Desktop Outlook to Cloud- Based Outlook Transition

Desktop Outlook to CloudBased Outlook Transition
April 15, 2015
Michael Chadwell
What Will Happen?
• DNR will be transitioned from Outlook
2010 to Outlook / Office 365 (O365).
• This is the first step in a series of events
to move us all to the latest Office 365,
providing significantly more cost savings
while greatly increasing features and
functionality to the end user.
Department of Natural Resources
Who Is Affected?
All State of Georgia agencies – including
the Department of Natural Resources –
that are part of the GETS outsourcing will
be transitioned to O365.
Department of Natural Resources
When Will This Happen?
• Pilot (about thirty people): April 13th
• DNR Transition: Starts April 16th
 Groups of people.
 Starts Midnight, Thursday April 16.
 Continues for additional scheduled nights
until complete.
 We will notify you of your date.
Department of Natural Resources
Completion Date
Everyone in DNR should be transitioned
to O365 by
the end of April.
Department of Natural Resources
Why Are We Doing This?
• Technology Advancements
 Software (such as Outlook, and Office 2010)
is moving toward a subscription service,
installed remotely over an Internet
 No need to purchase sets of software CDs
and having them installed on individual
Department of Natural Resources
Why Are We Doing This?
• Cost Savings
 The O365 transition will save DNR over
$200,000.00 per year.
 Our current costs for one end user is $22.00
per month / $264.00 per year. Assuming
2,000 e-mail accounts in DNR, that is
Department of Natural Resources
Why Are We Doing This?
• Cost Savings
 O365 costs will be $13.00 per month /
$156.00 per year.
 Assuming 2,000 e-mail accounts in DNR, that
is $312,000.00.
 This means a savings for DNR of
$216,000.00 per year, while providing
better software and service and more
Department of Natural Resources
Why Are We Doing This?
• Ease of Management
 O365 is deployed and managed over the
 No technician visits to an end user’s
computer are required.
Department of Natural Resources
Because O365 is a subscription-based
service, there are many benefits to the
Agency and the end user with this
transition to Cloud-based Outlook and –
eventually – Office 365.
Department of Natural Resources
Access From Anywhere
• You will be able to access your Office
applications and your e-mail from
Department of Natural Resources
Multiple Devices
• You will be able to access your Office 365
applications and your Outlook e-mail
from up to five separate devices (work
computer, smart phone, tablet, home
computer, etc.).
Department of Natural Resources
Multiple Devices
• This means you can use devices other
than your desktop or laptop computer –
such as tablets, smart phones, etc. – to
work with Outlook just like you do with
your desktop or laptop computer.
• Use of personal smart phones will need
management approval.
Department of Natural Resources
Latest Software
• You will always have the latest software,
because continual updates are an
included part of the software
subscription service.
• No need to have a technician stop by
your computer and install newer
software from disks.
Department of Natural Resources
Increased Storage Space
• Eventually, the full transition to O365
(including Word, Excel, etc.) will provide
significantly more storage space “in the
cloud” for each user.
 Up to 50 gigabytes.
Department of Natural Resources
Shared Files and Folders
• You eventually will have the ability to
share folders and documents with
anyone else also using O365.
 Note -- This will be phased in: For those
people using H: drives on a network, this
replaces those networked shared drives.
 You will be able to access your documents
and folders from anywhere, using one of
your O365-equipped devices.
Department of Natural Resources
What About Backups?
Backups of your e-mails will be automatic,
as part of the O365 deployment.
Department of Natural Resources
What Will Be Different?
• Visually, not much will change.
• O365 will be working with your existing
Outlook 2010.
• O365 Outlook will still look and operate
much as Outlook 2010.
• You will have a much larger e-mailbox –
50 gigabytes, instead of the current 50
Department of Natural Resources
How Will This happen?
• This transition to O365 Outlook e-mail
will be handled by a “soft push” over the
Internet to your computer.
• We will notify you of your date.
Department of Natural Resources
What Are the Dates?
• Transition starts midnight on Thursday,
April 16.
• Everyone should be transitioned by the
end of April.
Department of Natural Resources
What You Have to Do
• Starting the evening of your transition, it
is exceptionally important that your
computer be left ON and connected to
the Internet somewhere until you
receive a notification that your computer
has been updated.
• Your computer can be connected to the
Internet at work or at home, wired or
Department of Natural Resources
What You Have to Do
• You can be logged off, or you can lock
your computer.
• But your computer must be ON and
available for Dell’s software push to be
able to locate your computer and install
Department of Natural Resources
Outlook Web Access Users
• The URL used to access Outlook Web
Access (OWA) will change to:
• Outlook Web Access users will notice
more differences in the appearance.
Functionality is the same.
Department of Natural Resources
Preparing for Your Transition
• Single e-mails larger than 150 megabytes
will not be transitioned to O365, and
they may not be recoverable after the
• Trim the size of your e-mailbox.
 You can check the size of your e-mailbox by
using File -> Info -> Mailbox Cleanup.
Department of Natural Resources
Mailbox Cleanup
Tools –
and easy to
Department of Natural Resources
Check the Size of an E-mail
• To check the
size of an e-mail
message, open
the message,
then click the
File tab.
Department of Natural Resources
Special Directives
• Always manage your e-mail using
applicable record management
directives or schedules for your specific
Division or work unit.
• This transition does not change any
instructions you may have been given in
that regard.
Department of Natural Resources
Archive Your E-mails
• Archive e-mails that you want to keep.
 Archive anything in your In Box, Sent E-mail,
and any Cabinet folders that you will want to
access later.
 Archiving stores the e-mails (and attachments)
on your computer.
 You can access your archives later.
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Office 2010
Service Pack 2
Department of Natural Resources
Office 2010 Service Pack 2
• Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 2
(SP2) Push to All Computers.
 Before you can be transitioned to O365, you
should have Service Pack 2 for Microsoft
Office 2010 installed.
 Service Pack 2 is not required!
 Service Pack 2 upgrades are going on right
Department of Natural Resources
How To Tell If You Have SP2
From any Microsoft Office product (Word,
excel, etc.), select:
File -> Help -> Additional Version and
Copyright Info
Top line should include either SP1 or
Department of Natural Resources
Office 2010 Service Pack 2
If you get this pop-up window (either 10:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m.) . . .
Department of Natural Resources
Service Pack 2 Install
You have two required decisions:
• Installation Options: Start Installation Now
Postpone Installation [select time]
• Reboot Options: Reboot After Installation
Postpone Reboot [select time]
Department of Natural Resources
Service Pack 2 Deadline
Deadline for the SP2 install is
Friday, April 10
Service Pack 2 is not required for
transition to Outlook O365
Department of Natural Resources
Outlook O365 Upgrade
Department of Natural Resources
O365 Upgrade
• Transition starts Thursday evening,
April 16.
• Transition finishes the end of April.
Department of Natural Resources
O365 Transition Particulars
• You will receive an onscreen prompt
when your mailbox is to be moved to
 You can expect to see this pop-up message:
Department of Natural Resources
First Time in O365
• When you restart Outlook for the first
time in O365
 You’ll be asked for your Outlook credentials.
Use your e-mail address as your userID.
Department of Natural Resources
Change in E-mail Address
• Important! With O365 we will be
changing our e-mail addresses to the
So enter that @DNR.GA.GOV format to log on to
(Our regular e-mail addresses will still
continue to function.)
Department of Natural Resources
First Time in O365
 Enter your network password in the
password field.
 Check the “Remember my credentials” box if
you like.
Department of Natural Resources
• All of your e-mails, contacts, and
calendar information may not be
immediately available in O365
 It can take up to 45 minutes to synchronize.
 In some instances you may receive a second
message asking you to restart Outlook.
Department of Natural Resources
While You Are Transitioning
• You can continue to use Outlook Web
App (OWA) while the transition to O365
e-mail occurs.
 You can use Outlook Web App (OWA),
accessed through a new URL:
Department of Natural Resources
How To Know
• How you will know when your mailbox
has been transferred to O365
 If you can log into OWA using its new
address (
and see your e-mail, your account has been
successfully transitioned
Department of Natural Resources
After Transition
• After transition, do not do anything with
your archives.
• More directions will be sent after the
Department of Natural Resources
Support – GETS Service Desk
• The GETS Service Desk is prepared to
handle many of your O365 E-mail issues.
Call the GETS Consolidated Service Desk
at: 1-877-482-3233.
• “For Office 365 E-mail Only issues, press
4” (as of this writing) “to be connected to
a specialist for O365 e-mail issues.”
Department of Natural Resources
Support – DNR IT Service Desk
• However, your DNR IT Team will also be
deploying our own Service Desk
specifically to handle some issues
related to O365 (and only O365). These
 Account creation in O365 (but you will still
need to have IBM create a SOG account)
Department of Natural Resources
DNR IT Service Desk
 Password changes
 New distribution groups
 Changes in Account properties
• We will be using Freshdesk for creating
tickets and tracking any problems and
issues. The URL is:
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Opening a Freshdesk Ticket
• Anyone will be able to open a ticket in
Freshdesk. No login is required.
• To submit a ticket, go to the Freshdesk
site through the Freshdesk link and click
New Support Ticket.
Department of Natural Resources
Freshdesk New Support Ticket
Department of Natural Resources
New Freshdesk Ticket
• Enter:
 your DNR e-mail address (in the form of
 the subject
 a description of your O365 problem
• Then click the Submit button.
• The DNR IT Team will take it from there.
Department of Natural Resources
Available Help
A Team is available to help you with your
questions and comments.
• If you are in EPD, please send
questions to
• All others, please send questions to me
Department of Natural Resources
In Closing . . .
Department of Natural Resources
Thank You!
Department of Natural Resources