The Dramatherapy Centre Supervision Weekend 20 and 21 June 2015 ANZATA, the registration body for the arts therapies in Australia and New Zealand, is currently reviewing its policies around supervision and supervisor status among the membership. Supervision has important role within our community to protect the best interest of a client and a practitioner. There will be upcoming changes to strengthen supervisory responsibilities according to social justice ethics. DATE Sat 20, 2015 9am - 5pm Sun 21, 2015 9am - 4:30pm More importantly for dramatherapists, ANZATA at the last AGM has passed the motion of creating the provisional registration path for graduates of Graduate Diploma in Dramatherapy. Joanna Jaaniste and Adrian Lania have been working together with IKON Institute to open a Graduate Diploma in Dramatherapy. We are at the end of the accreditation process and will be soon training the first graduates in dramatherapy in INVESTMENT Earlybird $400 before 31st May, 2015 Australia after a long break since Edith Cowan University course in Perth was shut down. These graduates, according to the motion passed at the last year AGM, will need to undertake a one-year provisional accreditation process. The essential element of this accreditation process will be the fulfilment of clinical supervision requirements. To meet the demand for arts therapists who are qualified to supervise these future graduates, Joanna and Adrian are providing this weekend workshop to extend arts therapists’ knowledge and experience in supervising within the dramatherapy field for any members who are interested in future supervision. Note: This is an excellent opportunity for professionals in other spheres to acquit themselves with new skills and interventions for the creative practice of supervision. Health professionals in diverse areas are very welcome. The weekend workshop will cover: •The introduction of core processes in dramatherapy •Models, structure and goals of supervision •Techniques and interventions specific to supervision in Dramatherapy •The workshop will have both theoretical and experiential elements involved in the training For more information visit The Dramatherapy Centre 33 Percival St., Lilyfield NSW 2040 T: (02) 9518 6519 Joanna Jaaniste M: 0408 956 070 Email: Adrian Lania M: 0400 306 499 Email: Regular Cost $500 before 16th June, 2015 COURSE VENUE The Centre, 14 Frances St. Randwick, N.S.W. 2031. P: (02) 9398 2211 E: The Dramatherapy Centre Supervision Weekend 20 and 21 June 2015 APPLICATION FORM NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TEL MOB EMAIL OCCUPATION INVESTMENT Earlybird $400 before 31st May, 2015 Regular Cost $500 before 16th June, 2015 Costs are non refundable. Alternative fee schedules can be negotiated. Cheques payable to “The Dramatherapy Centre” For more information visit The Dramatherapy Centre 33 Percival St., Lilyfield NSW 2040 T: (02) 9518 6519 Joanna Jaaniste M: 0408 956 070 Email: Adrian Lania M: 0400 306 499 Email: PAYMENT METHOD Send cheque or make a deposit to our account: Acc. Name: The Dramatherapy Centre Acc. No. 153946964 BSB No. 112-879 St. George Bank, Leichhardt Branch.
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