UPDATES FROM ABROAD CALENDAR MARCH BRUSSELS UPDATE Our partner church, LÉglise Protestante de Laeken, is continuing to grow in size and faith as the Lord continues to bless this diverse body of believers. The ministry of the English classes is opening doors to sharing the gospel and building friendships. We continue to ask you for prayer that lost people will be saved in Brussels, Belgium. Join us on an upcoming trip: Upcoming Trips: April 2-11 Brussels Youth Camp May 2-10 Brussels Adult Trip May 20-28 Brussels Women’s Trip WALES UPDATE God continues to do a good work in both north and south Wales. In the north, pastor Rhun Murphy recently organized a pastors conference that brought together a number of struggling Welsh pastors for encouragement, support, and training from our own Pastor Dennis (via Skype). In the south, pastor Derek Rees continues to evolve the reach of his churches and is seeing both newly re-committed and new Christians develop in their walk with Christ. Upcoming Trip: May 22-13 Wales Adult Trip NICARAGUA UPDATE The Spirit of God is moving through the lives of the people of Nicaragua. It is humbling to be a part of it. Join us this summer as we impact children, teenagers, and adults with the gospel. Upcoming Trips: June 20-27 Nicaragua Family & Adult Trip June 27-July 4 Nicaragua Family & Adult Trip July 4-11 Nicaragua Family & Adult Trip 6-7 Biblical Sexuality Conference Register at hhbc.com/sexuality 8 Daylight Savings Don’t forget to spring forward! 8 Daryl Reininger Farewell Reception 3-5 pm, Activity Center (Gym) 10 Senior Adult Dinner 6 pm, Middle School Room 11 Ministry Plan Presentation 6:15 pm, Worship Center Reducing the Risk Training 7:45 pm, Room C-207 11 13 Kids’ Night Out Register at hhbc.com/kids-night-out 13 Singles Gathering 6:30 pm, Middle School Room 14 Ministry Plan Q&A Session 7 pm, Small Conference Room (Church Offices) 15 Ministry Plan Q&A Session 4 pm, Large Conference Room (Church Offices) 15-21 Spring Break Mission Trips Please be in prayer 18 Ministry Plan Q&A Session 7:45 pm, Small Conference Room (Offices) Meaningful Membership Workshop Sign up at hhbc.com/membership 22/29 Weekly Services • Saturdays 5:30 pm – Service followed by Community Groups • Sundays 9 and 10:45 am – Service and Community Groups • Wednesdays 6:15 pm – Henderson Training Institute Questions & Comments hhbc.com/short-term If you have questions or comments about Henderson Hills, please visit our Information Kiosk in the Gathering, or contact us at info@hhbc.com or 405.341.4639. Visit us online at hhbc.com. February 28 & March 1, 2015 WELCOME Welcome to Henderson Hills! We are glad you’re here. Today I’d like to take the opportunity to share with you about our upcoming Biblical Sexuality Conference that I hope you, your family, and friends will attend. Denny Burke will be our special guest speaker March 6th-7th and will address sexuality and what the Bible says about it. Sexuality is a popular topic within our culture today with a wide range of varying thoughts and opinions. But the subject of our God-given sexuality is all too often misunderstood and unaddressed from a Biblical perspective. For centuries, the Church has found herself in the midst of controversy. And for centuries, she has responded in strength and wisdom through God’s guidance and Scripture’s unapologetic truth. I pray this conference will be that response. Please invite others and sign up to attend at hhbc.com/sexuality. We believe this conference will be relevant and beneficial for all middle schoolers through senior adults. Visit the table in the Gathering if you’d like more information. Asher Griffin Pastoral Resident TAKE NOTE NEWS & EVENTS SERVE Friendship International sstulce@cox.net, 405.206.7466 Friendship International is a ministry that reaches out to women from around the world with Christ’s love, through classes that improve conversational English, develop creative skills, and study the Bible. (Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 am) We are in great need of a new teacher, co-teacher, and people to help with childcare. For more information contact Amanda Stulce. Wales Trip: May 22nd-31st Amber.Pless@hhbc.com, 405.513.7586 In May, we will be supporting our local church partner in Wrexham, Wales. Please consider serving and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Wales on this trip. Visit hhbc.com/short-term or contact Amber Pless for details. Hillside Little Kids Needs Subs Kathy.Sartorius@hhbc.com, 405.513.7544 We have an immediate need for substitute teachers in our birth through 5-year-old classrooms on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings! Curriculum is provided. To help, please contact Kathy. Summer Nicaragua Trips Amber.Pless@hhbc.com, 405.513.7586 We hope to have 100+ adults, teens, and children serving on missions trips in Nicaragua this summer. We will have three weeks of mission trips back-to-back. For info, visit hhbc.com/short-term.
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