National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on ELECTRONICS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (ELNANO) CONFERENCE PROGRAM April 21-24, 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine ORGANIZERS FINANCIAL SUPPORT SPONSORS MEDIA PARTNERS Page 2 / 23 COMMITTEES ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chairperson: Prof. Yuriy Yakymenko Academician, First Vice Rector of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU “KPI”), IEEE Senior Member, Ukraine Technical Program Committee Chairpersons: Prof. Alexander Nosich, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NASU, IEEE Fellow, Kharkiv, Ukraine Prof. Volodymyr Timofeyev Head of Physical and Biomedical Electronics Department of NTUU “KPI”, IEEE Senior Member, Ukraine Prof. Klaus-Jurgen Wolter Technical University of Dresden, IEEE Senior Member, Germany Prof. Felix Yanovsky Head of Electronics Department of National Aviation University (NAU), IEEE Fellow, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Valerii Zhuikov Dean of Faculty of Electronics, NTUU “KPI”, Chairperson of IEEE Ukraine Section, Kyiv, Ukraine Publication Chairperson: Prof. Alexander Borisov First Vice Dean of Faculty of Electronics, Head of Microelectronics Department, Faculty of electronics, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Finance Chairperson: Prof. Julia Yamnenko Director of Fund “Lady of Science”, Kyiv, Ukraine TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Prof. Emir Aznakaev, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Anatolii Bilous, Institute of general and inorganic chemistry, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Maurizio Bozzi, University of Pavia, Italy Prof. Viktor Bovtun, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech Republic Dr. Petro Deminskyi, Scientific Institution of Microdevices, State “Institute for Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Vitaliy Didkovskiy, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Artem Fediai, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany Prof. Patrick Henaff, Mines Nancy, University of Lorraine, France Dr. Dirk Hertem, KU Leuven, Belgium Dr. Kateryna Ivanko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Natalia Ivanushkina, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Srdjan Jovanovski, Mediterranean University, Montenegro Page 3 / 23 Dr. Yevgeniy Karplyuk, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Victor Kazmirenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Vitaliy Kotovski, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Olga Korostynska, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Dr. Sergey Krivenko, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine Dr. Viacheslav Kulichenko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine Dr. Anna Kyselova, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Olga Kyselova, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Viktor Lopata, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Oleksandr Lysenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Vitaliy Maksymenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Artem Melnyk, University of Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France Prof. Igor Melnik, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Roderick Melnik, Wilfrid Laurier University,Canada Dr. Oleg Mironov, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK Prof. Sergey Miroshnichenko, Teleoptic PRA, NAU, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Georgi Mladenov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Emil Djakov Institute of Electronics, Sofia, Bulgaria Dr. Vitaliy Mosiychuk, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Sergey Naida, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Tamer Nassef, Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt Dr. Andrii Netreba, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Nikolai Nikolov, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Alexander Nosich, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NASU, Kharkiv, Ukraine Prof. Dalius Navakauskas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Dr. Tetyana Obukhova, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Anatolii Orlov, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Javier Piqueras, The Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Prof. Arkadiy Prodeus, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Yuriy Prokopenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Yuriy Poplavko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Anton Popov, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Page 4 / 23 Prof. Yuriy Rapoport, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Ivan Shapoval, Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Oleg Sharpan, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Saurabh Sinha, University of Pretoria, South Africa Prof. Ievgen Sokol, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine Dr. Josef Spillner, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany Prof. Volodymyr Timofeyev, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Roman Tomashevskyi, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine Prof. Volodymyr Ulansky, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Dmitri Vinnikov, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Dr. Oleg Vityaz, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Ganna Vlasyuk, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Klaus-Jurgen Wolter, Technical University of Dresden, Germany Prof. Felix Yanovsky, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Janis Zakis, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Dr. Sebastian Zaunseder, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Dresden, Germany Prof. Valerii Zhuikov, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Viktor Zubchuk, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine REVIEWERS COMMITTEE LOCAL ORGANIZING Oleh Beletsky, NTUU “KPI”,COMMITTEE Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Oleksandr Bondarenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Vasyl Chopyk, Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Yuriy Didenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Mikhail Fadeev, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Elena Faleeva, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Ievgen Kharabet, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany Dr. Viacheslav Khomenko, Samsung Research and Development Institute Ukraine, Ukraine Dr. Viktoria Koval, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Oleksandr Machulansky, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Natalia Maxymchuk, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Olexandra Miroshnichenko, NAU, Kyiv, Ukraine Page 5 / 23 Ievgen Pichkalov, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Anna Poreva, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Kostiantyn Pylypenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Aleksandr Romanov, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Elena Semenovskaya, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Sergiy Senchurov, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Dmitry Tatarchuk, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Alexey Tyshko, NATA Consulting LLC, USA Dr. Tatiana Volhova, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Yuriy Vountesmery, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Veronika Uianova, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Andrii Zazerin, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Local Chairpersons: Dr. Kateryna Ivanko, NTUU “KPI”, Ukraine Dr. Tetyana Obukhova, NTUU “KPI”, Ukraine Anna Poreva, NTUU “KPI”, Ukraine Dr. Helen Semenovskaya, NTUU “KPI”, Ukraine IEEE Conference Mentor: Ievgen Pichkalov, NTUU “KPI”, Vice Chair of IEEE Ukraine Section, Ukraine Finance Coordinator: Kateryna Osypenko, NTUU “KPI”, Treasurer of IEEE Ukraine Section, Kyiv, Ukraine Members: Mykhaylo Baran, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Vyacheslav Petrenko, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine Page 6 / 23 SCHEDULE OF CONFERENCE Time/Date 21.04.2015 22.04.2015 23.04.2015 24.04.2014 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 09:00 – 10:00 Registration Desk 10:00 – 10:30 Opening Ceremony Seminar #1 10:30 – 11:00 Oral Sections Break 11:00 – 11:30 Plenary Section 11:30 – 12:00 Posters & Coffee Break Seminar #2 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:00 Oral Sections Coffee Break 13:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:00 Break Posters & Coffee Break 14:00 – 14:30 Oral Sections 14:30 – 15:00 15:00 – 15:30 Oral Sections Departure Day Posters & Coffee Break 15:30 – 16:00 Posters & Coffee Break Oral Sections 16:00 – 16:30 Free time Oral Sections 16:30 – 17:00 Break 17:00 – 17:30 17:30 – 18:00 18:00 – 18:30 18:30 – 19:00 Welcome Party Free time 19:00 – 19:30 19:30 – 20:00 20:00 – 20:30 Page 7 / 23 21.04.2015 OPENING CEREMONY Academic Building #1, Hall of Scientific Council of NTUU “KPI” (10:00 – 10:30) Prof. Yuriy Yakymenko, Academician, First Vice Rector of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU “KPI”), Faculty of Electronics, IEEE Senior Member, Ukraine Prof. Maxym Strikha Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, V.Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine PLENARY SESSION Academic Building #1, Hall of Scientific Council of NTUU “KPI” (10:30 – 12:30) 1. Prof. Maxym Strikha V.Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine Topic: “Generalized electron and heat transport model for micro- and nanoelectronics” (Yuriy Kruglyak and Maxym Strikha) 2. Prof. Necmi Biyikli, Bilkent University-UNAM, Turkey Topic: "Hollow-cathode plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition: a novel route for low-temperature synthesis of crystalline III-nitride thin films and nanostructures" (Necmi Biyikli, Tamer Uyar and Ali Kemal Okyay) 3. Prof. Alexander Nosich O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine Topic: “Microcavity lasers on polymer materials: integral-equation modeling and experiments” (A.I. Nosich, M. Lebental, E.I. Smotrova, I.O. Sukharevsky, A. Altintas) 4. Prof. Yuriy Poplavko, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine Topic: "Physical Mechanisms Determining Microwave Dielectrics Properties (Thermal Stability Nature and Dielectric Losses Nature)" (Yuriy Poplavko, Yuriy Didenko and Yuriy Yakymenko) Page 8 / 23 SECTION 1: MICRO- AND NANOELECTRONICS ORAL SESSION Hall #12 of Library (14:00 – 15:00) 1 2 3 4 Artem Fediai, Dmitry Ryndyk and Gianaurelio Cuniberti Victoria Koval, Anatoliy Ivashuk, Yuriy Yakymenko, Yuriy Yasievich, Mykhaylo Dusheyko, Andriy Getman and Anton Mahinko Nataliia Maksimchuk, Lyubomyr Korolevych and Aleksandr Borisov Anatolii Orlov, Veronika Ulianova, Yuriy Yakymenko, Oleksandr Bogdan and Gennady Pashkevich Electrical characteristics of the carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with extended contacts obtained within ab-initio based model Nanostructured Multilayer Contact System Ti/Mo/Ag for Silicon Solar Cells Electrophysical Properties of Al/nanocrystalline CeOx/Si/Al structures SAW UV Sensor Based on ZnO and Al-doped ZnO Nanorods POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (15:00 – 15:30) 1 Volodymyr Samotovka Quality assessment of Photovoltaic Cells with p-n junction structure 2 Dmitry Tatarchuk, Yuriy Poplavko, Victor Kazmirenko and Aleksandr Borisov Microwave Passive and Active Composites Based on Dielectrics 3 Volodymyr Moskaliuk and Tetiana Saurova Compact models of the double-barrier resonant-tunneling diode 4 Tetyana Obukhova, Mykhailo Dusheiko and Tetyana Borodinova 5 Dmitry Tatarchuk, Vitaliy Molchanov, Valeriy Pashkov and Anton Franchuk 6 Vazgen Melikyan, Arthur Sahakyan, Aram Shishmanyan and Arsen Hekimyan Multi-Rate Clock-Data Recovery Solution in High Speed Serial Links 7 Yuriy Rapoport, Volodymyr Grimalsky and Svetlana Koshevaya Modulation Instability of Terahertz Electromagnetic Pulses in SrTiO3 Paraelectric 8 Yuriy Rapoport, Volodymyr Grimalsky , Svetlana Koshevaya and Christian Castrejon Modulation Instability of Terahertz Pulses in the Structures with n-InSb Layers Porous silicon thin films with metallic nanoparticles on insulator substrates Microwave Dielectric Measurement Methods on the Base of the Composite Dielectric Resonator ORAL SESSION Hall #12 of Library (15:30 – 16:30) 1 2 3 Pavlo Sergienko, Victor Kazmirenko and Yuriy Prokopenko Q-factor of micromechanically tuned microstrip resonator Denis Shmygin, Dmitry Tatarchuk, Vitaliy Molchanov and Yuriy Poplavko Anatolii Orlov, Veronika Ulianova, Oleksandr Bogdan, Genadzi Pashkevich, Necmi Biyikli, Eda Goldenberg and Ali Haider Thermal stability of oscillatory systems based on split dielectric resonator ZnO nanostructures via hydrothermal synthesis on atomic layer deposited seedlayers Page 9 / 23 4 Anatolii Orlov, Veronika Ulianova, Andrii Zazerin, Oleksander Bogdan, Genadzi Pashkevich and Yurii Yakimenko ZnO Nanorods In Energy Harvesting Devices SECTION 2: BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING ORAL SESSION Hall #15 of Library (14:00 – 15:00) 1 Nataliia Roshchupkina, Serhii Balovsiak, Oleksiy Roshchupkin, Radislav Smid, Anatoliy Sachenko and Volodymyr Kochan 2 Fernando Andreotti, Alexander Trumpp, Hagen Malberg and Sebastian Zaunseder 3 Daniel Wedekind, Frederik Gaetjen, Stefan Rasche, Klaus Matschke, Hagen Malberg and Sebastian Zaunseder Improved Heart Rate Detection for CameraBased Photoplethysmography by means of Kalman Filtering Automated Identification of Cardiac Signals after Blind Source Separation for CameraBased Photoplethysmography 4 Igor Krashenyi, Anton Popov, Javier Ramirez and Juan Manuel Gorriz Fuzzy classification of Alzheimer’s Disease using statistical moments Improved Multisensors Signal Processing POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (15:00 – 15:30) 1 Oleksii Rubel, Ruslan Kozhemiakin, Sergey Krivenko, Vladimir Lukin, Benoit Vozel and Kacem Chehdi 2 Dmitriy Kukharenko and Vladislav Mospan 3 Alla Taranchuk, Segey Pidchenko and Olena Skovryha 4 Vitalii Artuhov and Oleksii Brytov Digital filter design by Micro-Cap tools 5 Yevgeniy Karplyuk, Katerina Ivanko and Natalia Ivanushkina Peculiarities of T Wave Alternans Detection and Evaluation A Method for Predicting Denoising Efficiency for Color Images Computer system for forecasting surgery on the eye muscles Design Methodology of Piezoresonant Sensors Construction with a Modulated Interelectrode Gap ORAL SESSION Hall #15 of Library (15:30 – 16:30) 1 2 Effect of Geomtery on Propagation of Fahimeh Mohagheghian, Pezhman Sasanpour and Action Potentials in Neurons; An In Silico Hashem Rafii-Tabar Analysis Anton Popov, Lopata Viktor, ElShabbah M, Ivan Dynamic Errors of Forced Expiration Myasnyi and Roman Tomashevskyi Measurements by Spirometers 3 Artem Melnyk, Anton Popov and Patrick Henaff 4 Yevhenii Udovychenko, Anton Popov and Illya Chaikovsky Page 10 / 23 Analysis of handshake between humans using wavelet transformation Ischemic Heart Disease Recognition by k-NN Classification of Current Density Distribution Maps SECTION 3: ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ORAL SESSION Hall #14 of Library (14:00 – 15:00) Power Quality Improvement of the Matrix Converter Input Currents in the Case of Unbalanced and/or Nonsinusoidal Supply Voltages Control of hydraulic system servo motor converter in mold oscillation waveform formation 1 Valerii Mykhalskyi, Volodymyr Sobolev, Vasyl Chopyk, Serhii Polishchuk and Ivan Shapoval 2 Viktor Didenko and Oleksandr Bondarenko 3 Yuriy Denisov and Serhii Stepenko A Subharmonic Stability of Power Factor Correctors with Dual-Loop Control System Volodymyr Voytenko and Serhii Stepenko Simulation Peculiarities of High-Frequency Zero-Current Switching Quasi-Resonant Boost Converter 4 POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (15:00 – 15:30) 1 Mikhailo Artemenko, Larisa Batrak and Natali Domaskina 2 Yuriy Demchenko 3 Pavlo Safronov, Iuliia Bondarenko, Oleksandr Bondarenko and Volodymyr Sydorets 4 Dmytro Mikolaiets 5 Alexey Tyshko 6 Dmytro Ushakov Apparent Power of Three-Phase Four-Wire System in Sinusoidal Asymmetric Mode and Energy Effectiveness of Shunt Active Filters Analog and Digital Power Factor Correction Control Investigation Dependence of Input Current Quality on Number of Phases of Multiphase Interleaved PFC The Calculating Algorithm of the Active Power Line Conditioner with Uninterruptible Power Supply Function DC to AC 3 Phase Modular Multilevel Conversion Using Chireix Outphasing Method Solving the Optimal Pulse Modulation Problem with THD Minimizing for SinglePhase Inverter ORAL SESSION Hall #14 of Library (15:30 – 16:30) 1 Melnyk Igor and Luntovskiy Andriy 2 Melnyk Igor Simulation of Technological Electron Sources with Use of Parallel Computing Methods Improving Estimation of Rising Time of High Voltage Glow Discharge Current in Triode Electrodes Systems with Taking into Account Changing of Anode Plasma Parameters Page 11 / 23 3 Denbnovetskiy Stanislav, Melnyk Igor, Melnyk Vitaliy, Tugai Boris and Tuhai Sergey 4 Veselin Ivanovic, Nevena Radovic, Srdjan Jovanovski and Zdravko Uskokovic Investigation of Emission Properties of Cold Cathodes in Triode Impulse High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Guns Possibility of the Pipelining Technique Application in a Space/Spatial-Frequency Filter Implementation Based on the Local Frequency Estimation WELCOME PARTY Academic Building #1, «Alma Mater» (17:30 – 20:30) Page 12 / 23 22.04.2015 SECTION 1: MICRO- AND NANOELECTRONICS ORAL SESSION Hall #12 of Library (10:00 – 11:30) 1 Pedro Hidalgo, Bianchi Mendez, Alejandro Lopez and Javier Piqueras Thermal growth and optical properties of zinc germanate microrods 2 Sanjay Prabhakar and Roderick Melnik Controlling Susceptibilities of Quantum Dots Influenced by Electromechanical Effects 3 Denys Natarov and Jiří Čtyroký Analysis of the Modes of a Core-Shell Plasmonic Nanowire Laser with a Silver Core 4 Mikhail Balaban 5 Nadiia Stognii and Nataliya Sakhnenko 6 Olga Shapoval Modeling of Stratified Graphene-Dielectric Structures Using the Generalized Boundary Conditions: THz Wave Scattering by a Thin Sandwiched Disk Plasmonic Properties of Coupled Metal Wires in the Cluster with Triangular or Square Configuration Basic Equations of LEP for a Silver Strip Nanolaser POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (11:30 – 12:00) 1 Eduard Glushechenko Microstrip Microwave Devices with Traveling Wave Resonator 2 Vazgen Melikyan and Vache Galstyan Design of High-Efficiency Digital-Control Multi-Topology Step-Down Switched Capacitor Converter 3 Vladimir Timofeyev, Elena Semenovskaya and Elena Faleyeva Thermal Analysis of Power Multi-Finger HEMT 4 Bogdan Babych, Aleksander Machulyansky, Mikhail Rodionov, Yuriy Yakimenko, Vladimir Verbitsky and Alexandra Borisova Energy-Efficient Optically Transparent Coating Based on a Metal-Dielectric Composites 5 Anatoly Druzhinin, Valeriy Yerokhov, Stepan Nichkalo and Yevhen Berezhanskyi Modification of Silicon Surface for Solar Cells 6 Anatoliy Evtukh, Oleg Bratus’, Olga Steblova and Vita Prokopchuk Electron transport through nanocomposite SiO2(Si) films containing Si nanocrystals 7 Georgii Felinskyi Wave propagation collapse in the polariton negative dielectric band of crystal ORAL SESSION Hall #12 of Library (12:00 – 13:30) 1 Ivan Vorotiahin, Yurii Poplavko and Yevhenii Fomichov 2 Valeriya Kudina, Nikolay Garbar, Eddy Simoen and DC and noise characteristics of underlap Cor Claeys UTBOX SOI nMOSFETs Page 13 / 23 Simplest Models to Explain Dielectric Nonlinearity 3 Lyasota Dmitriy, Morozov Valentine and Magro Valeriy Application of Neural Networks to Detect Metal Bodies 4 Mikhail Andreev, Valentyn Borulko, Oleg Drobakhin and Dmitriy Sidorov Eigen Parameters of Quasiperiodic Bragg Nanostructures 5 Mikhail Andreev, Valentyn Borulko, Oleg Drobakhin and Dmitriy Sidorov Scattering of Wave Beams and Pulses by Non-periodic Bragg Nanostructures POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (13:30 – 14:00) 1 Andrei Lavrinenko and Oleg Lysenko Modeling, fabrication and high power optical characterization of plasmonic waveguides 2 Irina Bayda and Vladimir Moskaliuk Occupation of the Valleys in Multivalley Semiconductors 3 Iakov Lyashenko and Nataliia Manko Influence of Spatial Nonhomogeneity on the Boundary Friction Regime 4 Vladimir Bespalov, Alexey Glebov and Alla Mindeeva Simulation of digital circuits using ternary decision diagrams 5 6 7 Yurii Kutovyi, Ruslan Dybovskyi, Iryna Gavrilchenko, Valerii Skryshevsky, Yurii Milovanov, Yurii Skryshevsky and Vahnin Angelika Luchenko, Kateryna Svezhentsova and Melnichenko Mykola Surface modification of mesoporous silicon for nanoelectronics applications Nanostructured silicon as a multifunctional material for micro- and nanoelectronics THz wave scattering by a circular dielectric cylinder with a graphene shell Elena Velichko ORAL SESSION Hall #12 of Library (14:00 – 15:30) 1 Oleksandr Grynko, Valeri Lozovski and Andrew Tsykhonya Amplification of surface plasmon-polariton by pumping of an active layer at the surface 2 Natalia Korobova, Sergey Timoshenkov, Oleg Britkov and Stanislav Shepelev Packaging problem in microelectronics due to stress and fracture at the “metalceramic” interface 3 Natalia Korobova, Sergey Timoshenkov, Oleg Britkov and Eugeniy Artemov Preparation and some properties of pure and doped barium titanate thin films 4 Oleksandr Motornyi and Valeri Lozovski Theoretical Description of Visualization of Nanoobject with Surface Plasmon Polariton Scattering 5 Anna Karlash and Ivan Ivanov PL and FTIR spectroscopy of powdered silica aerogel ar-SiOx 6 Andrii Karpiuk, Nickolaj Starodub, Angelika Luchenko and Mykola Melnichenko Nano-structured silicon based lab on a chip for diagnostics Page 14 / 23 POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (15:30 – 16:00) 1 Vadym Borysiuk and Iakov Lyashenko Atomistic simulation of the melting behavior of the Au-Ag nanoparticles with core-shell structurewaveguides 2 Halyna Klym, Ivan Karbovnyk and Roman Kochan Nanostructured Sensors in Application to Computer-based Systems and Electronics 3 Rostyslav Lesyuk, Val Marinov and Bohdan Kotlyarchuk and Yaroslav Bobitski 4 Svetlana Romanishina, Diana Katyuk, Vera Deeva and Stepan Slobodyan 5 Sergey Gavrilov, Galina Ivanova, Pavel Volobuev and Aram Manukyan Methods of logical synthesis for library elements and blocks with regular layout structure 6 Andrey Korshunov and Pavel Volobuev Multi-Modal Power Gating Structures Design with 32/28nm Educational Design Kit 7 Iryna Yaremchuk, Pavlo Mineckiy, Volodymyr Fitio, Yaroslav Bobitski and Rostyslav Lesyuk Plasmon resonance of the silver nanoparticles with different shape Modelling of spectral down-converter based on cadmium-free quantum dots for photovoltaics Dynamics layer of the sliding contact collector elements ORAL SESSION Hall #12 of Library (16:00 – 17:30) 1 Volodymyr Karlov, Mikhail Andreev and Valentyn Borulko 2 G. Strilchuk and V. Lozovski 3 Iakov Lyashenko and Anton Zaskoka 4 George Vorobets, Volodymyr Strebezhev and Yuriy Khalavka 5 Volodymyr Kulish Properties of E-plane Junctions for Six-port Measurements Optical properties of nanocomposite films with inclusions of the same dimensions as the film thickness Interrupted mode of the boundary friction in the model of shear melting with asymmetric potential Elements for photodetectors based on epitaxial layers In4Se3, In4Te3 and CdSb Spin waves in a ferromagnetic nanotube in the presence of a spin-polarized current SECTION 2: BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING ORAL SESSION Hall #15 of Library (10:00 – 10:30) 1 Arkadiy Prodeus 2 Sergey Naida Parameter Optimization of the Single Channel Late Reverberation Suppression Technique Acoustic Theory Problems of Speech Production in the Light of the Discovery of the Formula for the Middle Ear Norm Parameter Page 15 / 23 SUB-SECTION: DIGITAL X-RAY TECHNOLOGY Hall #15 of Library (10:35 – 11:30) 1 Eugene Volkov and Sergey Miroshnychenko X-ray 4D Stereoscopic Technology 2 Natalia Miroshnichenko The Probability Increasing Of The LowContrast Structures Detection In X-Ray Images By Using The Software That Enhances The Contrast And Signal / Noise Ratio 3 Netreba A. V., Radchenko S.P., Trinchuk V.A. CT Reconstruction in the System Point Source and Planar Receiver 4 Sergei Miroshnichenko and Nataliia Ukho Efficiency of piecewise polyline planar X-ray detectors for cone beam computed tomography POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (11:30 – 12:00) 1 Alexander Ogir, Valeryy Tarapata, Alexander Chemeris and Elena Ogir 2 Vitaliy S. Mosiychuk, Grigoriy V. Timoshenko and Oleg B. Sharpan 3 Nataliia Zakharchuk, Eugene Bilynskyi, Rostyslav Vitovskyi and Bogdan Batsak 4 Kostyantyn Pylypenko 5 Valeri Lozovski and Natalia Rusinchuk The System of Ultrasonic Diagnostics Using Phase Information of the Secondary Sound Field Wideband bioimpedance meter with the active electrodes Using a Noninvasive Index of Local Segmental Electromechanical Delay in the evaluation of left ventricular myocardium dyssynchrony Right Whale Detection Using Artificial Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis Effect of the Virus Shell Parameters on the Interaction in the System "Virus-Surface" ORAL SESSION Hall #15 of Library (12:00 – 13:30) 1 Kateryna D. Shepelyuk, Vladyslav I. Pastushenko, Valerij E. Orel and Andrej V. Romanov 2 Milan Tysler, Jana Svehlikova, Olena Punshchykova, Peter Kneppo and Vitaliy Maksymenko 3 Alexander Rykhalskiy, Valerii Orel and Andriy Romanov 4 Andrii Netreba and Sergii Radchenko The operated localization of magnetic nanoparticles under the influence of a constant magnetic and electromagnetic field Noninvasive localization of ectopic ventricular activity using BSPM and different patient torso models An Influence of Constant Magnetic Field on the Electrical Resistance of Blood Serum of Cancer Patients during the Treatment with Nanocomplex and Electromagnetic Irradiation Determination of Biological Tissue by Using Peculiarities of Ultrasonic Scattering Page 16 / 23 5 Cemil Turan, Mohammad Salman and Mohamed Hatem Haddad 6 Valeri Lozovski and Margarita Razumova 7 Yulia Shlapa, Sergii Solopan and Anatolii Belous A Transform Domain Sparse LMS-type Algorithm for Highly Correlated Biomedical Signals in Sparse System Identification The Local-Field Effects in Optical Response of Nanocomposite Thin Films. An implementation in sensorics of biospecific interactions Effect of Mechano-Chemical Processing in the Synthesis of Weakly Agglomerated Ferromagnetic La1-xSrxMnO3 Nanoparticles on their Properties POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (13:30 – 14:00) 1 Aleksandr Sitnikov, Ekaterina Kalabukhova, Viktor Oliynik and Mikhail Kolisnichenko 2 Alina Kurliantseva and Victor Taranov 3 Maryna Sychyk, Vitaliy Maksymenko, Eugene Perepeka, Borys Kravchuk and Bogdan Batsak 4 Valery Oliynik 5 Anna Poreva, Yevgeniy Karplyuk, Anastasiia Makarenkova and Anatoliy Makarenkov 6 Anatolii Pulavskyi, Sergey Krivenko and Stanislaw Krivenko The Q-band low noise reference oscillator based on bipolar transistor designed for the pulse ESR spectrometer Registration of Structural Changes of Water under Influence of Physical Factors Dependence of destruction from the characteristics of radiofrequency impact and length of the electrode On Potential Effectiveness of Integration of 3M Littmann 3200 Electronic Stethoscopes into the Third-Party Diagnostic Systems with Auscultation Signal Processing Detection of COPD's diagnostic signs based on polyspectral lung sounds analysis of respiration phases Noninvasive evaluation of glucose concentration in the human blood based on electrocardiograms SECTION 3: ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ORAL SESSION Hall #14 of Library (10:00 – 11:30) 1 Vladimir Ulansky and Hassan Elsherif A Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Based on Negative Inductance Converter 2 Oleg Vityaz A General Technique for Harmonic Oscillator Synthesis 3 Andrii Zazerin, Anatolii Orlov and Oleksander Bogdan High-Performance Macromodel of QuarterWavelength Solidly Mounted Resonator 4 Kostiantyn Savin, Irina Golubeva and Yuriy Prokopenko A Novel Concept for the Tunable Cavity Combline Resonator Page 17 / 23 POSTER SESSION Floor #6 of Library (11:30 – 12:00) 1 Valerii Zhuikov, Ievgen Pichkalov, Ivan Boiko and Igor Blinov Price formation in the energy markets of Ukraine 2 Aleksandr Romanov and Irina Romanova Use of Irregular Topologies for the Synthesis of Networks-on-Chip 3 Yuri Onikienko, Volodymir Pilinsky and Mariya Rodionova Conductive EMI of Class D Audio Amplifiers Prediction System 4 Ganna Veselovska and Grigoriy Khlopov 5 Iryna Zhuravska, Maria Popel and Denys Horobtsov 6 Mamyrbek Beisenbi and Aliya Shukirova 7 Ivan Burlachenko 8 Irina Dmitrieva 9 Maksym Musiyenko, Yaroslav Krainyk and Oleksii Denysov Page 18 / 23 Backscattering of electromagnetic waves from medium of spherical drops by doublefrequency radar Simulation and optimization of the groups’ robots motion in the automational pharmaceutical warehouse Research of control systems with increased potential of robust stability of nonlinear object in the class of one-parametric structurally stable mappings Management of energy efficient distributed computer systems with self-contained remote modules using multi-agent system Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Lines Reconfigurable Decoder for Irregular Random Low Density Parity Check Matrix Based on FPGA 23.04.2015 Seminar #1: “Modern algorithms for Object Tracking in Video Sequences and their implementation” By: Digital Lab (Department of Design of Electronic Digital Equipment, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine) Description: 1) Object tracking: problems and issues. 2) Known solutions and the state-of-the-art approaches: short term tracking and recognition. 3) Further improvements of existing approaches. 4) Still unresolved problem: in-plane rotation. 5) Example of trackers implementations. Upon completion this seminar, participants will learn: 1) General classification of object tracking methods. 2) Problems of object tracking approaches and the state-of-the-art their solutions. 3) Problems that have not resolved yet. Lecturer: PhD A. Varfolomieiev Approximate duration of the seminar: 60 minutes Seminar #2: “Architecture of new 20 nm Arria10 families of FPGA company Altera” By: Digital Lab (Department of Design of Electronic Digital Equipment, NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine) Description: 1) Device goals and overview. 2) Routing and logic architecture. 3) Transceiver and I\O architecture. 4) SP Block and floating point. 5) Hard processor system (HPS). 6) Power. Upon completion this seminar, participants will learn: 1) General description of architecture of Arria 10 familie. 2) Features hard blocks realizations in ALTERA Arria 10 familie. 3) Meeting the power performance. Lecturer: O. Antonyuk Approximate duration of the seminar: 60 minutes. To contact organizer: Prof. Oleksandr Lysenko, E-mail:, tel. +380 44 454-93-63, 454-95-38 Page 19 / 23 Welcome to Kyiv! LOCATION Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Ukraine borders the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after the Russian Federation. Kyiv is the capital and largest city in Ukraine. The population of Kyiv is nearly 3 million people. It is also a cultural, scientific, economic and politic center of Ukraine. All central government departments and all foreign embassies are in Kyiv. Kyiv Boryspil International Airport, International Airport Kyiv and Kyiv Central Railway Station are situated in Kyiv. KYIV BORYSPIL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Web site: Boryspil International Airport State Enterprise is the busiest airport in Ukraine providing around 65 % of passenger air traffic of Ukraine and handling over 8 million passengers per year. It is 39 km from Kiev city centre. Boryspil airport is conveniently situated at the intersection of many air routes connecting Asia with Europe and America. Around 50 national and international airlines operate regular flights carrying passengers and cargo to over 100 destinations worldwide. List of maps: Terminal B: Terminal F: Terminal D: To get free access to the Internet via the airport’s Wi-Fi, select and connect to the Free Boryspil WiFi network. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT KYIV Web site: Kiev (Zhulyany) International Airport is one of two passenger airports in the capital of Kiev. It is located in the Zhulyany neighborhood in the south of the city and is 8 km from Kiev city centre. KYIV PASSENGER RAILWAY STATION Web site: The Kyiv Metro station “Vokzalna” is adjoining the complex, constituting the station's main intersection with city transport. RULES FOR PARTICIPATION Official Language: English Size of the poster: A0 or A1. Duration of oral presentation: 10 min. Duration of plenary presentation: 25 min. Page 20 / 23 LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Faculty of Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Polytekhnichna Str., 16/9, Block 12, off.413-A, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine Website: Members of the Local Organizing Committee which may help you: IEVGEN PICHKALOV General question, financial items, conference program, conference fees, etc. E-mail: Mobile: +38 (098) 725-51-98 HELEN SEMENOVSKAYA Registration, Welcome Party, University accommodation, travel documents E-mail: Work: +38 (044) 454-90-65 Mobile: +38 (096) 175-25-59 ANNA POREVA Registration, University accommodation, travel documents E-mail: Work: +38 (044) 454-90-65 Mobile: +38 (067) 598-98-95 Page 21 / 23 Page 22 / 23 Page 23 / 23
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