Mountain Island Lacrosse has partnered with Belmont Abbey College Men’s Lacrosse for the Gaston Turkey Shoot-out Boys Youth 7v7 Tournament. Saturday, November 15th 8 a m c h e c k- i n • G ames from 9 am to 6 pm $650 p er team Belmont Abbey Men’s Lacrosse will hold a free clinic at 1pm for all the players. Head Coach Chris Barrett, along with his staff and players, will be conducting the free clinic. Donations of useful kitchen supplies & toiletries will be accepted to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte. The Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte provides families living outside of Mecklenberg County a place to stay while their child receives treatment through Levine Children’s Hospital, Hemby Children’s Hospital, area doctors’ offices or specialists. T H E R O N A L D M C D O N A L D W I S H L I S T: 7 V 7 F O R M AT L O C AT I O N DE TA I L S The 7v7 format is the ideal off-season competition for lacrosse teams looking to sharpen their playing edge. Teams enjoy the speed of 7v7 play which emphasizes stick skills, accurate passing and rapid transition between offensive and defensive sets. Martha Rivers Youth Sports Complex 1515 Neal Hawkins Rd Gastonia, NC 28056 • • • • The park features fields, concessions stand, restrooms, and a one-acre playground designed by children. As Lacrosse Grows Down South, Belmont Abbey Progresses Under Chris Barrett read the article: 4 Levels Boys U11, U13, U15 & HS 8 Teams per Level Hour on/hour off format Minimum 10 players per Team (15 player max) • Guaranteed 4 games (3 round robin, 1 playoff) • • • • 50 x 80 yd field 25 minute games 15 Tournament T-Shirts per team Championship team prizes (from • FREE clinic with Belmont Abbey R E G I S T R AT I O N Team Name Boys Divisions (Select One) U11 U13 U15 HS Coach Phone ( S AV I N G T H I S F O R M Email Print, write-in, scan and email this form back to mountainislandlax@ or use Adobe Acrobat Reader to digitally enter form data. Upon finishing, click File > Save As..., then send back the new file. Address FA C I L I T I E S Games will be played at the Martha Rivers Youth Sports Complex. The park features soccer, baseball, and softball fields. There are two play areas including a one-acre playground. The paved walking trails loop around the outer edge of the baseball fields, playground and soccer fields with several adjoining crossovers to vary distance and geography. There are two large picnic shelters, a sand volleyball court, two horseshoe courts, and a restroom building. )- - Cell ( )- - Registration fee is $650 per team. A $150.00 nonrefundable deposit will hold a team’s spot in the tournament until October 1, 2014 at which time the balance of the registration fee is due. Mail completed form with check payable to MI Lacrosse to: Mountain Island Lacrosse P.O. Box 680901 Charlotte, NC 28216 All teams must submit a complete roster by October 31, 2014. Rosters can be emailed in EXCEL format to ROSTER NOTES 1. No player may compete, or be rostered, on more than one team during the tournament. 2. US Lacrosse age guidelines will be used for the U11, U13, U15 & HS divisions. 3. NO High School players may compete in the U15 division. 4. Any teams in violation of the above roster rules will forfeit any games in which the ineligible player participated and will forfeit the opportunity to advance to the playoffs. SPONSORS EQUIPMENT All players are responsible for bringing their own equipment. No equipment will be provided to ANY player. VENDOR VILLAGE The GTSO Vendor Village will provide our participants direct access to food, beverages, snacks, vendors and sponsors. Highlights include a Lax Zone tent with gear for sale and the opportunity to meet Charlotte Hounds players. C O N F I R M AT I O N Upon processing of each team registration, a confirmation notice will be sent by email. A packet of information will also be emailed to the coach contact. B E C O M E A S P O N S O R w w w. m i l a c r o s s e . o r g
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