elevate ™ DIGITAL INTERACTIVE DISPLAY TAKEOVER PROGRAM v.03 04.24.2015 TABLE O F CO N TEN TS Ple ase pro vide allasse tsliste d b e lo w: 2 3 TO P SCR EEN VI DEO BO TTO M SCR EEN VI DEO (30 SECO N D SPO T) Ste p 1 Cho o se O N E o f the fo llo win g Base d Upo n Vide o Fo rm atPro vide d: FullScre e n Vide o W ide scre e n Vide o Static W ithCallto Actio n Static withN o Callto Actio n Ste p 2 (o n lyn e ce ssaryif Callto actio n isin clude d in vide o cre ative ) LI VE CAMER A FEED SCR EEN SAVER 4 5 6 7 8 9 PH O TO FR AME 10 CUSTO M APPLI CATI ON 11 2D W R APS & 3D EN CLO SUR E/EXTEN SI O NS 12 MAI N MEN UI MAG E 13 ftp.us.sm arte chs.n e t/Clie n tAre a Use r n am e : jo e Passwo rd: ftp@sm arte chs PUBLI CATI O N LEAD TI ME: DI G I TALFI LES TO BE R ECEI VED 5 BUSI N ESS DAYS PR I O R TO CAMPAI G N STAR TDATE. 1 2 3 :30 SPOT A) FULL SCREEN VIDEO OPTION Utilize the full screen area to make a strong impact with elevate DIGITAL’s full screen video option. Videos must be 768 x 1360 pixels. Full screen videos can play for up to 30 seconds and should have a strong call to action to encourage people to touch the screen to start an experience. 1 1360 px H 1 768 px W X 1360 px H EXAMPLE VIDEOS 2 768 px W Video Call to Action Icon Required Any image of a hand or finger with button/copy call out “Touch Here” 2 768px X 1360px Format: H264, FLV, F4V Length max: 30 seconds Frame Rate: Every 15 frames Quality: High 4 elevate DIGITAL ™ :30 SPOT B) WIDESCREEN OPTION The non-HDTV widescreen option should be selected when HDTV files are not available. This option requires a 720 NTSC video file and will show a 30 second spot between two static images containing branding messages and a call to action such as touch here to experience, touch here to enter to win, etc. ARTWORK 424PXH 120 NTSC VIDEO (elevateDigital will scale proportionally to fit 768 px) 512pxH ASSETS REQUIRED FOR DISPLAY ARTWORK 424PXH '-a_ • 0 168PX W Call to Action Icon Required Any image of a hand or finger with button/copy call out "Touch Here" 0 Graphic Video Final Display 7 68px X 1360px .PNG format, 96 dpi flattened non-transparent 720 X 480 NTSC Format: H264, FLV, F4V Length max: 30 seconds Frame Rate: Every 15 frames Quality: High 5 elevate DIGITAL ™ :30 SPOT C) STATIC OPTION WITH CALL TO ACTION Screen savers may be created from static images for those clients who do not wish to use videos. Clients are encouraged to use bold and engaging images with a specific call to action prompting the user to touch the screen to engage. Call to Action is customized to client's needs and often includes prompts to enter a sweepstakes, take a free photo or download a mobile application. Consumer data is retained for follow up messaging. imbornto· rock 168PXW X1360 PX H EXAMPLE IMAGES Chicago nornec1oneo1 lh Top lOGlobolCities 168PX W Video Call to Action Icon Required Any image of a hand or finger with button/copy call out "Touch Here" Save on Summer. Expect More. Pay Less. f) 7 68px X 1360px .PNG format 96 dpi RGB Color Mode 6 elevate ™ DIGITAL :30 SPOT D) STATIC OPTION (NO CALL TO ACTION) :30 spots may be created from static images for those clients who do not wish to use videos. When it is not possible to include a call to action in advertising on elevate DIGITAL screens, static images may be supplied to build brand awareness and make announcements. Clients may provide a series of images to cycle through in a :30 second timeframe utilizing the production specs below. 0 168PXW X1360 PX H EXAMPLE SCREENS I Grate Design 168PX W Graphic 768 x 1360px .PNG format 96 dpi flattened non-transparent 1 elevate DIGITAL ™ STEP 2 :30 SPOT (USE ONLY IF CALL TO ACTION) Screen savers may be created from static images for those clients who do not wish to use videos. Clients are encouraged to use bold and engaging images with a specific call to action prompting the user to touch the screen to engage. Call to Action is customized to client's needs and often includes prompts to enter a sweepstakes, take a free photo or download a mobile application. Consumer data is retained for follow up messaging. AREA VISIBLE ABOVE KEYBOARD 664PXH TOTAL IMAGE 1200PXH O E-MAIL TEXT Inbox Q.SearchThls Folder Lookin' good! We hope you enjoyed your visit. Discover ElevateOIGITAL through out Chicagoland to share the fun. Check out more cool stuff from elevateDIGITAL by visiting www.elevateDIG�� Check us out on Facebook.---v ... 411(--168 PX W Follow us on Twitter. Word doc containing text to be sent to user when they email a photo or enter Call to Action requirements. e 0 Subject: Body text including URL tor advertiser or URL tor Special Landing Page and message lo consumer. (example - enter email to win or enter email to gelapp) ASSETS REQUIRED FOR DISPLAY Static Graphic Static Graphic 7 68px X 1360px .PNG format, 96 dpi RGB Color Mode E-mail Keyboard 7 68px X 1200px .PNG format, 96 dpi RGB Color Mode E-mail Phone Keyboard 8 elevate DIGITAL ™ LIVE CAMERA FEED SCREENSAVER *DOUBLE CHECK SIZE ON UNIT TO CONFIRM Encourage consumers to engage with elevate DIGITAl's photo feature through the camera widescreen option. This type of screensaver shows a live camera feed between two static images containing branding messages. The call to action should encourage the user to touch the screen to take a photo. (Photo frame specs available upon request) I I ARTWORK 400PXH g _,,. NATIONAL CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW Los Angeles, CA May 19-21, 2013 CAMERA ( live feed J 510PXH ASSETS REQUIRED FOR DISPLAY ARTWORK 390PXH • 0 168PX W Graphic Call to Action Icon Required Any image of a hand or finger with button/copy call out "Touch Here" ig...��t... ite..:at� '-a_ 0 1360px X 768px .PNG format, 96 dpi transparent Video Live video camera Final Display 9 elevate DIGITAL ™ PHOTO FRAME elevate DIGITAl's photo frame is designed to create incremental impressions through the sharing of photos by email, mobile devices and social media. Photo frames can be completely customized to advertiser specs to create a fun, interactive user experience that users will want to share. Frames can be linked to content of advertiser choosing and e-mail delivery copy is fully customizable to create further interactive opportunities. Consumer data is retained for follow up contact. Download a template: (www.elevatedigital.com/specs) PHOTO FRAME EXAMPLES �'•B 'llack8erry =....= ::z:: ::c ,...-�, , - ,11111111 1�.,..{.,�···°,:,, -- ··· PHOTO AREA ·�-·���-.. 'F,,, ,. r� . Bold'"9790 640 PX W X 480 PX H cw:» �-�, march§ofdimes ,.,. . rock (.) E-MAIL TEXT 0.Search This Folder DESIGN AREA 1130 PXH Lia Osburn Sent: Monday, Se:ptembu 9, 10:13 AM Lookin' good! We hope you enjoyed your visit. Discover ElevateDigital throughout Chicagoland to share the fun. Check out more cool stuff from elevate Digital by visiting www.elevateDigital.com. Check us on on Facebook. Word doc containing text to be sent to user when they email a photo. O O ----------i.. Subject: Body text including URL tor advertiser or URL tor Special Landing Page and message lo consumer Follow us on Twitter. 168PX W = ' -=��.:--,-...:,.,;:..- PHOTO FRAME SHARED ii--- ---- - ·-- + ft� Graphic Photo 768p x X 1130px .PNG format , 96 dpi RGB Color Mode, Transparent Final Display E-mail --·-::;=..-::._ --=.:;.._.... 1r.r...-.-· Social Media 10 elevate DIGITAL ™ CUSTOM APPLICATION elevate DIGIT AL creates interactive applications that help achieve marketing goals. Applications are developed to create a meaningful and unforgettable customer experience. Custom application functionality can include any of the following functionality-Games, sweepstakes, e-commerce, drive mobile application download, venue wayfinding, deliver offers and coupons, mapping retain user data and much more. H === ::z:: ::c N APPLICATION -�.. Ii APPLICATION AREA 168PXW X 1200 PX H ....... -ViewVour • Shopping Bag Make your purchase above by dragging to your shopping bag or by using your mobile phone Features 7 68px X 1200px Video I Audio Options Collect Data Product Reviews E-commerce Interactive Maps Sweepstakes Much More... Menu Buttons 'f 320px X 320px .PNG format 96 dpi RGB Color Mode 168PX W * SPECS WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON CLIENT NEEDS. 11 2D W R APS &3D ENCLO SUR E /EXTENSIO NS A template for wrap design will be provided based upon the unit type selected. See below for examples on how to prepare the files. •Please use t em p lat e p ro vided fo rallart w o rk •File t o be subm it t ed in eit her* .ep s o rhi-res PD F@atleast150 dp i 12 elevate DIGITAL ™ MAIN MENU IMAGE The home screen contains the main navigation screen for elevate DIGITAL units and banners that can launch specific functions. The home screen shows the main menu that contains the buttons a user touches to launch applications. Home screen functions are customized to achieve advertiser branding and advertising messages as well as encourage the user to engage with specific applications or functions. Animations can be applied to the background and banners. *Template can be provided TOP AREA BD pxW X11 5 p,=x;;;;..H _ �---=5:::: ----t1�� i HOMEPAGE DESIGN (design region) 115D pxH HOMESCREEN - MAIN MENU & BOTTOM BANNER 1 f) • THE I N Q TAKE A FREE : '9!'HOTO Top Banner 580px X 1 lSpx .PNG format 96 dpi RGB Color Mode HOMEPAGEBACKGROUHD 1360 PKH Can launch a pholo frame, campaign or customized !unction. Menu Buttons 320px X 320px .PNG format 96 dpi RGB Color Mode 168PX W BACKGROUND Up lo 15 buttons can be visible on screen. Will automatically scale pending how many buttons are utilized. BOTTOM BANNER rnE LIN Q • • Static 7 68px X 1360px .PNG format, 96 dpi non-transparent • TH� : • • t.; . ;, � . -�: 1· N· Q ,•.. �-.."':� ..• . . . ··-· .. "!*.;,,: - .... Animation Static Animation 7 68px X 1360px MP4 format 768px X 90px .PNG format, 96 dpi non-transparent 768px X 90px MP4 format 13 PRODUCTION MANAGER 200 S. Mich igan Ave. Suite 1305 Ch icago , IL 60604 EMAIL Jaso n@el evateDIGITAL.co m www.elevateDIGITAL.com PHONE 312.300.4776
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