Rev. Msgr. William F. Burke, Pastor Rev. Joseph J. Bonadio, S.S., Weekend Associate Rev. Guy M. Kagere, Assisting Priest Pamela S. Foresman, Religious Ed. Coordinator E. Joseph Teter, Music Director Jerry Buettner, Youth Minister Welcome to... Saint Francis of Assisi Jerry Buettner, Youth Minister 3615 HARFORD ROAD, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21218 Website: E-mail: Fax: 410-467-9503 Rectory/Offices: 3615 Harford Road, 21218 410-235-5136 & 410-235-1371 School/Office: 3617 Harford Road, 21218 • 410-467-1683 Rebecca Malone, Principal Pastoral Council: Michelle Muth, President • 410-254-1449 EUCHARIST: Weekend Masses: Sat. 5 P.M.; Sun. 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 A.M. Weekdays: 7:30 A.M. Monday - Friday; 9 A.M. Saturday BAPTISM: Celebrated at Mass and/or Sunday Afternoon by appointment. Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a Sacramental Preparation Session offered on the first Thursday of each month at 7 P.M. Call the Church office in advance. MARRIAGE: Contact one of the parish priests at least six months in advance. Participation in Marriage Preparation sessions is required. PENANCE: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 4 - 4:30 P.M. Anytime by personal request. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: (Sept. - May) Sunday School of Religion for Catholic students in private and public schools meets in St. Francis School after 9:30 A.M. Mass for Grades 1-8 from 10:30-11:45 A.M. High School students are scheduled by Youth Minister. KNOW YOUR FAITH: Christian Initiation Sessions for persons interested in learning about the Catholic Faith, Fall Easter. Please contact Church Office. HEALTH CARE MINISTRY: Please notify the Church Office when a family member is hospitalized or confined to a nursing home or your own residence. Prayers, visits, and the Sacraments are our part in care and healing. “LITTLE CHURCH” DURING 9:30 A.M. MASS: Children 3 – 6 years of age are invited to come to the sanctuary after the opening hymn to be blessed. The children will be taken to our Chapel for a faith-based lesson and will return to Mass after the Creed to encircle the altar. Contact is Meaghan Grace at 410-241-1073. • “Our Daily Bread” - 2nd Monday; Volunteers sign-in list — 1st Sunday. Contact is Mrs. Gina Gross at 443-845-8235. • Canned goods and food staples are collected at all Masses for the Northeast Pantry on Harford Road. • Poor Box Collection on the first Sunday aids our Mission Parish in India. • Alcoholics Anonymous - every Monday at 6:30 P.M. • Persons, Families in need of Counseling, Direct Assistance, Referrals, contact Church Office. • Crisis Pregnancy? Call 1-800-ANGEL-OK or 410-426-9992 • Suffering After Abortion? Call 410-625-8491 or 1-800-286-4224 • Visit us on Facebook: Please be sure to register if you are new and to let us know when you move. MAY 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER We hear of the early Christian communities as they multiplied and grew. The familiar Israelite image of the vine would have been especially reassuring. Despite the physical separation, their deep, ongoing connection to Jesus remained firm. It’s the same message for us. Stay close, trust in the source, and keep bearing fruit! TODAY’S READINGS Acts 9:26-31 1 John 3:18-24 John 15:1-8 NEXT SUN. READINGS Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 1 John 4:7-10 John 15:9-17 REFLECTION: “The church throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria was at peace. It was being built up and walked in the fear of the Lord, and with the consolation of the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers.” Acts of the Apostles 9:31 Jesus counsels us to remain always in him and in his life. Accepting this word brings a blessed assurance of peace and the consolation that Jesus is always with us: that we have no reason to be afraid. In this trust, we are commissioned to bear much fruit by bringing the Good News of God’s love, especially to the least of our sisters and brothers. “When your only tool is a hammer, you tend to approach every problem as though it were a nail.” Abraham Maslow ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Collin Baker (great-grandson of Madeline Thiess), Sister Kate Bell, Esther Bredariol, Dorothy Burton (mother of Angela Wieczorek),Velma Case, Richard and Trudy Dause (parents of Sherrie Guilfoyle), Robert Foresman, Christine Fugate, Bob Gast, Fred Gelhaus, George Hardy, Antoinette Janson, Jean Johnson, Charles Lavezza, Jo Malicki, Frances Malstrom, Michael Marr, Carol Knieriem McLaughlin, Rosa and German Mendonca (parents of Angela Pinto), Mary Rhodes (sister of Louise Wright), Robert Ruzicka, Martha A. Sanders, Jean Seekford, Peter Selhorst, Jean Udris, Austin Walker, Barbara Weaving, Joan Wilson, Leo Wisniewski, Laura Yurkowski, Marie Zeller, Michael Zorn, and all in hospitals and nursing homes. REST IN PEACE: All our departed loved ones, and all victims of war, violence, and natural disasters, especially the earthquake victims in Nepal. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 3, 2015: SUNDAY: Catherine Kelly, Mary Margaret Waldt, Parishioners MONDAY: Armando Scacchetti TUESDAY: Damien Marston WEDNESDAY: George Hochrein THURSDAY: Special Intention FRIDAY: Mary Plum SATURDAY: (9:00 AM) Anna Tumminello SUNDAY: Parishioners, Florence Mantler, Special Intention (5:00 PM) Das and Sowa Families WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday through Friday at 7:30 A.M. MASS CARDS/INTENTIONS: Please call or visit our church office. +++++++++++++++++++++++THIS WEEK AT ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3/Sunday After All Masses Plant/Flower Sales Hall After 9:30 A.M. Mass Hospitality Hall 4/Monday 6:30 P.M. AA Meeting Hall 5/Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Band Concert/Grades 5-8 Spring Musicale Hall 6/Wednesday 11:30 A.M. Sodality Mass/Luncheon/Meeting Church/Hall 1:45 P.M. May Procession/Benediction Pkg. Lot/Church 6 – 8:00 P.M. SFA School Family Science Night Hall 7/Thursday 6:30 P.M. Baptism Prep Session Church 7:15 P.M. Troop 87 Meeting Rectory 7:30 P.M. Pastoral Council Meeting Hall 8/Friday 7-10:00 P.M. HASA Adult Dance Hall 10/Sunday After 9:30 A.M. Mass CCD/Religious Ed. Final Class Celebration Hall ANNUAL APPRECIATION NIGHT DINNER PARTY: Sunday, May 17, 2015, from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. in the hall. Kindly return your response card by mail or in the collection basket no later than May 11 to say you will attend to enjoy delicious food, drink, and live music. The event is for everyone, ages eighteen and older. This is our annual opportunity to thank all persons who give their time, talents and treasure to SFA. Our special honoree this year is Ed Angeletti. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in today’s Second Collection for FUEL AND MAINTENANCE, for POOR BOX donations to aid Fr. Joseph’s Orphanage in India, and for signing up today in the Ushers’ Room to donate to OUR DAILY BREAD next weekend. SODALITY MASS at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, followed by a Luncheon Meeting in the hall. Bring a sandwich. Dessert and beverages will be provided. MAY PROCESSION in honor of OUR BLESSED MOTHER on Wednesday at 1:45 P.M. from Chesterfield Avenue around parking lot to Pelham Avenue and into the church for a Marian Service and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is welcome to join us! SFA PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING will take place on Thursday, May 7, 2015, at 7:30 P.M. All current and newly elected members are expected to attend or send a delegate. EMBRACING OUR MISSION: We are grateful to 239 donors who pledged or made gifts for a total of $390,577.95 toward our $420,000 goal. Payments as of 3/31/15 are $194,769.04. The number of donors who are current with their payments is 209. 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL: As of 4/22/2015, 103 donors have pledged $24,042 toward our parish goal of $34,300. Thanks to all donors. FATHER BURKE SCHOLARSHIP FUND: The fund is now at $38,083.83 after the award of $8,000 in scholarships for 14 students for the 2015/2016 school year. Thank you to all donors. SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE NEWS: The Franciscan Center thanks the enthusiastic crew from SFA who served the hungry on the evening of April 22, 2015. SFA will send another group of volunteers on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, from 5:00 to 7:30 P.M. to serve (not cook) the meal to the working poor. Transportation is available. No prior experience is necessary. You will experience the love of serving others. If you would like to participate in this service opportunity, please call Louise Wright at 410-254-3174 or email her at We would love to hear from you! SFA PARISH GOLF CLASSIC: Saturday, August 29, 2015, Oakmont Green Golf Course in Hampstead, MD – Shotgun start at 1:00 P.M. The price is $120 per golfer and includes greens fees, carts, prizes, gifts, beverages, dinner and drinks following the tournament. Foursomes and singles are welcome. Call the church office to sign up now. HELP OUR PARISH, SFA SCHOOL, AND YOURSELF! Stop by the rectory office BEFORE you shop. Please help us do a better job, starting NOW! Call Molly at 410-319-7249 or 410-467-1683. Go to for the full listing of what is available. (SFA Code: 5EAF755C11L87). Sales for the week ending 4/25/2015 were $1,875. SAVE THE DATE - SCRIP EVENT/PARTY will take place in the church hall on Friday, May 15, 2015, from 7 – 10 P.M. Stay tuned for more details. Everyone is invited! News from SFA School Her twenty years of kindness to the children and administrative support for the whole school were celebrated on National Administrative Professionals Day – Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Students and adults trouped into the Main Office to thank Mrs. Carol Ciuchta. God bless you, Mrs. Ciuchta! LUCKY 365 WINNERS: April 21 through April 27, 2015: April 21, #278, Dave Filipkowski, $20; April 22, #642, Lou Forte, Jr., $20; April 23, #541, Jonathan Novak, $20; April 24, #852, Carol Will, $40; April 25, #562, Not Sold; April 26, #877, Not Sold; April 27, #663, Not Sold. GIFT TIME! Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, Birthday, Anniversary. Consider a year round $20 Share. Call our church office at 410-235-5136 to make your purchase. SODALITY SPONSORED BUS TRIPS FOR EVERYONE: 5/27/15 – “An American in Paris” – Palace Theatre in NYC - $110 is due now. Balance of $60 is due by 5/13/2015. 6/17/2015 – St. Michael’s, MD. $55 will cover your seat on the bus. It will be due no later than 6/1/2015. You will have free time to explore the Maritime Museum, take a ride on the Patriot boat, explore downtown, etc. Call Barbara Jo Wuest at 410-488-3162 or email her at if interested in these trips. “PAINTING IN THE PARK” SPONSORED BY FRIENDS OF HERRING RUN PARKS: ATTEND THE WET PAINT EXHIBITION AND SILENT AUCTION on Sunday, May 3, 2015, 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. in the SFA Hall. There is no admission fee. Vote for your favorite paintings and bid on them at the auction. All are welcome! STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL: Saturday, June 6, 2015, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. in the hall. Please bring your family and guests to enjoy the sale of fresh local strawberries, delicious food, sundaes, milkshakes and baked goods; games and crafts for children, a large flea market, and 50/50 Raffle and FUN. Please return your 5 raffle shares and the money (cash or check payable to SFA Church) before June 6. FREE TREES: There are approximately 20 young Japanese Red Maple trees available to parishioners. Call Rudy (SFA usher) at 410426-6839. GOOD STEWARDSHIP LAST SUNDAY – 4/26/2015: Thanks to 478 persons who gave $5,128.59 in the Offertory Collection with $4,681 from 111 adult envelopes and 23 child envelopes; and $447.59 in the loose collection. Online giving for the Offertory Collection from 35 givers was $1,179. The Second Collection for the School Tuition Grant was $1,875. Online giving for Fuel and Maintenance from 6 givers was $111. Online giving for the Tuition Grant Fund from 10 givers was $144. Poor Box donations were $85 ($20 from 1 online giver). Average Weekly Expenses: Offertory + F&M – 4/26/15 Weekly deficit Fiscal Year surplus (as of July 1) $ 7,500.00 6,418.59 1,081.41 $34,546.64 Please consider online giving by visiting and clicking the ParishSOFT online button. YOU are the real DIFFERENCE…IN YOUR REGULAR, WEEKLY SUPPORT OF SFA PARISH. - ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE 5303-09 Harford Road • Baltimore, Maryland 21214 410/426-1517 Owned and Operated by the Ruck Family Same Day Service, THOMAS RYBCZYNSKI Associate Broker 7 Days a Week! 443-621-7043 410-327-2200 Fast, Reliable, Local Service TODAY! "I Live in Mayfield" Call: 410-578-3600 for more information 410-501-5284 One 16" Cheese Pizza Fast Turn Around • All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to 410-578-3600 BEL-GARDEN SUPERMARKET Personalized • Full Color Designs Call 410-578-3600 6620 Belair Rd., Overlea Plaza 410-319-9155 6530 Walther Ave. (off Northern Pkwy) FRANK'S PIZZA and PASTA Authentic Italian Eatery Pizza • Subs • Salads Seafood, Chicken & Veal Pastas Internal Medicine Serving N. E. Baltimore for over 25 years HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL PRINTING It's Wise to... ADVERTISE Michael A. Hyle, M.D. • • • • Esther’s Place inc. When it can' t be your home, let it be ours Attentive, Caring Staff Service For 18 Years RN, Owned/Operated Medicare Waiver Approved 5950 BELAIR ROAD CALL 410-426-4770 • M&T ATM SERVICES • WIC ACCEPTED • BA KERY • DELI DEPT. • HOT FOODS • FRESH SEAFOOD • QUALITY MEATS & PRODUCE GREAT PRICES & SERVICE SPACE AVAILABLE 410-254-1010 $875 + tax 410-254-2900 Three Convenient Locations: w w Expiration Date June 9, 2015 #2097 Jim Bush Plumbing Senior Discounts Plumbing • Heating Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling • Waterproofing Drains Cleaned OUR If interested in this space please call us at 410-578-3600 HIT HOME(S)! Wayne & Pat Roland Family Owned & Operated for Over 22 Years 410-644-1399 WHAT CAN STRAY CATS TEACH US ABOUT LIFE?... You may be surprised! Fr. Joe Breighner's book - "For the Love of Stray Cats" an easy "purrfectly" insightful read. Send $10.00 plus $2.00 for postage & handling to FATA • P.O. Box 4889 • Baltimore, MD 21211 (checks only payable to FATA) Roland Roofing and Home Solutions • Slate & Shingle Roofing • Windows • Siding • Doors $150 OFF contracts over $1,000 or more when you mention this ad during your FREE consultation 410-532-9037 “Old Fashioned Craftsmanship for the Modern Generation” For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015
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