Kensington Elementary School Judy Sanders, Principal November 6, 2014

Kensington Elementary School
Judy Sanders, Principal
November 6, 2014
As school principal, I attend the monthly meetings of four Kensington School organizations: the
SSC (School Site Council), PTA (Parent Teacher Association), Dads’ Club, and KEF (Kensington
Education Foundation). Though each organization has a different purpose and different
members, all aim to build community and support the students, teachers, and families at our
school. I want to publicly thank those of you who give so generously of your time, through
whatever organization(s) you choose to work. Your investment in your child’s education
enriches us all.
Many parents directly support our students’ learning by driving on study trips. Some trips are
grade-specific, such as the first grade trip to the pumpkin patch and the sixth grade overnight
trip to environmental camp, while others are classroom-specific such as trips to the Maritime
Museum and the Lawrence Hall of Science. Study trips provide hands-on experiences and
learning opportunities to enhance what is taught in the classrooms. Whatever the destination,
all trips rely on parent volunteers and require a great deal of planning and organization.
While study trips are both fun and educational for our students, they are, as you may imagine, a
huge responsibility for our teachers. To ensure student safety there are many rules and
requirements to which we must adhere: All parent drivers and chaperones must have a Districtissued volunteer badge, all drivers must have a valid California driver’s license and up-to-date
insurance, and all students must have a signed parent permission slip. In addition, once the
paperwork is completed and turned into the District at least fifteen school days before the trip,
no changes can be made. If you are not listed on the study trip form, you may not accompany
your child’s class on the trip. If you are a driver or chaperone you may not bring any additional
children with you. If you are driving on a study trip you may go only to the destination(s) listed
on the approved form; no extra side trips to get ice cream on the way home! We all appreciate
your willingness to contribute and appreciate your cooperation.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
• November 7 – End of 1st trimester
• November 10 and 11 – School Holiday – No School
• November 22 – Garden Party – Mira Vista Country Club
• November 25 – Report cards home with students
• November 26 - 30 – Thanksgiving Holiday
Formerly “Portola Panel”
Korematsu Panel
Thursday, November 6th at 7:00pm
Help warmly welcome our own Kensington graduates back on November 6th.
There will be 12-15 seventh and eighth graders describing what middle
school is like at Korematsu.
Korematsu, (formerly Portola), has undergone some significant changes
over the past several years and more and more Kensington students are
choosing to go there.
What’s it REALLY like? Come find out!
As always, free childcare is provided (craft project!)
Calling All Dads' Club Members, Friends & Fans,
The Garden Party is on Saturday, November 22nd and we need all hands on deck to make it a
success .
Please sign up for a ny available time slot you can volunteer fo r.
We'll start Friday afternoon loading up the truck with decorations and materials. Early Saturday
morni ng, we will unload the truck at the Mira Vista Country Club and start setting up for the big event.
We'll need volunteers for loading Friday afternoon, unloading early Saturday morning , and setting up
Saturday morni ng/afternoon.
But wait, the re's more. Saturday night after the festivities (and after staffing the bar), we'll need
volunteers fo r tear down to help put everything back in the truck again.
Finally, Sunday morn ing we will unload the truck back at the school and put everything away
for next year. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is, b ut as the old saying goes,
"Many Hands Make Light Work. "
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A Publication
of the Kensington
Hilltop PTA
Don’t Miss The November Issue!
Keep up to date with the latest school news
In This Issue: Korematsu Panel 1 t It’s Go Time for the Garden Party 2 t
Success! 3 t Dads’ Club Thanks and There’s More To Do 4t We Love Ms. Mc! 5
t Who Cares? Kensington Cares! 5 t Room 22’s Native American Skits 6
Read it now at:
If you haven’t received the Kenvue email, and would like to please contact
Megan Sherman at
Kensington Hilltop School’s
Student Council wants you to
remember on Halloween to:
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!!
How it works:
Boxes go home with
your children the week of October
27th. Take your box out with you
when you Trick-or-Treat. Bring your
box to school on Monday November
3rd, the classroom Student Council
Representatives will collect the
boxes. Any time after November 3rd,
boxes can be brought to the school