FOOD TECHNOLOGY Quali ication ExaminationBoard Speci icationCode GCSE WJEC 139 Topics Covered Overview In year 10 you will design and make food products and develop your skills in cakes, pastries and breads. You will learn about food hygiene and safe‐ ty, nutri on, exis ng product analysis, bakery skills and proper es of food ingredients, sustainability in food design, marke ng and adver sing of food products, legisla ve issues within food, research into other food de‐ signers, commercial manufacturing processes and the use of CAD/CAM. In Year 11 you will apply your new skills and knowledge to undertake a project to design, develop and perfect a food product based on a given design brief. Are you imagina ve, crea ve and innova ve? Do you enjoy making things and solving problems? Studying FOOD TECHNOLOGY will enable you to: Learn prac cal skills so that you can cook your own food confidently and safely. Make healthy lifestyle choices based on your developing knowledge of nutri on. Explore how environmental, ethical and social choices within Food Design can have a las ng effect on the local community and the World’s resources. Notes Assessment Throughout Year 11 you will undertake 30 hours of controlled assessment tasks . This involves both wri en and prac cal work and is worth 60% of your final grade. The other 40% is a 2 hour wri en exam which you will sit at the end of Year 11. Course Progression Achieving Food Technology GCSE at A‐C will allow you to progress to level 3 courses such as AS and A2 Food Technology here in Swanshurst Sixth Form (subject to sufficient pupil par cipa on) . Achievement at grade D ‐ G will support your progression onto a level 2 course such as a GNVQ or BTEC. Career Opportunities There are many careers related to Design and Technology. Food Tech‐ nology can lead to a number of different paths including: Food Designer, Caterer, Cake Designer, Chef, Teacher, Nursery Nurse, Nursing, Hospital‐ ity Manager or even a manager of your own food business. Further studies of Food Sciences can lead to many more careers such as a Food Technologist and Nutri onist. SWANSHURST SCHOOL 13
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