Crocker Holiday Festival of Art & Craft 2014 Crocker Art Museum

Crocker Art Museum
Creative Arts League
Crocker Holiday Festival of Art & Craft 2014
November 28, 29, & 30, 2014
Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95819
California artists and artisans are invited to apply for the annual Crocker Holiday Festival of Art & Craft
2014. The Festival will be Friday, November 28, 12 Noon to 6 PM, Saturday, November 29, 10 AM to 5 PM,
and Sunday, November 30, 10 AM to 4 PM. This event regularly attracts 4,000 to 5,000 shoppers during the
3-day run. We hope you will consider joining us this year!
The festival will again be at the Scottish Rite Center in East Sacramento. This venue is a single story
building with rooms for our exhibitors and lots of free parking and easy access – all good things for our
exhibitors and shoppers!
We are pleased to announce that we are transitioning to a streamlined Online Application format this
year! Although we prefer online application, for this year, artists have the option of applying by mail as in past
years. We are continuing our “booth fee plus commission” format. Booths vary by size with corner booths
available for an additional fee. Individual artists will be responsible for processing their own sales and
collecting and paying sales tax.
Application Timeline
July 1
Application Deadline
August 1
Applicants notified of their acceptance into the show
October 25
Last day to cancel with refund (see Cancellation Policy on page 4 of application)
October 26
No refunds on cancellations (see Cancellation Policy on page 4 of application)
Fees & Payment
• Applicants will pay a non-refundable jury fee of $15 upon entry.
• NOTE: The non-refundable jury fee for applications received after the July 1, 2014 deadline
is $25.
• Then, if juried into the show, Online applicants will be invited to make an online payment for
desired booth size.
• Mail-in applications must include ALL payments including a non-refundable jury fee of $15,
booth fee, corner fee, and make all checks payable to the Creative Arts League of
Sacramento (CALS).
• Applicants NOT accepted will receive a refund of all fees except jury fee.
• Booth fees will be processed upon acceptance into the Holiday Festival of Art & Craft.
• Every effort will be made to accommodate booth size and corner booth requests.
• Handmade fine art and fine quality craft are accepted as well as handmade gourmet food
• All work must be the applicant’s own original work. Reproductions must be signed, limited
editions. No manufactured items will be permitted!
• Only product type submitted for jury approval may be displayed and sold at the event.
• Products other than those listed on the application must be removed from the booth.
• Food vendors must be prepared to provide proper heath department certification.
Online Application
Apply for the Crocker Holiday Festival of Art & Craft 2014 online
(if link is not active, please copy and paste into your browser)
Mail-In Application Packet
To apply for the Crocker Holiday Festival of Art & Craft 2014 by mail
Please submit the following:
(Incomplete applications will not be juried)
! Completed application form
! Copy of your resale license
! At least four (4) good quality photographic prints of the type of works to be sold
during the event. Photos will not be returned. Tip: use a simple background and
good lighting.
! One (1) photo or sketch of your booth layout. Please label with your name.
! One (1) separate check for $15 jury fee made payable to the Creative Arts
League of Sacramento
! One (1) separate check for the appropriate booth fees made payable to the
Creative Arts League of Sacramento
! One (1) separate check for the corner booth premium (if applicable) made
payable to the Creative Arts League of Sacramento
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact:
Jean Schaffer
(916) 747-3266
Donna Natsoulas
(916) 808-5531
Crocker Holiday Festival of Art &Craft 2014
November 28, 29, & 30, 2014
Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street
Sacramento, CA 95819
Fri Noon-6PM
Sat 10-5PM
Sun 10-4PM
Application Deadline: July 1, 2014
Vendor Number:_____
Date Received:______
Fees Paid:__________
Return application to:
Holiday Festival of Art & Craft 2014
c/o Jean Schafer
PO Box 188472
Sacramento, CA 95818-8472
Last Name _________________________ First Name ___________________________
Business Name to appear in Program _________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State ________ Zip ______________
Email __________________________________________________________________
Have you shown with us before?_____ If so, what years?__________________________
Artwork/Product Description_________________________________________________
Artwork/Product Price Range: High________ Low_______ Most common price________
1. Briefly tell us about your artistic journey. (You may use the back):_________________
2.What is unique or special about your work or product? (You may use the back):____
Enclosed Fees
Fees & Payment
Jury Fee $15 (all applicants, returning and new – separate check, please
10 x 10 Booth Space _____(number of spaces) x $300 (plus 15% commission)
8 x 10 Booth Space ______(number of spaces) x $250 (plus 15% commission)
6 x 8 Booth Space _______(number of spaces) x $150 (plus 15% commission)
Corner Booth Premium $50 (limited)
Total Fees Enclosed
Checks made payable to Creative Arts League (or CALS) and mail to:
Holiday Festival of Art & Craft
c/o Jean Schaffer
PO Box 188472
Sacramento, CA 95818-8472
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be made in writing. There will be a $20 handling fee on all cancellations
made until October 2014. There will be no refunds on cancellations made after October 26,2014.
The exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any reason whatsoever against the Crocker Art Museum,
the Creative Arts League of Sacramento the Scottish Rite Center, nor any person or organization
affiliated with the show for loss, theft, damage, destruction, of non-delivery of goods, display
materials and or other effects: nor for any injury to him/herself or employees, or representatives
while in the event area. I further release the Crocker Art Museum and the Creative Arts League of
Sacramento and all of its duly appointed representatives, agents and affiliates of all liability and
responsibility for damages or loss suffered before, during or after the 2014 Festival or as a result of
the display of the exhibitor’s work, equipment or materials.
I have read and agree to all the specified terms, conditions, rules and requirements set forth on all
pages of the Crocker Holiday Festival of Art & Craft 2014 application and letter. I understand and
agree to abide with the cancellation policy. I understand that every effort will be made to
accommodate booth sizes and corner booth requests but that there are limited numbers in each
category. I understand that individual artists are responsible for processing their own sales and
collecting and paying sales tax. I guarantee that the art/product described in this application is my
original work.
Artist Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________