee with budget. Members initiated between April 1st and May 30th pay full-year dues good through June 1st of next year. Plan installation of new Officers and Directors. By April 1st, elect Delegates and Alternates to District Conference. See that all officers fully understand the importance of District Conference. Meet with committee chairs to complete Club Activity Report which is due May 31st. Send copy to District Membership Chair and keep copies for Club Board. Observe Altrusa’s birthday by celebrating Altrusa Awareness Day – April 11, 1917. VICE PRESIDENT By April 1st complete Committee Chairmen Form and send to District Governor and appropriate copies to International. Assist with Club Activity Report. Finalize committee assignments. Select auditor with Board approval. (Continued on Page 3) 2 (Continued from Page 2) Tentative Conference Schedule TREASURER April 1st through May 31st new members pay full dues but gain two months. Nothing due again until June of the following calendar year. Receive International Membership Report: review, correct, and return by June 15th. When appropriate, obtain bond to become effective June 1st. Submit Foundation contributions to International. SECRETARY Send results of Delegate election for the International Convention to the International office in odd years. Send Delegate and Alternate names to the District Secretary immediately upon election. Send highlights of minutes to newsletter editor and the draft minutes to the President. May PRESIDENT Preside at annual meeting and installation of Officers. New board in charge immediately following installation. Observe International Day of Families on May 15. Club Annual Report due June 1. Submit online to International. Community Leadership Award nomination to International Foundation. ASTRA Club Service Award entry due to International. Audit Treasurer Books. Consult President’s Handbook and share pertinent parts with officers, directors and committee chairs. Remind officers and committee chairs that annual reports are due. VICE PRESIDENT Work with committee chairs to plan new year’s programs. Give complete schedule with program title, dates, and speakers’ names to Yearbook Committee. Put Club Activity Report in the yearbook. TREASURER Collect all dues and complete International Membership Report. All funds owed must be paid before end of the fiscal year – May 31st. Prepare annual report by final business meeting in May and close books by May 31st. Deliver books to person designated by the Board to prepare the audit. Work with new Treasurer and Finance Committee to prepare budget for next year. SECRETARY District Archives Chair needs pictures and articles about your club for preparation of the District Archives. Send highlights of minutes to newsletter editor and draft minutes to the President. SILENT AUCTION Each club is asked to bring to Conference an item suitable for our Foundation Silent Auction. Items should be at least $30.00 in value and not wrapped. For more information, please contact District Ten Director/Foundation Liaison, Dianna Crouch with questions: (575) 746-4467 or just.di@live.com. DOOR PRIZES We hope that each Club will also bring Door Prizes to be drawn for at our two luncheons. This is a great way to share your community with all of us and it is always fun to receive a prize! Wednesday April 29th Pre-Conference District Ten Board Meeting Thursday April 30th Pre-Conference District Ten Budget & Board Meetings 3:00 p.m. Registration & Credentials-Fairfield Inn Pick up Conference Packets; drop off Door Prizes, Silent Auction items and Service Project items 7:00 p.m. Reception—Fairfield Inn Friday May 1st 8:00 a.m. Registration & Credentials-Convention Center Pick up Conference Packets; drop off Door Prizes, Silent Auction items and Service Project items First Timers Get Together 9:30 a.m. Opening Session/Business Meeting 11:15 a.m. Memorial Service 12:00 p.m. Foundation Luncheon 1:30 p.m. All Conference Session - “Quality Orientations & Initiations” 3:00 p.m. Split Sessions: Officer Training Hands-On Service Project 6:00 p.m. Fun Night – ”Do You Believe in Magic?” Saturday May 2nd 7:30 a.m. Past Governors’ Breakfast 8:00 a.m. Voting Registration & Credentials 9:00 a.m. All Conference Session – Membership Recruitment and Effective Meetings—Jean Block 10:30 a.m. All Conference Session— Getting People Involved, Service Projects and Raising Money-Jean Block 12:00 p.m. Awards Luncheon 2:00 p.m. Closing Business Session 6:00 p.m. Governor’s Banquet and Installation of new Board Sunday May 4th 8:00 a.m. Post-Conference District Board Meeting Hands-On Service Project—Roswell Head Start Libraries Bring children’s books, new or slightly used for ages 3-5 years (for parents or children to read), and an old apron or shirt. Then join in the fun of decoupage! Roswell will furnish the supplies and a bookcase, and you will learn the fun of decoupage. These books and bookcase will become a unique, one of a kind lending library from Altrusa District Ten. 3 Diane Eberhard, International Director Altrusa International of Sikeston, MO, District Eight Diane Eberhard, a new International Director for the 2013-2015 biennium, has been a member in Sikeston, MO, since 1987. She was Sikeston's Club President in 1999-2000 and 2005-2006, as well as Director, Treasurer, Vice-President and President Elect. On the District Eight level, Diane served as the Communications Chair from 1996-1998, the District LRSP Trainer, Second Vice Governor (2004-2006), First Vice Governor (2006-2008), Governor Elect (2008-2011) and Governor (2011-2013). Diane is also the District Webmaster. Internationally, Diane has served as Vice Chair of the Communications Committee (2003-2005), Elections Committee Chair in 2009 and as the Governors Council Vice Chair 2011-2013. 2015 – 2017 Board Candidates GOVERNOR ELECT Rose Price - Montrose, CO Rose has been a member of Altrusa International of Montrose, CO, since 2001. She served as President in 2006-2007 and held several offices on Club and Foundation boards and served as chair on several projects and fundraisers. She served the District Ten Board two years as Foundation Director and two years as Vice-Governor. While owning and operating a retail business in Montrose for 14 years, she became highly involved with Downtown Montrose; serving as Historic Montrose Downtown President 2005-2010. She served as Event Coordinator and Director of Hispanic cultural events 20012010. Rose still enjoys creating custom art glass and working on Altrusa projects and events; volunteering throughout the community and serving on local non-profit boards. VICE GOVERNOR Renée Eaton – Delta, CO Renée’s career with Altrusa began in 1988 with Altrusa International, Inc. of Delta, CO, and her service began as Chair of the Finance Committee. She served as chair of all four service committees numerous times. She also served as Recording Secretary, 1992-1993; Second Vice-President, 2004; First VicePresident, 2002-2006; and became President in 2006-2007. She served on the District Board as Service Chair, 2009-2011. Renée is proud to have served with Altrusa 27 years and wishes to continue to serve the District. Renée stated, “Altrusa is a large part of my life and I promote belonging to and educating others about this great organization.” She volunteers as Secretary of the Humane Society, and has volunteered as Co-Chair when the Pow Wow was held, among other volunteer hours shared with other organizations. DIRECTOR Lois Sappington – Tucumcari, NM Lois retired in 2007 after 25 years with the State Police as Communications Specialist and Terminal Agency Coordinator. In 2008, she was employed at Mesalands Community College as Evening Supervisor; retiring in 2014. Currently, she assists her son and daughter with a local business. Lois has been a member of Altrusa since 2007 and has served as Recording Secretary for three years; President, 2010-2011; Past President, 2011-2012; and on Community Service, By-laws, Scrapbook, Newsletter, Nominating, Audit, Yearbook, Membership, Ways and Means, Information, Communications, Vocational, Literacy and Courtesy committees. She served as District Ten Membership Chair. Lois is also a member of Trinity Baptist Church and DAR. She believes Altrusa is a great asset to our community, nationally and internationally. DIRECTOR M Arlene Walding - Pueblo, CO M Arlene has been an Altrusan in Pueblo, CO, since 1988; and is currently serving as Secretary. She has served as President, Vice President, Secretary and Director. In addition to being an Altrusa member, she is also a member of Pueblo Choral Society, Rosemount Museum Auxiliary and Chapter CI PEO; serving each as an officer and President. M Arlene served on the board of directors of Columbine Girl Scouts for ten years and served as Vice President. She has an AA and BA degree and taught school over eight years in Pueblo, Cheyenne, Guam, Little Rock and Houston. She worked at Colorado Mental Health Institute as accounting a Clerk Junior Accountant for nine years then Finance Director of Pueblo Regional Center for fifteen years. Returning to Colorado Mental Health Institute as Director of General Accounting, she retired after three years. TREASURER Brooks Cohoe - Alamogordo, NM Brooks has been a member of Altrusa International of Alamogordo since 1996. Currently, she is retired/disabled but enjoys volunteering with Altrusa very much. She is a Certified Chef and Pastry Chef and owned a bakery and catering business for three and one-half years. She also loved being the Executive Chef at the Officer's Club on Holloman Air Force Base one and one-half years before becoming unable to continue. Now she does a lot of volunteer work for many different organizations and would love to serve Altrusa at the District level. As a small business owner, Brooks worked closely with her accountant to ensure records were kept accurately and she is in her second year as Treasurer for the Alamogordo Club. Nominations will be accepted from the Floor on Friday . Voting is by secret ballot on Saturday. Fun Night Do you believe in Magic? Come join us for an amazing and Fun Night with Jamie O’Hare, the MagicGuy!! Dress is casual and you will enjoy a Mexican dinner and an evening of wonder and surprise! See you there! 4 Special Presenter JEAN BLOCK—NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED CONSULTANT AND TRAINER Jean Block is a nationally recognized consultant and trainer on nonprofit management, board development, FUNdraising and social enterprise. She has more than 45 years of experience in nonprofits, including charitable organizations and civic associations. Jean leverages this experience in her workshops and nonprofit books and manuals, bringing practical, real-life examples and ideas that can be put to use immediately by groups both large and small. To learn more, visit her web site (www.jblockinc.com) and download free examples and resources and sign up for her free e-newsletter. Another Sad Report It is with a very saddened heart that I relay to you that Altrusa International of Colorado Springs has disband stating that, “We are grateful for the lifelong friends we have made within District Ten and our own Club.” This decision did not come without a lot of deliberation and reservation, but after all was said and done, the six members felt this was in the best interest of all. Those ladies did not disband without designating $500.00 to continue the Ethel Fritch Literacy Award for ten years, as well as another $500.00 for new Club building. They also distributed another $5,850.00 to their favorite projects. These are true Altrusans! It is with great pleasure that we welcome to our family these New District Ten Altrusans. We hope to welcome each of you personally at Conference. Your membership in Altrusa will be enhanced by your commitment, and our District will be enhanced by your membership! Welcome!! Alamogordo Julie Pacheco—reinstated Artesia Kara Bratcher Maria Chavarria Ruth Faulkner Patti Horner Susan Mahan Barbara Ochoa Pat Perez Lynn Worley Clovis Joan Hultman Debbie Smith Sandy Turner Delta Lea Hart Bobbi Mitchell Judith Yost Grand Junction Elizabeth Rowan Ruby Russell Montrose Dana Gleason Ogden Amy Calder Margaret Jones Palisade Darralee Mathews Jeanette Shaw Portales Julie Brooks Kimberly Sites Danielle Swopes Roswell Teresa Gutierrez Suzie Russell Cindy Wilson Ruidoso Jessica Cadena Beverly Holt Lisa Mulrey Linda Pflug Regina Shuster Kathy Yeager—reinstated Tucumcari Kacee Benford Eve Calderon Lisa Doncaster Isabel Jones Cindy Lingle Maria Schmitt Workshop “To Bring List” Quality Orientations and Initiations This workshop scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Friday, will be an interactive opportunity to share what our Clubs are using in our Member Orientations and Initiations. We will share what we are using to acquaint potential members with our history and purposes, as well as instill the principals, philosophy and commitment one makes when becoming an Altrusan. Please bring for yourself copies of your orientation and initiation materials for an open comparison of what we are each doing. We will gain new ideas and by learning from each other and we will come away with some new and exciting ways to recruit, inspire and retain quality members. We will no longer be judging Club posters, but please bring them so we all can rejoice in your accomplishments! DOROTHY KVOLS ATTENDANCE AWARDS This award has been brought back by Altrusa International of Tucumcari in honor of their longtime member Dorothy Kvols. Entry form is in the District Awards along with other forms. Due by April 25th to Susan Taylor, President Altrusa of Tucumcari: 2202 S. Third St., Tucumcari, NM 88401 | rstaylor@msn.com | (575) 461-1119. MEMORIAL SERVICE Please send the names and brief biography of any deceased Altrusa members who have passed away since our last Conference. Due by April 17th to Governor Judy Stubbs, #1 Brazos Circle, Roswell, NM 88201-3382 | judystubbs@cableone.net | (575) 626-0207. MEMBER LONGEVITY RECOGNITION Last year we began recognition of our members with 25 or more years of service to Altrusa District Ten. We awarded 81 members with this distinction and now to perpetuate the tradition we will be recognizing our members with 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 years as Altrusans. Please send names of each member who became an Altrusan in the years 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965 or 1960 along with the date they joined. Due by April 17th to Governor Judy Stubbs, #1 Brazos Circle, Roswell, NM 88201-3382 | judystubbs@cableone.net | (575) 626-0207. 5 District Ten Awards 2015 Due by April 1st (unless otherwise noted) Entry forms may be found in “Awards” folder under “Shared Files” District Ten Communication Awards Kathy Travis 1813 Jonquil Park Drive, Clovis, NM 88101 (575) 763-6529 or (575) 693-6290 kathy.travis@gavilon.com Net Gain Membership Awards (No longer an award for Most New Members) Judy Griffin, District Ten Treasurer Recognition is given in 2 categories: Yearbook: 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy Newsletters: 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy of 3 different newsletters (There is no longer a website award.) Ethel Fritch/Letha H. Brown Literacy Awards Dianna Crouch P. O. Box 1840, Artesia, NM 88211 (575) 513-4222 or (575) 746-4467 just.di@live.com Governor’s Award Judy Stubbs #1 Brazos Circle, Roswell, NM 88201 (575) 626-0207 or (575) 623-6466 judystubbs@cableone.net Hazel Henderson Membership Award Judy Griffin, District Ten Treasurer Altrusa International of Grand Junction The Ethel Fritch Award is presented by the District, and the winner is automatically submitted for International’s Lethal H. Brown Literacy Award. A cash award is given by Altrusa International of Colorado Springs, CO. Jen Hanson Service Award Rose Price 62820 Jeremy Road, Montrose, CO 81401 (970) 209-5865 or (970) 240-9276 rosemontrose@bresnan.net Dorothy Kvols Attendance Award NEW Susan Taylor, President Altrusa Int’l of Tucumcari 2202 South Third Street, Tucumcari, NM 88401 (575) 461-1119 rstaylor@msn.com Nancy Taylor Environmental Award Judy Cox, President Altrusa Int’l of Clovis P. O. Box 5359, Clovis, NM 88102-5359 (575) 769-0622 truffles@plateautel.net Member Longevity Recognition Judy Stubbs #1 Brazos Circle, Roswell, NM 88201 (575) 626-0207 judystubbs@cableone.net This award is given for community service and was established by the Altrusa Club of Carlsbad in the name of their member Jen Hanson who became International President in 1979. The District now maintains a cash award for this honor. Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Bonnie Jones 705 West Mescalero Road, Roswell, NM 88201 (575) 626-0567 bonnie4altrusa@gmail.com Mamie L. Bass Service Award Kristi Trumbo 3601 G.7 Road, Palisade, CO 81526 (970) 270-4716 ktrumbo@msn.com ASTRA Service Award ASTRA End-of-Year Club Activity Report ASTRA Scholarship There is no entry forms for this award. The District Treasurer’s membership records are used to determine the Club with the highest net gain (which comes with a $100 check from District). Each Club is encouraged to submit a deserving member for this honored award. District Ten awards this honoree with an International Lamplighter pin. Submit a written entry in the format and follow the requirements found on the website. There is no entry form for this award. The District Treasurer's membership records are used to determine the Club with the greatest percentage of net increase in Club membership. A cash award is given by Altrusa International of Grand Junction, CO, in the name of their member who served as District Governor. This award has been brought back by Altrusa International of Tucumcari in name of their beloved and longtime member Dorothy Kvols who believes attendance at Club meetings is so important. Entry form is in the District Awards along with other forms. Entry form is due to Susan Taylor by April 25th. This award was started by then Governor Nancy Taylor out of her love for preserving the environment and her desire that Altrusans be cognoscente of and involved in protecting the environment. Her Club, Altrusa International of Clovis, has chosen to continue this award to honor Nancy even after her passing. This award was started by Governor Judy Stubbs because she believes celebrating the commitment, love and dedication of Altrusans to “Leading to a Better Community” is noteworthy. From now on members will be recognized with 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or 55 years of service. Send names of members who became Altrusans in the years 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965 or 1960 along with which year they were initiated. The objectives of this award are to encourage and stimulate international relations, create an awareness of other cultures and people of the world and to r e c o g n i z e outstanding Club achievement in International Relations. This award is for a community service project. It has been named after Altrusa’s first President and is an awarded to the Club project that most exemplifies what Altrusa stands for. The winner will be submitted to International for competition at that level. These forms may be retrieved from the International website and are submitted directly to International. 6 “Putting the Pieces Together” 60th Altrusa District Ten Conference Roswell Convention & Civic Center 912 North Main Street, Roswell, NM Thursday, April 30 – Saturday, May 2, 2015 Registration Form Name: Address: City, State Zip: Email: Home Phone: Work: Cell: Club Name: Altrusa International, Inc., of I will attend as (check all special designations that apply): Delegate Alternate Qty _____ First Timer Club President District Officer District Chair Past Governor Other: _____________ OPTION A Full Registration: Includes: Thursday night reception ____ Check here if you will attend the reception All daytime sessions Snacks during breaks Friday & Saturday lunches Saturday Banquet Dinner OR First Timer discounted amount _____ B Partial Registration (either Friday or Saturday daytime sessions) Includes: All daytime sessions for a single day Snacks during breaks Lunch for a single day Select the single day you will be attending: Friday OR Saturday On or before 4/17 After 4/17 $120 $135 Total Amount $______ $110 $125 $75 $90 $______ $30 $30 $______ $35 $35 $______ $10 $10 $______ TOTAL ENCLOSED $______ ADD-ONs _____ _____ C Friday Fun Night D Saturday Banquet - Dinner only (this option may be purchased for guests, or added on to Option B Partial Registration) (Fun Night is not included in any other Option – you must pay for it in addition to your Registration if you wish to attend) (Note: the Banquet is already included in Option A Full Registration – do not choose this Add-on if you are using Option A) _____ E Show and Sell Tables Special dietary needs – vegetarian only option, check here: The FULL AMOUNT DUE must be enclosed with Registration Please make CHECK payable to: District Ten Conference Mail form(s) and payment to: Jennifer Rawdon, 2306 Carver Drive, Roswell, NM 88203 (575) 317-0608 - email: rawdon@nmmi.edu NOTE TO CLUBS: If sending several registrations with one check, include a completed Registration form for each attendee. REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be made for cancellations or changes made after April 17, 2015 Hotel: Fairfield Inn by Marriott, 1201 N. Main, Roswell, NM 88201-Local: 575-624-1300-Toll Free: 800-228-2800 A block of rooms has been reserved through April 17, 2015: $99 for single/double or $109 for a suite (plus tax) Individuals are responsible for making their own lodging reservations. A fill-in and print PDF file can also be found on the website @ http://districtten.altrusa.org/PDF/Conference/2015-Conference-Registration.pdf. 7 Call to Conference As Governor, Altrusa International Inc. District Ten, I hereby call ALL members, officers, committee chairs, past Governors, delegates and alternates to the Sixtieth Annual District Ten Conference Putting the Pieces Together to be held April 30th – May 2nd, 2015 at the Convention and Civic Center in mysterious Roswell, New Mexico. During Conference we will receive annual reports, consider District and International recommendations and any other items of business. We will elect new members to the District Ten Board for 2015-2017, recognize the wonderful achievements of our District and its membership and otherwise conduct the business of Altrusa District Ten. And most of all, we will share the ideals of Altrusa and make new friends. Judy Stubbs, Governor Attention ALL Incoming Club Officers A Must!! Officer Training!! Please ensure all Clubs have in attendance your Presidents, Vice-Presidents, President Elects, Secretaries and Treasurers on Friday afternoon, May 1st, beginning at 3:00 p.m. for this expanded Officer Training. There are many ideas and issues that will be discussed as well as opportunities to ask questions regarding these positions. This Training is VERY important and is intended to get all Clubs in District Ten knowledgeable and working in sync with International, the IRS and your state’s requirements. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Judy Stubbs #1 Brazos Circle Roswell, NM 88201-3382 8 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 30 Roswell NM
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