The Mediterranean diet as a case study for sustainable diets

 The Mediterranean diet as a case study for sustainable diets in the context of sustainable food systems Sandro Dernini
FAO-­‐UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme Forum on Mediterranean Food Cultures M.A.D. Fes:val – Montpellier 28 March 2015 Challenges • Food insecurity • Growing demand, in quan:ty, quality and diversity • Food produc:on & consump:on already exerts considerable pressure on environment • Resources fragile & scarce • Food systems must become more sustainably intensive, more efficient in the use of resources Sustainable Food Systems Program (SFSP) Task Force members Coordinated by FAO and UNEP 14 na:onal governments UN agencies and programs (FAO, UNEP, UNCTAD, IFAD, UNIDO) Eight civil society organiza:ons Three interna:onal business organiza:ons represen:ng 325 firms A growing concern about the current trends and future prospects regarding the unsustainability of food systems Defini:on of sustainable food system A sustainable food system (SFS) is a food system that delivers food security and nutri;on for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutri;on for future genera;ons are not compromised (HLPE, 2014) Food security, nutri:on and sustainability Sustainable diets have been increasingly debated in the context of sustainable food systems Defini:on of sustainable diets “Sustainable Diets are those diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutri;on security and to healthy life for present and future genera;ons. Sustainable diets are protec;ve and respecJul of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally acceptable, accessible, economically fair and affordable; nutri;onally adequate, safe and healthy; while op;mizing natural and human resources”. (FAO, 2010) FAO/CIHEAM collabora:on on the sustainability of the Mediterranean diet in the context of the Mediterranean food system Health, nutrition and
Society and culture
FAO/CIHEAM-Bari, International Workshop, 2011
Advancement of the no:on of the Mediterranean diet Sustainability of Mediterranean diet within the Mediterranean food systems Where we stand on sustainable diets: •  A two-­‐way approach to devise methods and indicators for sustainable diets (=strength of rela:on diet-­‐food system): -­‐ 
1) By starFng from the diet 2) By starFng from the food system •  The challenge of indicators aggrega:on with a tension between the “health and individual” part of sustainable diets, versus the “sustainable food system” part •  The challenge of their data availability The Mediterranean Diet EXPO 2015 CALL: Time to Act 14 May 2015 Milan Expo Conven:on Center ORGANIZED IN COLLABORATION WITH Thank for your aNenFon­‐food-­‐consump:on-­‐and-­‐produc:on/en/