T hank you for worshipping with us this morning. We extend a special welcome to our guests and ask that you complete a blue or yellow visitor’s card and place it in the offering plate. I n the pew racks, are folders with information about the various aspects of the service. If you are visiting, please feel free to reach out to someone sitting near you and ask them questions about the service. Many of our visitors ask us about the time of offering. This is a time in our service when we respond to God’s gifts of love by offering the gifts of our lives. For many of us, this is when we make a financial gift towards the ministries and programs of our church. We also use this time to ask God how we might use the gifts of our hands and hearts in sharing God’s love. If you are visiting, there is no obligation to give a financial gift. We are just glad you are worshipping with us. A W T ll are invited to come down to the Social Room for refreshments and conversations following the service. e ask that you please silence your cell phones during our worship service. here is much information about the church in this bulletin. For more information on our history, programs, and recent photos, you can go to our website: www.erucc.org. Donate online by scanning this code: T hank you. May 3, 2015 EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH United Church of Christ - An Open and Affirming Congregation 5th Sunday of Easter 10:30 a.m. The numbered hymns are from the Red Hymnal †All who are able may stand. Heritage Sunday (This morning we will celebrate Heritage Sunday and be using the liturgy and hymns from the Evangelical and Reformed Church Hymnal (the red hymnal) as we celebrate our ground breaking for the new building project.) Chimes Concert at 10:00 a.m. from Trinity Chapel’s steeple Greetings and Announcements Prelude †Processional Hymn CENTENARY HYMN, Composed for the Centenary Celebration of the German Reformed Church, 1841, text by Mrs. L. J. Peirson “Thou Who Art Enthroned in Glory” 1. Thou who art enthroned in glory, Crown'd with love and robed in grace; Lo! We humbly bow before thee, Off'ring up our songs of praise. Mighty God and gracious Savior! Spirit of enduring Grace, Come in thine especial favour, With thy glory fill this place. tune- HYMN TO JOY 2. We would celebrate the changes Which an Hundred Years have made, Since our fathers - poor and strangers Sought the Western forest's shade. From Helvetia's vine-clad mountains Came a little friendless band; By the rich Rhine's infant fountains, Others left their Father-land. 3. Let our institutions flourish, Sending forth a pious band, With the words of life to nourish All who hunger through the land. Zion spreads her hands before Thee; Come, and in her temples reign, While we give all praise and glory To the triune God - Amen. †Order of Worship Exhortation Confession of Sin Kyrie Assurance of Pardon Gloria in Excelsis Page 21 Page 21 - No. 518 - No. 489 Thought for the Day The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. (Teachers and children ages 4 through 2nd grades may be dismissed for Children’s Church, in Parish House Conference Room, during the singing of the hymn.) †Hymn “O God, Above the Drifting Years” - No. 377 The Scriptures 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 NT page 241 NT page 109 †Gloria Patri †Confession of Faith - The Apostles’ Creed - No. 493 Page 23 Sermon Morning Prayers Prayer Response “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord” Hear our prayer, O God, hear our prayer, O God; Incline your ear to us, and grant us your peace. Recognition of Outgoing Elder, Deacons, and Committee Chair †Offering of Tithes, Gifts and Lives to Christ’s Service - No. 769 Offertory “Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place” - L. Larson The anthem incorporates "O God, Our Help in Ages Past." Please join with the choir in singing stanzas 2 and 3. 1. Choir 2. All Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting thou art God and endless years the same. 3. All O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be thou our guide while life shall last, and our eternal home! Amen - Choir †Presentation of Gifts †Offertory Response Service of Holy Communion Eucharistic Prayer Seraphic Hymn Agnus Dei The Communion Pages 24-26 - No. 522 - No. 525 Page 28 (All who desire the Sacrament, including children, are invited to come forward at the direction of the deacons. You may kneel or stand to receive the elements. Consume the bread and drink from the cup as it is given to you, and place your empty cup in the tray held by one of our youth, as you return to your seat by way of the side aisles. Please use the quiet time before and after you commune for private prayers, for your own needs and for the needs of others.) Prayer of Thanksgiving Page 29 †Recessional Hymn “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” stanzas 4, 5, 6 - No. 63 †Benediction and Amens - No. 557 †Postlude Today we remember and celebrate our heritage through the liturgy authorized by the General Synod the Evangelical and Reformed Church. ERUCC used this liturgy for many, many years and we remember the ways in which it shaped the spiritual life of our congregation. ††††† The flowers on the altar this morning are in loving memory of John and Peggy Garst by the Charles Garst family. The yellow rose bud on the stand is given by Tina Baker in honor of those who are serving or have served in the armed forces. (If you are interested in sponsoring the yellow rose, contact the church office.) The Lay Visitors for this week are Gerry Blessing and Pat Hevner. Lay visitors are members of the congregation who share friendship and visits with members of our congregation who are unable to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. These Faithful Friends visit members in their homes, hospitals, assisted living, and nursing homes. Faithful friends can also send cards or make phone calls to our homebound members. We can provide you with all contact information if you are interested in helping out. If you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please contact Pastor Daniel. Attendance last Sunday: 8:30a.m. – 16; 10:30 a.m. – 140. Anticipating a stay in the hospital? Please call the Church Office at 301-6622762. If you are admitted unexpectedly, please have a family member or friend notify the office. Hospital and Prayer List – your pastors want to be available when members of ERUCC are in the hospital. Please let us know so that we can visit with you and your family and provide support. We always ask permission before adding a name to be included in the prayer list or in the verbal announcements on a Sunday morning. There are many for whom we pray and visit whose names are not listed in the bulletin by their request. Prayer List - Please remember the following people in your prayers this week: Jack Mens, Cindy Castellucci, Molly Marsh, Renee Collmus, Regina Whalen, Esther Wallace (mother of Glenn Wallace) Terry Smiley (uncle of Scott Smiley), Roger (brother of Gail Ellam), Paul Howsare (father of Christine Crutchley), Joe Jahoda (Kim Jahoda’s dad), Tiara Leone Hitt (friend of Suzanne Marsh), Robin Breling (friend of Mary Meyer), and Antoinette Weedon (aunt of Samantha Weedon). On-going prayer concerns are listed on pink paper and can be found at the back of the church. We also ask you to remember all of those currently serving in the Armed Forces. Your prayers and cards are welcomed and appreciated by those on our prayer list. Jack Mens 5192 Maitland Terrace Frederick 21703-6096 Cindy Castellucci Homewood at Crumland Farms 7407 Willow Road Frederick 21702 Beth Suydan 1001 Carroll Parkway Apt. 206 Frederick 21702-8844 Esther Marie Wallace 9 Meadowcroft Ct. Montgomery Village MD 20886 Molly Marsh 938 Valley Road Knoxville 21758 Renee Collmus 212 Rockwell Terrace Frederick 21701-4910 Regina Whalen 1803 Greenspring Place Unit 404 Frederick 21702 Each Sunday at 10:30a.m. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/erucc TODAY @ ERUCC FOLLOWING WORSHIP WE WILL HAVE OUR ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. Items on the agenda – review of 2014 Financials and Committee and Organization reports, election of new members to the Consistory (Nominating Report on page 13), updates on the building project, AND GROUND BREAKING SERVICE at 1p.m. Lunch will be served. COPIES OF THE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. ADULT LEARNING OPTIONS: (9:30-10:15a.m.) Let’s Study and Bible and Prepare for Worship - Facilitated by Stefan Mach. (Meets in the downstairs conference room) Let’s Talk: “Inequality: Overcoming the Gaps that Divide: (April 12-May 17) May 3 - Inequality In Prisons and Jails – Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Gerry Hanberry Show part/clips of video lecture by Michelle Alexander, “Mass Incarceration in an Age of Colorblindness,” based on her book, The New Jim Crow Discussion and reflection based on the video . (Meets in the social room near the stage.) THIS WEEK TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY – We are exploring the Old Testament using Amy-Jill Levine’s Great Courses resource. Study guides are available in the church office (11-Noon in the downstairs Conference Room) ERUCC WOMEN, AGES 14 AND UP - You are cordially invited to the first ERUCC Fashion Fundraiser Event. Proceeds Benefit ERUCC Building Project!! Hosted by Emily Perlet, Personal Stylist. Friday, May 8, 6:30pm OR Saturday, May 9, 10am, ERUCC Social Room Ladies, this is your chance to get style tips, learn about spring trends, enjoy quality time with other women, and fill gaps in your closet with clothes you will love! You are welcome to bring a guest. Child care will be provided. We hope to see you! Please RSVP and specify your choice of times: 240-5357893 or emilyperlet@gmail.com by 5/1. NEXT SUNDAY – May 10 WORSHIP NOTES: Jesus’ commandment to love one another in John, chapter 15, verse 12, is one of the strongest themes of Jesus’ teaching. Not only does Jesus “command” us “to love one another,” he shows us how: To love each other “as I have loved you.” Jesus then “pushes the envelope” in verse 13: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:9-17). Exploring what “laying down one’s life” means is a challenge that enlightens and inspires. 1 John 5:1-6 is a text that supports and ungirds the theology of Jesus’ commandment to love one another. Central themes of the first letter of John include “faith and believing,” and “love put into action.” These themes encourage us to act in ways that cause love and faith to overcome the problems of the world. Indeed, as disciples of Jesus, what does it mean to be a friend, even a spiritual friend? This morning we will be ordaining and installing the new members of the Consistory. Spirit and Young Spirit will be singing. The Chancel Bell Choir will be playing. ADULT LEARNING OPTIONS (9:30-10:15a.m.) Let’s Study and Bible and Prepare for Worship (Facilitated by Stefan Mach) (Meets in the downstairs conference room.) Let’s Talk: “Inequality: Overcoming the Gaps that Divide: (April 12-May 17) May 10, 2015: Religious Equality in a Multi-Faith Context– Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Gerry Hanberry – Panel: Barbara K. Daniel, a Rabbi, a representative of the Islamic Community How do religious groups, in all their various settings, worship and serve together while maintaining their unique styles of worship and varied theologies? What does religious pluralism look like? Major gaps between religions/faith groups (Meets in the social room near the stage) CORRECTION TO CHIMES CONFIRMATION ARTICLE: If you are interested in more information regarding being a confirmation mentor please contact Bettie Joe Crutchley at: bettiesewsquilts@comcast.net. SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR THE WORK CAMP TRAILER: We’ve done a lot of painting over the past few years and we need to replenish our supplies. We welcome the following: (leave on the stage or see Jeff Schaeberle or Milt Crutchley to put in the trailer). Paint pails Paint pail hooks (for hanging the pail from a ladder) Roller trays Tray liners Painters caulk Soap for cleaning brushes Stirrer sticks Trim tools Donation to purchase a ladder rack (approx. $125 to $150). OVARIAN CANCER AWARENESS NIGHT AT LA PAZ: If you’re looking for an alternative to Monday Mess Hall, then please plan to join us on May 4th at La Paz restaurant (51 S. Market Street) from 4-9p.m. La Paz will donate 20% of their proceeds to our NOCC 5K Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer. You can eat in/carry out or get a gift certificate. Just remember to tell them that you are there to support ovarian cancer awareness. Hope to see you there! – Cathie Duncan SAVE THE DATE: FAMILY CAMPING - Will be September 18-21 at Rocky Gap. If you have any questions, please see Laura Rhoderick or Starr Schaeberle. We would love to have you join the fun. SPRING CLEAN UP DAY – Sat, May 16 (8-Noon) – More details to follow. MISSION/SOCIAL ACTION ROUNDTABLE: The next Roundtable will take place in the downstairs conference room on May 17th at 7p.m. All persons who are currently involved with mission or social action projects are invited to attend in order to update attendees on what is happening (or any needs). Also invited are people who would like to learn more about our various mission/social action projects. Come as well if you have ideas regarding additional areas where we might need to focus some of our attention. – Cliff Barr, Chair CHIMES GROUP LUNCHEON AND TOUR MAY 14TH at the Surreybrooke Garden Center in Middletown. Their location is 8610 Baltimore National Pike. Several of us will gather at 10 at the Garden Center Office and then take a selfguided tour of the garden offerings. Afterward, we will meet at The Main Cup in Middletown, located at 14 West Main St. We have a private area reserved for our use from 11:30 on, and expect everyone will have arrived by noon. Lunch is from the menu; we will have a short meeting before eating. ALL ARE WELCOME at our meeting…women, men, youth. Hope to see you there. For more information, contact Mary Meyer at 301-845-9824 or mmeyer222@yahoo.com. WHAT IS PLAYING IN YOUR 3RD ACT? – We have formed a recently retired group and named it Act III. We meet informally and share stories, experiences and ideas. If you are interested, we will be meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month at 9a.m. at Panera Bread on Rt. 26. Our next gathering will be May 18th. For additional information, contact Cathie or Will Duncan or Pat Hanberry. If you’d like to be on our email list, send an email to Cathie: cathieduncan@comcast.net. NOMINATING REPORT FOR 2015 -2016 ELDERS (3 year term): Two to be elected: Betsy Fisher (second term 2018) Starr Schaeberle (first term 2018) Continuing Elders are: Rodney Martin (second term 2017) Allen Flora (second term 2017) Milt Crutchley (second term 2016) Cliff Barr (first term 2016) DEACONS (2 year term): Four to be elected: Tom Frazier, head deacon (second term 2017) Tom Perlet (second term 2017) Jennie Covahey (first term 2017) Richard Torian (first term 2017) Continuing deacons: Marc Kline (first term 2016) Phil Selby (second term 2016) Jenna Duranko (first term 2016) Jaci Clayton (second term 2016) COMMITTEE CHAIRS (2 year term but may be re-elected for 2 additional 1 year terms) (*to be elected) Property: Phil Selby (first term through 2016) Stewardship: Jill White (first term through 2016) *Mission & Social Action: Cliff Barr (first full term through 2017) *Finance & Budget: Connie Golleher (first term through 2017) *Worship: Cindy Smith (second 1 year term through 2016) Christian Ed: Laura Rhoderick (first term through 2016) *Member at large: Bob Marendt (first full two year term through 2017) Youth: Monthly rotating Submitted by Milt Crutchley and Rodney Martin TODAY (5/3) 8:30a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel 9:30a.m. Scholarship Committee 9:30a.m. Sunday School & Adult Education 10 a.m. Chimes Concert 10:30a.m. Morning Worship 12N Annual Meeting 1p.m. Ground Breaking Ceremony 6:30p.m. Youth Sunday Practice MONDAY 10a.m. Staff Meeting 5p.m. Monday Mess Hall 5:30p.m. Chancel Bells 6p.m. Children’s Choir 6p.m. Cambridge Bells 6:45p.m. Young Spirit TUESDAY 11a.m. Tuesday Morning Bible Study THURSDAY 7p.m. Senior Choir FRIDAY 6:30p.m. CAbi Fashion Fundraiser (Social Room) SATURDAY 9a.m. CAbi Fashion Fundraiser (Social Room) SUNDAY (5/10) 8:30a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel 9:30a.m. Sunday School & Adult Education 10a.m. Chimes Concert 10:30a.m. Morning Worship SERVING YOU 5/3: Deacons: Marc Kline & Kelly Spurrier Greeters: Bob & Marian Long Gaylon & Lavenia Cornell Elder: Milt Crutchley Scripture Reader: Allen Flora Sound System: Jeff Schaeberle Nursery Schedule: Laura Rhoderick Acolyte: Chimer Schedule: Dick Williams on Sat. Maddie Martin on Sun. Welcome Table: Ave Barr & Pat Condo Coffee Hour: Annual Meeting SERVING YOU 5/10: Deacons: Jenna Duranko & Chris Baker Greeters: Jack Stush & Audrey Rayfield Larry & Alice Hatch Elder: Cliff Barr Scripture Reader: Cliff Barr Sound System: Mike Sexton Nursery Schedule: Kelly Heuting Acolyte: Chimer Schedule: Maddie Martin on Sat. Matt Hueting on Sun. Welcome Table: Pat Hevner & Kevin McKinley Coffee Hour: Linda Coyle Ministers - All the People of Evangelical Reformed Church Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor (bkdaniel@erucc.org) Rev. Dr. Gerry Hanberry, Interim Associate Pastor (ghanberry@erucc.org) Rev. Fred Wenner, Pastor Emeritus Kim Sexton, Associate for Children’s Ministry (ksexton@erucc.org) Alison E. Shafer, Organist & Choir Director Tricia Coffey, Head Chimer & Young Spirit Choir Director Nancy Doll, Bell Choir Director Marj Menchey Bernstein, Children’s Choir Director Kristen Niehoff, Finance Manager Kris Ricci, Office Administrator (kricci@erucc.org) Bud Rossig, Facilities Manager Sharon Wells, Nursery Attendant 1st Supper – April 24, 2015
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