BRITISH DRESSAGE HORSE REGISTRATION FOR OFFICE USE ANNUAL FEES Please tick as appropriate 12 month registration (at any level – new horse)£75 Winter registration (1 October – 31 March – for use with Winter Membership only)£45 Trial registration (six months – for use with Trial Membership only)£45 Associate registration (Covers horses for prelim open, YH, TQ & FSM classes. TQ & BYRDS Club members may also ride in prelim restricted classes) £Free Optional donation to the Animal Health Trust £1 Bridle number £14 Stallion discs (pair)£2 TOTAL AMOUNT£ IMPORTANT Please note that the following applies for all horse registrations: 1. The owner must be a member of British Dressage. 2. Applications for registration of imported horses must be accompanied by proof of importation date. This can be a copy of the vaccination certificate, vetting certificate, importation papers or travel documents signed or stamped in the UK. Please do not send original documentation. 3. Imported horses will be graded in accordance with the British Dressage Members Hand Book. 4 years: 0 points; 5 years: 45 points; 6 years: 160 points; 7 years: 260 points; 8 years: 400 points; 9 years: 435 points; 10 years: 450 points. For all new horse registrations please be aware that a copy of the horse’s passport MUST be sent with the application form to the BD office to verify that your horse’s name matches their passport. The copy must show the horse’s NAME and BREEDING pages, failure to do this will invalidate your horse’s registration and your application will be returned. A prefix or suffix may be added to a pony/horse’s name at an additional cost of £30. Contact the BD Membership department or look on the horse registration page of the website for further details. HORSE DETAILS Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS. Items marked with an asterix MUST be completed or the form will be returned. * Horse’s name as it appears on passport: Horse’s microchip number: Breed society and certificate number (If applicable): *Owner’s name: *Country of origin: * Year foaled: *Owner’s British Dressage membership number (if known): * Colour: * Height: *Sex: Sire: Dam: Dam Sire: UELN life number: Address of the owner: Daytime telephone number: Previous owner’s name (if applicable): 1 PAYMENT DETAILS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (From page 1) Please note: a £2.00 charge will be added if paying by credit card. £ METHODS OF PAYMENT: Cheque/Postal Order: Please make payable to ‘British Dressage Trading Ltd’ Debit/Credit Card: Please complete the form below PAYMENT BY DEBIT / CREDIT CARD (£2.00 fee) please tick appropriate box: Cardholder’s name: I hereby authorise you to charge the amount above to my Debit/Credit Card: Visa Mastercard Delta Solo Maestro Maestro/Switch Issue No. Card number Valid from Expiry date Cardholders Address Postcode Signature of Cardholder Date DECLARATION I confirm that in submitting this application for horse registration: I agree to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of British Dressage and the Rules and Regulations of British Dressage as amended from time to time, copies of which can be found on the British Dressage website at (Paper copies available on request). [I undertake to contribute to the assets on a winding up such amount as may be required not exceeding £1]. I agree to be bound by the BEF Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Rules and the BEF Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes as amended from time to time copies of which can be found on the British Equestrian Federation Website at (Paper copies available on request). In the event that the person applying for membership is under 18 the parent or legal guardian signing on behalf of that person specifically agrees to accept primary responsibility for that person’s compliance with the BEF Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Rules and that that parent or guardian will be the Person Responsible for any Horse ridden vaulted or driven by that person for the purposes of those Rules. Print Name (Last Name, First Name) Date Signature (If the person applying is under 18 the form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian) Please tick the box (es) below if any of them apply to you: I don’t want my details given to journalists to contact me for reporting purposes. I don’t want to hear from our sponsors, business partner or selected third parties who may wish to provide information about goods or services which may be of interest. I don’t wish to receive email communication from BD (this includes newsletters, important updates, renewal notices, etc). I don’t wish to receive SMS updates from BD Data Protection Statement: The information you have provided in connection with your application will be used to process your membership and may be disclosed to affiliated show organisers, their employees and employees of British Dressage, in order to process your competition records. Your competition records will be displayed on the British Dressage website and may be displayed on the event organiser’s website. Return the form with your payment to: British Dressage, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands, CV5 9RG Please ensure that you: 1. Complete Payment Details 2. Sign the Membership Declaration 3. Fill in any (applicable) membership numbers 4. Return copy of the horse’s passport British Dressage, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands, CV5 9RG Membership Enquiries: 02476 698 832 Horse Registration Enquiries: 02476 698 836 Fax: 02476 690 390 Email: A member of the British Equestrian Federation, British Dressage is a company limited by garuntee with charitable status. Registered in England & Wales as company no: 3443026 and charity no: 1155352. British Dressage Trading Limited is a company limited by shares. Registered in England & Wales as company no: 8712159. Registered office for both is as above. 2
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