22nd - Drayton Christian Reformed Church

Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church
88 Main Street, PO Box 129 Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0
Website: www.draytoncrc.org * tel: 519-638-2032 * email: secretary@draytoncrc.org
Worship Services:
Sunday mornings: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor Paul Droogers
email: pastor@draytoncrc.org
Visiting Children:
NURSERY: Is a va ila b le for c hild ren up to 3 yea rs old d ow nsta irs.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Child ren w ho a re ages 3 to grade 4 a re w elc ome to join us for Sund a y Sc hool w hic h is
held d ow nsta irs. The c hild ren a re d ismissed d uring the servic e a s ind ic a ted in the ord er of w orship .
Child ren In grade 5 through 8 a re invited to ta ke a Sermon Questions fold er from the b a c k of the sa nc tua ry
to a nsw er q uestions d uring the servic e. They a re exc used a fter the sermon for their Sund a y Sc hool c la ss.
Sharing God’s Grace and Hope
Mission: The Christia n Reformed Churc h of Dra yton is a Christ-c entred fellow ship
led b y God ’ s w ord a nd sp irit to sha re His g ifts of g ra c e a nd hop e.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
March 22 ~ Fifth Sunday in Lent
Our morning worship, on this Fifth Sunday in Lent, will be led by Pastor Paul. As we near Good Friday,
the day on which we remember the death of Jesus, we join Christ who speaks, in John 12, about the
“Hour in which the Son of Man is glorified.” As we continue our Lenten journey, we’re invited to reflect
on, and personally accept, how only the death of Jesus leads to a fruitful or full life.
Our final evening service, tonight, will also be led by Pastor Paul.
March 29 ~ Palm Sunday
Next week Sunday, which is Palm Sunday, Pastor Paul will lead us in worship. We also look forward to
the participation of our Sunday School children by way of music! As we prepare to finish our Lenten
journey, may we be greatly encouraged by the truth, that, “at just the right time, when we were still
powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6, 8).
Coffee: Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the worship service this morning.
Greeters are asked to help with coffee clean up after the church service.
March 22
March 29
~ 1: Budget 2: Huron Campus Ministries PM: Drayton Food Bank
~ 1: Budget 2: Community Christian School
Collections Received on March 15, 2015 ~ Salaam Project
Drayton Christian Reformed Church
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Pastor Paul Droogers
Music Leader: Hank S
10:00 AM Worship Order – Fifth Sunday in Lent
*Call to Worship
*Silent Prayer followed by
*God’s Greeting
*Opening Songs of Praise:
GPH #262: 1, 2 My Faith Looks Up to Thee
GPH #253: 1, 4 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
GPH #373: 1, 2, 7 Lift High the Cross
Lenten Meditation
Children’s Message:
Pastor Paul
Children’s Song:
LUYH #777: 1-3 God Is So Good
Children ages 3 through Grade 4 leave for Church School
Prayer of Illumination:
LUYH #755 Speak, O Lord
Bible Reading:
John 12:20-36
Hour of Surprising Victory
*Song of Response:
LUYH #770 In Christ Alone
Children Grade 5 through leave for Church School
Congregational and Offertory Prayer
1. Drayton CRC Budget
2. Huron Campus Ministries
*Closing Song:
GPH #410 Crown Him with Many Crowns
*God’s Blessing
LUYH #861: 1, 4 In Our Lives, Lord, Be Glorified
Musical Postlude
*Indicates, please stand if you are able
Church Family
Please remember in your prayers those who are confined to their homes: Bertha D., Janet K., Margaret
K., Diny R., Grace R., Alice S. and Hennie S.
When you have a need, please contact your Pastoral Care Worker, Elder, or Deacon. We are here to
serve you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Ben and Jenny Kraal 65th Wedding Anniversary
Please join our family for coffee and cake immediately after the service this morning in the celebration
of our 65th Wedding Anniversary.
Please note that Tinny V. has been able to return home after staying at the house of Joyce and Maynard
Deen due to two broken bones in her foot. Continue to pray for healing and encouragement.
Please continue to remember Steve and Scott H. in prayer the next two weeks as they left yesterday for
Zambia, South Africa, with a team through Visionledd Ministries. Pray for them as they help the local
community they’ll be visiting improve its general care for citizens, health care, education and water
sanitation. May the Lord’s Spirit equip and encourage Steve, Scott, and other team members.
This coming Wednesday and Thursday Bryan D., Rob D. and Pastor Paul will be attending a Pastors and
Youth Worker’s Leadership Studio in Muskoka Woods. Together with about 20 other participants, led
by Syd Hielema (Team Leader for Discipleship and Faith Formation Ministries of the Christian Reformed
Church) and Lesli Van Milligen (Chair of the Classis Huron Youth Ministry Team) they will be spending an
afternoon, evening and morning reflecting on youth ministry opportunities and challenges. Pray for all
those traveling to this event and for healthy or insightful conversations.
Together with the Shoemaker and Nymeyer families we are thankful to the Lord that Keenan S., son
Merle and Christina S. and grandson of Art and Alice N., was able to return home from the hospital last
Friday a week ago. Keenan was hit by a van while attempting to cross the street in Kitchener. It was
quickly determined he had no broken bones and suffered moderate brain bruising which is experiencing
healing. Pray for full recovery and for his parents, Merle and Christina, as they continually provide care
for little boy with autism.
Following a visit to the emergency room on Tuesday, Arlene H., daughter of Jerry & Lucy H., has been
re-admitted to Kitchener’s Grand River Hospital with a blood clot in her left leg. It is hoped that by
closely monitoring the clot, correct medication and rest the clot will be successfully treated. Pray for
healing and encouragement. Please also continue to remember granddaughter to Jerry & Lucy, Faith V.,
in prayer as she continues to reside at the hospital in Hamilton.
As of this past week Jo-Ann B., wife of former Pastor Gary B., continues to make slow improvements
following lung replacement surgery. Daughter Alesha has provided us with the following specific prayer
requests: for Jo-Ann’s kidneys to come off dialysis successfully, for her to be able to tolerate the
“pressure support” (a setting on the vent allowing Jo-Ann to initiate her own breathing) longer and
more often in the day, for better function in the left lung and for patience and a sense of peace for Gary.
Elders and Pastoral Care Committee will meet jointly on Tuesday, March 24, starting at 8:00 P.M.
During our time together we hope to facilitate better communication and better understanding of our
expectations. Anyone unable to be in attendance is asked to please let Pastor Paul know.
theSHIP (Seeing His Intentional Purposes) is planned for tonight, starting at 8:00 P.M., at the Drayton
Reformed Church! Anyone of young adult age is invited to attend. If you haven’t been before, please
feel free to go and check it out! The next event is being planned for April 25, Lord willing.
Happy Birthday to…
~ Carolyn G., Hunter R., Clara S.
~ Henny H., Tim T.
~ Ryan R., Cora S., Katie B.
~ Kyle B.
~ Dorothy S., Tara V.
~ John V.
~Cody D., Luke R., Michelle S.
Happy Anniversary to...
~ Hank & Grace R.
~ Ben & Jenny K.
Second Service: In response to congregational input, prayerful consideration, and discussion, council
has decided to discontinue the evening service. Tonight will be the last scheduled second service at
7:30 p.m. Council has also approved the following recommendations from the second service work
team: 1. The Education Committee introduce a Bible study group that could break into small group
discussion and include an element of Prayer. 2. The Worship Committee continue to organize special
second services from time to time including some Youth Services, possibly in conjunction with the
Huron Youth Committee.
The Congregational Meeting/Potluck Supper will be held on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:30 p.m. Please
bring the Congregational Meeting Agenda and Booklets which were placed in your mail slots last week.
Church Newsletter: Please email all Newsletter submissions to the office by Monday, March 30.
Church Events
Ladies Lenten Tea: The annual Ladies Lenten Tea will be held this Thursday, March 26 at 1:30pm, at
the Drayton Reformed Church. The Guest speaker will be Ruth Coghill. Come enjoy an afternoon with
friends and a fine cup of tea!
Attention Ladies: You are invited to join hundreds of women in Oakville for a day of worship and
learning. The Inspirational Women’s Conference is a day designed by women, for women. We are
carpooling from Drayton to the Meeting House in Oakville on April 11 th for this amazing day of
fellowship. For more information, see the registration page in the church newsletter, or go to
www.coffeebreakontario.com. If you would like to go, and need a ride, please contact Teresa R.:
Reapers of Hope: Thank you so much for the people who volunteer faithfully each time. We could use
more people though, so if you are interested in helping, please join us. We start at 8:30 a.m. until noon
on the first and third Thursday of each month. Please call 519-638-3185 if you need more information.
Youth Group News
March 26 ~ Regular Meeting at 8:30 pm
DENIM & DIAMONDS: The Trillium League Formal for 2015 has been set for May 2nd at Huron
Christian School in Clinton, hosted by the Blyth CRC Youth Group. Get your name on the list by April 1st
by speaking to your youth leader! This event is open to high-school aged youth and the cost is $25. Can't
wait to see you there! Friend "Trillium Formal" on Facebook to get an invite to this private event! You
can also email trilliumformal2015@hotmail.com with any questions!
The All Ontario Youth Convention - is just a few months away! This high-energy weekend helps
teens discover their identity in Christ. Register online at allontario.com/register before April 15. Know
someone who wants to come but can't afford registration? Email sponsorship@allontario.com.
Church Activities
~ Morning worship at 10:00 a.m.
~ Evening worship at 7:30 pm
~ Sunday School: Ages 3 to Grade 8
~ GEMS: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
~ Cadets: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
~ Elders and Pastoral Care Committee meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday: ~ Morning Coffee Break at 9:45 a.m.
~ Evening Coffee Break at 7:45 p.m.
~ Catechism and Profession of Faith Class at 7:30 p.m.
~ Youth Group at 8:30 p.m.
Next Sunday: ~ Sunday worship at 10:00 a.m.
Requested Announcements
From World Renew: Thank you for your gifts to World Renew received in January. Your donation of
$11,213.41 for world hunger, for the CFGB and for the Peter Fish program, will be used prayerfully and
carefully by World Renew. Thank you for your prayers and financial generosity.
Blessings from Peter Bulthuis, Associate Director of World Renew
Blood Donor Clinic: Drayton is holding its next Blood Donor Clinic tomorrow, Monday, March 23 at the
Community Christian School from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Remember that your donation can help up to
three people. It’s in you to give! Call 1-888-DONATE (1-888-236-6283) to make an appointment or just
walk into the clinic. www.blood.ca
JK – Grade 8 Open House/Registration Days: Community Christian School, Drayton is a place where
students are nurtured within a community of faith, love, and excellence. We invite you to come and see
for yourself. Open House and Registration for Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8 is on April 2 at the
school from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Check out the website for more information at www.ccsdrayton.org
or call the school at 519-638-2395. Feel free to visit the school, sit in the classrooms, and talk to the
principal. Ask about our bursary programs and find out how your first year can be half price.
Support for Training in Ministry
Classis Huron invites students from this classis who are considering full time ministry within the CRC to
apply for a classical grant. These students must be planning to attend seminary in the school year 20152016. For applications and further information, please contact Rev. Brian Bork by email:
bbork41@gmail.com or by phone: 1-519-497-6152. Current recipients must also make clear their
intentions. Applications and further information is available at www.classishuron.ca under Forms and
Mandates for the Classical Ministerial Leadership Team. The deadline for applications is April 13, 2015.
As churches in Classis Huron let us pray for God to raise up workers in His kingdom from our
congregations. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
News from North America
"WHEN HELPING HURTS" WORKSHOP - Do you have an interest in global or local outreach? Do you
have plans to go on a mission trip this summer? Have you wondered about the impact of short term
mission trips. If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, join World Renew and Diaconal
Ministries Canada for a "When Helping Hurts" workshop to learn how to help alleviate poverty through
effective engagement in your global and local communities. The workshop will take place at
Mountainview CRC in Grimsby on Saturday, April 18 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. There is no cost to
attend. Refreshments will be provided. Register today at www.worldrenew.net/whhworkshop.
World Renew Position Opening: - Donor Relations Associate. World Renew has an opening for a halftime Donor Relations Associate in northwest Iowa, Florida, Chicago, Denver, southern California, or New
Jersey. It is our desire to hire someone who currently resides in one of these regions who has existing
knowledge and contacts in the geographic area. The focus of this position is to increase support for
World Renew by supporting the donor development program with individual donors. For information,
please contact dhoogvliets@worldrenew.net. To apply, please visit www.crcna.org/jobs or
www.worldrenew.net/careers by Wednesday March 25, 2015.
GOD'S RICH MERCY AND GREAT LOVE: - Today on Groundwork we’ll study Ephesians 2:1-5 to see how
Paul moves us from the paralysis of being spiritually dead to something most glorious indeed. Join the
conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com or
visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen now.
HEART OF GRACE: - What’s wrong with Chamy? Why is she crying? Lucille finds out and learns a lesson
about being a friend. Also, a new KC song premieres! Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every
week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special song, “Leap of Faith,” at
FREE WEBINAR - Join Rev. Martin Vellekoop on March 25 for “Disagreeing Agreeably: Practicing Grace
Instead of Exerting Control”. This free, one-hour webinar is designed for any Christian who desires to
grow in their own capacity to be a grace-filled presence in the middle of a challenging exchange. For
more details, registration, and webinar handouts visit crcna.org/webinars.
Keeping In Touch….
The following are asked to send a card, letter or email to:
Nitin & Ruth S .……………………………………………………………………….…..……. Martin & Grace D
email: nrsardar@gmail.com.
Jonathon & Janice B………………………………………………………………………Nathan & Rachel D
email: Jonathan_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org or janice_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org
Kathleen L……………………………………………………………………………………... John & Susan F
email: klauder@worldrenew.net skype: kathleen_lauder
Mark & Heather K ........................................................................................................... Markus & MaryAnn F
pastormark@reslifenc.org phone: 919-482-2382
March 2015…
Serving Elders
& Deacons
Alfred R
Phil V
Markus F
Harry M
Albert V
Back West
Back East
Back Centre
Serving in Foyer:
Mar 22 – Cora S
Mar 29 – Henry B
Apr 3 – Alfred R
Apr 5 – Phil V
Harold S
Teresa W
Ed K
Coffee Servers
Sound System
Hall Monitor
Mar 22 – Hank & Betty T
Mar 29 – Hank & Betty T
Apr 5 – Harry & Jane H
Apr 12– Harry & Jane H
Phil V
Larry B
Alfred R
Francis C
March 22, 2015
Floating Greeters:
Jake & Bep V
Harry & Margaret M
Albert & Martha R
John K
Anthony W
Martha R
March 29, 2015
Arnold & Theresa R
Tony & Jane M
Ryan & Rachel R
Maynard D
Nathan D
Sharon M
Julie W
Sharon M
Joel’s Assistant
Teresa W
John Z
Grade 5&6 SS
Alfred R
Arnold R
Grade 7&8 SS
John G
Rita K
Little Lambs
Bingo at the Terrace
Royal Terrace
March 22, 2015
March 29, 2015
Cynthia D
Judy D
Joyce D
Evelyn K
Arlene V
Rita C
Nicole H
Darian R
Gerri D
Rachel D
Reeghan R
Madison R
Judy D
Michelle T
Darian R
Anna R
April 1: Frea C, Yvonne D; April 15: Rita K, Theresa D
April 5: Mary D; April 12: Joyce K;; April 19: Roelie K
Large print Psalter Hymnals are available. Please contact an usher if you wish to use one.