Serving as a CCPT Data Manager - California Community Colleges

Serving as a Data Manager for the LaunchBoard CCPT Tab
The LaunchBoard is a web-based, user-friendly data dashboard that brings education, employment, and
labor market data together to inform decision making and planning for career and technical education
(CTE) programs. Supported by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and hosted by CalPASS Plus, the LaunchBoard is designed to foster conversations across sectors, regions, and grants by
bringing together information on CTE programs in one, easy-to-access location. In 2015, the
LaunchBoard created a new tab that is devoted to the California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT), which
can be used by K-12 and community college practitioners free of charge.
Please note: The CCPT tab of the LaunchBoard is a voluntary tool intended to support local data
conversations and intersegmental data matching. It is not the official mechanism to report on grant
outcomes to the California Department of Education, the lead agency for CCPT.
What are the benefits of using the LaunchBoard for CCPT?
The CCPT LaunchBoard tab can:
• Track student-level records, based on cohorts of K-12 students that grantees upload and that
are matched to community college program codes
• Automatically populate metrics on course completion, graduation, community college
credentials, and transfer to four-year colleges
• Enable grantees to see results for their own institution, other institutions within their
consortium, and their consortium as a whole
Although some CCPT metrics can be automatically calculated, participation in activities that are not
included in statewide data systems like CALPADS or the Chancellor’s Office MIS database must be
tracked locally and uploaded by CCPT data managers that are designated at each high school and
community college. These include:
• Six types of work based learning and student leadership activities, at both K-12 institutions and
community colleges
• Attainment of a C grade or better in all K-12 pathway program courses
• Attainment of state-approved certificates at K-12 institutions, plus industry-recognized
certificates at both K-12 institutions and community colleges
• Dual enrollment and credit-by-exam status
• Participation in post-college training
What Will Be Required for CCPT Data Managers?
To set appropriate data permissions, each grant consortium needs to identify a consortium data
manager for overall data coordination, plus a local data manager for each participating K-12 institution
and community college. The specific responsibilities for these individuals and suggested timelines to
facilitate timely data collection include:
On May 1, 2015, the consortium data manager and local data managers participate in
training on how to collect and upload data (note: information is also available at
By May 15, 2015: the consortium data manager uploads information on which institutions
are part of the grant consortium
By June 1, 2015: the local data managers upload information about pathway programs for
each institution, including the CTE Pathway Code and program characteristics
In July 2015, the local data managers upload a file with information on pathway program
participants, plus fill out a survey that provides total participation numbers for some
participant activities and milestones
By August 31, grant leadership submits data separately to CDE for grant reporting
Where can I get additional information?
Detailed information on using the CCPT tab of the LaunchBoard is available at or email