Shamrock Dressage & CT Show Saturday March 21, 2015 Wind Drift Farm, 695 Barwick Road, Dover, NC Closing Date: Post marked Tuesday, March 17 or emailed to Judge: Lynn Doki-Camina ( L ) EDCTSA & NCDCTA Recognized Times Avail: March 19 Class List: Dressage USDF INTRO TEST A, B, or C TRAINING LEVEL TESTS 1 THRU 3 FIRST LEVEL and ABOVE TESTS 1 THRU 3 RIDERS TEST TRNG, FIRST or SECOND Combined Training TADPOLE – Dressage Intro Test B; Stadium Jumps: 18” crossrails MAIDEN – Dressage Intro Test C; Stadium Jumps: 2’ max BEG NOVICE – Dressage BegNovice Test A; Stadium Jumps: 2’6” max NOVICE – Dressage Novice Test A; Stadium Jumps: 2’11” max TRAINING – Dressage Training Test A; Stadium Jumps: 3’3” max Not EDCTSA Rec. Classes Other EDCTSA Rec. Classes WESTERN DRESSAGE (INTRO - TOC ) WESTERN DRESSAGE (Trng & Above – TOC) GAITED DRESSAGE (INTRO – TOC) GAITED DRESSAGE (Trng & Above – TOC) DRESSAGE EQUITATION (W/T or W/T/C) LEADLINE (Lighten Up Dressage – Test Can be Found on the EDCTSA Website Under Calendar of Events) JUMPING ROUND ONLY – Must indicate what height you wish to jump – May Not Jump any height Prior to jumping for any score Entry Fees: Recognized for Year-End Awards: Dressage $30/test; Western Dressage $30/test; Gaited Dressage $30/test; Riders Test $30/test; CT $45/test Not Recognized for Year-End Awards: Leadline $10/test; Dressage Equitation $10/test; Guest Horse $10/horse Refundable Number Fee $2.00 (EVERYONE MUST ADD THIS) $2 discount for EDCTSA members (Each and Any Class $30 or more) (Excludes: Any $10 entries). Must provide EDCTSA#__________ $5 Multi Test Discount/Horse & Rider combo (One Time Deduction)(EXCLUDES Dressage EQ, Leadline & Guest Horse Registration in calculation - Any $10 entries) $2 Early Bird Discount/class (EXCLUDES Dressage EQ, Leadline & Guest Horse Registration - Any $10 entries) General Information: 1. USEF rules apply except coats/braiding optional; whips, wraps and dressage callers allowed. Hard hats with harnesses are required for any jumping. Dressage arena 20m X 40m for all Intro, CT, Western Dressage, and Lead Line tests; 20m X 60m for all other tests including all NWHA. 2. Western Dressage Tests used for this show can be located on Western Dressage Association website: Click on the “Educational Center” tab at the top of the page, then click on “Rules, Tests & Guidelines” for access to the 4 divisions of tests. 3. Management reserves the right to split, cancel, or combine classes and to add/substitute judges. 4. No entry will be accepted without a Negative Coggins Test; non-competing horse (w/$10 ground fee charge) must bring a Negative Coggins and check in at the registration table. 5. Must have a signed release form prior to mounting. If not currently a rider at this establishment, a release form will be available at the registration desk at check in. 6. Please leave dogs at home. Thank you. 7. Ribbons: 1st-6th place, Grand Champion & Reserve Champion for Jr & Sr Dressage High Score. 8. Full refund before closing date, no refund after closing date, regardless of reason for scratching. If schedule permits late entries (after closing date) will be accepted with a $5 late fee for EACH class. 9. Times available on the Thursday on the EDCTSA web page, EDCTSA Facebook page and it will be emailed to you. Or call (252) 675-2011 (after the scheduled posting time) if you do not have internet access for times. 10. Concessions stand on premises. 11. Please make checks payable to Suzanne Richey. Mail entry, Coggins & liability form to Suzanne Richey, ATTN; EDCTSA SHOW, 440 Shady Lane, New Bern, NC 28562. Must be received by closing date to avoid late entry fee. Not responsible for mail delivery being late. Call (252) 675-2011 for clarification if you have any questions regarding this prize list. Directions: GPS or MapQuest address: 695 Barwick Road, Dover, NC PARKING: FOLLOW SIGNAGE Shamrock Dressage & CT Show Saturday March 21, 2015 Wind Drift Farm, 695 Barwick Road, Dover, NC Entry Form Rider ___________________________________________________(Circle One)Jr / Sr Horse ________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address ________________________________________________________________________ EDCTSA # ____________ NCDCTA # ____________NCDCTA HORSE #___________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone ___________________________________________ CLASSES___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dressage @ $30___+____________ $2 Discount for EDCTSA members. (One Time Deduction). Must provide EDCTSA # __________ NWHA/ Western Dressage @ $30___+____________ Combined Tests @ $45 ___+___________ $5 Multi Test Discount/Horse & Rider Combo. (One Time Deduction) (EXCLUDING Guest Horses, Dressage EQ & LeadLine) Equitation/Lead Line @ $10 ___+___________ Late Fee Each Class @ $5 ___+____________ Refundable Number @ $2___+__$2_______ Deduction/Discounts If Applicable ___-____________ TOTAL _______________ ***New 2015 DRESSAGE TESTS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.EDCTSA.ORG**** Please use a separate entry form for EACH Horse/Rider Combination. NCDCTA recognized DONT FORGET TO INDICATE JR or SR Rider! All entries are made at riders’, owners’, and trainers’ risk. I agree not to hold Moore’s Farm, or property owners, volunteers, employees, organizers, EDCTSA members of club in general liable for injuries, loss of life, theft, or damage to horse, equipment, vehicles, spectators or participants. Warning: Under North Carolina Law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting exclusively from the inherent risk of equine activities. Signature (parent if minor) ____________________________________________________Date _______________
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