Schedule/Entry Form

The Te Anau Community Events Charitable Trust
proudly presents the 3rd annual
3rd & 4th APRIL
FRIDAY, 3rd April 2015
Southland Whisky Tasting Championship
Te Anau Club, Pop Andrew Drive, Te Anau
SATURDAY, 4th April 2015
Highland Games
Te Anau Primary School, Bligh Street, Te Anau
Highland Hoedown
Te Anau Club, Pop Andrew Drive, Te Anau
The Programme
Whisky Tasting - 7pm, Friday 3rd April - Te Anau Club
One of the most popular alcoholic beverages created from the distillation of
grain based products, whisky is closely infused into Scottish culture. It also has a
special place in Southland folklore through the legendary “Hokonui Moonshine”
brewed by Scottish immigrants during the days of prohibition.
Join us in this R18, ticket-only event, where you will be introduced to the
intricacies of whisky “nosing” and tasting. This event also features the popular
annual “Southland Whisky Tasting Championship” where the knowledge of selfproclaimed “connoisseurs” is challenged in a blind taste test.
Highland dress is encouraged and the evening will, of course, feature an address
to the haggis. Numbers are limited and there are strictly no door sales so book
your place early.
Highland Games - 9.15am-4pm, Saturday 4th April - Te Anau School
Participants and spectators alike are encouraged to wear tartan. Entry to the
venue is free, with donations gratefully received. Nominal entry fees are charged
for the various events to encourage wide participation. Programmes and themed
merchandise will also be available to purchase.
The feature event of the festival, the highland games have been specially tailored
into four main events (caber tossing, rock carrying, sheaf tossing and farmer’s
walk), based on traditional highland games disciplines but modified for maximum
fun and safety and to encourage as many people as possible to have a go.
There are also highland dancing, solo piping and solo drumming competitions,
along with fun “all comers” events and many other activities around the field.
New this year is the inclusion of the Flying Scotsmen, previously held at the
Te Anau Airport. The mile-long dash the length of the runway is being replaced
with four laps of the running track where participants will be encouraged to wear
kilts and Braveheart-inspired face paint and claim the title of (and trophy for) the
fastest Flying Scotsman. Great fun for both serious athletes and weekend joggers.
Haven’t got a kilt? There’s a trophy for the fastest in civvies too!
Highland Hoedown - 8pm, Saturday 4th April - Te Anau Club
This is a strictly social event held at the Te Anau Club on Saturday night (where
bistro meals will also be available to purchase). Scottish musicians and dancers
are encouraged to bring along their instruments and dancing shoes for a ceilidhstyle night of fun and frivolity. Featuring this year special guests from Pipeworkz!
Entry is by gold coin donation.
highland & national dancing
Commences 9.15am
Conducted under the rules of the Piping & Dancing Association of NZ
Adjudicator: Mrs Annetta Cowie, Clyde
14 Years and Over
1 Highland Fling Under-12 (4 steps) $3.00 18 Irish Reel (Irish Jig Double Time)
19 Irish Hornpipe
Under 8
2 Highland Fling (4 steps)
$3.50 20 Sword Dance
3 Irish Jig
$3.50 21 Highland Fling
22 Seann Triubhas
Under 10
23 Sailor’s Hornpipe
4 Highland Fling
5 Irish Jig
$3.50 All Comers*
6 Sword Dance
$3.50 24 4-step Fling (Under 14 years)
7 Sailor’s Hornpipe
$3.50 25 4-step Fling (Adults)
Under 12
8 Highland Fling
9 Irish Jig
10 Sword Dance
11 Sailor’s Hornpipe
Under 14
12 Highland Fling
13 Highland Reel (Sword Dance)
14 Seann Triubhas
15 Irish Jig
16 Irish Hornpipe
17 Sailor’s Hornpipe
*These are novelty events, not conducted under PDANZ
rules, open to all ages. Competitors must complete four
highland fling steps of their choosing. This fun event is
ideally suited to visitors from other countries, dancers
who are not currently registered with PDANZ, dancers
who do not have a uniform or who are not quite ready
to enter a formal competition yet (eg, they might have
learned the fling steps but not the arms), parents or
siblings of dancers who want to “have a go”, former
dancers and teachers. It is NOT designed for registered
competitive dancers. There will be no uniform
• All dancers are expected to take part in
the festival finale and prizegiving,
to be held at approximately 4pm.
PRIZES: Placings will be awarded according to entry numbers as follows:
3 entries – 1st; 4 entries – 1st, 2nd; 5 entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd; 6 entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th;
7+ entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Te Anau Tartan Festival ribbons will be awarded for
placings in all classes. Sashes and challenge trophies will be awarded for Most Points in
each age group. Very Highland Commended, Highly Commended and Commended
certificates to be awarded at the judge’s discretion.
1 Sailor’s Hornpipe U/10
2 Sailor’s Hornpipe U/12
3 Sailor’s Hornpipe 14+
4 Irish Jig U/8
5 Sailor’s Hormpipe U/14
6 Irish Jig U/10
Draw for Reel O Tulloch 14+
7 Irish Jig U/12
8 Irish Jig U/14
9 Irish Reel (DT Jig) 14+
10 Irish Hornpipe U/14
11 Irish Hornpipe 14+
Draw for Highland Reel U/14
12 Sword Dance U/12
13 Novice Fling U/12 (4 steps)
14 Highland Reel U/14
15 Sword Dance U/10
16 Seann Triubhas U/14
17 Sword Dance 14+
18 Highland Fling U/8 (4 steps)
19 Highland Fling U/12
20 Seann Triubhas 14+
21 Highland Fling U14
22 Highland Fling U 10
23 Highland Fling 14+
24 All Comers’ 4-Step Fling
25 Adults’ All Comer’s 4-step Fling
26 Massed Fling & Prizegiving
solo drumming
Commences 10am
Mr Ian Mowat, Invercargill
1 4 parts tune of own choice $2.50
1 4 parts tune of own choice $2.50
2 4/4 March $3.00
3 Strathspey & Reel $3.00
2 4/4 March $3.00
3 Strathspey & Reel $3.00
4 2/4 March $3.00
5 Strathspey & Reel $3.00
4 2/4 March $3.00
5 Strathspey & Reel $3.00
6 Hornpipe & Jig $3.00
7 Strathspey & Reel $3.00
8 6/8 March $3.00
6 Hornpipe & Jig $3.00
7 Strathspey & Reel $3.00
8 6/8 March $3.00
• All drummers are expected to take part
in the massed bands as part of the
festival finale and prizegiving,
to be held at approximately 4pm.
PRIZES: Placings will be awarded according to entry numbers as follows:
3 entries – 1st; 4 entries – 1st, 2nd; 5 entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd; 6 entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th;
7+ entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Te Anau Tartan Festival ribbons will be awarded for
placings in all classes. Sashes and challenge trophies will be awarded for Most Points in
each grade. Very Highland Commended, Highly Commended and Commended certificates to
be awarded at the judge’s discretion.
1 Elem. snare 4/4 March
2 Int. snare 2/4 March
3 Elem. tenor 4/4 March
4 Int. tenor Strathspey & Reel
5 Adv. snare Hornpipe & Jig
6 Adv. tenor Strathspey & Reel
7 Novice snare 4-parts own choice
8 Elem. tenor Strathspey & Reel
9 Adv. tenor 6/8 March
10 Elem. snare Strathspey & Reel
11 Int. snare Strathspey & Reel
12 Novice tenor 4-parts own choice
13 Adv. snare 6/8 March
14 Int. tenor 2/4 March
15 Adv. tenor Hornpipe & Jig
16 Adv. snare Strathspey & Reel
17 Massed bands and Prizegiving
solo piping
Commences 9.30am
Conducted under the rules of the Piping & Dancing Association of NZ
Adjudicator: Mr Colin Chisholm, Christchurch
A-grade (submit 3 tunes of each type)
11 Hornpipe & Jig $3.50
1 2/4 March $3.00
12 Strathspey & Reel $3.50
D Grade
13 2/4 March $3.50
2 Slow Air $3.50
14 6/8 March $3.50
3 2/4 March $3.50
All Comers*
4 Strathspey & Reel $3.50
15 Chanter – Own choice $1.00
16 Bagpipes – Own choice $1.00
C Grade
* These are novelty events, not conducted under PDANZ
5 Hornpipe & Jig $3.50
rules, open to all ages. In Event 16 competitors must
6 Strathspey & Reel $3.50
perform tune or tunes of their own choice to a maximum
7 2/4 March $3.50
of two minutes’ duration. This fun event is ideally suited
B Grade (submit 2 tunes of each type)
8 Hornpipe & Jig $3.50
9 Strathspey & Reel $3.50
10 2/4 March $3.50
to visitors from other countries, pipers who are not
currently registered with PDANZ, pipers who do not have
a uniform, former pipers and teachers. There will be no
uniform requirement.
• All pipers are expected to take part
in the massed bands as part of the
festival finale and prizegiving,
to be held at approximately 4pm.
PRIZES: Placings will be awarded according to entry numbers as follows:
3 entries – 1st; 4 entries – 1st, 2nd; 5 entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd; 6 entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th;
7+ entries – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Te Anau Tartan Festival ribbons will be awarded for
placings in all classes. Sashes and challenge trophies will be awarded for Most Points in
each grade. Very Highland Commended, Highly Commended and Commended certificates to
be awarded at the judge’s discretion.
1 B-grade 2/4 March
2 Novice 2/4 March
3 B-grade Strathspey & Reel
4 D-grade Slow Air
5 A-grade 6/8 March
6 C-grade Hornpipe & Jig
7 A-grade Strathspey & Reel
8 D-grade 2/4 March
9 B-grade Hornpipe & Jig
10 D-grade Strathspey & Reel
11 A-grade 2/4 march
12 C-grade Strathspey & Reel
13 A-grade Hornpipe & Jig
14 C-grade 2/4 March
15 Chanter – Own choice
16 All Comers – 2-minute own choice
17 Massed bands and Prizegiving
highland heavyweight competition
Commences 10am
here’s how it’s done
Caber Toss
A long pole or log is stood upright and hoisted by the competitor who
balances it vertically before running forward in an attempt to toss it in
such a way that it turns end over end with the upper end striking the ground first.
The end that was originally held by the athlete then hits the ground in the 12 o’clock
position measured relative to the direction of the run. If successful, the athlete is
said to have turned the caber. Cabers vary in length, weight, taper, and balance,
all of which affect the degree of difficulty in making a successful toss. Competitors
are judged on how closely their throws approximate the ideal 12 o’clock toss on an
imaginary clock.
Sheaf Toss
A bundle of straw, wrapped in a hessian bag (the sheaf), is tossed vertically with
a pitchfork over a raised bar much like that used in pole vaulting. Each athlete is
allowed three attempts at each height. Successful clearance of the height allows
the athlete to advance into the next round at a greater height. The competition is
determined by the highest successful toss with fewest misses being used to break
tie scores.
Rock Carry
This endurance event requires a mix of speed and stamina. Competitors must
relocate a pile of 14 rocks of varying sizes, one at a time, over a 20m distance.
The fastest transfer of the pile wins.
Farmer’s Walk
There’s no stopwatch on this event, it just requires grit and determination.
Competitors must carry two full drench containers around a 100m course without
allowing either container to touch the ground. The person who gets the farthest
around the course wins.
Tattie & Spoon Race
Just for the juniors, this event replaces the Sheaf Tossing for our youngest
competitors. Each competitor gets a spoon and a potato. Put the potato in
the spoon and, holding the spoon in one hand, it’s a race around a 100m course
– whoever gets to the finish line fastest without dropping their potato or touching it
• All Highland Heavyweight events are open to anyone but you must attempt
all four disciplines. Not everyone will be able to achieve everything – it’s the
having a go that counts.
• Weight and size of the equipment used in events will differ according to the
various sections.
highland heavyweight competition
Commences 10am
Chief Adjudicator: Mr Brendan Soper
Senior Men (18 years+)
Boys (Up to 12 years)
Caber Toss
Mini Caber Toss
Farmer’s Walk
Farmer’s Walk
Sheaf Toss
Tattie & Spoon Race/Junior Sheaf Toss
Rock Carry
Rock Carry
Entry fee (for all 4 disciplines)
$5.00 Entry fee (for all 4 disciplines) $10.00
Senior Women (18 years+)
Girls (Up to 12 years)
Caber Toss
Mini Caber Toss
Farmer’s Walk
Farmer’s Walk
Sheaf Toss
Tattie & Spoon Race/Junior Sheaf Toss
Rock Carry
Rock Carry
Entry fee (for all 4 disciplines) $5.00 Entry fee (for all 4 disciplines) $10.00
Junior Men (13-17 years)
Caber Toss
Farmer’s Walk
Sheaf Toss
Rock Carry
Entry fee (for all 4 disciplines) Junior Women (13-17 years)
Caber Toss
Farmer’s Walk
Sheaf Toss
Rock Carry
Entry fee (for all 4 disciplines) $6.00
Women’s Team Tug-o-War (18 years+)
Ideally suited to sports teams, hobby/
interest groups or even workplaces.
This competition is the ultimate test of
strength and bravado. Teams must have
six members.
Entry fee $10.00
Men’s Team Tug-o-War (18 years+)
Ideally suited to sports teams, hobby/
interest groups or even workplaces.
This competition is the ultimate test of
strength and bravado. Teams must have
six members.
Entry fee $10.00
• All highland heavyweight competitors are expected to take part in the festival finale
and prizegiving, to be held at approximately 4pm.
PRIZES: Te Anau Tartan Festival ribbons will be awarded for placings in all classes. Sashes
and challenge trophies will be awarded for the Highland Heavyweight Champion over four
events in each of the six categories (Senior Men, Senior Women, Junior Men, Junior Women,
Boys and Girls). •Te Anau Tartan Festival Rules & Regulations, Page 8
ORDER OF EVENTS: Competitors may complete the events in any order, at any
time, but must ensure they have finished all four events by 2.45pm. Children will
compete on separate courses, also in their own time, although times will be
allocated for tattie and spoon races. The Tug o War will take place immediately
prior to the Festival Finale and Prizegiving, approximately 3.45pm.
Te Anau Tartan Festival rules and regulations
1. All highland piping and dancing events (with the exception of All Comers and novelty events as
specified) shall be run under the Rules of the Piping and Dancing Association of New Zealand
2. Bonnets/head dress to be worn in accordance with the rules and regulations of the PDANZ.
3. No entry will be accepted if not accompanied by payment of the specified entry fee/s.
4. In the event of a tie for Most Points in piping or dancing events Rule 13 (PDANZ Bylaws) will apply
and aggregate marks may be used.
5. All piping and dancing competitors must be registered for the current year with the PDANZ. Registration cards must be produced upon request. Registrations may be made on the day, prior to
competing, with payment of the required subscription fee. The only exceptions are special, All
Comers or novelty events which are not run under the rules of the PDANZ and are specified as
such in the programme.
6. No judges’ reports will be given.
7. Novice, All Comers and novelty events do not count towards Most Points awards.
8. Dances may be danced three competitors at a time.
9. All challenge cups and trophies must be returned (in a clean and tidy condition) on or before
competition day or a $20 penalty will be charged.
10. If there are insufficient entries for reel dances, dances in brackets will apply.
11. Piping and dancing competitors must be dressed in Highland and National Dress for prizegiving
12. Competitors must report to the relevant official immediately when called and be ready to perform
in order of programme or the right to compete in the event may be withdrawn.
13. Drumming competitors must be accompanied by a piper, and take personal responsibility for
arranging such.
14. Drumming competitors must be dressed in Highland and National Dress for competition and
prizegiving presentations.
15. Competitors must use the designated warm-up/tune-up areas provided. Anyone found to be
preparing for an event outside of these areas may be asked to relocate.
16. Numbers must be worn in clear view of the adjudicators.
17. Video and non-flash photography will be generally permitted but organisers reserve the right to
restrict or prohibit such activity if it is deemed to be intrusive or disruptive to the competitors and/
or judges or compromises safety.
18. All competitors must comply with the directions of officials.
19. The Te Anau Tartan Festival committee reserves the right to alter the programme on the day if
deemed necessary.
20. In all events, the decision of the judge/s is final and no correspondence shall be entered into.
21. Competitors enter at their own risk and neither the Te Anau Community Events Charitable Trust
nor the Te Anau Tartan Festival committee will be responsible for any loss of property, injury or accidents
22. By entering these competitions you are deemed to have accepted the rules, regulations and
personal responsibilities as set out here and agreed to abide by them.
Admission to the grounds is free. Entry fees (as marked) must accompany entry forms.
Piping and Dancing entries will be accepted on the day at $2 extra per event entered. Drumming
and Highland Heavyweight events may be entered on the day at the advertised prices. Highland
dancing entry fees are inclusive of piper’s levy. No telephone entries.
PIPING & DANCING ENTRIES CLOSE on 20th March 2015 with:
The Competition Secretary, Mrs Sandra Soper, 34 Piopio Street, Te Anau 9600
Please use one form per competitor.
You are welcome to copy the entry form.
Payment details on reverse of this form.
Entries close on 20th March 2015
Mail entries, with payment, to:
The Competition Secretary
Mrs Sandra Soper
34 Piopio Street, Te Anau 9600
(Including post code)
of Birth
PDANZ Registration
Novice Fling U/12
U/8 Highland Fling
U/8 Irish Jig
U/10 Fling
U/10 Irish Jig
U/10 Sword Dance
U/10 Sailor’s Hornpipe
U/12 Highland Fling
U/12 Irish Jig
U/12 Sword Dance
U/12 Sailor’s Hornpipe
U/14 Highland Fling
U/14 Highland Reel (Sword)
U/14 Seann Triubhas
U/14 Irish Jig
U/14 Irish Hornpipe
U/14 Sailor’s Hornpipe
14 & Over Irish Reel (DT Jig)
14 & Over Irish Hornpipe
14 & Over Sword Dance
14 & Over Seann Triubhas
14 & Over Highland Fling
14 & Over Sailor’s Hornpipe
All Comers 4-step Fling
Adults 4-step Fling
Novice 2/4 March
D-grade Slow Air
D-grade 2/4 March
D-grade Strathspey/Reel
C-grade Hornpipe/Jig
C-grade 2/4 March
C-grade Strathspey/Reel
B-grade Strathspey/Reel
B-grade 2/4 March
B-grade Hornpipe/Jig
A-grade Strathspey/Reel
A-grade 2/4 March
A-grade 6/8 March
A-grade Hornpipe/Jig
All Comers - Bagpipes
All Comers - Chanter
ENTRY FEES SUB-TOTAL (Includes piper’s fee for dancers)
Please see over
For regular updates, don’t forget to….
Novice Tenor 4-part tune
Elem. Tenor 4/4 March
Elem. Tenor Strath/Reel
Int. Tenor 2/4 March
Int. Tenor Strath/Reel
Adv. Tenor Hornpipe/Jig
Adv. Tenor Strath/Reel
Adv. Tenor 6/8 March
Glencairn Crystal Whisky Glass
Glencairn Crystal Whisky Glass
Glencairn Crystal Whisky Glass
Torch keyring - RED
Lip Balm SPF15 - RED
Lip Balm SPF 15 3 for $10
(Please specify colour choices)
Novice Snare 4-part tune
Elem. Snare 4/4 March
Elem. Snare Strath/Reel
Int. Snare 2/4 March
Int. Snare Strath/Reel
Adv. Snare Hornpipe/Jig
Adv. Snare Strath/Reel
Adv. Snare 6/8 March
1 for $20
3 for $55
6 for $96
$5 each
$5 each
Glencairn Crystal Whisky Glass
Glencairn Crystal Whisky Glass
2 for $37
4 for $70
Torch keyring – BLACK
Lip Balm SPF15 -BLACK
$5 each
$5 each
TOTAL AMOUT PAID (includes piper fees for dancing)
PAID by direct bank transfer:
In the payee field insert COMPETITOR’S SURNAME.
In the reference field insert COMPETITOR’S PDANZ MEMBERSHIP NUMBER.
If you wish to pay by direct bank transfer but:
a) are not currently registered
b) are a drummer and therefore don’t need to register
c) are paying multiple competitors’ fees in one
Please first email the competition secretary on
who will assign you a unique reference number.
Te Anau Tartan Festival bank account 03-1749-0414162-000
PAID by cheque: payable to: Te Anau Tartan Festival
The Te Anau Tartan Festival committee is attempting to organise a group rate for competitors and their
families on a coach & cruise trip to Milford Sound on Good Friday and a visit to the Lake Te Anau glow
worm caves on the afternoon of Easter Sunday. If either or both of these interest you, please indicate
below so we can get in touch with details.
YES, I am interested in the Milford Sound coach & Cruise
Number of Adults
Number of children (aged 18 or younger & still at school)
YES, I am interested in the Lake Te Anau glow worm caves
Number of Adults
Number of children (aged 18 or younger & still at school)