APRIL 19, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER We reflect on the early church’s conviction that Jesus is risen and is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. Their faith, like ours, emerged slowly. Jesus addressed their fears and questions with love and patience, giving them peace. As we struggle and grow in faith, Jesus offers us that same peace. TODAY’S READINGS Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1 John 2:1-5a Luke 24:35-48 NEXT SUN. READINGS Acts 4:8-12 1 John 3:1-2 John 10:11-18 REFLECTION: “The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way, and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” Luke 24:35 As the Lord verifies that he is truly risen, his apostles and disciples share the Good News. Today we celebrate with our First Communicants as they are so blessed in recognizing Jesus in the breaking of the bread. May we recall our First Holy Communion days and the happiness for ourselves and our family members. May we be so blessed every time we receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. “Only God would dare to do such a thing.” St. John Henry Newman on the Holy Eucharist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Ed Angeletti, Collin Baker (great-grandson of Madeline Thiess), Sister Kate Bell, Esther Bredariol, Dorothy Burton (mother of Angela Wieczorek),Velma Case, Richard and Trudy Dause (parents of Sherrie Guilfoyle), Maria Eagan (sister of Paul Ricciuti), Robert Foresman, Christine Fugate, Bob Gast, Fred Gelhaus, George Hardy, Antoinette Janson, Jean Johnson, Charles Lavezza, Jo Malicki, Frances Malstrom, Michael Marr, Carol Knieriem McLaughlin, Rosa and German Mendonca (parents of Angela Pinto), Mary Plum, Mary Rhodes (sister of Louise Wright), Ricky Ruzicka, Martha A. Sanders, Jean Seekford, Peter Selhorst, Jean Udris, Austin Walker, Barbara Weaving, Joan Wilson, Leo Wisniewski, Laura Yurkowski, Marie Zeller, Michael Zorn, and all in hospitals and nursing homes. REST IN PEACE: Armando Scacchetti (brother of Linda Broccolino), all our departed loved ones, and all victims of war, violence, and natural disasters. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 19, 2015: SUNDAY: Parishioners, Ann S. and Joseph G. Mannion, Guy Tamberino MONDAY: Col. John Walsh TUESDAY: Special Intention WEDNESDAY: Carolyn Finelli THURSDAY: Armando Scacchetti FRIDAY: Damien Marston SATURDAY: (9:00 AM) Sarah Lennon SUNDAY: Carolyn Fenelli, Parishioners, Maria Luisa C. Castro (5:00 PM) Mary Stachurski WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday through Friday at 7:30 A.M. MASS CARDS/INTENTIONS: Please call or visit our church office. +++++++++++++++++++++++THIS WEEK AT ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 19/Sunday 11:30 A.M. Mass First Holy Eucharist Celebration/Reception Church/Hall 20/Monday 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Lego Jerusalem Project – SFA School Hall 6:30 P.M. AA Meeting Hall 7:30 P.M. Ways and Means Committee Meeting Rectory 21/Tuesday 7:30 P.M. IB Assessment Session (SFA School Parents) Hall 22/Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Parent Atrium Presentation Hall 23/Thursday 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. SFA Stem Club/Science Night/Scales and Tails Hall 7:15 P.M. Parish Development Committee Meeting Rectory 7:15 P.M. Scouts Troop 87 Meeting Hall 24/Friday 7 – 10 P.M. Youth Night Hall THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in today’s Second Collection to help offset the rising costs of Parish Staff Health Care Costs. Embracing Our Mission envelopes may be placed in the first collection. REMEMBER NEEDY FOLKS in our community each week with donations to the POOR BOX and canned and dry food items for distribution at the Northeast Food Pantry. PRAYERFUL CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST COMMUNICANTS TODAY: Maris Andorfer, Jaden Chapman, Mya Higgins, Lillian Hyleck, Maclaren Latoga, Adam Martin, Aedan McGann, Julia Murray, Aiden Pinto, Vincent Rose, Cecilia Rybczynski, Jeremiah Sanariz, Keira Schleter, Fiona Tamberino, Roger Thomas, Carley Tomaszewski, and Wryn Wheeler. All are welcome to share in the reception in the hall after the 11:30 A.M. Mass. EMBRACING OUR MISSION: We are grateful to 236 donors who pledged or made gifts for a total of $390,392.95 toward our $420,000 goal. Payments as of 3/31/15 are $194,769.04. The number of donors who are current with their payments is 209. 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL: As of 4/9/2015, 101 donors have pledged $23,722 toward our parish goal of $34,300. Thanks to all donors. FATHER BURKE SCHOLARSHIP FUND: The fund is now at $46,033.83. Thank you to all donors. SFA PARISH GOLF CLASSIC: Saturday, August 29, 2015, Oakmont Green Golf Course in Hampstead, MD – Shotgun start at 1:00 P.M. The price is $120 per golfer and includes greens fees, carts, prizes, gifts, beverages, dinner and drinks following the tournament. Foursomes and singles are welcome. Call the church office to sign up now. SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE NEWS: The Franciscan Center needs a crew of 10-12 persons to serve (not cook) the evening meal to the working poor from 5 – 7:30 P.M. at the center on the 4th Wednesday of each month starting in April. Secure parking is available in a gated lot. Call Nancy at 410235-4346 or email her at eire52@aol.com. PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS – NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015: The names and brief biographies of our parishioners willing to serve on the Pastoral Council for a two year term can be found in your pews today. Voting for five persons will take place next weekend at all Masses. HELP OUR PARISH, SFA SCHOOL, AND YOURSELF! Stop by the rectory office BEFORE you shop. Please help us do a better job, starting NOW! Call Molly at 410-319-7249 or 410-467-1683. Go to www.shopwithscrip.com for the full listing of what is available. (SFA Code: 5EAF755C11L87). Sales for the week ending 4/11/2015 will be included in next week’s bulletin. News from SFA School th From the 4 grade: “We love SFA because we get to have religious holidays and our teachers help us through our education. We can make friends and learn about God, about how Jesus is our Savior, and about how God made the world. Oh, and our teachers are really nice!” LUCKY 365 WINNERS: April 7 through April 13, 2015: April 7, #911, Bradley Davis, $20; April 8, #726, Beth Cushing, $20; April 9, #179, Anne Plumer O’Connor, $20; April 10, #211, Not Sold; April 11, #200, Joanne Moriconi, $20; April 12, #293, Not Sold; April 13, #117, Beatrice Messaris, $20. The shares make great Mother’s Day, Anniversary, Birthday, and Graduation gifts. Consider a year round $20 Share. Call our church office at 410-235-5136 to make your purchase. SODALITY SPONSORED BUS TRIPS FOR EVERYONE: 5/27/15 – “An American in Paris” – Palace Theatre in NYC - $110 is due now. Balance of $60 is due by 5/13/2015. 6/17/2015 – St. Michael’s, MD. $55 will cover your seat on the bus. It will be due no later than 6/1/2015. You will have free time to explore the Maritime Museum, take a ride on the Patriot boat, explore downtown, etc. Call Barbara Jo Wuest at 410-488-3162 or email her at barbarajo.wuest1@aol.com if interested in these trips. FLOWER/PLANT SALE AT SFA AFTER ALL MASSES THE WEEKEND OF MAY 2/3, 2015: Stop by the church hall to make your purchases (cash or check only) for Mother’s Day and other events. All proceeds benefit our great parish! IN APPRECIATION: Special thanks to everyone who donated toiletries and clothing for Msgr. Fitzgerald’s Apostleship of the Sea Ministry. The seafarers’ basic needs have been fulfilled. GOOD STEWARDSHIP LAST SUNDAY – 4/12/2015: Thanks to 421 persons who gave $5,458 in the Offertory Collection with $4,877 from 119 adult envelopes and 27 child envelopes; and $581 in the loose collection. Online giving for the Offertory Collection from 38 givers was $1,612. Online giving for Fuel and Maintenance from 14 givers was $203. Online giving for the Tuition Grant Fund from 6 givers was $78. Online giving for the Catholic Review from 1 giver was $35. Online giving for the Easter Special Collection from 2 givers was $125. Poor Box donations were $131 ($60 from 3 online givers). Average Weekly Expenses: Offertory + F&M – 4/12/15 Weekly deficit Fiscal Year surplus (as of July 1) $ 7,500.00 7,398.00 102.00 $37,436.05 To give online, please visit www.sfabalt.org and click on the ParishSOFT online button. YOUR PARISH THANKS YOU for your constant care. MAY GOD BLESS YOU! - ST. 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