Maryborough Active Riders Club Inc P O Box 563 Maryborough Qld 4650 Maryborough Active Riders Club Inc. Newsletter April 2015 Please note: The dates of MARC general meetings have been changed! Meetings will now be on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th May at the Federal Hotel, 6.30pm for 7.00pm start. 2015 Committee Members: Pam Thurlow President MSEP User Grp Rep. Ph: 4122 2075 Mob: 0427 122 965 Email: Julie Berthelsen Vice President Ph: 4123 1987 Mob: 0458 915 978 Email: Jenny Birch Secretary Ph: 4121 2435 Mob: 0408 062 480 Email: Sue Thurlow Treasurer Ph: 41212081 Mob: 0407 371 681 Email: Leah Van Tonder Dressage Co-ordinator Ph: 4123 2172 Email: Mob: 0419 971 970 Lynne Larkin Dressage Co-ordinator Ph: 4128 7044 Web Page Manager Mob: 0447 249 912 Email: Marilyn Costigan Dressage Assistant Ph: 4124 6243 Mob: 0438 246 243 Email: Sam Howard Newsletter Editor Dressage Assistant Mob: 0439 776 561 Email: Lori Keevers Risk Management Ph: 0474 115 823 Email: Anna Szyszka Points Scorer Ph: 0403 275 886 Email: Show Horse Coordinator vacant Show Horse Assistant vacant 1 Letter from the editor Goodbye summer, hello cooler weather! Time to dust off the old doona’s and canvas’s, service the clippers and oil the blades! Winter is coming! This month’s newsletter is earlier than usual so it may not contain all the juicy gossip and details as usual. Also please feel free to come along to a meeting once in a while to check it out, don’t forget they are now on the SECOND TUEASDAY of the month. Details are on the first page of the newsletter. I have had plenty of interest in the photo competition, however no one has yet interviewed their nags for the ‘Meet our Memfurrs’ segment, so please have a go and email them to me! Other than that, enjoy the cooler weather, and get riding! Sam Howard- Editor Car boot sale- Saturday 28th March Well this turned out to be a great day. We had over 20 stalls selling all types of gear and horse related items. Everyone set their stalls up beautifully and it all ran like a bustling marketplace. I know I ended up spending more than I made so there was definitely some gear changing hands. Towards the end, the prices were dropping like flies as gear was discounted or given away, all in a desperate bid to make sure the gear didn‟t come home to re clog the tack rooms! Pam Thurlow and Pauline Day ran a great sausage sizzle and drinks bar, and I believe the sausages were even being heavily discounted by the end of the day too! Jenny and Chloe Birch did a remarkable job with the „gold coin donation‟ bucket, fundraising for the club throughout the day. A big thanks goes out to Lori Keevers for the organisation and promotion of the event. You did good! Of course thanks go out also to all the buyers and sellers on the day, obviously without any of you the day would not of anything, let alone the success it was. (Credit to Sue Thurlow for the pictures) 2 3 Hack training day 12th April The hack training day didn‟t have the largest of turnout; however the SIX riders that did come had a great day. Conditions were perfect for this kind of training day, the weather was pleasant to ride in, the ground conditions were great, and the atmosphere was perfect and quiet. The riders had plenty of time to practice their workouts, and with the wonderful help from Leandra Hulst, everyone come away with lots of new knowledge. Thanks to Julie Donovan for the organisation of this event. (Credit to Sue Thurlow for the pictures) Anna Szyszka on Stardust messenger John Whalan on Gotico Park Cardeena With Judge Leandra Hulst Mahaaro Shotgun owned by Monique Shepherd Julie Donovan on Aywon Wizzard Sally Whalan with Buddy‟s Lad Petrea Bates on „Rulesy‟ 4 Biosecurity and PIC numbers It has been brought to our attention that people are NOT using actual PIC (property identification code) numbers when nominating and filling out paperwork. Here is a little reminder about PIC‟s and how to obtain them. Biosecurity is important and does not just refer to the Hendra Virus. A few points to keep in mind: At most events, you will be required to complete a “Horse Health Declaration” and on the day of competition, to hand it in to the organisers before you compete. It can be downloaded from the MARC website. To complete this Declaration, you are required to have a Property Identification Code (PIC) for the property where your horse regularly lives. If you don’t know whether the property has a PIC or you need to get a PIC for the property – contact DAFF phone 132532 or check the website for contact details. (DAFF = Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry) Hints: o The PIC is NOT the same as the property codes on Council Rates Notices, but it is handy to have this information when you contact DAFF. o Obtaining a PIC is not difficult - I telephoned DAFF, and had email confirmation of the PIC for my property within an hour of contacting them! o To save time completing your Horse Health Declaration before every event, fill in the “regular details” e.g. name, address, phone contacts etc and possibly the horse details (if you usually only compete one horse), make a few photocopies of this, and then on the day prior to competition, you just need to fill in the rest of the details pertinent to that competition. Use “sensible hygiene” to reduce possible transmission of diseases from horse to horse, or to us! e.g. Avoid touching the mouths and muzzles of other people’s horses Don’t let your horse meet nose to nose with other people’s horses Wash your hands frequently, preferably with soap or anti-bacterial wash. Horse Health Declaration Forms A reminder that horse health declaration forms are required for all MARC events. As suggested above, it makes it easier to fill out all details and photo copy the form to save time on the day. You are required to fill in and hand in the forms ON THE DAY of competition. 5 General Horsey bits Dressage Queensland is doing a survey and anyone can participate and have their say – you do not need to be a member of EA (or even MARC!) Just log on to and follow prompts. It does not take long, and if you do not need to answer every question if you do not have an opinion. EA is also doing a survey on “engagement”. Again, you do not need to be an EA member or even a member of MARC, AND they are giving away a free EA membership and Sports Watch (worth $990) to one person who completes the survey! Just log on to and follow the prompts. Also …..There is also some interesting information on biosecurity (not necessarily a dirty/boring word!) if anyone wants to log on to . Ruth White Clinics Ruth is an NCAS Coach who has extensive experience in Dressage and Showing (and also other disciplines such as Western Dressage and Endurance). She does 2-3 day clinics in Maryborough approximately every 1-2 months. Please contact Leandra Hulst for more information. Phone: 4129 4991 Email: MSEP User Group Meetings This year Pam Thurlow is the MARC representative at these meetings. Representatives of various groups who use MSEP (Maryborough Showgrounds and Equestrian Park) meet with Council representatives on a 3 monthly basis to discuss issues of concern and to provide suggestions towards developing and improving the complex. Much of the content of the meetings is about capital works and routine maintenance of facilities and surfaces, however it is a means of introducing new ideas to improve the facilities. Just to let you know, two of the issues that Pam has raised are: · · Permanently reducing the highway speed outside the main entrance to 80kph and/or other improvements to make entering and exiting safer ( such as lengthening / widening the turning lanes etc.) Looking at options for improving the sand “warm up” area adjacent to the Covered Arena. Please contact Pam (0427 122 965 or if you have any issues that you would like her to bring up at the next meeting in June. 6 MARC Photography Competition This has appeared to be popular so it will continue in 2015. Photographs must have been taken by current MARC members. Photographs must have an EQUINE Theme, and judged in 3 Categories:1. Humorous 2. Action 3. Classic / Artistic (+ Overall Best ) Entries should be labelled with their Category, a “Title”, and photographer’s name. Photographs to be submitted by email throughout the year until end of November. Entries will be judged anonymously and prizes given at the End of the Year Awards. Free entry! So many people take photos with their cameras and phones, and yet don’t send them in! Share the fun and send in your entries! Just email them to me at Cat: Action Title: Scene 2 and ACTION! Jenny Van der Westhuizen Cat: Action Title: Forest Flight Violet Whitaker Cat: Action Title: Better watch out little dog, next time! Jenny Van der Westhuizen Cat: Humorous Title: What?? Does my bum look big in this? Sue Thurlow 7 MARC Events Calendar for 2015 New or changed dates are highlighted. 2015 MARC Membership forms can be downloaded from the MARC website Sunday 19th April Dressage Training Day Centre Ring Draw is on MARC website – information Lynne Larkin. Saturday 30th May Rally – Practice Dressage Movements / Tests Centre Ring Program will be put on MARC website soon – information Sue Thurlow. Sunday 31st May T-Shirt Hack Show Centre Ring Program will be put on MARC website soon – information Sam Howard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Specific activities for the Rally Days and Hack Shows below have not yet been organised – if you would like to offer suggestions or to help organise an event or rally, please contact one of the committee or come to the next meeting. Saturday 13th June Rally Eastern Arena Sunday 14th June Official + Restricted Dressage Competition Centre Ring Saturday 11th July Dressage Training Day Southern Arena Sat-Sun 1st-2nd August Fraser Coast All Breeds Covered Arena + Centre Ring Sunday 23rd August Rally Southern Arena Sat-Sun 29th-30th August Fraser Coast Dressage Championships Covered Arena + Centre Ring Sunday 27th September Dressage Training Day Centre Ring Sunday 18th October Rally Southern Arena Saturday 24th October Hack Show Eastern Arena Sunday 25th October Dressage Training Day Eastern Arena 2015 MARC Membership 2014 MARC membership expired on 28th February. The 2015 membership forms can be down-loaded from the MARC website . (Even if your details remain the same, it is necessary to complete and sign a membership form each year.) Once again, the fees remain the same! 8 Horse Rug Repairs Pick Up and Delivery by arrangement Prompt Reliable Service - Same Day Service by arrangement Phone Petrea Bates 07 4122 1162 or 0407 694 794 Always leave a message and I will return your call asap Clean rugs appreciated or $5.00 ea to wash Direct Deposits to MARC Bank Accounts. Please only use the MARC General Account 06 4421 00906677 When making direct payments, please make it clear who the payment is from & what the payment is for. M.A.R.C Club Polo Shirt & Cap Look and feel good in the M.A.R.C Polo shirt and Cap! Variety of sizes. The Polo Shirt is rated as UPF 20 and the hydrophilic properties help to keep you cool! They are a great value at: Polo shirt $25.00 Cap $10.00. Contact Virginia Wyatt on 4122 2362 to order your great matching combo! MARC is not responsible for the fees at the Maryborough Showgrounds and Equestrian Park (MSEP). These are set by the Fraser Coast Regional Council. “Honesty Boxes” are not available, & MSEP staff cannot take payments.) Payments: • Online payments: To book and/ pay for stables/yards, cleaning bonds, facility fees and camping. Payment by credit/debit card. Or for assistance phone Nominate (07) 3118 9555 during business hours. Bonds refunded by Nominate upon inspection of the site/s. • Phone Council’s Customer Service 1300 794 929 To pay camping, facility, other hire fees (except stables & cleaning bonds) by Master/Visa credit card only. Call centre hours are 8.15am - 4.45pm Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays. • Visit one of Council’s Customer Service Centres: To pay camping, facility, other hire fees (except stables & cleaning bonds) by Cash, Cheque, Master/Visa cards only. Receipting hours are 8.15am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays. 431-433 Kent Street, Maryborough; or 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay; or Forgan Terrace, Tiaro. Current Fees up until 30 June 2015: • Camping Fees: $17.00 per site per night (maximum 2 nights unless staying for an event at MSEP) • Equestrian Facility Fees: $7.50 per horse per day when riding anywhere on the grounds OR $312.00 “Season Pass” per person per year. • Stable/Yard Fees: $7.50 per stable/yard from 6am to 6am or part thereof $22.30 per stable/yard cleaning bond payable in advance (refunded if stable is left clean) $11.00 per stable/yard cleaning fee payable in advance (optional – no cleaning bond required in this instance) Stables/yards are locked and 48 hours notice is required when making a booking. To check availability of grounds, go to Venue Website: or contact the Venue Office on 4122 3584. 9
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