St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 23, 2012 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. — James 3: 18 4268 Lime St ~ Riverside, CA 92501 Phone: (951)686.4004 ~ FAX: (951)686.3948 ~ Español: (951)683.6204 After hours: (951)276.0290 Diocese of San Bernardino, California………...……………..…… Served by the Consolata Missionaries (IMC) Fr. Reno Aiardi, Fr. Louis Abdoo…………………………..……...… MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Masses: 5:00pm (Sat. Vigil), 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:30am, 5:00pm (Español) Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday 6:30am; Tuesday & Friday 5:15pm; Saturday 8:00am First Friday: 7:00pm (Español) Holy Days: 5:15pm (Vigil); 6:30am, 8:15am 12:15pm, 5:15pm, 7:00pm (Español) OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm (closed 1:00-1:30pm for lunch) SACRAMENTS: Confessions: Tuesday & Friday 4:30-5:00pm; Saturday 3:45-4:45pm Baptisms: Every last Saturday each month at 10:00am (must call the Parish Office first) Pre-Baptism Class: Every last Friday each month at 6:30pm Marriages: By appointment only; at least SIX MONTHS advanced notice; must consult a Priest before setting a date. Ministry to the Homebound & Sick: Please call the Parish Office if someone needs a visitation or the Sacraments. Welcome New Parishioners: Please register by picking up a form from our Parish Office. St. Francis de Sales Catholic School: 4205 Mulberry St • Riverside, CA 92501 Telephone: (951)683.5083 • Day Care: (951)683.5006 • Principal: Ms. Kathy Kothlow Bulletin Deadline: Monday 12:00pm We, the Church of St. Francis de Sales, are a Community of Believers in Jesus Christ called to impact Family, Neighborhood and Society with the Gospel so that people’s lives are filled with Hope. ********** La Iglesia de San Francisco de Sales, es una Comunidad de Creyentes en Cristo Jesús llamada a impactar a la Familia, el Barrio y la Sociedad con el Evangelio para que las personas estén llenas de Esperanza. Living Stewardship Page 2 September 23, 2012 Thank You St. Francis de Sales for Supporting the Consolata Missionaries Last Sunday, September 16, we celebrated our annual Consolata Mission Day. It gave us a chance to hear the mission story and the mission call for every baptized person in the Church. Also, it was a chance to support the work of the Consolata Missionaries. The founder of the Consolata Missionaries, Blessed Joseph Allemano, was imbued with these “Loves:” A Love of the Eucharist A Love of Mary A Love for the Missions Holy men and women have strived to live these loves in expanding the mission of Jesus Christ. Throughout the day of the event, the food stands offered a quantity of delicious and varied foods. Music filled the air and our children played games. It was a fun day and many people shared their support of the Consolata Missions. The leather recliner donated by Flex Steel was won by Ms. Pauline Librenjak. Congratulations, Pauline and thank you for your generous participation. We Consolata Fathers would also like to thank the many people of the parish who were involved in the planning, cooking, music, set up and so many other things needed to carry out this mission day. Those that came to enjoy the food and family atmosphere, we thank you, for without you, none of this would have been possible. So, we thank all of you. May God continue to bless and keep you in His love. May you always love the Mission of a church that is always missionary. Peace, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Page 3 Country Western Barbecue dinner & Dance Mark your calendars for the Knights Annual Western Barbecue Dinner, set for Saturday evening, September 29th, from 6:00 8:30pm here at SFDS. Tickets are: $15 for adults; $10.00 for kids. Advance tickets will be sold outside our church after all the Masses on the weekend of September 22-23. The menu includes: BBQ Beef, Chicken, Polish Sausage, Pizza for the kids, Cole Slaw, beans, dessert, iced tea, lemonade & coffee. For more information, contact Mike Brunner (951) 205-5334. LEADERSHIP TRAINING WORKSHOPS Earlier this year, Catholic parishes throughout the Diocese worked hard to collect signatures for the SAFE initiative. As a result of such efforts around the state, the citizens of California will now have the opportunity to vote YES on Proposition 34 on November 6, 2012, ending the use of the death penalty in California, replacing it with the sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. The Ministry of Life, Dignity and Justice invites each parish to send at least two volunteer leaders to the workshop in their vicariate: Learn how to engage parishioners in dialogue about the Church’s teaching on the death penalty during October “Respect Life Month.” Receive a resource kit of materials in English & Spanish from the CCC, USCCB and the Diocese of San Bernardino. Share ways to use this material in the parish. Locations, Dates & Times of Workshops: St. Francis de Sales Church, Riverside - 7:00-9:00pm * Parish Hall - 09/24/2012 Sacred Heart Parish School, Rancho Cucamonga 7:00-9:00pm *Rooms 7 & 8 - 09/28/2012 Our Lady of the Rosary, San Bernardino - 9:0011:00am *Rooms 5 & 6 - 09-29-2012 September 23, 2012 Goodwill fundraiser When: November 11, 2012 The SFDS Religious Education is having a fundraiser starting this weekend until November 11th. On November 11th, Goodwill will park a truck in our parking lot from 8:00am 2:00pm and if we fill it, we will get $1,500.00 for Religious Education! If you have any used household items or clothing, you may bring them to Mass and leave them in either a bag or a box behind your car and the SFDS Confirmation students will pick them up for you. NO FURNITURE ITEMS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward our Religious Education program. Let’s help raise some money for our CCD kids! English Religious Education News… If you still need to register your child for English Religious Education classes, you will have to call Toni Bastian at (951) 992-8815, to arrange a time to meet her to register your child. All students must be registered by Sunday, September 23, 2012. FALL COMBINED COLLECTION SUNDAY This Sunday is our Fall Combined Collection for the Diocese of San Bernardino. Please remember that our Diocesan Ministries depend on these special collections throughout the year for them to continue. We thank you in advance for your continued generosity and may God bless you. Parish & Community Activities Page 4 TALLERES DE CIUDADANIA/ CITIZENSHIP WORKSHOP ¡ANOTE LOS DIAS! / SAVE THE DATE! Sabado, 29 de septiembre 2012 Saturday, September 29, 2012 (Las primeras 150 personas / first 150 people) Fontana Lewis Library & Technology Center 8437 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 10:00am - 1:00pm Para mas información sobre eligibilidad de ciudadanía o el taller: For more information on citizenship eligibility and citizenship workshop: (888) 839-8682 *Please contact the parish office for a list of necessary documents for the naturalization application. Handmade Greeting Cards Sold by The Stamping Ladies Handmade Greeting Cards sold by the Stamping Ladies are on sale. These personalized greeting cards are a nice way to send your birthday wishes, anniversary notes, thank-you’s and much more! All proceeds will benefit the SFDS Religious Edcuation Program. If you are interested in making cards and gifts and want to join a Stamping Club, please contact Toni Bastian at (951) 992-8815. Parish Donations SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 $5,682.16 Number of Active Registered Families:..1016 Number of Families Receiving Envelopes:………………………………..606 Number of Envelopes Received:……..…..122 September 23, 2012 FREE ENGLISH CLASSES St. Catherine of Alexandria Church is offering free English-as-a-Second-Language classes beginning Friday, September 28, at 7:00 pm in Room 2 of the Ministry Center. The classes will be offered in three ten-week segments from September, 2012, through June, 2013. Richard Thompson, a parishioner at St. Catherine’s, who has taught ESL in China and for the Diocese of San Bernardino in Temecula, will be the teacher. Join us to learn basic English or simply to improve your English language skills. For more info, call 951-247-3826. BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Next Sunday, September 29th, at 1:00pm in the church courtyard, will be our annual Blessing of the Animals. All pets big and small (and their owners), are welcome to come and be blessed by Fr. Louis. Please remember to pick up after your pets. Cathechism Quiz for the Month of September Welcome back to our monthly quiz! The first person to call the parish office with the correct answer on Monday, September 24th, after 9:00am, will win a $25.00 gift card to TGIF! It’s been pretty HOT lately, so let’s keep that in mind. Here we go... What does the Catholic Church teach about hell and for whom is hell intended? The answer will be published in next week’s bulletin (along with the source). Calendar of Events and Mass Schedules Page 5 September 23, 2012 Sunday, September 23 Serra Club Coffee & Doughnuts - Hall Monday, September 24 Spanish Confirmation I, II Classes: 5:30 - 7:30pm - Rooms 4 & 5; Spanish Confirmation Class III: 7:05 - 8:35pm Room 4 Proposition 34 Workshop: 7:00 - 9:00pm - Hall Tuesday, September 25 Bible Study: 10:00am - MPR OLPH Novena: 5:00pm - Church Women of Faith Bible Study: 6:30pm - Library Spanish Choir Rehearsal: 7:00pm - Room 4 Grupo de Oración: 7:00pm - Hall Grupo de Jóvenes: 7:00pm - MPR Wednesday, September 26 Quinceañera Rehearsal: 6:00pm - Church English Choir Rehearsal: 6:30pm - MR Thursday, September 27 ICUC Meeting: 6:30pm - MPR Liturgical Dance Practice: 6:30pm - Room 4 RCIA: 6:30pm - Library Friday, September 28 English Baptism Class: 6:30pm - MPR Wedding Rehearsal: 7:00pm - Church Saturday, September 29 English Baptisms: 10:00am - Church Spanish CCD Classes: 10:30am - 12:30pm *CCD Kitchen: 9:00am - 1:00pm Quinceañera: 12:00pm - Church Wedding: 2:00pm - Church Country Western BBQ: 6:00pm - Hall Sunday, September 30 Knights of Columbus Coffee & Doughnuts - Hall Blessing of the Animals: 1:00pm - Courtyard ALTAR SOCIETY SCHEDULE Jo Hersman, Mimi Anderson, Stella Cornejo & Ruth Rubio will have Altar Duty on Saturday, September 29, at 8:30am. Saturday - September 22 5:00pm Robert Beatty (SI) Sunday - September 23 7:00am Rev. Anthony Timlin † 9:00am Gilbert Huerta † 11:30am Donna & Beth Baylor (SI) 5:00pm Elena Ramirez † For the Parishioners of SFDS Monday - September 24 6:30am For Your Intentions Tuesday - September 25 6:30am David Bentley † 5:15pm Louis A. Mendoza † Wednesday - September 26 6:30am Donald Michael Dolinger † 8:00am For Your Intentions Thursday - September 27 6:30am For Your Intentions Friday - September 28 6:30am For Your Intentions 5:15pm Mary Jo Schiltz - SI Saturday - September 29 8:00am For Your Intentions 5:00pm Lorraine Gariepy † For the Parishioners of SFDS (Sunday Vigil Mass) Sunday - September 30 7:00am John Mullen (SI) 9:00am Michael Horvatin † 11:30am The Vasquez Family - SI 5:00pm Salvador Nieblas † St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Page 6 September 23, 2012 SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE COURSE PMFP Specialization Blessed John Paul II’s Encyclical Evangelium Vitae calls on every person to advance a Culture of Life. What does that mean for each of us? This Parish Ministers Formation Program Specialization Course is designed for volunteers and leaders working in Parish Respect Life Ministry and for Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Leaders. This is particularly helpful for parishes launching or expanding a Respect Life Ministry. The course is also of value for all parish ministers and all interested in what our Catholic Faith teaches about Human Life & Dignity. The course covers Church teaching and practical implications of Bioethics, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, Abortion—alternatives & healing, Human Sexuality and Family Planning. A four day course is offered in the San Bernardino/Redlands area, 8:30am-4:30pm September 29, October 13 & 20 and November 3, 2012. The fee is $80 per person, with Breakfast & Lunch included. Scholarships are available. For more information & to register, please contact Marie Widmann @ 909.475.5351 or Curso de la Santidad de la Vida Humana Un Curso de Especialización al nivel de PMFP Juan Pablo II hace un llamado en la Encíclica Evangelium Vitae que toda persona promueve una Cultura de la Vida. ¿Qué significa esto para cada uno de nosotros? El curso de Programa de Formación para Ministros esta diseñado para los voluntarios y líderes que trabajan en la parroquia en el Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida y para los líderes de la Cultura por la Vida con los Caballeros de Colon. Este curso es útil especialmente para las parroquias que quieren comenzar o expandir su Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida. También es de valor para todos los ministros de la parroquia y todos interesados en lo que nuestra Fe Católica y lo que enseña sobre la Vida Humana y la Dignidad. El curso cubre la enseñanza de la Iglesia y las aplicaciones practicas de la Bioética, Eutanasia, La Pena de Muerte, Aborto-alternativas & sanación, Sexualidad Humana y Planificación Familiar. Un curso es de cuatro días que se ofrecerá en San Bernardino/Redlands, 8:30am-4:30pm 29 de septiembre, 13 & 20 de octubre, 3 de noviembre del 2012. El costo es de $80 por persona, un desayuno ligero & almuerzo será incluido. Becas son disponibles. Para más información y para registración comuníquese con Joyce Andrade @ 909.475.5467 o Change Starts with Conversation: An Invitation from the ICUC Community Ministry……. Building community requires more than membership and caring for community requires more than concern. Ideally, St. Francis de Sales is a place where we demonstrate our concern for one another actively by reaching out and supporting each other, informed by the needs and experiences of our members. In order to bring us to this vision, St. Francis de Sales and Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC) are initiating a “listening campaign” that involves small house gatherings in congregants’ homes. These meetings will be organized and facilitated by members of the ICUC Community Ministry of St. Francis de Sales. The goal of this initiative — called Change Starts with Conversation– is to bring our members together to discover our greatest concerns and to understand the impact of systemic injustice on our community. This initiative is designed to bring the diverse voices of our congregation together so that we can learn from each other and harness the power of our whole community toward social justice for our members, our city, our state and our country. Please join us for this extraordinary opportunity to strengthen our community on Thursday, September 27, at 6:30p.m. at the home of parishioner Lorraine Mooney, 4150 Glenwood Drive, Riverside, 92501. We can’t do it without you. For more information contact Lucia Mirande at 951.660-9355 or at AD PAGE Ministries/Ministerios LITURGY PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Mary Gonzalez…................685.7339 Eucharistic Ministers: T. Waldschmitt...…505.9814 Lectors Coordinator: Lorraine Mooney….682.1659 Music (Coro Español): Josefina Oliva...…892.8075 Organist: Prince Ward……...……........….235.5220 Ushers: Ray Serna...…...….………...……….684.1607 Altar Society: Donna Pitell…………….....688.0985 Bereavement Ministry: Ruth Rubio….…...683.1025 Grupo de Jóvenes: Benito Torres........909.544.2757 Tereza Hernandez………....347.4386 Grupo de Oracíon: Martin & Gloria Ruiz ……………………………...………......…......359.4719 Parish Council: Debbie Cardenas…….......288.3256 St. Ann’s Sewdality: Angie Nudge……......684.0570 Spanish Ministries/Spanish Weddings & Quinceañeras: Alba Dominguez…………...318.7511 English Wedding Coordinator: Monica Archuletta ……………………...………………...……...….318.0234 Women’s Ministry: R. Pucciarelli-Davis...779.6958 FAITH MINISTRIES CCD-D.R.E. (English): Toni Bastian…..…992.8815 CCD Business Office: Monica Sandoval....786.7665 CCD-D.R.E. (Spanish): Consuelo Grajeda ………...……….…………………………….924.8614 RCIA (Adults): Chris Gallardo…..….626.221.9469 THE CONSOLATA HOUSE FOR THE NEEDY The Consolata House for the Needy is open on Wednesdays (5:00pm - 7:00pm) and Saturdays (10:00am - 1:00pm) to receive donations and for those who need help. All kinds and sizes of clothing, shoes and household donations are needed. Please do not bring any dirty or broken items. So, if you have a closet that needs cleaning out, please bring CLEAN used clothing on Wednesdays and Saturdays! ST. FRANCIS DE SALES FOOD PANTRY We are still in need of food every week. Any non-perishable items, such as canned soups, canned fruits, canned vegetables, peanut butter and jelly, rice, beans, dry cereal, energy bars, flour, sugar, cooking oil, pasta and spaghetti sauce are welcome. You can bring them to the Mass you attend and leave the items in the green bins at the main entrance of the church. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE ANY ITEMS WITH PAST EXPIRATION DATES! Your contributions are most needed and appreciated. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES Catholic Charities:……..………………...689.1803 Perpetual Adoration Society: Fay Fletcher …………………………………...…………......682.9076 Knights of Columbus: John McAvoy …………………………………...………..…..686.0273 Legion of Mary: Tim Harrod………...…….681.5605 Liturgical Dance: Amanda Cardenas....….333.3476 Marriage Encounter: Robert & Denise Borruel …………………………………...……........…..653.7905 Pastoral Care: Maureen Riggs…........…....685.9247 Right to Life: Pregnancy Hotline……...…..784.2725 Serra Club: Charline Gajdos……...…..…...683.1672 St. Vincent de Paul:…………………..…..684.7386 DEVOTIONS Mother of Perpetual Help Novena: Every Tuesday at 5:00pm. Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 24 hours/ 7 days in the St. Bernard Chapel First Friday Mass: 7:00pm (Español)
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