Ministry of Foreign Affairs Start: 18 May A challenging and unique online course on Food and Nutri on Security When comple ng this course you will be en rely up to speed with the issues and our policies on Food and Nutri on Security In collabora on with Wageningen UR, enrol before 13 May via For policy officers at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries and partner organiza ons This course is meant for policy officers and development professionals, either working on Food and Nutri on Security (FNS) and seeking to broaden and refresh their knowledge, or planning to do so and looking to get an in-‐depth introduc on. The course will start at 18 May The course will be held in English and will require an investment of max. 4 hours a week. Five weeks online with videos and assignments; Four webinars with a group to aquire in-‐depth knowledge; Working on a real-‐life case study. Learning objec ves In this online course you will gather insight in the context of food and nutri on security and explore theore cal and policy developments at play. The main frameworks of FNS, global trends and The specific challenges in eradica ng hunger and malnutri on. Promo ng inclusive growth in the agriculture sector, and realising ecological sustainable food systems will be discussed in this course. You can enrol before 13 May by sending an email to For more informa on contact Ilse Heeremans: (
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