May 12-13, 2015 St. Andrew’s Club & Conference Centre | Toronto, ON Conference Highlights: Important and thought-provoking questions will be addressed in this comprehensive two day event that is designed to provide up-to-date insights into the factors that drive the Ontario and North American electricity markets. Network with your peers and hear about: •Meeting the transformation challenges in Ontario’s electricity sector •Utilities: dead or alive? •Potential impact of the Premier’s Advisory Council Recommendations on Transmission and Distribution in Ontario •The future of nuclear power in Ontario and abroad •Renewables - solar and storage. Has its time finally come? •Future power system challenges in Canada and Beyond and more… Marketing & Media Partners Distinguished Faculty Chair: David J. McFadden, Q.C. Partner, Gowling Lafleur Henderson Chair of the Board, Fengate Capital Vice Chair of the Ontario Energy Association Keynote Speakers: Michael Bernstein President and Chief Executive Officer, Capstone Infrastructure Corporation Chairman of the Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO) The Honourable Bob Chiarelli John Yakabuski MPP Ontario Minister of Energy Speakers: Ahab Abdel-Aziz Peter Clibbon Glenn Jager Global Director Nuclear Power Generation Partner Gowling Lafleur Henderson Senior Vice President, Development RES Canada Chief Nuclear Officer Ontario Power Generation Inc. Colin Andersen Norm Fraser Lino M. Luison Chair, Energy Council of Canada Member, World Energy Council Chief Operating Officer Distribution and Customer Service Hydro Ottawa Ltd. Vice President Green Power, Transmission & Emerging Technology Enbridge Dr. John Barrett John A. Gorman Atul Mahajan President and Chief Executive Officer Canadian Nuclear Association President and Chief Executive Officer Canadian Solar Industries Association President and Chief Executive Officer Oshawa Power & Utilities Corporation JoAnne Butler Mark Henderson James Scongack Vice-President, Market and Resource Development IESO Executive Vice President, Asset Management & Chief Operating Officer PowerStream Inc. Vice President Corporate Affairs Bruce Power Max Cananzi Jim Hogan President and Chief Executive Officer Horizon Utilities Chair Ontario Energy Association President and Chief Executive Officer Entegrus Inc. Dear Colleague: I am pleased to invite you to join us at Insight Information’s 14th Ontario Power Summit. As in previous years, the 14th Power Summit will provide you with a comprehensive review of developments in the Ontario electricity sector over the past year and a valuable insight into the issues and opportunities in the power sector in Ontario and elsewhere. Conference Highlights: We will look at the future of nuclear power both in Ontario and around the world and consider whether solar power’s time has finally come, particularly with the development of storage capabilities. Our conference will consider future power system challenges in Canada and beyond and then move on to focus on the future of transmission and distribution in Ontario in light of both technological innovation and the implementation of the direction for the sector proposed by the Premier’s Advisory Council. Important and thought-provoking questions will be addressed in this comprehensive two day event that is designed to provide up-to-date insights into the factors that drive the Ontario and North American electricity markets. Network with your peers and hear about: We are very pleased that Ontario’s Energy Minister Hon. Bob Chiarelli will be our Keynote Luncheon speaker. •Utilities: dead or alive? Please join us on May 12 & 13 for what promises to be an informative and exciting program covering the key issues facing the Ontario power sector. •Meeting the transformation challenges in Ontario’s electricity sector •Potential impact of the Premier’s Advisory Council Recommendations on Transmission and Distribution in Ontario •The future of nuclear power in Ontario and abroad •Renewables - solar and storage. Has its time finally come? David J. McFadden, Q. C. Partner, Gowling Lafleur Henderson Chair of the Board, Fengate Capital Vice Chair of the Ontario Energy Association •Future power system challenges in Canada and Beyond and more… Sponsorship Opportunities: For further details, please contact Amy Leung at 416.642.6128 or Gain additional presence and prestige in front of senior level decision makers through Insight Information’s sponsorship opportunities. All of our exclusive sponsorship packages include a comprehensive suite of preferential benefits. Agenda May 12, 2015 8:00 | Registration and Continental Breakfast 12:00 | Networking Luncheon Keynote Lunch Address 1:00 – 1:30 9:00 | Welcoming Remarks from Insight Information The Honourable Bob Chiarelli Dr. Victor Pogostin Ontario Minister of Energy Insight Information 9:05 | Opening Remarks by the Chair David J. McFadden, Q.C. Partner, Gowling Lafleur Henderson Chair of the Board, Fengate Capital Vice Chair of the Ontario Energy Associationn 1:40 | Renewables - Solar and Storage. Has its Time Finally Come? Networking Refreshment Break will be announced. Moderator: Michael Bernstein 9:25 | Meeting the Transformation Challenges in Ontario’s Electricity Sector President and Chief Executive Officer Capstone Infrastructure Corporation Chairman of the Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO) JoAnne Butler Peter Clibbon Vice-President, Market and Resource Development IESO Senior Vice President, Development RES Canada 10:00 | Networking Coffee Break • Looking back, looking forward for renewables and storage 10:15 | The Future of Nuclear Power in Ontario and Abroad • Achieving parity – can renewables (wind/solar) win the race on a level playing field? Moderator: Ahab Abdel-Aziz Global Director, Nuclear Power Generation Partner, Gowling Lafleur Henderson Dr. John Barrett President and Chief Executive Officer Canadian Nuclear Association Dr. Barrett will take us through a look at a highly uncertain future and how Canada’s nuclear industry is facing that future. The industry’s leadership made a commitment to itself in 2014 to chart the path forward over next 25 years, with a vision of Canada thriving as a Tier One nuclear nation. Participation was greater and more sustained than expected, and the five Action Teams recently delivered progress reports. Dr. Barrett will recap their work so far and talk about where it all points for Canada’s future as an advanced economy and an international power. James Scongack Vice President Corporate Affairs Bruce Power • Long-term role for nuclear in Ontario • Economic considerations - affordable power and economic growth • Supporting Ontario’s climate change goals • Clean nuclear power. Safe hospitals Glenn Jager Chief Nuclear Officer Ontario Power Generation Inc. OPG’s nuclear operations reflect and advance the important role that nuclear energy plays in Ontario. The presentation will focus on the company’s plans to successfully refurbish the Darlington nuclear station. • Storage - is the market ready? How will it recognise that electricity is now a storable commodity? John A. Gorman President and Chief Executive Officer Canadian Solar Industries Association • Status of the province’s microFIT, FIT and LRP procurement programs • Future solar market outlook beyond the current Long Term Energy Plan • Key policy, regulatory and technical challenges and opportunities Lino M. Luison Vice President, Green Power, Transmission & Emerging Technology Enbridge • Overview of Enbridge’s renewable investments (wind, solar, geothermal, energy storage) • Overview of storage technology: What specific types of storage have the most promise and have the most potential to facilitate investments in more renewables? • Commercialization and costs trends for storage • Challenges for energy storage: - Will Independent Elecrtical System Operators (IESO, AESO) and distribution and transmission utilities pay for benefits of storage on the grid? - What regulatory changes are needed to encourage investment in storage projects? 4:00 | Wrapping up Remarks by the Chair 4:15 | Conference Adjourns for the Day Agenda May 13, 2015 8:15 | Continental Breakfast 9:00 | Opening Remarks by the Chair 9:15 | Future Power System Challenges in Canada and Beyond Colin Andersen 11:45 | Networking Luncheon Keynote Lunch Address 12:45 John Yakabuski MPP 1:20 | Potential Impact of the Premier’s Advisory Council Recommendations on Transmission and Distribution in Ontario Chair, Energy Council of Canada Member, World Energy Council Networking Refreshment Break will be announced. Ontario is not alone in facing future power system challenges: President and Chief Executive Officer, Horizon Utilities Chair, Ontario Energy Association • How did Canada fare its first time in the WEC World Energy Issues Monitor? • Transformation, access and other issues in the Global Electricity Initiative • Learnings from the ECC’s recent Canadian Energy Industry Insights update 10:00 | Networking Coffee Break 10:15 | Utilities: Dead or Alive? Mark Henderson Executive Vice President, Asset Management & Chief Operating Officer PowerStream Inc. • The utility death spiral - fact or myth? Max Cananzi • How the Clark Panel differs from previous LDC consolidation reports • Will the Clark Panel be stimulus for private capital in LDC sector • Clark Panel implications for LDC local consolidations Norm Fraser Chief Operating Officer Distribution and Customer Service Hydro Ottawa Ltd. • The Advisory Panel recommends that Hydro One distribution be used as a catalyst for modernization and consolidation • Utilities should prepare themselves for this by embracing a different future energy landscape • Success will come through innovation, cost efficiency, collaboration and a focus on customers • The many forces shaping the utility of the future Jim Hogan • An industry inflection point - so how do we respond? President and Chief Executive Officer Entegrus Inc. • The power of partnerships - a key to future success Atul Mahajan President and Chief Executive Officer Oshawa Power & Utilities Corporation • Customer’s perspective • Technology driven options • Innovator’s dilemma • Disruption - adaption- innovation • Survive/thrive • LDCs should prepare for sector rationalization • Exceeding customer expectations is key to success • Municipal shareholder incentives 3:30 | Closing Remarks by the Chair 3:45 | Conference Ends Insight Information is the premier provider of intelligence for the Power & Energy Industries across Canada. Year after year we gather the most influential minds in Government, Industry, and the Aboriginal Communities, to provide executives with the right information and networking opportunities they need to make critical decisions that affect us all! Recent Keynote Speakers have included: The Hon. Bill Bennett The Hon. Brian Gallant The Hon. Bob Chiarelli The Hon. David Zimmer BC Minister of Energy & Mines Premier of New Brunswick Ontario Minister of Energy Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Upcoming 2015 Conferences include: September October November December Please contact Henry Garcia at HGarcia@ALM.Com for more information on each program. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: The program will have most direct appeal to: •Executives of provincial crown corporations, investor-owned utilities and municipal utilities •Industrial, commercial and institutional users of electricity •Electric and gas utilities stockholders •Power aggregators, marketers and brokers •Lawyers, advisors and consultants •Investors and financial officers •Independent power generators and service companies •Regulators and officials from federal, provincial and local government bodies •Electrical equipment manufacturers •Experts, officials and representatives of interest groups in environment, resources and economic development May 12-13, 2015 St. Andrew’s Club & Conference Centre | Toronto, ON Register Online at Conference Code: EYC15035 Mr. [ ] Mrs. [ ] Ms. [ ] Priority Code: FPO15035WBINQ NAME TITLE COMPANY JOB FUNCTION EMAIL ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE TELEPHONE FAX POSTAL CODE Card Holders Name (Please Print) CREDIT CARD ❑ MASTERCARD ❑ VISA ❑ AMEX EXPIRY DATE (MM / YY) SIGNATURE REGISTRATION FEE: Includes meals, documentation and InConference, fully searchable online access to this conference’s papers. Please allow 2 weeks after conference for activation of login and password. HST Reg. #856568779RT0001 ❏ Special Price for the Aboriginal Community and Public Sector $1695.00 + HST ($220.35) = $1,915.35 ❏ Early Bird Price (Register and pay by March 27, 2015) $1,895.00 + HST ($246.35) = $2,141.35 ❏ Conference Price $2,095.00 + HST ($272.35) = $2,367.35 Dietary Restrictions: Do you have any dietary restrictions? ❏ No ❏ Yes If yes, please indicate:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Needs: Do you have any special needs that require accommodation? ❏ No ❏ Yes If yes, please indicate:__________________________________________________________________________________________ VENUE AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS The St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre is conveniently located at 150 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario. Tel. 416-366-4228. For overnight accommodation, please call The Hilton Toronto, located at 145 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Tel. 416-869-3456. Please ask for the Insight Information corporate rate #3983308 (subject to availability). CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY A refund (less an administration fee of $500 plus taxes) will be given if notice of cancellation is received in writing six weeks before the event. We regret that no refund will be given after this period. A substitute delegate is welcome at any time. SPECIAL OFFER: Send 4 people for the price of 3! Register 3 delegates for the main conference at regular price at the same time and you’re entitled to register a fourth person from your organization at no charge. For other group discounts, please call 1-888-777-1707. All discounts must be redeemed when booking, discounts will not be valid or applied after this time. When complete, please fax or mail the form to: 214 King Street West, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S6 Call 1 888 777-1707 Fax 1 866 777-1292 Email Privacy Policy: By registering for this conference, Insight Information will send you further information relating to this event. In addition, you may receive by mail, telephone, facsimile or e-mail information regarding other relevant products and services from either Insight Information OR third parties with whom we partner. If you do not wish to receive such information from either Insight Information or third parties, please inform us by email at or by telephone at 1 888 777-1707. Private sector attendees who register under the Public Sector or Aboriginal pricing structure will receive a 1 day conference pass only. Please Note: Full payment is required in advance of conference dates. Valid credit card required to confirm registration. Please make all cheques payable to Insight Information. Insight Information reserves the right to change program date, meeting place or content without further notice and assumes no liability for these changes. Copyright 2015. ALM Media Canada, Inc. All rights reserved.
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