HILLTOP HERALD-FEBRUARY 2015 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH & IGLESIA METODISTA UNIDA EL LIBERTADOR FEBRUARY MISSION PROJECT - ROAD HOME Our monthly mission offerings will go to The Road Home, Dane County (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Madison Area). IHN opened its doors in Madison in April 1999 in response to the growing needs of families in Dane county. Although starting out as an emergency shelter, IHN has continued to develop programs to meet the needs of low-income families. Due to that growth they changed their name to The Road Home on July 1, 2008. The Road Home serves homeless families with children in collaboration with local faith communities and organizations. They are committed to the empowerment and long-term success of children and families, to serving each family with dignity and respect and to achieving results in helping families improve their lives. They welcome the entire community, in all its diversity, to participate in the pursuit of safe, affordable housing for all. They serve on average four families at any one time. During the day the families are at a day center which is open 7am-5pm seven days a week. At 5pm, the families go to a host congregation. The host congregations provide three meals, evening activities for the children and overnight housings for one week, 3-4 times per year. Shelter Buddies assist a host by providing volunteers, food and other supplies during their hosting weeks. Each Sunday the families move to the next host congregation. To support this mission, please mark your checks or offering envelopes with “Road Home.” Monona UMC is a shelter buddy to Lake Edge UCC on Buckeye Road. Mark your calendars for our remaining 2015 volunteer dates: April 10, September 11 and December 18. If you are interested in volunteering with this project, contact Karelyn Hopkins at 577-3185. VOLUNTEER SIGN UP DAYS On Sundays, February 1 & 8 we will have the opportunity to sign up to serve during the next three months as fellowship hour hosts, liturgists, greeters, acolytes, etc. Please consider serving. WE NEED YOU!!! THANKS TO THE STAFF The Staff Parish Relations Committee cordially invites you to Fellowship after both services on Sunday, February 8. We will be sharing treats in celebration and appreciation of our MUMC staff. The 2015 SPRC committee includes Carolyn Bennett, Frank Flynn, Linda Jackson, Jim Jacobus, Marjorie Kaukl, De'Kendrea Stamps, Dick Van Dreel, and Maribeth Witzel-Behl. Come say Hi and help us thank our staff for the great work they do! BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING There will be Blood Pressure Screening on Sunday, February 8 at 10:00-10:30am in Pastor Brad's office. These screenings are staffed by medical volunteers from the congregation. Keep Healthy - have your blood pressure checked!! 1 PASTOR’S COLUMN In Ann Lamott’s novel, Crooked Little Heart, 13-year-old Rosie has been cheating on close line calls to win crucial tennis matches. Rosie’s shame grows as she is unable to stop herself. She even hurts herself in a physical attempt to get her mother’s attention, but she’s trapped by her compulsion to win. There’s an ominous man, an outcast named Luther who comes to every tournament, watching her, but she knows he won’t tell. Finally, Luther invites Rosie beyond her selfabsorbed guilt with his own confession: “I did what you did.” Rosie asks, “What do you mean?” Luther responds, “I cheated.” As her secret becomes visible to both of them, Rosie calls herself a cheater. “No,” Luther says, “you cheated.” Then he tells her that other people cheat, too. By doing that, he invites her into the company of flawed human beings. He also gives her a way to claim her identity as one who can make different choices, who can tell the truth. He makes room for repentance to begin. Rosie begins to change. She’s reprimanded by the sportsmanship committee, but they allow her to continue playing. In the final game, she over-compensates, not calling points out because she wants to avoid the appearance of cheating. Then she finally has the courage to call a long shot correctly and Luther stands up to leave. “Aren’t you going to stay and watch Rosie win?” her mother asks. “I already have,” he says and disappears from the rest of the story. Change from the inside out takes time and testing of a new sense of self in relationship with others. It’s not just Rosie. All of us have places in our lives where we feel isolated, where we cheat to succeed, where we’re ashamed of our own flawed humanity. One of the things I love about church is that it’s a community where we can experiment in telling the truth—especially in smaller groupings where we can talk about what’s going on in our lives, where we don’t always have to hide our human flaws and keep a good face. I’m so glad that it’s possible, and that we actually have a season to focus on this kind of ‘spirituality of imperfection.’ “Welcome to grace,” God seems to say. Welcome to Lent. I hope that during Lent (February 22 – March 29) you’ll consider being part of a discussion about our flawed attempts to lead spiritual lives. We’ll gather once a week to talk about what we’re reading in a book called Soul Feast. You can look at a copy of it on the table outside the church office. There will be a sheet there and in the Sunday bulletin to say you’re interested in participating. I hope you will. I’m looking forward to the time together. In Christ, Pastor Brad 2 BIBLE PASSAGES & SERMON THEMES February 1 – Mark 1:21-28 “The Potency of Christ” February 8 – 1 Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39 “What Is Your Life’s Vocation?” February 15 – Mark 9:2-9 “Christ’s True Self…and Ours” February 18 – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 “The Imposition of Ashes” February 22 – Mark 1:9-15 Sermon Series For Lent: Give Up, Take Up, Lift Up, Look Up “Give Up Excess” ESCRITURAS Y TEMAS DE SERMONES - 5PM SERVICIO Febrero 1 - Deuteronomio 18:15-20, 1 Corintios 8:1-13, Marcos 1:21-28 “Ven y descansa un rato” Febrero 8 - Isaías 40:21-31, 1 Corintios 9:16-23, Marcos 1:29-39 “Mi amado” Febrero 15 - 2 Reyes 2:1-12, 2 Corintios 4:3-6, “Cuando todos nuestros sistemas fallan” Marcos 9:2-9 Febrero 22 - Génesis 9:8-17, 1 Pedro 3:18-22, Marcos 1:9-15 “La tentación de Jesús” 3 LOVE The Apostle Paul said: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud” (1 Corinthians 13:4). And according to Gospel of John 17:18-23 Jesus Prayed: “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” The month of February is called the month of Love, when people from different Christian traditions emphasis friendship and love, when stores are inundated with all kinds of (Saint) Valentine gifts and cards, I invite you to reflect on the Apostle Paul’s words and on a beautiful prayer where our Lord Jesus Christ prayed for communion and harmony, recognizing that the better way to show God’s love is to reach out to His children who are oppressed because of their love for Him. There are so many in need of knowing that we support them and their courage. Beloved in Christ, this prayer is a beautiful gift from God to us, because this prayer calls us to be in communion, in harmony, in the Spirit, and In Christ Jesus. But, we can only be one, if we have the love of Christ in us. Personally, I love the way in which our Lord Jesus Christ begins this prayer, saying that God sent Him to the world, and that He sent to the world those who believe in him. So, there is a commission for every Christian in this prayer: Go and testify of the Love of God in Jesus Christ, because as the Bible say: “God is Love” (1 John 4:8). Let me conclude with an acrostic about LOVE: Let Jesus Christ’s love dwell in your very being, Obey His one commandment to love each other; Value as great as He loved you in dying, Ever forgiving in love for one another. May you have a blessed month of February, and have a Happy Valentine’s Day! Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Rafael. DOMINICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY! Come to celebrate the 170th anniversary of Dominican Republic Independence. This year the celebration will be on Sunday March 1, 2015. Dominican food will be served. Come to celebrate! 4 AMOR El apóstol Pablo dijo: "El amor es paciente, amor es bueno. Amor no tiene envidia, no es jactancioso, no se envanece" (1 Corintios 13: 4). Y de acuerdo al Evangelio de Juan 17: 18-23 Jesús oró: "Como tú me enviaste al mundo, yo los he enviado al mundo. Y por ellos me santifico a mí mismo, para que también ellos sean santificados en la verdad. No ruego sólo por éstos. Ruego también por los que han de creer en mí por la palabra, que todos ellos sean uno, Padre, así como tú estás en mí y yo en ti. , Que también ellos sean uno en nosotros para que el mundo crea que tú me has enviado. Yo les he dado la gloria que me diste, para que sean uno como nosotros somos uno yo en ellos y tú en mí, para que puedan ser perfectos en unidad. Entonces el mundo conozca que tú me has enviado y que los has amado a ellos como me has amado". Este mes de febrero llamado el mes del amor, cuando personas de diferentes tradiciones cristianas hacen un énfasis especial en la amistad y el amor, cuando las tiendas están inundadas con todo tipo de regalos y tarjetas de “San” Valentín, los invito a reflexionar sobre las palabras del apóstol Pablo y en la hermosa oración de Jesús, donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo oró por la comunión y la armonía. Reconociendo que la mejor manera de mostrar el amor de Dios es allegándonos a sus hijos que son oprimidos a causa de su amor por Él. Hay tantas personas en necesidad de saber que le apoyamos y que apoyamos sus valores. Amados en Cristo, esta oración es un hermoso regalo de Dios para nosotros, porque esta oración nos llama a estar en comunión, en armonía, en el Espíritu, y en Cristo Jesús. Pero, sólo podemos ser uno, si tenemos el amor de Cristo en nosotros. Personalmente, me encanta la forma en que nuestro Señor Jesucristo comienza esta oración, diciendo que Dios lo envió al mundo, y que envió al mundo a los que creen en él. Entonces, hay una comisión para todo cristiano en esta oración: Ir y dar testimonio del amor de Dios en Jesucristo!, porque como dice la Biblia: "Dios es Amor" (1 Juan 4: 8). Permítanme concluir con un acróstico sobre el AMOR: Amado hermano y amigo deja que el amor de Jesucristo More en ti, Obedeciendo su mandamiento de amarnos los unos a los otros; Reconociendo como valor tan grande su muerte de cruz, y el amor a los demás. Que tengas un mes de Febrero bendecido y feliz día de San Valentín! Su servidor en Cristo, Pastor Rafael DÍA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DOMINICANA! Ven a celebrar el 170 aniversario de la Independencia de la República Dominicana. Este año la celebración será el domingo 01 de marzo, 2015. Serviremos comida dominicana. Ven a celebrar! 5 READ ‘EM & MEET BOOK CLUB The Read ‘Em and Meet Book Club will meet at the home of Betty Kruska on Sunday, February 1 at 2pm. Crime of Magnitude by Mark Lemberger will be discussed. LENT AT MUMC IN 2015 Sunday, February 15 – Fat “Tuesday” celebration Special “Mardi Gras” style music will be provided by Winds & Keys (Linda & Jim Jackson and Dianne Totten) during the morning worship services. We will also be serving bread pudding made by Clyde Drake during fellowship. Ash Wednesday, February 18, 7pm worship service Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent as a time to prepare our hearts for the great mystery of Easter. During the forty days of Lent, we remember how our Lord suffered, died, and came to life again, all because of God’s great love for us. Lent is about more than penitence or misdeeds or guilt. Lent is an invitation to remove obstructions that get in the way and to come closer to God. BOOK DISCUSSION FOR LENT Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life by Marjorie J. Thompson Five sessions from the weeks of February 22-28 through March 22-28. Please fill out the survey in this newsletter so we can choose the day and time. HILLTOPPERS The Hilltoppers will be meeting for a potluck supper on Monday, February 9 at 5:45 PM in fellowship hall. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. An intriguing program will be presented by Carolyn Bennett about Numerology, which means the symbolism of numbers. All are welcome to attend. FLOWER CALENDAR The new 2015 flower calendar is on the kiosk in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like to give flowers on a particular Sunday, please sign up on the calendar. We have an immediate need on February 22. OUR SYMPATHY --Goes to Anna Mae Wilken and her family, upon the death of her husband, Leo, on January 6. --Bob DeBraal and his family, upon the death of his sister, June McGregor, on January 17. --Dario Hernández and his family, upon the death of his wife, Rev. Isabel Hernández, on January 20. 6 NOTIFICATION OF CONGREGATIONAL DEATHS The Monona UMC Caring Committee would like for us all to be notified when someone in our church family passes away. Death can come so fast and unexpected that a person might be gone and buried between Sundays and only the people who are current on the obituaries might be aware. We have asked Kay to e-mail out death notices and hope that those who get notified would take it upon themselves to call others who do not have e-mail. Thanks, MUMC Caring Committee. TOWN HALL POTLUCK/MEETING SUNDAY MARCH 8 The Worship Committee will host a potluck on Sunday March 8 following the second service to start a discussion about the Sunday morning schedule. Everyone is invited to attend. More information will follow in the March newsletter. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Celebrates 25 Years On Sunday, February 1, millions of Americans will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a warm meal. Please join young people around the country as they demonstrate God’s love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Drop $1 (or more) in the soup pot as you leave worship on February 1. Since the Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990, more than $100 million has gone to help people in need. Funds collected will be sent directly to our local food pantry (St. Stephen’s). SUMMER CAMPS Summer camp can be a powerful place…our youth and families develop life-long friends, enjoy outdoor adventures, all while having time to reflect, renew and find their true identity in Christ. Inside you will find information on all the summer camp programs offered. Wisconsin United Methodist Camps is now offering a 4-month payment plan to families when they register by March 1, 2015 and pay with a credit card. Register online at www.WIUMCamps.org/reg Don't forget Monona UMC provides a scholarship for each family that attends camp. 7 HUNGRY STUDENTS Students at The Crossing, the UW Madison campus ministry, are appreciative of the free Sunday evening meals they enjoy following their worship service. This winter, we have taken responsibility for the meal on Sunday, March 15, and need some people to help. If you could make a casserole, bring a bag of salad, some bread, or bake some bars, please sign up on the clipboard in the office. We will need a vegan option and a gluten-free option this year. The food would need to be at our church by 4:00pm that day, so it can be taken downtown. ADVANCED LAY SERVANT COURSE LEADING PRAYER Dates: Sundays, March 1, 8, 15, & 22 Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Place: Lancaster United Methodist Church 216 S Monroe St, Lancaster, WI 53813 Teacher/Facilitator: Pastor Barbara Cook Theme: This advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries focuses on Leading Public Prayer and on building one’s personal prayer life. Prerequisites: This course is an approved class for those who are pursuing the path to Lay Speaking Ministry, but is open to anyone who wishes to develop more confidence in their prayer life. In order to receive Lay Servant credit for this course, participants must be active members of a United Methodist Church and must first have completed a Basic Lay Servant course. To register: email dbcook@tds.net or call 608.723.4332, or mail registration letter to the Lancaster United Methodist Church. Registration fee is $25.00 and can be paid on the first day of class. Checks can be made payable to the Lancaster United Methodist Church. Please register by February 15, 2015. ONLINE NEWSLETTER Our church website has a copy of the current month’s newsletter. If you misplace your paper copy, you can go there to read it: www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org 8 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN INFORMATION Quilters - Meet every Monday, except the 2nd Monday, at 1:00pm in Fellowship Hall. This month we will meet on February 2, 16 and 23. Yarncrafters will meet all the Mondays of February at 1:00pm. New members are always welcome! Friendship Circle - Tuesday, February 3 at 6:45pm at the home of Anna Mae Wilken. Executive Meeting - Monday, February 9 at 1:30pm in the church library. Faith Circle- Thursday, February 12 at 1pm. at the home of Jan Wanek. Reading Circle - Thursday, February 26 @ 1:30pm at the home of Vicki Ford. The book is Chasing Chaos by Jessica Alexander. We welcome new women to our circle! VALENTINE BAKE SALE NEWS Attention all UMW members, baked goods/candy for the Valentine bake sale may be brought to church on Saturday, February 7 from 3-4 pm. If you are unable to bring your items on Saturday, bring them to church on Sunday. Please have items packaged to sell and labeled with contents, i.e. Brownies with nuts. UMW VALENTINE BAKE SALE On Sunday, February 8 you can treat yourself or someone you love to homemade goodies. The UMW will hold a bake sale after the 9:00 and 10:30 services. A "Love Offering" container will be on the table for you to donate the amount you wish; the items will not be priced. Proceeds from the bake sale will go to missions worldwide. UMW MUG AND MUFFIN Save the date for the UMW Mug and Muffin on Saturday, March 7 from 10am-12pm in Fellowship Hall (no reservation is needed). CLYDE DRAKE HONORED BY UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Clyde Drake, (Church Custodian) was presented with a Special Mission Recognition Certificate & Pin and a monetary gift during the January Executive Committee Meeting. He was recognized for his leadership and assistance with event set-up and coordination of church maintenance projects throughout the year. We are very grateful for his ongoing assistance. 9 JAVA JIVE- STATS FOR 2014 1- We are starting our 11th year of this UMW Authentic Fair Trade Mission. $5,000 of fair trade products were sold in 2014. Most ever! Thanks for your continued support of this mission for justice, equality and sustainability, for small farmers in 15 countries including the U.S. Social Justice is the heart of the Gospels. 2-The General Conference of the UMC partnered with EEx in their interfaith division in 2003. EEx sends 15 cents of every pound sold to UMCOR for their small farmer project. $20,000 was sent last year to UMCOR. They sell to us at wholesale prices and we pass that on to you. This is not a fund raiser. 3-There are 10,000 interdenominational congregations who participate in this social justice mission. MUMC is one of the top 100 sellers. Congratulations! 4- EEx coop demonstrates an equitable democratic model for business and is a for profit business. The ratio of EEx top to bottom pay is 5 to 1. The ratio of CEO pay in about 300 large corporations is 300 to 1. 5- THANKS TO: Jackie Hull for coordinating the Saturday set up and her crew, Peggy Traver and Karelyn Hopkins. Jean Van Dreel for coordinating inventory and “putting away” products. Many super sales people for selling at the fair trade table: Linda Jackson, Barb Pearson, Sally Weidemann, Nancy Engle, Jan Wanek Jean Van Dreel, Marilyn Hearden, and Barb Helsel. Joy Newman, our UMW treasurer, for "keeping the books". 6-Fair trade products will be sold on February 22. Suggestions, questions and volunteers always welcome. Kay Mackie- UMW team coordinator of Fair Trade Mission Project. TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S LIVES! --Heartfelt thanks for all the prayers, cards, gifts and your presence at Leo’s memorial service. Your expression of love and support has surely been evident during our sadness. Anna Mae Wilken and family --I would like to thank the members of the Monona United Methodist Women for awarding me the Special Mission Recognition for my efforts to make our church a safer and more inviting place, for my duties performed for the MUMW, and for constructing the MUMW bookshelf. I am very honored to have been recognized. Thank you! Clyde 10 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY Nuestro Mundo Community School is looking for Schools of Hope tutors who are willing to: • Tutor one or two children at a time in literacy or math (in English or Spanish- bilingual tutors are especially needed), with materials provided by school staff. • Commit at least one hour per week on a consistent basis for at least one academic semester. • Be placed between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:00 pm, based on availability. • Never tutored before? Don’t worry—training is provided! If you would like more information about tutoring and/or would like to apply, please contact Marissa Gehrke, the Schools of Hope AmeriCorps Tutor Coordinator at Nuestro Mundo at nuestromundo@schoolsofhope.org. TUTORES PARA SCHOOLS OF HOPE La Escuela Comunitaria Nuestro Mundo está buscando tutores para Schools of Hope que estén interesados en: • Ser tutores de uno o dos niños a la vez, en lectoescritura o matemáticas en inglés o en español. Se necesitan especialmente tutores bilingües. Los materiales serán proporcionados por el personal de la escuela. • Comprometerse por lo menos una hora a la semana en forma consistente por un semestre académico como mínimo. • Ser ubicado entre las 8:30 a.m. y las 3:00 p.m. según la disponibilidad de los alumnos. ¿Nunca ha sido tutor? No se preocupe, ¡ofrecemos entrenamiento! Si desea obtener más información acerca de ser tutor o cómo solicitarlo, por favor comuníquese con Marissa Gehrke, Coordinadora de tutores de Schools of Hope AmeriCorps de Nuestro Mundo a nuestromundo@schoolsofhope.org. FAITH & FAMILY NIGHT WITH THE MILWAUKEE BUCKS Friday, February 20, 2015 7:30pm Tip-Off You are invited to attend a Milwaukee Bucks game for a special price with your church friends and family. If you would like to sit together as a group all order forms must be submitted together. $40 – Lower Level Corner $31 – Lower Level End $25 – Upper Level Side $16 – Upper Level Corner/End No ticket required for children under the age of two. FAITH & FAMILY NIGHT FEATURES **Post-Game Concert featuring Brandon Heath & Nichole Nordeman! **Sweatshirt Bag for first 5000 kids 14 & under! Contact the church office by Sunday, February 15 for an order form. 11 AGRACE HOSPICECARE Orientation for Prospective Volunteers In February, Agrace will offer volunteer orientation opportunities for those interested in making a difference in the lives of others. An orientation session will be held Tuesday, February 11, from 8 a.m. to noon and Monday, February 16, from 5 - 9 p.m. at Agrace’s Madison campus, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway. Prior to attending orientation, prospective volunteers will complete an application and an interview process with Agrace’s Volunteer Services staff to identify the volunteer’s skills and interests. Call 327-7163 to begin the preorientation process. Grief Support Opportunities Open to the public and provided without charge. All groups are held at Agrace, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway, Madison. Bridges Weekly Support Group is held every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Preregistration is not required. For details on all Agrace grief support groups, visit agrace.org. Care Navigation Service Helps People Manage a Serious Illness Better Do you know someone in southern Wisconsin who’s struggling to manage a chronic or serious illness? That person may need frequent doctor appointments or make repeat emergency hospital visits when their symptoms become more than they can handle. Would they benefit from having personalized guidance from a nurse so they can remain independent at home? Agrace Palliative Care offers a supportive “health coaching” service for chronically or seriously ill people: Agrace Care Navigation. A registered nurse works with participants to help them manage their pain and symptoms, learn about their medications, coordinate health care appointments, better understand their condition and more. Phone support is provided 24/7. For people struggling to manage their illness, Agrace Care Navigation can be an affordable way to add a layer of support. The $150/month subscription fee pays for itself by improving overall health, reducing costs related to ER visits and hospitalizations, and providing the participant and family with peace of mind. Funding for the service is available through Agrace for people who qualify based on financial need. If you know someone who might appreciate this service, or for more information about Agrace Care Navigation, call Agrace at (800) 930-2770. 12 Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life by Marjorie J. Thompson Book Discussion for Lent Five sessions from weeks of February 22-28 thru March 22-28 “What I have observed over the past twenty years has increased my sense of urgency about the need for spiritual practice among us. If we do not learn to honor and strengthen the inner life of spirit, all the external changes in the world cannot save us. New laws, regulations, and technological fixes are all susceptible to human corruption and self-interest. If we do not know ourselves as beings created to reflect the divine image, we will lose the immense opportunity for transformation God has offered us in the gift of life itself. And if the love of God embodied in Christ cannot turn us, how shall we be turned?” --from the Introduction This modern spiritual classic offers a framework for understanding basic spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing those practices. Pastor Brad will lead the discussions. Please join us! We are looking for volunteers to host a group in their homes. I can attend: Tuesdays 10 AM Wednesdays 6 PM Sundays 3 PM Sundays 11:45 AM I can host a small group (10-12) in my home: __________________________ (name) I want a book - $12 I need childcare for children ages __________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ (Please leave this sheet at the office or drop in offering plate, Thanks!) **************************************************************************************************** 13 Cash Flow December 31, 2014 General Fund Month $ Income General Operating Expenses Net Surplus (Shortfall) $ 30,896 20,287 10,609 Year to Date $ $ 315,234 303,560 11,674 A STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE #15-2 Giving is commanded. “I command you to be openhanded toward each other and toward the poor and needy in the land.” (Deut. 15:11) When Rev. Lowell Bartel retired, he wanted to honor the ministry of the many local pastors he admired as colleagues over the years. His initial gift of $10,000 established the Licensed Local Pastor Endowment Fund to provide financial assistance to Licensed Local Pastors attending the Course of Study for Ministry. To date, $6,550.43 has been distributed in scholarships. The amount available each year will be based on 5% of the balance in the Endowment Fund, which is $16,078.95 as of December 31, 2014. Rev. Bartel’s hope was that others would also contribute to this Endowment Fund. To date others who share his passion have added just over $4,000. What is your passion? What moves you to establish an Endowment Fund for a ministry in your church or the world? In this month of expressing our love and passion, we invite you to consider giving a gift that keeps on giving from now into perpetuity. Consider the gift of establishing an Endowment Fund for a ministry purpose that is important to you. Or consider adding funds to an existing account. (The Licensed Local Pastor Endowment Fund is account #C229 at the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation.) For more information on establishing an Endowment Fund for your church, please contact us. Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation 1-888-903-9863 or wumf@wumf.org 14 The Life and Ministry of God’s People In Monona United Methodist Church February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters & Yarncrafters 3 9:00am Staff Meeting 4 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 6 7 7-9am Prayer Vg 9am English Cls 6:45 Friendship Circle 7:00 Confirmation 5 9am-4pm Pastors meet with BishopDodgeville 8-10pm Feed Homeless 6:30 Trustees See schedule below “Souper” Bowl of Caring Volunteer Signups 10:15 Adult Sunday School 2:00 Read ‘Em & Meet 8 See schedule below UMW Valentine Bake Sale Volunteer Signups 10-10:30 Blood Pressure Screen 10:15 Adult Sunday School 11:40 Missions Committee 15 See schedule below 10:15 Adult Sunday School 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 9 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Yarncrafters 1:30 UMW Exec. Committee 5:45 Hilltoppers 10 9:00am Staff Meeting 16 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters & Yarncrafters 17 9:00am Staff Meeting 6:30 Finance 22 See schedule below Newsletter Deadline Coffee Sales 10:15 Adult Sunday School 11:30 Church & Society meeting 3-4pm Drop off items for UMW Bake Sale 23 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters & Yarncrafters 24 9:00am Staff Meeting 6:30 Ad Council 11 1:00 Lay Leadership Committee 8-10pm Feed Homeless 12 1:00 Faith Circle 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 13 6:30-10pm Confirmation to Synagogue 14 7-9am Prayer Vg 9am English Cls 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 8-10pm Feed Homeless 8-10pm Feed Homeless 18 Ash Wednesday 7:00 Worship 8-10pm Feed Homeless 19 6:00 SPRC 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 20 21 7-9am Prayer Vg 9am English Cls 25 9;00 CircuitOregon 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 8-10pm Feed Homeless 26 9:00 Newsletter Helpers 1:30 Reading Cr 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 27 28 7-9am Prayer Vg 9am English Cls SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:00 Worship 9:20 Sunday School 10:00 Fellowship 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 5:00 Worship in Spanish NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Newsletter Deadline is February 22. Information arriving after the above date may not be in the March newsletter. Remember you can FAX your article to 222-2395 or email to secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net. 15 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 606 NICHOLS ROAD MONONA, WI 53716 NON PROFIT ORG. U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 969 MADISON WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The HILLTOP HERALD is produced monthly for distribution to the members and friends of Monona United Methodist Church & Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador. Editors: Pastor Brad Van Fossen 414-534-8791 (cell) Pastor Rafael Cubilette 225-8899 (cell) Kay DeBraal – Administrative Assistant 222-1633 Monona UMC Church office 222-1633 (Fax 222-2395) Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Homepage www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org Pastor Brad – bkvanfossen@gmail.com Kay – secretarymumc@sbcglobal.net Worship 9:00am and 10:30am Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador 514-9470 Pastor Rafael – sandokanc@yahoo.com Spanish Worship 5:00pm FEBRUARY 2015 EASTER FLOWERS Flowers on the altar Easter Sunday add to the beauty of the day. This year we have a variety of flowers available. You may take your plant home after the 10:30 worship service on Easter Sunday, April 20. Please return this form with a check for your total flowers ordered to the church office by Sunday, March 8. You may choose the color of certain flowers. If you have questions call the church office (222-1633). ___ Lilies $13.00ea ___ Azaleas $19.00ea __pink, __purple, __white ___ Mums/Daisy $14.00ea __yellow, __white, __ lavender ___ Hydrangeas $28.00ea __pink, __blue ___ Tulips $13.00ea __red, __yellow, __pink, __white ___ Daffodils $13.00ea Donor_________________________________________________________________ In Honor of____________________________________________________________ OR In Memory of__________________________________________________________ 16
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