Front Cover FREE Established 1853 *****ECRWSS***** U.S. Postage Paid Dexter ME. Permit No. 97 Local POSTAL CUSTOMER Your 800 287 2295 • tt @ t tt 1-800-287-2295 17,000 Circulation • Copyright 2015 The Gazette, Inc. Volume 163 No. 17 HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Delivered by U.S. Mail to every residential and business addresses in: Abbot, Atkinson, Barnard, Beaver Cove, Blanchard, Bowerbank, Brownville, Brownville Jct., Cambridge, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Derby, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Ebeemee, Elliottsville, Exeter, Frenchtown, Garland, Greenville, Greenville Jct., Guilford, Harmony, Kingsbury Plt., LaGrange, Lake View Plt., Lily Bay, Maxfield, Mayfield, Medford, Milo, Monson, Orneville, Parkman, Ripley, Sangerville, Sebec, Shirley Mills, St. Albans, Wellington, Williamsburg, Willimantic. Instant Hummingbird Nectar Dry Mix 8 Oz. #452-607 %X\2QH*HW2QH )5(( $ 1.99 ([SLUHV&RXSRQSHUKRXVHKROG/LPLWDWLRQVDSSO\6HHVWRUHIRUGHWDLOV V DSSO 6HH VWRUH IRU GHWDLOV Animals in Our Lives section Pages 9 - 15 Looking for work? Help Wanted Pages 18 & 19 Tillson True Value 11 Main St., Dexter • 924-7359 Hermon True Value Danforth Plaza, Hermon • 848-2500 The Eastern Gazette Page One April 24 - 30, 2015 HALO Control your hearing experiences with Halo™, the breakthrough Made for iPhone® Hearing aid and our personalized TruLink™ Hearing Control app. ™ The Made for iPhone hearing aid ® GROUND BREAKING - Ground was recently broken at Foxcroft Academy for their new Humanities Wing. Pictured left to right are Tom Nason, Dana Littlefield, John Wentworth, Ethan Annis, Dwayne Littlefield, Arnold Shorey, Chris McGary. Construction of Foxcroft Academy’s Mary Fittig Kammerer Humanities Wing now under way Halo is designed to: • Stream calls from your iPhone directly to your hearing aids using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. • Deliver pristine sound and exceptional listening clarity. • Eliminate buzzing and whistling. • Stream FaceTime, music and more directly to your hearing aids. Dover Audiology Chris Clukey MA, CCC-A 859 West Main St. Dover-Foxcroft • 564-3337 Open Monday through Wednesday 9 -5 and Thursday 9-4 DOVER-FOXCROFT - Ground was officially broken on Foxcroft Academy’s Mary Kammerer Fittig Humanities Wing on the morning of April 8, and construction is now firmly under way. The wing, which was designed by Merriam Architects of Rockland and is being built by E.W. Littlefield & Sons of Hartland, is set to be completed by August 15 and will be fully-functional for the start of the 2015-2016 academic year. The Mary Kammerer Fittig Humanities Wing will add two stateof-the-art classrooms while connecting Foxcroft Academy’s main academic building to its detached Industrial and Fine Arts building, creating an interconnected academic complex and tightening campus security significantly. The new classrooms will be designed as 21stcentury learning spaces, with an emphasis on student-centered learning, teacher collaboration, and technology integration. Mary Kammerer Fittig, a retired educator who spent 29 years as an elementary school teacher in the inner city of New York, jump-started the wing’s capital campaign with a $200,000 naming gift earlier this year. Those interested in learning about other naming opportunities for this project may contact Foxcroft Academy Assistant Head of School for External Affairs Chris McGary at 564-8351 or Robinson Pine Tree Hospice Variety Show April 24 The A. E. Robinson Oil Co., Inc. “An Oil Company…Plus” Home Heating and Residental Customers Schedule S Sch Sc che hedu hed dule dul le a NO NO O OBLIGATION BLIG BL IGAT IGA ATIO ON ho homee vvisit home isit isi is it 0%A.P.R. Financing up to 3 years 0 Down Payment 0 Interest 1-800-640-8131 Select the right heating system for your home No interest period begins at the day of installation. Subject to credit approval. Automatic delivery and direct payment required. 0% A.P.R. limited to residential energy equipment. DOVER-FOXCROFT - This year marks the 21st Variety Show to benefit volunteer hospice services provided to 39 towns in our area. Since 1985 Pine Tree Hospice has been supporting individuals and families living with life-limiting illness. Volunteer hospices rely on the generosity of the community since they receive no funding from government or insurance sources. The Variety Show is an important fundraiser each year, and draws a large audience of all ages. The program offers something for everyone. The Variety Show will be held at the Center Theatre in DoverFoxcroft on Friday, April 24th at 7:00 P.M. The program will include instrumental and vocal music, drama, and the “Parade of Sponsors” featuring children from the community. Dan Sharrow and Rev. Chad Poland will host the show. The Monson Jammers will be playing in the lobby before the event. During the intermission there will be a drawing for the annual quilt raffle. Refreshments will be available by donation. Tickets are available by donation at the Pine Tree Hospice office or at the door. Mark your calendars and come support the talents of many community members. Weekly Rates ★★★ PLEASE BRING IN YOUR USED MOTOR OIL ★★★ BROOKS Tire & Auto 924-7149 or 1-800-339-7149 Corinna Rd., Dexter • Limited time offer. * Some restrictions may apply. &KDQJHWKHGDWH Robinson $OVER&OXCROFTs $EXTERs 'REENVILLEs “Count on Us to Keep You Warm” Our 65th ye of servin ar the peo g ple Eastern of Central and Maine! The 43rd Annual Kiwanis Piscataquis River Race has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 30, 2015 due to inclement weather/water conditions. Mark your calendars now! See our ad on Page 3 Page 2 April 24 - 30, 2015 207-270-6112 2SHQ'D\VD:HHN Rt. 7 North, ITS 85, Dexter 020·6DUH63(&,$/SHRSOHLQRXU/LYHV 0RWKHU·V'D\0D\WK %ULQJKHURXWIRUVRPHWRJHWKHUWLPHDW$//$%2$5' 5HVHUYDWLRQV6XJJHVWHGEXWQRWQHFHVVDU\ $OZD\VVRPHWKLQJRQRXUPHQXIRUHYHU\RQH 6HDIRRG6WHDNV3DVWD%XUJHUV&KLFNHQ0RUH Do you Remember the 90's when you could purchase a 12x12 Vinyl Linoleum for $88? IT'S BACK! RETRO PRICING The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage East Sangerville Coffee House season wraps with Old Blues Kats SANGERVILLE - The house will be rockin’ at the East Sangerville Grange on Saturday, May 2 when DW Gill and Doug Wainoris – known better as The Old Blues Kats – hit the stage for the last show of the season. Doug and DW started playing together in the 70s, heavily influenced by Chicago-style performers like Muddy Waters. During the 80’s and 90’s the combo started creating their own compositions and arrangements while still maintaining the authentic sound and feel of the original blues masters. They have opened concerts for blues greats Stevie Ray Vaughn and BB King and have played at the renowned New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Tickets for the May 2 show are available at the door and in +HUH·VD%LUWKGD\6KRXWIRU)UHHOD/DQFDVWHU advance at Bob’s Home and GarZKRFHOHEUDWHGKHUELUWKGD\RQ$SULO den in Dover-Foxcroft. Also reserve tickets by calling 564-8596. :LVKLQJDYHU\VSHFWDFXODUELUWKGD\ZHHN Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. For ticket WRWKHEHVWZLIHPRWKHUQDQD price and more information visit DQGIULHQGDQ\RQHFRXOGDVNIRU You can also find the :H$//ORYH\RX ESG and the band on Facebook. 2 Patterns to choose from. Other sizes available. Cash n Carry Births of local interest DOVER-FOXCROFT – The following births of local interest have been reported to The Eastern Gazette by the staff of Mayo Regional Hospital. A son, Lane Issac Gray, to Sadie Frost and Varland Gray II of Lewiston on March 30, 2015. Wt. 8 pounds 13 ounces. A daughter, Sadie Grace Skipper, to Christine and Aaron Skipper of Bowerbank on April 11, 2015. Wt. 8 pounds 2 ounces. Harmony H OME DECOR 2OUTEs.EWPORT2Ds#ORINNAs Rachel’sPlace (formerly Smith’s Grocery) Route 11, Brownville 965-8818 Come see our NEW look! We’ve remodeled and Lots of new things to come! NEW HOURS: Wed. - Sat. 11 to 7:30, Closed Sundays Closed Sundays (Hours subject to change) BILL SAWTELL Stutzman’s Farm Stand & Bakery 891 Douty HillDouty Road, Sangerville Hill Rd. ME 04479 (Pine Street on the Dover-Foxcroft end) (Back Sangerville Rd.) Sangerville NOW OPEN FRIDAY - SUNDAY CAFE AND PIZZA BUFFET HOURS: Friday 10 - 7 * Saturday 10 - 6 Sunday Brunch WITH LIVE MUSIC 10 - 1 Music by Half Way Home FRESH BAKED BREAD AND DESSERTS PIZZA AND SANDWICHES - EAT IN OR TAKE OUT ALL PIZZAS, SALADS, SOUPS AND DESSERTS AVAILABLE A LA CARTE More information available at Stutzman’s Farm Stand, Bakery & Cafe Facebook page. We accept 564-8596 REAL FOOD FROM A REAL FARM s r r TM 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO6HUYLFHV 5RFN:DOOV 6WRQH3DWLRV *DUGHQ'HVLJQV 3ODQWLQJ 6KRUHOLQH6WDELOL]DWLRQ 0RZLQJ 3ORZLQJ 6LWH:RUN 5RDG%XLOGLQJ 'UDLQDJH 3URGXFWV:H6HOO %DUN0XOFK&UXVKHG6WRQH 5LS5DS5RFN&UXVKHU'XVW /RDP6FUHHQ*UDYHO 5$35HF\FOHG$VSKDOW 2UJDQLF&RPSRVW ZZZODZVRQVODQGVFDSHFRP Bill Sawtell is currently writing a history of the Rocket Lanes in DoverFoxcroft, ME. Anyone who bowled in any league or for enjoyment, is encouraged to send his or her name and address to Mr. Sawtell at PO Box 272 Brownville, ME 04414 or call 965-3971. Thank you. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Page 3 Pre Season Buy 2014 Glastron GT185 Red, 4.3L Volvo Penta Stern Drive XL Package and more! $ 26,785 +tax Store: 45 State Park Rd., Dover-Foxcroft • 564-2165 DEXTER KIWANIS GUEST - Game Warden Tom McKenney was the guest speaker at a recent Dexter Kiwanis meeting. He is a graduate of Dexter Regional High School and he patrols in the Norridgewock region. Pictured with Warden McKenney is Kiwanis member Rick Bilodeau. 'RQoWDOORZ\RXUKHDWLQJ V\VWHPWRUXQLQHIILFLHQWO\ R o b i n s o n ,WoVQRWZRUWKWKHULVN A.E. Robinson Oil Company Take advantage of our Spring special…. Call 1-800-640-8131 to schedule your service CLEANING SPECIAL ONE OF THE LARGEST INVENTORIES OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES IN MAINE Right here at Wiscasset Ford For just 139.95 $ Worth the drive! Never any doc fees! Check out our website for our latest flyer and a full inventory of over 600 new and used cars at: Valid thru May 2015 WIZFORD.COM Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. 43rd Annual Kiwanis Piscataqu is River Race RACE POSTPONED TO SATURDAY, MAY 30 AT 10 A.M. Race registration 8 - 9:30 a.m. at King Cummings Park, Guilford. Race starts at King Cummings Park at 10 a.m. and will finish at Foxcroft Academy. Communications provided by the Piscataquis Amateur Radio Club and Piscataquis County Emergency Management Agency 2015 Kiwanis Piscataquis River Race presented by: PLATINUM LEVEL SPONSORS: GOLD LEVEL SPONSORS: SILVER LEVEL SPONSORS: Bangor Savings Bank Bob’s Sugarhouse Cornerstone Communications Ray Helinski, DDS and Norm Hill, DDS Foss Enterprise Portable Toilets Geo. E. Howard & Co., Inc. Haley Construction Inc. Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union McDonald’s Restaurant Piscataquis Monumental Company Rowell’s Garage Steinke and Caruso Dental Care Subway The Woodworth Family True Textiles, Inc. BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORS: Camden National Bank, Dave’s World 1-800-HEAT PUMP; Davis Brothers; Dr. Kevin Chasse, DC; Dover-Guilford Auto Parts, LLC: Eddie Lewis; Ellen Anderson, DPM; Family Eyecare Associates; Foxbrook Variety; Foxcroft Veterinary Services, PA; Hibbard Skilled Nursing Center; J.E. Hobbs Construction; Lovell’s Guilford Hardware; Merl “Sam” Dunham Water Wells; Numberall Stamp and Tool, Inc; Penquis Rental; Red Maple Inn; and The Engdahl Family. Page 4 April 24 - 30, 2015 SHUKRXUIRUWZRPHQ :HKDQGOHSDLQWLQJÁRRULQJLQFOXGLQJODPLQDWH VKHHWURFNDQGVSDFNOLQJLQVXODWLQJGHFNLQJ ZLQGRZDQGGRRUUHSODFHPHQWURRÀQJPRUH The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage &RPIRUWWKH (IILFLHQW :D\ (YHU\WKLQJWRGRZLWK\RXUKRPH )UHHHVWLPDWHVDQGUHIHUHQFHVDYDLODEOH &DOO6WHYH ()66LWH6HUYLFHV /DQGVFDSLQJ &DOOQRZIRU\RXUODZQ DQG\DUGVSULQJFOHDQXSV (WKDQ6DQWRV )XMLWVXGXFWOHVVPLQLVSOLW DLUFRQGLWLRQHUVDQGKHDW SXPSVRIIHU\HDUURXQG ZKROHKRPHFRPIRUWLQ PRVWFOLPDWHV $VPXFKDV KDOIRIWKHHQHUJ\XVHGLQ \RXUKRPHJRHVWRKHDWLQJ DQGFRROLQJ6RPDNLQJVPDUW GHFLVLRQVDERXW\RXUKRPH V KHDWLQJDQGDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJ V\VWHPFDQKDYHDELJHIIHFW RQ\RXUXWLOLW\ELOOV²DQG\RXU FRPIRUW Senator Davis’ bill would encourage doctors to practice in rural areas AUGUSTA – State Senator Paul Davis (R-Piscataquis) has introduced a bill to the Maine Legislature that would provide tax incentives to doctors who practice in rural Maine. The bill, LD 740 “An Act To Sustain Maine’s Primary Care Professional Workforce,” had a public hearing this week before the Legislature’s Taxation Committee. Last year, the Legislature passed a bill that provides income tax credits to primary care physicians who practice in areas where there is a shortage of doctors or patients need to travel long distances for appointments. Under the current law, doctors in rural areas receive tax credits of $6,000 for the first year of eligibility, increasing yearly to $18,000 the fifth year. After that, the income tax credit ends. LD 740 extends those tax breaks from new doctors to those who are already practicing in rural areas. “This has been a terrific program that gives incentives to doctors 1R'XFWZRUN +LJK6((55DWLQJV ,QGLYLGXDO=RQLQJ OPEN HOUSE 5HEDWHVIURP0DQ\ 8WLOLW\&RPSDQLHV (DV\,QVWDOODWLRQ Saturday, May 2 - 9 to 5 Sunday, May 3 - 10 to 4 Up to $2000 of FREE Options Maple Leaf Homes Manorwood Homes Excel Homes • Land/Home Packages • On-Lot Financing • Land-in Lieu Downpayment • Trade-ins Welcome Continued on Page 17 New Shipment of 2015 Boats has arrived! Purchase yours today and be ready for summer fun! Z Z Z I X M L WV X J H Q H U D O F R P McKusick Petroleum Co. 564-3406 or 1-800-564-3835 Marina: 6 Cotton Brook Rd. Dover-Foxcroft • 564-2617 Store: 45 State Park Rd. Dover-Foxcroft • 564-2165 32 Summer Street Dover-Foxcroft Sebasticook Valley Health welcomes Neurosurgeon James Turner, MD to SVH Specialty Care 447 Main Street, Pittsfield, 487.4040 A neurosurgeon who’s been caring for adult patients in central Maine for over twenty years, Dr. Turner provides surgical treatment for back pain, disorders of the central nervous system, carpal tunnel, herniated discs, as well as consultations and post-op visits. Dr. Turner welcomes new patients and invites current patients to consider SVH for post-surgical care and follow-up appointments. For information about scheduling an appointment, please call today 487.4040 447 Main Street, Pittsfield The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Page 5 Mayo inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing MILO - Robin Mayo, MPH, RN a resident of Milo was recently inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing. The Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing’s induction ceremony was held. Robin Mayo is currently the Community Partnership Direc- tor for Piscataquis Public Health Coalition, a local Healthy Maine Partnership in Dover-Foxcroft Maine serving all of Piscataquis County as well as 10 communities in Penobscot County that include Stetson, Kenduskeag, Corinth, Hudson, Bradford, Charleston, Dexter, Exeter, Garland, and LaGrange. Robin Mayo has over 15 P.O. Box 126, 2 Park St., Milo (207) 943-5070 Kent Ladd, Owner Web: e-mail: A local Maine company specializing in generator sales and service since 1997. We service most makes and models. Factory Trained Sales & Service for Kohler, Generac & Cummins Generators. years of nursing experience that includes psychiatric nursing, medical/surgical nursing, and public health nursing. Robin is currently pursuing her Master’s in Nursing with a concentration in nursing education at St. Joseph College in Standish, Maine. The honor society membership is more than an academic destination; it’s a rewarding connection with nurses at local, regional, and international levels who share a passion to make a difference in the health of the world’s people. This global community of nurses has never been more important than it is today as we work together to assure a bright future for the nursing profession as well as our communities. Induction into the honor society recognizes superior academic achievement, leadership, and dedication to the nursing profession. Opening for the Season April 25th Rockwall Gardens ens “It’s in our nature” Open Mother’s Day ay Hanging Baskets, Annuals, Perennials, Over 500 Trees & Shrubs and much more Vegetable Seedlings, Herbs and Johnny Selected Seeds Petting Zoo with barn yard animals Opening Soon 552 Water St., Guilford ME 5 Spring Craft/Vendor fair bake sale and raffle To benefit Eli Murray’s Medical Care. May 2nd 9-3 at Old Charleston School, 125 School Rd Charleston. 207.564.3322 o Like us on Facebook Gift Cards Available Current vendors include Jewelry in Candles, Tupperware, Scentsy, Plexus, Tastefully Simple, Jamberry Nails, Mary Kay, Thirty One, Origami Owl, KEEP and more! Contact Mae Murray for more info 659-0388 ') Benefit Supper Silent Auction 2623 '$)1 ,1', >. 39 ,9!> 5 % 9,!>> 07< For the Colomy Family to help with Medical Bills due to fighting her 3rd round of Cancer May 30th 2015 from 4 to 7 at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 59 Main Street Dexter )! " $' &# (# ') & (#) & ("# ' " " &# Through the Garden Gate Greenhouses & Landscaping Services Door Prizes Join Us on May 2 for our Open Refreshments House and Maine Greenhouse & Nursery Day LANDSCAPING QUESTIONS ANSWERED ALL DAY. CHILDREN’S DAY 10 am: Create your own Fairy Garden w/Pat Instructions on planting in a container (soil provided for demo) How can I Love so many Hydranges? Now learn how to take care of them Professional P Prof Pro rofes fessio i nall La L Landscaping ands ndscap d cap capiing ing S Services 3ONIA#IANCHETTE-#.-#,s 341-0191 %XETER2D#ORINNAsOpen M-F 8-5, Sun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age 6 April 24 - 30, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage OBITUARY TIRES We Sell for Less, Make Us Prove It! Call BROOKS 924-7149 • 1-800-339-7149 $UWIXO$OWHUDWLRQV WINIFRED F. (FARNHAM) BAILEY CORINNA - Winifred F. (Farnham) Bailey, 86, passed away April 14, 2015 at Mayo Regional Hospital in Dover-Foxcroft. She was born June 22, 1928 in Dexter, the daughter of Elwin B. and Norma Ruth (Reynolds) Farnham. She was educated in the schools of Dexter. On May 17, 1948, she married Lionel Bailey in Dexter. He died September 21, 1969. Winifred was employed as a Certified Nurse’s Aide at Hibbard’s Nursing Home in Dover-Foxcroft for over 20 years, retiring in 1992. :HGGLQJ3URP*RZQ$OWHUDWLRQV9HLOV7LDUDV+DLU3LQV J Petals Plus FLORIST TUXEDO RENTALS 3TETSON2D#ORINNAs2/3% PETALSPLUSmORISTNETsPETALSPLUS HOTMAILCOM 2SHQ7XHVGD\)ULGD\WR6DWXUGD\WR HQ 7XHVGD\)ULGD\ WR 6DWXU $2[ERZ5G3DOP\UD7UDGLQJ3RVW%OGJ %HFN\7KRPSVRQ6HDPVWUHVV ZZZDUWIXODOWHUDWLRQVFRP²)DFHERRN Judy Richard, Owner pcf, mmfd – Tim Underhill, pcf,mmfd ROCK YOUR PROM! B.L. Grant & Son 7HUU\'*UDQW&HOO -DVRQ'*UDQW&HOO 'R]HU([FDYDWRU6HUYLFH *UDYHO6FUHHQHG6DQG/RDP&UXVKHG6WRQH 6HSWLF6\VWHPV,QVWDOOHG &RULQWK0DLQH It’s time to coordinate the Tux with the Dress! Prom Package Deals Available for Flowers & Tux Call for details. 1(:3257 02180(17,1& 6WHWVRQ5G1HZSRUW0( 0DLOLQJDGGUHVV 32%R[1HZSRUW0( 7P\X[h@f]TS2[[>^]d\T]cDTaeXRTb The Season is NOW! %RE&UHLJKWRQ &HOO %ODLQ&UHLJKWRQ It’s time to service your summer toys… 2IILFH QHZSRUWPRQXPHQW#P\IDLUSRLQWQHW ZZZQHZSRUWPRQXPHQWFRP FROM ALL OF US AT RENYS, THANK YOU FOR 65 YEARS! Famous re! Sto Specialty A FFamily il Run R Business B i Geared To Your Family Fun!!! HUFF POWERSPORTS Route 100, Grove Hill - Pittsfield, ME 04967 • Tel: (207) 487-3338 nd! nd! Famous Bra Ladies’ Ladies’ V-neck Strappy Tanks Braided Halter Tops *Prints *Solids Young Men’s Full-Zip Stripe Hoodies 14.99 Values to $49.50! Sandals To Explore To Play To Live! *Men’s*Ladies’*Kids’ *Adults & Kids 355-3333 453 Main Street, Pittsfield, ME* 487-6655 For The Highest Quality Of Eye Care And Surgical Needs. Dawn Vanity Fair air $ Simply Clean Dish nt Detergent OurReg. Reg.$2.99 $2.99 Our $ M&M The Weather Channel Napkins s APRIL SPECIAL Dr. Kiran Jones 30 OFF $ 1.99 2.99 Wired Temperature Station Ear Buds Dr. Ian Jones Exclusions E l i May M Apply. A l Not in conjunction with Insurances. 3.99 9 $ Red, Pink, Blue, Blue Orange, White, Green Renys WE PARTICIPATE WITH THE FOLLOWING INSURANCES: Gift Cards, Medicare • Mainecare • Anthem • Cigna • Aetna • Harvard Pilgrim Martins Point • United Healthcare • AARP • AND MANY MORE ALSO ACCEPTING: EyeMed and VSP Vision Plans NOW ACCEPTING: CARE CREDIT! Call: 355-3333 or 487-6655 to make your appointment. * Located in the Former Office of DR. FLINT REID 5.99 $ Become a Maine Adventurer at DQGEHWKHÀUVW to know about our specials! a great gift, one size ¿WVDOO Snow Cones s Machines *Sponge Bob nt *Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles $10.99 With Fun New Merchandise at Renys Great Prices! Pi ! Colosseo Lysol 25 Ounce 110 Count y Everyday Shorts $16.99 Sizes S-XXL $22.00 Value! Celebrate Spring! 419 Moosehead Trail, Newport, ME Young Men’s $ 7.99 Fashion Sunglasses 3rd Year! Famous Mall Store! Famous Bra $ 5.99 $18.00 Value! $ web site: • New Hours: M-F 8 AM-5 PM, Sat 8 AM-2 PM with purchase 924-7402 1-800-287-2295 4-20-15 to 4-26-15 Bring in your boat, motors, lawnmowers, etc. for a tune up . . .and put away the winter toys. Storage and summerization for your snowmobile. Anti-Glare She enjoyed crafts and being with her family. Winifred is survived by 2 sons, Keith T. Bailey of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Robert L. Bailey of Garland; 2 daughters, Gail A. Larry and husband Kenneth of Guilford, and Nancy J. Rush and husband Jerry of Dexter; 5 grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Lionel; and 3 brothers, Keith, Kenneth and Norman. There will be no visitation hours or funeral service. In lieu of flowers, friends wishing, may make donations in Winifred’s memory to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Arrangements under the care and direction of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, Maine 04976. 34 Ounce Clean-Flip Sweeper Extra Starter rter Virgin Kit Olive Oil 5.99 4.99 99 $ Bond Beverly Hills Polo Club $ 24” Poly Rake 7.99 $ Our Reg. $6.999 Down & Feather Pillow 9.99 $ The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Looking for a special Mother’s Day Gift at a Reasonable Price? See us First for New & Used Quality Furniture Page 7 INSPECTIONS Dexter Dover Area Towns in Transition AUTO - BIG TRUCKS - TRACTORS TRAILERS - MOTOR HOMES MOTORCYCLES (DDATT) Helping develop local food, energy, and economic systems that support a community moving from dependence on fossil fuels. BROOKS TIRE and AUTO 183 Spring St., Dexter • 924-3066 Call 1-800-339-7149 • 924-7149 • 924-5884 Mon. - FRI. 9-5 • Sat. 10-4 H.A.Higgins&Son, Inc. Heat Pumps/Air Conditioners Installed at Unbeatable Prices FMI: 924-3836 or FOUNDATIONS & SITEWORK ONE CALL - WE DO IT ALL CONCRETE FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES &OUNDATIONSs&LOORS 3LABSs&ROST7ALLS $500 Efficiency Maine Rebate on select units. FREE ESTIMATES • FLAT RATES • 24 HOUR SERVICE 15 Years Experience SITEWORK Plumbing • Oil • Natural Gas • Propane 285-3404 207-949-9379 Fax: 285-7190 Designed to make the toughest work easy. %XCAVATIONs$RIVEWAYS 3EPTIC3YSTEMS 'RAVELs,OAMs3TONE Husqvarna DRT900H Pittsfield, ME • • Engine manufacturer: Honda • Engine type: GCV160 • Reverse gear for optimum maneuverability Now Open In Downtown Dexter āā Price: $ 849.95 Husqvarna YTH22V42 • Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton • Power: 22 hp • Briggs & Stratton Intek VTwin Í,Q7KH2OG*D]HWWH%XLOGLQJÎ x 0DQ\LQVXUDQFHFRPSDQLHVGRQRWUHTXLUHDSK\VLFLDQ VFULSWWRFRYHUSK\VLFDOWKHUDS\³FDOOXVZHZLOOFKHFN IRU\RX x :HRIIHU)5((FRQVXOWDWLRQVWRVHHLIZHFDQKHOS\RX ZLWKDFKHVSDLQVLQMXULHVRUSUHYHQWDWLYHFDUH x :LWK7:2FRQYHQLHQWORFDWLRQVZHFDQJHW\RXLQ IRUDQDSSRLQWPHQWZLWKLQKRXUV :LOVRQ6WUHHW %UHZHU0( Dry aged steaks, lamb and Palmer Hill Farms Jersey cow raw milk. Price: $ 1,799.95 Copyright © 2013 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. J.D.BRAWN.INC 0RQ7XHV7KXUV6DWDPSP 2UXQWLOWKHODVWSHUVRQOHDYHV &ORVHG:HGQHVGD\6XQGD\ 0DWWKHZ6HFLFK)DPLO\ &RULQQD5RDG 'H[WHU0( 207-564-7763 101 south stage coach rd Atkinson Maine USA APRIL SHOWERS BRING YOU MAY SAVINGS AT P&L! FRESH PERDUE FRESH GRADE A OVEN STUFFER Chicken Roasting Chicken The Berry Patch Greenhouse 638 Bear Hill Road, Dover-Foxcroft 9am-5pm Daily - 564-3081 Our 38th SEASON and Still Growing! 1.18 $ Rt. 7 Dexter 924-5000 Thirst Quencher 14-16 Oz. th Opening for the Season May 6 Don’t forget MOM on Mother’s Day, May 10 We have a nice selection of HANGING BASKETS We have what you are looking for - come see! Pasta 5/$5 $6.99 SAN REMO 8.8 Oz. OCEAN SPRAY 60 Oz. 100% IGA 5.5 - 7.25 Oz. Lasagna Noodles Cranberry Juice Macaroni & Cheese Dinner 2/$5 2/$1 5/$5 5/$5 HUNT’S 24 Oz. Pasta Sauce 5/$5 HUNT’S 15 Oz. Ames Chiropractic Wellness Center ,W·VWLPHWR*HW+HDOWK\ZLWK´6KDSH5HFODLPHGµ Manwich Sauce WISHBONE 8 OZ. Salad Dressing 5/$5 5/$5 IGA 4 Pack 800 Ct. KELLOGG’S Meal & Pot Pies 5/$5 5/$5 907-AMES • 278-2292 Serving Bangor, Lincoln and Corinna • Lb. Eye Round Roast Pork Roast $ 4.58 3.98 Lb. $ 2.18 Lb. FAMILY PACK BONE IN CENTER CUT Pork Chops $ Lb. 5 LB. $ NIRVANA 35 PK CABOT 8 Oz. PRODUCE SPECIALS 110 DEXTER ROAD, CORINNA 1.78 $ 2.38 Lb. Haddock Fillets American Cheese Shredded or Bar Cheese 2/$5 2/$5 SHAPE Reclaimed is a health restoration program, focusing on an overall process that cuts down on inflammation, a commitment to a healthy diet, and helping you maintain the process protocol with assistance from the professionals at Ames Chiropractic. 9.98 $ FROZEN GREAT LAKES Yellow or White $3.99 Orange Juice 5 LBS. OR MORE Pork Chops $ Spring Water GROWER’S PRIDE 59 Oz. Lb. Beef Patties Stew Meat or Cube Steak 2/$4 CHOIBANI 5.3 Oz. 3.98 $ BEEF ROUND 10.5-14.7 Oz. Greek Yogurt Lb. FAMILY PACK ASSORTED BONE IN Poptarts 5/$5 BANQUET 5.5-10.1 Oz. 6.98 BEEF ROUND BONE IN CENTER CUT BUSH’S BEST 16 Oz. Tissue 5/$5 $ CREEKSTONE FARMS PREMIUM BLACK ANGUS 2 Lb. Box Baked Beans Bath Lb. NY Sirloin Steaks Ground Chuck GREEN MOUNTAIN 12 CT. K-Cups 98¢ 5 lbs or more Lb. BONELESS BEEF LOIN FRESHLY GROUND OPEN DAILY 8 AM - 7 PM GATORADE 32 Oz. SAN REMO Thighs or Drumsticks 24.98 BANQUET 6.4 Oz. Assorted Brown & Serve Link Sausage 10/$10 3 LB. $ 7.98 KAYEM Red or Natural Casing 2.5 Lb. bag Franks $ 9.98 HATFIELD SPECIALS HATFIELD HATFIELD FAMILY PACK HATFIELD 16 OZ. CHUNKS Bacon Ends & Pieces $2.38 Sauerkraut $2.68 pkg. Liverwurst $2.68 pkg. 32 OZ. PKG. DELI SPECIALS IMPORTED FROM LARGE Cantaloupes 2/$3 IMPORTED FROM CHILE Red Seedless Grapes $ 1.99 Lb. DOLE CLASSIC 12 OZ. Iceberg Salad Mix 99¢ ea. PRICES GOOD APRIL 26TH THROUGH MAY 2ND STELLA RUSSER DELI SLICED DELI SLICED Provolone Cheese $3.98 Lb. Roast Beef $6.98 Lb. MARGHERITA Genoa or Hard Salami Pepperoni $4.98 Lb. OR Sandwich NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS Page 8 April 24 - 30, 2015 Make Your Vehicle Last Longer The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage COMPASS SATURDAY, APRIL 25 BROOKS TIRE & AUTO 1-800-339-7149 • 207-924-7149 • 207-924-5884 • Route 7, Corinna Road in Dexter WYMAN CONSTRUCTION Bark mulch now available! Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems • Land Clearing Dexter - 924-5902 Emery’s MEAT & PRODUCE "VHVTUBt/FXQPSUt while supplies last Tues. - Fri. 9 to 6, Sat. 9 to 4, Closed Sun. & Mon. '".*-:08/&%"/%01&3"5& Sliced Slab Whole Bacon Pork Loins $ 3.99 Lb 10 lbs. 2.49 Lb $ FRESH FISH FRIDAY’S CALL FOR AVAILABLITY & PRICING Boneless Chicken Breast $ 1.99 Lb 5 lbs. $ 85% Ground Chuck 3.99 Lb We Accept MC, Visa, Discover, EBT Cards and Food Stamps Welcome PROJECT LINUS BLANKET DAY - Penquis Higher Education Center, Dover-Foxcroft. 9 AM - 3 PM. Lunch by donation. TRASH & TREASURE - Corinna Methodist. 9 AM - Noon. Scrap quilting material. Jackie 278-2232. LASAGNA DINNER to benefit PETS. Congregational church, Main St., Dover-Foxcroft. 4 - 6 PM. WIRING FOR DUMMIES - Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter. 10 AM - Noon. Focusing on electrical cords & plugs. bring small appliances, pliers & wire cutters. 924-7292. HIS LIGHT FOR HAITI - Benefit Dinner & Auction. Abbot Evangelical Church. 5 PM, Dinner @ 5:30 PM. KEN & JANE BROOKS & JOE & NELLIE KENNEDY - Wayside Theatre, N. Dexter Grange, 851 N. Dexter Rd. $10. 7 PM. 277-3733. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 ST. AUGUSTINE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 1213 Dexter Rd., Dover-Foxcroft. Eucharistic Service at 11 AM. Father Kevin Holsapple. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dexter. Bible Study 9 AM, Fellowship 9:30 AM, Service 10 AM. “Maintaining Your Joy.” Pastor Robert Herring. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SANGERVILLE & DOVER-FOXCROFT - Corner Church & Main St., Sangerville. Guest Speaker Joe Garbowski & Musician Jason Curran. 9:30 AM. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 NAMI FAMILY & FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP - every last Tuesday of the month. Borestone Room, Mayo Regional Hospital, Dover-Foxcroft. 6:30 - 8 PM. 924-7903 or 564-2393. COMPUTER CLASSES - Guilford Memorial Library. Tuesday Afternoons 1 - 3 PM. Free. 876-4547. BLOOD DRIVE - Foxcroft Academy., Dover-Foxcroft. 1 - 6 PM. FREE SOUP NIGHT - Guilford United Methodist Church, 3 School St. 5:30 PM. FRIDAY, MAY 1 DDATT’S FREE MOVIE NIGHT - Revenge of the Electric Car. Abbott Memorial Dexter. 6 PM. 277-4221. DANCE WITH WIZPICKLE - Pat’s Pizza, Milo. Raise funds for Milo Fire Dept. Training Building. 8:30 PM. PROJECT GRADUATION 5K RACE - Parking Lot behind Bangor Savings Bank, Dexter. 8 PM. SKELETON CREW TO HOST LINDA TISDALE - Abbot Memorial Library, Dexter. Noon. SATURDAY, MAY 2 BEANS & HOT DOGS - LaGrange Full Gospel Assembly, Linda’s Food Cupboard. 4:30 PM. Singspiration at 6 PM. By donation. Marvin Wheeler 285-3825. COMPASS is sponsored weekly by: 897 West Main Street Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426 $OO6HDVRQV+RPHDQG3URSHUW\&DUH (G:DONHUORFDWHGLQ'H[WHU 564-8401 Free estimates quoted before work begins. Over 35 years experience and insured. Your partners in better health Interior and exterior home care and repairs. Complete grounds and property maintenance. Repair, replace, remodel or anything else you need. No hot water? Leaks, frozen pipes, appliances, vacuums, painting, plumbing and minor electrical repairs. Drywall, siding, roofing, windows, doors, and flooring. All phases of carpentry. Mowing, trimming, landscaping, lawn clean up and snow removal. Dani’s Cleaning Services (YHU\GD\&OHDQLQJ6HUYLFH /DXQGU\'LVKHV)ORRUVa*URFHU\6KRSSLQJWRR +RXVHV&DPS5HQWDOV6PDOO%XVLQHVVHV 'DQLHOOH6SHQFHU GVWV#P\IDLUSRLQWQHW All NEW great deals in Furniture & Flooring NEW Chair & selection AREA of area Ottoman rugs and Availablen ow mats in Br or Black from a well known Marden’s Price major $ 00 retailer RUGs 6$9(21&/($1,1*12: NEWPORT GENERAL RENTAL Time to play in the dirt! Newer, Cleaner, Better-Maintained Rental Equipment. Guaranteed! • Mini-Excavators • Backhoe/Loaders • Skid-Street Loaders • Stump Grinders • Brush Chippers • Earth Augers • Rototillers • Trenchers 368-5771 800-540-5771 80 MOOSEHEAD TRAIL, NEWPORT 295 Marden’s is taking 35 40 % to % OFF We have a “NOTION” MATs you are gonna love this! Major retailer’s price 1DQF\('ULVFROO0' 0HGLFDO$FXSXQFWXUH 3$,10$1$*(0(17DQG $3$7+72:(//1(66 &DOO 'RYHU)R[FURIWDQG%UHZHU KRXVHFDOOVDYDLODEOH SHAG RUGs MARDEN’S PRICE $0.50 AND UP!!! Store Hours - M-F 9-8, Sat 9-5, Sun 10-5 · 564 Wilson St., Brewer · 207-989-1750 REMEMBER OUR 30 DAY NO FUSS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE with RECEIPT We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct errors. Prices are for in-store purchases only. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Animals in Our Daily Lives Page 9 Page 10 April 24 - 30, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage For all your pet & livestock needs. Grain & Feed Gates & Corrall Panels Pet Toys & Treats Fertilizers & Seeds Black Gold Pet Foods Black Oil Sunflower & Mixed Bird Seeds Area’s largest supplier of bagged feeds 379-2900 • 1326 Exeter Road, Exeter, ME • 1-800-453-3337 Monday - Friday 7 to 5, Saturday 8 - noon We are a Full Service Facility offering the following Services • Wellness Exams • Dental Services • Personal Care & Attenion • Diagnostic Services • High Quality Pet Foods, Healty Treats & Toys • Boarding Services for Cats and Dogs • On Site Pharmacy Vitamins & Shampoos • Surgical Services and Emergency Service • On Site Laboratory Services with X-Ray Equipment • State of the Art Surgery Center and equipment allow us to provide a wide variety of surgical services. 2XUJRDO LVWRPDNH\RXU H[SHULHQFHDW )96DV SOHDVDQWDVSRVVLEOH Our Our Friendly & Qualified Staff The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Page 11 Veterinarians offer tips for keeping pets happy and healthy by Sheila Grant Special to The Eastern Gazette NEWPORT - Providing the right food, habitat, exercise, and healthcare, as well as knowing what to do in an emergency, can keep companion animals happy and healthy. “Generally, you get what you pay for with pet food,” said Dave Larkin, DVM, of Moosehead Trail Veterinary Hospital in Newport, who believes in balancing food more than paying attention to what’s in it. “Some people pick the food with the most protein. The problem is that doesn’t account for how much of the protein is digestible. Generally, higher-quality foods are more digestible.” And just as having too few nutrients could be harmful for a growing kitten or puppy, having too much of some nutrients can be detrimental to older pets with poor liver or kidney function. Too avoid high levels of protein, calcium, and phosphorus, a prescription food for senior pets may be best. Vaccinations are key to pet health, as well. Dogs and cats need rabies and distemper vaccinations. Dog owners should also consider a shot to guard against leptospirosis, a bacteria that dogs can come in contact with in water or via wild animals (such as chasing mice or rats), that can cause liver and kidney damage -- and can be transmitted to humans. “It’s hard to diagnose,” said Larkin. “Unless the dog is never outside, I think the dog should have this vaccine.” Other vaccines that dog owners may opt to have administered include kennel cough, which, “we recommend for dogs that will be around other dogs outside the home, in doggie daycare, during puppy training, at the groomer, or even at the dog park,” Larkin said. Another is for canine flu, especially for pets traveling outside of Maine. For dogs that spend a great deal of time outdoors, especially in wooded areas, a vaccination against Lyme disease is also recommended. “It’s important to remember that ticks can carry other diseases, as well, so folks should use a good tick control product,” said Larkin. Another vaccination for cat owners to consider if their pets go outdoors is feline leukemia. “What we are doing now for feline leukemia is vaccinating all kittens, just because people don’t always know if it will go outdoors or escape and cats less than a year of age are more susceptible,” Larkin explained. “If the cat is over a year old and does not go outdoors, I don’t think they need it.” Parasite control is also impor- tant. “Ticks spread disease, and fleas can transmit tape worms, or trigger allergies and skin problems,” Larkin said. “A significant flea burden can slowly exsanguinate a dog or a cat.” Many flea and tick deterrents can be applied to the skin of the pet, or taken orally. Veterinarians are starting to see some resistance to flea and tick products that have been around for a while, he said, so choosing a newer product may be more effective. “Intestinal worms can be acquired through normal foraging behaviors outside and in the grass, or they get on the animal’s skin and are then ingested through grooming,” said Larkin. Symptoms include stomach upset, vomiting, loose stool, possible bloody stool, weight loss in an adult dog or failure to gain weight in a puppy, poor appetite, and sometimes worms are visible in vomit. “Heartworms live in the bloodstream and cause problems with both dogs and cats,” Larkin said. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes, and are not as common a problem in this region of Maine as elsewhere, but, “I have diagnosed it in dogs that have never left the state,” he said. Getting a pet screened annually is important, and before administering any heartworm deterrent, which could cause a serious reaction in an animal already infected. Once pets are infected, treatment of heartworms is both costly and a cause of many side effects, Larkin said. Symptoms of heartworms in dogs include those similar to heart failure, such as coughing and exercise intolerance. In cats, symptoms may resemble asth- ma. Cats can become symptomatic with just one worm, while in various sizes and breeds of dogs, it can take several worms to hundreds of them. There is no reliable annual test for heartworms in cats. Just like humans, pets need physical and mental exercise to stay fit and happy. With dogs, the amount and type of exercise needed depend on breed. “I don’t recommend people let dogs freeroam,” noted Larkin. “There’s always that chance they are going to get into trouble, get lost, run into a wild animal, or get into the road and get hit. It’s important to have some kind of containment.” Most felines can find enough play and mental stimulation with a few toys and some vertical integration such as a cat tower. Something often overlooked is dental health. “Eighty percent of the animals we see here overall have some level of dental disease,” said Larkin. “We know for a fact that if the mouth is infected and diseased, it is hard on the whole system. The animal is fighting infection on a constant basis, and there is a risk of it getting into the bloodstream and affecting the organs. In an older dog when we have to take out most of the teeth, they actually feel better once they’ve healed up. I’ve had clients say they don’t’ know what they will do with all of the dog’s newfound energy!” Owners can do dental home care, “the best of which is brushing the teeth once a day, assuming the pet will allow it,” Larkin said. If not, there are chew toys and water additives that promote dental health. “At some point most pets get to the point that they need a dental cleaning to halt or reverse dental disease. We do that. Dogs and cats require general anesthesia because they have to be immobilized for us to do an effective job.” As pets age, there are additional considerations, such as pain management, and liver and kidney function. Changes in food and water consumption, activity level, and new skin problems are all worth investigation. Often, a change of diet and/or prescription medications are available to make your aging pet more comfortable and healthy, Larkin said. For more information about Moosehead Trail Veterinary Hospital call 368-4076 or visit www. <RXUGRJ·VIDYRULWHSODFHWR OHDUQSOD\DQGVWD\ /ŶͲ,ŽŵĞ>ŽĚŐŝŶŐ EŽƌĂƚĞƐŽƌ<ĞŶŶĞůƐŚĞƌĞ͊ ĂLJĐĂƌĞΘdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƚŽŽ͊ ZZZ)UHVK$LU'RJVFRP *XLOIRUG²/,&)²,QVXUHG Bud’s Shop’n Save We carry other products! Pet supplies DAVE LARKIN, DVM, with his dog, Ruby. (Photo courtesy of Moosehead Trail Veterinary Hospital) xcroft Fo 76 NORTH ST., DOVER-FOXCROFT 564-2730 YOUR PET HEADQUARTERS Small Animal Supplies Grooming Supplies Dog Food • Cat Food Pet Dishes • Leashes Prices Better Than the Big Box Stores Small Animal & Reptile Foods, Treats, Toys, and Cages Chickens Grain, Waterers Feeds Horses & Livestock Grain, Straw, Hay, Oats and Shavings Cats & Dogs Food, Treats, Health Needs DEXTER 924-6410 • NEWPORT 368-4733 • PITTSFIELD 487-5161 Check our website at Page 12 April 24 - 30, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Spaying and neutering contribute to pet health by Sheila Grant Special to The Eastern Gazette PENQUIS AREA - While the main concern is reducing the number of cats and dogs in shelters, proponents of spaying and neutering note that there are many health benefits for pets, and programs to help pet owners afford the procedures. “The health benefits are different for males and females,” said Dave Larkin, DVM, of Moosehead Trail Veterinary Hospital in Newport. “If an animal is not going to be bred, the current wisdom is that it’s best to spay females before the first heat cycle, the reason being that older un-spayed females have more estrogen and are at risk of getting mammary tumors.” Larkin said he has never seen this condition in a pet that was spayed before its first heat cycle. “Another risk is pyometra, a massive infection of the uterus that is life threatening and requires emergency surgery,” Larkin said. “That usually happens when a pet is older.” Six months of age is a convenient time to get pets spayed prior to the first heat cycle, he said. While the medical benefits of neutering male animals are less compelling, there are some, and the procedure helps with behavior issues. “A lot of it is curtailing roaming behavior,” Larkin said. A male dog looking for receptive females may leave the yard and be at increased risk for getting lost, being hit by cars, or fighting with wildlife or other pets. During his work in an emergency care clinic for pets, “I did see a lot of dog versus car and cat versus car and 80 percent of those were intact male dogs,” said Larkin. Additionally, male pets can’t get testicular cancer, and neutered dogs do not get prostatitus, which can cause problems with urination and defecation, and once developed, “the only effective treatment is to neuter them at that point,” he said. Perhaps the most compelling reason is overpopulation, however. “The bottom line is that we don’t need any more cats and dogs,” said Mary Shapleigh of the nonprofit organization P.E.T.S. (Prevent Euthanasia Through Sterilization) in Dover-Foxcroft. “Shelters are overloaded because there are not enough homes, and this is the reason animals, espe- ADA FENCE COMPANY, INC. 1110 Main Street, Palmyra, Maine 04965 Phone: 207-938-2530 • Fax: 207-938-5116 • Toll Free: 1-888-891-4564 ADA Fence Company, Inc is not only a fence contractor, but we also build pet kennels. Drop in and give us your ideas and let us make them happen for you. We handle portable and in-ground kennels that will be the answer to all of your pet kennel needs. We can drill through your already existing pad to create the kennel exactly to your specification. Please contact us for more information. Installation & sales of all types of Fence VINYL ALUMINUM/STEEL CHAIN LINK WOOD Maine Made Products! More products available. cially cats, get dumped.” There are resources available for low-income pet owners to make spaying and neutering more affordable. One is the statewide Help Fix ME program, which provides vouchers from the state to have cats operated on for $10, and pit bull or pit mix dogs for $20. “It takes about a month to get the voucher, so people don’t want to procrastinate if their pet is reaching maturity,” Shapleigh said. Call 1-800-3671317 for more information on Help Fix ME. The Cleo Fund also provides spay/neuter vouchers based on income.” Rates vary by region, with cats costing between $20 and $33; $50 for dogs less than 75 pounds and $60 for larger dogs. Occasionally, special campaigns are offered during which cats can be spayed/neutered for as little as $5. Purebred, designer, and purchased dogs are excluded from the program, with the exception of pit bulls. The animals also get a rabies vaccine during the visit. There is no income requirement for people seeking spay/neuter vouchers for feral cats. There is only one clinic, in Freeport, that accepts the Cleo vouchers, but P.E.T.S. does provide transportation for local animals on designated days, Shapleigh said. Owners can also transport their own pets directly to the Community Spay/Neuter Clinic in Freeport. “Their number is 865-0772, and Dr. Stone has spayed and neutered over 18,000 pets in the four-and-a-half years she’s been open,” said Shapleigh. Call 773-6221 for more information about the Cleo Fund. Additionally, people receiving financial assistance from the state can bring proof of that to the Bangor Humane Society to receive a voucher toward spay/ neuter costs. “They should call their veterinarian’s office to be sure their vet accepts that voucher, and to find out how much they have to pay beyond what the voucher covers,” Shapleigh said. P.E.T.S., which has been working in this region since 1991, also offers a reduced-cost spay/neuter program. The all-volunteer group does raises its own funds through yard sales, plant sales, wreath sales, and its annual lasagna dinner, scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 25 at the Congregational Church in Dover-Foxcroft. The menu includes a variety of lasagnas, salad, beverages, and desserts. The cost is $6.50 for adults; $3.25 for children under age 12. All proceeds assist with spaying/neutering of companion animals. “We do apply for grants, but we don’t always get them because we’re a small organization,” Shapleigh said. The organization could use donated, gently-used animal crates -- and money. “Everything helps, even a dollar or two. And if anyone wants to sponsor a cat or dog, they can earmark their donation to go just toward that.” Donations may be mailed to P.E.T.S., P.O. Box 912, Guilford, ME 04443. For more information about P.E.T.S., call Shapleigh at 564-8092 or visit http:// For more information about spay/neuter assistance in Maine, visit www. OFF the Deep End Pet Service - No Need to Travel Now carrying Animal Feed ,QWHUHVWHGLQVWDUWLQJD IUHVKZDWHURUVDOWZDWHU DTXDULXPEXWGRQ·WNQRZ KRZRUKDYHWKHWLPH" :HFDQGRLWIRU\RX 8 Roussin Rd, Newport (207) 660-7069 Sweet & Multi Feed 50 lb. Bags For all animals Hog Pellets 40 lb. Bags Bird Seed Cracked Corn 20 & 50 lb. Bags Deer Feed Whole Corn 50 lb. Bags Rabbit Food Poultry Feed 50 lb. Bags Saving for your pet’s expenses OPEN A CRITTER CLUB ACCOUNT TODAY TO SAVE FOR ALL YOUR PETS NEEDS! Shavings Available, too! TILLSON True Value HERMON True Value 11 Main Street, Dexter • Open 7 Days A Week Danforth Plaza, Hermon • Open 7 Days A Week 924-7359 848-2500 Federally Insured by NCUA 888.806.6920 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Page 13 REPAIRING FENCE is a frequent activity for horse owners. (Grant photo) Horses require more commitment than many pets by Sheila Grant Special to The Eastern Gazette DOVER-FOXCROFT - Horseback riding can be a terrific hobby, calorie burner, stress reliever, social activity, and a skill that provides a lifetime of enjoyment, an educational edge for college students in animal-related fields, and even lucrative employment for young people who learn to give lessons, ride boarded horses for busy owners, and house/horse sit when owners are away, said Gail McCormack, owner of Infinity Farm in Dover-Foxcroft. McCormack, 50, has been involved with horses since age 10 and has owned them since her early 20s. Infinity Farm boards and trains horses and people of all ages, and in all disciplines, including English, Western, jumping, and dressage for all skill levels. The farm has a working student program that allows students to pay cash for some lessons while earning others by doing chores. A large indoor riding rink allows students to practice year-round. Owning a horse, which can live to age 35 and beyond, is a 24/7, 365 commitment, McCormack said. Day-to-day care includes feeding, watering, brushing, turning the horses in and out, as well as stall, barn and fence maintenance. Horses need between five and 20 gallons of fresh water every day, and in winter, water must be thawed or ice must be chopped through. “A lot of people find that horses get colic because they are not getting enough water,” McCormack said. “And we feed hay 24/7 here. It is always available because horses are grazers made for a lot of little feedings rather than one big one.” A horse can eat 50 pounds, about one bale, of hay daily. Some horses are also given grains to help with weight gain and stamina. A bale of hay can cost $4 and up. To avoid illness, the hay must be good quality and free of mold. Not every horse needs shoes, but they do need hoof care on a regular basis. Horses also need annual exams, veterinarian visits for illness, treatment for about eye injuries, which are not Every time you ride your horse, always gain more knowledge and worms, vaccinations, and more. uncommon and should always be you are either training or un- depth.” “Routine vaccines are very discussed with a vet, he said. training. Some people come in to New horse owners can be important, by far the biggest Dental care is also very impor- get training for a horse that’s ‘al- tempted by the lower price of one being rabies,” said Dr. Ron- tant to horse health. Once adult ready trained,’ and we have to go green animals and DIY trainald Miles of Foxcroft Veterinary teeth come in, they continue to back to fix the foundation work. ing, but, “there’s no such thing Services. “Horses have one of the grow until they are worn out. Without that, you are going to as a free horse,” McCormack highest incidence of rabies, and Teeth can grow too long or de- run into problems down the road. said. “You have to look at what they do bite and get aggressive velop sharp points if not tended I try to educate the horse and the you want to do -- if you want to when they have it. They are al- to. Veterinarians are trained in rider. I can ride and get the horse compete, if you want a really ways out to pasture so their ex- horse dentistry, Miles said, and to do things, but if the owner gets safe, happy horse, sometimes you posure rate is incredibly high.” there are also equine dentistry on and doesn’t have the knowl- have to put the money into it to Other vaccines include West Nile specialists. As teeth wear out, edge, they won’t get the same get something a professional has virus, Eastern Equine Encepha- appropriate adjustments to feed results.” trained.” litis, and tetanus. Horses that may extend life by three to five Some horses master founFor a sound, trained horse will be around other horses may years. dation training within a few within the desirable 8-to-12 age require additional vaccines. First Choosing the right horse, and months, while others take lon- bracket, expect to pay $5,000 and vaccines should take place be- having both rider and horse ger. Once the foundation is es- up, she said. “I’ve gotten horses tween three and 6 months of age, properly educated, is key to en- tablished, it just takes time and for less, but I have to educate and annually thereafter. joyable horse ownership, McCor- experience to season horse and them,” notes McCormack. “And One of the biggest health is- mack said. Many people want to rider. If a horse is taking an es- it is so much easier to train a sues faced by horses and their own a younger horse in order to pecially long time, “there’s usu- horse that knows nothing than owners is colic, “which just means let their child grow up with the ally a physical issue going on,” to re-train a horse that was not abdominal pain,” said Miles. The animal. McCormack said. “Is the horse appropriately trained.” causes range from fairly harm“They are in it for the long haul physically comfortable? Is the For more information about less to very serious. “The most if they go that route,” she said. “A tack appropriate, and not ill- Foxcroft Veterinary Services, call common cause is impaction, or green horse and a green rider -- fitting or with the wrong bit? 564-2144 or visit www.foxcroftgas. If you give too much grain that’s the longest journey off all. It goes back to teaching people For more it can cause colic -- I’ve seen A rider has to be knowledgeable about appropriate tack and rider information about Infinity Farm, them eat 50 pounds of grain at to bring a horse along. Riders position. Ninety-eight percent of call 564-7046 or visit www.infinione setting and it’s devastating have to take lessons in order to the time, it’s rider position and when they do that.” Sometimes stay in balance with the horse. It the effectiveness of rider posimore serious conditions, such as takes a year to get to know your tion, and that’s why people take a twisted bowel that needs surgi- horse, and training is constant. lessons. I still take lessons -- you cal correction, can be the culprit. Owners should take heed if a horse is staring at or kicking at its abdomen, rolling excessively, or has gone off its feed. Prepared owners will know how to take a horses temperature and heart rate, and be able to gauge normal versus abnormal gut sounds. Having this information at hand when calling the vet can save time in diagnosing and treating your horse. Horse owners should also have first aid supplies on hand to treat cuts, and WINTER-TIME HORSE OWNERSHIP means getting out to chop through ice so animals have access to fresh water. should be vigilant (Grant photo) Page 14 April 24 - 30, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Business is doggone good for Guilford couple by Sheila Grant Special to The Eastern Gazette DOVER-FOXCROFT - Listening to that tiny voice that tells us to follow a dream can sometimes pay off. Just ask Cynthia Scott, who gave up her job as executive director of Pine Tree Hospice to open a doggie daycare on January 1, 2010. During the five years since, Cynthia’s husband Russell has been able to retire after 35 years with the Maine Department of Conservation to help run the business, and Fresh Air Dogs has had only 11 days in all that time that canine guests weren’t visiting. The business has provided several part-time jobs over the years, and has supported other pet-related services, including the Fairfield-based mobile dog grooming service Primp My Paws, which comes to the doggie daycare to work with guests on a regular basis. Fresh Air Dogs, a state licensed and insured doggy daycare, is “a place for dogs to do what dogs like to do and get lots of pampering, too.” Daily pack walks, swims, games of fetch and more, under the Scott’s supervision, are all part of the Fresh Air Dogs experience. “And in May of 2012 we hired our first employee. We have had more since, to help with cleaning, office work, that kind of thing.” The Scott’s first employee, Carol Morin, of Sebec, still works at Fresh Air Dogs, and provides much of the activity and supervision to keep canine guests busy, happy and safe. “Russell and I have always been animal lovers,” Cynthia Scott said. “When we got our first dog I don’t think we’d been married more than a couple of weeks.” The couple has decades of experience caring for, and training, canines. The Scotts got to know the owners of Four K’s Golden Kennels near their former home in Farmington, and eventually began assisting with dog obedience classes. When the Four K’s owners moved in 1983, the Scotts took over and became Good News Dog Obedience. Training and socialization are still important aspects of their work. “If your dog is trained you have control and you can take your dog more places; people will welcome you bringing your dog more places if it is well behaved,” Scott said. Putting in the time to train a pet with consistent commands and maintain that training pays off. “I think all dogs want to please their owners.” Since retiring, Russell Scott has completed two dogtraining internships with Pat Miller of Peaceable Paws in Maryland, specializing on positive reinforcement, behavior modification and helping fearful dogs. He offers evening classes through the Piscataquis Valley Adult Education Cooperative, beginning a new series every couple of months, or whenever there are enough names on the waiting list. “One thing that makes us unique is that because we are trainers, the dogs can’t help being trained every single day,” Cynthia Scott said. “They have to sit before we open the door, before they get a treat. Some come here already well behaved; some are just puppies. We expect the same things out of them and work with them. They are constantly having to learn what I call petiquette.” Scott said it is very important for people to start working with a professional trainer sooner, rather than later, because it is easier to teach a puppy good habits than it GUESTS AT FRESH AIR DOGS patiently wait for Carol Morin, and Russell and is to retrain an older during morning playtime on March 9. (Grant photo) dog to break bad habhousehold, or even beforehand, sion if you’ve already brought its and then learn “the whole family can be on the the dog home and fallen in love more positive behaviors. “We hear people say all the same page about what the rules with it. We try to help people think it through. Just because time that they don’t know how to are going to be.” Without consistency in rules, you loved a Lab you had when train their dog,” said Scott. “But you are training your dog all the as well as in voice and hand com- you were 20, does not mean that time, so what are you training mands, owners are simply teach- when you are 80, that’s necessaryour dog to do?” Dogs pay close ing their pets to be confused, she ily a good choice.” In addition to obedience trainattention to everything their said. Visiting the Scotts before owners do and take their cues getting a puppy can also help a ing, the Scott’s have trained their from human behavior, she said. family avoid getting the wrong own two golden doodles, Barkley and Emma, as therapy animals By coming for obedience train- kind of dog, she said. “We’ve had people call us that and are happy to help other peoing as soon as a pup joins the just really picked the wrong dog ple working toward therapy dog for their family,” said Scott. “If certification for their pets. you live in a small home, and Fresh Air Dogs also provides 145 Dover Rd., Charleston you pick a really big dog, and you overnight and extended stay serof the Country Girl Rodeo Company don’t even have a yard for them vices, and even pick-up service if to play in and can’t just open the the dog is coming from far away. door and let them run, it might In the house, pets are not kenbe better to get a smaller dog. neled (unless owners are workElderly people, too, have gotten ing on crate training) and may a Lab with so much energy, and claim couches, chairs and beds they’ll say, ‘He’s already pulled on a first come, first served basis. me down three or four times.’ It’s A large, fenced play area outside harder to make a different deci- can be reconfigured into as many Ledgefield Arena Home North Country Riding Club Offering equitation and game shows for all equine enthusiasts throughout the surrounding area of Dexter, Maine. Rodeos • Equine Clinics • Horse shows Barrel Racing • Open Ride Sundays • Arena rentals Tracy Downey 207-717-7243 We host two judged equitation shows and five game shows from the months of June to October. For a small fee for the day or individual classes, we open all classes to all ages by offering divisions for leadliners through adults. Contact: Amanda Sherburne • 277-5029 Cynthia Scott to hand out treats as five smaller spaces to meet the needs of dogs of various sizes, ages, health, and play styles. “Anyone that has any special request, we will entertain that request,” Scott said. “We will work out an individualized plan for people. We have taken dogs that have had surgery and need to be with someone during the day after, and we’ve taken dogs on hospice. Those dogs require a lot of extra care and quiet. We can’t always take whatever someone calls with -- it just depends on what else is going on here.” Despite advertising only through social media and wordof-mouth since 2011, Fresh Air Dogs averages a dozen guests per day. “The thing that means the most to me, and that happens all the time, is that so many people who come are so glad to find a place where their dog is at a home, and not going to be in a kennel,” Scott said. “We have had about 700 dogs here for daycare and overnights, and we get new dogs every single week.” Vacation weeks fill up fast; Scott advised calling sooner rather than later. For more information about Fresh Air Dogs, call 564-2604 or visit or http://www. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Page 15 PhoDOGraphy: the love of pets and pictures combined by Sheila Grant Special to The Eastern Gazette DEXTER - Diane Parola of Dexter has loved photography since her stint on the yearbook committee in high school. After graduation, she did some freelance photography for local newspapers, but it remained mostly a hobby. “I have done a few weddings for friends and family, sporting events and church functions,” she said, “but I hadn’t thought about getting into it as a business. There are a lot of photographers out there and my work didn’t stand out.” Also, Parola said she was never really comfortable posing human subjects, and she was hesitant to pursue a second job that would consume weekends on top of her full-time employment with Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union. But when the family took in a buff-colored cocker spaniel named Trooper two decades ago who loved to have his picture taken, Parola’s interest in photography was reawakened. “He was a great dog,” she said. “I would say Trooper got me started with the idea of photographing dogs. I temporarily gave up on the idea when Trooper died because I had convinced myself it sounded a bit silly. Then, when we got Cali, our black and white Springer spaniel in 2007, I got the itch again.” Cali, however, ran in the opposite direction whenever she saw the camera. Instead, Parola asked coworkers to bring their dogs to her basement studio as practice subjects. Calidoodle PhoDOGraphy has since grown through word-of-mouth advertising. Parola recently launched a new website and hired an assistant. Like many home businesses owners in this region, Parola struggles with slow Internet service. “I don’t have a lot of pics on there yet because uploading from my house is extremely slow,” she said. “I just have to go to a friend’s house for this, or somewhere with free Wi-Fi.” Customers can purchase photos directly from the site once they have been uploaded. “I have an assistant, Ramona Flint, who has been a valuable part of these sessions,” Parola said. “She loves dogs as much as I do, and can get them settled down where I need them. “I’ve learned a lot and found that I much prefer to pose dogs than people,” she continued. “I have been asked to take pictures of people’s children with their dog and I will say ‘Sorry, I don’t do people.’ A regular photographer can do that.” Some of Parola’s tips for DIY pet photographers include getting down on the dog’s level, make silly noises, and be ready to snap those pictures quickly! “I have found that dogs respond to sounds differently,” she said. “Some will give me that cute little tip of the head while others just perk up their ears. Either way, I am ready with a quick click of my camera – or rather, several clicks!” Parola, a self-described perfectionist, takes a lot of pictures. “I am sensitive to the amount of time I spend ‘bothering’ dogs, though,” she said. “I can tell when they just aren’t interested anymore and will give them a break.” When Fresh Air Dogs doggie daycare opened in Guilford [see Business is doggone good for Guilford Couple, page 14], Parola couldn’t resist the pull of so many pooches in one place. “Cynthia Scott of Fresh Air Dogs invited me to set up my studio in her garage a couple of times. This provided a wide range of dog breeds to work with." At her own home studio, Parola has backgrounds of various colors and props to use with her canine subjects. “Also, I have recently purchased new lighting that has been a huge help,” she said. “I need a fairly big space to set up and it isn’t always easy to get this,” Parola said. “I have done a couple of sessions at All Breed Groom and Board [in Sebec] recently. I would love to find a space in Dexter or DoverFoxcroft to use for a day. I have also set up at Paws on Parade in Bangor, and will definitely do that again. That was fun!” Each work environment presents its own set of challenges, but Parola prefers studio photography. Another challenge is photographing two or more dogs together, which takes a lot of patience and owner assistance. “Once when trying different noises to get a group of five dogs’ attention all at the same time, I decided to meow like a cat,” she said. “Bad idea! They all came at me at once!” Regardless of the challenges, Parola loves doing canine photography. “A lot of people that feel their dog is like a member of the family,” she said, “and who doesn’t want pictures of their family?” POSING POOCHES - Diane Parola would much rather pose pooches than people. (Photo courtesy of Calidoodle A bit of “phodography” PhoDOGraphy) might be the dog owner’s only do dogs. That’s just where idea, or a surprise gift from friends or family who “kid- my passion is – I feel they are nap” the dog for a top-secret pho- just more fun than photographing people!” to shoot. For more information, visit “I’m hoping people will catch on to the idea of an actual ph- or https:// odographer,” she said. “There are photographers out there PhodoGraphy that will do dogs, but not that 1/2#55+10#6'0' (141741/2#0+10 Private & Partitioned Cremation 552 Moosehead Moosehead Trail, Trail Newport, Newport ME 04953 ~ (207) 368-5599 ONLINE STORE & Website YOUR EQUINE DESTINATION Nothing is more important to us than the happiness of you and your horse! We carry the top-selling brands the equestrian industry has to offer when it comes to riding equipment. We carry supplements, grooming supplies, pails, brushes and more. Poulin & Nutrena Feed One of Maine’s Largest Equine Consignment Rooms Email: Visit Us On Facebook Susan Bowman Owner Your pet never leaves our facility. We treat t all pets with care and respect, just as we would treat our own. Local Pet Crematory Urns and Remembrance Jewelry Private Cremation Partitioned Cremation Identification & Tracking 340 Howland Road, LaGrange 943-6474 Page 16 April 24 - 30, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Established 1853 Your HomeTown AdVantage 97 Church Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 1-800-287-2295 • email: Delivered Weekly By U.S. Mail To MORE THAN 16,000 Homes and Businesses In This Area Canada Millinockett 6 Greenville Jct. • 11 ct • Brownville Jct. Brownville • • Sebec MILO GREENVILLE • Monson 6HEHF/DNH 15 •A Abbot • N. Guilford GUILFORD 16 DOVER-FOXCROFT D 15 • Sangerv Sangerville 11 16 • LLaGrange n • Atkinson • Parkman 16 • Medford • N. Dexter • Cambridgee 150 23 • Harmony Harmo Ri l • Ripley 154 15 7 23 Charleston • • Garland DEXTER • Exeter Skowhegan 43 • St. Albans i • Corinna • Corinth 7 Bangor Newport I-95 I-95 95 I-95 5 Plus 1,000 Store Copies TOTAL CIRCULATION 17,000 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Page 17 BILL from Page 4 to provide care where there is currently a shortage: our smaller communities. “LD 740 will help encourage those medical professionals who are already here to stay and take advantage of those same benefits newcomers are getting. I see this as a big win for both the doctors and patients, and I’m glad to sponsor this legislation.” The bill received a unanimous vote of approval in the Taxation Committee. It will now go before the full Legislature. WOW! Look what you get for just $6 20 Words Reaching 16,046 addresses delivered each week by the U.S. Postal Service. Sell what you’ve got… Find what you want in … The Eastern Gazette’s CLASSIFIEDS Call Today 1-800-287-2295 ANTIQUES WANTED Glass • Photography Books Furniture Art • Gold & Silver Almost Anything Old Public Notices TOWN OF DEXTER REQUEST FOR BIDS The Town of Dexter is requesting bids for the demolition of a town-owned property located at 15 St. Francis Street, Dexter. The contractor will be responsible for the following: Demolition of the structure Disposal of the debris (no burning allowed) must go to a state licensed facility Filling the cellar hole with suitable fill, topped with 2” of topsoil, seeded and mulched. Work must begin within 10 days of the bid award and completed in a timely manner. A certificate of liability will be required. Sealed bids must be clearly marked Demolition Bid and received by 4:00 PM, Friday, May 1, 2015 at: Town of Dexter, 23 Main Street, Dexter, ME 04930 Dexter contractors will be given priority and the Town of Dexter reserves the right to reject any and all bids. HAVE YOU BEEN HURT IN AN ACCIDENT THAT WASN’T YOUR FAULT? WE CAN HELP YOU LEEN AND EMERY, P.A. CALL (207) 990-2020 or (800) 499-7020 You need a top-notch accident attorney. Call Leen and Emery, P.A. As experts in personal injury and Workers’ Compensation claims, we can help you get the justice you deserve. Our initial consultation is always free, so there is no reason to wait to get the answers you need. SINGLE ITEMS TO COMPLETE ESTATES WE HELP ACCIDENT VICTIMS GET JUSTICE Maynard Ross Antiques email: LEEN AND EMERY, P.A. 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THE DISTRICT APOLOGIZES FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE. Town of Corinna NOTICE OF TAX SALE 7KH %RDUG RI 6HOHFWPHQ RI WKH 7RZQ RI &RULQQD ZLOO EH KROGLQJ D SXEOLF VDOH RSHQ ÀRRU DXFWLRQ VW\OH IRU WKH VDOH RIWKHPXQLFLSDOLW\¶VLQWHUHVWLQWKUHHWD[DFTXLUHGSURSHUWLHV (DFKELGGHUPXVWEULQJDFHUWL¿HGEDQNFKHFNLQWKHDPRXQW RIWKHPLQLPXPELGRUUHVHUYHDPRXQWOLVWHG(DFKSDUW\ HQWHULQJLQWRWKHRSHQELGSURFHVVPXVWLQFOXGHWKHELGGHU¶V QDPHPDLOLQJDGGUHVVDQGSKRQHQXPEHU$Q\ELGGHUZLWKRXW WKHVH UHTXLUHGGRFXPHQWVZLOO QRW EH DOORZHGWR ELG GXULQJ WKH RSHQ DXFWLRQ 7KH VXFFHVVIXO ELGGHU¶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¶V LQWHUHVWLQWKHSURSHUW\,QWKHHYHQWWKDWDVXFFHVVIXOELGGHU IDLOV IRU DQ\ UHDVRQ WR FRPSOHWH WKH SXUFKDVH LQ WKH WLPH VWDWHG WKH ELG DFFHSWDQFH LV YRLG DQG WKH ELGGHU¶V GHSRVLW VKDOOEHIRUIHLWHGWRWKH7RZQ7KH%RDUGRI6HOHFWPHQPD\ WKHUHDIWHU QHJRWLDWH D VDOH RI WKH SURSHUW\ ZLWK DQ\ RU DOO XQVXFFHVVIXOELGGHUV3URSHUW\GHVFULSWLRQVDQGSDFNHWVZLOO EHDYDLODEOHDWWKH7RZQ2I¿FH0RQGD\WKUX)ULGD\DP SP $Q\ TXHVWLRQV VKRXOG EH GLUHFWHG WR WKH 7RZQ 0DQDJHU $FFW 0HUULOO 5RDG EHWZHHQ DQG 0HUULOO 5RDG¶RIURDGIURQWDJH/DQGRQO\QRVHSWLFV\VWHP DFUHV 7KHSURSHUW\IRUVDOHLVGHVFULEHGRQWKH7RZQ7D[0DSVDV 0DS /RW ) 7KH PLQLPXP ELG UHTXLUHPHQW IRU WKLV SURSHUW\LV $FFW 6PLWK 5RDG /DQG JDUDJH LQ QHHG RI UHSDLUZHOOVHSWLFDQGFRQFUHWHVODEZLWKDFUHV 7KH SURSHUW\ IRU VDOH LV GHVFULEHG RQ WKH 7RZQ 7D[ 0DSV DV0DS/RW7KHPLQLPXPELGUHTXLUHPHQWIRUWKLV SURSHUW\LV $FFW :RUWKHQ 5RDG 0RELOH KRPH JDUDJH ZHOOVHSWLFDQGDFUHV 7KH SURSHUW\ IRU VDOH LV GHVFULEHG RQ WKH 7RZQ 7D[ 0DSV DV0DS/RW7KHPLQLPXPELGUHTXLUHPHQWIRUWKLV SURSHUW\LV {x'(Vp>¥ px¥Hef¥ / B"¥ v¡¥ O>B¥x¥x_"¥ x¥J1¥ x{Yxp¥ x¥ ~VO{"¥ Qp¥K2¥ }x")Op>¥ p¥S¥ y"¥ Hgb¥ .Y(@@ xD5¥"78"¥"¥ :xD¥ v SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS, ADDITIONS, SHEDS, HOME BUILDING, REMODELING, ROOFS, AND MORE. n¥ 2j´ºZ`z`¯`º´¬ºtU¯`º Uº \`f` `º ¤º e K`¨w¤wº ºzfº ´®º Z`}`¯`º³¬ºtU¯`ºUº[U}ºfº³¬º±º UqUw ¤º ¤t`ºF`¤w¤w` º ´¬º t¬\º¤Uº ¢ºUº U±³`º =fº ³¬º f``º ³¬º [Y¤º Uff\º ¤ºU³ºUºf``º ¤º UºU±´`º ´¬ºU³º U º¢t`ºgj[`ºfº¤t`ºN`pw ©`ºfºFZU¢`ºU¢º "º 7U ¢ºBUzº Q¤``£º R¬w¢`ºº0¯`;²[lº BUz`º º º¤t`º Efh{[`ºfº U´º ¤t`º N`rw ª`º fº HZU¢`º fº "# U º¤ºU[` º±t``º³¬º U´º ``º `oUºU z ¢Y[`º 1 x º n¤s`º FM#N$ ¤tU¤º ¢tz º D\`ºZ`º ¬Zz t`\º |º Tu`º 8U ¤`º <U·`¤¤`º Uº ±`` ³º `± U`º ¬Zz t`\º "# 0U¤`\$º BUw` [`º Uº±``º # ¤v``º º ¬º `` º >U` º 7KH WD[ PDSV DQG RWKHU SXEOLF LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQFHUQLQJ WKH SURSHUWLHV PD\ EH UHYLHZHG DW WKH 7RZQ 2I¿FH GXULQJ LWV QRUPDOEXVLQHVVKRXUV$OODERYHQDPHGSURSHUWLHVDUHVROG LQLWVFXUUHQW³$V,V´FRQGLWLRQDQGEX\HULVUHVSRQVLEOHIRU DOOH[LVWLQJOLHQVLIDQ\$OOXQVXFFHVVIXOELGGHUVZLOOKDYH WKHLUFHUWL¿HGEDQNFKHFNVPRQLHVUHWXUQHGWRWKHPWKDWGD\ FZU¤`º FREE ESTIMATES CALL: (207) 592-7354 ¢¬`º[´ºfº¢tcºzpwUº )©¢` ¢&º 0Uº Bº 0`¬¤¶º N`o~ ¢`º fº HZU¢`º H¬Zw[U«w%º *z º BU´º U\º BU´º º 6HUHQD%HPLV*RRGDOO 7RZQ0DQDJHU7RZQRI&RULQQD Page 18 April 24 - 30, 2015 THE CLASSIFIEDS $ 6 FOR 20 WORDS The Eastern Gazette 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage HELP WANTED NOTICES MILKER/CHORE PERSON Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast - needed for small dairy farm in the profession of our faith without Bradford. Call Rick 327-1309. wavering, for he is faithful that GUILFORD - Guilford United promised. New Beginnings Bible Methodist Church seeking secre- Church, Silvers Mills Road, Dexter. tary for 10 hours per week. For info Sunday School 9:30 am, Church 10:30 am. call, 876-4464. Your HomeTown AdVantage YARD SALE CONSTRUCTION Telephone: 924-7402 • 1-800-287-2295 SEBEC - Lots of new items. Household, bedding, pool accessories, some collectables. Some new Nike and Reebok sneakers. Rolling Rock balloon tire bicycle never assembled. Only 500 ever made; manufactured by Schwinn. Located at 696 Sebec Village Rd. Sebec, ME 04481 Ph: 564-8682. Fri, Sat, and Sunday May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 8AM to 5 PM rain or shine. Case Concrete 8 Willow St., 9437302 or 943-3022. Monolithic slabs, floors, patios, walls, stucco, stamped, waterproof basements, chimney repairs and more. PART-TIME HELP WANTED Has an opening for the right individual. Must have a clean drivers license, flexible hours, inc. and chainsaw experience a MUST! Plowing and climbing experience is a plus, or be willing to learn. Robert Goodwin, Owner 564-7400 • WANTED FIDDLES (VIOLINS) for the new fiddle classes to be offered in the Guilford schools, grades K through 12. We will take fiddles of any size and in any condition. call 876-2919. Weekend cleaning help needed for carpet cleaning and floor services. Must be able to pass police background check. Are you ready to try out for the most AWESOME team in retail? Dave’s World is now actively taking applications for FULL-TIME & PART-TIME SALES Qualified candidates will align with the Dave’s World value system of Integrity, Professionalism, Enthusiasm, and High Achievement. Dave’s World sales team members are compensated primarily with incentive-based pay, which means the harder you work = the more you get paid. Are you a $20,000 per year earner or an $80,000+ per year earner? At Dave’s World the choice is up to YOU! Dave’s World is the area’s leading retailer selling Heat Pumps, Appliances, Cellular, Flooring, and Mattresses. Please apply in person at 16 Summer Street Dover-Foxcroft or email your resume to Call Country Pride Cleaning at 564-7019 Full time manager position available. Must have good driving record and be able to pass police background check. Call Country Pride Cleaning at 564-7019 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Full time Customer Service professional needed to support the medical products team. This includes customer service for our Asian distributors as well as supporting our Sales Representative for the Asian market. This successful candidate must be a selfstarter, confident and resourceful. A pleasant and effective telephone manner and the ability to work on their own as well as in cooperation with our team will be necessary. Good keyboarding with PC experience and knowledge of Excel and Word is recommended. Prior customer experience preferred. If you meet the above qualifications and would like to apply for the position, please send resume by May 1, 2015 to: Puritan Medical Products Co, LLC, Attn: Human Resource Manager, P.O. Box 149, Guilford ME 04443. Equal Opportunity Employer. HELP WANTED Gordon Contracting of Sangerville has been awarded two projects for the United States Postal Service - one for the United States General Services Administration; and negotiating two contracts at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for the U.S. Navy. We are seeking applicants for the following positions: carpentry, construction foreman, millwork contractors, painters and general laborers. Pay ranges from $16/hr -$34/hr. Wage dependant upon wage rates specified for each project. As part of our commitment to Piscataquis County and in accord with HUBZone requirements, Gordon Contracting is ONLY hiring qualified individuals that live in Piscataquis County. Applicants must pass random drug tests, security screenings, and must have a clean criminal record. Gordon Contracting Inc is an SBA Certified HUBZone contractor. If you are a qualified candidate, please apply online at: PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying top $$$ for all old coins and paper money. I have the books to show you the value. IE silver dollars $18 and up. Any silver coins 1964 and below paying 10 times face value or numismatic value. IE 1877 Indian cent $500. Also seeking pocket watches, old banks, Civil War items, gold and silver. I am not a dealer. I do not melt coins. Ralph 207285-3346 or 207-478-5717. SERVICES HALL RENTAL - Parkman Grange Hall available for your spcial event. Full kitchen downstairs, open hall upstairs. Don 343-0274 for details. CHIMNEYS - Build, top out, repair, replace flashing around chimneys. Free estimates. Contact Raymond Murray 938-3285. WE WASH WINDOWS! Residential and commerical. Family owned and operated cleaning service. Willing to travel. Quality work, affordable prices. Call Perkins Cleaning Service 207-279-1478 or email us at perkinscleaning85@ TASTE YOUR WAY to better health. Welcome to our vegetarian cooking class. Learn how to eat more veggies. Ideas on how to make a healthy vegetarian meal. All new recipes/book drawing. Class is free. April 29th at 6 PM. Dexter Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 103 Spring St. Dexter, ME 04930. For more information call 478-2752. SPA & HOT TUB PURITAN MEDICAL PRODUCTS COMPANY LLC Has an immediate opening for a WANTED CORINNA - Mom of 2 looking for children to watch in my Corinna home. Across from the school. Low rates. Call Heather 217-1693. HORTICULTURAL PROGRAM AIDE The University of Maine Cooperative Extension invites applicants to apply for a Horticultural Program Aide position. This is a part-time, 20 hours per week position housed in the Piscataquis County Extension office in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. The Horticultural Aide will support County Master Gardener Volunteer and Maine Harvest for Hunger activities in the County. For a full job description and to apply go to: ob=community-education-assistant-cl2-horticulture-aidepiscataquis-county The University of Maine is an EEO/AA Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. HELP WANTED SALES ASSOCIATE - Greenville, ME * Must have experienced sales background. * Proficiency on computer with Microsoft Excel and Database software. * Good telephone etiquette and organizational skills * Responsible for walk-in sales and material sales orders * Sales reports to management weekly * Will assist the Design Department as needed * 40 hours per week - hourly rate and commission (May include Saturday hours - summer/fall months no more then 2 per month) Interviews will begin on May 18th, 2015 Each applicant will be notified of date and time. Do not apply if you cannot work in Greenville Office 0DLOUHVXPH1RSKRQHFDOOVQRID[HVWR 0RRVHKHDG&HGDU/RJ+RPHV 32%R[*UHHQYLOOH0( HOT TUB AND SPA SERVICE. We repair all brands of spas and hot tubs. We also repair steam and sauna. Call 277-3540. Please leave a message. FOR SALE MEDFORD - Riding mower. B&S rebuild engine. I broke the belt last September. Husband didn’t remove battery. Otherwise it’s great. $400 obo. 943-6909. DEXTER - Mobile homes are all ready to move-in. Will owner finance. Homes stay in the park. Call 207-946-2085 or visit us online at www.ericsoncountrymhp. com. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CNAs Day & evening shifts and part-time nurse Per Diem - Flexible Hours Shift & WeekendDifferentials Please contact: Dexter Health Care Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD DEXTER - Firewood. No we are not out of business. Sawed, split & delivered. Call for prices. Stan White d/b/a M & S Firewood. 9246217. FIREWOOD - sawed, split and delivered $200 per cord. Beech, rock maple, yellow birch and white ash. Limited supply. Call 717-4964. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Spray Foam Technician - Full time position Busy home improvement company specializing in Weatherization and Insulation. Seeking a motivated individual with excellent residential building, remodeling and Weatherization skills. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license with a clean driving record. Apply in person or Email - BONSEY BROTHERS, Inc. 79 East Main St., Dover-Foxcroft, Me 04426 800-499-2081 • 207-564-2081 Yard maintenance person needed for summer. 20 - 30 hours per week. Call Bill Eckhardt at HELP WANTED Page 19 MID-MAINE SOLID WASTE ASSOCIATION FREE DISPOSAL DAY FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AND QUANTITIES SATURDAY, MAY 9TH • 5 TIRES (passenger cars only w/out rims) • 1 CFC (refrigerator or air conditioner) • 1 CRT (TV or Computer Monitor) This is a per household and persons delivering these materials must have a Valid MMSWA permit. Reminder: MMSWA is a Mandatory Recycling Facility. Recycling helps offset our costs for waste disposal so we can have these FREE disposal days. Please do your part in recycling so we can continue offering these FREE days. Items recycled at MMSWA include the following: · Newspaper and Magazines · Corrugated Cardboard · Tin Cans (soup cans, cat and dog food cans) · #2 Plastic (milk jugs, laundry detergent containers, kitty litter containers, etc.) · Glass Jars and Bottles · Office Paper · Mixed Paper (junk mail, cereal boxes, shredded paper, etc.) Items for Sale (see attendants for details) · Backyard Compost Bins · Recycle Bins · Kitchen Pails · Compost Aerators Thank You for Recycling Looking for qualified and motivated operators to run bulldozer, excavator, and grader. Herrick Excavation Inc. Apply at 8 School St., Guilford or call Zac at 343-1694 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Your HomeTown AdVantage ☛ HELP WANTED ☛ We are looking for a motivated individual to join our team as a Service Technician. CLASSIFIEDS 20 WORDS for $6 PER WEEK 10 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD OVER 20 PER WEEK, PREPAID Delivered to more than 16,000 ADDRESSES EVERY WEEK! Please apply in person, ask for Bud ☛ PROUTY FORD INC. Dover-Foxcroft CATEGORY:______________________ ☛ HAR MON’S Heating Oil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 = $6 21 = $6.10 22 = $6.20 23 = $6.30 24 = $6.40 26 = $6.60 27 = $6.70 28 = $6.80 29 = $6.90 30 = $7.00 25 = $6.50 Please mail completed form along with your Check or Money Order or Visa, MasterCard or Discover information to: The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930 31 M Main i St Street,t Milo continues to offer automatic and will-call heating fuel services to the greater Milo, Brownville, LaGrange areas from our office here in Milo. The Harmon’s Fuel Oil business office on Main Street is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for orders, payments and additional heating services. Stop by or call: 943-2561 or 1-800-564-3835 Name as it appears on check or Number of weeks to run:_______ credit card: Amount enclosed: ____________ ___________________________ Credit Card No. Address: ___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Telephone: __________________ Security Code:_______________ Classifieds may be taken by telephone or e-mail with Visa, MasterCard or Discover 1-800-287-2295 or 924-7402; e-mail: CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: MONDAY AT 5:00 P.M. Page 20 April 24 - 30, 2015 ELDERLY AND FAMILY RENTAL APARTMENTS SUBSIDIZED RENTAL ASSISTANCE s/!+2)$'%!043'5),&/2$ s(%"2/.(%)'(43!043-/.3/. s$%!.0!2+!043'2%%.6),,% s&!)27!9+./,,3$%84%2 To Apply: Call 534-7379 TOLL FREE 1-888-244-7072 Dial 711 for TTD/TTY The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage RENTALS RENTALS NAMI FOR NEW IN-TOWN DEXTER APT TENANTS - 50% off 1st month, 10% off for next 5 months. One and Two Bedrooms. All utilities included. NO PETS. Call now for more information. 924-6867. DEXTER - 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available. Stove, refrigerator and heat included. No pets. 876-3713. DOVER-FOXCROFT - NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family and Friends Support Group meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Borestone Room, Mayo Regional Hospital, Dover-Foxcroft. For more information call Beth at 924-7903 or Debbie at 564-2393. Accepting Applications Park Street Village Milo 1&2 Bedroom Apts. Ask about Rental Assistance NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. %LDERLYAPPLICANTSMUSTBEYEARSOFAGEOROLDER (ANDICAPPEDDISABLEDAPPLICANTSMAYBEUNDER Theriault Property Management PO Box 215, Rockwood ME 04478 We are an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS An equal opportunity provider and employer DEXTER - Single apts. No pets, no smokers. Security deposit.Bryant Apartments. 924-3371. Please speak slowly & leave clear message. RENTALS RENTALS - Sangerville 2 bedroom apartment downstairs $500/ month. 3 bedroom apartment upstairs $600/month. Dover-Foxcroft 2 bedroom house $600/month. Applications and references required. Available end of May. 270-0888. MILO - 2 and 3 bedroom mobile home for rent in park. Available May 1st. No dogs. Starting at $400/ month plus deposit. Call 943-7304 after 5 pm. AL-ANON MILO – Mondays, 7-8 p.m. United Methodist Church, Park St. HARTLAND - Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. at Irving Tanning Community Center, Hartland. For information, call 938-3163. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS “A.A.” 24 HOUR HOTLINE: 1-800-737-6237 SUNDAY DOVER-FOXCROFT - 11 a.m. Dover-Foxcroft Group @ Library. Rt. 15 - D/O Sanger Davis Patty Thompson 341-0140 (cell) Apartments HARTLAND - 7 pm Graceland UM church - O/D MONDAY 631-6354 (cell) or e-mail: or e-mail at 118 Moosehead Trail Suite 1, Newport, ME 04953 • 1&2 bedroom apts. Eastville Village MILO – 7 p.m. Milo Discussion Group @ Methodist Church, Park St. – SP/D/O Ask about Rental Assistance NEWPORT – 7 p.m. Methodist Church, Main St. – O/D/A Newport NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 MLS#: 1147552 Dixmont: Nicely updated MLS#: 1157938 Dexter: 2BR 1BA camp in ru- 3BR home with 3 car garage, paved drive, pool ral setting. Nice get-away spot or year around with decking, & stream frontage. Beautiful landscaped lot. $149,900. Call Sanger living. $40,000. Call Sanger Waterfront Water Access MLS#: 1147687 Dover Foxcroft: Private 3 MLS#: 1095119 Dexter: 2003 Pine Grove bedrooms, 1 bath home on 5.2 acres. built Double wide has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, in 1995, very good condition, well taken care 1/2 bath, nice kitchen with island, new carpet of. Metal roof put on in 2013. Full basement. in living room. Has 2 car garage with storage $100,900. Call Patty overheard. Nice views of the lake, also owns 50’ on the lake. 2 nice decks to sit out on in the evening. $119,000. Call Patty 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS An equal opportunity provider and employer TUESDAY DEXTER – 7 p.m. Dexter Tuesday Night Group @ First Free Baptist Church, Spring Street – D Price Reduced MLS#: 1121799 Harmony: Nicely finished 3BR/1BA cottage with water views and water access to Great Moose Lake. Open living area MLS#: 1202880 Newport: Over ½ acre and with a view of the lake. 2 car detached garage MLS#: 1126953 Guilford: 1976 mobile home 200 feet of water frontage on Sebasticook and a bunkhouse. $125,000. Call Sanger in good condition. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, lamilake. Older one room camp on property. nate floors. Attached shed and a place to put $80,000. Call Sanger your toys. ITS 85 is at the end of the street. Woodstove in living room. $16,900. Call Patty HILLSIDE PARK APARTMENTS, DEXTER MLS#: 1142847 Hartland: Great investment property. Duplex w/3 bedrooms in each unit. Dining area, large deck on back, full basemet w/washer & dryer HU. 2 heating units, live in one and let the tenant pay your mortgage. $59,900. Call Patty New Listing MLS#: 1204305 Newport: Easy access to shopping, I-95, and local amenities. Attached 2 car garage/barn with storage above. MLS#: 1206208 Newport: Nicely maintained 3BR/2.5BA. Jetted tub w/separate shower on MLS#: 1210311 Etna: Great place to build 3BR/1BA home. Heated one car garage with 2nd floor. Balcony off 3rd floor master & large your home, only 2 miles from the highway. workshop space. Nice open back yard with private deck off main level. ITS trail is nearby.. Had a soils test done in the 90’s. Has been $185,000. Call Sanger surveyed. $19,900. Call Patty space for gardens. $84,900. Call Sanger MLS#: 1125162 Hartland:1974 Burlington mobile home with 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, full basement, enclosed porch on the back with deck, has 28.49 acres with 13 acres of field, barn, also has a 5 bay pole barn and shed. 3 car garage with storage overhead. $79,900. Call Patty Immediate 2 Bedroom Vacancy. Vouchers Welcomed! Rent starts at $626.00. Income limits apply. Coin-op laundry available on site. For applications, visit; or contact us at Maine Development Associates 1-800-639-1747 TTY 711 / 800-437-1220 Housing We are an Equal Opportunity OrganizationEqual Opportunity SERVICE DIRECTORY Rebuilt Transmissions Automatics - Rebuilt & Repaired Appointments Only! Call 207-965-8019 Brownville, Maine 04414 0$5.:,//+,7( HOME IMPROVEMENT 25 years of Quality and Reliability 28 Years Experience SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS, ADDITIONS, SHEDS, HOME BUILDING, REMODELING, ROOFS, AND MORE. LEAD CERTIFIED INTERIOR • EXTERIOR FULLY INSURED Timberlands Certified Logging Professionals Licensed Professional Forester C.L. 277-3733 (207) 564-0927 FOUNDATIONS 924-5423 FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS & SLABS LAWN CARE Greater Dover-Foxcroft Area ARROW TREE & LAWN SERVICE Free estimates - Fully Insured Selective Cutting Specialist, 25 years experience Many Referrals Top Prices Paid 1220 Stetson Road, Exeter 379-3320 • Monday-Friday, 8-5 277-3196 Brakes • We Make Brake Lines • Rust Repair • Frame Repair/Welding • U-Joint Repair • Pre 80’s Performance Upgrades & Restorations • Mechanics Proud to be a Veteran 717-8733 Sebec, ME 564-3384 Home 343-1377 Cell Jacob Burdin Owner - Operator Harmony Fully insured BILL HASKELL & SONS, INC. Call Thurs, Fri & Sat. Water Wells Complete Pump Installation Water Softeners Call DOUG 876-4580 Free Estimates SANGERVILLE BALL INSURANCE, L KIMAUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL .L.C. • LIFE & HEALTH • FINANCIAL SERVICES • 35 Hudson Ave., Guilford ME 04443 (207) 876-9777 (877) 844-3388 * Registered Representative offering securities though United Planners’ Financial Services of America, a Limited Partnership. Member FINRA, SIPC. FIFTH GENERATION LOGGING Great fuel prices coming right to your front door! 270-0524 Kennedy Plumbing LA NCASTER Maine Stump Removal 683.5525 Jeff McKenney FREE ESTIMATES 592-7354 (207) 564-2186 or (207) 717-2901 Stump Grinding RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL (207) 368-5078 JD Raymond - Land Clearing - Competitive Stumpage - Timber Harvest - Lump sum payments - Grinding - Advance payments Foster Painting Co. CROUSE BUILDERS Building Quality Homes for Over 30 Years Reliable References - Insured 876-2783 Sangerville 631-9587 Cell FIREWOOD Unseasoned 225/cord $ $ Kiln Dried 285/cord Cut, split & 2 cord loads delivered free in local area. Good Wood. certified measure. Doug Thomas • 277-3017 • The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 Need Work Done On Your Fisher Plow? APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bring it in for professional Fisher Plow service. NOW BUYING USED FISHER® PLOWS Your Authorized Fisher her® Snowplow Dealer SALES & SERVICE DEXTER: 58 Main St. 1BR apt., second floor. $555/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. Spacious 1BR ground floor apt, $540/ mo. Heat & trash removal included. DEXTER: 79 Maple St., cozy 1BR upstairs apt. $540/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. For more info go to DETROIT MOTORS 17 South Main St., Detroit 257-2629 Page 21 LANE’S COLLISION CENTER 186 Exeter Rd., Rt. 43 Corinna 278-2435 • Cell: 949-6069 Kevin Lane, Owner • Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-12 Complete Auto Body & Collision Repair New State-of-the-Art Facility - Over 17 Years Experience Now offering: Light Auto Repair • Tires • Oil Changes & More Spray On I-CAR CERTIFIED Free Estimates Bedliners Rentals Available All Insurance Companies Honored DOVER-FOXCROFT: 109 Pleasant St. 1BR, first floor apt. $595/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. MILO: 3BR house for rent., Tenant pays for all utilities. $575/mo. SPECIAL’S OF THE WEEK One year lease, references and security deposit required. $200 move-in bonus when you mention this ad! Call 343-1447 email: Piscataquis County’s ONLY New Car & Truck Dealer! PROUTY FORD INC. 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ 2008 DODGE CHARGER SE PW, PL PW, PL $12,995 $10,995 ‘12 Ford F-150 Supercrew 4x4 Lariat, Loaded Low Miles $ Featured Property Pittsfield .3ac $13,500 Great house lot in subdivision of upper-end homes. Modular homes allowed (no mobiles). Town water and sewer available at road. Convenient location, close to town, MCI and parks and the Sebasticook River too. Pittsfield offers, 5 public parks, a theater, golfing, hospital and more. Wonderful community and subdivision. Motivated sellers, reduced by $1,500 already. 2012 GMC TERRAIN SLE 36,500 $31,995 ‘09 Ford Taurus Limited ‘09 Ford Taurus SEL 2013 FORD ESCAPE BACKUP CAMERA, AWD PW, PL, AWD $20,995 $20,995 191 EEast astt Main Main i St., St St., Dover-Foxcroft Dover-Foxc Dover Foxcroft ft 207-564-3434 1-800-564-1264 Let us find your ideal property. Agents in Dexter & Bangor. ‘14 Fod F-150 Supercab STX, 4x4, 7,000 Miles, V-8, Auto, A/C Tow Pkg, Remaining Factory Warranty Maine Properties Realty 86A Church Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 (207) 924-6600 Opening available for skilled agent. Fully Loaded Moonroof Leather, Moonroof Fully Loaded $10,995 $10,995 19 Summer Street, Dover Foxcroft • 564-3395 LOCAL TRADES • FORD PROGRAM VEHICLES SERVICE DIRECTORY and CLEANING Home Building & Remodeling DOORE • Decks • Additions • Siding • Roofing, etc. Call us for all your construction needs! FULLY INSURED Frank Santos Over 35 yrs experience PAGE’S BUILDING FURNACE REPAIRS SANTOS BUILDERS Oil Energy Inc. )UHH(VWLPDWHV²,QVXUHG &DOO5RQ#RU LQIR#UHUD\PRQGFRQVWUXFWLRQOOFFRP 343-1781 <2'(5·66$:0,////& CEDAR IS OUR SPECIALTY Choose from: 5/4 Decking, V-Match Siding, Clapboards, Log Siding. Also available in Pine. Hemlock Dimensional Lumber. Bagged Call 876-3713 5HPRGHOLQJ1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ6LGLQJ 'RRUV:LQGRZV7ULP0XFK0RUH Cedar Shavings Stop by the Mill or Give Us a Call 278-3539 UPHOLSTERY • Furniture • Marine It’s cheaper to redo than buy new! 207-745-3509 ACCEPTED! RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED Greg & Casey Macomber Dexter, Maine • (207) 907-6849 SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS: 1x1 3 Months $ 120 1-800-287-2295 16 Bolstridge Rd, Corinna • WYMAN CONSTRUCTION Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems Land Clearing Dexter - 924-5902 Sullivan Masonry Brick - Block - Stonework Chimneys - Chimney Lining Residential ~ Over 40 years experience ~ Charleston 285-3572 Cell: 570-2482 Specializing in Hazardous and Hard to Access Trees TREE REMOVAL & PRUNING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL LAWNMOWING Robert Goodwin S-H ELECTRIC Residential • Commercial Industrial • Wiring Garland, Maine 924-3405 State of Maine Licensed Arborist Locally Owned Fullyy Insured 564-7400 /LQXV/HZLV *HRUJH¶V3DLQWLQJ Van Johnson, Electrician 234-1177 924-7994 ,QWHULRU([WHULRU 6RPH&DUSHQWU\'U\ZDOOUHSDLUV )UHH(VWLPDWHV)XOO\,QVXUHG inc. 0DVRQU\&DUSHQWU\ 5RRÀQJDQGPRUH &RPPHUFLDOO\,QVXUHG)UHH(VWLPDWHV <HDUV([SHULHQFH'RYHU)R[FURIW$UHD 511 Moosehead Trail Dixmont, ME 04932 FIREWOOD Green Hardwood $220 CORD Seasoned Hardwood CUT • SPLIT • DELIVERED 16” Hardwood Slabs - 2 Cord Loads Seasoned Don Reynolds 938-3649 LI HEAP CUSTOMERS WELCOME David 924-5142 Garages, Siding, Roofing General Carpentry Camps - Insured ARROW TREE SERVICE WeWeWork Weekends Work Weekends Tree Removal and Pruning at Discounted Rates Emergency Tree Emergency Removal -- 24/7 24/7 Removal Fully Insured Fully Insured Free Estimates Free Estimates Get that tree tree Get that before gets you! you! before itit gets AA Proud Veteran Proud Veteran Serving Central Maine Maine Serving Central 717-TREE (8733) (8733) 717-TREE Page 22 April 24 - 30, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage PROUTY AUTO BODY 2841 Bennoch Road, Alton – 356-2588 •394-3533 BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! Open M - F 8 to 5, Sat. 9 to Noon You’re approved! – Easy Financing Available Apply on line at 2008 Ford Escape 2008 Pontiac Vibe &\O$XWR:KLWH0LOHV2ZQHU/RDGHG 1-800-464-8353 REBUILD YOUR CREDIT All you need is $1500 Income Proof of Residence Proof of Employment :'9([WUD&OHDQ SCOOTERS Used Cars and Service Center *Servicing our customers for over 30 years * ALL Collision Repairs Guaranteed *We work with ALL Insurance Companies *We work on ALL MAKES & ALL MODELS *Enterprise rental cars Will your car ever be the same? If it’s repaired at Prouty Auto Body it will. We have the Knowledge & Equipment to GUARANTEE IT. 26 Summer St., Dover-Foxcroft Buying Salvage Vehicles PAYING TOP DOLLAR Call Marcus 487-5111 2011 FORD FOCUS Call Mert anytime at 924-7933 or 717-3939 A/C, Auto, 124k $ 2,295 E %X 1999 SATURN +DOO·V$XWR5HSDLU (formerly Mike’s Transmission) 55 Church St., Dexter 924-3062 4cyl, Auto, 124k $ 2,295 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield Visit us on the web at 2005 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GTP G Full Service Garage General Auto Repair • Shocks/Struts • Diagnostic Testing Custom Welding/Fabrication • Unlocking of Vehicles Honest, Reliable Service You Can Depend On! Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday, Saturday by Appt. PPW, PL, Leather, 150k $ 4,995 CHECK OUT OUR INVENTORY 1998 HONDA ACCORD NEW BUY HERE & PAY HERE for as little as $500 Down and $40 A Week! 122,000 MILES $ Ask about our 2 Year, 30,000 Mile Extended Warranty We Are a Full Service Dept. $45/hr. 3,295 GERRY’S USED CARS 8X10 STORAGE UNIT T AVAIL AVAILABLE LE $50 5 MONTH ONTH 266 Newport Rd., Corinna • 278-2205 • Oakland - 465-9566 • Skowhegan - 474-6700 • Veazie - 990-2206 180 Summer St. 564-2780 Dover-Foxcroft Just off Exit 157 on I-95 Visit us at We Care About You Before and After the Sale All New 2015 Ford F-150 4x4 XLT CrewCab 368-4300 • 1-800-613-3673 2014 Ford F-150 Crew Cab FX4 4x4 11197, Ecoboost, 6spd, Auto, Off Road Pkg., Bucket Seats, Console Shift, E-Lock Rear End, PW, PDL, Tilt, CC, A/C, CD, Alloy Wheels, MSRP $45,365 You Save You Save $ Come Check it Out 9,070 36,295* 2014 Ford Fusion SE Varney Price $ 30,495* 4,735 $ 6,920 Varney Price $ 13,995* 2014 Ford Transit Connect XLT Wagon 7144, 2.5 6pd, Auto, 7 Pass Seating, CD, Cruise, PW, PDL, Air, Tilt, MSRP $27,520 You Save 5,570 $ Includes Competitive Owner Rebate 30361, Ecoboost, Nav, Moonroof, MyFord Touch, Remote Start, Rear View Camera, +Much More, MSRP $28,415 You Save $ Varney Price $ Includes Trade Assist 2014 Ford Escape Titanium 4x4 87760, 2.0 Ecoboost, Titanium, Tech Pkg., Park Assist, Bliss, Sync w/MyFord Touch, Voice Activated Nav., Plus Much More, MSRP $36,065 2014 Ford Focus S 30473, 2.0, Auto, Air, Tilt, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, CD, Sync, MSRP $18,730 You Save Varney Price $ 21,995 $ 4,225 Varney Price $ 23,295 Includes Competitive Owner Rebate ASK ABOUT 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE ON MOST NEW MODELS!!! 2008 Ford Mustang GT 11252A, V-8, 5spd, Leather Seats, Shaker Stereo, P. Seat, Tilt, CC, A/C, Alloys, Super Clean, Low Low Miles VARNEY PRICE $ 19,995 2013 Ford F-150 XLT 4x4 CC 2012 Ford F-150 XLT CC 4x4 N5524, 4x4, 5.0 V-8, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, PW, PL, CD, Sync, Bedliner 11177A, Ecoboost, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, PW, PDL, CD, Tow Package, Alloy Wheels VARNEY PRICE $ 29,995 VARNEY PRICE $ 27,995 2014 Ford Expedition XLT 4x4 2014 Ford Mustang GT Conv. 2013 Chevrolet Avalanche LT N5616, Leather Heated & Cooled Seats, P. Seats, CD, CC, Tow Pkg., Running Boards, Sync, 8 Pass Seat 11174B, 5.0, 6spd, PW, PDL, Tilt, CC, A/C, CD, Think Spring 87814A, 4x4, Black Diamond Edition, Z-71, Moonroof, Heated Leather, Loaded VARNEY PRICE $ 35,995 VARNEY PRICE $ 28,995 VARNEY PRICE 2008 Lincoln MKZ AWD N5449A, V-6, Leather Heated Seats, Sync, PW, PDL, Tilt, CC, AC, CD, Plus Much More VARNEY PRICE $ 11,595 2013 Ford F-150 C/Cab XLT N5548, 4x4, 6.2, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, PW, PL, CD, Tow Pkg., 8’ Fisher Plow $ 37,995 VARNEY PRICE 2011 Subaru Impreza WRX 11180B, 2.5, Turbo, 5spd, PW, PL, PS, Tilt, CC, CD, Moonroof, Alloy Wheels VARNEY PRICE 2014 Chev Silverado C/Cab LS 30369A, 4x4, PW, PL, P. Seat, Tilt, CC, AC, CD, Tow Pkg., Z-71 Pkg $ 22,995 VARNEY PRICE 2009 Toyota Rav 4 Limited 4x4 11192A, V-6, Auto, Air, Heated Leather, Moonroof, PW, PDL, Tilt, CC, A/C, CD, Fresh One Owner Trade $ 35,995 VARNEY PRICE $ 18,995 *Prices subject to change without notice. Price includes all applicable incentivies. For trade assistance must trade 95 or new car, truck or SUV. Must qualify for incentivies. Tax and Title extra. See Dealer for complete details. $ 32,995 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 24 - 30, 2015 M-F 8 to 6, Sat. 8 to 5 Page 23 Browse our Inventory at Hours: Sales Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-6 PM, Sat. 8 AM-5 PM Service/Parts Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5 PM 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield 1-800-427-5115 • (207) 487-5111 FIND NEW ROADS™ Shop 24-7 @ Just Off I-95 - Exit 150 VARNEY VANTAGE $OO3UHRZQHGYHKLFOHVVROGFRPHZLWK\HDUIUHHPDLQWHQDQFHIUHHRLOFKDQJHV WLUHURWDWLRQVPXOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQZLWKHYHU\YLVLWORDQHUYHKLFOHVDQGFRXUWHV\VKXWWOHVHUYLFH $OOQHZYHKLFOHVFRYHUHG\HDUVE\9DUQH\9DQWDJH 7ZR\HDUVFRYHUHGE\*0DQGWKLUG\HDUFRYHUHGE\9DUQH\&KHYUROHW 1(: 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Dbl Cab 4x4 LT Z-71 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Crew 4x4 LT Z-71 #14138, 5.3 V-8, PW, PL, PS, Rear Cam., Rem. Start, HD Tow, LT Plus Pkg., MSRP $43,680 #1270, 6.0 V-8, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Camper Mirrors, HD Tow, MSRP $45,890 Lease $259/Month for 39 months Sale Price - $41,995 Loyalty - 1,000 Rebate - 2,000 Sale Price - $39,245 Loyalty - 1,000 Rebate - 3,250 39 month lease, 10k/year, 39,140 Sale Price, .96 APR, 2000 Cash or Trade Plus 1st Payment Due @ Signing, 25771 Residual Tax Included, 3000 CCR 1000 Loyalty $ Varney Price 334,995 34 4,995 2015 Chevrolet Impala LT 2014 Chevrolet Sonic RS #14046, 4cyl, Auto, Sunroof, Leather, White Diamond, MSRP $23,930 Varney Price $ 17,995 17,995 39 Month Lease, 10k/year, 27500 Sale Price, 2000 Cash or Trade Plus 1st Month Pmt Due @ Signing, 17953 Residual Tax, Included, 500 CCR, 500 Lease Loyalty Varney Price Varney Price #14167, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Tilt, Cruise, Rear Spoiler, MSRP $30,995 Lease $248/Month for 39 months $ 26,995 26,995 Lease $199/Month for 39 months $ Varney Price $ 18,995 18,995 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 LS #14091, V-8, Auto, PW, PL, PS, Tilt, Cruise, HD Tow, MSRP $49,385 112,995 12 2,995 995 Varney Price Lease $444/Month for 39 months $ 444,995 44 4,995 995 All prices include rebates, business and dealer incentives. Tax andd Titl Title nott iincluded. l d d 2013 Toyota Tacoma Dbl Cab 4x4 2014 Volkswagen Passat TDI SE 2013 Chevrolet Avalanche 4x4 LTZ Varney Price Varney Price Varney Price $ 30,995 $ 26,995 Text V1279Z to 96300 1279Z, TDI I4, Leather, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise Text VP2627 to 96300 2013 Mini Cooper $ 39,995 P2627, V-6, Auto, Tilt, Cruise, Fiberglass Cap, Tow Package 2014 Chevrolet Camaro LT RS Varney Price Text V14159A to 96300 17,995 Varney Price $ 23,995 P2638, 4cyl, Auto, Leather, Sunroof, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise Text VP2559A to 96300 14159A, V-8, Auto, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4 LT Varney Price $ Text VP2638 to 96300 $ Varney Price 39 Month Lease, 10k/Year, 44,995 Sale Price, 1.65 APR, 2000 Down Cash or Trade Plus 1st Month Pmt Due @ Signing, 3000 CCR, Tax Included, 27655 Residual 19,995 19,995 86(' 86 #14033, Sunroof, Heated Leather, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Rear Camera, MSRP $25,590 #14094, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Fog Lamps, MSRP $16,525 #14106, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $24,255 Sale Price 22995, 825 CCR, 500 Loyalty, 1900 Down Cash or Trade, .96 APR, 14067 Residual 338,995 38 8,995 2014 Chevrolet Cruze 2LT RS 2014 Chevrolet Spark LT 2015 Chevrolet Malibu $ Varney Price $ P2559A, V-6, Auto, Sunroof, PW, PL, PS, Tilt, Cruise 29,995 Text VP2504 to 96300 P2504, 5.3 V-8, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, HD Tow Back Cover Get the new Samsung Galaxy S® 6. And then some. Trade in for the Samsung Galaxy S® 6 or Galaxy S® 6 Edge and get $50 on top of your old device’s value. Plus, we’ll pay off your old contract up to $350 per line. A better value than Verizon and AT&T Lines U.S. Cellular® Verizon 100*/8GB 2 $ 4 $ $ AT&T 115*/8GB $130*/10GB 120*/8GB $145*/8GB $160*/10GB *Per month. Valid as of 3/24/15. Dover-Foxcroft 16 Summer St., 207-717-2784 DOWN Retail Installment Contract, Shared Connect Plan and $25 act. fee required. 0% APR; 20 mo. payments of $34 for Galaxy S® 6 or $39.50 for Galaxy S® 6 Edge. CALL FOR STORE HOURS. Things we want you to know: New Retail Installment Contracts, Shared Connect Plan and $25 device act. fees required. Credit approval required. Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee applies (currently $1.82/line/ month); this is not a tax or gvmt. required charge. Add. fees, taxes and terms apply and vary by svc. and eqmt. Offers valid in-store at participating locations only, may be fulfilled through direct fulfillment and cannot be combined. See store or for details. Contract Payoff Promo: Offer valid on up to 6 consumer lines or 25 business lines. Must port in current number to U.S. Cellular and purchase new Smartphone or tablet through a Retail Installment Contract on a Shared Connect Plan with Device Protection+. Enrollment in Device Protection+ required in all markets except North Carolina. The monthly charge for Device Protection+ is $8.99 for Smartphones. A deductible per approved claim applies. Federal Warranty Service Corporation is the Provider of the Device Protection+ ESC benefits, except in CA and OK. Submit final bill identifying early termination fee (ETF) charged by carrier within 60 days of activation date to or via mail to U.S. Cellular Contract Payoff Program 5591-61; PO Box 752257; El Paso, TX 88575-2257. Customer will be reimbursed for the ETF reflected on final bill up to $350/line. Reimbursement in form of a U.S. Cellular Prepaid Card is issued by MetaBank,® Member FDIC, additional offers are not sponsored or endorsed by MetaBank. This card does not have cash access and can be used at any merchant location that accepts MasterCard® Debit Cards within the U.S. only. Card valid through expiration date shown on front of card. Allow 12–14 weeks for processing. To be eligible, customer must register for My Account. Retail Installment Contract: Retail Installment Contract (Contract) and monthly payments according to the Payment Schedule in the Contract required. If you are in default or terminate your Contract, we may require you to immediately pay the entire unpaid Amount Financed as well as our collection costs, attorneys’ fees and court costs related to enforcing your obligations under the Contract. Kansas Customers: In areas in which U.S. Cellular receives support from the Federal Universal Service Fund, all reasonable requests for service must be met. Unresolved questions concerning services availability can be directed to the Kansas Corporation Commission Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at 1-800-662-0027. Limited-time offer. Trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Additional terms apply. See store or for details.©2015 U.S. Cellular Promo2A_Galaxy_S6_Print_DI_7_5x10 675664 0 $
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