Industrial Growth Center, Siltara Raipur (C.G.) 493111 Inspection Details DATE:- .20.05.15 to 27.05.2015 Excluding Sundays & Holidays Time : 2:00 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Venue for Inspection Sarda Energy & Minerals Ltd. Industrial Growth Center, Pellet Plant Mandhar, Raipur (C.G.) E M D Details DD/CHEQUE in favour of M/s Sarda Energy & Minerals Ltd., Siltara Contact for details : M r. V.K Maidankar 0771-2216631,6633 Email id:, DETA I LS OF M AT E R IAL : Sr. No. N A M E OF M ATERI A L UO M APPRO X QT Y 1 S A LE OF S.S. SCR AP H K-40 GR A DE KG 2800 2 S A LE OF S.S.SCRAP ( Ni – 15 % Cr – 25 % ) KG 6100 3 S A LE OF S.S. SCR AP ( Ni – 12.5 % Cr – 25 % ) KG 4350 4 S A LE OF S.S.SCRAP 304 GR A DE KG 550 5 S A LE OF S.S. SCR AP ( Ni – 6 % Cr – 24 % ) KG 7200 Terms & Conditions for Forward Auction: 1. Bidders must mention TIN /PAN No. on Acceptance Form, failing which bid can’t be accepted. 2. The prospective bidders after completing the registration process as above shall have to deposit Earnest Money Deposit (E M D) for each lot separately or for all lots as prescribed. 3. Bid validity : after completion of auction bids will remain valid for 10 days for acceptance/ rejection by SE M L. SE M L reserves the right to accept one or more bid based on individual items/ lots as the case may be or reject all the bids if the result is not as expected. 4. Contract Validity – The contract is valid for 15 days from the date of Confirmation of order. 5. On receipt of sale confirmation, Bidders shall deposit 100 % value of the material for the respective lot/s inclusive of the applicable taxes and duties before collecting the materials within 5 working days, from getting acceptance letter from Sarda Energy & Minerals Ltd. E M D Amount will be converted into Security Deposit and will be adjusted towards Last Transaction / final payment. In case any tax form is supposed to be deposited by bidder, it should be deposited in advance to else full tax amount will be collected before dispatch, the diff in tax amount will be refunded after receipt/ verification of the necessary form. Bids placed/Rates offered are for the basic price only and are exclusive of all applicable taxes and duties like Excise Duty, VAT, CST etc. Taxes and duties will be in addition to the basic price and will be added at rates applicable at the time of delivery. 6. Bids placed/Rates offered are for the basic price only and are exclusive of all applicable taxes and duties like Excise Duty, VAT, CST etc. Taxes and duties will be in addition to the basic price and will be added at rates applicable at the time of delivery.Lifting of materials will be allowed only between 10.00 A.M. To 04.00 P.M. on all working days. 7. In case seml is unable to deliver the goods within the specified time due to unforeseen administrative reasons, then the seml shall grant suitable extension of delivery period to the Buyer without any penalties till the expiry of such extended period. In such eventuality, however, the Buyer shall not be entitled to claim any compensation for such delay. 8. Breaking/ cutting may be allowed to the extent necessary for facilitating loading into vehicles after obtaining necessary permission from seml. 9. The buyer shall arrange for all tools and tackles or labours at their own expenses. The same should be registered at SE M L security and stores at the time of bringing in SE M L site, while returning the same, it will be returned based on entries available at SE M L stores. If buyer forgot or does not enter it at SE M L stores for any reasons, he will not be entitled to claim it back. 10. Once the goods / materials are taken out of the factory gate, buyer will be solely responsible for all sorts of claims like shortage, missing parts, damage, incident, accident, loss of material etc. All material offered under this tender is on “As is where is basis”. Bidders are expected to inspect the material prior to bidding. If bidders opt to bid without inspection, it is at its own risk and cost. No quality or quantity claim will be entertained subsequently. 11. Seml will not at any time be responsible for any injuries caused due to accident within its premises either to the buyer or his representative /labour etc. 12. Seml does not give warranty or guarantee of the quality, quantity, measurement, condition Chemical composition of each individual item/s or lot/s that form the auction property and about its “End Use” or fitness for a particular purpose. 13. Disputes between Seml & bidder if any shall be within the jurisdiction of Raipur Courts only. 14. Buyer should follow all the rules & regulations applicable at SE M L premises including safety, timings, etc. and amendments from time to time. a. In case of an accident (fatal or non-fatal) while the personnel of yours are on duty, the responsibility for compensation, treatment, etc. to them, or to any third party or to any other person will be of yours and the company shall not be responsible for any claim or liability whatsoever in this regard. b. The company shall not be responsible for damage for any property of you and / or your personnel due to any reasons whatsoever. c. You shall indemnify the Company from all liabilities arising out of any payment made to the Government, (Central/State/ Semi-Government), State Authorities or any payment made under statutory Notification of the Government (Central/State) statutory authorities or on account of any award/order of the court in respect of you and your employees. d. In the event of any damage caused in the moveable or immovable property of the Company or in the property anyone else, the Company reserves its right to compute the damage in terms of money and deduct the same from your security deposit. 15. Termination of Contract – Sarda Energy & Minerals Ltd., reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time on the following ground. a. b. Unsatisfactory execution or performance of the contract by the Buyer. For improper behavior of the buyer or by his employees /agents /representatives or breach of the terms and conditions of the contract.
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