1. Background: MonuRent was set up in 2010 with the vision of becoming the leading equipment rental and operational outsourcing business in Africa. MonuRent initially started operations in Nigeria and Sierra Leone and now has offices in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Botswana, as well as an administrative office in the UK. MonuRent “Total Equipment Solutions” provides plant and equipment combined with a service offering to the Mining, Construction, Agriculture and Minerals Handling sectors across Africa. MonuRent tailor solutions to individual clients utilizing MonuRent’s balance sheet and expertise to deliver a first world service in often challenging and remote environments. MonuRent’s clients are predominately blue chip listed entities familiar with the challenges of operating in Africa. MonuRent office in Liberia intends to establish a comprehensive database of suppliers and service provider for her operations and invite suitable qualify suppliers and service providers to participate in her PreQualification process. Guidance Notes for Completion of Pre- Qualification Questionnaire 2. Questionnaire Purpose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to allow MonuRent identify a number of suitably qualified and experienced business entities who will be invited to submit a tender for various aspects of her operations in Liberia. Our focus is mainly in the area of Supplies, Services and or Works. Those bidders who are successful at the pre-qualification stage will then be invited to tender (in the restricted procedure) or invited to negotiate (negotiated procedure), or to participate in dialogue (competitive dialogue procedure) for service supply or works contract on a yearly basis. 3. Questionnaire Layout The questionnaire is split into 5 distinct parts: Part A seeks background information; Part B requests details of your financial status; Part C seeks to find out whether your business entity, or any relevant directors, partners or employees, have been convicted of certain criminal offences; Part D relates to business probity; and Part E relates to service operation and quality issues. All information requested should be provided in the order and format of the Parts. Potential suppliers/service providers may respond using their own text creation facilities. 4. Questionnaire Responses: The requirements for submission of responses should be specified here. Suggested format is shown below in italics. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 1 Completed questionnaires must be submitted only: b) by hand to the Procurement Department of MonuRent address stated in paragraph 12. Potential Suppliers/Service providers are advised that their responses may be reproduced and that no further indication or request prior to submission will be made. Only information provided as a direct response to the questionnaire will be evaluated. Potential Suppliers/Service providers should respond to the questionnaire on the basis that MonuRent has no prior knowledge of their entity. Information and detail which forms part of general company literature or promotional brochures etc. will not form part of the evaluation process. Marketing material should not be included. Supplementary documentation may be attached to the questionnaire where applicants have been directed to do so. Such material must be clearly marked with the name of the business entity and the question to which it relates. All questions must be answered. Please note that MonuRent may require clarification of the answers provided or ask for additional information. The response should be submitted by an individual of the business entity, or partnership who has authority to answer on behalf of the business entity, or partnership. Potential Suppliers/Service providers should be aware that erroneous or incorrect responses may result in their removal from the tender/bidding list(s). In the event that this is only discovered once invitations to tender/bidding have been issued, the candidate may be required to return the tender documents which will be deemed void. In the case where the error or misrepresentation is not discovered until after the contract is awarded, MonuRent reserves the right to terminate the contract and all costs incurred by MonuRent as a result of the termination shall be recoverable from the provider under the contract. If applying on behalf of a consortium, please list the names and addresses of all other members of the consortium. Please note that the questionnaire will be evaluated on the basis of the details supplied in the questionnaire. Contracts will normally be entered into with the nominated lead business entity and all members of the consortium, who will in these circumstances each be required to execute the contract together with all ancillary documentation, evidencing their joint and several liability in respect of the obligations and liabilities of the contract. It will be for members of the consortium to sort out their respective duties and liabilities amongst each other. For administrative purposes, any a s s o c i a t e d documentation will be s e n t to the nominated l e a d business entity. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 2 NOTE: If a consortium is awarded any contract the members of the consortium will be required to form a single legal entity before entering into, or as a term of the contract. If sub-contractors are proposed to assist in the delivery of the Supplies, Works and or Services, please list the business names and addresses. NOTE: In respect of an expression of interest which includes a consortium or subcontractors, it is the lead business entity that completes the entire questionnaire and, in addition, arranges for each named business entity to complete Parts A, B, C and D and attach them to the completed questionnaire. Part E relates to issues affecting the quality of supplies, service and or works to be delivered by the applicant. NOTE: In respect of an expression of interest which includes a consortium or subcontractors, it is the lead business entity that completes the entire questionnaire. However, MonuRent reserve the right to request further information in respect of the lead business entity and/or partnering business entity should it be deemed necessary for evaluation purposes. 5. PART A - BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Name of Legal Entity/Business: 2. Address for all correspondence: 3. Contact Name: 4. Contact Position: 5. Telephone Number: 6. Fax Number: 7. E-mail address: 8. Website address (if applicable): 9. Address of Registered Office in Liberia: MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 3 6. PART B - FINANCIAL STATUS 15. BANK DETAILS Name of Bank: (from which a financial reference may be sought). Address: Telephone Number: Suitable contact name: Telephone Number: (if different) Provide details of the Annual Turnover (in United States Dollars (USD) for: (If you cannot provide these details, please give a full explanation). Latest Year One year previous NOTE FROM MonuRent: The text below suggests requesting 2 years of accounts however requests for financial information should be proportionate to the nature and size of the contract in question. MonuRent will make an assessment of the financial risks associated with a particular contract and request information accordingly. For smaller value or low risk contracts it may not be necessary to see 2 years of accounts. For high risk or high value contracts, MonuRent will ask for up to 3 years previous financial information. If MonuRent needs up to date financial information they will consider asking for copies of unaudited accounts where the most recent of audited accounts are too old to provide such information. Please attach one copy of your business entity audited accounts (or equivalent) and the accounts of your group (if applicable) for the last 2 financial years together with details of any significant changes since the last year end. The accounts should be in English and in United States Dollars (USD). If the original documents are not in English, please provide copies of the originals and a certified translation into English. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 4 7. PART C – CONVICTION OF CRIMINAL OFFENCES 16. Have any of the directors, partners or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the business entity ever been convicted of any of the following offences? If you answer yes to any of these questions please give details. The common law offence of YES conspiracy where the conspiracy relates to participation in a NO criminal organization; Corruption within the meaning of YES corruption as enshrine in the NO Anti-corruption LAW of Liberia. Bribery or corruption within the YES meaning of Criminal Justice NO LAW of Liberia. The common law offence of YES incitement to commit a crime; NO Fraud, where the offence relates YES to fraud affecting the financial interests of Liberia as defined in the NO General Revenue Act of Liberia. Money laundering within the YES meaning of the Money Laundering Regulations Law of NO 2012. Any other offence within the YES meaning of Transparency and Accountability in standard NO procurement practices. Note: Failure to disclose information relevant to this section may result in your exclusion from our database which will limit your participation in future tendering process for MonuRent. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 5 8. PART D - BUSINESS PROBITY 17. Please answer yes or no to the following questions: If you answer yes to any of these questions please give details. Is your business entity bankrupt or YES being wound up, having its affairs administered by the court, NO or have you entered into an arrangement with creditors, suspended business activities or any analogous situation arising from similar proceedings under national laws or regulations of Liberia? IsLiberia? your business entity the subject of YES proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for compulsory NO winding-up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws or regulations? YES Has your business entity been convicted of an offence concerning its professional conduct by a NO judgement which has the force of res judicata?1 1 A matter already settled in court MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 6 Has any director or partner been YES found guilty of grave professional NO misconduct? Has your business entity failed to YES fulfill obligations relating to the payment of social security NO contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of Liberia? Has your business entity failed to YES fulfill obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance NO with the legal provisions of Liberia? Note: Failure to disclose information relevant to this section or serious misrepresentation in relation to the information disclosed may result in your exclusion from the database which will affect your company from future bidding process of MonuRent. In the event where it is establish the information provided is false and misleading even up to contract implementation MonuRent reserves the right to cancel any ongoing contract. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 7 9. PART E – SERVICE OPERATION AND QUALITY 18. What are the principal business activities of your Business entity? 19. State your Business entity experience in delivering similar contracts to that described under [Subject Details] 20. Provide contact details for 2 referees for contracts or parts of contracts delivered within the last two years with similar requirements to those described under [Subject Details]. Note that contact will be made with referees without further reference to you. a. Referee business entity Contact Name Title Address Description of contract Period of contract Approximate value b. Referee business entity Contact Name Title Address MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 8 Description of contract Period of contract Approximate value 21. Consortium Details If you are applying on behalf on a consortium please complete the following sections for all consortia members. 1. Name and address Identify roughly which part of the contract this consortium member will deliver. 2. Name and address Identify roughly which part of the contract this consortium member will deliver. 3. Name and address 22. Identify roughly which part of the contract this consortium member will deliver. Sub-Contractor details If you think you would use sub- contractors to meet the requirements of any contract in the future please complete the following sections for all sub-contractors you might use. 1. Name and address Identify roughly which part of the contract this sub-contractor will deliver. 2. Name and address Identify roughly which part of the contract this sub-contractor will deliver. 3. Name and address Identify roughly which part of the contract this sub-contractor will deliver. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 9 10. OPTIONAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS TECHNICAL CAPACITY Provide management/project leader experience, education and professional qualifications for those leading the management of the provision of any future contract. This section is subject to regular review. Provide details of human resources, plant and technical equipment available for providing supplies, services and or works for future contract. Particular contracts may require specific information including, but not limited to: Insurances Employer’s Liability Compulsory Insurance (ECLI) Public Liability Insurance Professional Indemnity Insurance Standards and Policies Health and Safety Quality Assurance Environmental Management NB – these must be related to the requirements of the type of business and seek to ascertain the potential suppliers/service providers’ financial and technical ability to perform any contract in the future. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 10 11. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Name of business entity/lead, business entity wish to register interest and apply to be considered for short listing to receive Invitation to Tender/Bid documentation for provision of [contract]. I confirm that the answers given on this questionnaire are true, complete, accurate and not misleading. Signed: Print Name: Title: Date: 12. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Address all submissions in a seal envelope to: Procurement Department MonuRent. UN STARBASE COMPOUND BUSHROD ISLAND, FREEPORT, MONROVIA 1000 LIBERIA Attn: Mr. Augustus L. Woods NOTE: Any submissions receive open will be rejected and return. Submitting a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire does not in any way binds MonuRent financially to any bidder. 13. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Date: May 12, 2015 Time: 4.00 PM 14. How to obtain softcopy of the PQQ SOFTCOPY CAN BE OBTAIN FROM THE PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT OF MONURENTFROM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAYBETWEN THE HOURS OF 9 AM TO 4.30 PM 15. Clarification/enquiry(ies): All/any question(s) relating to this PQQ can be send to auguswoods@gmail.com or better still via phone number 0886 515 232 / 0886 520 499. MonuRent (Liberia) Limited, UN Starbase Compound, Bushrod Island, Freeport, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 (0) 880 966 966 Email: info@monurent.com 11
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