Name: Relation to child(ren): Email Address: Mobile Phone No

Family Surname:
Current Home Address:
Office use only:
Home Tel. Number:
Notes (e.g. relocation
plans etc.):
Parent/Guardian Details:
First Parent/Guardian
Second Parent/Guardian
Relation to child(ren):
Email Address:
Mobile Phone No.:
Daytime/Work Tel.:
1st Child to Enrol
Child Details:
2nd Child to Enrol
3rd Child to Enrol
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Proposed Start Date:
Year Group for Entry:
Current School:
First Language:
Religion (optional):
General Health:
Interests and talents:
I/we request that my/our child(ren) may be registered as candidate(s) for admission to Heathside Preparatory School. I/we understand
that choice of candidates is based upon a range of qualities (academic, musical, artistic and so on) and that no selection is made on the
grounds of race or religion.
I/we understand that fees must be paid in full before the beginning of each term, that no refunds are made for absence and that a full
term’s notice must be given in writing to the head teacher before removal of child(ren), in default of which a term’s fees are payable. I/we
further understand that the school reserves the right to amend any fees and that late or non-payment may result in the suspension of
my/our child(ren).
I/we enclose the non-refundable registration fee of £100 per child to cover entry arrangements. I/we understand that upon a child’s
acceptance into the school, a deposit of £3500 per child is payable and that this deposit will be refunded at the end of your last term, less
any balance outstanding.
Please note the signatures of both parents/guardians are required.
Signed (1st parent)
Dated: __________________
Signed (2nd parent)
Dated: __________________
An online version of this admissions form is available
on our website:
Remus White Limited
Registered in England No. 2852621