HILLTOP HERALD-JULY 2015 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH & IGLESIA METODISTA UNIDA EL LIBERTADOR WELCOME OUR NEW DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Bishop Hee-Soo Jung invites you to join in a service to celebrate our new South West District of the Wisconsin Annual Conference and our new district superintendent, Scott Carlson, effective July 1, 2015. The service will be on Sunday, July 19 at 4:00pm at Dodgeville UMC, 327 N Iowa St, Dodgeville WI 53533. A time of fellowship will follow the service. Please RSVP by July 14 to Sherry Malone at smalone@wisconsinumc.org. MONONA MUNCHIES--2015 The Monona Munchies program will continue this summer to provide lunches to anyone who stops by Schaefer Park from 11:45am until 12:30pm. We are able to sign up to serve lunches as individuals and are not responsible for a specific day. At 11:15, we’ll meet at the Monona Community Center upstairs kitchen and collect the supplies for the lunches. We’ll get ready to pass out the lunches by 11:45. At 12:30, we’ll cleanup and return everything to the Community Center. Sign up online at SignupGenius.com (www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0c48afa62dab9monona). Contact Chris Remington (661-0369 or caremington@yahoo.com) if you have questions. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL You are invited to MUMC's Vacation Bible! Theme: Journey to India When: August 3-6 Time: 6pm-8pm (meal provided at 6pm) Where: Monona United Methodist Church,606 Nichols Rd, Monona. We needs your help! Volunteers: Our children will be grouped into Family Cottages so we will need parent and grandparent figures who can work with the kids in their “families”. We also need people to handle the crafts, games or music activities. Supplies: As we “Journey to India”, we are looking for decorations to enhance that theme. Do you have travel maps or guide books from India, or traditional Indian dress items: shawls/scarves, etc. that we could borrow for our display? If you are able to help, please call the church office (222-1633). There is a registration form in this newlsetter. Join us! 1 Dear Friends, PASTOR’S COLUMN The story of the shootings had broken just the day before our meeting. I was finishing a conversation with one of our church leaders about some Administrative Council business when she started talking about how grieved in spirit she was feeling over the horrific news of the pastor and eight parishioners at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston who were murdered by a young white supremacist. I knew how she felt. I was struggling myself with how to absorb that this had happened. To try to make sense of it, I looked for some intelligent response to the tragedy from a church perspective. Not much had been written yet, but I found a couple of thoughtful items that spoke to me. I felt challenged by a Presbyterian pastor named Tawnya Denise Anderson who blogs at SOULa Scriptura. Speaking to those in solidarity with people of color who call themselves “allies,” she wrote, “I know you mean well, but what about your life demonstrates that you walk in solidarity with others who experience life differently from you because of their skin color, legal status, or sexual orientation? Please don’t call yourself my ally if your uncle’s racist jokes go unchecked in your presence. Please don’t call yourself my ally if you say something insensitive, I call you on it, and all you can do is brush it off and say, ‘Girl, but you know I love my Black people!’ Don’t do it.” Another blogger, Crystal St. Marie Lewis, a graduate student in theology in Washington, D.C., noticed how many other religious figures writing online were asking that we all pray, that we petition for divine intervention into America’s problems with white supremacy and racism, an idea that she thought was “missing the mark.” “To be quite candid, it seems to me that we don’t need to talk with God about white supremacy, racism, or gun control. We need, instead, to be talking with one another. I’ve wondered what might happen if people of faith transformed their churches into spaces where conversations about race and ethnicity were not taboo. What would happen if white churches intentionally dug in deep to educate themselves about racism (which is different from discrimination), instead of disengaging when conversations get tough? Who could we become if we boldly turned our attention to having tough conversations with one another…We need… to start talking openly, honestly, and without fear to one another about how people in our generation continue to participate in the oppressive phenomenon known as racism. We need to talk with one another about what it means for people of color to live in terror, what it means for a church like the historic Emanuel AME to lose its sense of sanctuary, and what it means when outrage against events like these only lasts as long as the news cycle will allow. I understand, my religious friends and colleagues, how desperately you desire to pray, given the tragic nature of these events. However, I have run out of prayers and only desire to ask you: will you instead talk face to face with someone about white supremacy and racism? Are you willing to start a conversation about what the world needs in order to move forward in peace? Is it possible that our prayers for God to somehow fix the world seem unheard because we don’t yet see ourselves as the answers to those prayers? And if so, how do we change our faulty perspective?” 2 I realize that Tawnya and Crystal are voices I need to hear. They experience the world dramatically differently than I do, dramatically worse. And the difference has to do with our society’s racism and the advantages of society that I enjoy because I’m white. I’m left with their questions: What about my life demonstrates that I walk in solidarity with them? How do I continue to participate in the oppressive phenomenon of racism? And to what extent am I the answer to my prayers for an end to it? In a letter he wrote to all churches in response to the Charleston murders, our bishop, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, referenced the United Methodist Council of Bishops’ pastoral letter on racism from May 2015 (http://www.umc.org/news-and-media/council-of-bishops-issuespastoral-letter-on-racism). That pastoral letter ends with the simple verse of scripture, “This commandment we have from him: Those who claim to love God ought to love their brother and sister also” (1 John 4:21, CEB). That also seems like a good starting place. Pastor Brad PASTOR BRAD VACATION Pastor Brad is taking vacation July 3-18. If you need a pastor, please call the church office (222-1633) or Kayla Barnes-Patrick (572-4752). FLOWERS FOR ALTAR Share your garden flowers with us! The flower calendar is on the kiosk in the Fellowship Hall. We especially need someone to provide flowers for some of August and all of September. SHARE YOUR TALENT! During the summer months, our various choirs get a well-deserved rest. That means that we need volunteers to provide special music each Sunday, to enrich our worship hour. If you would be willing to share special music on one of the summer Sundays, please the church office at 222-1633. Adults, young people, children, if you have a musical talent that has been hidden from view, please consider sharing it. 3 STEWARDSHIP God owns everything. We are stewards, so to speak, of his property. Whatever we give is, by definition, belongs to him anyway. When someone gives something the gift shall be basis to be prompted by love-and by a personal commitment to Christ, because the God’s plan for Christians is to support the advancement of his Kingdom of Love, Peace and Justice for the World through our tithes and offerings, according Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:2 “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.” The idea of tithing is not new; it goes back to earliest biblical history. We found in Hebrews 7:6 that the Father of the Judeo-Christian faith, Abraham, paid tithes to Melchizedek. And in verse 5 the Law of Moses specified that the Levites should collect tithes from the people. Though a tenth part of one’s income is indicated as the tithe, this should not limit the extent of giving for those who have the means and the will to give more. We look into our tradition as John Wesley taught this important principle “work all that you can, save all that you can, and give all that you can”. This principle is very similar to Mother Teresa who said “give until you feel pain.” The New Testament teaches us in the first letter to Apostle Paul to the Corinthians church chapter 16, verse 2, that Christians are call to give individually, regularly, methodically, and proportionately to support the needs of evangelism and mission of the local church and general church. As Apostle Paul reminds us in his second letter to the community of Corinthians chapter 9, verses 6-8, the giving out of a heart filled with God’s love shall be a characteristic of the born-again believer, because “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” And Apostle Paul calls our attention saying “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19, NIV). My prayer during this summer season is that God touch our hearts so that we become generous givers for the advancement of the God’s Kingdom in our communities and in the world. Your Servant in Christ Jesus, Pastor Rafael 4 MAYORDOMÍA Dios es el dueño de todo. Nosotros somos administradores, por así decirlo, de sus bienes. Todo lo que demos es, por definición, suyo de todas formas, todo le pertenece a Él. Cuando alguien da algo debe ser movido por el amor–y por un compromiso personal con Cristo, porque el plan de Dios para los cristianos es que apoyemos la extensión de su Reino de Amor, Paz y Justicia para el mundo a través de nuestros diezmos y ofrendas, según nos lo dice el apóstol Pablo en 1 Corintios 16:2 "El primer día de la semana, cada uno de ustedes aparte y guarde algún dinero conforme a sus ingresos, para que no se tengan que hacer colectas cuando yo vaya.” La idea del diezmo no es nada nuevo, esta se remonta a la historia bíblica más temprana. Nos encontramos en Hebreos 7:6 que el Padre la fe judeo-cristiana, Abraham, pagó diezmos a Melquisedec. Y en el versículo 5 de la Ley de Moisés se especificaba que los levitas debían recoger los diezmos de la gente. Aunque, el diezmo es una décima parte de los ingresos de una persona, esto no debe limitar en cuanto a dar para aquellos que tienen los medios y la voluntad de dar más, cuando miramos en nuestra tradición, vemos como John Wesley enseñó este importante principio “trabaja todo lo que pueda, ahora todo lo que pueda y da todo lo que pueda”, este principio es muy similar a lo que dijo la Madre Teresa, "da hasta que sienta dolor.” El Nuevo Testamento nos enseña en la primera carta del Apóstol Pablo a la Iglesia de Corintios capítulo 16, versículo 2, que los cristianos somos llamados a dar de forma individual, con regularidad, metódicamente, y proporcionalmente para apoyar las necesidades de evangelización y de la misión de la Iglesia local y universal. El Apóstol Pablo nos recuerda en su segunda carta a la comunidad de Corintios capítulo 9, versículos 6-8, que el dar viene de un corazón agradecido y lleno del amor de Dios, lo cual es una característica del creyente que ha nacido de nuevo, porque "El que siembra escasamente, también segará escasamente; y el que siembra generosamente, generosamente también segará. Cada uno dé como propuesto en su corazón, no con tristeza, ni por necesidad, porque Dios ama al dador alegre. Y poderoso es Dios para hacer que abunde en nosotros toda gracia, a fin de que, teniendo siempre en todas las cosas todo lo suficiente, abundéis para toda buena obra.” Y el Apóstol Pablo llama nuestra atención diciendo "Así que mi Dios les proveerá de todo lo que necesiten, conforme a las gloriosas riquezas que tiene en Cristo Jesús” (Filipenses 4:19, NVI). Mi oración durante esta temporada de verano es que Dios toque nuestros corazones para que seamos dadores generosos para la extensión del Reino de Dios en nuestras comunidades y en el mundo. Su servidor en Cristo Jesús, Pastor Rafael 5 BIBLE PASSAGES & SERMON THEMES 10AM SERVICE July 5– 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13 Edward Johnson is preaching July 12–2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24, Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29 Frank Gaylord is preaching July 19 – Exodus 20:8-10; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 “The Hallowing of Time” July 26 – 2 Samuel 11:1-15; 11:26-12:13;Ephesians 3:14-21 “David and Bathsheba” ESCRITURAS Y TÍTULOS DE SERMONES – JULIO 5PM SERVICIO Julio 5 Hebreos 11:8-9 Dios construye una nación Julio 12 Génesis 39:20-23 José: De esclavo a diputado Julio 19 Éxodo 3:1-10,14; 4:10-12 Liberación Julio 26 Éxodo 20:1-17; Hechos 7:48-50, 1 Corintios 6:19 Nueva ley y nueva alianza 6 JULY MISSION OFFERING Second Harvest Foodbank – Feeding the Hungry of Southern Wisconsin Most of us know what it feels like to be hungry. Your stomach growls a little bit and you head to the refrigerator to get a little something to hold you over until your next meal. For about 1 in 8 of us in southwestern Wisconsin that next meal isn’t always there. That means 7 in 8 of us probably don’t know what it’s like to have to water down our food just to make it stretch another day. Or to have to put a crumpled up piece of paper in our son’s brown paper lunch bag so it looks like he has something to eat and he's not so embarrassed at school. That’s real hunger! Second Harvest is a food bank and acquires donated and bulk-purchased food from food manufacturers, growers, processors, grocery retailers and distributors. It processes food received in bulk into family size portions and makes the food available to partner agencies who directly serve families and individuals facing hunger. Your contribution will provide meals to people living with hunger in our community; $1 donated equals 3 meals. Along with funds, they need volunteers to continue this work. Second Harvest saves annually more than $1.3 million in payroll based on a monthly average of 5,400 hours of volunteer service. This enables the organization to focus its resources on programs to serve families. To donate to this mission, please mark your check or offering envelope with “Second Harvest.” To volunteer or to find out more information, please check their website: www.secondharvestmadison.org. UPPER ROOMS ARE HERE The Upper Room is a great little devotional book that many people use to center on a Bible verse or two, and read a short meditation and prayer as you start or finish your day. The new July-August issue has arrived, and is in the narthex information center. HUMAN WELFARE FUND The Human Welfare Fund, a benevolent fund at our church, characterizes the unbiased kindness to do good. MUMC is a church of compassion and love because of the gracious giving of its people. Given the economic hardships facing many in our area, your support of the Human Welfare Fund is helping your neighbors in need. Thank you to those who have donated already. Further help is always appreciated. Please mark your donation with “Human Welfare Fund.” 7 SUMMER CHOIR CHIMES GROUP Our introductory session to learn how to handle the instruments and do some ringing will take place on Wednesday, July 8 at 6:30pm in the church Library. To help setup, please come at 6:15pm. Youth, parents and other adults who can read music are invited to join in. The group will decide if and when the next rehearsal will be. Please call Kay Cowing at 2410919 for more information. SOUL FEAST CONTINUES Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life by Marjorie J. Thompson Pastor Brad will lead a continued discussion of Soul Feast, which was first discussed during Lent. The first gathering will be on Wednesday, July 1 at 6pm to discuss Chapter 6, The Practice of Self-Emptying. The second gathering will be on Wednesday, July 22 at 6pm to discuss Chapter 9, Entertaining Angels Unawares. The location of the class will be in the Community Room at 201 Frost Woods Rd. All are welcome. SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEEDED It seems very early but we will start collecting school supplies for the Bridge Road-Lake Point-Waunona Neighborhood Community Center. Please bring in your donations by Sunday, August 16. Thanks for your generosity. *Notebooks *Tape *Folders *Pencils *Markers *Crayons *Colored Pencils *Paper (of any kind) *Glue (of any kind) SUMMER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Liturgists, Ushers, Fellowship hosts, Acolytes, Greeters and Dishwashers are needed every Sunday to make everyone feel welcome at Monona United Methodist Church. Summer months can be especially hard to find volunteers with vacations being planned and camps being enjoyed. If you know that you will be attending worship on a particular Sunday, please consider helping in one or more ways. There is a signup sheet in front of the office where you can sign up individually or to fill all the volunteer spots with others from your committee. We especially need fellowship hosts during August. 8 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Quilters/Yarncrafters – There is no formal Quilters or Yarncrafters during the summer but if you are available, stop by at 1pm on Mondays, July 6, 13, 21, and 27 in Fellowship Hall. JAVA JIVE CLEAN DRINKING WATER Equal Exchange sends a social premium to each co-op they partner with at the end of the harvest season. The co-op decides how to spend the premium. A small community of cacao farmers in the Dominican Republic, near San Raefael, had to travel 3 miles to get clean water from a river and transport it back by donkey. This community came together and chose to use their social premium and dig a 12 mile trench from a freshwater spring in the mountains to their little community. Now that is a LONG trench to dig!! Now CLEAN DRINKING WATER runs to every household. Norton Frias a long time leader in the co-op and community said, “We believed it was impossible, but we did it.” We are very grateful.” “It's the Best Water in the World.” They are so thankful for the partnership of Equal Exchange Authentic Fair Trade. Our purchases here at MUMC of cacao products, yummy organic chocolate bars and cocoa etc. helped make this happen--WOW-- Thanks for being part of this mission in 15 countries including the U.S. Together WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE-Fair trade products will be sold July 26. Kay Mackie- UMW Authentic Fair Trade Team coordinator BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Our next Blood Pressure Screening will be Sunday, July 12, 9:30-10:00 am in Pastor Brad's office. These screenings are staffed by medical volunteers from the congregation. READ ‘EM & MEET The book club list for next year is available in the Narthex information center. Please pick up a list and begin your reading. We will begin on Saturday, July 25 @ 10:00am with the book, Gray Mountain by John Grisham at the home of Kara Roisum. Bring a coffee cake, some fruit or juice to share. Visitors and new members are always welcome to attend. ONLINE NEWSLETTER Our church website has a copy of the current month’s newsletter. If you misplace your paper copy, you can go there to read it: www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org 9 EMMCA East Madison/Monona Coalition of the Aging works with aging adults through east Madison and Monona in a number of capacities including: case management, nutrition sites, our Adult Day Center, and Home Chore program. Currently they are looking for volunteers for our Home Chore program. Can you spare an hour or two per month to make a difference in the life of a senior? There are numerous seniors residing in the East Madison/Monona area who are in need of help with basic chores around their homes in order to maintain their independence and life satisfaction. These seniors are physically unable to complete the chores on their own and are unable to afford to hire help. Your donation of an hour or two of your time per month to help a senior with dusting, vacuuming, mowing, raking, or snow shoveling can make the difference between a senior being able to continue to live in their own home or being forced to give up their independence. Make a difference by becoming a volunteer with the East Madison/Monona Coalition of the Aging Home Chore Program. Call the EMMCA Home Chore Coordinator, Donna Malaise, at 223-3100 ext. 6 to get started. A VACATION REMINDER Summer is a time for many people to travel, and church attendance may be more sporadic for some. If you are going to be out of town, please drop your offering envelope in the mail. This may also be a time to set up your donation to automatically get deposited into the church account. There are forms available in the church office. Please contact the church office if you have any questions. 2015 SUMMER RED KETTLE CAMPAIGN The 2015 Summer Kettle campaign is to raise funds for the food pantry, shelter and community meals. The need for food is much higher in the summer when the children are out of school and do not have access to the meals they would get while in school. Please check your calendar and take a shift: Friday, July 10 to Saturday, July 18. Sign up now for Summer Kettle Campaign online: madisonsa.volunteerfirst.org/# We invite you to get a location and shift that fits your schedule. You can also call 250-2235 to sign up and for more information. 10 TEST YOURSELF—WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PRISON SYSTEM? “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:35-46 This inspiring verse from the New Testament helps us practice our faith by looking at others in our society in a new way, including the poor, those who are marginalized, those who lack healthcare, and those who are incarcerated. The Church and Society Work Area here at Monona United Methodist Church has elected to focus on prison reform issues for the 201516 church year, as was announced at the Peace with Justice Sunday on May 31. Each month this year, in the church newsletter, an article will update readers with information on this topic – and this month, we offer a little quiz so you can test your knowledge on the issue. Here we go: 1. What country has the highest rate of incarceration? 2. How many correctional institutions does Wisconsin have? 3. What is the average daily inmate population in Wisconsin? 4. What percent of people incarcerated in Wisconsin in the past year were not new offenders but were returned to prison for perceived parole violations? 5. Has Wisconsin’s prison population increased or decreased in recent years? 6. Who are these Wisconsin citizens that are incarcerated? 7. What is the Church and Society Work Area? Here are the answers – how many did you get right? Number one - Believe it or not, the United States of America ranks at the top of all the nations in the world for the number of its citizens that are incarcerated. That’s one out of every 100 adults in the nation is involved in corrections in some way. Numbers two and three - Wisconsin runs 36 correctional facilities, with an average daily inmate population of 23,015. Unfortunately, all these institutions combined were only designed to accommodate 17,590 residents, so overcrowding is one of the many problems that needs to be addressed. Number four - Fifty-two percent of all the prisoners incarcerated in Wisconsin during the past year had committed no new crime but were judged to be in violation of their parole. Violations include traveling outside of their restricted area, computer or cellphone use without prior authorization, borrowing money, and even accepting a job without getting permission from a parole agent. Another problem is the well-documented unreliability of GPS monitoring devices. When they “go off” a prisoner is immediately returned to corrections without a hearing or legal representation. Number five - Wisconsin’s prison population has fallen by about 2,000 inmates since 2007, so this brings some good news. Why, then, do we need to build more prisons and increase the corrections budget by $5 million? 11 Number 6 - According to the Wisconsin Department of Correction’s website, the inmate profile for 2014 includes the following: • 94% of the population is male • 53% of males and 69% of females identify themselves as White • 42% of males and 24% of females identify themselves as Black • 9% of males and 3% of females identify themselves of Hispanic origin • 34% of males and 79% of females have a mental health condition • 65% of males and 70% of females report that they have completed high school or have a High School Equivalency Diploma • 67% have committed a violent offense • Almost 24% have an active conviction for a sex offense • Just over half are in their first episode of adult prison incarceration in Wisconsin And, finally, Number 7 – The C&S Work Area is concerned with contemporary ethical and social justice issues and how Christians can respond to them from the perspective of the Christian faith. Our role is consciousness raising, education and advocacy. In recent years, we have sponsored programs on problems such as immigration, healthcare, climate change, bullying, sustainable agriculture and sponsored movie nights utilizing films that deal with social justice concerns. 12 AGRACE HOSPICECARE Grief Support Opportunities In July, Agrace will offer grief support opportunities that are open to the public and provided without charge. All groups are held at Agrace, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway, Madison. Bridges Weekly Support Group This ongoing, weekly grief support group is for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. Registration is not required. • Evening: Tuesdays from 6-7:30 pm • Morning: Wednesdays from 9:30-11 am For details on all Agrace grief support groups, visit agrace.org. Orientation for Prospective Volunteers In July, Agrace will offer volunteer orientation opportunities for those interested in making a difference in the lives of others. An orientation session will be held Monday, July 13, from 8 am to noon and Wednesday, July 29, from 5-9pm at Agrace. Prior to attending orientation, prospective volunteers will complete an application and an interview process with Agrace’s Volunteer Services staff to identify the volunteer’s skills and interests. Call (608) 327-7163 to begin the pre-orientation process. Care Navigation Service Helps People Manage a Serious Illness Better Do you know someone in southern Wisconsin who’s struggling to manage a chronic or serious illness? That person may need frequent doctor appointments or make repeat emergency hospital visits when their symptoms become more than they can handle. Would they benefit from having personalized guidance from a nurse so they can remain independent at home? Agrace Palliative Care offers a supportive “health coaching” service for chronically or seriously ill people: Agrace Care Navigation. A registered nurse works with participants to help them manage their pain and symptoms, learn about their medications, coordinate health care appointments, better understand their condition and more. Phone support is provided 24/7. For people struggling to manage their illness, Agrace Care Navigation can be an affordable way to add a layer of support. The $150/month subscription fee pays for itself by improving overall health, reducing costs related to ER visits and hospitalizations, and providing the participant and family with peace of mind. Funding for the service is available through Agrace for people who qualify based on financial need. If you know someone who might appreciate this service, or for more information about Agrace Care Navigation, call Agrace at (800) 930-2770. 13 Cash Flow May 31, 2015 Month General Fund $ Income General Operating Expenses Net Surplus (Shortfall) $ 22,527 19,101 3,426 Year to Date $ $ 122,459 109,549 12,910 A STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE Give It Twice Trust: While visiting the Wills Planner on her favorite charity's website, June, a surviving spouse, came across the idea of a Give it Twice Trust. She contacted us for more information and a Foundation staff member explained the concept as a way to first give income to children through a trust and then transfer the trust balance to charity in the future. June: "Fred and I talked about this before he passed away. We both agreed that we wanted to treat each of our four children equally and also provide a benefit to our local church and other charities." Jean Nicholas of the Foundation staff told June that with her estate of $800,000 she would have the ability to do something significant for both her family and favorite charity. June was concerned because while her three older children are financially responsible, her youngest, Jim, "spends money like water." June was afraid that if Jim were to receive cash in a lump sum he would spend it right away. Jean explained that the "Give It Twice" plan could be very helpful. June could transfer $400,000 from her IRA at death to establish a Charitable Remainder Unitrust. Her children would each receive one-fourth of the 8% Unitrust payment for 20 years. That would give Jim a chance to learn to save and invest. After that time, the trust balance would benefit her charity. In addition, by using her IRA, June could save on income tax because the special trust is tax-exempt. June: I established a Give it Twice Trust and was thrilled with the plan. The prospect of helping my four children and my favorite charity made me happy and I knew that it was the right thing to do. Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation 1-888-903-9863 14 The Life and Ministry of God’s People In Monona United Methodist Church July 2015 Sunday 5 See schedule below 12 See schedule below 19 See schedule below 4pm SW District celebration at Dodgeville UMC 26 See schedule below NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Coffee Sales Monday Tuesday 6 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters/ Yarncrafters 7 13 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters/ Yarncrafters 14 20 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters/ Yarncrafters 21 9:00am Staff Meeting 6:30 Finance 27 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters/ Yarncrafters 28 6:30 Ad Council Wednesday 1 6:00 Soul Feast 201 Frostwoods 6:30-8 Spanish Family Bible Study 8-10pm Feed Homeless 8 6:00 SPRC 6:30 Chimes Group-library 6:30-8 Spanish Family Bible Study 8-10pm Feed Homeless 15 6:30-8 Spanish Family Bible Study 8-10pm Feed Homeless 22 6:00 Soul Feast 201 Frostwoods 6:30-8 Spanish Family Bible Study 8-10pm Feed Homeless 29 6:30-8 Spanish Family Bible Study Thursday 2 6:30 Trustees Friday 3 Pastor Brad on vacation thru July 18 Saturday 4 7-9am Prayer Vigil 6pm-Popcorn on the hill until start of fireworks 10 10am English 11 7-9am Prayer Vigil 9am English cls 17 10am English 18 7-9am Prayer Vigil 9am English cls 23 24 10am English 8-10pm Feed Homeless UMW MissionU Drive In DayWausau 25 7-9am Prayer Vigil 9am English cls 30 9am Newsletter Helpers 8-10pm Feed Homeless 31 10am English 8-10pm Feed Homeless 9 8-10pm Feed Homeless 16 8-10pm Feed Homeless 8-10pm Feed Homeless NEWSLETTER DEADLINE SUNDAY SCHEDULE Newsletter Deadline is July 26. 10:00 Worship 11:00 Fellowship 5:00 Worship in Spanish Information arriving after the above date may not be in the August newsletter. Remember, you can FAX your article to 222-2395 or email to secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net 15 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 606 NICHOLS ROAD MONONA, WI 53716 NON PROFIT ORG. U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 969 MADISON WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The HILLTOP HERALD is produced monthly for distribution to the members and friends of Monona United Methodist Church & Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador. Editors: Pastor Brad Van Fossen 414-534-8791 (cell) Pastor Rafael Cubilette 225-8899 (cell) Kay DeBraal – Administrative Assistant 222-1633 Monona UMC Church office 222-1633 (Fax 222-2395) Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Homepage www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org Pastor Brad – bkvanfossen@gmail.com Kay – secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net Worship 10:00am Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador 514-9470 Pastor Rafael – sandokanc@yahoo.com Spanish Worship 5:00pm JULY 2015 JULY 4TH COMMUNITY OUTREACH “Open Hearts! Open Minds! Open Doors!” To Our Neighbors! Stop by for free popcorn and water, and stay to help out. Parking in our lot will also be free, though donations will be accepted. Many thanks to El Libertador for heading up this event. Contact Oscar Diaz (213-6158, oscarenediaz@hotmail.com), or the church office (222-1633, secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net) to volunteer. 16 Vacation Bible School Registration Form August 3-6, 2015 Vacation Bible School 2015 Please return this form to the Monona United Methodist Church office by Sunday, August 2. If you have any questions, feel free to email the church at secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net. _____Yes, I can assist with activities:____________________________ Adult/Student Helper’s Name I would like to help with: ___Crafts ___Music ___Dinner preparation ___Bible Story ___Games ___Other:______________ _____Yes, we will be staying for dinner. Number of people:_____ Children will be grouped into Family Cottages. Would you like your children to be in the same cottage ______ or different cottages _____ ? __________________________________________________________ Child’s Name Age & Grade in Fall Journey to India __________________________________________________________ Child’s Name Age & Grade in Fall August 3-6, Monday – Thursday __________________________________________________________ Child’s Name Age & Grade in Fall 6 – 8pm (including a family dinner) Parents:___________________________________________________ Phone Number Calling all Travelers! This year the children of Monona UMC will explore India. Join us as we learn about Indian culture, games, crafts, stories and food, while reflecting on Bible stories. __________________________________________________ Address Cell Phone Number E-mail address: ____________________________________________ For Preschool - 5th grade students Emergency Contact & Phone: __________________________________________________________ Monona United Methodist Church 606 Nichols Road, Monona, WI 53716 608-222-1633, secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net Allergies or other medical concerns:_____________________________ __________________________________________________________ 17
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