CALL TO CONFERENCE NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA The members of Altrusa International of Nanaimo and Campbell River are to be commended for their work. They have been planning for this since, at least, prior to 2013 Kennewick Conference! The District Board and I could never thank them enough for all their time, energy, and funds to make this the Conference to remember. As you register, they will be there to greet you with a special hand-made treat. They will be ready to guide and direct you. Jan Weir and Marean Workman, Nanaimo are your Conference Co-Chairs. Please take the time to meet them and their other “Pirate” cohorts! “Trip to Treasure Island” There will be hugs galore as we get reacquainted. If I don’t get hugs, you will have to walk the plank! GOVERNOR’S INVITATION Much Altrusa Love and Hugs, You are invited to attend the 60TH ANNUAL DISTRICT TWELVE ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONFERENCE IN NANAIMO, B.C. MAY 15-17, 2015 Chris From the moment you step off the ferry or drive across the Island from Campbell River, new experiences and adventures will greet you. Reconnecting and meeting with new Altrusa friends at the Thursday Pre-Conference Event “Night at the Museum” reception will encourage your “Pirate” spirit to engage in activities you never imagined! Jan Weir, District Twelve District Service Bulletin (DSB) Editor has mapped out a full itinerary of guest speakers, workshops and fun, fun in this Call to Conference. Pirates covet a great treasure map. So, be sure and read every highlight in this treasure map. Get your pirate duds ready for the Friday Fun Night “Pirate Party”. We will be honored with the presence of the Pirate of Pirates, International President-Elect, Silvia Silverman throughout the Conference. Arrive in your Pirate’s best for the Friday evening International Visitor Reception prior to the Pirate Party. Saturday evening, you will leave your Pirate duds behind for an elegant evening of celebration. This will be a special Installation ceremony for Governor-Elect, Anne DeFrancisco and her 2015–2017 Biennium introduction. MAY 14 – 17, 2015 Christina L. Connerly Governor, District Twelve 509-520-0629 NEWS FLASH Hotel rooms are selling out fast. Book yours now. (See Page 9) TABLE OF CONTENTS Speakers Highlights Itinerary Awards What to Bring Menus Location Page 1 of 16 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 Travel Q&A Deadlines Workshops Pre-Conference Event Registration Payment Recap 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CONFERENCE SPEAKERS INTERNATIONAL VISITOR Friday International Visitor Reception, 6:30 PM SILVIA SILVERMAN, International President Elect, Altrusa International, Inc. of Montgomery, Maryland, District Two Currently serving as President-Elect for the 2013-2015 biennium, Silvia’s service as an International Board Member includes her term as Vice President from 2011-2013 and International Director from 2009-2011. At the District level, Silvia served as Governor of District Two in 2006-2008, Governor-Elect, and First and Second Vice Governor. In her club of Montgomery County, Maryland, Silvia has served as a Director for two terms, Vice President for two terms, and two terms as President. As International President-Elect, Silvia is part of the Executive Committee, the Personnel Committee, and the Finance Committee in which she also served as International Vice President. At the Post Convention Board Meeting, Silvia was appointed to the Redistricting Taskforce as International Director. Silvia served on the Leadership Development Committee and assisted in various task forces. Silvia will be assisting with the District Awards and the International New Member/Sponsor Awards. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Friday Welcome Breakfast, 8:00 AM BILL ROBINSON “Finding and Celebrating Your Community Treasures” Bill is an exceptional storyteller with an amazing collection of stories about people he calls “Hidden Heroes”, ordinary people who do small things that make a big difference both in their own lives and the lives of people around them. As he says, “It’s not the one in a million superheroes that make the biggest difference in this world; it’s the millions of Hidden Heroes … people just like you and me.” Told with humour, warmth, and authenticity, Bill’s stories will leave you inspired, motivated, encouraged and, most important of all, ready to take action. You’ll begin to see yourself and others – your family, friends, workmates, and clients – in a new empowering light; a light you may not have shone on them before, a light that has the power to change lives. Bill Robinson is a semi-retired former Toronto broadcaster, Vancouver Island newspaper and magazine columnist, enthusiastic promoter of Nanaimo, and founder of the Our Hidden Heroes social responsibility / language arts program for Grades 1 to 8. From 2001 to 2011, most of Bill’s energy was dedicated to growing the Our Hidden Heroes program in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Mississippi and across British Columbia. In 2011 he gave the program to Simon Fraser University’s Critical Thinking Consortium ( so he could focus on his new position as a School Trustee in Nanaimo. Since 1975, Bill’s personal mission statement has been to inspire those he reaches to seek out and activate the best in themselves and each other. SPEAKER JUNE FARMER Saturday Literacy Breakfast, 8:00 AM “Finding the Treasure of Literacy Hidden By Irlen Syndrome” As colorful as hidden treasure, diagnosis of Irlen Syndrome can be part of the solution to many reading and learning problems. Learn how treatment can remove barriers and help improve the brain’s ability to process visual information and ultimately transform the lives of children and adults living with Irlen Syndrome. June’s 33 years of teaching experience in primary grades included special needs, learning disabilities, and severe language delay. During nine years as a diagnostic and resource teacher, June screened for Irlen Syndrome as part of her regular reading assessments. June and her husband retired to Nanaimo in 1994 and she joined Altrusa the following year, where she found not only friendship, but many opportunities to participate in programs promoting her passion for literacy. Page 2 of 16 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT THURSDAY, 7:00 PM Come to a “NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM” reception. This Open House-type event is a great opportunity to greet old friends and meet new ones too. The $25 registration fee includes food, music, and admission to the museum exhibit gallery. The venue is a short stroll from the hotel. See Page 14 for details and Registration Form. FIRST TIMERS ORIENTATION FRIDAY, 7:00 AM Are you attending District Conference for the first time? Great, because new this year – First Timers receive a $50 DISCOUNT off the Conference Registration fee! Be sure to check the “Special First Timer Rate” on the Registration form (Page 15). There will be an Orientation session where you’ll learn about Conference events and meet other First Timers. The Orientation is early but it’s worth it! Helen Küpeli (Altrusa Int’l. of Corvallis) is your host. A Welcome Breakfast immediately follows, with special tables reserved for you. Your name will also be entered in a drawing to WIN A FULL REGISTRATION TO THE 2016 CONFERENCE in Bend, Oregon. NOMINEES FOR 2015-17 DISTRICT BOARD POSITIONS GOVERNOR-ELECT Bettina Schempf (Corvallis) Voting – SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 1st VICE GOVERNOR Susan DeMarsh (Pendleton) Biographies will be in the March DSB. 2nd VICE GOVERNOR Sarah Johnson (Albany) NOMINATIONS ARE STILL NEEDED FOR TREASURER FRIDAY FUN NIGHT – “PIRATE PARTY!” FRIDAY, 7:00 PM Finally, what you’ve always been waiting for … a chance to dress up as a pirate or a wench! The evening will start with dinner, then the party begins with activities organized by the Campbell River Club. There’ll be pirate-themed stations, a scavenger hunt, photo booth, and prizes. We’ll have lots of food, fun, and frivolity as we experience the trials and tribulations of being a pirate. So bring your cutlasses and outfits and join together in a parade of costumes. “EMBRACING MEMORIES” TRIBUTE SATURDAY, 10:00 AM In Conference tradition, we will honor the lives of Altrusans who passed away over the last year, celebrating their lives and accomplishments with a PowerPoint presentation. A photo and short biography are needed for each deceased member ahead of time. The biography should include some Altrusa information as well as personal information … what was their favorite food, did they love to travel, etc. Please send information to Linda Peterson by May 1, 2015 at or 177-107th Ave NE, #1203, Bellevue, WA 98004. INSTALLATION CEREMONY SATURDAY, 7:00 PM Every two years, new leaders are installed to guide our District through the next biennium. An election will be held on Saturday morning and an Installation ceremony Saturday night. The Governor’s Banquet is an extra special evening where you might want to add a bit of “bling” to your outfit. This is Governor-Elect Anne DeFrancisco’s night to shine, as she introduces the 2015–2017 District Twelve Officers, Chairs, and Leaders – all volunteers, every one of them. Page 3 of 16 CONFERENCE ITINERARY THURSDAY, MAY 14 8:00–1:30 Pre-Conference Board Meeting 1:00–5:30 Welcome! Registration & Credentials, Set up Club Displays & Silent Auction Items Altrusa Store TBA (details in March DSB) Dinner on your own or at 7:00 Reception 7:00–9:00 Pre-Conference Event – “Night at the Museum” Reception (See Page 14) FRIDAY, MAY 15 7:00–7:45 First Timer’s Orientation 7:00–5:00 Registration & Credentials 8:00–9:30 WELCOME BREAKFAST – Keynote Speaker Bill Robinson 10:00–11:30 Opening Business Session, Flag Ceremony, Candidate Speeches 12:00–1:30 SERVICE LUNCH Mamie L. Bass Service Awards 1:45–4:45 8 Workshops: See Page 13 6:30–7:00 International Visitor Reception for Silvia Silverman, Int’l. President-Elect 7:00–9:30 FRIDAY FUN NIGHT DINNER and “Pirate Party” SATURDAY, MAY 16 7:00–7:45 Election of 2015-17 District Officers (Delegates vote) 8:00–9:30 LITERACY BREAKFAST – Speaker June Farmer Letha H. Brown Literacy Awards 10:00–11:30 Second Business Session, Voting Results, “Embracing Memories” Tribute 12:00–2:00 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & MEMBERSHIP RECOGNITION LUNCH – Speaker TBA Pop Tab Results, Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Awards New Members/Sponsors Recognition, District Membership Recognition 2:00–2:15 2015 Convention (Kansas City, MI) Meeting 2:15–4:00 4 Workshops: See Page 13 3:30 Silent Auction Bids Close 7:00–9:30 GOVERNOR’S INSTALLATION BANQUET – Installation of New Board Gwladys Brewster Outstanding Altrusan Award, Live Auction SUNDAY, MAY 17 8:00–11:00 11:30–4:30 FINAL BREAKFAST & Closing Business Session Invitation to 2016 Conference, First Timers Contest Winner Post-Conference Board Meeting Page 4 of 16 CONFERENCE AWARDS Award ENTRY FORMS and judging criteria can be found on the International website. Follow the path: / Member Login / Index / Awards * Save and send your entries (1 copy) to the addresses below. The District Twelve Governor will enter 1st Place Winners into applicable International level competitions by June 1. DEADLINE FOR DISTRICT AWARDS: MARCH 31, 2015 * Application for Outstanding Altrusan Award is sent to Club Presidents MAMIE L. BASS SERVICE AWARD Submitted by Pat McClintock LETHA H. BROWN LITERACY AWARD Submitted by Tina Smith Seems we just talked about this…but it has actually been a year since I was reminding you to pull your notes together and be ready to prepare your entry for the 2014 Mamie L. Bass Service Award. I know you have all been busy–busy providing service to your communities and it is now time to choose one of those projects and write it up so that our judges can take a look. Just in case ‘tooting your own horn’ is not incentive enough, keep in mind that there are cash prizes to the top three winners. District Twelve awards $50 to third place, $100 to second place, and $225 to the first place club. Additionally, International presents a cash award to the winner; last year it was $100. All of us are out there helping to make our communities better places to live. We are feeding hungry kids, helping in our schools with scholarships and classroom grants, assisting women going back to school or back to the workplace…the list goes on. So please let the rest of us know about your projects, and who knows, yours just might be a winner! Is YOUR club planning on sending in an entry for the Letha H. Brown Literacy Award this year? The top District Twelve entry from 2014 will be sent in along with the 1st place winner for this year to International by June 1. Both entries will be judged alongside the winning entries submitted by all other clubs. All districts' top entries will be considered and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries are selected. These final winners will be presented awards at International conference in Kansas City this summer. A little about the history of the award: the Letha H. Brown Literacy Award was established by the International Board of Directors in July 1993 to honor past International President Letha H. Brown, who introduced literacy as a major emphasis of the organization in 1977. This award was created to stimulate interest in developing active literacy projects to serve the community, to create an awareness of Altrusa and its commitment to literacy, to encourage members of local clubs to participate in literacy projects designed to meet specific community needs, and to recognize outstanding club achievement in service in the community. Criteria for entering is included elsewhere in this Call to Conference; remember that it must reach me by mail or email by March 31, 2015. I can’t wait to hear from you! SEND ENTRY TO TINA SMITH or 36703 SE Sunset View Road Washougal, WA 98671 SEND ENTRY TO PAT MCCLINTOCK or PO Box 1231 Pendleton, OR 97801 Page 5 of 16 DR. NINA FAY CALHOUN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AWARD GWLADYS BREWSTER OUTSTANDING ALTRUSAN AWARD Submitted by Sara Burt This award is a District honor bestowed on a member of District Twelve annually at Conference. It is named after a Past Governor of our District from Nanaimo. This award was adopted in 2002 as a memorial to the only International President who served two terms and who focused on the international aspect of our organization. The objectives of this International Relations Award are to encourage and stimulate international relations, to create an awareness of other cultures and people of the world, and to recognize outstanding club achievement in international relations. District Twelve Clubs who, in the past year, have worked to foster awareness of other cultures and peoples of the world have an opportunity to share your experiences with your fellow Altrusans by completing and submitting an application for award consideration. SEND ENTRY TO LINDA PETERSON or 177 – 107th Avenue NE #1203 Bellevue, WA 98004 I’m sure you have many members in your club who give willingly of their time and talents in service to Altrusa and make a lasting contribution to our organization but each club may only submit one name. Your nominee should be that hard working individual who is committed to club projects and club leadership. It may be your “go to person” for advice or the person your members all look up to. This person has a unique meaning to your club. The recipient of this award will receive an International Foundation Lamplighter Pin, which is acquired by a $500 contribution the District makes annually to the International Foundation. These contributions are made possible by the proceeds from the District Conference Raffle each year. This year, because we will be in Canada, we will have to replace the Raffle with a Silent & Live Auction or all proceeds would have had to remain in Canada. Come prepared to out bid each other. This will be an interesting twist to our normal Conference agenda. Because this is a District Award, the application is not on the International website. It will be sent to Club Presidents. SEND ENTRY TO SARA BURT or 2335 – 34th Avenue Longview, WA 98632 ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION INC. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AWARD This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities as volunteer leaders. A $2000 contribution is donated to the winner’s project. Think of someone who: • • • • • Has chaired a service program that provides a benefit to the community Chaired an Altrusa project (not a fundraiser) or one sponsored with another civic organization Lives or works in the same community as an Altrusa Club Is a true volunteer, not a paid staff member Does not have to be an Altrusa member Deadline: May 15, 2015 SEND ENTRY TO ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. c/o Shawna Kaiser One North LaSalle Street, Suite 1955 Chicago, Illinois 60604-4006 Page 6 of 16 WHAT TO BRING TO CONFERENCE NEW THIS YEAR– SILENT AUCTION! Because regulations are different in Canada than the U.S., the traditional Altrusa Raffle is being replaced with a Silent Auction. District Twelve invites clubs and individuals to bring items that highlight the “best of the best” that represent your club or community. Bring a “treasure” we just have to have! Think about great novels, jewelry, or artwork … something you’d be willing to bid on. No tickets will be sold. Instead, you decide how much you’re willing to pay by writing your name and amount on a bidding sheet in front of each item. You might end up with a great deal. But watch out, someone might outbid you! It will be fun to watch the competition grow. Bids can be placed from Thursday till Saturday afternoon. The last names on the bidding sheets win the prizes. Remember, this is all for a great cause. Revenue is divided equally between District Twelve and the Altrusa International Foundation, unless the donor specifies at check-in that revenue from their item benefits the International Foundation only. As in the past, larger items will be set aside for Saturday evening’s live auction, which definitely won’t be silent! WHAT TO WEAR Nanaimo is located on the ocean, so a WARM SPRING COAT will be welcome, particularly if you’re taking the ferry. May is a transition month between wet winter and dry summer, with a 45% chance of light rain and an average temperature of about 55°F (13°C). Bring comfortable BUSINESS-CASUAL clothing for the Business Sessions, Workshops, and Pre-Conference Event. Meeting room temperatures can vary, so dressing in layers is wise – bring a SWEATER OR LIGHT JACKET. No matter the function, COMFY SHOES are a must, particularly if you’re walking during your free time. If you wish, Friday Fun Night is your chance to dress up in a PIRATE OR WENCH COSTUME Arrrgh! You can arrive at the International Reception in your costume. The Saturday Evening Governor’s Banquet is dress-up night, so bring on the GLAM & GLITZ if you like; or business attire is good too. On Sunday, get back into your comfy TRAVEL clothes. Oh, and don’t forget your jammies! Whatever you wear, you’ll be welcome. CLUB DISPLAYS As usual, there will be space for each club to bring a display. This area is a great place to visit – you’ll discover new ideas for raising funds, increasing membership, and serving your community. Sorry, no raffles are allowed due to regulations. If clubs are selling items, they hold responsibility for the security of their cash box. For questions or special requirements, contact the Conference Co-Chairs: Jan Weir at or Marean Workman at THE GREAT POP TAB “WEIGH-IN” We hope all members are saving metal pop tabs for District Twelve’s International Relations project. Please bring these metal tabs to Conference and we’ll see how much they weigh. The club with the most tabs will win a lovely scrapbook made of handmade paper that Ann Fialka of the Hermiston Club brought back from Central America. All pop tabs are donated to the people of San Juancito, Honduras, who make a living by creating beautiful items from the tabs. Thousands of them are needed and are really appreciated, so please keep collecting. MONEY You’ll need some cash, credit card, or check to purchase things like food while traveling, auction items, or drinks at the bars. There are ATM machines in downtown Nanaimo, including in the hotel lobby. Put in a debit card and out pops the Canadian cash equivalent. Credit card companies usually convert the exchange automatically. Page 7 of 16 CONFERENCE MENUS FRIDAY, MAY 15 BREAKFAST: “THE CANADIAN” (PLATED) Country sausage and smoked apple bacon; Scrambled eggs with green onion & bell peppers; Roasted red skin potatoes; Selection of breakfast pastries on table; Butter and fruit preserves, Sliced fresh fruit platter; Selection of fruit juices; Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas LUNCH: “THE ITALIAN” (BUFFET) Italian meat or vegetarian lasagna; Chicken carbonara with penne pasta; Tomato, fresh basil pesto, Bocconcini salad with balsamic vinegar; Marinated mushroom & artichoke salad; Caesar salad; Basket of garlic sticks; Tiramisu, Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas DINNER: “THE COAST BASTION” (BUFFET) Roast baron of beef au jus; Whiskey planked salmon; Rosemary potatoes; Seasonal fresh vegetables; Broccoli salad with red onion, celery, grapes, roasted almonds & apple cider dressing; Medley of gourmet seasonal greens; Traditional Caesar salad; Potato salad with Dijon mayonnaise; Marinated mushroom and artichoke salad; Greek salad; Assorted breads & rolls; Selection of chef’s desserts, Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas SATURDAY, MAY 16 BREAKFAST: “THE CONTINENTAL” (BUFFET) Freshly baked Danish, croissants & muffins with butter & preserves; Hard boiled eggs; Sliced seasonal fruits & berries; Selection of fruit juices; Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas LUNCH: “THE BASTION” (BUFFET) Selection of sandwich – smoked turkey breast on sour dough, cranberry mayo & provolone cheese; roast beef on a baguette with tomato, Dijon mustard & Swiss cheese; Black forest ham on Kaiser with honey mustard; Seafood salad with tomato & caper mayonnaise on Canadian harvest bread; Devilled egg with cucumber on a croissant; Vegetarian sandwich on multi-grain bread. Plus, Chef’s daily soup creation; Medley of gourmet seasonal greens with assorted dressings; Basket of elephant ears; Chef’s dessert selection; Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas DINNER: “THE GOVERNOR” (PLATED) Breast of Chicken filled with brie & prosciutto with roasted red pepper coulis; Butternut squash soup; Traditional Caesar salad with heart of romaine, herbed croutons & parmesan cheese with Caesar dressing; Key lime cheesecake with berry coulis; Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas SUNDAY, MAY 17 BREAKFAST: “THE BENEDICT” (BUFFET) Traditional eggs benedict with Canadian back bacon & hollandaise sauce; Vegetarian eggs benedict with roma tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach &hollandaise sauce; Roasted red skinned potatoes; Selection of breakfast pastries; Sliced fresh fruit platter; Selection of fruit juices, Freshly brewed coffee & specialty teas SPECIAL MEAL REQUESTS due to medical conditions, diabetic, or vegetarian needs must be noted on the Registration Form (see Page 15). A token identifying your special need will be included in your registration packet. Place this token in front of your place setting for the serving staff. NO onsite requests will be honored. Page 8 of 16 CONFERENCE LOCATION THE COAST BASTION HOTEL overlooks the downtown Nanaimo harbor, with a magnificent view east across the Salish Sea and west to Mt. Benson. The hotel has been recently refurbished and offers 179 guest rooms, each with a Juliet balcony. There’s a fitness center, lounge, and restaurant on the main level, along with the ballroom for our meals and business sessions. Breakout rooms for workshops are on the second level, along with a lovely patio outside the spa. There is wi-fi, a business center, and salon. It’s pet friendly too. Using your room card in the elevator gives you access to the guest rooms on the upper levels. RESERVATIONS: 1-800-663-1144 or The demand for hotel rooms has been so great that additional rooms have been added! “Comfort” rooms are extremely limited. Special pricing for the Altrusa Conference is: $139.00 “Comfort”, $159 “Superior”, $179.00 “Premium”, & $199 “Harbour Premium” CDN. The US equivalent is about $111 to $159. Taxes: 8% Provincial, 5% Federal, and 2% Municipal, plus parking fees. Use the following special codes to receive the block rate: COMPANY/OFFER NAME: Altrusa District 12 Conference GROUP CODE: CBI-GFC11097 GETTING THERE: FROM THE SOUTH (Duke Point Ferry, Nanaimo Airport, Victoria): stay on the TransCanada Hwy 1 as it turns into the Island Hwy South (Hwy 19A/Nicol Street/Terminal Avenue). Turn right onto Commercial Street. Turn right onto Bastion Street. Hotel is on your right, at 11 Bastion Street. 250-753-6601 FROM THE NORTH (Campbell River, Departure Bay Ferry): from the Island Hwy North (Hwy 19A/Terminal Avenue) or from Stewart Avenue (Hwy 1), cross the bridge and turn left onto Comox Road (which turns into Front Street). Take 2nd right onto Church Street (which turns into Commercial Street). Take 1st left onto Bastion Street. Hotel is on your right, at 11 Bastion Street. 250-753-6601 PARKING: Use the drop-off zone in front of the hotel to check-in. Covered parking is available behind the hotel in a public parkade (enter off Front or Gordon Streets). There’s an elevator and walkway to the interior of the hotel. Parking is $9 for 24 hours, valid handicapped is free, and hourly rates are available too. HOTEL MUSEUM NANAIMO , British Columbia, Canada is located on the east side of Vancouver Island (known as “Treasure Island” for this Conference). With a population of 86,000, the city was named a Cultural Capital of Canada in 2008. It has a vibrant downtown with galleries, theatres, museums, festivals and lots of boutiques. The indigenous aboriginal people (Snuneymuxw First Nation) are an important part of Nanaimo’s fabric and the city boasts an interesting history of coal mining, fisheries, and forestry. You’ll find a treasure-trove of interesting sights downtown – seaplanes, casino, crab fishing dock, harbor tours, and public art. Don’t miss the Harbourfront Walkway! VANCOUVER ISLAND has so much to offer, whether you’re travelling by RV, bus, or car. Did you know the capital of British Columbia is on this Island – Victoria is on the southern tip and is known for its British influence. Or take a drive to the wild Pacific Rim National Park on the west coast. On the way, stop in Coombs to see goats living on the roofs, or the majestic evergreens in Cathedral Grove. Of course there’s bungy jumping at “Wild Play Elements Park” south of Nanaimo too. And don’t forget to visit Campbell River, where you can find lots of wildlife such as grizzly bears, killer whales, and Altrusans! Page 9 of 16 TRAVEL TO CONFERENCE Travel to Vancouver Island is by sea or by air (there are no bridges from the Mainland). But no worries, your vehicle can drive right onto a ferry ship! The most common route is from Tsawwassen to Nanaimo’s Duke Point, on North America’s largest ferry system, BC Ferries. Ships have cafeterias, gift shops, and the most spectacular views imaginable. It’s a great way to spend a couple hours of travel time. Map from Flying is fun too. Nanaimo has an airport for the usual type of aircraft; but seaplanes are extra exciting. There are regular flights from Vancouver. Various transportation options are detailed on Page 12 of the June 2014 District Service Bulletin, found in the News Room on the District website: DRIVING TIME: If you have a long way to drive, it can be extra fun to spread your travel over a couple of days. Do you enjoy shopping? Entertainment? Tourist sights? If so, consider an overnight stop on the way. The following travel times to Nanaimo are approximate, as the time needed at the international border is unpredictable (it could be 5 minutes or 115 minutes to get through Customs). Ferry wait-times are also unpredictable but reservations are available. Ferry reservations are highly recommended. From Campbell River, British Columbia ~ 1.5 hours From Seattle, Washington ~ 5 hours From Pendleton, Oregon ~ 9 hours From Roseburg, Oregon ~ 10.5 hours From Missoula, Montana ~ 12 hours Page 10 of 16 CONFERENCE QUESTIONS & ANSWERS WITH “PIRATE FRANK” Q: Pirate Frank, I noticed that the Altrusa Conference is on the Victoria Day Long Weekend. Does everything shut down on Victoria Day in Canada? A: No, not everything shuts down. You can expect some businesses to be closed on Sunday and Monday; for instance banks, government offices, and smaller shops. But most stores and activities will be open. If you enjoy celebrations, stick around on Sunday – there will likely be a parade and fireworks – both downtown. Q: Pirate Frank, we were wondering about the ferry between the Mainland (Tsawwassen, south of Vancouver) and the Island (Duke Point, south of Nanaimo). Does it run often and how much does the ferry cost? A: This is a popular BC Ferries route. Ships run every 2½ hours, which is considered often. You can expect to pay about $53 for a car and about $16 for each person, one way. Other ferry lines sail to Vancouver Island too (Black Ball Ferry Line and Washington State Ferries) but they don’t sail as often. Q: Pirate Frank, if BC Ferries can carry 370 cars on one ship, there should be no problem getting on, right? A: Oh, I wish it were so. No, the only way you can be certain you will board your preferred sailing is to make a reservation. Everything on an island comes by air or sea, so semi-trailers take up room on the ships too. Ferries are particularly busy on the Fridays and Mondays of long weekends. Expect a $15 fee to make a reservation – but it’s worth it. Just remember, you must check in at the ferry terminal 30 to 60 minutes prior to your departure, otherwise your reservation is considered invalid. If you have access to a computer, you can check the status of the sailings or phone 1-888-BC-FERRY (1-888-223-3779). Q: Pirate Frank, I found my old passport. Is that enough to cross into Canada and to re-enter the USA ? A: Only if it’s up-to-date. Make sure to check the expiry date. Q: Pirate Frank, we were hoping to extend our visit for a day and explore Vancouver Island, particularly the area around the Campbell River Club. Is that do-able? A: Aye, Campbell River is just 1½ hours north of Nanaimo. But don’t expect to explore Vancouver Island in one day. It’s huge – about 300 miles long (like driving from Eugene Oregon to Seattle Washington). Q: Pirate Frank, are there other places I can find more information about my “Trip to Treasure Island”? A: Yes. A number of articles have already been published about travelling to Canada. Go to the News Room on the District Twelve website See “DSB December 2014”, Page 7 See “Connection November 2014”, Page 3 See “DSB September 2014”, Page 6 See “DSB June 2014”, Page 12 FOR CURRENCY INFO FOR HOTEL INFORMATION FOR CROSSING THE INTERNATIONAL BORDER FOR TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS Q: Pirate Frank, if we have more questions, whom do we ask? A: Contact the Conference Co-Chairs: Jan Weir at: / 250-740-0215 or Marean Workman at: / 250-758-6517. I’ll be in the next District Service Bulletin – it’s coming out in late March. It will be the last DSB before the May Conference. Hope to see you soon, Matey! Page 11 of 16 CONFERENCE DEADLINES MARCH 31 DISTRICT AWARD SUBMISSIONS (See Pages 5 & 6) ☐ Mamie L. Bass Service Award ☐ Letha H. Brown Literacy Award ☐ Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award ☐ Gwladys Brewster Outstanding Altrusan Award APRIL 1 ☐ ASTRA SERVICE AWARD . Submit to Altrusa International, Inc., One North LaSalle Street, Suite 1955, Chicago, IL 60602 APRIL 14 ☐ HOTEL RESERVATIONS for guaranteed rate of $139, $159, $179, or $199 (CDN) per room per night, plus 15% taxes and $9/night parking. (See Page 9) APRIL 15 ☐ DELEGATE/ALTERNATE NAMES For every 20 paying members (or portion thereof), a Club is allowed 1 Delegate for voting and 1 Alternate as a backup. The District Secretary will send forms to Club Presidents by April 1. Forward names to Linda Peterson at or 177 – 107th Avenue NE, #1203, Bellevue, WA 98004 APRIL 30* ☐ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $255 (US) for full 3-day registration if paying by US check, bank draft, or money order. Includes 7 meals plus participation in all events (except Thursday night’s PreConference Event). If this is your first Conference, indicate this for a $50 discount. Extra fees apply if paying by credit card or after April 30. Single-day registrations & meals for guests are also available. NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 30. (See Page 15) APRIL 30* ☐ PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT REGISTRATION “Night at the Museum” $25 US (See Page 14) APRIL 30* ☐ WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Some (not all) workshops require registration. (See Page 13) MAY 1 ☐ EMBRACING MEMORIES SUBMISSION The lives of Altrusans who have passed away over the last year will be honored. (See Page 3.) Submit names to Linda Peterson at or 177 – 107th Avenue NE, #1203, Bellevue, WA 98004 MAY 15 ☐ ELEANOR ROOSEVELT HUMANITARIAN AWARD . Submit to Altrusa International, Inc., One North LaSalle Street, Suite 1955, Chicago, IL 60602 MAY 15 ☐ ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AWARD Submit to Altrusa International Foundation, Inc. (See Page 6) * All three Registration Forms, fees, & Payment Recap Form (See Page 16) go to: Sue Kirk, 176 Storm Road, Castle Rock WA 98611 360-749-4703 FORMS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT Page 12 of 16 CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS – REGISTRATION FORM Announcing the 2015 Workshops!! (subject to change). Some workshops require pre-registration because a limited number of participants can be taught at once. Two workshops have small fees to cover the cost of supplies. If you have your heart set on attending a particular workshop, include this form and fee with the Conference Recap Form (Page 16) and mail to: Sue Kirk, 176 Storm Road, Castle Rock WA 98611. First-come-first-served. There will also be sign-up sheets at the hotel. More details will be in the March DSB. 1. LEADERSHIP FRIDAY 1:45–3:00 LEADERS: Sarah Johnson & Bettina Schempf “Improve your skills – for Presidents, Treasurers & others” 7. CHAIR YOGA FRIDAY 3:30–4:45 LEADER: Nadia Aziz-Soufan “Do yourself a favor – stretch & relax” (45 maximum) NAME: __________________________________________ NAME: __________________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ 2. FUNDRAISING FRIDAY 1:45–3:00 LEADERS: Vicki Calder & Carolyn Powers “Discover unique ways to raise money” 8. LOTIONS & POTIONS FRIDAY 3:30–4:45 LEADER: Darnell Thulin & Lynn Norton “Leave with 4 toiletry items” (50 maximum, $10 ) NAME: ___________________________________________ NAME: __________________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: __________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ 3. PHOTOGRAPHY FRIDAY 1:45–3:00 LEADER: Marv Nauman “Photos for work, club, media, personal” (20 maximum) 9. GRANT WRITING SATURDAY 2:15–4:00 LEADER: Darnell Thulin “Tips & tricks for winning grants & awards” NAME: __________________________________________ NAME: __________________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ 4. NANAIMO BARS #1 LEADER: Janice Spencer “Make a mini dessert … mmm” 10. LITERACY LEADER: To Be Announced FRIDAY 1:45–3:00 SATURDAY 2:15–4:00 (20 maximum) NAME: __________________________________________ NAME: __________________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ 5. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES FRIDAY 3:30–4:45 LEADER: Helen Küpeli “How to run a successful meeting” 11. NANAIMO BARS #2 LEADER: Janice Spencer “Make a mini dessert … mmm” NAME: __________________________________________ NAME: __________________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ 6. MEMBERSHIP FRIDAY 3:30–4:45 LEADERS: Bonnie Canaday & Sherry Haviland “Lessons learned in building a new club” 12. FIRST NATIONS WEAVING SATURDAY 2:15–4:15 LEADER: Julie Joseph “Explore the culture & weave a bracelet” (20 max. $5 ) NAME: __________________________________________ NAME: __________________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL or PHONE: _________________________________ SATURDAY 2:15–4:00 (20 maximum) THIS FORM IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT Page 13 of 16 PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT “NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM” RECEPTION Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:00 – 9:00 PM 100 Museum Way Nanaimo, BC $25 Come to a “NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM”, an informal reception hosted by Altrusa International of Nanaimo. This “Open House” type of event will be the perfect way to start off your Conference weekend. After a day of travel you can say, “We made it!” Now it’s time to kick back and relax. There’ll be lots of Altrusans to meet and greet. Don’t be shy … say Hi! Enjoy the sounds of Celtic music while you share stories and a few laughs. There’ll be plenty of easy-to-eat finger foods, such as cheese, fruit, canapés, seafood, and (of course) Nanaimo Bars. Try some delicious BC wine at the cash bar. The $25 (US) price also includes admission to the Museum’s exhibit gallery where you can walk through a coal mine, discover fascinating First Nations artifacts, and find out what the heck a bathtub race is! The gift shop will also be open, with a great selection of quality items. The Nanaimo Museum is a short 5-minute walk from the hotel and is located between Commercial & Gordon Streets. (Check the map on Page 9.) Hours of the event are 7:00 to 9:00 PM and you can come and go as you please. Mayor Ney’s Pirate Costume Cut here (use your sword) PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT – REGISTRATION FORM “NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM ” To help with the challenge of currency exchange, registration fees for the Pre-Conference event are being processed at the District level. Please make funds payable, in US Dollars, to: DISTRICT TWELVE ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONFERENCE DEADLINE: April 30 Please include this form and fee, along with the Conference Recap Form (Page 16) and mail to: Sue Kirk, 176 Storm Road, Castle Rock WA 98611 or 360-749-4703 Name (Please Print): Club: Email: Phone: Additional Names (if registering more than one person): $25 (US FUNDS) PER PERSON TOTAL: THIS FORM IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT Nanaimo Bars Page 14 of 16 CALL TO CONFERENCE – REGISTRATION FORM Altrusa International, Inc. District Twelve May 15-17, 2015 Name (print as you would like it to appear on name badge) Address, City, State/Province, Zip Phone Email Altrusa Club or Affiliate CURRENT STATUS (ending May 31, 2015), check all that apply: ! Delegate ! Alternate ! Member ! First Timer ! Club President ! Club Treasurer ! District Board ! District Chair ! Past Governor ! Past Int’l President ! Int’l Officer/Visitor SPECIAL MEALS: ! Vegetarian ! Diabetic ! Gluten-Free ! Other (Needed due to a medical condition): ________________________________________ Note: Special diet requests are only accepted on on-time registrations – late and on-site requests cannot be accommodated. Please be sure to mention you registered for special meals at check-in to receive your meal token. Full Registration Fee: Entitles you to seven meals and full participation in all conference events. One Day Fee: Entitles you to one day of workshops, meals and meetings. Guest M eal Cost: Check and total all meals requested. Entitles entry to meal event only. NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 30, 2015* FULL REGISTRATION PAID BY CASH, CHECK, OR M ONEY ORDER !$255 Full Registration paid by April 30, 2015 !$265 Full Registration postmarked after April 30, 2015 ! $205 Special First Tim er Rate FULL REGISTRATION PAID BY CREDIT CARD !$265 Full Registration paid by April 30, 2015 !$275 Full Registration postmarked after April 30, 2015 ! $215 Special First Tim er Rate !$140 FRIDAY ONLY – Includes Friday meals !$140 SATURDAY ONLY – Includes Saturday meals !$25 SUNDAY ONLY – Includes Sunday breakfast ALL PRICES IN US DOLLARS GUEST/EXTRA M EALS ! Friday Breakfast ! Friday Lunch ! Friday Dinner ! Saturday Breakfast ! Saturday Lunch ! Saturday Banquet ! Sunday Breakfast QTY. $20 x ____ = $_______ $28 x ____ = _______ $42 x ____ = _______ $20 x ____ = _______ $25 x ____ = _______ $45 x ____ = _______ $25 x ____ = _______ Guest/Extra M eal Total $_____________ Registration Total $_____________ GRAND TOTAL $_____________ Guest Name(s) (for name badge) ___________________________________________________________________ *Refund requests after April 30, 2015 must be received in writing by the Governor prior to the first Business Session of this Conference for consideration. Each individual registration must be on a separate form; copy this form as needed. THIS FORM IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT All prices are in US Dollars. Enclose a check, money order/bank draft, or complete the credit card information. Checks & money orders should be made payable to: District Twelve Altrusa International, Inc. Conference Include this form with the Conference Recap Form (Page 16) and mail to: Sue Kirk, 176 Storm Road, Castle Rock, WA 98611 (360) 749-4703 Page 15 of 16 CONFERENCE PAYMENT RECAP FORM ALTRUSA DISTRICT TWELVE 2015 NANAIMO CONFERENCE Please attach all registration forms for the items listed. You may list more than one registrant, if you wish. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (Attach Page 15) – Name AMOUNT ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT REGISTRATION (Attach Page 14) – Name ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ WORKSHOP REGISTRATION (Attach Page 13) – Name of person and Workshop ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ Paid by Check___ Credit Card___ Bank Draft or Money Order___ TOTAL Paid (US FUNDS) ________ Only Visa or MasterCard are accepted. Complete this portion ONLY if you are paying by credit card. Note: Credit cards will be charged on May 1, 2015 Name on Card !VISA !MasterCard Card # Expiration Security Code / / Billing Address Signature Refund requests after April 30, 2015, must be received in writing by the Governor prior to the first Business Session of this Conference for consideration. THIS FORM IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT MAIL THIS FORM AND THE INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FORMS TO: Sue Kirk, 176 Storm Road, Castle Rock, WA 98611 360-749-7403 Page 16 of 16
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