NationalHighwayAuthority REQUESTFORPROPOSAL DESIGNREVIEW & CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF NEWISLAMABAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CONNECTING ROAD NETWORK (aage 1to 9s) DECEMBER,20L4 t t Table of Contents Sr. # Description 1. Letter of Invitation (LOt) ', Data Sheet PageNo. 03 11 3" TechnicalProposalForms l6 4. FinancialProposalForms 27 f,. Appendix A (TORs) 35 6. Appendix B (Man-Months and Activity Schedute) 45 7. Appendix C (Client Requirementsfrom the Consultants) 46 Appendix D @ersonalEquipment,F,acilities and other servicesto be provid.O Uy the Client) 47 Appendix E (Copy of Model Agreement) 48 9. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I APPENDTX (t) t I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I I I GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAII NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 28-MauveArea, G-gll, PostBox No. 1205, ISLAMABAI) Datedthe Ref No. LETTER OF II\IVITATION To, All consultants Gentlemen! we extendwarm welcometo you and invite you participate to in this project. we hopethat you will live up to your reputation-and provideus accurateinformationso that the evaluationis carried und-ttuntpurent".Pleaseunderstandthat tne contenls 9$'lyt ortni, Rnp, whereapplicable,shall be deemedpart;f the-cont*l .grd;"r. An exampleto this affectcan be the contentsof your work plan and methodorogv irri.rtlou shall be submiuingin your technicalproposal'since that iJthe basiso_fJhe r.tJtion, tne.efore,it shall u."om. part of the contractagreementsubjectto approvavrevisions of the sameby NHA during the negotiations. similarly, all other servicesandihe contentcontributing to servicesshall be i"".J part of the contractagreementunlessit is specificallymentioned lor any particularitem up-front in your technicalproposalwhich obviously will make your proposai a conaitionalproposalwhereby, authorizingNHA to may or may not considerto i""iproposal. pleaseunderstand that if no such mention appearsu.P-front(i.e. on front """r"":1" page or t.rini.ul proposai;,t * i shall be deemedthat the consultantis in 100;z agreement to the are'alsoadvisedto kindly readthe RFP thoroughlyas it candrasticilly affect tttr p.i"" ,t ucturefor variousserviceswhich may not be appearingdirectly in the terms of refeience.In the end, we appreciateyour participationand hopethat you will feeda goodproposal to merit considerationby NHA. l. INTRODUCTION 1.1 You are hereby invited to submit a technicaland a financial proposalfor consulting servicesrequiredfor the assignmentnamedin the attacheo Loi'oata sheet(refenedto as o'Data sheef' hereafter)annexedwith this letter. Your p.p"*r could form the basisfor future negotiationsand ultimatelya contract betweenytu. nr- andthe client namedin the Data Sheet. r.2 brief description 1 F" assignmentand its objectivesare giyen in the Data Sheet. Detailsareprovided9f ,: in the attachedRFp. I 1.3 The assignmentshall be implementedin accordance with the phasingindicatedin the Data Sheet. 1.4 The client (M{A) has been entrustedthe^ duty to implementthe project as Executing Agencyby GoP andf'rnds for the projectfor the prtur. rruu"i""n upprouedandprovided in the budget for PSDP Fiscal y"ui zool-t0 for utilizution towaros the cost of the assignment,and the to apply part of the ilr;" eligible paymentsunder 9l1.lr_,"J:lds the Contractfor which this LOI is issueO. 1.5 To obtain first-handinformationon the assignment and on the local conditions,you are encouragedto pay a visit to the client befory. submittingu froporut and attenda preproposalconferenceif specifiedin the Data Sheet. Youi r"irerentative shall meetthe officials namedin the Data sheet. Pleaseensure that thesefffi"iut, are advisedof the visit in advanceto allow adequatetime forlhem to must fully inform yourself ol local conditions and take flrJr into accountin preparing your proposal. t.6 Pleasenotethat: ll. lll. The cost of preparingthe proposaland of negotiating the contrac! incrudinga visit to the client, arenot reimbursableas a dirJct assignment, and "ort"orit " The client is not boundto acceptany of the proposals submitted. The consultantsare notified in advancetht t!. supervisionof the project shall commenceupon undertakingof the works by the contractorand shall be notified through issuanceof commencementnotice by NHA. Any inordinatedelay or cancellationof the constructionwork for any reason includingnon availabilityof funds shall not allow the consultantsto any nn*"iui o, r"g?r However tle project shall.commencethe supervisoryconsultants "rui.s. ryh.en shall maintainthe rig-htsubjectto availability of proposedstarr uasea on *t i.r, tne consultantwas selectedor if the derayis beyondihree months then staff with equalor higher qualificationor experienceshall pr"1ffiis1ie ur "quutty"o-petent mr consideration of issuanceof commencementnotice by NHA. In caseihe work is delayedor abandonedfor any reasonwhat so .u.r, th, consultant shail not have any legal recourse. The consultant is responsibleto have the whole work completedthrough the contractorin a professionalmannerso that all itemsof work are completedfrom one end to the other includingpaying attentionto site clearance of debrisor any other left over material.The treeVshrubsproneto landscape andearthwork slopes grassedin RoW. All signsof constructionwork dispensed with whethercovered in BOQ or not. To achievethis objectiveconsultantmay include the pricefor such incidentalor ancillaryworks which will leadto the nnur ro.pietion of the works the.priceguotgdby the consultant.No separatecostsarepayable as extracosts 1n for this head.All such costs shall be included in theserates submittedby the consultantin his financial proposal.Here consultanthas to basically .nrr.. thut contractorhas completedtotal work with particular reference to site clearance beforetaking over the projecton completion. I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I t I I T I I I I I t I I t I t t I I I r.7 v. The consultantmay please note not to suggestnames of key staff akeady proposedin other proposalswith NFIA or awardedrecently. ihis will affect adverselymarking of theseprofessionalsin evaluationof theiechnical proposal. Their securedpointsareliableto be reducedby 50%if their nameappea6 in 11,or. than 1 previousproposalin which they are rankedNo.1. Also the #sting loadof work with a firm shall be consideredas one of the factorsfor the considelration in the award of the work. vi' Form 43 is meant for commentson provision contained in RFp and TOR and unless the observationsare noted in this particular forms, uny thtd *iin.n "shall elsewhereon this account including financial implications, ii any, be consideredofno consequence in the evaluationprocess. we wish to remindyou that in orderto avoid conflictsof interest: Any firm- providing goods,works, or serviceswith which you are affiliated or associatedis not eligible to participatein bidding for any goods, works, or services(other than the servicesand any continuatiin ttrereog resultingfrom or associated with the projectof which this assignmentforms a part;and 2. ll. Any previousor ongoingparticipationin relationwith the project by your firm, its professionalstaff, its affiliates or associatesunder u io,itru.t may result in l."j"{j.on of Y-ourproposal. You shouldclarifr your situationin that respectwith the Client beforepreparingthe proposal. 1ll. The final person-monthsof eachexpert is subjectto adjustment at the stageof contractnegotiationin line with demonstrated ipproachesmethodologyand-need bases. DOCUMENTS 2.1 To preparea proposal,pleaseusethe Formsas enclosed. 2.2 Consultantsrequiringa clarificationof the Documentsmust notiry the Client, in writing, not later than five (05) daysbeforethe proposalsubmission date. Any requestfor clarificationin writing, or by cable,telei or tele-fax shall be senrro the Client's addressindicatedin the Data Sheet. The Client shall respondby cable,telex or telefaxto suchrequestsand copiesofthe response shallbe sentto all invited Consultants. 2.3 At any time beforethe submissionof proposals,the Client may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in responseto a clarification ,.qu.rt.l Uv un invited consultingfirm, modiff the Documentsby arnendment. The amendment shall be sentin.writing or by cable,telex or telefaxto all invited consultin! nrn', and will be binding on them. The Client may at its discretion ttr" deadlinesfor the submissionof proposals "*t"id ry I 3. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL It will consistof two parts- TechnicalandFinancial 3.1 Technical Proposal The TechnicalProposalshouldbe submittedusingthe format specifiedand shall include duly signedand stamped-forms appendedwith the RFp. This is a mandatoryrequirement for evaluationof proposalsandn."or to be filled up rrf.-"*n 3'r'2 For Technical.Proposal, the generalapproachand methodologywhich you proposefor carrying out the servicescoveredin-tire Term of Referenci'including sutn aetaitea information as you deemrelevan! togetherwith your appreciationof the project from provideddetailsand A detailedoverall work programmeto be providedwith timing of the assignment oreach ."p"rto,;.'";#;Hffi;""ilffi;"rJiT."ffi: d. project. This will also provide Employer an opportunitythat supervision consuliancy serviceto be providedwill be ableto effectivelymonitorwork progress. Your estimateof the total numberof man-monthsaniproject durationrequired. Clear descriptionof the responsibilitiesof each expert rtuff -..uer within the overall work programme. The curriculum vitaes of all Key staff membersand an affidavit that proposed staff shall be availablefor the aisignmentduring the projeat durationand their presentplace of duty may also be mentioned.fn" ctnuultants are advisedto suggestsuchnameswho shallbe availablefor the Assignment. The technicalproposalshall includedury filled in forml provided with this RFp. Th-enam9,backgound and professionilexperienceof iach expertstaff member to be assignedto the project,with particularreferenceto his experienceof work of a naturesimilar to that of the proposedassignment. Current commitmentsand past peiformanceare the basic criteria of technical proposal.You are requiredto provide the details of present commitments/on going jobs as referredin the form TECH-g of technicalproposal. Further,the basisfor the pastperformanceis the reportfrom DesignSeition and construction wing NHA. 3'1'3 In preparing the technical proposal, you are expectedto examine all terms and instructionsincluded in the Documents. Failure to provide all requestedinformation shall be at voyl own risk and may result adverselyinihe scoringof your proposal. The proposalshouldbe preparedas per RFP andany suggestionor review-of staff etc.should be clearly spelt out in form TECH-3. This wiil bJdiscussedat the time of negotiation meetingas and when called. 3"\.4 luring preparationof the technicalproposal,you must give particularattentionto the following: I The Firm needsto be registeredwith pakistanEngineeringcouncil. If you considerthat your firm doesnot have all the expertisefor the assignment you may obtain a full range of experienceby associatingwith other firms or entities.You may also utilize the servicesof expatriateexpertsbut only to the t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I l I I I I I I extentfor which the requisiteexpertiseis not availablein any pakistani firm. you may not associatewith the otherfirms invited for this assignment unlessspecified in the Data Sheet.In case of Joint Venture, the propos-alshould state clearly partnerswill be "Jointly and Severally"responsibiefor performance under the contract and,one pug:r yifl be "solely" risponsible foi all dealingswith the Employeron behalfof the Joint venture. His,;special power of Auoirey o" trri, accountis to be enclosed.JV will be got registeredby pEC. Lead partnershall retain full and undivided responsibilityro. itre p..rot ance or obligationsand satisfactorycompletion.ofthe consultancyservicesworks.A copy ofjoint venture agreementto be providedat the time of finalizing the contrait documentswith specificresponsibilitiesandassignments to be lookld afterby eachpartner. lll. Subc^ontracting part of the assignmentto the otherConsultantsis not discouraged and specialistsub-consultantsmay be included.This shall be plus a point in the evaluationprocess. lv" The key professionalstaff proposedshall be permanent employeesof the finn unlessotherwiseindicated.The minimum staywith the firm for suchpersonsis six monthsplease.No alternativeto key proftessional staff may be proposedand only one CV may be submittedfor eachposition. t I I t I t I I t I T t T I I 3'l'5 The technicalproposalshall not include any financial information. The consultant,s comments,i{ ury, on the data, servicesand faoilities to be providedby the Client and indicatedin the ToR shallbe includedin the technicuiiroposut. 3,2 FinancialProposal 3'2'r rhe financialproposalshouldbe submittedusingthe format specifiedandenclosedwith this RFP' Tht: a-rnandatoryrequirementfor Ivaluation proposalsanJ needsto be of :t filled up carefully. The total costis to be mentionedin the Form FIN_6. 3'2'2 The financial proposal should list the costs associatedwith the Assignment.These normally coverremunerationfor staffin the field and at headquarterr, po?i.r1, housing, transportationfor mobilization and demobilization, servicesand equipment(vehicles, office equipment furniture and. supplies), printing of documents, surveys and investigations.Thesecostsshouldue u.brcninto forfin (if applicable)and local costs. Your financialproposalshouldbe preparedusingthe foimats attachedas formsFIN- I to FIN- 6. 3'2'3 The financial proposalshall also take into account the professionalliability as provided underthe relevantPECBye-Lawsandcostof insurances specifiedin the DataSheet. 3.2.4 costs may be expressedin currency(s) listedin the Data sheet. 3'2'5 The evaluation committee will correct any computational errors. when correcting computationalerrors, in case of discrepan"yU.ttrl"n a partial amount and the total amount,or betwe.enword and figuresthe formerswill prevail. In additionto the above corrections,activitiesand items describedin the Technicalproposals but not priced,in the FinancialProposalsshall be assumedto be included in the p.i"., of othei activitiesor items' In activity or item is quantifiedin the Financial -rrrutt proposaldifferenily from the Technical Proposal, the evaluation committee the quantification "oo."t ",r;ii;.:,1';:;^ '" -tiit ';":qi ,'.t.. ,,f' i' c:'f ',-1,. i'tfw ii,; "1't'\ "',"i:'' ,, i1.,.,i*r*.,,*, 7 I indicatedin the FinancialProposalso as to make it consistentwith that indicatedin the Technicalproposal. 4. SUBMISSION OF'PROPOSALS 4'r You shall submit one original technicalproposal and one original financialproposaland the number of copiesof each indicatedin irt. nnt" it."t. E".n p.p"."i lnull b" in u separateenvelopeindicating original or copy, a9 appropriate.All technicalproposals shall be placed in an envelopeclearly tnu*io ;;irffni.ur proposal,, and the financial proposalsin the one marked"FinancialProposal". Thesetwo envelops,in turn, shall be sealedin an outer envelop bearingthe addressand information indicatedin the Data sheet. The envelope shalr ue i.oo marked, Nor opEN, ExcEpr IN _Jtearty PRESENCEOF THE EVALUATION CbMMITTiB.J 4'2 In the event of.any.discrepancybetweenthe copies of the proposal,the original shalt govern' The original and each copy of the technicaland rinanciai proporau shall be -shall prepared in indelible ink and be signed by the authorized consultant,s representative'The representative's authorizatiolnshallbe confirmed by a written power of attorney ?::"Tq"."Ying the proposals.All pages of the technical - and financial proposalsshall be initialedby the personor personssigningthe proposai. " 4'3 The proposalshall containno interlineationsor overwritingexceptasnecessary to correct effors madeby the consultantsthemselves. Any suchcorrectionishallbe initialedby the personor personssigningthe proposal. 4'4 The completedtechnicaland financialproposalsshall be deliveredon or beforethe time and date statedin the Data Sheet. 4'5 The proposalsshall be valid for the numberof,days statedin the Data Sheetfrom the date of its submission'During this pe-riod, rrruir-t."f availablethe professionalstaff vou proposed for the assignment.The ciient shall mike its best to complete negotiationsat the locationstatedin the Data sheet within this period."fiort 5. PROPOSAL EVALUATION 5'1 A two-envelopeprocedureshall be adoptedin ranking of the proposals.The technical evaluationshall be canied out first, followed by the fiiancial evaluation.Firms shall be rankedusing a combinedtechnicaVfinancial ,.oi.. 5.2 TechnicalProposal 5'2'l The evaluationcommitteeappointedby the Client shallcarryout its evaluation for all the projectsas listed in]ut-u 1.1, applyingthe evaluationcriteria and point systemspecified in the Data Sheet.Each responiiveproposalshall be attributeda technical score(St). Firms scoringlessthan seventy(70) percentpoints shall be rejected and their financial proposalsreturnedun-opened. 5.3 Financial Proposal 5'3'1 The financial proposalsof the threetop-rankingqualiffing consultingfirms on the basis ofevaluation oftechnical proposalsshallbe onenea ihe prer.n.. oithe representatives in '.'.. t I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t of thesefirms, who shall be invited for the occasionand who careto attend.The client shall inform the date,time and addressfor openingof financialptoporui, uJ'indicatedin the data Sheet.The total cost and major of eachpi"p"*L rl"rr be publicly "o.ponJrt, announcedto the attendingrepresentatives of tire firms. I I I I T I I I t t I T I I I I I I 5'3'2 The evaluationcommitteeshall determinewhether the financial proposalsare complete and without computationalerrors.Thelowest financialproposal 1i,m)amongall shallbe given a financial score(Sf) of 1000points.The financiul ,"or". ;f th;6;;:rals shallbe computedas follows: S/= (1000x Fm)tF (F = amountof specificfinancialproposal) 5'3'3 Proposals,in the quality cum cost basedselection shall finally be rankedaccordingto their combinedtechnical(st) and financial (s) scores'using the weights(T- the weight given to the technical proposal,P = the *rigttt gi*" to the financial proposal;and T+P:l) indicatedin the Data Sheet: S = St xT %o+SfxPo/o 6. I\EGOTIATION 6.1 Frior to the expiratign 9f proposal validity, the Client shall noti$r the successful consultant that submitted the highestrankin!'proporui in *riting, by registered lener, cable telex or facsimile and inviie it to negotiate ihe Contract.The proposedResident Engineershall alsobe invitedto attendthe n-gotiations. 6.2 Negotiationsnormally take from two to five days. The aim is to reachagreementon all pointsand initial a draft contractby the conclusion of n.gotiutionr. 6.3 Negotiationsshall commencewith a discussionof your technicalproposal.The proposed methodology,work and any suggesiions you may have madeto'ffirove ryla.n,.$1ffinq the ToR' Agreement shall then be reachedoi-tttr nnui ioR, the staffing and the bar charts,which shall indicateactivities,staff, periodsin the neid ano in the-homeoffice, staff months,logisticsandreporting. 6.4 changesagreeduponshallthenbe reflected.inthe financial proposal, usingproposedunit ^ l rates(no negotiationof the staff monthrates). 6.5 Having selectedconsultants on the basis of, arnong other things, an evaluationof proposedkey professionalstaff, the client expects to nigotiate a contracton the basisof the staff named in the proposal.Prior to contractnegotiations, the Client ,t uir ,rquir. assurances that the staff memberswill be actuallyavail-able. The Client shallnot consider substitutions, of key staff exceptin casesof un-expecteddelaysin the startingdate or incapacityof key professionals-tafffor reasonsof health. 6.6 The negotiationsshall be concludedwith a review of the draft form of the contract.The Client and the Consultantsshall finalize the contract to conclude negotiations.If negotiationsfail' the Client shall invite the Consultants that receivedth. J;il-iigrr.o $'g'!|lel s 4A \s. scorein rankingto contractnegotiations. Theprocedure will continuewith thethird in casethenegotiation process is notsuccessful wiih theseconJianked consultants. 7 AWARD OF'CONTRACT 7.1 Thecontractshallbe awarded aftersuccessful negotiations with theselected consultants and approved by the competentauthorityi upon succersn t completion of negotiations/initialing of the draft contract,the clieni shalipiomptlyinform the other Consultantsthat their proposalshavenot beenselected. 7.2 The selectedconsultantis expectedto commence -Sheet. the Assignmenton the dateand at the locationspecifiedin the Data I I I I I I t GeneralManager(p&CA) NationalHighwayAuthority Ministry of Communications Govemmentof pakistan 28-MauveArea, G-9/1,Islamabad E-mail Telephone:925l -9032727 Fax:9251-9260419 I I I I l ',t tlii I l.:' i t0 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t t I I I I t I I I I I LETTER OF III-VITATION DATA SHEET LOI Clause# l.l Thenameof theAssignment is: DesignReview& ConstructionSupervisionof NewIslamabadInternational Airport ConnectingRoadNetwork Thenameof theClientis: NationalHishwavAuthoritv L2 Thedescription andtheobjectives of theassignment are: As per TOR 1.3 Phasingof the Assignment(if any): Nil 1.5 Pre-ProposalConference:yes { No Dated 01.01.2015 At 1100in theofficeof GM (p&CA) NationalHighwayAuthority 28MauveArea,G-911, Islamabad 1.6TheClientshallprovidethefollowinginputs: As per TOR and AppendixD 1.8Theinvitedfirmsare: Any firm meetingthefollowingrequirements: (a) valid Registration certificateof pakistan Engineering council. (b) Affidavit in originalon stamppaperproperlyauested by theoath commissioner to theeffect that the firm hasneitherbeenblacklistednor any contractrescinded in the pastfor nonfuIfillmentof contractual obligations. (c) Facilitiesavailablewith the consultantto performtheir functionseffectively(properoffice premises, software, hardware, recordkeepingetc.) (d) client's satisfaction certificates (Performance Reports) for thelastthreerelevantassignments from the respectiveclients. Moreover *y report regardingperformanceof consultanton NHA projectsreceivedfromNHA's anyrelevantquartertay becomebasis for its disqualification fromtheservices abovenamedin clauseI .l. (e) Man-months of staffandprojectDurationasperTOR. t I n 2.1 TheDocuments are: ToR/Backgroundinformation,Draft Formof contract,sample Formats/Appendices etc. RF'PEnclosed 2.2 Theaddress for seekingclarification is: cM (P&CA) NationalHighwayAuthority 28 MauveArea,G-9/1, Islamabad E-mail: 3.1.1Addfollowing: Theproposals shouldbeboundin thehardbookbindingformto denythepossibility of removal or additionof page(s).All the pagesof proposalrnui u. signed and stampedin originalby authorizedrepresentative of thefirm/ tire pagesmustbenumberedstartingfromfirst page to last.Any proposalfoundnot adheringto ttr.rE requirements will be reiecltedat the time opening. 3.3 i) ii) Theminimumnumber kry professional staffmonthsis: As per TOR 9,f Proposedkey staff shallpreferabrybe permanent employer,*ho areemployedwith the consultants at leastsix monthspriorto submission proposal. of yes No-{ iiiD Theminimumrequiredqualification andexperience of proposed Keystaffis:As per TOR 3.4 Trainingis animportantfeatureof thisAssignment: Yes;L _No 3'7 Professionalliability, insurances(descriptionorreferenceto appropriatedocumentation): i' The Consultants shall be responsiblefor ProfessionalIndemnity Bond of the required amount at their own cost. This bond shall be in the joint name of Consultant and the Employer. ii. The Consultants are required to insure their Employees and professionals for Ilospitalization/ Nledical, Travel and Accident Cover for the duration of the Contract The details provided in Para 3.5 of SpecialConditions of Contract in Modet Contract. 4.1 The numberof copiesof the proposalrequiredis: TechnicalProposal:One Original and Three copieswith CD (soft form of completeTechnical Proposalin PDF Form) in sealedenvelope. FinancialProposal: One Original with CD (soft form of completeFinancialproposalin pDF as well asMS Word/ExcelForms)in sealedenvelope. 4.2 The addressfor writing on the proposalis General Manager (P&CA) National Highway Authority 28,Mauve Area G-9/1 Islamabad Telephone: +92-St-9052727 Facsimile +92-51-9260419 '." ) f l ---."-...--.-'"r'' rl;,.,;,: t2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I T I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I I t The dateandtime of proposalsubmissionis: 1130hours on 14th January 2015. 4.4 The locationfor submissionof proposalis: cM (P&CA) Office, NHA. 4.5 Validity periodof the proposalis: 120 days beyondthe proposalssubmissiondate. 5.2 The evaluationof technicalproposalshallbe basedon followine criteria: Descrintion/Items points Qualificationof the Firm Approach & Methodology . . Work Plan r Qualificationandcompetence of the Key staff for the Assignment Presentcommitmentof the Firm pastperformanceof the firm Total Points: tL The minimum qualifting technicalscore [l;31 t0501 16151 [35] ll00l 1000 70Vo The points earmarkedfor evaluationsub criteria (iv) above for suitability of key staff are: Description/Items i. Academicand Generaleualifications ii. Professionalexperiencerelatedto the project iii. Statuswith the firm (Stay with the firm) Total Points: Points t30l t60l u0l 100J 5.3 The date,time and addressof the financialproposalopening are: After evaluationand approvalof technicalproposals(to be informed later). 5.4 The weightsgiven to the TechnicalandFinancialproposals are: Technical Financial (80%) Q0%) 7.2 Tl'rcassignment is expected to commence in: April,2015 l3 suMMARy EVALUATION SHEET FOR Ft LL TECHMCAL PROPOSALS (QCBS) EVALUATION Mex. CRITf,,RIA Firm I Weisht* General Experience ofthe firm JU Specific Experience ofthe firm 100 Score 50 615 100 80 60 b) Material Ensineer c) Structural Engineer d) Traffic Ensineer ConstructionSupe*rr,"t rr" )U e) Assispnt ResidentF:nginer / Hiehwav Ensineer 0 Quantity Surveyor { f) 60 40 50 30 30 30 30 35 100 e) ChiefSurvevor h) Hishwav Eneineer/Geometric/Prwcmenr sm. D qtructureExpert ) Quantity Surveyor k) Hydraulic Engineer ooie'n"'i"*stun { VI. Rating 50 and Methodolnw IIL Work Plan (includine st f,ing) IV, Personnel(Areas ofExoertise) (OuNIificrtion and CompetenceofKey/Proposed steft) a) ResidentEngine€r V. Frm2 Score ls0 I. Firms Exmrience IL Aonroach Ratins l) Geo-TechnicalEneineer Prcsent Commitment of the Firm PastPerformanceoftheFirm The Joint Venture (JV) shall be evaluatedin the samemanner, since they function as one unit. 1000 TOTAL Exceflent-1fi)7o. Very Good - 907e Above Averege - E$o/o Average - 70e/o Below Average - 507o Non-complyingScore: Maximum Weight X rating / 100. Minimum quelifying score b 707o or 7(X)marks. Oo/o t4 II I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I r I I I PERSOI\NEL EVALUATION SHEET POSITION/AREAOF EXPERTISE Name (Show all expers to be evaluated) Academic and General Qualification Weight 30% PercentageRating Weighted Rating (A) Project related Experience Weieht60%;" Weighted Percentage Rating (B) Rating Statuswith the Firm t0% Percentage Rating Weighted Rating (C) OVERALLRATING (Sum of Weighted Ratinss) (A+B+C) a) Resident Engineer b) Material Engineer c) Structural Engineer d) Traffic Engineer e) Assistant Resident Engineer / Highway Engineer I QuantitySurveyor g) ChiefSurveyor h) Highway Engineer Pavement Specialist / Geometric/ i) Structure Expert j) Quantity Surveyor k) Hydraulic Engineer l) Geo-TechnicalEngineer Rating: - Excellent - l00o/o Yery good - 90% Score = Maximum Weight X rating /100 Full time - 100% Above Average - 8o%oAvenge- 70%o Part time with orevious associations- 50o% Below Averaee - 50olo Non-complying-00/o Part time only for this assignment - 0oZ 15 I TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMS I I I I I I I I I I Relevant ServicesCarried Out in the Last Ten years Which Best Illustrate eualifications Using in the format below, provide informationon each referenceassignmentfor which your firm, either individually as a corporateentity or as one of the major companieswithin a consortium,was largelycontracted. AssignmentName: Country: Locationwithin Countrv: Professional Staff provided bv Your Firm: Name of Client: No of Staff: Address: No of StaffMonths: t I I I t I I I I I TECH.1 FIRM'S REFERENCE StartDate (Month/year): Completion (Month/Year): Name of Associated Firm (s), if any: Date Approx. Value of Services (in CunentUSD/Rs.) No. of Months of professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s) Name of Senior Staff @rojept Director/Coordinator. Tean Leader) involved and functions performed: NarrativeDescriptionof project Descriptionof Actual Servicer iProvided by Your Staff Consultants' 1t In this chapter you should explain your understandingof the objectivesof the assignment, approachto the services,methodologyfor carrying out tle activitiesand obtainingthe expected output' and the degreeof the detaiibf such rrt""ro explain you, .ithodology to completethe projectwithin time andbudget. I I I I I The approachmust be genuineprojectspecific approachofconsultantandnot a genericoneor copy of the TOR. I TECH-2 APPROACH PAPER ON METHODOLOGY PROPOSEI) FOR PERFORMING THE ASSIGNMENT I of2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TECH-2 2of2 In caseof JV/association,the role of eachpartnermust be clearly highlighted.Further,copy of the JVlassociationAgreementmustbe attached. .; ,.1,l:'r, t.-' 19 TECH.3 COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS OF' CONSULTAI\T TOR SUPERVISION SERVICES On the TerrnsofReference(TOR) 1. ) 4. 5. 6. Etc. ffJ[:J"* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Etc. servicesand facilities to be providedby the clienr indicatedin the ToR: Design I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I TECH-4 FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSED KEY STAFF SUPERVISION SERVICES ProposedPosition: Nameof Firm: Name of Staff: Profession: Dateof Birth: Yearswith Firm: Nationalitv: Membershipin professionalSocieties: (Membershipof pEC is Mandatory) DetailedTasksAssignedon the project: 10. Key Qualifications: [Give an outline of staff member's experienceand training most pertinent to tasks on assignment' Describe degree of responsibilityheld by ;t"ffhember on relevant previous assignments and give datesand locations.Useupto on" pug.j.11. Education [Summarizecollege/universityand other specializededucationof staffmember,giving namesof institutions,datesattended.and degreesobtained]. 12. EmploymentRecord [Startingwith presentposition, list in reverseorder every employmentheld. List all positions held by staff membersincegraduation,giving dates,names of employingorganizations, title of positionsheld and locationof assignmentr.rot experiencein last ten years,also give typesof activitiesperformedand Client references, whereupprop.iut.1.- *( 2l 13. Languages lTjf"t proficiencyin speaking,readingandwriting of eachlanguage:excellent,good,fair, or 14. Certification I' the undersignedcertifu that to the bestof my knowledge andbelief,thesebio-datacorrectly describemyself,my qualificationsandmy experience. t Date: Day/I\rfonth/Year Signatureof Staff Member I I I I I I I I I I I - AuthorizedofnciA frotntG n.. l t t I l 22 I I I I II -IIII ITIIII TECH-5 COMPOSITION OF THE TEAM PERSONNEL AI\D THE TASKS TO BE ASSIGNED TO EACH TEAM MEMBER STJPERVISIONSERVICES 1. Name TechnicalllVlanagerialstaff Position Tasks Assignment Present location Name of assignment involved and clients name 23 WORK PLAII/ACTIVITY Items of WorVActivities Monthly Program f-l SCHEDULE TECH-6 dot" of assignment(in the form of a Bar chart) 24 -II-II-IIII'IIIIII-T IT IIII III TECH-7 WORK PLAN AI\D TIME SCHEDULE FOR KEY PERSONNEL Months (in the form of a Bar Chart) Name Position I Full Time: Part Time: Number of Months , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 12 l3 t4 15 Activities Duration Yours faithfully, Signature (Authorized Representative) Full Name Designation Address 25 TECH-8 CT'RRENT COMMITMENTS OF THE FIRM List must be comprehensiveincluding project from clients other then NHA as well Name of project Singleor JV Task Assignment Start date ofthe project Expected ilate of completion 26 II'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FORMS t BREAKDOWN OF'R,ATESFOR CONSULTAI\CY CONTRACT Project: Name Fosition Basic Salary per Cal. Month Social Charges (%ageof (1) (2\ r) (o/oageof r+2) (3) SubTotal (l+2+3) Fee (%age of4) (4) (s) Rate per Month for project Office (6) Field Allow. (%ageof 1) (7) Notes: IternNo. I Basic salaryshall includeactualgrosssalary beforedeductionof taxes. Payroll sheetfor eachproposedpersonnelshouldbe submitted at the time of negotiations. Item No. 2 social chargesshall includeclient's contribution to socialsecurity,paid vacation,averagesick leaveandotherstandardbenefitspaid by the t:tqry to the employee.Breakdownof proposedpercintag.ihurg* shouldbe submittedand supported(seeFonn2). Item No. 3 overheadshall includegeneraradministration cost,rent,clericaland junior professionalstaff andbusinessgetting expenses, etc.Breakdownof proposedpercentage chargesfor overheadshoutobe submittedand supported(seeForm 3). Item No. 5 Feeshall includecompanyprofit and shareof salaryof partners and directors(if not billed individuallyfor the project)or indicatedin overhead costsofthe Company. Item No. 7 Normally payableonly in caseof field work underhard andarduous conditions. Note I The minimum percentage of item (l) shouldbe preferably50%of (g). Note 2 The consultantis to provide appointmentlettei and affidavit/undertaking duly signedby eachof the individual staff membersshowingsalaryratei as above. Further during executioneach invoice will also be provided showing that the professionalshave been paid their salariesas fer basic ratesmentionedtherein.Failing to which, NHA will take punitive action against the consultantand shall deduct the deficient arnountfrom his monthly invoice.Moreoverit will be consideredas a negativemark on his performancethat will be consideredfor futureprojects. 't Full Name: Signature: Title: .::: -t, l'1,r, Rateper Month for Field Work (8) I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I FIN.2 BREAKDOWN OF SOCIAL CHARGES Sr. No. DetailedDescription As a %oage of Basic Salary BREAKDOWN OF OVERIIEAD COSTS Sr. No. Detailed Description As a %oageof Basic Salary and Social Charges FIN-4 Page1 of2 ESTIMATED LOCAL CURRENCY SALARY COSTS/REMUNERAiION I-i ':; ":. ,' . 1"1.\ r{ ',, :"" 1 / ';,, &/. ff{ n,",,,llvl "' "tl:'"\!,11,-.--';r;" :' . . FIN-4 ESTTMATED LocAL cuRRENcysALARycosrs/REMUNERIT;,;;? FOR DESIGN& SUPERVISIONSERVICES Non-Technical Staff Sub-Total: 7) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I FIN.5 NON-SALARY COSTS FOR ST]PERVISIONSERVICES Sr. Nomenclature No. Unit Quantity I CommunicationExpenses Months l5 2. Printing of Reportsand Drawings Months 15 Insurance a. ProfessionalLiability Cover in the joint name of Client and Consultantand third 3. 4. parw. b. Medical/flospitalization, accident and travel insurance policy costs for Consultant'sstaff Travel expensesof Key Technical Staff between Head Office and Site (as per actual) Unit Price Total Amount Payable as Salarycost Payable as Salarycost L.S 5. Preparation of Revised PC-I and printing of I20 copies LS 6. Othernot coveredaboveto complywith TOR requirements(with j ustification) L.S Sub-Total for Direct Cost NonNon- This is to be paid by the firm from its overheads and here amount payable is only to be mentioned. L.S PS Remarks 400,000.00 Deemed to be included in Salarv Cost/Remuneration I r SUMMARY OF COST OF CONSULTANT FOR SUPERVISION SERVICES Description Amount @s.) SalaryCostfor Supervision -FIN-4 DirectCostfor Supervision -FIN_5 l- This-costis supposed b-ebuilt up in bid price and if any thing is left blank it shall be deemed to !o be incruded in cost except for items provided through constructioncontract. 2- The dues and salariesof staff are payable by the consultantin time and not Iater than lOthof the precedingminth positively. rn caseof failure to do so Employer shall intervene and these dues and lay ,ui"ii". of the concerned staff member(s) and recover from the invoice of the consultant at actual chargespaid plus lYo of the amount.This will alsoUeaccountedfor adversely in making assessmentof the consultant in the next evaluation processfor enlistmentof consultantswith report of such defaults. 3- The grand total is inclusiveof all the applicable Federaland provincial taxes. I I I I I I I I I I I I t ''i I l t I I I I t APPENDIX A TERMS OF REF'ERENCE 35 INTRODUCTION 1' New IslamabadInternationalAirport has been identified in the masterplan of Islamabad' Due to increasingvolume of air traffio on the existing Islamabad Airport, the Government has taken up construction of new Islamabad International Airport.. Planning, design and construction of New Islamabad International Airport has been by the civil Aviation Authority of .sponsored Pakistan'Work of planning,design and constiuctionof road network requiredto connect new,airport with existing highway network has been entrustedto the NHA. Site for new airport is_approximately 3 kms west of zero point of motorway M-2. The terrain of the area is rolling with numberof streams.Road network to New IslamabadInternationalAirportfs divided in to two pu"tug"r,a" Constructionof,Road from junction of Kashmir Flighway and N-5 to New Islamabad InternationarAirport (Main Link Ro--ad, i5 K-r, 6 l_ane Carriageway). b. 2' construction of road from Thallian on M-2 to New Islamabad Internationar Airport (, 4.65 Kms, 4 Lane carriageway) and Periphery Road around new Airport, ir,iot -2, 7.g Kirs, 2-Lane carrrageway). This ToR stipulates consultancy services for construction supervision of construction of above-mentionedroad network which will connect New Islamabad International Airport with Islamabadand other National Highway Network' Work also includes constructionsupervision of roads, intersections, interchanges,--bridges, flyovers, drainage& eiosion works, culverts, retaining walls and all allied works. construciion supervision of t"ri pr"r"r, allied building, offices / residencesof,Employer'sstaif,andsupervirio" ,i"iirrrall also be includedin scopeof work of supervisionconsurtant. SFECIAL EMPIIASIS 3' Following points merit special attentionof the Supervision/ Design Review Consultantduring currencyof their contract:a' The road is requiredto exhibit of all featuresof magnificenturban road which should be able to attract attention of the Jr pus" using Islamabad International Airport. The road should u.i u, airbassador giving impressionof a disciplinedand civilized society. The Consultant shall recommendall appropriatemeasuresfor cleanliness,horticulture and beautificationthat may be requiredfor an internationalroad. b. The road shall carry all featuresof a modern highway and supervision consultant is encouragedto improve the features covered in original design through design review. The consultant is encouragedto use innovative ideas to achieve a road constructedthrough statJof the art technology. c" The road will be accessrestrictedin full length. d The consultantis also encouragedto carry out value engineeringof the completeproject in DesignReview phase. e" The project is required to be completed on fast track basis. The Consultant supervision staff should be capable of preparing and evaluatingContractor'sWork fully supportedwilh requisite l,lf.,-*13*t.s .,il :.::,. " r.' i,'..i *.,r11;,,o*ir' 36 I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t T I resource allocation. The Consultantshall generatefortnightly progress Review Report highlighting those areaswhJre the Contractors are found to be lagging and the Consultantshall also suggestremedial measure/ work plan to mitigatethe same. OBJECTIVES 4" The overall objectivesof,theseTermsof Referenceare to: a' ensurethat high quality constructionis achieved within stipulatedtime within budgetand that all work is carriedout in full compliancewith the approved engineering designs, technical specification, agreed *ork schedule, and within the terms and conditions of all other contract documentsand soundengineeringpractices,and b' demonstratethe efficacy of contract administration and supervisionby independentexternal agenciesand promote technoiogy transfer and the introductionof modernContractAdministration within NHA. ffii."s c' The consultantwill_be responsiblefor providingqualified professionals and supportingstaff, and all necessaryJervicesiequired for the efficienr cost effectiveand timery executionorine consurtancy services. d. carry out design review of road sections,geometry, pavementstructure highway safety,hydrology,soil reportand environment report. THE CONSULTANT 5. servicesshall be providedby a consultantfirm to be appointedby NHA. The consultant will providethe staffingasindicatedin roiro*iig sections, though,in preparingproposals, the consulturitr -uy proposealternativearrangements that, in their opinionwilr provideservicesor an q""iirv. Thefinal staffing will be adjusted "q.riuur""i to suittheactualprocurement andimplementation schedules. PART-I: DESIGN REVIEW DESIGNREVIEW General: t SuPervisionconsultantshall review availabledesign drawings,designreports and calculationsin detail.Any omissions/errors o6r"rv"o shall be reportedin the Review Report. The amendmentvimprovements in the Design shail be incorporatedin the drawingsDocumentsby the SupervisionConsultant.The Employer shalr provide the soft copies gfaru*infr-onty. A"y changein documents-shall "thJ;;;;; be printedasaddendatolhe respective reportunder the signaturesofthe Supervisionconsultant. In c.aseof any differenceof opinionin any design review matter,oneroundof exchangeof commentsshali be made. Afteithat, the Design Revied Supervisionconsultant_shallprevail. n "pi.i"r-"r rponriuiriry Designshall continueto vest with the original Designconsultant. "r consultant sup"ri,irion shall jointly responsibli for the- Design only to the extent where _be modificationshavebeenmadein the originalJesign. The Consultantshall ensurethat during the field validation,any changeto be incorporatedin the designdrawings,iray it be re-designof is deemedto be incorporatedin desigi i"ui.* rut.r. The consultant is required to carry out independent carcurationsof all structuresand bridges. The Final constructiondrawings after review, signedand stampedshalr be issuedby the Engineerof the FrJject. The Serviceof SupervisionconsultantShall Include,but not necessarilybe limited to Review /update of existing including g"o."t i" J;;ign, proposeddrainage structures,structuraldesignof{esign bridgesandflyivir unJ puu.,n.nt design. Tonosranhic Survev: o o verifu the survey as per presentday condition. Updatethe surveyand the design, if required along with preparationor tne revised drawings after obtainingprior approvalfrom the imployer. verifu the survey.monuments asper drawingsif missingthen establishthe full traverse line and bench mark elevation. Arso ,on"nr- flr" horizontaland verticalcon trolls. ".""r".i'"r Geometrv: o check (and update-ifrequired) the adequacyof horizontaland verticalalignment, curve radii, sight distances-andtup.t .l.uutionr .rc *J-typical crosssectionas per-conditionsspecifiedin the original TOR. Geometricoesign shall be reviewed/ updatedin aocordancg-withguid-elinesof AdsHTo,s *a poricy on Geometric Designof StreetsandHighways,. Pavement: Carryout complete pavement design review by consideringthe requisite parametersbased.pavementDesign shall be based on mechanisticdesien method. o Determinethe most costeffectiveimprovement optionsfor eachroadsection. l.yity the hydrology report basedon anarysisof rainfall and flood record including subsurfacewater characteristics,supprernented by detail fierd investigationto establishthe adequacyof road #bankment, levers,culverts, bridgesand side ditches. Also riviev updatehydraulic puru,n.t.r, usedin the original design. a Review & examinethe provisionof surfacedrainage into side drainsand its disposalat suitablelocation. Soil: a Review/updateoriginal soil reportssubmittedby the Design consultant. If review consultantfinds any deficiencyin soil report then tists on additional soil samplesobtainedduring confirmatoryboring shall be carriedout. The consultantshall review and updatevarious parametersrequired for use in designof highwaysandstructures" ,.i,:;i,:,.. -. ,.. ... . ,1..:_.' ,.:11,:,.1r / I .,, I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I ConstrictionMaterial: o Review the suitability of locally available construction materials,and if necessary,locate new quarriesand borrow pits and assessthe quality and quantityof materialandhaulingdistance. o Review materialsalreadyfound along the road alignment taken at suitable intervalsstudy samplesto veri$r the calculationsof tf,e constructionquantities to an accuracyof 10%. Structures/ Bridses: o Consultantshall review drawingsand designcalculations of all bridgesand flyovers.Structuraldesignshall be in accord-ance withfrovisions of AASHTO LRFD 2010 and Live_Loadingas per wpcpHB tgoz. seismicparameteis shall be obtainedfrom Nationuinuitiing code of pakistan. SeismicDesisn: ' BOO & Cost Estimates: ' t I I I I check in detailthe Boe / Estimatesandupdatethe same(if required)up to an accuracyof +5oA. Pakistan-is Tong thosecountries,wherethe road accidentand fatalitiesare very high. One of the major components(2g%) relati ing to road accidents t I I I I SupervisionConsultantshall check that the seismicdesign has beencarried 9ut -T per provisionsof theDesign Codeand parametersspecifiedin National Building code of pakistan,2007havebeenconectly incorporated. tg roadenviionment factors.'-ir,J 11it9,"d "thein the original designpertaining d;;r;I""" ;;;";#') updateprovisions t" r,igr,."ilty andcarryout safety audit per as internat-ional standards after a detail side visit. ljgl*uv Highway.safetyexpertwill ensurealr safetymeasures are taken without any compromisein the design. Review road safetymeasurespertainingto wild life crossingand signologyis properlydesignedand placed. updateandor propose measures (if required). Environment: o Based on the finding of initial environmentexamination (IEE), review and updatethe environmentstudy report. Ensurethat the adequatemeasuresare incorporated in. design to mitigate the adverse impact including those . encounteredduring construction. Ensure that the bid documentsinclude specific provisions to minimize disruptions / damageto the environment and local settlementsdurins construction Review Environment Managementplan to address implementationand monitoring parameters risted in IEE Report during bonstruction and OperationalPhases. SURVEY WORK: 7. Responsibilitiesof the consultantwith regardto surveywork shall be: a' The Supervision Consultant shall be responsible to obtain the bench marks and other informationfrom the Design consultantsas reluired for commencementof constructionactivities. b' If necessary'carry out modificationsin survey and stakeoutthe revised centre Line and Right of way lirnit for the purpose of land acquisition and relocationof utilities wherl required. c' The Supervision consultant shall supervise and verify the following works:- d (a) Stake the Centerline, RoW limits and relocation of roadway structureand appurtenances. (b) Settingof Grade_stakes (c) Relocationof permanentmonumentsin the construction zone. without relieving the contractorsof their obligations underthe contract, review and approvethe traffic managementand safety plan, and ensure compliancesuch that the Works are c-arriedout at all times in a safeand securernannerand damageor injury to persons property or is avoided. RULES AND REGUI,ATIONS: 8' Thu Supervision Consultant shall ensure that all Federal Government and Provincial Governmentrules as well as Local rules and regulationsafpiicuute to the works are followed. The supervision consultant ,t utt irru. necessary instructions to this effect, to the Contractor on behalf of the Emplofer. The consultantshall.ensureoptimum use of transport/ vehiclesand shall not be taken out of project limit without written permission of Employer,srepresentative. It shall also be ensuredthat vehicl.t rhull be parked at-basecamp during public holidays. The responsibility of supervisionshall rest with the Engineer who shall issue instructions in writing to the SupervisionConsultantsFo, t6e supervisionof Works as per the Contract. SupervisionConsultantshall carry out a revision in the plans and specificationsas required_ by the Engineerand prepareall change orders instantly thereto and shall furthei assist lhe Enginee, in negotiatiois necessaryfor execution-of the changes. Such revisionJ shall be en-couraged which result in improvedproject performance. SCOPE OF SERVICES GeneralDuties and Responsibilitiesof the Consultant: 10. The Consultant_willbe designatedas the "EngineerlEngineer'sRep or project Manager" for all civil, electrical,mechanicaland ancillar! works financedunder the project. The consultant will administer the civil works contracts,make engineering decisions, be respolsibl_._..1:r quality assurance,provide general I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I guidanceand furnish timely responses to the contractorsin all mattersrelatingto the civil works contractorsandNHA are respected" I 1. - The consultant will advise NHA on all matters relating to the efficient and successfulexecutionof civil works contracts,and will at all times to protectthe interestsof,the project and will take all reasonablestepsto keepthe oonstruction coststo a minimum, oonsistentwith soundeconomicand engineeringpractices, and will prepare a "Contract Administration and Construction Supervision Manual" outlining routines and standatdoperatingproceduresto be applied on contract administration and construction supervision, based on sound internationallyrecognizedpractice. SPECIFIC TASKS 12. The construction supervision shall include but not limited to the following tasks:(l) Give Noticeto commenceworks. (2) Assure submissionand advice on adequacyof the Contractors,insurance policies,performancebonds,and advancepaymentguarantees. (3) Review and approve the contractors' work programs and progress scheduleensuring that the Contractorshave inc^orporated/ followed the most effective and expeditiousmethodologyof cairying out the works; and advise the Contractorsin setting up J computeiizei project control system for reporting physical and financial f.og."ss as well as the forecasts,if includedin the bids and/ or if demandeilater on by the NHA. Subsequently,closely monitor the constructionprogresson regular basis to determinewhether it is proceedingin urcorbun.. with the-approved work program. (4) Provide advanceadviceto NHA concerningthe scheduleof handingover of sites, and possible delays due to lack of possessionof site in accordancewith agreedwork programs. (5) Assess minimum construction equipment, plant and machinery requirements,by types and specification,and ronitor, keep and regularly updatea list of the contractors' equipment,plant and mu"hin.ry oi ord". to keep a checkon the Contractors'mobilizalion. (6) Inspectand evaluatethe contractors'establishmentincluding in particular the laboratory facilities to ensure compliance with the terms and conditionsof ContractAgreement. (7) Assurethe receipt of and maintainas permanentrecordsof all warranties required under terms of conditions of the contract Agreement for materialsincluding their sourceand equipmentacceptedand incorporated in the project. (8) without relieving the contractorsof their obligationsunderthe contract, check and approve the contractors' working Drawings, Method statementsand remporary works proposals' unJ revied ipprou. uny zubsequent design changes, and expeditiousry issue supprementary . drawings,site instructions,variation ordersand day work ordersto avoid 41 delay to the works and to ensure that the works are executed accordanoewith Contract. (e) without relieving the contractorsof their obligationsunder the contract, review and approve the traffic management and safety pran, and ensure compliancesuch works are carried oit ut all times in a safe and secure mannerand damageor injury to persons or propertyis avoided. ( 1 0 ) Ensure that the contractors have all n€cessarydata for setting out and checkthe contractors settingout including ,tukin;1il" ,ieti or*uy limits, center line and grade and confirm permanent monuments in the constructionarea. ( 11 ) Inspect quarriesand borrow pits, and crushing plants and materials and ensureadherenieto specifica-tioir.:il;;;ove order tests of the source of materials. (r2) without relieving the contractorsof their obligationsunderthe contract, monifor the contractors' raboratorytesting, evaruatethe Forflandcement concreteand bituminousmixture d6signsprepared by the contractors,and recommend improvements(if any) to ensure desired performanceand accordapprovalthereof. (l 3) Ensurequality of the works during construction, continuousryinspectthe soils and materials,construction6peration, un ih. works with regardto workmanship and compriance *iih ,lr.r specificationr,- uno carry out independent testing in the field and/ oi in the .,Engineer/ project Manager" laboratory,and approve or oisappr"""'Lo """i.,r, the works that confirm with the specificationsand maintain p"r.unrnt recordsof resultsof all the testsmade. ( 1 4 ) Give notice of the contractors of any defectsand deficiencies,and issue instructions for the removal and substitution oi im;;;;;; works, where provided under the If required, oq{eruurpl'nrion of work(s) and/orrecommendto 193_t3ct. NHA otherrecourseavailableunderthe contract. ( l s ) Attend and make measurementand computation of quantities of the completedworks, or any work which is aboutto be coveredor put out of view before permanentwork is pracedthereon, and maintain permanent recordsof all such measurements, and keep tt e measurementbooks and recordsin safecustody. (l 6) Monitor-and appraiseprogressof the works, and maintain a day by day project diary which shall recordall eventspertaining to the administration of, requestsfrom the ordersgiven to *r! contractors and any other information which may at a later date be of assistance , in resolving querieswhich may ariseconcerningexecutionof the works. (r7) Issuemonthly consolidatedprogressreports on a format to be agreedwith the NHA including paymentesiimatesand comments on the contractors, work program and advice NHA of any problems or potential probrems which might arise and cause delay'implementation and recommend correctiveactions(s)to be taken a I I T I I I I I t I t I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I ( 1 8 ) check the contractors' periodic statement of the estimatedvalue of work completed and certify that these statements ctearty and accurately describe the value of work executed either based'on the value of completed activities in the "Activity schedule,, or on the value of quantitiesof the items in the ,,Bill of euantities,,. (1e) (20) t I I I I (2r) contained in the Environmentar& Sotia Management r,ru,,,e*ork; (ii) ensure that the day-to-day constructionactivities ur" out in an environmentally sound and sustainable.manner "urri"d liiij---i"uerop good practicesconstructionguidelinesto assistthe contractor and NHA staff in implementing the Framework and (iv) prepare and submit monthry 'Environmental Mitigation plan (EMp) and ResettlementAction plan (RAP) compliancereports. (23) Jo_intlyinspect with NHA the compreted works, and assist in formal taking over and review and approve -and or prepare,,as built,, drawingsand plans (as the^ p.ouia. report(s) testifying to the !e), satisfactorycompletionof the contracis. (24) Insggctthe completedwork_periodicalryduring the defect liability period within the term covering the consultanl's A-greement, pi.pur" lists of deficiencies(if any), and.carry out supervisionif the ..r"diul works, and issue the Defects Liability certificatesafter the rectification of notified defectsby the Contractors. t I T I I Advise NHA on need for effective liaison with local authorities,police, landowners,utility owners,the public and other organizationsaffectedby the works in order to minimizebr avoid unnecessary delaysor disputes. (22) Assure that (i) the contractors_compry with ail necessaryrequirements t I I I Issue the interim certificatesto NHA for payment to the contractorson the basis of the "Activity schedule" or ..Measured work Items,,,as the case may be having-regard to any contractualprovisions of advance payment,variation of price and exchangerate fluctuationetc. certify the completion of the Activities/ works or parts thereof and processfinal paymentsto contractors.The Fngineershall be responsiblefor issuance of Substantialcompletion certifiJatesof the *oitr. "orpt.iJ Assist.with interpretationof the contract Documents, exprain and or reconcile any ambiguities and or dis*epancies in the Contract Do"yr"l!, and app.lyvariousprovisionsof the contractdocuments, and provide NHA all relevantdocnmentation neededfor settling disputes(if any) with the contractors, and make recommendations to NHA for resolving the Contractors' escalationclaims, contract time extensions, variation orders,subletting,additionalcost,rate and price fixing etc. (25) Assist NHA in settlingany Audit parasand objections raisedand prepare replies related to the project, and provide the entire relevantdocuments/ papers/ letters .1r. to support ihe replies _ until two years after completionof project and paymentof final bill. (26) Establish a comprehe.nsive systemof.maintaining site recordsincluding site correspondence, inspectionrecords,test data, site diaries, recordsof meeting,financial records,progressrecords etc. , 0 I (27) Provide a-nyother specialistservicesrequired by NHA be mutuallyagreed. underconditionsto (28) The consultant shall instruct confirmatory borings and lab test at the desiredlocations of bridgefoundations;";k-ff;";;;fi; provisions or where there]si""dd;; ffi #ri provisions ,'l.ff"T'lf;: opinion of the Supervision consultant. If necessarvnecessary,fhe the Srrnar,,ioi^Supervision consultantcan ask or get relevantdesigna"r" designofreview from the designconsultant. (29) (30) in the original "Jop't"o-'i without relieving the contractors-oftheir obligations "pori.i.r,under the contracr, obtain and maintain record of insurance bank guarantees, .ail in^surance guaranteesfrom the contractors ,"quir"J .rnderthe conditions of Contract. Review monthly progressof all activitiesand notify the Contractorsabout those activities where they are lagging behind. The Supervision consultant shall also adviseitre umptollr ino coniractor aboutthe need for revision in Work Schedulesas when it arise. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 13. The consultantswill seekwritten approvalfrom NHA to:_ a. trssuevariation orders carrying financiar and / or technical implications, including addition or deretitn 6f activitiesin activity schedule,BOe items, fixing ratesand prices of non-Boe items, variation in items rates, sumsor costs. b. Approve the sublettingof any part(s)of the works" c. Approve any extensionsof the period for completion of the works. d. Approve any additional cost and I or cost escalation claims by the contractor. REPORTING REOUIREMENTS 14' The consultant shall prepareand submitto NHA sevencopies of eachof the under mentionedreports' The format of these reports shall be mutually with the NHA. One copy shall be sentdirectlyto the ilank. "gr""d InceptionReport:The consultantwill submitan InceptionReportat the end of month l. This will contain fulr detail of the consultant's supervision methodologyand staff plan with supportingcvs of professionalstaff and projectedmonthlybilling. b. Monlhly contractAdministration Report:The consultant will, no laterthan the 10"'of eachmonth,prepare a narrative progress reportsummarizing: (D construction progressduring the month and cumulativeto date for each individual contract drawings specific attentionto any measure causesof delay(administrative, technicalor financial) with detailsof remedialactiontakenor recommended to the employei. 44 t I t I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I (iD t t t I I I I I I I I I T (iiD t I I (iv) statusof compliancewith the environmentalandsocialplans. (v) Monthly Monitoring Reportsfor planningcommissionsand any other suchreportasmay be requiredby the NHA-He. u The consultant will prepare a co.prehensive report summarizing alr activities under the servicesat the end of each financial year, and also at other times when consideredwanantedby either consultantor NHA b.ruuse of delayof the constructionworks or becauseof the occurrenceof technical or contractual difFrculties.such reports shall summarizenot only activities of the pro.i..i engineer/manager but also the progressof the contractsincluJing all contract variations and changeorders,the statusof the contractor claims, and brief descriptionsof the technicaland contractualproblems being encounteredand otherrelevantinformationfor eachof the ongoingcontracts.d. TeghnicalReports: The.consultant will produceas necessary technicalreports andpositionpapersdealingwith technicalmattersarisingouiing the project. Interim contract completion Reports:The consultantwill prepare completion report for eachcontractwithin 30 daysof issuanceof taking over certificate/ certificateof completion.This reportshall summarizethe im-plementation and financial history ofthe project.The defectslist providedto tfi" .ont actorand all outstanding claimspendingresolution. Final Project completipn. Report: The consultant will prepare a comprehensive final completionreportwithin 90 daysafter issuan""of tuking over certificate of the last civil works contract.The consultant wil preparei comprehensivefinal completionreport for the project including -construction, eachof the contractsand shall summarizethe method of as built record showing the location and details of all works carried out, all defectsand certification of satisfactory correction of such defects ior each of the construction contracts, the construction supervision performed, and recommendationsof future projects of similar nature to be undertakenby NHA. t I A comparisonof actualandforecastexpenditureboth duringthe month and cumulativeto date for eachindividual oontract,and th-erecord of the statusof paymentof the contractorsmonthly invoices,of all claims for cost or time extensions,and of actionsrequiredof Nire to permit unconstrainedworks implementation.The consultantwill also advise on the final estimatedcost for each individual contract and draw attention.toany major changesin the project,budgetincludingdetails of remedialactiontakenor recommended to the "rn-ploy.r. Technicalappreciationof any designor quality control problems for each individual contractincluding detailsof rernedialaciion taken or recommended to the employer. o Project DocumentarEThe consultantwill preparea comprehensiveproject documentary/rnove of internationalstandari covering o all activitiesoccuned duringconstruction. i,'#eqit* 'W/ ,4 fi \ L-'' \ii j;;';i nR,#t'' 45 h. 15' Theconsultantwill submita detailedDesignReview @ Reportpreparedby the Geometric,Structuraland pavemlni expertsuncer guidanceof a team leaderwithin *g ,nontr,, indicating any 91" deficiencies/ improvements requiredin the ".f detaileddesignpreparedby the consultant.The DesignReviewshallensurethat the .oirtirJion drawings carryall detailsnecessary for executing thejob andshallnoi-resuttin claims of non-BOeitems/additionalassociatjcosts. The consultant will also employthree(03) fresh graduatesas TraineeEngineers on the project for the consullancyagreementperiod. The amountpayableto the traineeis deemedto be included-inither q"";;;;;s; however,minimum stipendpayabreto eachtraineeexcrudingfouroiig-und rodgingwil be Rs.40,000/-per rnonth.TheseTraineeniginr"ir;ilt ue appointedwith the approvalof GM (p&CA.). Moreover,the^clientmay alsodesignateits own staffto work with the consultantsfor the purposeof on thejob training (at no costto the consultants). FACILITIES 16' The constructioncontractorshall provide, operate,maintainthe following facilities for the exclusiveuseof consultants: a. laboratorytestingequipment b. c. site office andresidentiaraccommodation (adequatery fumished) Sitetransport d. Surveyequipment t I I I t 17' The consultants-areencouragedto familiarize constructionwork before submitting their proposals.Draft samptJbioding document. uno irrr environment^iiug" planscan be inspectedat NHA. "nt 18. Following staff of the consultants shall be allowed to continue performing servicesfor a certain perio4 as mentionedbelowilir of final bills and closing of accountsand settlementof auOitparas:- ""-pr.tion Man-Months After Substantial Completion ResidentEngineer Chief Surveyor Quantity Surveyor ComputerOperator .. I T I I I tr.:.. 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I I I I l9' Following minimum qualificationsare suggestedfor key consultant staff:SpecificExpertise Head Office Staff 15Years Quantity Engineer l0 Years Minimum Bachelor'sdegreein Civil Engineering_ PreferablyM.Sc. in Transportation Engineering. Minimum 15 Years international / Local relevant experienceas Geometric/ pavementEngineer/ M.Sc. with minimum 12yearsrelevantexperience. M.Sc. in StructuralEngineering. Minimum 12 Years intemational / Local relevant experience as Structure Engineer especially Design Revied Vetting of Civil EngineeringStructures. Minimum Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering or Diploma in AssociateEngineering. Minimum 10 Years international / Local relevant experienceas QuantityEngineer.euantity Engineermust alsohaveexperienceas e.E on at leasttwo or moreNIIA projects in caseoflocal experience. M.Sc. in HydraulicEngineering. Minimum 12 Years international / Local relevant experienceasHydraulicEngineer" Minimum B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)with 1, )"" International/ Local relevantexperieniepreferablytrrt.s.. (civil Engineering)with minimum l0 years International / Local relevant experience. Resident Engineer 15Years Minimum Bachelor'sdegreein Civil Engineering_ preferablyM.Sc. in Civil Engineering/ Construction Management.Minimum 15 years international/ Local relevant experience as Resident Engineer Resident Engineermust alsohaveexperienceas RE on at leasttwo NHA projects. Assistant Resident Engineer/ Highway Engineer l0 Years Minimum Bachelor'sdegreein Civil Engineering_ preferablyM. Sc. in Civil Engineering/Transportation EngineeringMinimum 10 years intemational/ Local 3-lgvant experienceas Assistant Resident Engineer / M.Sc. with minimum 8 years relevant experience. AssistantResidentEngineermust alsohaveexpeiienceas ARE on at least one NFIA project in case of local experience. Minimum Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering or preferablyM.Sc. in GeotechnicalEngineeringor M.Sc. in Minimum 15 Yearsinternational/ Localrelevantexperience as Material Engineer. Material Engineer must have SpecificExpertise experienceas ME on at leastt"" or@ caseof localexperience. Traffic Engineer 12 Years Minimurn B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) witla 15 years relevant experience preferably nn"Sc. in Structural Engineeringwith minirnum 12 years intemationalI trocar relevantexperienceas StructuralEngineer.Experienceon NHA projectsis prefenedin caseof local expeiience. Minimurn Diploma in AssociateEngineering Minimum 15 Years international / Local relevant experienceas Quantity Surveyor and must also have experienceasQS on at leasttwo or moreNHA projects. Minimum Bachelor's degree in Civil nngin erirrg * preferablyM.Sc. in Transportration Engineeringor M.Jc. in geologicalengineering. Minimum 12 YearsintemationallL*,,alrelevant experience asTraffic Engineerfor expertswith Bachelorqualificationor l0 Yearsinternational/Local relevantexperienceas Traffic Engineer for experts with Masters qualification. Traffio EngineermusthaveexperienceasTE on at leasttwo or more NH4 Projectsin caseof localexperience. Minimum Diploma in AssociateEngineering Minimum 15 Years international / Local relevant experience as Chief Surveyor and must also have experienceas CE on at leasttwo or moreNFIA projects. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I DELIVERABLES 20' t t I I I t All deliverablescompletein all respectshall be submitted to the Employerwith necessaryverification or certificatioS b"for" e*piry of o"ft of all Construction Contracts fo, S"t. rogress Reports, which shall of course be submitted on monthly basis. Following deliverablesare requiredto be providedby the Supervision consultants: (l) X-Section (every 25 meters) submittedby the Contractor, checkedand approvedby the Consultants/the Engineer. (2\ As-built Drawings submittedby the Contractor,after review and approval showingremedialworks proposed. (3) Prepareand submit list of all_office equipment,laboratory equipment, survey equipment,furniture,vehicles,completedassetsittuento.y and any other items by the Contractor under the Contract, which .provided is property of the Employer. (4) Prepare"and submit Project CompletionReport giving all details of the project in chronologicalorder (5) All other interim reportsmentionedin precedingsections. TIME OF COMPLETION 21. Total time period of the project shall be fifteen (15) months. The design can often be reviewed if there is any serioussite problem not investigatedin the design. X_X_X-X-X I I t t I I I I I I 49 Appendix _ Bl s# Description Number Duration (Man- Moths) I Highway Engineer/ (Geometric* Pavement) Specialist 0l 1.5 2. 3. StructureExpert quantity Surveyor 0l 0l 4. 2.A 2.0 Hydraulic Engineer 0l 5" 1.0 01 6. GeotechnicalEngineer Draftsman 7. Office Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 01 0l Rate / Month I I I I I I I t A ii. /( L./ i.l \!'}! .r,l '\., '"qi+J' I I I I t I I T I I t T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix - 82 MAN.MONTHS FOR SUPERVISION STAF'F s# Description I ResidentEngineer 2 . AssistantResidentEngineer/ Number 0l Duration Rate / Month (Man- Moths) 1 2+ 0 3 : 1 5 0l 09 0l 12+03=15 09 8 . StructuralEngineer 0l 01 02 03 01 1 2x 2 : 2 4 30 09 9. 0l 04 01 06 Site Inspector- Road works 04 2x12+2x6 :36 12. Site Inspectors- Structures 02 lx12+1x6 =18 1 3 . Chief Surveyor 01 12+l:13 1 4 . Surveyors 02 lx12+lx6 =18 t 5 . SurveyHelpers 1 6 . ComputerOperators 03 02 30 :27 12+12+3 t 7 . Office Boys 02 1 8 . Office Assistants 02 12+12+3= 27 12x2=24 Highway Engineer Quantity Surveyor 4 . AssistantQuantity Surveyors J. 5 . Material Engineer 6 . LaboratoryTechnicians 7 . LaboratoryHelpers Traffic Engineer Planning Engineer (Graduate 10. Civil Engineer) ll t2 5l Appendix- B3 CommunicationExpenses Quoteratesin FIN-5 Printing of Reportsand Drawings Insuranceincluding professionalLiabilitv and medical, accidental and travel insurance of consultantstaff Travel expensesof Key Technical Staff between HeadOffice and Site (as per actual) Quoteratesin FIN-5 To be paid by the firm from its overheads Preparation of RevisedpC-I andprintingof 120 copies Quoteratesin FIN-5 TOTAL(Rs) 'ffi "tk#/ _--(' l\L- I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I i ! APPENDIXB MAN-MONTH AND ACTIVITY SCHEDULE To estimateconsurtant'sinputsand costsfor the assignmen!manand activity sgle^dul1 are to be provided ur-p.. lonth .n.ios.d format (FormsA7 andAg). Thesetwo schedules shouldcorrelate. 53 APPENDIXC CLIENT'S REQUIREMENTS FROM THE CONSULTAI\TS Someimportantrequirements are: l' selecting a consurting Engineeris one of the most important decisions an owner or Client makes. The most irnportunt standardsfor this are teohnicalcompetence, manageriarability, pr.ofessional integrity and faimessoi f"" structurel rt cti"nt will seekinformationon all theseaspectsby: " a. obtaining comprehensivewritten information from the consulting Engineer in form of RFps and shourd be completedin full providing all detailsas correctlyknown as possible.It hasbeenexperiencedthat someconsurtants try to hide their deficienciesviz-a-viz the requirements of TOR by making unclearand vague statement. It will be policy of evaluatorsthat vaguestatementand lack of clarity in proposalson specificissuesmay be reasonto downgraOe the rating. b. Talking to the seniorpersonnelof the Consultants. c. ConsultingtheirClients. d. Viewing the projectsthat they haveaccomplished and visit the users. e. Visiting the premises of Consulting Engineers and examining systems and method of works as well as hardware and software abilities available. Senior \I1na.Sem.ent(minimum l)irector level) shail regularly visit the site at leastonce a month and hold ..rtiij *itt Employer'srepresentation. f. The approachand methodologyproposedincluding work plan, activity and man-month schedule shou-ld be meaningful and- fully coordinated to judge th; understanding of the proposed assignmerit "UV th; Consultant. For ltems (b) to (e), the inspection can be held any time prior to or after award of work to the Consultants.During the inspectionif the scenariofound is not compatibrewith what is presentedduring presentationsor as pir Contract, the consultant is liable for action debarring for 2 years foi future projectswhich may or may not include Ulachlisting action. I I I I I I I I I l I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I APPENDIXD PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES AND OTHERS SERVICES OF TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT As per TOR APPENDIX.E COPYOFMODELAGREEMENT (To be finalizedduringNegotiations) 55 I I T I I contractror t "iiffil'f^"-"Ji urtyfe rvices . ,@ A)- t (r{AME OF CLIENT) I I t t T I I (NAME OF THE CONSULTAT\TS) For (BRTEFSCOPE OF SERVTCES) OF (NAME OF PROJf,CT) t I I I I I I Month and Year TABLE OF'CONTENTS PageNo. 1. FORM OF CONTRACT II. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT I. GENERAL PROVISIONS X.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Definitions Law Governingthe Contract Language Notices Location AuthorizedRepresentatives Taxes Leaderof JointVenture Relationbetweenthe parties Headings 2. C0MMEN.CJME_NT,COIVIPL__EqON,MODIFICATION, AIID TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7"l 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 ?l z.y 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 2.9.5 Effectivenessof Contract Terminationof contract for Failureto BecomeEffective Commencement of Services Expirationof Contract Modification Extensionof Time for Completion ForceMaieure Definitiori No Breachof Contract Extensionof Time Payments Suspension of paymentsby the Client I ermlnatton By the Client By the Consultants Cessationof Services PaymentuponTermination DisputesaboutEventsof Termination 3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 1.? 3.10 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONSULTAI\ITS General Standardof,Performance Law GoverningServices consultantsNot to Benefit from commissions,Discounts,etc. Confidentialitv Liability of th6 Consultants OtherInsurancesto be takenout by the Consultants Consultants'Actions RequiringClient'sprior Approval ReportingObligations DocumentsPrepared!V th" Consultantsto be the Propertyof the Client Equipmentand MaterialsFurnishedby - the Client Accounting,InspectionandAuditing 4. CONSI]LTAI\TSI PERSOI\NEL AI\D SI]BCONSULTAI\TS 4.1 4.2 4.3 General Descriptionof Personnel ApprovalofPersonnel .l' r' .:l I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I 58 t t t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t t I I I 4.4 4.5 4.6 WorkingHours,Leave,Overtime,etc. of personnel Semovaland/orReplacement ResidentProjectMinager f,. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT :.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 : 1 1.1 5.5 5.6 Assistanoe,CoordinationandApprovals Assistance' Co-ordination Approvals Abi:essto Land Changein the Applicable*" Law ServidesandFaiiliti;;-'Payments personnel Counterpart 6. PAYMENTS TO THE CONSULTANTS 9.! CostEstimates, CeilinsAmounr 3? ifi,ffi,-.Ji;Direcr costs (Non-sarary costs) ff#JilT"ji"f"??rX.ff 9.1 6.5 9..4 6.7 Mode of Billing andpayment Delayedpaymenrs AddilionalServices Consultants'Entitlernentto SuspendServices 7. FAIRNESS AND GOOD FAITH 7.1 7.2 GoodFaith Operationof the Contract 8. SETTLE,MENT OF DISPUTES 8.1 8.2 Amicable Settlement DisputeSettlement 9. INTEGRITY PACT 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 r0.4 10.5 III. THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANTS Oblieations IndirEctpayments Royaltie's Provisionof ExpertTechnicalAdvice Penaltv gSEqlAL.cor\DrrroNsoF CONTRACT ^-[Detailsto be finalizedUyihJ uJ*l IV. APPENDICES -{Rpendix 4- Descriptionof the Services AppendixB^B.poftin g Requirem;;d andSub-consultants fPPendrx9- ley Personnel ^ppenolx D- tsreakdownof Contractpricesjn_Foreign Currency contiaCip;G;i" il;;f&il;#". {RRendix E-Breakdownof Appendix F- Services andFaciliti;;ioL; p'*iaiitn"tri. ciit"t andcounterparr.perrionnel to bi MaJ.A;;ir"iGio ttre Consultants by theClient. _ AppendixG- Integritypacd v. ALIERNAIE TITL-E PAGE IN CASE OF JV ALTERNATEFORMoFb_oNtn,ibl IN bisn oF Jv 59 FORM OF CONTRACT pdotes: I' thts Form of contract when the consultants perform services as sole lse Consultonts. 2' In casethe consultantsperfo-rmservicesas a Member of thejoint venture,use the Form includedat tnb eia. 3. All notesshould be deletedin the finat text.l This CONTRACT (hereinaftercalledthe "contract") is madeon the o{-(year), between, on the day ol one (month) hand, (hereinafter oalled the "Client'o which expression shall include the successors,legal representatives and permitted assigns) and, on the other hand. (hereinaftercalled the "Consuttu"t, representatives and permittedassigns). WHEREAS (a) the client has requestedthe consultantsto provide certain consultingservicesas defined in the GeneralConditionsof contract attachedto this contracT@ereinafter calledthe "Services");and (b) the consultants, having representedto the client that they have the required professionalskills, and personneland technicalresources, haveagreedto providethe serviceson the termsand conditionssetforth in this conracu NOW THEREFOREthe Fartiesherebyagreeas follows: 1" The following documentsattachedheretoshall be deemedto form an integralpart of this Contract: (a) (b) (c) the GeneralConditionsof Contract; the SpecialConditionsof Contract: the following Appendices: [Note: If orry of theseAppendicesare not used,thewords "Not (Jsed,,shauld be iwerted below/nextto the title of the Appendix and on the sheetattached hereto carrying the title of that Appendix.J AppendixA: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Descriptionof Services ReportingRequirements Key Personneland Sub-consultants Breakdownof contract Frice in Foreigncurrency Breakdownof Contractprice in Local Cunency I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AppendixF: Services & Facilities to be provided by the Client and counterpartpersonnelto be MadeAvailableto the consultants by the Client. Appendix G: Integrity pact (for servicesaboveRs. r0 million) 2' The mutual rights and obligationsof the client and the consultantsshall be as set forth in the Contract,in particular: (a) the Consultantsshall carry out the Servicesin acoordance with the provisions of the Contract;and (b) the Client shall make paymentsto the consultants in accordancewith the provisionsof the Contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Partiesheretohave oausedthis Contractto be signedin their respectivenamesin two.identicalcounterparts, eachof which shallbe deemedasihe original, asofthe day,month andyearfirst abovewritten. For andon behalfof Witness (cLrENT) Signatures Signatures Name Name Title Title (Seaf For andon behalfof Witness (coNSULTANTS) Signatures Signatures Name Name Title Title (Seal) 61 t II. GENERALCOI\IDITIONSOF CONTRACT 1. GEIYERALPROVISIONS 1.1 Definitions unless the context otherwiserequires,the following terms wheneverused in this Contracthavethe following rn.unings (a) "ApplicableLaw" meansthe laws and any other instruments havingthe f,oroe of law in the Islamic Republicof Pakistarlasthosemay be issuedand in force from time to time: (b) "contract" meansthe contract signedby the parties,to whioh theseGeneral conditions of contract (GC) are attached,together with all the documents listed in ClauseI of suchsignedContract; (c) "contract Price" means the price to be paid for the performance of the Services,in accordance with Clause6; (d) "Effective Date" meansthe dateon which this contract comes into force and effectpursuantto Sub-Clause 2.1; (e) "GC" meanstheseGeneralConditionsof Contract; (0 "Government"rneansthe Governmentof the IslamicRepublic pakistan; of (e) currency" means curency other than the currency lFore.rgn of Islamic Republicof Pakistan; (h) "Local currency" meansthe cunencyof the IslamicRepublic pakistan; of (i) "Member" in casethe consultantsconsistof a joint venfureof more than one entity, meansany of the entities,and "Memb"rri' rn.un, all of these entities; c) "Partt" meansthe client or the consultants,as the casemay be, and ,,parties,, meansboth ofthem; (k) "Personnel"meanspersonshired by the consultantsor by any subconsultant as employeesand assignedto the performanceof the Services or any part thereof; 0) "SC" meansthe Specialconditions of contract by which the GC are amended or supplemented; (m) "Services"meansthe work to be performedby the consultantspursuantto this Contract,as describedin AppendixA; 62 I I T I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1.2 (n) "Subconsultant"meansany entity to which the Consultantssubcontractanv part of the servicesin aocordance with the provisionsof Sub-clause3.6; (o) "Third Party" meansany personor entity otherthanthe Clien! the Consultants or a Subconsultant; and (p) "Project'omeansthe work specifiedin SC for which engineeringconsultancy servicesaredesired. Law Governingthe Contract This Contrac! its meaningand interpretation,and the relation betweenthe parties shall be governedby the ApplicableLaw. 1.3 Language This Contracthas beenexecutedin the English languagewhich shall be the binding and controlling languagefor all mattersrelatingto the meaning or interpretationof this Contract. All the reportsandcommunications shallbe in the Englishlanguage. 1.4 Notices Any notice,request,or consentmadepursuantto this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemedto have been made when delivered in person to an Authorised Representative of the Partyto whom the communicationis aidressed,or when sent by registeredmail, telex, or facsimile to such party at the address oi trre tfi;;; Representative specifiedunder sub-clausesc 1.6. A party may changeits address for noticehereunderby giving the otherparty noticeofsuch chanse. 1.5 Location The Servicesshall be performedat suchlocationsas are specified in AppendixA and, wherethe locationof a particulartaskis not so specified,at suchlocations asmutually agreedby the Parties. 1.6 Authorised Representatives Any action requiredor permittedto be taken,and any document requiredor permitted to be executed,underthis Contractby the Client or the Consultants shall be takenor executedby the AuthorisedRepresentatives specifiedin the sc. t.7 Taxes Unlessspecifiedin the SC,the Consultants,Subconsultants, andtheir personnelshall pay such taxes, fees, and other impositionsas may be levied under the Applicable Law. 63 t 1.8 Leader of Joint Venture In case the Consultantsconsist of a joint venture of more than one entity, the consultantsshall be jointly and severallybound to the Client for fulfillment of the terms of the Contractand designatethe Membernamed in sc, to act as leaderof the Joint venture, for the purposeof receivinginstructions frorn the client. 1.9 Relation betweenthe parties Nothing containedherein shall be construedas establishing a relation of masterand servantor of principal and agent as betweenthe Client and the consultants. The Consultants,subject to this Contract,have complete chargeof personneland Sub consultants,if any, performing the Servicesani shall uehuy responsiblefor the Servicesperformedby them or on their behalfhereunder. f .10 Headings The headingsshall not limit, alter or affectthe meaningof this contract. 2' .'MMEN.EMENT' coMpLETIoN' M'DIFI.ATI'N. AIID TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 2.1 Effectivenessof Contract This Contractshall comeinto force andeffecton the date(the ,,Effective Date,,)of the clienfs noticeto the Consultantsinstructingthe Consultants to begincarryingout the services' This notice shall confirm that thi effectiveness conditions,if any, listed in the SC havebeenmet. 2.2 Termination of contract for Failure to BecomeEffective If this Contracthasnot becomeeffectivewithin suchtime period after the dateof the Contractsignedby the Partiesas shall be specifiedin the SC, either party may, by not less than twenty eight (2s) days written notice to the other party, declarethis Contractto be null and void, and in the eventof sucha declaration bl either paf1y, neitherParty shall haveany claim againstthe otherPartyexcept for the work (if any) alreadydoneor costsalreadyincurredby a Parfyat the requestofthe otherparty. 2.3 Commencementof Services The Consultantsshall begin oarryingout the Servicesat the end of suchtime period after the EffectiveDateas shallbe specifiedin the SC. 2.4 Expiration of Contract Unlessterminatedearlierpursuantto Sub-Clause 2.9, this Contractshall expirewhen, pursuantto the provisionshereof,the Services.have beencompletedandthe payments of remunerationsincluding the direct costs if 44y,o'havp been made. The-Services I ",: 1i*-.:1r .'.1:...'''" if, ,yr, t: tl 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I shall be completedwithin a periodas is specifiedin the SC, or such extendedtime as may be allowedunderSub-Clause 2.6. Theterm "Completionof Services"is asspecifiedin the 2.5 SC. Modification Modification of the termsand conditionsof this Contract,including any modification of the scopeof the Servicesor of the ContractPrice, may only be ,nud" in writing, which shallbe mutually agreedand signedby boththe parties. 2.6 Extensionof Time for Completion If the scopeor durationof the Servicesis increased: 2.7 (a) the Consultantsshall inform the Client of the circumstances and probable effects; (b) the increaseshallbe regardedasAdditional Services; and (c) the client shall extendthe time for Completionof the Servicesaccordingly. ForceMajeure 2.7.1 Definition (a) For the purposesof this contract, "ForceMajeure" meansan eventwhich is beyond the reasonablecontrol of a party and which makes a party,s performanceof its obligationsunderthe contract impossibleor so impractical as to be consideredimpossibleunderthe circumstances, and includes,but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder,earthquake, fre, exprosion,storm, flood or other adverseweatherconditions,strikes,lockouts or other indushial actions (except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial actionsare within the powerof the party invokingForceMajeure prevent), to confiscation or any otheractionby governmentagencies. (b) Force Majeure shall not incrude (i) any event whioh is causedby the negligenceor intentionalaction of a Party or such party's Subconsultants or agents or employees,nor (ii) any event which a diligent party could reasonablyhavebeenexpectedto both (A) take into accouniat the time of the conclusionof this contract and (B) avoid or overcomein the carryingout of its obligationshereunder. (c) ForceMajeure shall not includeinsufficiencyof funds or failure to makeany paymentrequiredhereunder. t I I 65 2.7.2 No Breach of Contract The failure of-a Party to fulfill aqv of lts obligationsunderthe contract shall not be consideredto be a breachof, or default uno.ittir--contract insofaru, ,*h inability arisesfrom an event of Force Majeure,proniorJlrtut the party aff;.fi; suchan event; (a) has taken all reasonableprecautions,due care and reasonablealtemative measuresin order to carry out the termsand condition-s of this Contract;and (b) has informed the other narry in writing not later trtun iit .n (15) days following the occurrenceofsuch an event. 2.7.3 Extensionof Time Any period within shall,pursuantto this contraot,completeany action or task, shall be extendedfor a period-equalto the ti*e orlring.;rni"rr'*"llarry was unableto perform suchactionai a result'orror". rrauj"ur". 2.7.4 Payments During lhe period of their inability to performthe servicesas a result of an eventof F9r9e.Majeure,the consultantsshattbe entitledto continueto be paid underthe terms of this contract, as well as to be reimbursedfor aoditional costs reasonautyand necessarilyincurredby them during suchperiodforGpurpose 'of the servicesandin reactivatingthe servicesafterthe e-noor suctrp;ri"d. 2.8 Suspensiono/payments by the Client The client 1aY, by written notice-of suspensionto the, consultants,suspendall paynents to the consultantshereunderif thi consultants faii 6 t;;i; aiy of their obligationsunder this contracl includingth";;"d; out of the services,provided that suchnotice of suspension(i) shall-si^e91rvtrr""rui-"." of the failure, and (ii) shall requestthe consultantsto remedvsuch'failure*itttin u period not ex"eeaingthirty (30) daysafterreceiptby the consultantsof such;;;i;; orru.p"rrri*:'-----' 2.9 Termination 2,9.1 By the Ctient The Client may terminatethis Contract,by not lessthan thirty (30) dayswritten notice of terminationto the Consultants,to be givenafterthe occurrence of any of the events specifiedin paragraphs_(a) through1e;of tnis Sub-Clause2.9.1 and ri*iv teol daysin the caseofthe eventreferredto in paragraph(f): (a) if the Consultantsdo not remedy a failure in the performance of their obligationsunder the Contract,within thirry (30) auyr ino-u"infiotinea or within any further period as the Client may'have zubsequentlyipproveO in writing; (b) if the Consultantsbecome(oa if the Consultantsconsistof more than one entity, if any of their Mernbersbeoornes)insolventor bankruptor enterinto any agreements with their creditorsfor relief of debt or take advantageof any law for the benefit of debtorsor go into liquidation or receivershipwhether compulsoryor voluntary .. : I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I I (c) if the consultantsfail to comply with any final decision reachedas a resultof arbitrationproceedingspursuantto Clauseg hereof; (d) if the consultantssubmitto the client a statement which hasa materialeffect on the rights, obligationsor interestsof the client and which the consultants know to be false; (e) if, as the result of Force Majeure,the consultants are unableto perform a materialportion of the Servicesfor a periodof not lessthan si*ty looj ouyr; (0 if the client, in its solediscretion,decidesto terminate this contract. 2.9.2 By the Consultants The consultantsmay terminatethis.contract,by not lessthanthirty (30) dayswritten notice to the client, suchnoticeto be given after the occurrenceof any of the events specifiedin paragraphs (a) through(d) ottttir sub-clause2.g.2: (a) if the client fails to pay any moniesdue to the consultantspursuantto this contract and not subjectto disputepursuant to Clauseg within forty-frve(45) days after receivingwritten notice from the consultantsthat suchpaymentis overdue; (b) if the client is in materialbreachof its obligations pursuantto this contract and has not remediedthe samewithin fortli-nve (45) days (or such longer period as the consultants haye subsequentlyupp.ourd in writing) lly following the receiptby the client of the consultants,notice speci$ringsuch breach; (o) if, as a result of Force Majeure, the consultants are unable to perform a materialportion of the Servicesfor a periodof not lessthan sixty (60) days; (d) if the client fails to comply with any final decisionreachedas a result of arbitrationproceedingspursuantto Clauseg hereof. 2.9.3 Cessationof Services Upon receiptof noticeof terminationunderSub-clause 2.9.1, orgiving of noticeof terminationunder sub-clause2.9.2, theconsultants shall take all necessarystepsto bring the servicesto a close in a prompt and orderly mannerand shall n,uk" reasonableeffort to keepexpendituresfor this pu.por. "n.ry to a minimum. with respecr to documentspreparedby the consultants,and equipmentandmaterialsfurnishedby the client, the consultantsshall proceedas proviaeo', .!rp.rtin.rv, by Sub-clauses3.g or 3.9. 67 t 2.9.4 Paymentupon Termination upon terminationof this contractpursuantto Sub-clauses 2.9.1or 2"9"2,theclient shall makethe following paymentsto the Consultants: (a) (b) remunerationand reimbursabledirect costsexpenditurepursuant to clause 6 for Servicessatisfactorilyperformedprior to the effectiv. aut. of termination. Effective date of terminationfor purposesof this sub-clause meansthe date when the prescribednoticeperiodwould expire; except m in the caseof terminationpursuantto paragraphs(a) through (d) of Sub-clause 2.9.1,reimbursement or any reasonable i""io"*ii;',h" prompt and orderly termination of the Contract, including "or, the cost of the retum travel of the Personnel,accordingto ConsultantsTra:veling Allowance Rules. 2.9.5 Disputesabout Eventsof Termination If either Farty disputeswhetheran specifiedin paragraphs(a) through (e) of Sub-clause2.-9.1or in paragraphs91enJ (a) through (d) of sub-clause 2.9.2 hereof has occurred, such Party may, within forty-five (+ij oavs after receipt of notice of termination from the other Parfy, refer the matterto arbitrationpursuant to Clauseg hereof,and this Contractshall not be terminatedon accountof sucheventexceptin accordancewith the termsof any resurtingarbitraraward. 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONSULTAIITS 3.1 General 3.1.1 Standardof performance The consultantsshallperformthe Servicesandcarry out their obligationswith all due diligence, efficiency, and economy, in u."ordun." with generally accepted professionaltechniquesandpractices,and shall observe soundrnunugr1nrntpractices, and employ appropriateadvancedtechnologyand safe methods. The Consultants shall alwaysact, in respectof any matterrelaiingto this Contractor to the Services,as faithful advisersto the Client, and shall at all times supportand safeguard the Client,s legitimateinterestsin any dealingswith Subconsultan;sor third part[s. 3.1.2 Law GoverningServices The Consultantsshall perform the Servicesin accordancewith the Applicable Law and shall take all practicablestepsto ensurethat any Sub consultants,as well as the Personnelof the Consultantsand any Sub consultants,comply with the Applicable Law. t ,a+' "'-t . .. ,t- ,, " ."ri:'1: dii:r' ll ii:."' t/l !,,J' filu, -* '"". .;:j:"i.'' r"i'. "lr\',;...:ll,llf r'i...;r'' .: , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I 3.2 consultantsNot to Benefitfrom commissions, Discounts,etc. The remunerationof the consultants pursuant to clause 6 shall constitutethe consultants'sole remunerationin connectionwith this contract or the Services,and the consultantsshaltnot acoeptfor their own benefit any tradecommission,discount, or similar paymentin connectionwith*t to this Contractor to the services or in the discharge of their obligations under the contract, and the consultants shall use their best efforts to ensure that the personnel,any sub consultants,and agents of either of them similarly shali not receive any such additionalrernuneration. 3.3 Confidentiality The Consultants,their Subconsultants, and the Personnelof eitherof them shall not, eitherduring the term or-afterthe expiration of this corrt.a"t,lir"lor" any proprietary or confidentialinformationrelatingio the Project,the Services,this contract, or the client's businessor operationswithout the prior written consentof the client. 3.4 Liability of the Consultants The consultantsare liable for the consequence of errorsandomissionson their part or on the part of their employeesin so far asthe designof the project is concernedto the extentandwith the limitationsasmentioned hereinbelow. If the client suffers any lossesor damages as a resurt of proven f'aults,errors or omissionsin the designof a project,the Consultants shall nnike good suchlossesor damageso subjectto the conditionsihat the maximum liability as aforesaidshall not exceedtwice the total remunerationof the consultantsfb;;.rig" phasein accordance with the termsofthe Contract. The liability of the consultantsexpiresafter one (l) year from the stipulateddateof completionof construction_or afterthree(3) ttredateof final completion of the designwhicheveris earlier. The consultantsmay, to protectthemselves, insurethemselvesagainsttheir liabilities but this is not obligatory. The extentof the insurance shall be up to the limit specified in second para above. The consultants procure shall the necessarycover before commencingthe servicesand the cost of procuring suchcover shall be borneby the consultantsup to a limit of one percentof the total remunerationof the consultants for the designphasefor everyyear ofkeeping suchcovereffective. The consultantsshall at the requestof the client, indemnirythe client againstany or all risks arisingout of the fumishingof professional servic"i iy,rr" consultantsto the client' not coveredby the provisionscontained in the n.rt pu.u aboveand exceeding the limits set forth in secondpara aboveprovided the actualcost of procuringsuch indemnityas well as costsexceedingthe limits set forth in fourth paraaboveshallbe bome by the Client. 69 3.5 Other Insurancesto be Taken out by the Consultants In additionto the insurancestatedin sub-clause3.4 above,the consultantsshalltake out and maintain the various insurancesas are specified in the SC, at the cost and expenseof the Client. Consultants'Actions Requiring Client'sprior Approval The Consultantsshall obtainthe Client'sprior approval in writing beforetakingany of the following actions: 3.7 (a) appointingsuchPersonnelas are listed in Appendix-c merely by title but not by name; (b) enteringinto a subcontractfor the performanceof any part of the services,it being understood(i) that the selectionof Subconsuttunt, and the terms and conditionsof the subcontractshallhavebeenapproved in writing by the Client prior to the executionof the subcontract,and (ii) that the Consultantsshal remain fully liable for the performanceof the Services by the Subconsultants and its Personnelpursuantto this Contract; (c) any otheractionthat may be specifiedin the SC. Reporting Obligations The consultants shall submit to the client the reports and documentsspecifiedin Appendix B in the form, in the numbers,and within the periods set forth in the said Appendix. 3.8 DocumentsPreparedby the consultantsto be the property of the client All plans, drawings, specifications,reports, and other documents and software preparedby the Consultantsin accordancewith Sub-Clause 3.7 shall becomeand remain the property of the Clien! and the Consultantsshall, not later than upon terminationor expirationof this Contrac! deliver (if not alreadydelivered) all zuch documentsand softwareto the Client,togetherwith a detailedinventorythereof. The Consultantsmay retaina copy of suchdocumentsand software. Restrietion(s)aboutthe futureuseof thesedocuments,is specifiedin the SC. 3.9 Equipment and Materials Furnishedby the Client Equipment and materials made available to the Consultantsby the Clienl or purchasedby the Consultantswith fundsprovidedby the Client, shall be the property of the Client and shall be markedaccordingly. Upon terminationor expirationoithit Contract,the Consultantsshall make availableto the Client an inventory of such equipment and materials and shall disposeof such equipment and materials in accordancewith the Client'sinstructionsor afford salvagevalue of the same. While :':ii:';ir-:r i ' .i':. it' .l'' r' .; i;)--: ,.i.1 'i' titj. , t,r ,t ,:ii.i til,, I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I t t I I m possessionof such equipmentand materials,the Consultants, unlessotherwise instructedby the client in writing, shall insurethemat the expenseof the client in an amountequalto their full replacementvalue. 3.10 Accounting,Inspectionand Auditing The Consultants(i) shall keep accurateand systematic accountsand records in respect of the Services hereunder,in accordance with intemationally accepted accountingprinciplesand in suchform and detail as will clearly iaentiry at relevant time charges,and cost, and the basisthereof,and (ii) shall permit the client or its designatedrepresentatives periodically,and up to one year from the expiration or terminationofthisContract, to inspectthe sameandmake copiesthereofaswell asto havethem auditedby auditorsappointedby the Client. t I t I I I T I I I I t I I I I 4. CONSULTANTS' PERSOI\NEL AND SUBCONSULTANTS 4.1 General The consultantsshall employ and provide suchqualified and experiencedpersonnel and sub consultantsas arerequiredto carryout the services. 4.2 4.3 Descriptionof personnel (a) The title, activitiesof job descriptionand estimated period of engagement in the carrying out of the Servicesof each of the consultants,personnelare describedin AppendixC. (b) Adjustment with respectto the estimatedperiodsof engagementof various salary gradesof the personnelset forth in Appendix c ;; be madeby the consultants in accordancewith the actual requirements of the contract to ensureefficient performanceof the Services,provided that the aggregateof such adjustmentsshall not causepaymentsunder this Contractto exceedthe ceilingssetforth in Sub-Clause O.i1ayof this Conhact. Approval ofPersonnel The Key Personneland Subconsultantslistedby title aswell as by namein Appendix c are deemedto be approvedby the Client. In respect of otherKey personnelwhich the Consultantsproposeto use in carryingout of the Services,the Consultantsshall submit to the client fo.rreview and approvala copy of their biographicaldata. If the not objecl in writing (statingthe reasonsfor the objection) 9tl:"'does within fourteen (14) calendardays from the date of receipt of such biographicaldata, such Key Personnelshall be deemedto havebeenapproved by the clilnt" t Working Hours Leave, Overtime, etc. working Hours for Key personnelaresetforth in Appendix-c hereto. Except for the staff covered under reimbursable direct costs expenditure,the consultantsnremuneration given in AppendixD andAppendixE shallbe deemedto cover paid casual leave, sick leave ind earned leave. The client will reimburse overtime paymentsto eligible Personnelprovided by the consultants,in respectof support staff and work chargedstaff. Any taking of l.uu. by personnelshall be subjectto the prior approvalby the consultants who shall ensurethat absencefor leavepurposeswill nol delay the progressand adequate supervisionof the Services. Slch taking of the Authorized Representative of the Consultantsat site, if any, -leave shall be precededby the Client informedin writing. Removaland/or Replacementof personnel (a) Except as the client may otherwiseagree,no changes shall be made in the Key Personnel. If, for any reasonbeyond the rlsonable control of the consultants,it becomesnecessaryto replaceany of the Key personnel,the consultants shall provide as a replacementu p.rron of equivalentor better qualifications. (b) If the client; (i) finds that any of the personnel has committed serious misconductor has beenchargedwith having committed a criminal action;or (ii) has reasonablecauseto be dissatisfieowittr the performance of any of the Personnel,then the consultantsshall,at the client's written requestspeci$ring the groundstherefore,provide as a replacementa personwith qualifications and experienceacceptableto the Client. (c) Any of the Personnelprovidedas a replacement underSub-clauses(a) and (b) above, the rate of remunerationapplicableto such person as well as any reirnbursableexpenditures(incruding expendituresdue to the number of eligible dependents)the consurtantsmay wish to clairn as a result of such replacemen! shall be subject to the prior written approval by the client. Except as the client may otherwiseagree,(i) the consultantsshall bear all additional travel and other costsarising out of or incidentalto any removal and/or replacemen! and (ii) the remunerationto be paid for any of the Personnelprovidedas a replacementshall not exceedthe remunerationwhich would havebeenpayableto the personnelreplaced. ResidentEngineer If requiredby the SC, the consultantsshalrensurethat at all times duringthe consultants'performance of the Services,a ResidentEngineeracceptable to the Client,shalltakechargeof theperformance of suchServices 72 I I I I I T I I I I t I I T I l T I I t I I I I T 5. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT 5.t Assistance,Coordinationand Approvals 5.1.1 Assistance The client shall useits besteffortsto ensurethat theclient shall: (a) t I I I (b) (c) t I t I I I I I I I I provide at no cost to the consultants,subconsultants and personnelsuch documentspreparedby the client or other oonsurting engineersappointedby the client as shall be necessaryto enablethe consJtuni, subronsultantsor Personnelto performthe services.The documents and the time within which suchdocumentsshailbe madeavailable,areas specifiedin the sc; assistto obtain the existingdata relevantto the carryingout of the Services, with various Governmentand other organizations. -Such items shall be returned by the Consultantsupon completion of the Servicesunder this Contact; issueto officials, agentsandrepresentatives of the concemedorganizations, all suchinstructionsas mry bg necessaryor appropriate for promptand effective implementationof the Services: (d) provide to the Consultants,Sub consultants, and Personnelany such other assistance and exemptionsasmay be specifiedin the SC: (e) assistto obtain permits which may be required for right-of-way,entry upon the landsand propertiesfor the purposesof this Contralt. 5.1.2 Co-ordination The Clientshall: (a) coordinateand get or expediteany necessary approvaland clearances relating to tfe work from any Governmentor semi--Govern..";;;;;y, Deparfment or Authority, and otherconcernedorganizationnamed in the-SC. (b) Coordinatewith any otherconsultantsemployedby him. 5.1.3 Approvals The client shall accordapprovalof the documentswithin suchtime as specifiedin the SC,whenevertheseare appliedfor by the Consultants. 5.2 Accessto Land The client warrantsthat the consultantsshall have, free of charge,unimpededaccess to all land of which accessis requiredfor the performance of the Services. 73 5.3 Changesin the ApplicableLaw If, after the date of this contract, there is any changein the Applicable Law which increasesor decreases the cost ofthe ServicesrenOJredby the Consultants,then the remunerationsand direct costs otherwise payable to the Consultantsunder this Contractshall be increasedor decreasedaccordingly, andcorresponding adjustment shall be madeto the amountsreferredto in sub-clause6.1 (a). Ratein G AppendixE shall be revised in case of revision in salary made in'an organizationdue to statutoryNotification. Such revisedrate(s)shall be applicablefrom the respective date(s)of implementationof such Notification by the.concerned organizationsfor which necessaryproof shall be providedto the Client. 5.4 Servicesand Facilities The Client shall makeavailableto the Consultants,Subconsultants andthe personnel, for the purposeof the Servicesand free of any charge,the services, facilities and property describedin Appendix F at the times and in the manner specifiedin said Appendix F, providedthat if suchservices,facilities and propertyshall not be made availableto the Consultantsas and when so specified,tne partiesshall agree on; (i) any time extensionthat it may be appropriateto grant to the Consultants for the performanceof the Services; (ii) the mannerin which the Consultants shall procure any suchservices,facilitiesand propertyfrom othersources;and (iii) the adiitional payments,if, any, to be madeto the Consultantsas a result thereofpursuant to SubClause6.l(b) hereinafter. J.J 5.6 I I I I I ! I I T l Payments t In considerationof the Servicesperformedby the Consultantsunderthis Contract, the Client shall maketo the Consultantssuchpaymentsand in suchmanneras is provided by Clause6 ofthis Contract. I Counterpart Personnel t (a) If so provided in Appendix-F hereto,the client shall make availableto the consultants,as and when provided in suchAppendix-F,and free of charge, such counterpartpersonnelto be selectedby the Client, with the Consultants' advice,as shall be specifiedin suchAppendix-F. counterpartpersonnelshall work underthe exclusivedirectionof the Consultants.If any memberof the counterpartpersonnelfails to perform adequatelyany work assignedto such memberby the consultantswhich is consistentwith the positionoccupiedby such member,the consultantsmay requestthe replacementof suchmember, andthe Client shallnot unreasonably refuseto act upon suchrequest. (b) If counterpartpersonnelare not providedby the Client to the Consultantsas and when specifiedin Appendix-F,the client and the consultantsshall agree on; (i) how the affeotedpart of the Servicesshall be carriedout. and (ii) the additionalpayments,if any, to be madeby the client to the consultantsas a resultthereofpursuantto Sub-Clause 6.1(c)hereof. .l*51''.'..'*,'. y'#_ ,,,r,to t\":I'1"'''l ._ $,: .. -' : , . , _ ., ''.-1,a:--' I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. PAYMENTS TO THE CONSULTANTS 6.1 Cost Estimates,CeilingAmount (a) An estimateof the cost of Servicespayablein foreign and local currencies is set forth in AppendicesD and E respectively. Except as may be otherwise agreedunder Sub-clause2.5 and subjectto Sub-clause6.1 (b), payments under this Contract shall not exceedthe ceilings in foreign currency in AppendixD and in local currencyin AppendixE, excludingadjustments made under Sub-Clause6.2(a)of the SC. The Consultantsshall notiff the Client as soon as cumulativechargesincurred for the Serviceshave reache d B0%of eitherof theseceilings. (b) Notwithstandingsub-clause 6.1(a) hereof, if pursuantto any of the subClauses5.3, 5.4 or 6.6 hereof,the Partiesshall agee that additionalpayments in local and/or foreign cuffency,as the casemay be, shall be made to the Consultantsin orderto coverany necessaryadditionalexpenditures relatingto remunerationnot envisagedin the cost estimatesreferredto in Sub-Clause 6.1(a)above,and the ceiling or ceilings,as the casemay be, set forth in sub_ Clause6.1(a)aboveshall be increasedby the amountor amounts, as the case may be, of any suchadditionalpayments. (c) NotwithstandingSub-clause6.1(b) hereof, if pursuantto any of the SubClauses5-3,5.4or 5.6 hereof,the Partiesshallagreethat additionalpayments in local and/orforeign cu.'ency, as the ,rr-uybe, shall be madeto the "u*additional Consultantsin orderto coverany necessary expenditures relatingto reimbursabledirect costnot envisagedin the costestimatesreferred to in Subclause 6.1(a) above,the ceiling or ceilings,as the casemay be, set forth in Sub-Clause6.1(b) aboveshall be increasedby the amountor amounts, as the casemay be, of any suchadditionalpayments. t I I I I I I I t I 6.2 Remunerationand ReimbursabreDirect costs (Non-salarycosts) (a) Subjectto the ceilings specifiedin Sub-Clause6.1(a)hereof,the Client shall pay to the consultants;(i) remunerationas setforth in Sub-clause6.2(b);and (ii) reimbursabledirect costs expenditureas set forth in Sub-Clause-f261. Remunerationshallbe subjectto price adjustmentas specifiedin the SC. (b) Remunerationfor the Personnelshall be determinedon the basis of time actually spentby suchPersonnelin the performanceof the Servicesafter the date determinedin accordancewith Sub-ClauseSC 2.3 (including time for necessarytravel via the most direct route)at the ratesreferredto, a-ndsubjeot to suchadditionalprovisionsasaresetforth in the SC. (c) Reimbursabledirect costs(non-salarycosts)actuallyand reasonably incurred by the Consultantsin the performanceof the Services.The reimbursable direct costsexpenditureshallbe for the itemsspecifiedin the SC" t I I I I I 75 I 6.3 Currency of payment (a) (b) Foreign ,currency payment shall be made in the cunency or currencies specifiedas foreign curency or cunencies in Appendixo, ano local cunency paymentshall be madein pakistaniRupees. The q9 shall specifr which items of remuneration and reimbursable expendituresshallbe paid,respectively,in foreign and in local currencv. Mode of Billing and Fayment Billing andpaymentsin respectof the Services shalrbe madeas folrows: (a) To cover paymentsdue under sub-crauses 6.i and 6.2 ofthis contract, the client shall establisha revolving fund in foreign.uo.n.f unJ tocat cunency accountsoeach accounj b separatelyand distinctry maintainedby the .b: consultants,and sha[ deposit into ihe saii accounts,amountsin the currencies specifiedaboveas follows: (i) (ii) Not later than thirty (30) days following the signing of contract by both the parties amountsestimatedto be the ,"qii."."nts in the respective currencies for the three (3) months of the Services immediatelyfollowing the signingof Contract calculatedon the basis of the applicableestimatessetforth in AppendicesD andE. Not later than the r5th day of each succeeding month, the amount equal to the preceding monthry estimate In accordance with AppendicesD and E shail be recoupedby the client in the revolving fund againstforeigncurrencyand local currencyamounts. Any bank interest accruing in a revolving fund shall be credited by the Consultantsto the Client. (b) As soon as practicableand preferablywithin thirty (30) days after the end of each calendarmonth during the period of the Services,the consultantsshall submitto the ctient, in duplicate,itemizedstatements, accompanied by copies of receiptedinvoices,vouchersand other appropriatesupporting materials,of the amountspayablepursuantto Sub-clauses6.3 and 6.4 for such month. Separatemonthly statementsshall be submittedin respectof amountspayable in foreign currencyand in local currency. Monthly statementshalldistlnguish that portion of the total eligible costswhich pertainsto remunerationfrom that portion which pertainsto reimbursabledirectcostsexpenditure. In caseof a joint venture,separatemonthly statementsshall be submittedin respect of amounts payable to each Member of the joint venture of the Consultants. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (c) The client shall causethe paymentof the consultants' monthly statements within twenty-eighteB) days for amountsin rocal currency and within fifty six (56) daysfor amountsin foreigncurrencyafter the ,e"eiptby the client of such statementswith supportingdocuments"only suchportion of a monthly statementthat is not satisfactorilysupportedmay be witirheld from paymeni. Shouldany discrepancybe found to exist betweenactualpayment and oosts authorized to be incurred by the consultants, the clieni, after seeking clarificationfrom the consultants,may addor subtractthe differencefrom anv subsequent payments. (d) The final paymentunderthis clause shall be made only after the final report and a final statemen! identified as such, shall have been submittedby the consultantsand approvedas satisfactoryby the client. The servicesshallbe deemedcompletedand finally acceptedby the client and the final reportand final statementshall be deemedapprovedby the client as satisfactoryninety (9_0)calendardays after receiptofihe final report and final statementby the client unlessthe client, within such ninety 1bo; oays period, gives written notice to the consultantsspecifuingin detail deficiencies in the services,the final report or final statement. The consurtantsshail thereuponprompfly and uponcompletionof suchcorrections,the lake yr necessaryc_orrections, foregoingprocessshall be repeated.Any amountwhich the Client haspaid or causedto be paid in accordancewith this clause in excessof the amounts actually payablein accordancewith the provisions of this contract shail be reimbursedby the consultants to the Client within thirty (30) days after receiptby the consurtantsof noticethereof. Any such uv the client for reimbursementmust be madewithin fiffy six "rri. oays afteireceipt 1so; by the client of a final report and a final statementapproved by the client in accordancewith the above.The client shall cause the final paymentto the consultants within fifty six (56) days of receipt of final invoice from the consultants,after completionof Servicesfinallyaccepted alongwiththe final reportand statementof the Consultantsby the Client. (e) All paymentsunder this Contract Consultantsto be notified later. t I I T I I I I I I 6.5 be madeto the bank accountof the DelayedPayments If the client hasdelayedpaymentsbeyondthe period stated in paragraph(c) of Subclause 6.4, interestchargesshall be paid to thi consultants for eachday of delayat the rate specifiedin the SC. 6.6 Additional Services Additional Servicesmeans: (a) Servicesas approvedby the Client outsidethe Scope of Servicesdescribedin AppendixA; I I (b) Servicesto be performedduring the period extended pursuantto sub-Clause 2.6, beyondthe original scheduletime for completionoithe services; and (c) any re-doingof any part of the Servicesasa resultof client,sinstructions. I{ in the opinion of the Client, it is necessaryto perf,ormAdditional Servicesduring the currencyof the Conhactfor the purposeof thi Project,the Consultants, with the prior written authorizationof the Client, shall carry out suchAdditional Serviceson the basisof the billing ratessetout in the Conhact. In casefor any reasons theserates and pricesare determinedby both the Partiesto be not applicablefor saidAdditional -time, Services,then suitable billing rates and the additional shall be agreedupon betweenthe Client andthe Consultants. 6.7 ! Consultants'Entitlement to SuspendServices If the Client fails to make the paymentof any of the Consultants'invoice within twenty-eight (28) days after the expiry of the time statedin paragraph(c) of SubClause6.4, within which paymentis to be made,the Consultantsmay after giving not less than twenty-eight(2S) days' prior notice to the Client, suspendthe Servicesor reducethe rate of carrying out the Services,unlessand until the Consultantshave receivedthe payment. This action will not prejudicethe Consultants'entitlementto financingchargesunder Sub'Clause5.5. 7. FAIRNESS AI\[D GOOD FAITH 7.1 Good Faith The Partiesundertaketo act in goodfaith with respectto eachother'srightsunderthis Contract and to adopt all reasonablemeasuresto ensure the realization to the objectivesof this Contract. 7.2 Operation of the Contract The Parties recognizethat it is impractical in this Contract to provide for every contingencywhioh may arise during the life of the Contract,and the Partieshereby agreethat it is their intentionthat this Contractshall operatefairly as betweenthem, and without detrimentto the interestof eitherof them,and that, if duringthe term of this Contracteither Party believesthat this Contractis operatingunfairly, the Parties will usetheir best ef,fortsto agreeon suchactionas may be necessaryto removethe causeor causesof suchunfairness,but no failure to agreeon any action pursuantto this Sub-Clauseshall give rise to a disputesubjectto arbitrationin accordancewith Clause8 hereof. ,Y,, I I I I ,'/r, 78 I I T T I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I 8. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 8.1 Amicable Settlement The Partiesshall usetheir bestefforts to settle amicablyall disputesarisingout of or in connectionwith this Contractor its interpretation. 8.2 DisputeSetflement Any disputebetweenthe Partiesas to matters arisingpursuantto this conftact which cannotbe settledamicabrywithin thirty (30) auy, it".,"""ipt uy one parr5rof, the other Party'srequestfor suchamicablesettlement may be suimitt"d by eitherpar6, for settlementin accordancewith the provisions of the ArbitrationAct, lg40 (Act No. X of 1940)and Rulesmadethereunderandany statutorymodificationsthereto. services under the contract shalr, if reasonabry possible, continue during the arbitrationproceedingsand no paymentdue to o. uy it" Clil shall be withheld on accountof suchproceedings. 9. INTEGRITY PACT 9.1 If the Consultantor any of his Subconsultants, agents violated or involved in vioration of the rnt.g.ity"p;; or servantsis found to have ,*;; by the consultantas Appendix-Gto this Form of contract,then the client shallbe entitledto: (a) recoverfrom the consultantan amountequivalent to ten timesthe surnof any commission, gratification, bribe,finderisfee or il;d; !r""r'i, iii; Consultantor any ofhis Subconsu.ant,agents or servants: (b) terminatethe Contract;and (c) recover from the consultant any loss or damageto the client as a result of suchterminationor of any other conupt businJsspracticesof the consultant or any ofhis Subconsultant, agentsor servants. on terminationof the contract undersub-Para(b) of this sub-clause,the consultant shall proceedin accordancewith sub-crause2.9.3. payment upon suchtermination shall be madeundersub-clause 2.g.4 (a) after having deductedthe amountsdue to the Client underSub-para(a) and(c) of ihis Sub_Clause. 10. 10.1 Oblisations The consultants shall fulfill their obligations under this contract using the best technical knowledge.and.according ri. u"rcpt"d professionalstandards.It shall !o exerciseall reasonableskill, care and diligence'in itl-oir.turge of the dutiesto be performedand shall alwaysact asthe faithful uouiro,to und in the bestinterestof the employer. i';:tt,* 79 t The consultantspersonnelshall at all timesendeavorto observeand respectall laws, rules' regulationsand customsprevailing within the IslamicRepublicof pakistan. 10.2 Indirectpavments: The consultantshallthroughoutthe services not havenor permit its staff to have,any direct or indirect financial participationin p.o"ur"-rnt of constructioncontractsfor the work to be supervisedunderihis contract urra.t uir ensurethat no payrnentsare acceptedby it or,its staff during currency of the contract other than under this contract' Any suchact if proventirough .uidrn", shallconstrueas act of default and the Employer tnaychooseio pursu, Iegil action consultantor their staffl "gr"riirtr 10.3 Rovalties: The consultant shall saveharmlessand indemniff the Employerfrom and againstall claims and proceedingsfor on account_ or infringementor any patent right, design trademarkor nameor otherprotectedrights in r.ti".i io ury patenteddesignsfeatures -"t fffli:iil:fl.f wanito useroi.""vi";;;i ti. ,"*i.esandstaupayal t0.4 , The consultant shall be preparedat.any time during the project to provide expert technicaladviceand skill to the Employer*tro rnuy irk and needsuchassisrance on any phase or specific feature or ine-rroiect. rtre consultant will be separately compensated for all suchservicesnot coverJdin the orilinal services. 10.5 Penaltv: If the consultant.failsto comply with the_time to completionas given in the contract, the Employer will imposea penaltyat the rate of o.osN of thi fee for eachday of delay up to a maximumof 10%of the sameamount. . "-.. :.' !r t:r::r,rir....." . r""j.1..''1, *r"j /d,.';,'l ',r" ' ' , r - , . * , .U ' / r\, t I I I I I I ! t t I I I f: ;"" ",.=..i, "..i', I .-,'( -,, ,.,.r..:,,lrr:ii :t.,{"',. . 1 .:.;{.' ., '' r;^ ' - -- --- I I ) 80 I I t I I I I I t III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Amendmentsof, and Supplement, 1.1 Definitions (p) 1.6 AuthorizedRepresentatives TheAuthorizedRepresentatives arethefollowing: I FortheClient: t I I I I I I I I I I t I "Project"means ap -aQ" Member(Planning) NationalHighwayAuthority PlotNo.ZT,Mauve Area,G-9/l P. O. Box 1205,Islamabad o^6y tu" fN AV Facsimile:A5I- 9260717 ff::i*?,::'';,"-.n;::;;1, A^@2 S: For the Consultants: .\- (Nameof ProjectManager) (Project) (Address) Telephone Facsimile E-Maif^ a E rr^:r 1.7 Taxes r^{C/ f<V n"'-<N"s will be the responsibility of the consultantsin accordance with PakfsqnVx Laws /AV of Joint 1.8 per €*rf:i:t 2.1 Venture of the Jointventureis ................. (nameof the Memberor the Joint Effectiveness of Contract This contractshail comeinto effectaftersigning of the conhact. ffi 8l 't) Termination of contract for Failure to Become Effective The time period shall be thirty (30) daysor such otherperiodas the partiesmay agree in writing. 2.3 Commencementof Services The consultantsshall commencethe serviceswithin twenfy-one (21) daysafter the date of signing of ContractAgreemen! or such other time period u, ih. partiesmay agreein writing. 2.4 Expiration of Contract Total time period of the projectshall be fifteen (15) months. The designcan oftenbe reviewedif thereis any seriousproblemnot investilatealn trreoesign. 2.4.1 Scheduleof Services: Scheduleof Servicesshallbe as shownin Appendix-A. 2.7.4 Pavments: Following text is addedat the endof the para: "excludingoverheadsandprofits.,, 3.4 ProfessionalLiabilitv: ParaI Clause3.4 GC delete,,thedesignand,,from line 3. Para2 Clause3.4 GC is replacedasunder: The Consultantsshall be liable to be held responsibleand accountablefor the: (a) Non fulfillment of his.tasks,(b) lossesto the Employeron account problems of with construction supervision , (c) Non-observanceof his duties und in the performance for more than one occasion, (d) Non-provision "ur" of contract administrationreportswith IPCsetc. The consultantsare respfnsible for consequ"n". of errorsand omissions.ontheir part or on the part of their #ployees in so far as the supervisionof the project is concemedto the extent and with the limitations as mentionedherein be{ory.trf the Employersuffersany damagesas a result of proven faults, elrors or omissionsin the Design review duringi the construction stage, ConstructionSupervisionand otherprofeisionaldutiesperfJrmedby the consultaniin connection with the services which have bearing on the ,uf"ty, security and performanceof the works, the consultantsshall make good suchlosses or daiages, subject to the conditionsthat the maximum liability is aforesaidshall not excied twice the total remunerationof the consultantsunderprofessionalliability insurance. Para3 the liability of Consultantsexpiresafter oneyear from the stipulateddateof completionof construction. Para4 sameprovisionas in GC. |t't'. iry/ r' ,,r,1,: '''l'*e j,_.. 82 I I I I I I I I I I I l T I I I I I I I I I I I 3.5 Insurance to be Taken out by the Consultants The risks andthe coverageshallbe asfollows: t (a) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurancein respectof motor vehicles operated in Pakistan by the consultants or their personnel or any subconsultantsor their Fersonnel,with a minimum coverageof Rs. 1.5 million Insuranceagainstloss of or damageto equipmentpurchasedin whole or in part with fundsprovidedunderthe Contract. I (b) t (c) Third Party liability insurancewith a minimum coverage pak of Rs one million: (d) Professionalliability insurance,with a minimum coverage of not less than twice the contract value. (e) employer's liability and workers' compensationinsurancein respect of the Personnelof the Consultantand of uny Sub-consultants,in accordance with the relevantprovisions-ofthe ApplicabieLaw, as well as,with respect to such Personnel,any suchlife, health,iccidenq travel or other insuranr. u, 11uyu, appropriate;and pak Rs. Five Hundred rhousand per occurrence and the no. of occurrenceunlimited I I I I I I I I I I I t I 3.6 ConsultantsrActions Requiring Client'sprior Approval (c) The Consultantsshall also clear with the Client, beforecommitments on any actionthey proposeto takeunderthe following: i) IssuingVariationsOrdersin respectof: additionalitemsof works as determinedby the Engineerto be necessaryfor the exeoutionof Works. any new item of the Works not envisagedin the Contract Documentsand which is determinedby the Engineerto be necessaryfor the exeoutionof Works. any item of WorkscoveredunderprovisionalSums iD claim from the contractor for extra payment with full supporting detailsand consurtantsrecommendations, if,any, for settlemeni. iii) Detailsof any nominatedsub-contracts. iv) v) Any actionundertermsof Performance Guaranteeor Insurancepolicy. Any action by the Consultantsaffectingthe costsunder the following i crausesof conditions of contract ofthe constructioncontract. , ".{bi,..;':-... '''"" '." t d ;t . ,'r .;iiirr ),. r, 83 AdversePhysicalconditionsandArtificial obstructions Suspension of Works BonusandLiquidatedDamages Certificateof Completionof Works DefectsLiability Certificate Forfeiture SpecialRisks Frushation 3.8 vi) Final MeasurementStatement vii) Releaseof RetentionMoney viii) Any changein the ratiosof variouscunenciesof payment. Documentsprepared by the consurtantsto be the property of the Employer: The client and the consultantsshall not usethese documentsfor purposesunrelated to this contract without the prior written approvalof the otherpartv. 4.6 ResidentEngineer fNote: Name and addressof the Consultants'ResidentEngineer,if applicable will be providerhere] 5.1.3 Approvals The Client shall accord approval of the documentsimmediately but not later than fifteen (15) days from the dateof their submissionby the consultants" 6,2 Remunerationand ReimbursableDirect costs (Non-salarycosts) 6'2(a) Paymentsfor remunerationmade in accordancewith Sub-Clause6.2(a) shall be adjustedas follows: (D Remunerationpaid in local currencypursuantto the billing ratesagreedfor each person shall be adjustedevery 12 months (and, for the firsitime, with effect from the remunerationeamed in the 13ft calendarmonth after the date of the Contract)by consideringthe following: annualincrement Increasedueto promotion Salaryrevision,if applicablepursuantto sub-clause5.3 or otherwise oft to be computed with the following formula: RI=RioxII/IIo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t yi:lg1s_th€ agJ, billingr1te,Rrois thebiilingratepayable on the ryr .TT.n y ri"li,,"*. rn i*:':",ii:^111::1_glrlllg lll.,,1 ",sui ",-r"iv oitllynciarp,opo ;";; ii i;d *:1, :1"., 9"1'lh1'yhjtf lrvrr!,/'. :"ffi ,h; u ro ulv ::T:*\i:l-:T:T::f 11ce,r$ex(cnrll'ce.nerari,r"ic"""lrentemproyee publ1lrdjy,theFederal pureau of statistics, :: the month of July for Governme", ffi##,i;; .whichthe adjustmentis to t uu. ,m.rt, and IIo is the ilr""riri"uijnru'i, l_:T:i::,":':llo:1"-9-:leral,foiGou"**.,,i..f puki,t;il;;#;,h sti cs Govern, *t of j ffi ,;i ii: (i.e.i?1.T1 the Year:.:::ly in which the Consultants Client). submittedi ts financialproposalto the 6.2(b) The rates for locar personnerset forth Appendix E, after adjustments , if any, pursuantto sub-clause6.2(a)hereofshailln be useofor billing furpor"r. It is understoodthat the remunerationratesshall cover salaryand allowancesas the consultantsshall have agreedto pay to the Personnel u, *.tt as factors for social chargesand overheadbasedon the consultants' averagecost as representedby the financialstatements of consultants'latestthreefiscal yearsandfee of the consultants. The remunerationrateshavebeenagreedupon basedon the representations madeby the consultantsduring finalizationlr tni, contract with reffi;;;;;lr;";, costsand chargesas referredaboveas suchrepresentation. uri evidencedby the form "Breakdownof AgreedFixed Ratesin consuitants' contrJ,-(A model of suchform is attachedat the end of thesesc. The consultants shouldbe requestedto execute this Form at the conclusionof the contract negotiation when the partieshaveagreed on the fixed ratesandtheir breakdown) Remunerationfor periodsof lessthan one month shall be calculatedon hourly basis for the time spent by the Head office staff or Project office staff and directly attributableto the services(one hour being equivalenito rzrzo -*iil calendarday basisfor time spentby the Site oifice "ri"; to staff (oneday"i" beingequivalent 1/30thof a month). 6.2(c) ReimbursableDirect Costs(Non Salary Costs) Direct Non-salary Costs are such incurred non-salarycostswhich are directly allocable to specific engagementsand projects. Thesecostsincludebut are not limited to the followins: (D Provisionsfor office, light, heatand similar items for working space,costsor rental for fumiture, drafting equipment.and engineeringinstrument and automobile expensesidentifiable to specific prijects 6r which special facilities otherthanheadoffice of the firm are arranged. (ii) Provisionfor labouror work chargeestablishment. I I t 85 6.3 (iiD Daily and travelling allowances/expenses of empioyees, partners and principals when away from home/offir. on busine'ssconnectedwith the project. (iv) Identifiable communication expenses,such as long distance telephone, telegraph, cable, telex, express charges,and postage other than general correspondence. (v) Servicesdirectly applicableto the projectsuchas speciallegaland accounting expenses' computer rental and programming costs, special consultants, borings, laboratory charges,perspectives,renderings,-photos, rnoder costs, commercialprinting and binding and similar costswhich are not applicableto the overheadcosts,professionalliability insurance cover in accordancewith the provisionssetout in Sub_Clause 3.4. (vi) Identifiabledrafting suppliesand office suppliesand expenseschargedto the employersw9rk, as distinguishedfrom such-supplieu und lpplicable to severalprojects. "*p"rrses (vii) Identifiable reproductioncost applicableto the work such as blue printing photostating,mimeographing,printing,bindingetc. Currency of payment 6.3(b) Remunerationfor local personnelshal be paid in locar currency. The reimbursabledirect cost expendituresin local currency shall be as stated in Appendix-E 6.5 DelayedPayments InterestRateequivalentto zero (0) shallapply" 5.4 Mode of Billins and payments: Sub-clause6.4 of GC is deletedand substitutedasunder: 6'4'1 The Employer shall effect paymentsto the Consultantin accordance with the paymentschedulesand in the mannerset forth in Appendix-B per as NgA accountsprocedure. 6.4.2 Amounts due to the Consultantsshall be paid promptly and within thirry (30) calendardaysfrom the dateof submissionof the invoice. An affidavit for salarypaymentof staff andall otherchargeswill be furnished to the NationalHighwayAuthority by the Consultants. 6.4.3 If the item or part of an item of an invoice renderedby the Consultantsis disputedor subjectto questionby the Employer,the paymentof that part of 86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the invoice which is not contestedshallnot be withheld on thosegroundsand the provisionsof Clause6.4.2 shall apply to suchremainder and also to the disputedor questioneditem to the extentthat it shall subsequently u" agr".d or determinedto havebeendueto the Consultants. 6'4'4 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The consultantswill be requiredto submil as much as are availablerecords of the work canied out underthis Contract. The Employer may audit accounts,as much as are avairablewith the consultants,for the_services providedby the consultaits underthis contract. should any error be found, this shail be called to ttre attention of the Consultantand if so it shallbe adjustedaccordingly. Advancewritten notice of not ressthan_seven (7) working daysmust be given to the Consultant,by the Employer,of suchuuiit *tri.r, shall be carriedout during normal working houri at the placewherethe iecords are maintained. Suchrecordsshall be kept for a periodnot to exceedthree (03) yearsfrom the completionof the Servicesor terminationof Contractpursuant to provisions hereof,to facilitateany questionsarisingfrom the i.ftoy.r,, Audit. 8.2 DisnuteSettlement: Any Dispute betweenthe parties as to the matterspursuant to this contractwhich cannotbe settledamicablywith in thirty daysafter receipi uv on" party of the other party's requestfor such amicablesettliment may be ruutnitt.o by eiitrer pu1y ro,. settlementin accordancew_iththe provisionsofArbitration act 1940 as amended from time to time andthe rulesthereafter. services under the contractshall continueduring the fubitration proceedings.The venueof arbitrationproceedingsshall be in Islariabudpukit; and the conclusions of arbitrationcommitteeshallbe bindingon both parties. 9. DisclosureClause: consultantherebydeclaresthat it hasnot obtainedor induced the procurementof any contract,right, interest,privilege or other obligation or benefit Cou.rnn,r"i"f Pakistanor any administrativesubdivisionoi agency thereof or any ,iiity ownedor controlledby it (Gop) throughuny ,o.*pt businesspractice. "trr., without limiting the generalityof the foregoing,consultant representsand warrants that it has fully declaredthe brokerag", fees etc. paid or payableto an{o.neand not given or agreedto give and"om.irsion, shallnot give o, ugr.. to give to any over within or outsidePakistaneitherdiiectly or indirectfthrough"any naturalor juridical person,including its affiliate, agent,asiociate,broker, director,promoter, shareholder,sponsoror sub.sidiiry,any commission, "onrittunt, bribe, finder,sfee $atificaiion, or kickback, whether describedis consultationfee'oi ottrerwise,with the object of obtainingor includingthe procurementof a contract, right, interest,privilegeor other obligation or benefit in whatsoeverform from Gop,-;il that which has been expressly {gctared pursuanthereto.consultantcertificatesth'ai it has madeand will makefull disclosureof all agreements andarrangements with all personsin respectof or relatedto the transactionwith GoP and has iot takenurvac,i.. or will not take any actionto circumventthe abovedecraration,"r"nt ti# o, *urrurr*. 87 consultant accepts full responsibility and strict liability for making any false declaration,not making full disclosui., rirt pr.r.n ing facts or taking any action likely to defeatthe purposeof this declaration, ."pr"r"rt"tion and warrant5r. It agrees that any contrac! righq interest,privilege or otrt"r oiiigation or benefit obtainedor procured as afo-resaidshall, without pr"luoir" to- uny other right and remedies available to GoP under any law, contract or other instrumen! be voidable at the option of Gop. Notwithstandingany rights and remediesexercised by Gop in this regard,contractor agreesto indemnity GoP for any.loss or damaged incuned by it on accountof its comrpt businesspractices and further puy .o-rp.nsation to Gop in an amount equivalentto ten time the sum of any commission, gratification,bride,finder,sf,eeor kickback given by contractor as aforesaidfJ;h;;;;or. of obtainingor inducing the procurementof any contract,right, interert,priuii.g! or otherobligationor benefit in whatsoeverform from Gop. 11' Following to indicatepriority of documentforming part of this contractto resolvean ambiguityor a non clarity in the provision. - Letter of Acceptance Minutes of NegotiationMeeting The SpecialConditionsof Contract; The GeneralConditionsof Contract: Scopeof Services/Ierrnsof ReferenceOtherdocuments. t I t I I I I I I u;;*;'ij:''-'ii'1'. ii',&., -1,' '\"--- I I I I I '.'';'!'' t I I I 88 t I III-IIIITIII-IIT-III ffi oo z o 0 I Appendix A Description of the Services [Give detailed descriptionsof the servic-esto be provided, datesfor completionof varioustasks,placeof performancefor different turt r, ,p.rin. t rt, to be approvedby Client, etc.] I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l t I Appendix B ReportingRequirements As per TOR 1 r i * , , ; . .-1 '.;,-;r'r,, l".iir' :,",i,fl.- ' ti \, ..... '',{lj' 7 ..' 9l AppendixC Key Personneland Subconsultants [List under: C-l Title [and natrnes,if. already available], activities of job descriptionsand working hours of key Fersonnelto be assignedto work and staff-monthsfor eac-h. c-2 List of approvedSubconsultants (if alreadyavailable);same informationwith respectto their Fersonnel as in C_l.] 92 Breakdown r,."":::;:: hN 4 NN I I AppendixE t Breakdown of Contract price in Local Currencv [List hereundercostestimatesin local currency: 1' 2. (a) Monthly ratesfor local Personnel(Key Personnelandotherpersonnel); (b) Total Remunerationof staff (on the basisof rnonthryrates) Reimbursabledirect costs(non-salarycosts); Direct Non-salaryCostsare such incurrednon-salary costswhich are directiy allocableto specificengagements andprojects. Thesecostsincludebut arenot limitedto the following: (i) Provisionsfor office, light, heat and similar items for working space, costs or rental for fumiture, drafting equipment and engineering instrumentand automobileexpensesidentifiableto specificprojects for which specialfacilitiesotherthanheadoffice of the firm are anlnged. (iD Provisionfor labouror work chargeestablishment. (iiD Daily and travelling allowances/expenses of employees,partnersand principalswhen away from home/officeon businessconnected with the project. (iv) Identifiable communicationexpenses,suchas long distancetelephone, telegraph,cable,telex, expresscharges,and postageotherthan general correspondence. (v) Servicesdirectly applicableto the project such as special legal and accountingexpenses,computerrental and programmingcosts,special consultants, borings, laboratory charges, perspectives,renderings, photos,model costs,commercialprinting and binding and similar costs which are not applicableto the overheadcosts,professionalliability insurancecover in accordance with the provisionssetout in Sub-Clause GC3.4. (vi) Identifiabledrafting suppliesand office suppliesand expensescharged to the employers work, as distinguishedfrorn such supplies and expensesapplicableto severalprojects. (viD Identifiable reproductioncost applicableto the work such as blue printing, photostating,mimeographing, printing,bindingetc. (The detail of the costestimatesto be providedon the additionarpages). 94 ..rf.'. '1:t \, l, ri I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I t a J. Sub-total,remunerations and reimbursablenon-salarydirectcosts: (l + 2). 4. Contingencies, if any 5. Total: (3 + 4) Notes: A' Elementsof the salary costsand billing rates for the relevantsalary grades shall also be included in this Appendix. B. Estimate will include thefollowing itemsas applicable: 0 Remuneration,i.e. staffcosts on -based monthlybilling ratesof the stafr and contingenciesif any, excruding adjustmentof biiling ratei. (2) Reimbursabledirect non-salary costs,contingencies,tf any, excluding adjustmentof biling ratesfor thestaffcoverei underdirect costs. Each item shqil be specified whether it is payabre on the basisof (a) lump summonthlyrate; or (b) reimbursement'of actualexpendituris.' (3) Payments in respect of any cost (i,e. total remuneration, and total reimbursablenon-salarydirect cost) which could exceedthe estimates set forth in this Appendix may be chargeabre to the ,orttng;n'ry amountsprovidedfor in the respectiveestimates,onry if such o* approvedby the Client prior to being incurredJ. "oJ, Appendix F services and Fac'ities to be Frovided by the crient and Counterpart Fersonnelto be Made Available to the Consultantsby the Client The client shall makeavailablethe following ServicesandFacilities: l. The client shall make availableto the consultants, subconsurtantsand the Personnel,for the purposesof the servicesand free of any charge,the services, facilities and propertydescribedin this clause at the times una in the manner specifiedhereunder: (a) (b) I I I I t I I I I I t (c) Rent will be charged by the Client only for the family status accomrnodationprovidedto the Personnel,in the Client's the following rates: Type ofAccommodation (d) 2. Monthly Rent(Rs) No rent will be chargedf,or single statusresidencesprovidedby the Client to the Personnel" LodgeAccommodation If requestedby the consultants,the client shallprovidelodgeaccornmodation, if available,to all Personnelof the Consultantsor the Subconsultants when on visit to various parts of the Froject area or any other station where such I I I I I I I I I facilities or the lodge accommodationof the client exists (and providedthat the Personnelof the consultants or the Subconsultants visit that place in connection with the Project) under the same terms and conditions as the Client'sstaff is entitled. 3. The Client shall make available to the Consultants,free of charge" the following counterpart personnel in connection with carrying out of the Services: 97 I I I DEcLARArroN oFFEEillEotffi JTiSSt BR.KERA*T;:.'"' I I ;;;i;;J;;il;;;;;;;;;;;;,Hffi :I,'#j#JJ,ffit1,*.,:iT?#:_:y:, I I I I I I I I I I I I PAYABLE BY THE SIIPPLTERS oF GooDS, SERVICES& woRKs IN CONTRACTSWORTH RS.1O.OO MILLION OR MORE ContractNo. ContractValue: Dated ContractTitle: obligation or benefit fr-om Government"or p*irt n ic;pt or any administrative subdivisionor agencythereofor any other entity ownedtr controuedby Gop through any corruptbusinesspractice. without limiting the generalityof the foregoing, of Supprier]representsand warrantsthat it hasfully declaredthe brokerage, [name commission, p"io - p"vJr. to anyoneand not given or agreedto give andshall not give o.ugr.. to give to anyone within or outsidePakistaneither directly or indirectly tilrough any naturalor juridical person,including its affiliate, agent,associate, broker,conJnltant,director,promoter, shareholder,sponsororsubsidiary,any commission,gratification, bribe,finder,sfee or kickback, whether describedas consultationfee oi otherwise,with the object of obtainingor inducingthe procurementof a contrac! right, interes! privilege or other obligation or benefit in whatsoeverform from Gop,-;;";pt that which has been expresslydeclaredpursuanthereto. [name of supplierJ certifies that it has made and will make full disclosure of all agreements and arrangements with all personsin respectof or relatedto the transaction with GoP and has not taken any action or will notiake any actionto circumventthe abovedeclaration,representation or warranty. [nameof Supplier]acceptsfull responsibilityand strict liability for making any false declaration'not making full disclosur., rir."presenting a.i, oo taking any action likely to defeatthe purposeof this declaration,,.pr.r.nt-ution and *u11uity. it ug;, that any_contract,right, interest,privilege or othir obligation or benefit obtainedor procured as aforesaid shall, without prejudice to uni other rights and remedies availableto GoP underany law, contractoi other instrurirent,be voidable at the option ofGoP. Notw-ithstandingany rights and remediesexercisedby GoP in this regard, of Supplierlagreesto indemnifr GoP for any lossor damageincurredby ii on [name accountof its comrpt businesspracticesand furthir pay compensationto Gop in an amount equivalentto ten time the sum of any commisiion,gratification,bribe, finder,s fee or kickback given by [name of Supplier] as aforesaiJfor the purposeof, obtaining or inducingthe procurementof, any contract,right, interest,privitegeor other obligalion or benefitin whatsoeverform from Gop. NameofBuyer: Nameof Seller/Supplier: Signature: Signature: ISeal] ISeal] G,fi-ri''",.
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