2015 · Q1 · Quarterly Fellowship Business Meeting April 26, 2015 Originally Prepared: April 10, 2015 Additional Content Added: April 16, 2015 APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !1 OF !28 Meeting Agenda The Meeting Agenda will be finalized by the Church Leadership Council during their meeting on April 19, 2015. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !2 OF !28 Clerk’s Report Quarterly Fellowship Meeting Minutes - January 25, 2015 Letters granted to other churches: Adam Dewitt - Lovedale Baptist Church, Bascom Becky Dewitt - Lovedale Baptist Church, Bascom Steve Dewitt - Lovedale Baptist Church, Bascom Tyler Crumpler, - Church on the Circle, Enterprise, AL Membership Report October membership: Joined By letter: Joined By baptism: Total Additions: Letters granted: Deceased members: Total Subtractions: December 31 membership: 452 3 0 3 4 1 5 448 APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !3 OF !28 2015 Committee Members Church Officers Moderator: Dr. Bob Payne Clerk: Jean Wiggins Treasurer: Carol Jean Crawford Church Leadership Council Ronnie Hartzog Harold Donaldson Suzanne Sapp Randy English Janet Harns Wade Mercer Finance/Stewardship Chair: Harold Donaldson Laurie Massengill Evelyn Ward Pat Crisp Dr. Tracy Clemmons Tommy Barfield Hospitality Chair: Suzanne Sapp Cary Sapp Dena Oberski David B. Shores Helen Smith Eddie Hilton Ruby Lee Harrison APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT Personnel Chair: Ronnie Hartzog Leon Foster Tonya Gardner Bill Peacock Randy Ward Properties Chair: Randy English Nelson Garlo Ralph Harrison David Melvin Don Miller Jim Tyler Rex Wimberly David Shores Ronnie Hartzog Pete Hilton David Melvin Dr. Robert Payne Bill Peacock Gene Smith Bryan Wiggins Rex Wimberly Bill Wimberly Ryan Ziglar Missions & Outreach Chair: Janet Harns Karen Hughes Dr. Robert Payne Aundrea Sellars Davine Shores Gene Smith Dan Tackett Deacons Chair: Wade Mercer Dan Basford Martin Basford Coba Beasley Ralph Harrison FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !4 OF !28 Quarterly Fellowship/Business Meeting Annual/Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes - January 25, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Dr. Bob Payne, Moderator. All the Staff and Committee reports are in the attached packet of information. The minutes of the previous meeting and the Special Called Business Meeting on December 7, 2014 were in a packet of information published two weeks prior. They were reviewed and approved upon a motion by Janet Hams and a second by Rex Torbett. Carol Jean Crawford presented the quarterly treasurer's report from the packet of information published two weeks prior. The quarter ended with a $1,977.45 deficit. (See attached report) Dr. Payne then called for the staff reports: DR. MARK LONG, PASTOR—Please refer to the attached packet of information. Updates—A church-wide forum on worship and music was held on January 18 with a packed chapel in attendance. The open discussion went well with comments from a wide variety of people from all ages. The desire is to reach out to new people. Dr. Long stated that he is again on the Graceville City Council, serving out the unexpired term of Charles Holman, deceased. The Council meets one time a month on a Tuesday, so it will not interfere with his service to the church. He will move to Marianna when his house sells. BAROL BAILEY, ASSOCIATE PASTOR FOR WORSHIP MINISTRIES—Please refer to the attached packet of information. Updates: A meeting concerning the Youth Choir was held on January 21 at 4:45. The choir will be led by Julie Smith. The correct time for the Easter music is 10:45 March 29 (Palm Sunday). VINCE SMITH, ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF STUDENT MINISTRIES—Please refer to the attached packet of information. Updates: Upward Basketball is underway. More help is needed. There will be a church-wide Super Bowl party at the Lighthouse on February 1 at 5PM. Bring favorite Super Bowl food. Dr. Long will present devotionals during the party. Dr. Payne then called for the Committee Reports: FINANCE/STEWARDSHIP: Phillip Tyler presented the report for Harold Donaldson, incoming chair. Please see the complete report in the attached packet of information. New Committee members are: Pat Crisp, Evelyn Ward and Tommy Barfield. They join returning members Laurie Massengill and Dr. Tracy Clemmons. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !5 OF !28 HOSPITALITY: Joan Elmore presented her final report as Chairman. Please see the complete report in the attached packet of information. New members of the committee are: Suzanne Sapp, Chairman, Dena Obersky, David B. Shores and Tammy Melvin. They join returning members Cary Sapp, Helen Smith and Ruby Lee Harrison. MISSIONS AND OUTREACH: Dana Torbett gave her final report as Chairman. Janet Harns is the new Chairman. Please see the complete report in the attached packet of information. New member of the committee is Davine Shores. Other members of the Committee are :Karen Hughes, Dr. Bob Payne, Dan Tackett, Aundrea Sellars and Gene Smith. The Committee has been contacting Ministry Teams to determine Captains. PROPERTIES: Bill Wimberly gave his final report as Chairman: Insulation has been placed in the Sanctuary attic. The floor covering for the Choir Suite music room has been installed. Please see the complete report in the attached packet of information. Randy English is the new Chairman of the Committee. New Members of the Committee are Jim Tyler and Rex Wimberly. They join returning members Nelson Garlo, Ralph Harrison, David Melvin and Don Miller. DEACONS: Wade Mercer, New Chairman made the report. Please see the complete report in the attached packet of information. Coba Beasley was ordained on January 11, 2015. Currently serving as Deacons are Dan Basford, Martin Basford, Ralph Harrison, Ronnie Hartzog, Pete Hilton, David Melvin, Dr. Bob Payne, Gene Smith, Bryan Wiggins, Rex Wimberly, Bill Wimberly and Ryan Ziglar. The Deacons needed help locking and unlocking the church, so some new Ministries are being formed. CHURCH LEADERSHIP COUNCIL: Wade Mercer is the new Chairman. Please see the complete report in the attached packet of information. Members of the Council are: Randy English, Suzanne Sapp, Harold Donaldson, Janet Harns, Ronnie Hartzog and Mark Long. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Payne presented a resolution for consideration by First Baptist Church in support of the County Commissioners' recent decision to continue to display "in God We Trust” on the Florida Seal in their Chamber and to obtain a plaque to display it in their Chamber. Pat Crisp made the motion for the resolution. Lowell Centers made the second. The Motion passed. (See attached motion). APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !6 OF !28 The motion will be made public. The meeting adjourned at 1 PM. Jean Wiggins, Secretary APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !7 OF !28 Treasurer’s Report Quarterly Financial Report - First Quarter 2015 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH QUARTERLY SUMMARY 1st Quarter 3/31/2015 Jan Feb Mar Quarterly Total Contributions Transfers In $ $ 42,944.43 24,500.00 $ $ 54,708.63 - $ $ 70,629.58 - $ $ 168,282.64 24,500.00 Expense $ 56,804.15 $ 63,697.65 $ 66,216.46 $ 186,718.26 Inc-Exp $ 10,640.28 $ (8,989.02) $ 4,413.12 $ 6,064.38 Year-to-Date Budget Year-to-Date Actual Year-to-Date Comparison Budget to Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Income (Total) $ 199,875.00 $ 192,782.64 $ (7,092.36) Expense $ 199,875.00 $ 186,718.26 $ 13,156.74 $ 6,064.38 Inc-Exp APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !8 OF !28 First Baptist Church Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2015 Designated Fund Summary for First Quarter Dept Account# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23010 23020 23025 23030 23040 23050 23060 23065 23070 23090 23100 23110 23120 23130 23140 23141 23145 23150 23160 23170 23180 23190 23200 23210 23220 23230 23240 23250 23255 23260 23270 23275 23280 23290 23300 23310 23320 23330 Description DESIGNATED FUNDS A Woman's Touch Church Benevolence Love Offering Property Maintenance Trans/MT/Repair/Tires/Fuel Library Gifts FBCM Adult Sports Ministry Upward Sports Special Interest Annie Armstrong Missions Lottie Moon Missions McGuire State Missions Contingency Fund FL Baptist Children's Home Mission Designation/Proj Hope Mission Designation/Local Mission Support Special Missions Offering Mission Assistance Chipola Family Ministry Youth Recreation Lighthouse Projects Evangelism Materials AWANA Prison Ministry Dekle Building Renovations C.A.S.T. Choir/Mission Joy Club Youth Trips Children's Camp Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Gideons International Pastor's Ministry/Non-Budgeted Disaster Relief Local GA Interest:Youth Scholarships Interest Frank Hudnall Trust Interest Clara Hudnall Trust Building Fund TOTAL DESIGNATED FUNDS APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT Beginning Balance Receipts $2,937.20 $3,364.26 $0.00 $705.00 $4,763.03 $2,703.13 $30.00 $498.17 $3,727.27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,077.00 $0.00 $7,208.32 $0.00 $0.00 $44.53 $4,670.41 $667.63 $613.84 $2,333.52 $23,411.46 $32.16 $1,327.58 $1,163.34 $114.00 $0.00 $238.36 $0.00 $0.00 $891.00 $439.28 $26,397.43 $27,174.05 $0.00 $116,531.97 $2,245.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $0.00 $522.72 $43.19 $1,043.00 $816.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,234.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,152.00 $1,690.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,522.82 $272,393.59 $0.00 $318,787.32 FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA Disbursements $1,756.72 $2,299.51 $0.00 $0.00 $152.20 $174.86 $0.00 $641.97 $0.00 $50.00 $816.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,858.32 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $9,670.41 $0.00 $316.02 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,400.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,500.00 $86,104.64 $0.00 $137,440.65 Net Ending Balance $488.28 $3,425.48 ($2,299.51) $1,064.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $705.00 ($152.20) $4,610.83 ($149.86) $2,553.27 $0.00 $30.00 ($119.25) $378.92 $43.19 $3,770.46 $993.00 $993.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,077.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,375.68 $15,584.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44.53 ($4,670.41) $0.00 $0.00 $667.63 ($316.02) $297.82 ($100.00) $2,233.52 $0.00 $23,411.46 $0.00 $32.16 $7,752.00 $9,079.58 ($810.00) $353.34 $0.00 $114.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $238.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $891.00 $0.00 $439.28 ($18,977.18) $7,420.25 $186,288.95 $213,463.00 $0.00 $0.00 $181,346.67 $297,878.64 PAGE !9 OF !28 APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !10 OF !28 APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !11 OF !28 APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !12 OF !28 Ministers’ Reports Mark Long, Pastor Looking Backward • truelife – The church was introduced to truelife in January. We will use truelife.org as a tool to help us with outreach and inviting people to church. The approach is simple, pass out business cards and invite people to worship with us. Many people are worried about others asking them questions to which they do not know the answers. The business card has the truelife.org web address on it, and others can simply be told that many of the questions can be answered by going to that website. The purpose of truelife is: to provide members of FBM with a practical and simple tool for outreach.. • Ministry Teams– Most of the Ministry Teams for 2015 are active and functioning. If you have problems with, or recommendations concerning the Ministry Teams, please contact me. • Seder Dinner Recreation – On Thursday, April 06 at 5:30 pm we hosted a Seder dinner recreation. Approximately 90 people attended the dinner. The purpose of this dinner was twofold: to educate our members about the Jewish Passover meal (which was the last meal Jesus ate with his disciples), and to begin developing relationships with nonbelievers and/or those who do not regularly attend a church. • Breakfast with the Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt – On Saturday, April 04 we hosted a Breakfast with the Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt. Approximately 50 people were in attendance, Most of those in attendance were not members of FBM. The purpose of this breakfast was twofold: to begin building relationships with people who are not believers and/or do not regularly go to church, and to share the real story and message of Easter through this popular character and activity. Looking Forward • Mothers’ Day – Sunday, May 10 is Mothers’ Day. We will have baby dedication during the morning service. If you would like to dedicate your child to the Lord on that day, please contact the church office by Wednesday, April 29. If you know of others who do not have a church, but like their child dedicated to the Lord, please invite them to participate in this service, and contact the church office. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !13 OF !28 The purpose of this dedication service is: to encourage parents to raise their children to respect and revere the Lord. We will begin a new sermon series on Renewing Our Families: An Expression of God on Mothers’ Day. The series will run through Fathers’ Day, Sunday, June, 21. • Armed Forces Sunday – Armed Forces Day is Saturday, May 16. We will recognize and show appreciation to all who have and do serve in the Armed Services on the following Sunday. Please invite any men and women who serve the United States’ armed forces to be present at this service. • Memorial Day – Memorial Day is Sunday, May 24. On this day we will recognize and remember those who gave up their lives in service to our country. Please invite any families who have lost loved ones in service to the country to attend this service. • Sunday Night Family Fellowships – In June and July we will have our summertime Sunday Night Family Fellowships each Sunday evening (with the exception of Sunday, July 5). The purpose of these fellowships is twofold: to promote social fellowship in our church family, and begin developing personal relationships with people who are not members of FBM. Sunday School Report The first quarter Sunday School has been averaging 230. This has been about the same for the last few quarters. For Sunday School to grow we need to have members contact inactive members and to invite them to Sunday School. We also need to invite those that are looking for a Church home. Make our guests feel wanted and part of your class. Follow up with visitors to your class and encourage them to return. We are also utilizing space in the old offices for Sunday school classes. Next Sunday 2 classes will relocate to this space. We also have added several NEW members to Sunday School classes this quarter. Be in a class on Sunday and study the Word of God with great expectations of how you can serve. We encourage everyone to be in a Sunday School class on Sunday mornings, there is a class for you!!!! Last but not least, it's getting close to that time of year when we ask all teachers to continue teaching for the upcoming year. All of our Sunday School teachers do a great job every Sunday and we appreciate your dedication. This is also the time for anyone that would like to teach a class to let us know and we'll find a place for you to serve. Thanks for allowing your Sunday School Leadership Team to Serve. See YOU Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !14 OF !28 Barol Bailey, Associate Pastor of Worship Easter preparation was a great experience and Easter services were awesome! Thanks to all who help with our Pre-K and Children choirs as they prepared and helped lead worship. In recent weeks Julie Smith and I have started a Youth Choir/Drama group. We pray they will be active in leading worship regularly in the future! Pray for them. As I prepare this document, we will have had, weather permitting, a Men’s Ministry Golf Outing April 11 at ISGC, and of course it will have passed when you read this. The main reason for our outing is fellowship and camaraderie. I plan to schedule more outings in the future. VBS is just around the corner. I’ll let Vince elaborate on that! I have talked to Coba Beasley (DOM & FBM member) and we are preparing for what I hope will be a BIG Patriotic “God & Country Celebration” on July 1st! Our available Sanctuary Choir members and others will participate. This will be open to all churches in our association and other willing participants. More details to come… Pray for our Nation and leaders. 2 new microphones have been ordered for worship. Help is still needed for the Audio-Visual Team. Please contact me if you are willing to be on this team. It is an important ministry too! My pray is that we are faithful to God, Family and the Church! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. . . . Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV) God bless, Barol Vince Smith, Associate Pastor of Students Youth Ministry • Although it is not at all about the numbers we have been excited to have an average of 45-50 students attend on Wednesday nights. We have a good mix of middle school and high APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !15 OF !28 school students, as well as students from our congregation and students from families that do not have a church home.. February 1st: We had our Annual Super Bowl Party. We had over 100 people attend. This year we were able to open up the party to the entire church. We enjoyed great fellowship, food, and football throughout the night. Thank you to all who were involved!. Wednesday, February 25th: the contemporary Christian band IMMERSE came to the Lighthouse for a night of worship, music, and fellowship. In the weeks leading up to the concert, the youth were given special admission “tickets” as an opportunity to invite their friends to the event, as well as special Lighthouse edition TrueLife cards to help them answer questions about Jesus, the gospel, and Bible that those they invited may have had. The night itself was a sweet time of worship, music, and fellowship with over 80 youth, parents, and chaperones in attendance. There was a time of praise music, a devotional which shared the gospel, and a time for IMMERSE to play some of their original works. All in all it was a night in which unbelievers heard the truth about God’s love for them, and believers were uplifted and encouraged!! March 20th: We had our 3rd Annual First Baptist Spring Break Lock-in. We had a total of 82 kids attend. This year it was more like a lock out. We decided to take the Lock-in on the road to Fun Zone in Dothan. After a time of worship and short devotion we departed and settled in for a long night. Youth were able to enjoy skating, laser tag, bumper cars, arcade games, rock climbing, and lots of good fellowship. We were able to build some good relationships with kids and their parents of non-church members through this event in hopes to share the love of Christ and invite to church! I want to thank all the parents and adults that APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !16 OF !28 helped to with the Lock-in they are all troopers sticking it out all night and most of them then had plans to leave the next day for vacation Looking ahead: • April 24-25 we are having our second Girls Retreat. This year the theme is Anchored. We are excited for the girls to spend time with Godly women in fellowship, worship, and studying of scripture to learn about how they are anchored to Christ through their faith. Please be in prayer for this weekend. Pray for the adults involved as well as all those who are attending. It was a great event last year and we expect to be even better this year. • We looking forward to another exciting summer. We always have a great time during the summer getting to spend some intentional time with our kids. We are excited to be going to two camps this summer. We are taking our High school students to Glorieta, New Mexico and our middle school students to Ridgecrest, North Carolina. • We are almost done with the renovations for the Lighthouse. We are still waiting for a couple final finishing touches. Be on the lookout for a time to come out and see the new look! Children’s Ministry • We are still going strong with AWANA. We have about 60 kids involved in this program. Continue to pray for all children and adults as they continue to study God’s word through AWANA. • January-March: We have finished another year of Upward Basketball. Again this year we partnered with East Side Baptist Church to put on another season. We hosted the Kindergarten-2nd graders. We want to thank all of those who came out to help and support Upward. We had a good mixture of helpers from Senior Adults all the way down to youth APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !17 OF !28 that helped with refereeing, concessions, and halftime devotions. Thanks to all who helped to provide this ministry to those in our church and community. • February 22: We had another family bowling afternoon at Kindle Lanes. We were excited to have many of our young families to attend as well as many young families that do not attend a church regularly. This was a great event to invite unchurched families to a non-threatening environment in order to build relationships with them in order to share the gospel with them. Thanks to all who attended and look out for the next bowling day. Looking Ahead: • We are excited for another Family movie Night April 18th. Please come join us for a time to reach unchurched in the community. • May 10th: Mother’s Day and Baby dedication. If know someone who has a baby in the last year and would like to be part of our Baby Dedication Service please let the Church office know by April 29th. Look on the church website for forms needed to be involved in the service. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !18 OF !28 • • VBS is just around the corner. Please be in prayer for those that will begin the planning process as well as those who will come to VBS this year. If you are interested in helping with planning or helping during the week of VBS please contact the church office. Continue to pray for our Children’s Ministry. We hope that we can continue to grow and find new ways to reach young families that do not Jesus as their Lord and Savior. College Ministry: • Continue to pray for our College Ministry. It is small and we are praying about how to best reach that young adult age. We have started a bi-weekly fellowship on Monday nights called the Gathering. Right now the numbers are small but we are excited about the opportunity this ministry could bring. If you are interested in getting involved please contact the church office. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !19 OF !28 Committee Reports Finance/Stewardship Committee Report The Finance/Stewardship committee meets the Wednesday after the 15th each month. The committee is developing a stewardship plan to present to the church body. Hospitality Committee Report We have talked about the need to use our ministry teams which are church members who volunteered for certain teams. Ministry Team leaders are: • Cary Sapp – Food/Cooks • David Shores – Servers • Decorating – Tammy Melvin • Flowers – Deena Oberski • Sunday Night Fellowship – Ruby Harrison/Helen Smith • Bereavement – Lola Lamb Prepared for the Seder Meal which was held on April 2, 2015 Upcoming events for 2015 • Sunday Night Fellowships • July 12th and 19th • Every Sunday in August • Homecoming 9/20 Mission/Outreach Committee Special Missions Offering At the end of 2014, the Missions/Outreach Committee and the Finance Committee recommended and the church body approved that First Baptist Church take up a Special Missions Offering during the months of December 2014, January and February 2015. This plan would eliminate having to ask the church members for funds for the different missions offerings that we collect throughout the church year. The goal for this year is $34,000.00 and is to be divided in this manner: Local Ministries Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (Home Missionaries) APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA 20% of funds collected 20% of funds collected PAGE !20 OF !28 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (Foreign Missionaries) Maguire State Missions (Remains in Florida) Florida Baptist Children’s Home 40% of funds collected 10% of funds collected 10% of funds collected Dollars received from December to February 2015 Annie Armstrong $50.00 Lottie Moon $6,216.00 S.M.O. $18,919.32 Total During Quarter $25,185.32 Distributions thus December 2014 - February 2015 Lottie Moon $10,074.32 Annie Armstrong $ 5,037.00 Maguire $ 2,518.50 Children’s Home $ 2,518.50 Local Missions $ 5,037.00 As we celebrate the use of the Special Missions Offering, as stated we have already forwarded $10,074.32 to the Lottie Moon Offering. Each quarter additional dollars will be forwarded based on the amounts received. This method of focusing on a contribution drive in December, January and February and accepting pledges allows us to give more to the smaller offerings and to plan missions activities througout the year. Each quarter we will celebrate how the dollars are used. We still strive to reach the goal of $34,000.00 Habitat for Humanity Construction: For the Habitat quarter, the biggest event was the Collegiate Build in which so many of you participated. The two homes are being completed in partnership with the families and the community. Nine of our FBC families provided housing for the college students. We provided Sunday dinner in the Lighthouse, Monday breakfast in the Family Life Center and the Friday night Fish Fry at Madison Street Park. Our volunteers were instrumental in planning and construction. We have also made much progress on the Johnson Home in Grand Ridge and it is nearing completion, The end of this quarter, we have started the tear-out of another home on Bertram Street. All are scheduled to be completed by June 15, 2015. Fundraising: APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !21 OF !28 We are gearing up for the “Walk in their Shoes” 5k/10k/ 1 mile walk event, in conjunction with Gulfcoast Children’s Advocacy Center. The event will be held April 11, 2015, at Citizens Lodge, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Join us for a great family day. Tithe: Our January and February tithe amounts from the Habitat Restore total $1650.00. March tithe amount is not available. These dollars go to Habitat home construction in Nicaragua. Volunteers: Help is always needed at the Habitat Restore, with Construction and the many functions of a large volunteer based ministry. The founder of Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller, once said, " When you ask The Lord for a job to do for Him, you can count on finding employment." Chipola Family Ministries Report January Households Served February March 674 784 870 Total Clients 1486 1740 1930 New Clients 26 18 28 2 1 0 1020.5 808 662 Free Clothing # items 2848 1824 1760 Lbs.Food Distributed 22575 27138 30176.64 Lbs. Food Donated 23297 26495.4 28337.2 0 2137.9 0 297.00 455.6 697.2 Profession of Faith Volunteer Hours Lbs. Food Purchased First Baptist Donations Total Since Inception: Families Served 52,563 Total People Served 120,092 Professions of Faith 339 APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !22 OF !28 Fred Cook, Director of Chipola Family Ministries wants FBM to know how much he appreciated the food donations, volunteers and our loving generous attitude toward Chipola Family Ministries. Needs: • Food Donations • Volunteers • Clothing and household items • Plastic bags (already doubled would be great) Food bags given to the families include the following : 2 lb. Flour 2 cans corn 2 lbs. Sugar 2 cans green beans grits 2 cans soup 2 macaroni and cheese 1can english peas dried beans peanut butter rice jelly spaghetti noodles spaghetti sauce 2 ramen noodles 1 can meat (ie tuna, chicken, spam) 2 sleeves saltine crackers 2 more canned goods (assorted) cereal Bags weigh from 24 to 28 pounds. Other food items may be included if available. A Women's Pregnancy Center of Marianna Our usual approximate 75 FBC volunteer hours have continued for the quarter serving as front desk receptionist & in the Moms & Babies Room. The main activity for this quarter was the annual banquet which is the primary fundraiser for the operation of the Pregnancy Center. The banquet was very successful! It usually brings in around $50,000. This year's total was $56,800. FBC was well represented at the banquet with 3 tables of FBC members in addition to several others as guests at other people's tables. Utilizing a portion of the Special Missions Offering for local missions, FBC hosted a table with three of our staff members present. FBC members also helped with setting up for the banquet as well as cleaning up afterward. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !23 OF !28 Dr. Craig Conner was the guest speaker. He presented a very challenging message encouraging churches & individuals to stand up & speak out against abortion. The Good News Club The Good News Club meets every Tuesday afternoon at Golson Elementary School from 3:00 5:00 pm. There are approximately 40 kids enrolled in this Christian enrichment program. It has resulted in numerous salvations (8 last year and a least 1 confirmed this year). In addition, these kids have experienced increased depth of faith through this program. What do they need in order to maximize the potential of this program? Teachers, support personnel for "crowd control", materials for the program (candy, baggies, paper for copying, refreshments), help with expenses ($75.00 per week for room rental from the school, $400.00 per year for purchase of curriculum). Those people wishing to teach or provide counsel to the children will need to take a one day course from "Child Evangelism Fellowship". For more information or to arrange training, volunteers should contact Robin Carnley (a former member of the FBM congregation) at 850-718-5251 or they may contact me. Mission Opportunities We continue to pray for all who are preparing for the Nicaragua Mission Trip coming up this summer. Other opportunities are available also. Some of these are listed below: Chipola Baptist Association Mission's Opportunities: • Impact Jamaica- This Summer Cost: $299 Plus Airfare Call Dr. Tom Sees 843-293-0015 • Peru- July 30 - Aug. 10 Cost: $2990.00 from Orlando Call 352-481-5512 • West Virginia TBA July Other Missions Opportunities: PERSONNEL UPDATE Recruitment Please help us with recruitment by making these needs known to your organization, home fellowship, teams, or other relational networks. Tien Shan International School( TSIS) exists to serve the needs of believing families living and working in Kazakhstan. TSIS provides a rigorous academic program for approximately 150 children, kindergarten through grade 12. The high school offers honors level college preparatory courses, supported by PSAT and SAT. TSIS also runs a very successful special needs, mentoring and leadership, and transitional program for TCKs. A Third Culture Kid is a child who grows up in a culture that is neither one of their parents. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !24 OF !28 Our expatriate teaching staff are all volunteers who have been sent by agencies to teach at our school. Anyone interested in learning more about becoming a part of the TSIS teaching staff can contactopportunities@tienshanschool.org. Staff Needs for 2015-16: • Guidance Counselor • Registrar • Secondary Music Teacher (music, music theory, music history) • Secondary Math Teacher • Secondary Science Teacher • Secondary Art Teacher (for one year only) • Secondary History, Geography, Social Studies Teacher • Secondary Language Arts Teacher • Secondary Resource Teacher • Elementary Classroom Teacher (2) • Elementary ELL Teacher (native English speaker) • Elementary Teacher Assistant (native English speaker) • Elementary Resource Teacher (to work with learning disabled students) • Accountant Personnel Committee This past quarter the Personnel Committee approved staff members Mark Long and Ryan Ziglar request to attend the Nicaragua Mission Trip July 25 - August 1.. Properties Committee Committee members - Ralph Harrison, David Shores, Jim Tyler, David Melvin, Rex Wimberly, Nelson Garlo, Don Miller, and Ryan Ziglar The Properties Committee is presenting a motion to dispose of old office furniture from the old office suite and to dispose and discard of old obsolete computers in the Dekle computer lab. The committee will only dispose of items that are ‘obviously obsolete’. The Properties Committee had a busy first quarter of 2015. Some of the projects that were accomplished were: • Installation of rubberized flooring in the basement choir storage room. The interlocking flooring is removable to allow cleanup of any moisture problems while providing a safe walking floor for those entering through the basement floor. Total cost $800. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !25 OF !28 • Installed a single unit air conditioner (also called a Mini-Split) in the library to control humidity and provide a controlled temperature environment for the preservation of the books and other materials. Damage from mildew and humidity was a concern. Total cost was $2,920.00 • Approved the replacement of flooring in the Lighthouse which has been completed. Cost of this improvement was covered by a generous donation by a church member. • Replaced the fan/motor and service of the AC unit for the Family Life Center at a cost of $1,500.00. This is an aging unit and most of the parts are ‘special order’ items. • Committee agreed to purchase and install 12 computer program controlled thermostats to allow energy efficiency and consistency throughout the FBC facilities. Cost of this effort is $2,500.00 and will provide long-term savings in energy and equipment expenses. These Nest Thermostats have been purchased over the course of three months to spread cost over time. • Currently investigating solutions of sanctuary cupola leaks and dome repair. • Normal maintenance items of light repairs, bulb replacements, plumbing repairs, etc • The Properties Committee has assumed the responsibility of opening/closing and temperature regulation of the FBC facilities for worship services. A group of approximately 14 individuals volunteered to undertake this responsibility. • Repair and renovation of the ceiling in the Dekle Building is complete. The repair to the first floor was not nearly as extensive as originally estimated. The construction of the first floor ceiling was different and more substantial than that of the second floor. Due to this unexpected blessing, the project cost approximately 50% less than originally proposed. Long Range Planning Committee Minutes from March 2015 Luncheon Present: Bill Hinds, Gail Hartzog, Dana Torbett, Kelsey Davis, Cary Sapp, Jeff Hagan, David Melvin, Mark Long, Barol Bailey, Vince Smith, Jeremy Schoemann, Joan Miller Dr. Long called the meeting to order with prayer and made opening remarks. He asked ministerial staff members to join the Committee as ex-officio members. Staff members will provide insight and assistance but will not have voting privileges. Dr. Long provided a handout on the Purpose and Duties of the Committee. The Committee must work together to determine where are now, where we are going, and how we are going to get there. The Committee must never compromise on its commitment to Christ. Dr. Long presented each Committee member with two books to review before the next meeting. The books will provide necessary background information for Committee members as they work toward developing goals and objectives. • Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Thom S. Ranier • Becoming a Healthy Church by Stephen A. Macchia APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !26 OF !28 Officers were elected. • Chair - Cary Sapp • Vice Chair -Jeff Hagan • Secretary - Joan Miller The Committee elected to have luncheon meetings on Sunday after church. The next meeting will be on April 19, 2015. Upcoming holidays such as Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc., prevented the Committee from establishing a specific Sunday for future meetings. Chair, Cary Sapp, adjourned the meeting with prayer at 2:00 p.m. Deacons’ Report The Deacons continue to seek opportunities to serve the church body at FBCM. In addition to hospital and nursing home visits, the deacons are available to address various needs of the members, as we become aware of the needs. The deacons also have a prayer chain that is used upon a need arising and we continue to provide the seal-a-meal program, Lord’s Supper preparation, and birthday card programs through FBCM. But, we cannot help with a need that we don’t know about. We welcome your comments or suggestions and if you have knowledge of an opportunity for the deacons to serve, please let us know by contacting your family deacon, the church office at 526-4200, or Wade Mercer, Chairman of the Deacon Body, at 718-6384. APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !27 OF !28 Addendum Material Added April 16, 2015 Mission/Outreach Committee report sections added • • • A Women's Pregnancy Center of Marianna The Good News Club Mission Opportunities APRIL. 26, 2015 Q1· QFBM REPORT FIRST BAPTIST MARIANNA PAGE !28 OF !28
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