Gov" of jharkhand Na.qar Parishad, I)umka AdvertisemerrrNo-------qll2ap/iltxt*t.----0-l-:-4-fu tl -?--0--t-{- ,Appoiutrnent of profcssionals on contractual Basis for city ievel reform and performance management cell (CR.PA{C) under compreherrsive capacity Building Plan (CCBP) under jnNUR\t ofl Govt. of Inciia, Applicatiorr are irtvited front suitahle Candidates for the appointment of the post mention below on contractuai hasis S.L. No, Name of post No. of posts A'tax. A{onthly Remulreration City ievel Reform and performance A'tanagement cell( City RF,I\1C) Capacity Building/lnstitutional Stregnthening Specialist x Rs. 55,000/- 7 iT. Cum A,lonitoring and Eyaluation Speeialist I Rs. 55,000/- 3 Social Development Specialist x Rs" 55,0001- a Total 1 Terms of Engagement- The appointment of professiotrals three years and (5) five rnonths/contract period of will be purely oir contract basic for a period of to be reviewed annually programme, {CtS) Xrased on perforrnairce, output and desired impacts. However contract may be ternlinated in the case of unsatisfactory service and iit case of closure of scheme by competent authority/ Governmelrt. 2. 3. 4. Remuneratior, is negotiable subject to the qualification anci expericuce The successftrl candidate will have to sign , a cotrtractual agreemerrt in the prescribed format. The contract shall not confer any right or cl;iim of extensiotr/absorptiou in the department. l-he candidate will lrave to produce an affidavil in this regarcl, 5" 6. Candrdate should be lreiow 60 years as on 01 .0E.2O 14" Last Date for Receipt of Application is 15-04-2015 till 5.00P4{ (on all working days from 10.00.dAI io 5.00PI1 except holic{ays). 7 The scope of work and requisite tlualification and experience for different category of posts is e{cscribed Appendix-A which is available on website aird also ean ire taketi from Nagar rre Pzrrislierc{, Dumka. ffharkhand) 8. How to a apply- Duiy filled application form as enclosed in Appendix-ts along with the attested copy of the proof of age, qualification and experietrce should be setrt through l'egisteree'l post/courier to Nagar Farishad, Dumka. (Jharkltand) The application fonm made avallable hy hanci shaXl rrot be entertained. OR Application containly scantred <locumetrts may tre subrnitted through e-rnaii id dc-durn( latest by l S- 04-2O15 after that no appiicatioil will be entertained 9" The list of shortlist candiciates wili be upioaded oir the website- www.dumka.r'lic,in and candidatcs will he intimated about the date of interview. 10" The office reserves the ri.ght to cancel/postpoire the appointment process wholly or partially if so required and all decisions of committee headed hy Deputy Commissioner, Dunrka in relation to appointmer,t process shnli be final. Deputy Cornm Dumka" Appendix-A 1. 2. 3.
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