Issue No. 249 April 2015 Baptism:-‐ 15th March Harry Docherty. Brampton. SERVICES (All at Farlam unless stated) Sunday 5th April Easter Day Holy Communion at 11 am .Rev’d E.Gough Sunday 12th April NO SERVICE at Farlam. 9.15 am Morning Service at Talkin. Sunday 19th April Holy communion at 9.30 am Rev’d E.Johnsen. Sunday 26th April Holy Communion at 11 am Rev’d J. Murray. Other Services at Brampton Holy Communion at 9.30 am each Sunday. Special Early Service at Brampton old Church on Easter Sunday at 6 am. HALLBANKGATE W.I. April 23rd at 7.30pm In The Lacy Thompson Hall. Speaker:-‐Carwhinley Preserves. Competition:-‐Jam Dish Hostess:-‐Mrs Watson & Mrs.Williamson FARLAM CHURCH PLANT SALE. This will be held on May 17th (further information to follow next Month) Donations of plants welcome please contact the Churchwardens. Clergy:-‐Team Rector Rev’d R.Tulloch 016977 41304. Team Vicar Rev’ E.Johnsen 01228 670248 Church Wardens:-‐ Mr.I.Howatt 016977 46274 & Mr.A.Williams 01697746436 All copy for the May News to be in by 14th April to the editor I.Howatt West View The Park Hallbankgate .CA8 2PF HOLY WEEK 2015 Tuesday 31st March 9.30 -‐ 10am Silent Meditation in Hayton Church 7.30pm Personal Reflections & Meditations on the Way of the Cross: St Mary Magdalene’s, Hayton. Led by David Wade. Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion: St Martin’s Brampton st 1 April 7pm Taize Service at Talkin Church Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Holy Communion: St Martin’s Brampton 2nd April Good Friday 3rd April 11am Walk of Witness in Brampton: Starts at URC. A Brampton Churches Together event. Farlam Church (Kirkhouse) 11-‐ 11.30am Church open for silent vigil for the persecuted Church. 11.30am Begin to gather for ‘Carrying the Cross’: a walk from Farlam Church to Lanercost Priory. Distance 2.8 miles. Unlike Simon of Cyrene no one will be forced to carry the cross! Speak to Edward on 01228 670248 if lifts back from Lanercost are needed. Hot drinks and hot cross buns before we go. 12 noon to 3pm Children’s Event (ages 5 – 11), Brampton Methodist Church Hall. Includes lunch. Ring Tim Edwards 016977 41864 for more info. A Brampton Churches 2pm Deanery Good Friday Service 2pm: Lanercost Priory Together event. MINUTE of the Meeting of FARLAM PARISH COUNCIL held in HALLBANKGATE VILLAGE HALL, HALLBANKGATE on WEDNESDAY, 14th JANUARY, 2015 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Councillor I. Howatt (Chairman) (in the Chair) Councillor A. Shaw Councillor S. Bowles Councillor A. Radcliffe Councillor C. Marsh Councillor C. Raine IN ATTENDANCE – Clerk ALSO ATTENDING – Councillor S. Bowman, Carlisle City Council 76/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE RESOLVED to note that apologies were received from Councillor F. Shaw (work) and County Councillor W. Graham (attending other meeting) 77/14 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION RESOLVED to note that no requests for dispensation were received. 78/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RESOLVED to note that no declarations of interest were received. 79/14 MINUTES 79/14.1 Minute of the Meeting held on 12th November 2014 was submitted. RESOLVED to authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2014, confirmed as a true and accurate record. 80/14 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 – FILLING OF VACANCY There were 4 vacancies to fill and letters of interest were submitted from Mr. A. Murray and Mr. R. Hinton. RESOLVED to co-opt Mr. A. Murray and Mr. R. Hinton to the Parish Council. As both new members were absent from the meeting, the declaration of acceptance of office would be signed prior to the start of the next meeting. 81/14 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION RESOLVED to note that there were no members of the public present. 82/14 REPRESENTATIVES' REPORTS RESOLVED to note there were no reports. 83/14 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING APPLICATIONS RESOLVED to note that there were no planning applications to be considered. 84/14 FINANCIAL MATTERS 84/14.1 BANK RECONCILIATION to 14.12.14 There was submitted a report by the Clerk on the reconciliation of the Council’s financial records with its bank account statements. RESOLVED to receive and note the bank reconciliation and balance of the HSBC Account to 14th December 2014 of £5,881.18. 84/14.2 EXPENDITURE TO APPROVE RESOLVED to authorise the following expenditure for payment:● ● ● ● ● ● £183.61 £43.00 £9.40 £1,000.00 £4,450.00 £850.00 A. Riddell – net wage to 31.01.15 HMR&C – PAYE Brampton Parish Council – SLCC contribution Cut n’ Edge – grass cutting Geltsdale Windows - Village hall improvements Geltsdale Windows – Village hall improvements 84/14.3 BUDGET 2015/16 A draft budget statement was submitted to the meeting in order that members could agree the precept for the financial year 2015/16. RESOLVED, after discussion, that the precept for the next financial year would increase by 2% to £3,347.00. Proposed by Councillor Raine, seconded by Councillor A. Shaw, all agreed. 84/14.4 2014-2016 NATIONAL SALARY AWARD Details of the national pay award for 2014-2016 for the Clerk was submitted to the meeting. The Clerk would receive a 2.2% increase from January 1st 2015 with an additional pro rata non-consolidated payment for the Clerk of £100.00. RESOLVED to note and approve the pay award. 85/14 RISK ASSESSMENT A report was submitted by the Clerk on the risk assessment produced for Farlam Parish Council for 2014/15. RESOLVED to approve the risk assessment for 2014/15. 86/14 CO-OP STORE DEVELOPMENTS Councillor Bowles reported on the developments at the Co-op store in Hallbankgate in the hope that the shop can continue to offer services to the community after the Co-op close the store. A group called Hallbankgate Hub has been set up to move things forward. The group has had meetings, formed a committee, is looking into the process of community assets, started a facebook page but is in need of funding to set up a website and printing of questionnaires. RESOLVED, after discussion, that the Clerk would print 450 copies of the questionnaire on the office photocopier at a cost to Farlam Parish Council and that Farlam Parish Council would fund the group £200.00 to set up a website. 87/14 SPEED INDICATION DEVICES (S.I.D.) 87/14.1 S.I.D. SURVEY Councillor Howatt reported on the responses received from the S.I.D. survey. 87/14.1 RESOLVED to note the report. 87/14.2 RESOLVED that the Clerk would ask a Highways Officer from the County Council to attend a future meeting and advise on calming measures. 87/14.2 S.I.D. FUNDING Councillor A. Shaw reported that there had been no meeting of the Farlam Parish Trust to discuss funding for S.I.D.’s in the area. No other sources of funding had been investigated and that the matter would be looked into again after the Highway’s Officer had advised on possible calming measures. RESOLVED to note the report. 88/14 WEBSITE Councillor Bowles asked what progress had been made with the Parish Council website. The Clerk reported that she had not yet had a meeting with Bounce-itaround. As the Clerk was already working 3-4 hours per week when the contract was for 2 there hadn’t been time nor had any councillors submitted information to be used on the website. RESOLVED that Councillor Bowles would ask if the person setting up the website for Hallbankgate Hub could help and would report back. 89/14 CHRISTMAS TREE RESOLVED to note a report from Councillor A. Shaw that a Christmas tree would no longer be supplied by Mr. Bell and that the Parish Council would have to look into costs if they were to continue to provide one. 90/14 HIGHWAYS REPORT RESOLVED to note that no report had been received from County Councillor W. Graham. 91/14 CALC The following correspondence from CALC was received and noted:91/14.1CALC CIRCULAR – December 2014/January 2015 91/14.2 FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY TRANSPORT OPERATORS – Email from D. Claxton. 91/14.3 CAPPING, SECTION 137 LIMIT, TRANSPARENCY CODE – Email from D. Claxton. 91/14.4 CONNECTING CUMBRIA PHASE 2 CONSULTATION – Email from D. Claxton. 91/14.5 D. Claxton. 91/14.6 HADRIAN’S WALL DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN – Email from PLANNING – Email from D. Claxton 92/14 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE CLERK RESOLVED to note that the following correspondence had been received:92/14.1 PARISH COUNCIL AND VILAGE HALL CAPITAL GRANT SCHEMES 2015/16 – Letter from Zoe Sutton, Rural Development Officer, Carlisle City Council. RESOLVED to note that the Village Hall Committee would be applying for a grant. 92/14.2 POLICE NEWSLETTER – January 2015. 93/14 LITERATURE AVAILABLE IN OFFICE NOTED that the following literature is available from the office for any interested Councillors:93/14.1 NOTICE OF EXECUTIVE KEY DECISIONS – 31st December 2014. 93/14.2 ACT GAZETTE – Winter 2014. 94/14 AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Agenda items to be submitted to the Clerk by Thursday 5th March 2015. 95/14 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 11th March 2015, 7.30pm, Hallbankgate Village Hall. BRAMPTON CONMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS for MAY 2015 Please note that the Centre will be closed on Monday 4th May for the May Day Holiday and Monday 25th May for the Spring Holiday Tuesday 12 May Overshot Weaving with Jan Beadle 10.00-4.00 in The Hut. Tel: 016977 45023 for details. Saturday 16 May Brampton Film Club ‘A Most Wanted Man’ Cert 15. Doors open 6.45 for refreshments. Film Starts 7.30pm New members welcomed. Details See: Tuesday 19th May Brampton and District 50+ Forum AGM Lunch at 12.30 pm £4.00 Please book in advance Tel: 016977 45023 AGM 1.30pm and Speaker. Tuesday 19 May Bingo. 7.30-9.30pm £1.00 entrance includes refreshments. All welcome. Thursday 21 May Brampton Local History Group Field Trip to Spadeadam with Stephen Parker Tuesday 26 May Family Workshop with Eileen and Sue in The Hut. 10.30-‐12.00 noon. £3.50 per child. 5 years and upwards Wave the Flag. Make a flag with fabric and decorate with your own special design. , V IL LA OL HA A N KG LB E AT L Hallbankgate Village School News GE SCHO Although it’s a short term, there has been a lot to pack into five weeks… Rehearsals are well underway for our performance at the U-Dance Festival at the Sands Centre in April. U-Dance is a project supported by Arts Council England to increase dance opportunities for children across the country. Our choreography is linked to this term’s topic, ‘Our Dynamic Earth’, building on what we have learnt about volcanoes. Our exciting performance tells the story of Pompeii and Vesuvius through dance. March 2015 Red Nose Day This year to support Comic Relief the School Council decided to follow the theme of funny faces by bringing in masks or having faces painted in school. The children baked and decorated funny face biscuits and invited families, friends and members of the community to join us in school for afternoon tea. The Heritage Survival Band, a group of exceptionally talented musicians from Zimbabwe, stopped by to do a Music Workshop with us before their gig at Hallbankgate Village Hall on 6th March. Their particular style of Afro-fusion draws on modern influences whilst upholding familiar traditional rhythms. It seems that 2015 is set to be a year of change at Hallbankgate School. After 25 years of service Mrs Warwick has decided to hang up her chef whites and enjoy a welldeserved life of retirement. Thankfully though, she would still like to come into school each week to help listen to readers, so we are not losing her completely once she officially retires in May. Congratulations also go to Mrs Gascoigne, who has been successful in securing a full-time position at James Rennie School. A huge thank you goes to both members of staff for their hard work and commitment to the school over the years. We will miss having them both as part of our team here and wish them the best of luck for the future. Learning from each other – Building successful learners
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