29th - Drayton Christian Reformed Church

March 29, 2015
Pastor Paul Droogers
Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church
88 Main Street, PO Box 129 Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0
Website: www.draytoncrc.org * tel: 519-638-2032 * email: secretary@draytoncrc.org
Worship Services:
Sunday mornings: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor Paul Droogers
email: pastor@draytoncrc.org
Visiting Children:
NURSERY: Is a va ila b le for c hild ren up to 3 yea rs old d ow nsta irs.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Child ren w ho a re ages 3 to grade 4 a re w elc ome to join us for Sund a y Sc hool w hic h is
held d ow nsta irs. The c hild ren a re d ismissed d uring the servic e a s ind ic a ted in the ord er of w orship .
Child ren In grade 5 through 8 a re invited to ta ke a Sermon Questions fold er from the b a c k of the sa nc tua ry
to a nsw er q uestions d uring the servic e. They a re exc used a fter the sermon for their Sund a y Sc hool c la ss.
Sharing God’s Grace and Hope
Mission: The Christia n Reformed Churc h of Dra yton is a Christ-c entred fellow ship
led b y God ’ s w ord a nd sp irit to sha re His g ifts of g ra c e a nd hop e.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
March 29 ~ Our morning worship, on this Palm Sunday, will focus on the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into
the city of Jerusalem, shortly before his death. The Sunday School children will begin our service and
remind us of the truth that even though Jesus is the King of Kings he comes riding on a colt. This King is
unlike any other and he continues to come, riding into our communities or hearts in surprising but
powerful ways. Pastor Paul will lead our time of worship together with the Westendorp family. Sunday
* School children please go downstairs before the church service to get ready for Palm Sunday.
April 3 ~This coming Friday morning we anticipate gathering for Good Friday worship starting at 10:00
AM. As we remember the death of Jesus Christ we also plan to celebrate the Lord Supper together in
deep thanksgiving for Jesus’ sacrifice, suffering and death. Like our last Good Friday Service, last year,
the elements of the Lord Supper will be provided at different stations at the front of the church.
Anyone unable to come to the front will be served by a servicing elder. Pastor Paul will lead our service.
April 5 Next week Sunday morning we look forward to bringing the gift of Easter Sunday worship!
“Remember that grace and truth cannot finally be crucified. Remember that all the high things that
make humanity beautiful cannot be forever laid in the dust, splattered with blood. And most of all,
remember that he who rose from the dead, rose to pour out his Spirit into human lives, and, by that
Spirit, to make available to any individual all the fullness of himself, twenty four hours a day” (Ray
Stedman). Pastor Paul will lead us in our Easter worship celebration.
Coffee: Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the worship service this morning.
Greeters are asked to help with coffee clean up after the church service.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Pastor: Paul Droogers
Music Leaders: W. Family
Palm Sunday
Welcome & Announcements
Sunday School Children enter, singing “Jesus in the Morning” and “King of Kings”
(children sit down with parents)
*Call to Worship:
King Jesus comes, King Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man, Messiah.
Hail! King Jesus, King of all!
Recall the words of the Scriptures: “A great crowd who had come to the
feast heard Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of
palm trees and went out to meet him, crying, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he
who comes in the name of the Lord.” (John 12:13)
In praise we adore you, King Jesus. Enter our hearts today as you
entered Jerusalem long ago, and lead us by faith in the way everlasting.
*Openings Songs of Praise:
Hosanna (Praise is Rising)
Here I Am to Worship
*God’s Greeting
Lenten Meditation
Children’s Message:
Children’s Song:
Paula Parker
God is So Good
Children ages 3 through Grade 4 leave for Church School
Prayer of Illumination
Bible Reading:
*Song of Response:
LUYH #537 Open the Eyes of My Heart
Luke 19:28-44
A Powerful Tragedy
GPH #375 All Glory, Laud, and Honour
Children Grade 5 through Grade 8 leave for Church School
Congregational & Offertory Prayer
*Closing Song:
*God’s Blessing
*Indicates, please stand if you are able
1. Church Budget 2. Community Christian School
Shout to the North
GPH #631 Praise and Thanksgiving
March 29
~ 1: Budget 2: Community Christian School
April 3 - Good Friday
~ Kathleen L.
Next week we will be collecting an offering for Christian Reformed Home Missions. In this coming week, please
prayerfully consider supporting Home Missions as they spread the Gospel through funding local missionaries,
offering leadership development courses, and supporting new church plants .
April 5
~ 1: Budget 2: Home Missions –Mark K.
Collections Received on March 15, 2015 ~ Huron Campus Ministries .
Church Family
Following a visit with the specialist at the Fracture Clinic, at Kitchener’s Grand River Hospital, Tinny V.
has learned she will need to remain off her foot with broken bones in her ankle for at least four more
weeks. Continue to pray for healing and encouragement as Tinny waits to experience recovery.
During a special time of the year, with Good Friday and Easter coming up, we pray for all those whose
mobility is limited and for those unable to gather with family or friends. We pray for Diny R. at the
Wellington Terrace and her husband Hilbert. For Grace R. at the Royal Terrace and her husband Hank.
For Janet K. and Rudy & Henny B. at the Royal Terrace. Pray especially for Henny who is unable to be
visited by Rudy as she, together with other residents, are not feeling well. For Margaret K. at the Crest
and Hennie S. also at the Crest and continually experiencing discomfort from shingles. Pray for Bertha
D. in Toronto and Alice S. in Brampton. Please also remember others who find it difficult to get out for
various reasons.
This coming Friday Steve and Scott H. plan to return to Ontario from Zambia, South Africa, as their
mission team with Visionledd Ministries wraps up their time of service. Pray for a good finish during the
course of the week and for a safe trip back home.
Please receive the following update on Jo-Ann B from Pastor Gary and Jo-Ann’s son, David: “Mom is
impossibly weak. Getting strength back will help her get off the ventilator and help the heart as well.
Currently she does not have enough strength to pick her head up off the pillow. Right now,
physiotherapy is very important. This week we hope that she wills stand (assisted) for short periods of
time. My main prayer request is that she will have the courage and perseverance to battle through the
exercises. We would also like to pray that she will soon get off the dialysis machine. Pray that the
kidneys will kick in again. We know we have a large hill to climb but we know we are surrounded in
prayer and support.”
Happy Birthday to…
~ Fred S., Frank v., Emerson T.
~ Joel D., Danielle F., Markus F., Lauren H.
~ Michael K., Katie D.
~ Art N., Mathias R.
Happy Anniversary to...
~ Markus & Mary Ann F
Worship at the Royal Terrace in Palmerston will be led, this coming Thursday afternoon, Lord
willing, by Pastor Paul. As this is the first service of a new month, communion will be served to
residents at the Royal Terrace. Anyone interested in attending or worshiping together with residents is
invited to be present starting at 2:15 PM in the Activity Room.
Profession of Faith Class will not be meeting this coming Thursday evening. Please plan to return
to class on Thursday, April 9. Thanks! PJD
The Congregational Meeting/Potluck Supper will be held this Wednesday, April 1 at 7:30 p.m. Please
bring the Congregational Meeting Agenda and Booklets which were placed in your mail slots.
Catechism – Grade 10 congregational meeting booklet addition: The grade 10 catechism class is
comprised of 5 students; our primary focus is on the second half of the Heidelberg Catechism. Currently
we are going through the Ten Commandments together and considering their relevance to us today.
We have already looked at the sacraments of Baptism and Lord’s Supper and are about to examine the
Lord’s Prayer as a model of conversation with God. ~ Rob v
Church Newsletter: Please email all Newsletter submissions to the office by Monday, March 30.
Church Events
Reapers of Hope: Thank you so much for the people who volunteer faithfully each time. We could use
more people though, so if you are interested in helping, please join us. We start at 8:30 a.m. until noon
on the first and third Thursday of each month. Please call 519-638-3185 if you need more information.
Youth Group News
April 2 ~ Regular Meeting at 8:30 pm
Those interested in SERVE: Please make sure you register online by March 31! If you need more
info please see email that was sent out last week. Thanks
Denim & Diamonds: The Trillium League Formal for 2015 has been set for May 2nd at Huron Christian
School in Clinton, hosted by the Blyth CRC Youth Group. Get your name on the list by April 1st by
speaking to your youth leader! This event is open to high-school aged youth and the cost is $25. Can't
wait to see you there! Friend "Trillium Formal" on Facebook to get an invite to this private event! You
can also email trilliumformal2015@hotmail.com with any questions!
Church Activities
~ Morning worship at 10:00 a.m.
~ Sunday School: Ages 3 to Grade 8
~ Cadets: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 pm
Wednesday: ~ Morning Coffee Break at 9:45 am
~ Congregational Meeting and Potluck at 7:30 pm
~ Catechism at 7:30 pm (no profession class)
~ Youth Group at 8:30 p.m.
~ Good Friday Worship Service at 10:00 am
Next Sunday: ~ Easter Sunday worship at 10:00 am
Requested Announcements
JK – Grade 8 Open House/Registration Days: Community Christian School, Drayton is a place where
students are nurtured within a community of faith, love, and excellence. We invite you to come and see
for yourself. Open House and Registration for Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8 is on April 2 at the
school from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Check out the website for more information at www.ccsdrayton.org
or call the school at 519-638-2395. Feel free to visit the school, sit in the classrooms, and talk to the
principal. Ask about our bursary programs and find out how your first year can be half price.
Support for Training in Ministry
Classis Huron invites students from this classis who are considering full time ministry within the CRC to
apply for a classical grant. These students must be planning to attend seminary in the school year 20152016. For applications and further information, please contact Rev. Brian Bork by email:
bbork41@gmail.com or by phone: 1-519-497-6152. Current recipients must also make clear their
intentions. Applications and further information is available at www.classishuron.ca under Forms and
Mandates for the Classical Ministerial Leadership Team. The deadline for applications is April 13, 2015.
As churches in Classis Huron let us pray for God to raise up workers in His kingdom from our
congregations. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
News from North America
SUFFERING SERVANT: - Even those of us most intent on the Messiah get wrapped up in his victorious
nature, and we overlook prophecies like Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 about the suffering servant which
impact our understanding of Jesus this Holy Week. Tune in each week: subscribe for free weekly email
notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com or visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or
listen now.
THE BIG STORY: - Liz digs up a time capsule from the founders of Terrene. Everyone’s excited until a
valuable item goes missing. Can Liz solve this mystery before Granny goes to jail? Follow the adventures
of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special
song, “Leap of Faith,” at kidscorner.net/offer.
Cycle to end poverty! - Join other cyclists this summer for a 10th anniversary ride with Sea to Sea and
raise money to fight poverty. You can choose to participate in a 6-day ride in Ontario or a 10-day ride in
Alberta. Proceeds from your ride will be used to fund ministry by World Renew, Partners Worldwide,
International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives. Volunteers are also urgently needed to assist
with both rides. For more information or to register, visit seatosea.org. The Alberta ride is nearly full.
Register today to avoid disappointment.
OTHERS - that's the scoop on SERVE projects geared especially for those with special needs (14 - 26yrs).
Do you know someone who would just love to participate in one of these projects this summer? There
are still openings in Ottawa, Fruitland and Winnipeg where host teams and mentors would welcome
your friends and provide them a most memorable week. For further information contact ServiceLink
800-730-3490 or volunteer@crcna.org
PROGRAM INNOVATION ASSISTANT - If you have a love for working with adolescents, gifts in
administration, enjoy exploring new approaches and solutions et tu parle francais aussi, come to
Senegal . Work with WR’s program team to develop and run annual training workshops along with onthe-job training of the adolescent health educators. More details about this one year hands-on
volunteer opportunity can be found at www.worldrenew.net or contact volunteer@crcna.org.
HIGH ADVENTURE SUMMER CAMP - Rock climbing, orienteering, rope courses, arts and crafts are some
of the activities at this adventure camp high in the Staja mountain region of Romania, where youth are
challenged in creative problem solving, facing and conquering fears, team work, compassion and more.
You are invited to be a North American Christian role model and come alongside Romanian camp
leaders in this unique ministry that empowers youth with the skills to live life well. Additional details can
be found at www.crwm.org or contact volunteer@crcna.org.
Join Youth in the Dominican Republic - This summer, young people (ages 16-20) have a unique
opportunity to build relationships with similar-aged students in the CRC of the Dominican Republic.
From July 22 - August 3, you will minister to children in the DR as a combined team. Visit
crwm.org/DRyouth to apply!
Teach Overseas - Christian Reformed World Missions has a variety of connections with schools
throughout the world. If you are interested in teaching in an international setting beginning next fall, we
can help you find an opportunity that matches your gifts. Visit crwm.org/teaching for a list of
opportunities or contact Brenda DenHouten at bdenhouten@crcna.org
Keeping In Touch….
The following are asked to send a card, letter or email to:
Nitin & Ruth S.……………………………………………………………………….…..……. John & Jane G
Jonathon & Janice B………………………………………………………………………Randy & Lisa G
Jonathan_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org or janice_barnhoorn@wycliffe.org
Kathleen L……………………………………………………………………………………... Cody & Melissa G
email: klauder@worldrenew.net skype: kathleen_lauder
Mark & Heather K........................................................................................................... Frank & Gertie Hansma
pastormark@reslifenc.org phone: 919-482-2382
March 2015…
Alfred Rumph
Serving in Foyer:
Phil V
Mar 29 – Henry B
Serving Elders Markus F
Apr 3 – Alfred R
& Deacons
Harry M
Apr 5 – Phil V
Albert V
Back West Harold Struyk
Back East Teresa Wikkerink
Back Centre Ed Kraal
March 29, 2015
Coffee Servers
Sound System
Hall Monitor
Arnold & Theresa R
Tony & Jane M
Ryan & Rachel R
Maynard D
Nathan D
Sharon M
Floating Greeters:
Mar 29 – Hank & Betty T
Apr 5 – Harry & Jane H
Apr 12– Harry & Jane H
Phil V
Larry B
Alfred R
Francis C
April 5, 2015
Alfred & Helen R
Art & Mary N
Chad & Jocelyn R
Randy G
Wes V
Nanda Z
Sharon M
Jane M
Joel’s Assistant
John Z
Marilyn B
Grade 5&6 SS
Arnold R
Arnold M
Grade 7&8 SS
Rita K
Francis C
Little Lambs
Good Friday
April 3
Bingo at the Terrace
Royal Terrace
March 29, 2015
April 5, 2015
Judy D
Helen R
Evelyn K
Yvonne V
Rita C
Julie W
Darian R
Mariah R
Rachel D
Rachel R
Madison R
Josh D
Michelle T
Rita R
Anna R
Jenna D
Greeters: Jack & Teresa S.; Sound: John K.; PPt: Fetsje P..
Nursery: Michelle T., Margaret M., Jeanette K., Anna R.
LL: Cynthia D., Finley, D.; SUBS: Helen R., Mariah R.
April 1: Frea C., Yvonne D.; April 15: Rita K., Theresa D.
April 5: Mary D.; April 12: Joyce K.; April 19: Roelie K
Large print Psalter Hymnals are available. Please contact an usher if you wish to use one.