May - Altrusa International of Branch County

Volume 7, Issue 12
May 19, 2015
"Leading to a Better Community"
The Altrusa Announcer
The Newsletter of Altrusa International of Branch County
From the President
“Looking forward to
another great year with
a great group of ladies… ALTRUSA: LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE
Inside this issue:
Meeting Schedule
April 1 Minutes
April 15 Minutes
Golf Scramble
April 29 Minutes
Bylaw Changes
March Financials
Book Corner
New Member Info
Teen Share
Park Planting
Conference Recap
Member Spotlight
Warm weather is here! We can all get outside and
garden, golf, bike, golf, walk, GOLF… ☺
Lots to celebrate this month! Four new members:
Kristen Smith, Terry Boguth, Mandy VanAuker and
Dawn Swick Renshaw! And lots of AWARDS!!! I know
its lots of work, but it is so worth it in the end. We do wonderful things for our
community; we raise everyone up this way! It is kind of nice when June comes,
though, when we can all take a step back and see what marvelous things we’ve
But let’s keep our eye on the big prize: the Golf Scramble!!! This is so much fun,
even though it does take a lot of organizing and leg work for all of us. Thank
you to EVERYONE who has called, gotten sponsors, gotten prizes, gotten teams,
and all the other things that must happen in order to make this a successful
event. Remember, this is where we make the money that we use throughout
our next year to do the great things we do. PLEASE, DO YOUR PART.
Don’t forget to sign up on the new Committee sheet ASAP, and
also to help with the Park Project and Quincy Summer Concert
Project. These projects are short and sweet, and a good time
to get to know one another. We also have our Tibbits Auction
Dinner coming up, so be watching for information regarding
Looking forward to another great year with a great group of ladies… ALTRUSA: LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE IN ACTION!!!
Carol Hodson
Altrusa International of Branch County
Mission: Altrusa International of Branch County provides community
service, develops leadership, fosters and encourages fellowship
through a network of professionals in diversified careers.
The Altrusa Announcer
Page 2
Minutes of the Program Meeting of April 1, 2015
& Committee
May 20
Altrusa of Branch
County Business
12:00 noon
Elks Club
Greeters: Kristin
Smith & Mary
June 3
Altrusa of Branch
County Program
Blue Light Special
12:00 noon
Elks Club
Greeters: Connie
Winbigler & Martha Gomez
June 10
Altrusa of Branch
County Board of
Directors Meeting
12:00 noon
Elks Club
June 17
Altrusa of Branch
County Business
12:00 noon
Elks Club
Greeters: Mary Jo
Johnson & Cindy
July 1
Altrusa of Branch
County Program
Program to be
Greeters: To be
Meeting called to order at 12:01 by President Carol Hodson.
Terry Boguth, CFO, Coldwater Community Schools (Jacqui).
Kristin Smith, Director of Patient Experience, Community Health Center of Branch County
Alicia said the golf scramble brochures are ready for pick-up and will
be going out in the mail.
Candace said the Picture Me Reading awards program is tonight at
the Coldwater library at 6 p.m. and asked for members to please
attend if possible.
Janelle is sending around a list from last year's golf sponsors and asked for members to
select which ones they would like to contact.
Chris said that Tibbits will present My American Cousin and the Lincoln Assassination on
April 16, 17, and 18, and the Ft. Wayne Philharmonic on April 19.
Mary Jo said the April 29 social (meeting) will be at the new El Cerrito restaurant, 5:30
p.m. She will pass around a sign-up sheet for anyone who plans to attend.
Meha said her office is selling tee shirts for $20 each as a fundraiser for one of their
cancer patients.
Karmen said today is the day that girls can select dresses from the Gowns for Gals collection at the Baptist Church. She thanked everyone for their help. If anyone would like
to help at the church, please stop by after the meeting.
Happy Bucks:
Mary Jo said her daughter is receiving a Teacher of the Year award.
Cindy said her son Bradley received a Gold Key scholarship to KCC.
Shirley received notice from Altrusa International about her emeritus status. Also, her
great grandfather was honored at Bentonville as a Civil War hero. About 15,000 people
attended this event.
Jacqui is happy to have good, close friends!
Genelle's daughter finally graduated and has accepted a sub teaching position at Sturgis.
Program: Tomatoes and Peppers...Oh My!
Lisa Miller gave an update on Branch County economics. One of the major companies here in
our area will be Clemens Products which is out of Hatsfield, PA. This is a $255 million dollar
investment in our area and will bring in 810 new jobs Their building is 550,000 square feet.
Mastronardi Produce has completed the construction of a new greenhouse, Pepperco USA.
This is the first large scale pepper greenhouse in the US and consists of 41 acres. The company has hired 70 local employees, including about 25 management positions.
50/50 raffle: $24.00 was won by Barb Faulkner.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:00.
Submitted by Candace L. Newkirk
Volume 7, Issue 8
Page 3
Minutes of the Business Meeting of April 15, 2015
Meeting called to order at 12:12 by President Carol Hodson.
Guests: Cynthia (Bordner) Visotsky; potential members Dawn Renshaw and Mandy VanAuker.
Barb reminded all members about the 5th Wednesday meeting. The venue has been
changed to Bill’s Grill on April 29 at 5:30 p.m.
• Carol announced there will be a joint Board meeting on May 13, noon, at the Elks upstairs. Please allow at least an hour and a half for this meeting.
• Janelle said she will pass around the Golf sponsor signup sheet. Please notate any updates. The committee
will meet again next Tuesday. Everything needs to be in by May 12.
• Evelyn announced that the Sunrise Rotary is having their annual golf outing on June 19 and is asking for any
Altrusa teams that would like to play. She is also sending out the committee list. Please make every effort to
sign up for a committee and chair or co-chair one of the committees.
• Carol advised the membership that the President Elect has a large number of committees to oversee; therefore, the Bylaws Committee is proposing a change in the committees for which the board members are responsible.
• DeAnne said she received lots of dresses for Gowns for Gals. It was a big success. Hauska Real Estate will
now house the gowns, along with the Happy Feet shoes. If anyone would like to help move the gowns to Hauska from the First Baptist Church, please be at the church on April 21 at 11:00 a.m.
Barb Faulkner was awarded Emeritus Status at today's meeting. Barb has worked hard for Altrusa for many years.
Congratulations, Barb!
Review of Minutes: Julie Stratos made the motion to accept the March 4 and 18 Minutes as presented. Pat
Sampsel seconded. Motion carried.
Review of Financials: Pat Sampsel made the motion to accept the current financial reports as presented. Barb
Burkhardt seconded. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Jacqui read a thank you note from the Coldwater Library for our financial support and helping
with registration for the Sky Pictures Program.
New Business:
No new business to report.
Old Business:
• On May 6, there will be an initiation of 3 new members.
• Raffle tickets for the District 5 Conference have been received for purchase. Members can also purchase
them at the Conference. Monies collected will go towards helping others in need around the world, scholarships and local help.
Committee Reports:
Service - Connie announced that the Happy Feet Committee has signed the papers for a United Way Grant. The
Committee plans to speak with the Quincy teachers. She received a thank you from a pupil at Ryan Elementary for
his new shoes.
(Continued on page 4)
The Altrusa Announcer
Altrusa is an international
non-profit organization
making our local
communities better through
partnership, and service.
Page 4
Minutes of the Business Meeting of April 15, 2015
(Continued from page 3)
Literacy - Carol said the Picture Me Reading Contest was a big success this
Short Term - there will be a meeting after today's regular meeting.
Strategic Plan - Chris said the Bylaws Committee will meet tomorrow and discuss committee changes for which Board members will be responsible.
Membership Development - 3 new members - Terry Boguth, Dawn Renshaw
and Mandy VanAuker will be initiated on May 6.
Select Committees
Programs - Pat Sampsel. Nothing to report.
Dates to remember
District 5 Conferences
April 29 - May 1, 2016
Mansfield, OH
2017 - Dayton, OH
Communications - Julie Stratos.
The Newsletter has been emailed to all members. Please let Julie know if you
did not receive the email.
Finance-Treasurer - Alicia Cole.
The Golf Committee has brochures ready for distribution. Cynthia Bordner
has agreed to help out again this year.
50/50 raffle of $30.00 was won by Mary Guthrie.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:06.
Submitted by Candace L. Newkirk.
International Conventions
July 12-20, 2015
Kansas City, Missouri
Registration Fees: Standard
Registration — $385
Available March 1 - May 31
Late Registration — $424
2017 – Nashville, Tennessee
2019 – Reno, Nevada
2015 Golf Scramble Update
The committee is in full swing for the outing to be held on Friday, May 22nd at
Coldwater Golf Course. The event is sponsored by Southern Michigan Bank
and Trust, Kiess Jewelry, Allstate-Brian Hodson, Work Health and Sekisui
Voltek. Golf balls are sponsored by Century Bank and Trust. Hole in One by
Sherry Haylett Homes. Registration and beverage cart by Tom Manning & Associates. Snacks on the Turn by CHC of Branch County. Scoreboard sponsors
are C&O Insurance & Infinity Mortgage Associates.
We currently have 8 hole sponsors and 39 tee sponsors and many wonderful
door prizes, so we are gearing up to be aligned with last year’s outing or even
We need volunteers so if you have a few hours to spare and want to spend it
on a beautiful day at a gorgeous location, please let Pat Sampsel know ASAP.
Volume 7, Issue 8
Page 5
Minutes of the Social Meeting of April 29, 2015
Chris announced it's dance recital season at the Tibbits. There is a World Music Concert in May. Tibbits is
getting ready for summer theatre and is looking for people to house actors, technicians, etc. If interested,
please contact her. Tibbits is looking for Popcorn Theatre sponsorship.
Barb is spending 5 days with her grandchildren.
Carol announced that the Battle Creek club is hosting the Altrusa Fashion Show on Saturday, May 22, from
11-1:00 p.m. Fashions by Bon Worth. Tickets are $20.
Happy Bucks:
Chris is traveling to Florida to see her son Jason graduate from college.
Jacqui said her son was offered job as head of the infectious disease department in Austin, Texas. Also, she
is retiring on June 30!
Carol said she is anxiously waiting for the arrival of her first grandchild anytime now!
Respectfully submitted by Candace L. Newkirk
Graduation Congratulations!
Chris Delaney’s oldest son, Jason, recently graduated from the University of Central Florida. He will be continuing
there for his Masters in European History. Congratulations, Jason as well as to mom and dad, Christine and Ken.
Report from the Strategic Planning, Bylaws, and Policies Committee
The Strategic Planning, Bylaws and Policies committee has been working for several months on changes and updates to our club policies. First of all, thank you to the committee: Megan Angell, Kathy Cousino, Julie Stratos, as
well as President Carol Hodson.
The revised policies were presented at the May 13 board meeting and accepted by the board. They will be presented to the membership for approval at our May 20 business meeting. To summarize the changes:
The committees better reflect our current structure
The board member oversight of the committees is more evenly distributed
Cross reference from one portion of the document to another has been added
Inconsistencies have been corrected
Added charter members who are no longer active to our memorials
Added recognition for Emeritus Status
Cleaned up some typos and grammatical errors (not highlighted)
Please click on “Altrusa Bylaws” in your email to review the draft. The changes are highlighted.
Page 6
The Altrusa Announcer
Strategic Corner:
What are we doing this month to achieve each of our
Three Strategic Plans Goals?
Goal I
Grow and strengthen our membership
Take 2 minutes during announcements at meetings and have various
members describe what their favorite committee is and why
National Better Sleep
National Good Car Care
National Photo Month
National Bike Month
National Salad Month
Begin budget development and determine if expectations are met
Goal II Increase Public Awareness and Esteem of Our Club
Hold club-wide social functions and encourage interaction
Goal III Improve Quality of Life in Our Community
Determine if Membership fundraising support of 100% is achievable
The Strategic Planning, Bylaws, and Policies Committee will be reviewing and updating the strategic plan this coming year.
National Egg Month
National Barbecue Month
National Hamburger Mont
National Military Awareness Month
Historic Preservation
Older Americans Month
Physical Fitness and
Sports Month
Revise Your Work Schedule
Mental Health Awareness
Teacher Appreciation
Date Your Mate Month
Fungal Infection Awareness
Skin Cancer Awareness
Zombie Awareness Month
The first official Memorial
Day was May 30, 1868.
Charles Lindbergh made
the first solo flight across
the Atlantic on May 21,
Happy Gardening!
By Sam Greenburg
Our long winter is finally over; we’ve got our shorts and sandals on; and it’s time to
start digging in the dirt! But before you head out to your garden beds armed with
shovel, hoe, and trowel, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Along with weeds, new seedlings are also popping up. So take care when weeding
your flowerbeds that you’re not pulling out little starts of your favorite plants.
Grasses and dandelions are obvious from the start, but if you’re unsure of what’s
growing, just give it a few days and it will some become more recognizable.
And don’t worry if these new plants are in the wrong place. Spring is an excellent
time to do transplanting! The best time to transplant is late in the day or early
evening and preferably when rain is in the forecast. Never transplant in the middle
of a sunny day. It stresses the plant and increases the transpiration rate (loss of
moisture through the leaves). Be sure and keep your transplants damp for a few
days until they get established in their new growing area.
Spring is a great time to add amendments to your soil. One of the very best additions you can add to your soil is compost. Simply put, compost is organic matter
that has decomposed. It is rich in nutrients, a great soil conditioner, and adds vital
humus to your planting beds. There are a variety of bagged composts available on
the market, with directions on how to use. One word of caution if you make your
own compost – all manures need to break down, or “compost” for at least 6
months before applying them to your garden area. The nitrogen content can be
too high in “fresh” manure and will burn your plants.
And last but not least don’t forget the mulch. Mulch not only makes your garden
beds look pretty and tidy but also helps keeps weeds out and moisture in. Wood
chips work well and slowly break down adding organic matter to the soil. But this
gardener’s favorite mulch is leaves. In the fall I rake up those beautiful falling
(Continued on page 7)
Page 7
Volume 7, Issue 8
“Altrusa is an international non-profit organization, making our local
communities better through
leadership, partnership, and service.
We are civic-minded people who strive to
create better communities worldwide.”
Principles of Altrusa
8. Membership carries with it no obligation
to transact business with other members.
It makes no promise of returns in any
commercial specie. Its rewards are in
proportion to the loyalty, unselfishness
and character of the member herself.
(Continued from page 6)
leaves, put them through the shredder and make a big pile in back of the shed. Then in the spring they’re all ready
as mulch for my garden bed. The shredded leaves keep the weeds down, the soil moist, add organic matter to the
soil and it’s my way of recycling for Mother Nature!
Happy Gardening!
Page 10
The Altrusa Announcer
Book Corner
by Jacqui Lyon
Copyright 2010
Kate Morton
"A fresh and thrilling gothic mystery...[with] layers of deliciously surprising secrets."
Library Journal
It starts with a letter, lost for half a century and unexpectedly delivered to Edie's mother on a Sunday afternoon. The letter leads Edie to Milderhurst Castle, where the eccentric
Blythe spinsters live and where she discovers her mother was billeted during World War II.
The elder Blythe sisters are twins and have spent most of their lives caring for their younger sister, Juniper, who hasn't been the same since her finance jilted her in 1941.
Inside the decaying castle, Edie searches for her mother's past but soon learns there
are other secrets hidden in its walls. The truth of what happened in "the distant hours"
has been waiting a long time for someone to find it.
In this enthralling novel, Morton pays homage to the classics of gothic fiction, spinning
a rich and intricate web of mystery, suspense, and lost love.
Branch County Wins District Awards!
36 Members were recognized for increasing Membership, including our own:
Winner of the Ruth
B. Emmons Award
for Best Newsletter!
2nd Place
Winner of
the Letha H.
Brown Literacy Award!
Barb Burkhardt-2
Evelyn Grimes-2
Candace Newkirk-2
Julie Stratos-2
Susan White-5
Carol Hodson-7
3rd Place Winner of the Mary
Shanks Award for Best Yearbook!
2nd Place Winner of the Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award!
Page 11
Volume 7, Issue 8
Jacqui’s Zucchini Bread
(with a healthy twist)
Yield: 2 loaves
3 eggs beaten together (bring eggs to room temperature before breaking)
2 ½ cups sugar as recipe is written – I use 2 cups)
1 cup vegetable oil (or for the healthy twist - use 8 oz crushed pineapple in juice instead of oil and pour off the juice)
3 tsp vanilla
2 cups grated zucchini (squeeze out the water before adding)
Mix these first 5 ingredients together well.
Then mix together and add to the wet ingredients:
3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
3 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp baking powder
Add 1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)
Grease and flour 2 loaf pans
Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees or until done in center (because of the pineapple it takes a little longer than an hour
to bake through completely)
Check with toothpick – the pineapple will make the bread moist
Welcome Our New Members!
On May 6, four new
members were initiated. Member information can be found
on Page 10. Bottom
row, left to right: Sponsor Debbie Batchelder,
Amana “Mandy” VanAuker, Dawn SwickRenshaw, Terry Boguth,
Kristin Smith. Top row,
left to right: Sponsors
Julie Stratos, Jacqui
Lyon, and Evelyn
Page 10
The Altrusa Announcer
For Your Yearbook - New Members
Amanda “Mandy” VanAuker
44 W. Montgomery Street
Coldwater, MI 49036
Home Telephone:
(517) 677-0612
Business Telephone:
(517) 278-2318
Home Email:
Spouse/Partner Name: Joe Harvey
GateHouse Media (The Daily Reporter)
Business Address: 15 W. Pearl St.
Coldwater MI 49036
Title or Position: Interim Editor
Business Email:
Carol Hodson
Terry Boguth
360 Bishop Avenue
Coldwater, MI 49036
Home Telephone:
(517) 282-2822
Business Telephone:
(517) 279-5910
Home Email:
Spouse/Partner Name: None
Coldwater Community Schools
Business Address: 1001 Sauk River Drive
Coldwater MI 49036
Title or Position: Chief Financial Officer
Business Email:
Jacqui Lyon/Evelyn Grimes
Dawn Swick-Renshaw
188 West Chicago Street
Coldwater, MI 49036
(517) 918-9004
(517) 918-9004
Home Telephone:
Business Telephone:
Home Email:
Spouse/Partner Name: Joe Renshaw
Stoney Creek Social Media
Business Address: 188 West Chicago Street
Coldwater MI 49036
Title or Position: Chief Executive Officer
Business Email:
Debbie Batchelder/Carol Hodson
Kristin Smith
P.O. Box 885
Coldwater, MI 49036
Home Telephone:
(517) 736-4556
Business Telephone:
(517) 279-5006
Home Email:
Spouse/Partner Name: Bryan Smith
Community Health Center of Branch Co.
Business Address: 274 East Chicago Street
Coldwater MI 49036
Title or Position: Director of Patient Experience
Business Email:
Julie Stratos/Pat Sampsel
Kansas City in July is the setting for this biennium’s
international convention. Altrusa International of
Branch County has two entries for the Mamie L.
Bass award and we have nominated Connie Winbigler for the Community Leadership award. The
club is sending two members to the convention in
hopes we will be there to accept the awards!
Page 11
Volume 7, Issue 8
Vocational Scholarships Awarded
On May 6, Altrusa awarded four scholarships to deserving
women continuing their education. Rebecca Boarts received
the Louise G. Wallace Memorial Scholarship for $2500.00,
while Altrusa International of Branch County awarded the
following scholarships from the Community Service budget:
Stacie Miller $1500.00, Emily Sylvester $1000.00, and
Deborah Geiger $1000.00.
Former mayor, Eugene Wallace, was present as he again
generously matched Altrusa’s contribution to his late wife’s
memorial scholarship fund. Colleen Knight, executive director of the Branch County Community Foundation, was present representing the Foundation which manages the Wallace fund. Pictures at right front row, left to right, are scholarship recipients Staci Miller, Rebecca Boarts, Emily Sylvester, and Deborah Geiger. Second row are Vocational
Scholarship Committee members Karmen Case and Mary Jo Johnson, Colleen Knight, and Eugene Wallace. Third
row are committee members DeAnne Hawley, and committee chair, Rhonda Ives.
Teen Share Update
Currently there are three teens in residence, two girls and one boy. The cost to house them
is $86 per day, according to Kim Hemker. Kim also indicates that a major expense this
year will be replacement of several windows in the houses. She is currently obtaining estimates. The houses are aging and will require major repairs in the near future.
Connie indicates that Altrusa Long Term Committee will be considering this as a project.
Altrusans Plant Flowers, Ready Park for Memorial Day
Many hands make light work, and that was the case on a perfect day for
planting, May 14. Janelle
Warner, Genelle Welch,
Mary Feller, Pat Sampsel,
Julie Stratos, and friend,
Patty Brady, planted the
flowers in the northwest
corner of the Four Corners
Park in about 90 minutes.
The Altrusa Announcer
Page 10
District Conference Highlights
The conference started off with orientation for Delegates and Alternates as well as an orientation of First Timers. There were a total of 13 first timers in attendance.
On Friday night, it was announced that the University of Dayton made 75 bookmarks for each club in the district
as part of a class project. The bookmarks were passed out to each club at the Friday evening session.
The District held a live auction at the conference and raised $1,305 for the District Five treasury.
If clubs want to submit projects to showcase, they can submit them by emailing
Pictures and ideas can be viewed on showcase.
Statistics from conference are as follows:
There were 25 out of 28 clubs in attendance at the 60th annual conference.
142 members were in attendance.
Foundation raffle raised over $4000.00
Award winners:
Miriam V Wolf – Virginia Beamish, Troy, OH
Dr. Elizabeth Powelson Career Achievement Award – Virginia Beamish, Troy, OH
Dayton Clara Weisenborn Patriotism Award – Branch County, MI
Hamilton Award – 1st Place – Grand Rapids, MI 100% and 2nd Dayton, OH 76%
Mary Shanks Ward for best newsletter – 1st Marion, OH – 2nd Mansfield, OH – 3rd Branch County &
Troy, OH
Ruth B Emmons Award for best Newsletter – 1st Branch County, MI – 2nd Akron, OH – 3rd Dayton, OH
Troy award for highest percentage of full pre-paid conference registrations – Dayton, OH
Washington Court House Membership Award (highest percentage in increase of members) – 1st
Greater Birmingham, MI – 2nd Akron, OH (17%) – 3rd Youngstown, OH
Monroe Leola M. Heis Long-term Project Award – Hamilton, OH
Distinguished Club Awards – Akron, OH – Dayton, OH – Sidney, OH – Highland County, OH
Governor’s Award (Best Revitalization Effort) – Branch County, MI
Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award – 1st Troy, OH – 2nd Branch County, MI
Mamie L Bass – 1st – Branch County, MI – 2nd Marion, OH
Letha H Brown – 1st – Columbus, OH – 2nd Branch County, MI
Conference speakers included
Saturday morning—Mindy Fernandes spoke on marketing providing basic marketing information, the elements of a marketing plan, social media, and other tactics clubs can use.
Saturday luncheon - Kaye Lani Rae Rafko-Wilson, Miss America 1988, gave an entertaining and inspirational presentation on her life including how she became Miss America and events during her reign. She
Page 11
Volume 7, Issue 8
District Conference Highlights
was the first nurse to become Miss America and is currently Executive Director of Gabby’s Ladder, a bereavement program for children and their families.
Saturday afternoon - workshop topics included
Under charter clubs
Succession planning
Web resources
The new officers for the biennium 2015-2017 are as follows:
Parliamentarian – Nancy Beers
Past Governor – Kathleen Howard
Directors – Victoria McIntyre and Barbara Houston
Treasurer – Karen Eliason
Secretary – Nancy Schwab
Second Vice Governor – Robin Green
First Vice Governor – Suzanne Cline
Governor Elect – Karyn Evans
Governor – Germaine Vonderhaar
Next conference will be held April 22 – 24, 2016 in Mansfield, OH.
The June 1 program will be given by those attending the conference and provide more detail on the workshops.
Members Attend District Conference
Six members of Altrusa International of Branch County attended the
District Five Conference April 17-19 in Perrysburg, OH. Pictured at the
Saturday night banquet at left from left to right are Julie Stratos,
Jacqui Lyon, Pat Sampsel, Connie Winbigler, Evelyn Grimes, and Carol Hodson. Jacqui was a first time attendee. Pictures of the conference were not available for this issue.
International of
Branch County
Member Spotlight
Amanda “Mandy” VanAuker
Mandy joined our organization in March 2015, sponsored by Carol Hodson.
She was born in Marshall, Michigan and comes from
a large family, the second oldest of four sisters and
two brothers. She has lived in Branch County thirtyfour years and currently resides in Coldwater with her
partner of ten years, Joe Harvey. Amanda has two
young sons, Keagan and Kayden Harvey, ages 8 and
She is an alumnus of Quincy High School and Kellogg
Community College.
Carol Hodson
262 North Lake Drive
Coldwater, MI 49036
Amanda is the Interim Editor at The Daily Reporter (GateHouse Media) where
she oversees the leading team of reporters, designs layout of the newspaper on
a daily basis, and covers news events in and around Branch County.
Julie Stratos
9 Cornwell Court
Coldwater, MI 49036
Mandy remembers fondly her most recent vacation at Zenders of Frankenmuth
with her family.
She enjoys reading and presently her favorite read is "She's Come Undone". Other enjoyable hobbies are crocheting and spending time with her boys.
An absolutely, totally free day, with nothing on her "To Do" list will find her busily
catching up on all the things that "get away from me".
When asked what she likes best about Altrusa, Mandy enthusiastically says the
strong women involved in making a difference!
We’re on the Web!
Altrusa International of Branch County
P.O. Box 631
Coldwater, MI 49036
Altrusa is happy to welcome Amanda VanAuker into our family of women who are
making a difference every day and will continue to do so with her commitment to
our mission!!