SONS OF SCOTLAND KILDONNAN HIGHLAND DANCE COMPETITION February 7, 2015 Trinity United Church 3300 Alexis Park Drive Vernon, BC Entry Deadline Postmarked by January, 27th 2015 Premier and Intermediates will Commence at 9:00 AM Primary, Beginner, and Novice will Commence in PM Judges Charlene Ward – Richmond, BC Laureen McLaren-Geib – Calgary, BC Pipers Glen Esdale – 100 Mile House, BC Scot Kortegaard – Kamloops, BC RULE & REGULATIONS 1. Scotdance registration cards must be presented before number is given out. If Card is NOT presented a $5.00 fee is charged & awards will be held. 2. Competitors must be on hand when their event is called or forfeit entry in that event. 3. All dancing rules & regulations governed by SOBHD & Scotdance Canada. 4. Dancers filling in for any Reel MUST DANCE ENTIRE DANCE which includes figure of eight movement and all setting steps. 5. Competitors dance in inverse order of entry. 6. Protests must be made in writing, signed & given to the Competition Secretary on the day of the Competition accompanied by a fee of $20.00, refundable if the protest is warranted. 7. Any changes in Category must be made by February 3rd, 2015 to the Competition Secretary (250) 308-8707. Changes will not be accepted on the day of the competition. 8. ENTRY FEE: Events 1-22 & Premier 15 Yrs & under $ 6.00 Premier 16 & Over $ 7.00 9. Late entries accepted only if accompanied with a late fee of $10.00. Entry fees are nonrefundable. 10. DANCERS MUST CHANGE IN DESIGNATED CHANGE AREA 11. Only Dancers and Marshals allowed in the marshalling area 12. Committee reserves the right to combine or split classes Prizes: Pre Premier & Premier 15 Yrs & Under - medals Premier 16-17 Yrs $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 Premier 18 & Over $35 $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 Cheque or money Order only- payable to: SONS OF SCOTLAND MAIL ENTRIES TO: KILDONNAN HIGHLAND DANCE COMPETITION Miriam Campbell 980 Mt. Ida Drive Vernon, B.C. V1B 4C3 If you wish confirmation of entry, please provide an email address for the competition secretary to respond to. EVENTS Primary 1. Pas de Basques (Intro & 8 bars) 2. Pas de Basques & High Cuts (Intro and 16 bars) 3. Fling (4) 4. Sword (2&1) Beginner & Novice 5. Fling (4) 6. Sword (2&1) 7. Seann Truibhas (3&1) 8. Special Sword (2&1) 9. Lilt (4) 10. Flora (4) Intermediate 11. Fling (4) 12. Seann Truibhas (3&1) 13. Strathspey & Half Tulloch (2&4) 14. Laddie (4) 15. Flora (4) 16. Hornpipe (4) Premier 12 and Under 17. Fling (4) 18. Seann Truibhas (3&1) 19. Strathspey & Half Tulloch (2&4) 20. Laddie (4) 21. Scotch Measure (4) 22. Hornpipe (4) Premier 13 and over 23. Fling (6) 24. Seann Truibhas (4&2) 25. Strathspey & Half Tulloch (2&4) 26. Laddie (4) 27. Scotch Measure (4) 28. Hornpipe (5) **Class age groups will be determined upon receipt of entry of f ice u se only OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM CBC CO 151001 Name________________________________ Address______________________________ City_________________________________ Prov ____________ Postal Code___________ Phone (_____) ____________ Email_________________________________ Age (as of February 7, 2015) _____ Birthdate _____________ Dance Studio ___________________________ Scotdance Registration No._________________ Classification__________________________ Events by Number ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ ______/ Total dance fees _____ X ____ $_______ Number fee $_____ @ 1.00 Scotdance fee $_____ @1.00 SDCS fee $_____ @1.00 Pre-Purchased Program $_____ @3.00 Late Entry fee $10.00 $________ Total $_______ Waiver: In Consideration of you accepting this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors & administrators, waive and release any & all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Sons of Scotland, Kildonnan Highland Dance Competition, it’s agents, representatives, successors and assignees for any and all injuries suffered by me at or through the above mentioned event. Signature of Parent or Guardian ____________________________________
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