An invita on to apply for the posi on of: LaCrosse School Pre‐K ‐ 12 PRINCIPAL Who We Are The mission of the LaCrosse School District, in partnership with families, youth, and community, is to prepare all students to become responsible ci zens, reach their poten al, and compete successfully in a changing, challenging, and diverse world. At LaCrosse Schools, our mission statement encapsulates the culture in our school. We believe a key component of being a responsible citizen is having good character. To that end, in 2000 we developed and adopted a character education program. In 2009, we were a finalist for the Washington State School of Character award. Visitors to our campus notice and comment often on the character traits shown by our students. To prepare students to compete beyond high school, we ask teachers to perform at their highest level. We foster this in two ways, first by letting teachers focus on teaching without distraction and second by investing in staff development. Granting staff time to collaborate and develop skills caused a paradigm shift in our school. While first adopting teacher collaboration in our school, our district then led Whitman County in adopting countywide professional development that incorporates teacher collaboration. Our teachers really care about their students. They go way beyond a job description by coming in early, staying late and giving one‐on‐one attention to students. In a nutshell, they do whatever is necessary for students to achieve our mission. Overview & School Facts We offer Preschool through High School on a campus comprised of three buildings. The buildings were erected in 1976, and 1968. A six year, $2.2 million dollar Capital Projects Levy was passed in 2012. This money is being used for a variety of special projects including: heating and cooling upgrades, science room remodel, security cameras, door and window upgrades. Additionally, LaCrosse School was awarded an energy grant for $471,000 to supplement these upgrades. Our current enrollment is 70 students pre‐K through 12. Approximately 15% of students are enrolled in Special Ed or Title 1 programs. We Are a School of Excellence We were ranked the number two school in the state of Washington in 2012. We have been a top ten school for several years. LaCrosse School is a four me recipient of the Washington State Achievement Award. Our gradua on rate has been 100% for more than 15 years. Our Preschool program is aligned with our elementary school curriculum and resides in the elementary building. Students may begin preschool as early as three years of age. In 2014, we voluntarily converted our Kindergarten program to an all day, every day program in order to give our youngest students the best preparation for success in their elementary years. Our first through fourth grade Elementary classes are multi‐age classrooms combining two grades per classroom. Many of our Middle and High School classes are also multi‐age to increase class sizes, increase diversity of class offerings, and engage students. Juniors and Seniors can take Running Start courses within our high school classrooms. Five of our teachers are certified Running Start instructors offering six courses to students. We are currently expanding this program to add more teachers and more classes through cooperative efforts with Washington State University, Eastern Washington University, and Central Washington University. Extracurricular activities: Sports including basketball, volleyball, softball, track, The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruc on awarded LaCrosse School with their Career Guidance Award of Excellence in 2015. This award recognized our school's high standards of school wide college and career readiness as part of our comprehensive guidance and counseling program. tennis, baseball, and cheerleading; FFA including land judging, marketing, ag mechanization, livestock judging, meats judging, creed speaking and parliamentary procedure among others; Pep Band, Robotics, Science Olympiad. Our teachers par cipate in book studies with administrators. Their most recent read was: Becoming a Reflec ve Teacher by Robert Marzano. Our school has benefited from an active foreign exchange student program. Families in our community have hosted ten students in the past five years from countries including China, Ecuador, Germany, Spain, Brazil, and South Korea. The LaCrosse School Board is comprised of five, at‐large positions. The average number of years of service of our current school board members is 12 years, providing consistency in leadership. One board member, Harmon Smith, has served as the Legislative Representative for our board for 16 years. In addition, he has served on the Small Schools Committee for 15 years (where he served two years as Chairman) and on the WSSDA board of directors for the past three years. He has been instrumental in influencing and shaping small schools in Washington as well as our own school. Our current superintendent has been with the LaCrosse School District for the past 15 years (14 years as principal and one as superintendent). Rather than have parent‐teacher conferences, our school uses student‐ led conferences which puts the student in the driver’s seat of shaping and defining their educa onal goals. Our Maintenance and Operations levies consistently pass with overwhelming LaCrosse Schools, LaCrosse WA community support, typically 70% or more. We employ five certified elementary teachers, nine certified secondary teachers, one SPED teacher and one Title 1 teacher. Many of our teachers belong to the LaCrosse Teachers Association but are not represented by a larger union. PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES Oversee the educa onal programing and administra on of the school’s academic program. Assess and evaluate cer fied staff. Oversee hiring of cer fied staff. Assist teachers in ma ers of discipline, guidance, counseling, record‐keeping and assessments. REQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS Keep abreast of the best educa onal prac ces and research. A leader who creates high energy among staff and students. A high degree of demonstrated integrity, trustworthiness, Maintain open and effec ve communica on with staff, students and community. Demonstrated collaborative leadership style with staff to Be visible at school func ons and ac vi es. ethical behavior and honesty. ensure respectful and trusting relationships. Demonstrated successful teaching experience at either the elementary or secondary levels. A leader whose first priority is student learning and is an advocate for each student. A leader who possesses documented and relevant knowledge, experiences and appreciation for small schools in a rural setting. PREFERRED CHARACTERISTICS ‐ One or more of the following Willingness to live within boundaries of the school district. Leadership experience with Professional Learning Communities‐Critical Friends Model. Leadership experience with Character Education programs. Knowledge and experience with Special Education, Title 1, Career and Technical Education/STEM, FFA, Athletics, and Running Start in High School. Demonstrated successful experience as a building principal. LaCrosse Schools, LaCrosse WA APPLICATION PROCEDURES Le er of applica on that includes a descrip on of how the candidate plans to address the responsibili es outlined in this brochure, as well as how the candidate meets the characteris cs desired for the posi on. District applica on and disclosure form Current resume/vita Transcripts Four current le ers of recommenda on that address the candidate’s qualifica ons Submit all applica on materials to: Dr. Michael Dunn, Superintendent Northeast Washington ESD 101 509.456.2715 Office 509.701.1742 Cell APPROXIMATE TIMELINE Applica on deadline: April 13, 2015 Interviews: April 21‐24, 2015 Contract offer to follow interviews Assignment begins: July 1, 2015 SALARY $87,000‐$95,000 LACROSSE, WA & WHITMAN COUNTY The town of LaCrosse is nestled in the Palouse region of southeastern Washington noted for its fertile wheat fields and enjoyable rural country life. LaCrosse population is approximately 300. Town businesses include a café, grocery store, post office, telephone company, numerous churches, bank, auto repair, and tavern among others. For complete information about businesses and services in Lacrosse, visit the town website at With the Snake River to the south and the mountains of Idaho to the east, recreational opportunities abound in Lacrosse and the area including hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, and boating to name a few. LaCrosse is located in eastern Whitman County in close proximity to both Washington State University (45 miles) and University of Idaho (55 miles). Access a video tour of Whitman County to see all it has to offer at Located just 80 miles away is Spokane, Washington, home to Gonzaga University and Whitworth University. Lacrosse School District APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF PRINCIPAL This application form will be used as a working document by the screening committee. Please complete the entire form. If there is not sufficient space on any blank to finish an answer, please attach an additional page(s) and indicate which answer you are completing. Please type or print all answers. PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Middle /lnitial: Home Address: Home/Cell Phone: Fax: E-Mail: PRESENT EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Present Position/Title: Employer Name/Address: Dates of Employment: Annual Budget: Number of Employees You Supervise: Business Phone: Position/Title Student Enrollment (if applicable): Fax: PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Organization/Location Current Salary: E-mail: List other full-time employment in reverse chronological order: Dates Grade Level Do you have or qualify for a Washington State Principal Certificate? Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, explain Enrollment EDUCATION: List Education in reverse chronological order. Institution Dates Attended Major/Minor Degrees REFERENCES: List the names of four persons who know of your professional work and qualifications. Include at least two school board members. Name Position Address Phone Do you wish to place any restriction on contacting these and other references? ___________ If yes, please explain My signature below authorizes the Lacrosse School District to conduct a background investigation, including criminal convictions, driving records, previous employment and personal references, as part of the application process. I hereby consent to the release of all information related to this investigation, and release the School District and any individuals or groups that might assist in any background checks related to hiring for this position, from any liability in connection with the use of this information. I hereby certify that the information contained in this application and otherwise provided by me as part of the application process is complete and true. I understand that any false or misleading information provided by me will constitute sufficient grounds for disqualification of my application, or in the event I am employed by the Lacrosse School District, for my dismissal. Signature Date APPLICATION DEADLINE:. All application materials must be received by the closing date. Faxed submissions will not be accepted. The Lacrosse School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM Pursuant to RCW 43.43.834(2), prospective employees or volunteers who will or may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age during the course of his or her employment or involvement with this organization must complete this disclosure. Answer YES or NO to each listed item. If the answer is YES to any item, explain in the area provided, indication the crime(s) or finding(s), the date and the court(s) involved. 1. Have you ever been convicted of any crimes against children or other persons as defined in RCW 43.43.830(6), and listed as follows: aggravated murder; first or second degree murder; first or second degree kidnapping; first, second, or third degree assault; first, second, or third degree rape; first, second, or third degree statutory rape; first or second degree robbery; first degree arson; first degree burglary; first or second degree manslaughter; first or second degree extortion; indecent liberties; incest; vehicular homicide; first degree promoting prostitution; communication with a minor; unlawful imprisonment; simple assault; sexual exploitation of minors; first or second degree criminal mistreatment; child abuse or neglect as defined in RCW 26.44.020; first or second degree custodial interference; malicious harassment; first, second, or third degree child molestation; first or second degree sexual misconduct with a minor; first or second degree rape of a child; patronizing a juvenile prostitute; child abandonment; promoting pornography; selling or distributing erotic material to a minor; custodial assault; violation of child abuse restraining order; child buying or selling; prostitution; felony indecent exposure; or any of these crimes as they may be renamed in the future? ANSWER ______________ If "YES", explain below. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. Have you ever been found in any dependency action under RCW 13.34.040 to have sexually assulted or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor? ANSWER ______________ If "YES", explain below. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. Have you ever been found by a court in a domestic relations proceeding under Title 26 RCW to have sexually abused or exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor? ANSWER ______________ If "YES", explain below. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. Have you every been found in any disciplinary board final decision to have sexually or physically abused or exploited any minor? ANSWER ______________ If "YES", explain below. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ LaCrosse School District is authorized to request the Washington State Patrol to make available a prospective employee's or volunteer's record for convictions of offenses against children or other persons, adjudications of child abuse in a civil action, disciplinary board final decisions, and any subsequent criminal charges associated with the conduct that is the subject of the disciplinary board's final decision. Any misrepresentation or willful omission of facts shall be sufficient cause for disqualification of this application or termination of employment. Pursuant to RCW 9A.72.085, I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. I also understand that before placement with the LaCrosse School District I will need to be fingerprinted and have a background check at a cost to me of $51.75. Applicant Signature ___________________________________________________ Date and Place _______________________________________________________
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