Leslie Frost News – May 1, 2015 LFPS: A World Class School As a teaching team we are so proud of every student in our school. Each day we witness our kids reaching out to each other to help support learning and emotional needs. It is with your support at home that our kids take the time to care about one another. We want to thank you for this. These next two months are filled with events that celebrate the learning and abilities of our school. Music, sports, field trips, and everyday alternative recess activities offer us a chance to continue to grow and learn together. Thank you for making this school community a rich place to be, you make a difference for all of us. May and June are busy, here are some dates to keep in mind: May 12: Spring music concert May 20 : school track and field May 25 -June 4: EQAO June 4: Pan Am Torch Run Choir Sing June 4: Spring Fling June 4: Welcome to Kindergarten BBQ and Greet June 11: Cultural Night ( information to come home) Linda O’Leary Medhurst Student Policy Class and Cheryl Placement We spend a considerable amount of time carefully placing your child in next year's classes. It's a process that we undertake very carefully by using our experiences as educators and our familiarity with all children. Classes are carefully created to balance academic, social and behavioural needs. Placing each child is no easy task. The following are some of the factors considered when placing your child and creating balanced classes: academic strengths and needs; emotional and social needs; gender balance; friendships; group dynamics. We appreciate that you do not request a particular class. Music M. Smeaton Exciting days in Music Land! Mrs. Akers Primary Choir is rolling and rolling with huge numbers of young choristers every Tuesday morning, and Mr. Smeaton and Mme. Kherraji are celebrating recent successes at Kiwanis Music Festival in Peterborough with Recorder Choir, Junior Choir and Band. Please check your child's knapsack for updates and newsletters from their extra-curricular rehearsals. Band trips for Wonderland and Toronto Symphony, as well as details regarding performances etc. are always sent home and posted on Twitter - please "check in" with your little musician often. Thanks! Parent Council News Jennifer Mabee Spirit Wear Reminder that order forms are due by Monday May the 4th. Little Caesar’s Pizza Great job $1600 was raised from our spring fundraiser. Congratulations to our top sellers Caydence Sabovitch and Vivian Harrison! Spring Fling Spring Fling will occur on Thursday June 4th from 5pm to 7pm. We are still looking for volunteers and for silent auction items. Please let us know if you can help out. Cultural Night Please make sure you have Thursday June 11th on your calendar! More information to follow. Wish List We are looking for suggestions for spending parent council funds from parents, teachers and students. Please let us know if you have ideas you would like to share. Grade 7/8 Trip Survey Results Attached you will find the results of the survey that have been given to the school. The purpose of this survey was to represent the parent voice and to assist the school in making Leslie Frost News – May 1, 2014 Page 2 LFPS: A World Class School decisions for the trips in the future. Next Meeting Please join us for our next Parent Council Meeting on Wednesday June 10th at 6pm in the Library. Free childcare is available during the meeting for school aged children. 2014-2015 Yearbooks On Sale Soon! Watch for order forms for the Leslie Frost yearbook, coming soon. This is a great way to remember friends and fun from throughout the school year. And stay tuned for the results of the cover art contest! If you would like to help out, or have clear, focused digital photos to contribute, please contact Nancy Payne npayne@xplornet.ca Me to We Way to go Lions! On April 16th, we raised $255.00 from students who participated in We Are Silent! Thank you for your support! More exciting news: The Me to We team made a goal for this school year of $3,000. We have already surpassed it with your help! And…we raised enough money to buy 23 goats for families in Nicaragua! Upcoming Events We still have 2 more fundraisers left. During Spring Fling on June 4th, the We Bake Team will be having a bake sale. We would appreciate your support at this event. Student Safety Now that spring is definitely here, more students are riding their bikes to school. Please remind students to stop and walk bikes across the crosswalk and on school property. school yard, the park, and along nearby streets. Mr Beggs’ Grade 5/6 class in Portable 3 got into the spirit of Earth Day on April 23rd, 2015. Despite the colder than seasonal weather (and some scattered flurries) the entire class bundled up and went out into the community to clean up the park and pond behind the school just off of Broad Street. Everybody partnered up and each team tried to collect as much garbage as possible. Collectively, the class was able to clean up approximately 5 lbs. of garbage in the 20 minutes that we were outside. Honorable mentions need to go out to Jordan and Sammy as they collected the most garbage in the class. Congratulations to everyone in Portable 3 who helped make the City of Kawartha Lakes community just a little bit cleaner. Earth Day Leslie Frost observed Earth Day on Tuesday, April 22nd. Students helped clean up our APRIL 2015 SURVEY UPDATE AND RESULTS Background: The survey was for French K-6 only and was meant to set the guidelines for the 2015/2016 school year. (Current grade 6 students) Currently our school offers combined year end trips for both our grade 7 and grade 8 students and we alternate the destinations each year. One year all students go to Quebec (3 night trip) for a cost of approximately $640. Principal: Vice-Principal: Phone: Safe Arrival: Fax: Website: Linda O’Leary Cheryl Medhurst (705) 324-5602 (705) 324-5613 (705) 324-7222 http://lfp.tldsb.on.ca/ Leslie Frost Public School 51 Angeline Street South Lindsay, Ontario K9V 3L1 Trustee : David Morrison Leslie Frost News – May 1, 2014 Page 3 LFPS: A World Class School The next year all students go to Ottawa (2 night trip) for a cost of approximately $450. To note there are additional costs on top of those listed including money for lunches plus additional spending money. We are currently reviewing our school practice regarding the 2 trips, as there are concerns raised about the combined cost of the two trips being a financial burden to many families. There are many opinions on both sides of the issue including concerns over losing the "special" feeling of a grade 8 trip as the students do a large trip 2 years in a row. Also to be considered is that some kids may not have opportunities to do things like this or visit these places with their families and the trips offer them the chance to create memories with their peers. Results: We had 67 responses from families who answered the following questions Question1: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE FOR THE FUTURE OF INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL TRIPS? 21% (14 people) would like to keep it as is 79% (53 people) would like there to be changes or options as outlined below (37 people) would like one trip in grade 8 only (6 people) would like 2 trips but cheaper (4 people) would like 2 trips cheaper or as is (1 person) would like no trip (1 person) discontinue trip or grade 8 only (2 people) trip as is or grade 8 to Quebec (2 people) shared but less expensive or grade 8 only Question 2: WOULD YOU UTILIZE FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES TO HELP OFFSET THE COST OF THE TRIPS? 88% yes 12% no Question 3: WHAT IS A REASONABLE EXPENSE FOR A GRADE 7 TRIP? 20% under $100 28% under $200 13% under $300 Principal: Vice-Principal: Phone: Safe Arrival: Fax: Website: Linda O’Leary Cheryl Medhurst (705) 324-5602 (705) 324-5613 (705) 324-7222 http://lfp.tldsb.on.ca/ Leslie Frost Public School 51 Angeline Street South Lindsay, Ontario K9V 3L1 Trustee : David Morrison
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