Safer | Cleaner | Greener Designed to be the perfect ‘drop-in’ replacement for gels and wicks, it overcomes all of the problems associated with heating chafing dishes by traditional methods. The patented safety features of the eco-burner Chafo means it is safer, greener and cleaner. It gives greater control and removes waste unlike traditional gels and wicks. Benefits of the eco-bur ner chafo... #LEANER 'REENER 3AFER %XTINGUISHES IF /VER4URNED 2EDUCED 2UNNING #OSTS 7IND 2ESISTANT #LEAR 6ISIBLE &LAME ,IGHTS OFF &IRST 4IME OFF .O &UEL 3PILLS 7.5hr 7.5hr OFF 7.5hr #OOL TO 4OUCH :ERO &UEL 7ASTE !DJUSTABLE 4EMPERATURE 3ETTING #LEAN "URN 2ElLLABLE ,OW #/ %MISSIONS /VER 4EMPERATURE 3HUT/FF 5P TO HRS "URN 4IME Refills are easy to store, take up less space and weigh less! EMISSIONS = EMISSIONS CAN X HR #HAlNG &UEL EMISSIONS X %CO &UEL #AN LBS +G X '%,3 LBS +G How it works... 1. Fill 2. Turn On 4. Adjust Designed for safety... 3. Light 5. Position The eco-bur ner chafo... s s s s 7ILL SHUT OFF IF OVERTURNED AND DOES NOT SPILL 2EMAINS COOL TO TOUCH THROUGHOUT SERVICE 3HUTS OFF AUTOMATICALLY IF WATER PAN RUNS DRY #OMPLIES WITH #ARBON -ONOXIDE REGULATIONS What our customers think... Over a twelve month period we have been using the Chafo for our chafing dish requirements. We have identified a cost saving in excess of 40% through the eliminaton of wastage of part-used gels/wicks. Pallas Foods have been distributing Chafo in Ireland since 2009. We aim to be first to market to bring quality and innovative products to our customers in Ireland. In addition to this, every hour of fuel in the Chafo is used and provides substantially more heat at a lower cost. Chafo offers safety and cost savings to our customers and the customer feedback has been excellent. The Chafo product has seen year on year sales growth for Pallas Foods since its launch. Relative to traditional gels and wicks the Chafo is cleaner, significantly safer and service levels from Ecoburner are consistently high. Dominic MacKen 2ADISSON "LU (OTEL 3PA &EATURES "ENElTS OF eco-burner &UEL 2ECYCLABLE #AN 2EDUCED 3TORAGE 3PACE AND ,IGHTER TO #ARRY #LEAN "URNING &UEL :ERO &UEL 7ASTE Diarmuid Geary 0ALLAS &OODS $ISTRIBUTOR (EAD /FlCE Unit 5 Airside Gulf Stream Ave. Airport Business Park Killowen Co. Waterford Ireland T: +353 (0) 51 353 806 F: +353 (0) 51 351 888 E: WWWECOBURNERCOM
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