The Season of Lent Many in God’s family throughout the world celebrate a 40 day period before Good Friday and Easter called Lent. It is meant to be a time of self examination and the resulting awareness that our sin has been paid for on the cross. Take time to reflect on your walk with the Lord during this season of Lent. Announcements from other Ministries You're invited tonight to our yearly benefit concert! King's Men of Song Concert. Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 at 6:30 pm. Hope In Christ Church (710 E. Sunset Drive, Bellingham) Complimentary refreshments starting at 6 pm. The concert is free and there will be a love offering taken for the Mission near the end of the program. Keith & Kristin Getty and Band are coming to Washington. The concert will be held Saturday, March 28th at 7pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church , 1515 E. College Way. You can purchase tickets at What! Another banquet? This year the board of Northwest Hispanic Ministry invites you to experience a little bit of heaven on earth. Come and enjoy a good meal and listen as Pastor Joe Strong shares about how God is changing lives and building His kingdom here in Western Washington. This year we are at New Locations: April 24th at 6:00 p.m. First Christian Reformed Church,701 W. Blackburn Rd., Mt. Vernon and April 25th at 5:00 p.m. at Third Christian Reformed Church in Lynden. Bring a friend. You will not be disappointed. Mark your calendars. March 22, 2015 Welcome to Faith Community Fellowship Sunday School: 9:15 am Worship Service: 10:30 am Join The Network! - Have you checked out The Network? The site just celebrated 5 years and over 15,000 posts! The site is a great place to engage in discussion, post ministry questions and find resources for over 50 areas of church ministry! Join the fun yourself by creating an account and connecting with others. Visit or contact with any questions. Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit Conference: This conference is co-sponsored by Home Missions and Dunamis Fellowship Canada. The event will provide leaders and churches the opportunity to explore practical ways to discern and cooperate with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Taught from a Reformed perspective, this conference is designed to encourage, refresh and challenge all who attend. It will be held from June 1-4 at the Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre in Surrey, British Columbia. For more info and to register, visit FREE WEBINAR - Join Rev. Martin Vellekoop on March 25 for “Disagreeing Agreeably: Practicing Grace Instead of Exerting Control”. This free, onehour webinar is designed for any Christian who desires to grow in their own capacity to be a grace-filled presence in the middle of a challenging exchange. For more details, registration, and webinar handouts visit GOD'S RICH MERCY AND GREAT LOVE: Join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at or visit to find a local radio station or listen now. CHURCH ADDRESS: 1427 MONTE VISTA DRIVE MOUNT VERNON, WA. 98273 CHURCH OFFICE: 360-428-4661 Church Web Site: Check us out online Faith Community Fellowship Christian Reformed Church Learn more about the Christian Reformed Church and it’s many ministries at their web site: WORSHIP NOTES March 22, 1015 A Warm Welcome to all who are worshipping with us today. If you are a visitor or new to our church, please take a moment to fill out a visitor’s card when the prayer clipboards are passed around and place it in the offering basket. A nursery is provided for infants and toddlers through age 3, located in the hallway of the entryway. Prayer Clipboards During the offering, we ask that the prayer clipboards be passed around. There are three sections of chairs for seating and three clipboards, please keep the clipboard in your section as you pass it around. Children’s Bulletins are available on the table by the door in the entry way for the younger children. Children and Worship for children ages 3—K . They are dismissed during our worship service for a time of worship at their age level. Watch for the yellow banner during the offering time. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE The Missions Team has assigned all the members of Faith to be a part of our prayer ministry for our missionaries and the ministries we support. If you do not wish to be included, or if you need to change a week that you have been assigned, please contact the office or Ken Davis. PRAYER PARTNERS for the ministries in San Felipe: 99 + 1, Serenity House, Nueva Cancion, Alfonso, and for the staff and children at Sonshine Hacienda. THIS WEEK: Ken, Pam Davis Opportunities to Serve MARCH GREETERS: Juanita Gilfrey, Cathy Reich MARCH SERVANTS: Ackermann’s NURSERY TODAY: Alvin Shim Alicia Silves Rebekkah Ormesher This morning We pray for God’s blessing on us as Pastor Joe Strong brings us the message from the word of God. Pastor Mitch Senti will bring us the message on March 29th. Today during our worship service we will commemorate Jesus’ death and resurrection as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life." Our Savior invites us to His table, a table of love that has been prepared for us. Jesus lived, died and lives again for each one of us. He invites children and adults, all who love him and trust in him alone for their salvation to share in this joyful feast. Memorial Service for Fran Muia will be this Saturday, the 28th at 1 pm here at Faith. The family requests that if you can let the office know if you are coming by the 22nd, that gives then an idea of how many to plan for. Thank You Office e mail: Sunday, March 22 9:15 am—Sunday School 10:30 am—Worship Service FCF Newsletter If you have a testimony to share, send it to Alvin Shim for the next newsletter. Tuesday, March 24 8:00 am—Prayer at Faith Over 50’s Activity for March: We will be having breakfast at Bill and Cathy Adelman’s restaurant, Lunch Box/Bill’s Diner 701 S 2nd St, on Tuesday March 31th at 8:30 am. Please RSVP to Joanne Lagerwey so they have an idea of how many to plan for. or 466-1903. Next Week is Palm Sunday and our Sunday School children will begin our worship service singing Hosanna. Good Friday Joint Service A joint service with First CRC will be held here at Faith on Friday, April 3rd. Time to be determined. If you would like to bring a lily plant for our Easter service, please bring it to church on Friday (April 3) or Saturday morning (April 4) from 9—11 am. You can pick them up after the service on Easter. There will not be a potluck on April 5th. NEXT WEEK: Tanya George NURSERY NEXT WEEK: Beth Baeslack Nancy Maas Cassie Kwant CHILDREN AND WORSHIP TODAY: Leader: Christy Helper: Caleb H. CHILDREN AND WORSHIP NEXT WEEK: Leader: Abbey Helper: Willem H. Wednesday, March 25 2:00 pm—Made to Crave Bible Study 6:30 pm— Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm—Council meets Thursday, March 26 9:15 am—Precepts Bible Study this week Saturday, March 28 9-11 am—Praise Team practice Operation Nightwatch Sunday, March 29 9:15 am—Sunday School 10:30 am—Worship Service Reverie BBQ: March 30th—Anderson Shepherd Group WELCOME - WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS SILENT PRAYER SONGS OF RESPONSE Great Are You Lord Breathe on me Breath of God GOD’S GREETING and GREETING OF ONE ANOTHER SONG: First Place Walk Across the Room Testimony—Nellie Strong SONG OF RESPONSE Proof of Your Love WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS TO GOD CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER OFFERIING FOR THE GENERAL FUND Children in Worship *Children Ages 3—K are dismissed for Children in Worship Watch for the yellow banner. (please pass the Prayer Clipboards) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD PRAYER FOR THE OPERATION OF THE SPIRIT: Elder Rick Kwant Text: Matthew 26: 36-46 Sermon PRAYER OF APPLICATION WE CELEBRATE COMMUNION TOGETHER COMMUNION SONG OF RESPONSE Communion Hymn WE GO OUT TO SERVE CLOSING BLESSING Prayer Team come to the front: If you have a need for prayer for any reason, you are invited to join the prayer team. REMEMBER IN PRAYER Remember to pray for the ministries we support: Faith house, Reverie BBQ, Campus ministry and for Joe and Nellie Strong, Steve and Sandy, Kyla De Wit and Amber Korneliussen. Pray for the ministries in San Felipe, Mexico: 99 + 1, Serenity House, Nueva Cancion, Alfonso, and the staff and children at Sonshine Hacienda. Concerns and praises within our family at Faith Continued prayer for: - Pray for healing in family relationships, for family members who have drifted, that they may return to the Lord and for friends to come to Christ. - Pray for those we love to come to the Lord. - Pray for our youth to make right choices in their lives and pray for those who are making wrong choices that God will lead them to make a commitment to Christ. - Prayer for a struggling marriages. - Pray for those struggling with health problems and for our loved ones in Care Centers. Pray for healing, strength and perseverance. - Pray that we as a congregation will listen to God’s “nudges” and minister to those in our midst who need extra love and attention. - Pray for wisdom and patience as we wait for Your leadership and lead us to opportunities to witness for You. - Pray for our council as they lead our church and make decisions that honor You and for the search committee as they search for FCF’s new pastor. Special Prayer Requests: - Pray for comfort and peace for Iris and her family as they gather together for a memorial service this Saturday to remember Fran and be comforted by God’s word. - Continued prayer for Sienne Ackermann as she undergoes chemo treatment. - Pray for Rita’s son-in-law, Matt who is undergoing treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma. - Pray for Lisa Byker and she struggles with a brain tumor. Pray for improved vision and healing and that God would comfort her and her family. - Pray for Heidi Harding’s mom who is hospitalized in need of healing, comfort and strength. - Pray for Stacey Olea as she travels often because of her job Keep her in good health. - Pray for Ann Vanderwal as she begins another treatment of chemo. - Pray for Antony’s upcoming wedding and the preparations being made. - Pray for a new job for Mark Tebb and others who are seeking better employment. - Pray for those who refuse to forgive and to be reconciled. - Continue to pray for Future Impact as they speech in various schools and in the Juvenile Detention. Praise for new opportunities to be heard in the La Conner Middle School. Praise for: - Praise God for His great love to us and giving us salvation through His Son Jesus. - We thank God for the opportunities He gives to serve Him and share His love to others. - Nancy Maas gives thanks for a recent trip to Israel and the impact it made in her life. Pray! Skagit has a 24 hour prayer line called Prayers of Hope. Toll Free 877-428-PRAY (7729) Pray!Skagit's weekly kingdom prayer focus. Sundays at 4PM in the Upper Room at The Grainery.
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